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"The Kennedy Detail": MAJOR WARNER BROS MOVIE FALL 2013

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My friend Fred Ciacelli, owner of the replica Kennedy limousine used in "Kennedy" with Martin Sheen, "JFK", "Ruby", "A Woman Called Jackie", and countless other television news and related programs, told me his limo was contracted for use in Gerald Blaine's major Warner Bros movie "The Kennedy Detail", set for release in the Fall of 2013. Guess what the locations are for the movie? Dallas, Washington...and Tampa.

I can see it all now: Blaine will hire some cheesey actor to state falsely "Get those men off my limousine, dammit!" Yuk.

Blaine's book was only an EXTENDED list NY Times Best Seller--- to use an analogy, so were "Mortal Error" and "HIgh Treason 2". It did not stay very long, never made the top 10 (or even top 20), has very mixed Amazon reviews, and failed to make the impact I know he truly desired (his friend Clint Hill, who wrote the Foreword, has a legitimate HUGE NY Times Best Seller with the "follow-up" book "Mrs Kennedy and Me", reaching the top of the charts and staying in the top 5-10 for 5 weeks and counting; tremendously positive reviews; and, alas, the impact HE desired, as far as demonstrating his "admiration" for Jackie Kennedy and so forth).

In other words, Blaine's book came and went, everyone is still going to my work and, other than a bump in the road (it was Lawton, not Rybka, darn it), Blaine's propaganda failed. Blaine, who worked for the CIA after his short time in the agency and who has oil interests in Yemen, made a mint with the book, the Discovery Channel documentary, and this Warner Bros movie deal. I work for a living and have made nada on this case...and I am glad of that. No blood money here: I would not want to profit from the death of the man I failed to protect (not to digress, but isn't it funny how it is Belin, Posner, Bugliosi, Blaine, Hill, Manchester, Bishop, and Mailer who TRULY profit massively from this case, yet the vast majority of the "conspiracy theory" community they seek to denigrate almost invariably do this as a labor of love---a hobby, as it were---and for little or NO MONEY).

Please see these links that debunk Blaine's book (and the controversial aspects of Hill's book):





Vince Palamara

oh, brother- what hath I spawned? Gerald is covering and changing stories and accounts:

Lisa's guilty conscience:

Huh?!?!?!?!?!?---JFK Secret Service Agent Gerald Blaine talks to a dead man?!?!?-

Kennedy Detail author Gerald Blaine claims to have spoken to Art Godfrey, a Shift Leader on the Kennedy Detail, during the writing of his book, which began in June 2005. The problem? Art Godfrey DIED ON 5/12/2002 !!!!

Edited by Vince Palamara
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