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Gee,said NANO-chemicals can be placed in clotthing fibers. Its just a matter of ratio of fibers/nano contraceptives as to cloth dissolution. AS to delivery, I expect a strong rain could make for drug application to skin. NON VOLUNTARY birth control is unethical. History of ‘human nature’ reveals that man desires Power, Control, and Rulership.

rich man wanna be king,

And a king ain't satisfied,

till he rules everything,


Nano-microchips invisible to the naked eye are a reality that are already being hosted in wide-range of applications.

No high temperatures are involved, so the method is suitable for heat-sensitive molecules. The fabric can also incorporate large molecules, such as proteins and antibodies, that are hard to deliver through other methods.

The final material is a stretchy fabric. “This method allows controlled release of multiple compounds,” said coauthor Cameron Ball. “We were able to tune the fibers to have different release properties.”

One of the fabrics they made dissolves within minutes, potentially offering users immediate, discrete protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.


When I see fabric == I think of clothes. To the thinking person ,with the knowledge of contraceptive refusal in the 3rd world,

this is an obvious method of surreptitious contraception.


The Cairo action plan envisions an intensified contraceptive campaign, in order to increase the ratio of couples using contraceptives from the current 55 percent worldwide to 69 percent. In the coming decades, fertility in the developing sector is supposed to be reduced below the reproduction level so that the total number of human beings begins to decline, and by the year 2150, at 2.5 billion, is cut in half.


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Gee,said NANO-chemicals can be placed in clotthing fibers. Its just a matter of ratio of fibers/nano contraceptives as to cloth dissolution. AS to delivery, I expect a strong rain could make for drug application to skin.

Your speculation is pointless unless you can produce evidence that it is valid. What effect, if any, will cutaneous application of spermicide, meant to be used inside the vagina, have on a woman's ability to conceive? Spermicide kills sperm it comes into contact with. I've never even heard of a medication a woman can take that has a spermicidal effect. It seems unlikely the medication would even be transferred to a woman wearing clothing made from the fabfic because it is designed to breakdown in contact with vaginal fluid.

NON VOLUNTARY birth control is unethical. History of ‘human nature’ reveals that man desiresPower, Control, and Rulership.

rich man wanna be king,

And a king ain't satisfied,

till he rules everything,


I agree with the above but you have yet to produce evidence anyone is pursuing "involuntary birth control".

Nano-microchips invisible to the naked eye are a reality that are already being hosted in wide-range of applications.

No high temperatures are involved, so the method is suitable for heat-sensitive molecules. The fabric can also incorporate large molecules, such as proteins and antibodies, that are hard to deliver through other methods.

The final material is a stretchy fabric. “This method allows controlled release of multiple compounds,” said coauthor Cameron Ball. “We were able to tune the fibers to have different release properties.”

One of the fabrics they made dissolves within minutes, potentially offering users immediate, discrete protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Nothing there which supports your paranoid speculation. If had gone to the original article instead of a crank's spin you would have read:

The final material is a stretchy fabric that can physically block sperm or release chemical contraceptives and antivirals.”


The electrospun cloth could be inserted directly in the body or be used as a coating on vaginal rings or other products.”


When I see fabric == I think of clothes. To the thinking person ,with the knowledge of contraceptive refusal in the 3rd world, this is an obvious method of surreptitious contraception.


Ironic that you associate an overly simplistic construct, fabric = clothes with the thoughts of a “ thinking person”

Got any evidence of “contraceptive refusal in the 3rd world” one normally hears of the opposite, inadequate access to birth control in such countries. If one looks at a list of countries by natural population increase they will see that the top 89 countries are all very poor, in some the population will double every 20 years or so at current rates and will double in about 30 years in most of the rest.. In your twisted view trying to cut that is somehow akin to genocide.

The Cairo action plan envisions an intensified contraceptive campaign, in order to increase the ratio of couples using contraceptives from the current 55 percent worldwide to 69 percent. In the coming decades, fertility in the developing sector is supposed to be reduced below the reproduction level so that the total number of human beings begins to decline, and by the year 2150, at 2.5 billion, is cut in half.


Got any verification of that from a reliable source, this comes from an obscure LaRouche groupie with no citations

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Scholarly articles for skin penetrating contraception

… compositions with enhanced skin penetration - Dittgen - Cited by 17

… of menthol in skin penetration from topical formulations … - Brain - Cited by 25

Drug delivery across the skin - Touitou - Cited by 45

  1. Transdermal application of steroid hormones for contraception.
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo by R Sitruk-Ware - 1995 - Cited by 23 - Related articles
    It is only recently that the same concept has been envisaged for contraception. The skin can be penetrated by both estrogens and progestins, provided they are ...

  2. Spray-on contraceptives to penetrate $6.7bn market
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo Mar 6, 2007 – Contraceptives delivered by a simple spray onto the skin are being ... with the contraceptive component and skin penetration enhancer being


Are Populations Being Primed

For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?

It's almost surreal, like something out of a sci-fi flick, but nano-microchips invisible to the naked eye are a reality that are already being hosted in wide-range of applications. The question is, how long will it take governments and big pharma to immerse nano-microchips inside of vaccines to tag and surveil global populations?

Nanotechnology deals with structures smaller than one micrometer (less than 1/30th the width of a human hair), and involves developing materials or devices within that size. To put the size of a nanometer in perspective, it is 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair.

More than ten years ago, simple low-cost techniques improved the design and manufacture of nano-microchips. That unlocked a multitude of methodologies for their manufacture in a wide-range of applications including optical, biological, and electronic devices.

The joint use of nanoelectronics, photolithography, and new biomaterials, have enabled the required manufacturing technology towards nanorobots for common medical applications, such as surgical instrumentation, diagnosis and drug delivery.

Japan's Hitachi says it has developed the world's smallest and thinnest microchip, that can be embedded in paper to track down parcels or prove the authenticity of a document. The integrated circuit (IC) chip is as minute as a speck of dust.

Nanoelectrodes implanted in the brain are increasingly being used to manage neurological disorders. Mohammad Reza Abidian, a post-doctoral researcher at the U-M Department of Biomedical Engineering said that polymers in nanotubes "are biocompatible and have both electronic and ionic conductivity." He further stated "therefore, these materials are good candidates for biomedical applications such as neural interfaces, biosensors and drug delivery systems."

Depending on the objectives of such studies, research could theoretically pave the way for smart recording electrodes that can deliver drugs to positively or negatively affect the immune response.

Through nanotechnology, researchers have also been able to create artificial pores able to transmit nanoscale materials through membranes.

A UC biomedical engineering study appearing in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, Sept. 27, 2009, successfully inserted the modified core of a nanomotor, a microscopic biological machine, into a lipid membrane. The resulting channel enabled them to move both single- and double-stranded DNA through the membrane.

Professor Peixuan Guo who led the study said past work with biological channels has been focused on channels large enough to move only single-stranded genetic material.

"Since the genomic DNA of human, animals, plants, fungus and bacteria are double stranded, the development of single pore system that can sequence double-stranded DNA is very important," he says.

Such engineered channels could have applications in nano-sensing, DNA sequencing, drug loading, including innovative techniques to implement DNA packaging mechanisms of viral nanomotors and vaccine delivery.

"The idea that a DNA molecule travels through the nanopore, advancing nucleotide by nucleotide, could lead to the development of a single pore DNA sequencing apparatus, an area of strong national interest," Guo said.

Scientists working at Queen Mary, University of London, have developed micrometer-sized capsules to safely deliver drugs inside living cells. These "micro shuttles" could hypothetically be loaded with a specific microchip controlling the dose of medication to be opened remotely, releasing their contents. Besides monitoring the dosage, the same microchip could be used to surveil the patient in conjunction with various tracking systems.

Scientists in the United Kingdom have recently reported advances towards overcoming key challenges in nanotechnology. They demonstrated how nanoparticles could move quickly in a desired direction without help from outside forces. Their achievement has broad implications, the scientists say, raising the possibility of coaxing cells to move and grow in specific directions.

Doug Dorst, a microbiologist and vaccine critic in South Wales, says these advances have an immense appeal to vaccine makers. "Biotech companies and their researchers have quickly moved most funding initiatives towards nanotechnology to increase the potency of their vaccines," he said. If microorganisms inside of vaccines can be coaxed into targeting or invading specific cells, they could achieve their goal at an accelerated rate over conventional vaccines. "Depending on which side of the vaccine debate you're on, whether pro or con, nanobots inside vaccine preparations could advance their effectiveness exponentially by either dramatically improving or destroying immunity depending on their design," he added.

Dorst claims that present day nanobot technology could just as easily be used to advance biological weapons as they can to advance human health. "For every fear that biotech propaganda proliferates about deadly diseases and how vaccines prevent them, it is one more lie to incrementally convince the masses that vaccines are effective."

The worry for Dorst is that one day vaccines "will do what they've always been intended for...control of the global populace."


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No it's just the results of a Google Scholar search that matched your keywords, most are not applicable.

… compositions with enhanced skin penetration - Dittgen - Cited by 17

… of menthol in skin penetration from topical formulations … - Brain - Cited by 25

Drug delivery across the skin - Touitou - Cited by 45

  1. Transdermal application of steroid hormones for contraception.
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo by R Sitruk-Ware - 1995 - Cited by 23 - Related articles
    It is only recently that the same concept has been envisaged for contraception. The skin can be penetrated by both estrogens and progestins, provided they are ...

  2. Spray-on contraceptives to penetrate $6.7bn market
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo Mar 6, 2007 – Contraceptives delivered by a simple spray onto the skin are being ... with the contraceptive component and skin penetration enhancer being

You're absurdly desperate . Except for the spray on material these are all for adhesives like the ones use to quit smoking. Most require application over several days presumably at the right time of the month. Clothes by contrast do not come into such direct contact with the skin, are regularly washed which obviously would greatly reduce the concentration of any substance that could be delivered through simple contact, and are unlikely to worn the correct days unless the MIBH supplied a woman's entire wardrobe.


Are Populations Being Primed

For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?

It's almost surreal, like something out of a sci-fi flick, but nano-microchips invisible to the naked eye are a reality that are already being hosted in wide-range of applications. The question is, how long will it take governments and big pharma to immerse nano-microchips inside of vaccines to tag and surveil global populations?

Irrelevant (to this topic) wild speculation from an anonymous source.

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DoD: Population Control Part Of US “Stability Operations”

Jurriaan Maessen


James A. Schear, deputy assistant secretary of defense for partnership strategy and stability operations, told an audience at the annual summit of the International Stability Operations Association (ISOA) a few days ago that population control is one of the “core missions” of the U.S. military in relation to stability operations. The DoD press release stated:

“Stability operations, which are usually military operations in civilian environments, include many missions, among them peace operations, combating terrorism, counter-drug operations, population control and nation assistance.”

“While we’re seeking to rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region while maintaining our emphasis on the Middle East, as we must, we’re also viewing security cooperation as a way to sustain our defense commitments within Europe and partnerships across all regions,” Schear stated.

In his speech, Schear stressed that working with the private sector both in Europe and the U.S. is crucial in ensuring that the “stability operations” such as population control are effectively implemented:

“In regions where America’s national interests are at stake, we must make the requisite investment now to help us forego the requirement for larger, more expensive and more intrusive operations later on,” Shear added. He also mentioned that international alliances are needed:

“I would even go further, and say not only the U.S. government but our allies and partners will see increasing needs for private-sector expertise and capabilities in areas such as improving governance, monitoring tenuous situations, and providing an immediate-response capability.”

Population control as a part of America’s geo-political objectives was formulated as far back as 1974 by Kissinger in his infamous report NSSM 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests. In this heartless report, population control is being considered as a formidable US security interest, especially in regards to world food supplies:

“Since population growth is a major determinant of increases in food demand, allocation of scarce PL 480 resources should take account of what steps a country is taking in population control as well as food production. In these sensitive relationships, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion.”

Another one of Nobel Peace Prize winner Henry Kissinger’s statements:

“(…) overall assistance strategy should increasingly concentrate on selective policies which will contribute to population decline as well as other goals. This strategy reflects the complementarity between population control and other U.S. development objectives, particularly those relating to AID’s Congressional mandate to focus on problems of the poor majority in LDC’s.”

The possibility to use food as a weapon in the demographic chess game is also being mentioned:

“Without improved food security, there will be pressure leading to possible conflict and the desire for large families for “insurance” purposes, thus undermining other development and population control efforts.”

The latest comments by a senior defense official in the U.S. military underscores the fact that population was and is of major concern to the establishment, not only for American security interests but for those of the New World Order.

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The document made a single reference to " population control" and it is NOT clear what was meant, controlling the people or controlling population growth. Even IF it meant the latter there is no evidence surreptitious methods are contemplated or that they wish to reduce population as opposed to reducing the growth rate. As for the Kissinger document were been over that before. As with the DoD press release there is no evidence surreptitious methods were contemplated or that they wished to reduce population as opposed to reducing the growth rate.

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Doug Dorst, a microbiologist and vaccine critic in South Wales, says these advances have an immense appeal to vaccine makers. "Biotech companies and their researchers have quickly moved most funding initiatives towards nanotechnology to increase the potency of their vaccines," he said. If microorganisms inside of vaccines can be coaxed into targeting or invading specific cells, they could achieve their goal at an accelerated rate over conventional vaccines. "Depending on which side of the vaccine debate you're on, whether pro or con, nanobots inside vaccine preparations could advance their effectiveness exponentially by either dramatically improving or destroying immunity depending on their design," he added.

Dorst claims that present day nanobot technology could just as easily be used to advance biological weapons as they can to advance human health. "For every fear that biotech propaganda proliferates about deadly diseases and how vaccines prevent them, it is one more lie to incrementally convince the masses that vaccines are effective."

The worry for Dorst is that one day vaccines "will do what they've always been intended for...control of the global populace."


The Jewish Daily Forward

December 10, 2012, 11:15am

Shocking Decline in Ethiopian Israeli Birthrate

By Renee Ghert-Zand

The birthrate among Ethiopians in Israel decreased by a dramatic 50% in the last decade, and Israeli journalist Gal Gabai wanted to know why. She investigated the issue for “Vacuum,” her documentary series on Israeli Educational Television, and she discovered some things that left her very uncomfortable — and will surely leave others equally so.

Educational Television posted Gabai’s 25-minute report, titled “Where did the children disappear to?” on YouTube on December 6, two days before it was scheduled to air on channel 23.

In her attempt to find out what the story was behind the shocking statistic, Gabai interviewed Ethiopian women immigrants and learned from them that they were given Depo-Provera (a contraceptive injection containing the hormone progestin administered once every three months) against their will. While some did not understand what the shots were for, others felt pressured into taking them in response to alleged threats that they would otherwise not be allowed to immigrate to Israel. The shots began in the refugee camps in Gondar, continued in the transition camps in Addis Ababa, and continued on after their arrivals in Israel. According to the women’s testimony, this continuity appears to have been a coordinated effort between the medical staff at the clinics in Ethiopia run by the JDC and doctors in Israeli hospitals and clinics.

The women, it seems, were never given proper family planning counseling outlining the various birth control methods, nor were they given the chance to choose the one with which they felt most comfortable. What were they given? The clear message that life would be very hard for them if they were to have large families in Israel.

Some of the women interviewed said they were told that birth control pills were not suitable for them because they were not capable of remembering to take them daily. Video shot with a hidden camera during an Israeli health clinic visit by an Ethiopian immigrant, during which she gets a Depo-Provera shot, indeed documents healthcare providers expressing this exact opinion of Ethiopian women.

Gabai interviewed a female gynecologist who expressed shock at hearing that just about all Ethiopian women are given Depo-Provera shots, saying that it is rarely prescribed and usually recommended only for women who are institutionalized or developmentally disabled (in other words, women who cannot be relied upon to practice other methods responsibly). A male medical expert, however, said Depo-Provera is no big deal and that he had heard that it was the primary means of birth control in Ethiopia in general.

An Ethiopian man who works for the Absorption Ministry denied knowledge of any program to suppress the Ethiopian birthrate, and three kessim, or Ethiopian Jewish religious leaders, emphasizing that all is God’s will, also claimed to know nothing about the alleged forced family planning practices.

A women who works to absorb Ethiopian children and families into Israeli society expressed her astonishment at perceiving a “missing generation” of Ethiopian children and asked why this particular group has been targeted in this way. “We have other disadvantaged populations in Israeli society, like the Haredim and Arabs, and no one ever thought to impose a birthrate suppression plan on them,” she said.

As would be expected, the Health Ministry, the Education Ministry the Jewish Agency, and the JDC all responded to Gabai’s findings with letters denying any intervention in family planning issues among the Ethiopian immigrants.

Gabai proposed a number of motives that could be behind what she uncovered. It could have been “an intention to do good, to prevent poverty, and to help with the adjustment to Western urbanized living.” Or, it could have involved “economic calculations to reduce immigration and absorption costs… or in the worst case, an attitude that looks at Ethiopian children as unworthy.”

“This story reeks of racism, paternalism and arrogance. It’s a story to be ashamed of,” Gabai concluded.

Clearly, more digging needs to be done to get to the bottom of this story. What remains to be seen is whether or not Gabai has actually blown the lid off it. Gabai and her bosses obviously care about the issue — but will enough other Israelis and Jews?

MK Ilan Gilon (Meretz), for one, does care. Following the airing of Gabai’s report, he submitted an official request to Israel’s attorney general Yehuda Weinstein for the launching of a criminal investigation. Gilon emphasized that the women were exposed to drug and hormone related side effects, of which they were not made aware. “It cannot be that the serious news of this invasive interference with the rights of Ethiopian immigrant women’s control over their own bodies will go without redress,” he wrote.

Read more: http://blogs.forward.com/sisterhood-blog/167445/shocking-decline-in-ethiopian-israeli-birthrate/#ixzz2FrVXav6p


Israel’s Forced Contraception of Ethiopian women causes decline in

Birthrate: A Flagrant Violation of HumanRights

December 14, 2012 by occupiedpalestine

Dec 13, 2012



Global Times - Lawyers seek end to forced contraception


Dec 7, 2012 – A group of lawyers signed an appeal to China's top family planning authority Wednesday demanding the cancelation of forced intrauterine ...


Health Secret Contraceptive Implants Forced on Teen Girls


Feb 8, 2012 – Teenage girls in schools in Southampton have been given contraceptive implants, without their parents' knowledge. This has happened ...


How vaccines are used to reduce human population

October 13, 2012 by Blanche Levine

Sun. Oct. 14, 2012

Sounds like science fiction, but the efforts to slow human population growth is spreading throughout the world. This is not just conspiracy propaganda we are seeing; it is the strongest intention (and action) of the most powerful individuals and corporations on the planet.

You will be SHOCKED at what you’re about to hear! If you doubt the (hidden) agenda of vaccine programs – this video shows Bill Gates talking about the need to lower human population to “save the earth” and the use of vaccines can help! His presentation was given at a TED talk conference and it’s about as evil a 3-minute presentation as you will ever hear. (SEE LINK)


The truth is vaccines contain many toxic ingredients that are damaging to fertility including detergents like, triton x-100, also known as octoxynol 10 – which is a known spermicidal used in experiments to strip sperm of their ability to fertilize an egg. In a 1977 study in the Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, triton X-100 was listed in a table of “most potent spermicidal,” which would produce 100 percent effectiveness in destroying sperm.

Stop and think before you inject yourself

Vaccines contain lots of chemical ingredients you wouldn’t consider safe to ingest. For example, the “MMR” vaccine has: measles, mumps, rubella live virus, neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue. Many other vaccines contain disgusting ingredients like, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide and thimerosal. (mercury) If you don’t believe this – try asking your doctor for a list of ingredients during your next office visit or look it up yourself.

Another ingredient besides triton x-100, which is problematic, is polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80), which is in numerous vaccines including the Pediacel five-in-one vaccine given to infants and the gardasil HPV vaccine. Polysorbate 80 is a known sterility causing agent in rats. It caused changes to the vagina and womb, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles and this impaired the rats’ ability to reproduce. By the way, the Depo-Provera contraceptive shot contains polysorbate 80 and has been added to experimental animal contraceptive injections – as an ideal sterilizing ingredients.

Crimes committed against humanity – in third world countries

According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, which is part of the United Nations, scientists from the organization are developing vaccines specifically to damage fertility – as a method of contraception. A suggested ingredient for the vaccine is polysorbate 80. As a preferred ingredient, scientists are obviously aware of its ability to cause infertility.

In addition, Squalene (shark liver oil) is used in the H1N1, HPV and anthrax vaccines, as well as others that have been implicated in the devastating immune dysfunctions of the soldiers who suffered from Gulf War Syndrome and whom returned from the Gulf with infertility problems.

Vaccination programs are viewed as an effective bioweapon against the population

A single-dose of the much-hyped panacea for future pandemics may be all we need to limit population growth on a global scale. There is a newly-published study that looks at skin electroporation (EP) delivery systems as an “attractive” method for mass vaccination by decreasing dose levels, increasing tolerance of the vaccine, and in increasing the breadth of viable vaccine targets. (sounds like war against the people)

Even though our own government may be capable of achieving mass vaccination in the near future; vaccines are an unproven technology, which interact with the human system in ways we may not fully understand. The collaboration of government and drug companies to push vaccines is completely unethical – to say the least.

Fortunately, there are alternative approaches to healthy living – which are capable of offering broad virus protection and eliminates the threat of disease. The only reasonable way to solve global health problems is to promote healthy eating and living programs. Better living through nature – not chemicals. Post your thoughts below.









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Doug Dorst, a microbiologist and vaccine critic in South Wales, says these advances have an immense appeal to vaccine makers. "Biotech companies and their researchers have quickly moved most funding initiatives towards nanotechnology to increase the potency of their vaccines," he said. If microorganisms inside of vaccines can be coaxed into targeting or invading specific cells, they could achieve their goal at an accelerated rate over conventional vaccines. "Depending on which side of the vaccine debate you're on, whether pro or con, nanobots inside vaccine preparations could advance their effectiveness exponentially by either dramatically improving or destroying immunity depending on their design," he added.

Dorst claims that present day nanobot technology could just as easily be used to advance biological weapons as they can to advance human health. "For every fear that biotech propaganda proliferates about deadly diseases and how vaccines prevent them, it is one more lie to incrementally convince the masses that vaccines are effective."

The worry for Dorst is that one day vaccines "will do what they've always been intended for...control of the global populace."

Provide us with evidence there really is a Welsh microbiologist namedDoug Dorst and after that that he really said what's claimed he did. Even so I did NOT see anything about surreptitious birth control.


The Jewish Daily Forward

December 10, 2012, 11:15am

Shocking Decline in Ethiopian Israeli Birthrate

By Renee Ghert-Zand

The birthrate among Ethiopians in Israel decreased by a dramatic 50% in the last decade, and Israeli journalist Gal Gabai wanted to know why. She investigated the issue for “Vacuum,” her documentary series on Israeli Educational Television, and she discovered some things that left her very uncomfortable — and will surely leave others equally so.


This story reeks of racism, paternalism and arrogance. It’s a story to be ashamed of,” Gabai concluded.

Clearly, more digging needs to be done to get to the bottom of this story. What remains to be seen is whether or not Gabai has actually blown the lid off it. Gabai and her bosses obviously care about the issue — but will enough other Israelis and Jews?

MK Ilan Gilon (Meretz), for one, does care. Following the airing of Gabai’s report, he submitted an official request to Israel’s attorney general Yehuda Weinstein for the launching of a criminal investigation. Gilon emphasized that the women were exposed to drug and hormone related side effects, of which they were not made aware. “It cannot be that the serious news of this invasive interference with the rights of Ethiopian immigrant women’s control over their own bodies will go without redress,” he wrote.

Read more: http://blogs.forward.../#ixzz2FrVXav6p


Israel’s Forced Contraception of Ethiopian women causes decline in

Birthrate: A Flagrant Violation of HumanRights

December 14, 2012 by occupiedpalestine

Dec 13, 2012



Distressing if true, I'd like to see sourcing for the claimed statistics but in most cases the claim seems to be that the women were coerced to using the contraceptive and/or not told about its side effects. The woman interviewed by RT on the 2nd linked page claimed the latter not the former and acknowledged she had sought out birth control. DP is controversial but used in several industrialized countries. It's hard to imagine women would subject themselves to injections every 3 months without knowing what they were. Even if this were true, it would be a special case poorly educated, immigrant women subject to deportation and possibly with limted ability to speak and understand the local language. And the method is injections not clothing supposedly secretly sprayed w/ spermicide.

Global Times - Lawyers seek end to forced contraception


Dec 7, 2012 – A group of lawyers signed an appeal to China's top family planning authority Wednesday demanding the cancelation of forced intrauterine …

As above, not surreptitious or delivered via clothing


Health Secret Contraceptive Implants Forced on Teen Girls


Feb 8, 2012 – Teenage girls in schools in Southampton have been given contraceptive implants, without their parents' knowledge. This has happened …

This was supposedly done “without their parents' knowledge” not without the patients' knowledge and once again not administered via clothing.


How vaccines are used to reduce human population

October 13, 2012 by Blanche Levine

Sun. Oct. 14, 2012

Sounds like science fiction, but the efforts to slow human population growth is spreading throughout the world. This is not just conspiracy propaganda we are seeing; it is the strongest intention (and action) of the most powerful individuals and corporations on the planet.

You will be SHOCKED at what you’re about to hear! If you doubt the (hidden) agenda of vaccine programs – this video shows Bill Gates talking about the need to lower human population to “save the earth” and the use of vaccines can help! His presentation was given at a TED talk conference and it’s about as evil a 3-minute presentation as you will ever hear. (SEE LINK)



Fortunately, there are alternative approaches to healthy living – which are capable of offering broad virus protection and eliminates the threat of disease. The only reasonable way to solve global health problems is to promote healthy eating and living programs. Better living through nature – not chemicals. Post your thoughts below.









Obscure kook author on obscure kook site, no direct citations just a list of “sources” at the end, and with the exception of Wikipedia these “sources” are all obscure kook sites.

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Evan I thought Colby would respond and I have already prepared another TRANSDERMAL DRUG Delivery post. BUT instead of going to files to find it I will give you the heart of an email I sent yesterday to a well know JFK researcher.


Some vaccines, such as vaccines for hepatitis B, contained as much as 12 micrograms of mercury per dose, a pretty potent punch - in the United States, lawsuits filed charged that children could receive a dose of mercury up to 100 times higher than the United States Environmental Protection Agency recommended safety guideline for a vaccination shot - and it was banned from children's vaccines decades ago in Russia (1985), Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark (1992) and Norway.


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Evan I thought Colby would respond and I have already prepared another TRANSDERMAL DRUG Delivery post. BUT instead of going to files to find it I will give you the heart of an email I sent yesterday to a well know JFK researcher.


Some vaccines, such as vaccines for hepatitis B, contained as much as 12 micrograms of mercury per dose, a pretty potent punch - in the United States, lawsuits filed charged that children could receive a dose of mercury up to 100 times higher than the United States Environmental Protection Agency recommended safety guideline for a vaccination shot - and it was banned from children's vaccines decades ago in Russia (1985), Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark (1992) and Norway.


Evan I thought Colby would respond and I have already prepared another TRANSDERMAL DRUG Delivery post. BUT instead of going to files to find it I will give you the heart of an email I sent yesterday to a well know JFK researcher.


Some vaccines, such as vaccines for hepatitis B, contained as much as 12 micrograms of mercury per dose, a pretty potent punch - in the United States, lawsuits filed charged that children could receive a dose of mercury up to 100 times higher than the United States Environmental Protection Agency recommended safety guideline for a vaccination shot - and it was banned from children's vaccines decades ago in Russia (1985), Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark (1992) and Norway.


Use of thiomersal is indeed controversial and it has pretty much been phased out in the US and Europe, some experts think this was unwise. Concern about the safety of specific vaccines or vaccine ingredients is one thing but blanket paranoia of them as is quite another and unfortunately often proves lethal.

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Use of thiomersal is indeed controversial and it has pretty much been phased out in the US and Europe, some experts think this was unwise.

Should Thimerosal Ban In Vaccines Be Lifted?

By Ed Silverman // December 19th, 2012 // 11:39 am

Here is a recommendation that may prompt still more debate about vaccine safety. Earlier this week, the American Academy of Pediatrics endorsed a World Health Organization position that proposed using the thimerosal preservative as an ingredient in vaccines. The move would undo a ban that has been in effect, with few exceptions such as for some flu vaccines, for two decades as a safety precaution.



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Electrospun nanofiber-based drug delivery systems

catalysis, protective clothing, biomedical applications. (including wound dressing and scaffolds for tissue engi- neering, implants, membranes and drug delivery ...


Electrospinning is a very simple and versatile process by which polymer nanofibers with di-ameters ranging from a few nanometers to sev-eral micrometers can be produced using an electrostatically driven jet of polymer solution or polymer melt. Significant progress has been made in this process throughout the past few years and electrospinning has advanced its ap-plications in many fields, including pharmaceu-tics. Electrospun nanofibers show great prom-ise for developing many types of novel drug delivery systems (DDS) due to their special characteristics and the simple but useful and effective top-down fabricating process. The current state of electrospun nanofiber-based DDS is focused on drug-loaded nanofiber preparation from pharmaceutical and biode-gradable polymers and different types of DDS. However, there are more opportunities to be exploited from the electrospinning process and the corresponding drug-loaded nanofibers for drug delivery. Additionally, some other related challenges and the possible resolutions are outlined in this review.


Royal Society of Chemistry

Water repellent polymer slows down drug delivery

25 January 2012

In looking for potential uses for highly water-repellent, superhydrophobic materials, scientists have mainly focused on obvious applications such as water-proof clothing and self-cleaning surfaces. But now US scientists have a new idea: using them to deliver drugs.

It turns out that superhydrophobic materials are very good at slowly releasing drugs over extended periods of time, from weeks to months. This is because the water-repellent properties of these materials arise from their rough, rippled surfaces, which trap air between the ripples. This trapped air prevents liquids such as water from penetrating the ripples, forcing it to remain perched on top as intact droplets.

Mark Grinstaff, professor of chemistry at Boston University, realised this trapped air could also be used to control the rate of drug release. The idea is that the trapped air prevents any drug loaded onto the superhydrophobic material from escaping, until the material is immersed in a liquid such as blood. Then, as the liquid slowly soaks into the material, it gradually displaces the air and releases the drug. More hydrophobic materials, which trap the air more securely, will release the drug over longer periods of time.

Doping the polymer mesh with a superhydrophobic material slowed the release of an anticancer drug four-fold

© J. Am. Chem. Soc.


Advanced Drug Delivery Technologies: Enabling Drug Reformulations and Administration Routes Report - Table of Contents

Author: Hermann AM Mucke, PhD


Classical Routes of Drug Delivery: Their Limitationsand the Alternatives

1.1. The Oral Route: Obvious But Limited in Non-Obvious Ways

1.2. The Parenteral Routes

1.3. Systemic Topical Delivery

1.4. What Is “Alternative” Drug Delivery?


The Marriage of Drugs and Devices: ReinvigoratingOld Technologies

2.1. Drug-Eluting Stents

2.2. Metered-Dose Inhalers

2.3. Programmable and Self-Programming Devices Pumps and “Clever Pills”

2.4. Externally Triggered Release from Liposomes

2.5. Long-Acting Depots with Biodegradable Polymers

2.6. Advances in Injection Technology Needleless Injectors

Autoinjectors: From Battlefield to Living Room

2.7. New Approaches to Transdermal and Transmucosal Delivery Medicated Clothing


Ready to Wear –Innovative Textiles with Medical Applications

Published: 25 Jul 2003

By Astrid Basson, Project Manager at Frost & Sullivan (astrid.basson@frost.com)

Latest developments in medical device technology include textiles used as transdermal slow-release drug delivery systems. Various synthetic and natural fibres can thereby be utilised to construct such biomedical textiles with a therapeutic effect. Other medical applications of textiles include the integration of biomedical sensors for monitoring vital body functions. Such concepts could open up promising future markets. These and other issues may be raised at Management Forum’s upcoming conference on successful development of medical devices.

Textiles and fibres used for medical purposes are not new. Sutures and wound dressings are only some examples of commonly used fibre-based medical devices. More recent developments include mesh fabrics for hernia repair and textile-based vascular prostheses. Transdermal patches containing therapeutic ingredients have also become commonplace e.g. nicotine patches. The application of textile materials does however not stop there. Highly sophisticated fibres could be used as transdermal drug delivery systems. Progress has been made possible by advances in supramolecular chemistry, nanotechnology and polymer science and technology. The other avenue of smart clothes include garments with integrated sensors that could measure and transmit vital patient data.

Clothes as transdermal drug-delivery systems

Coating of textiles with suitable molecules for drug depot and delivery is tricky and represents a challenge to scientists and engineers. Examples include cyclodextrins, a unique group of cyclic oligomers of glucose, that are able to incorporate and recognise other molecules in their molecular cavities. This unique characteristic can be used to incorporate active substances into their molecular structure leading to a variety of potentially promising medical applications including transdermal drug delivery. Future usage could include clothes with integrated corticoids for patients suffering from neurodermitis. In Germany alone, the number of patients suffering from this disease is estimated to be around 5 million. Potentially possible could further be the transdermal delivery of insulin to diabetes patients via such smart clothes. Another usage could include hospital garments with integrated antiseptic substances. Theoretic possibilities are endless. It remains to be seen if such smart clothes are technically feasible to produce and, not less important, within acceptable costs. However, such applications are not likely to be ready within the next 5 years.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Electrospun nanofiber-based drug delivery systems

catalysis, protective clothing, biomedical applications. (including wound dressing and scaffolds for tissue engi- neering, implants, membranes and drug delivery ...


Electrospinning is a very simple and versatile process by which polymer nanofibers with di-ameters ranging from a few nanometers to sev-eral micrometers can be produced using an electrostatically driven jet of polymer solution or polymer melt. Significant progress has been made in this process throughout the past few years and electrospinning has advanced its ap-plications in many fields, including pharmaceu-tics. Electrospun nanofibers show great prom-ise for developing many types of novel drug delivery systems (DDS) due to their special characteristics and the simple but useful and effective top-down fabricating process. The current state of electrospun nanofiber-based DDS is focused on drug-loaded nanofiber preparation from pharmaceutical and biode-gradable polymers and different types of DDS. However, there are more opportunities to be exploited from the electrospinning process and the corresponding drug-loaded nanofibers for drug delivery. Additionally, some other related challenges and the possible resolutions are outlined in this review.


There is only one reference to clothing or garments in the 7 page paper:

These outstanding properties make polymer nanofibers as good candidates for many applications. For example nanofibers mats are now being considered for composite materials reinforcement, sensors, filtration, catalysis, protective clothing, biomedical applications (including wound dressing and scaffolds for tissue engineering, implants, membranes and drug delivery systems), space applications such as solar sails, and micro-and nanooptoelectronics.

There is no indication they could used as clothing that would deliver drug or other “
biomedical applications”. The jist of the article is that the drugs are released when the fibers dissolve and variants of the word appear 20 times in the text and once more in a diagram. The latter, figure 4, indicates there are 5 types of “Figure 4. Applications and preparations of electrospun drug-loaded nanofibers.” Transdermal, Fast-dissolving, Implantable, Oral/sublingual and Transmembrane

In looking for potential uses for highly water-repellent, superhydrophobic materials, scientists have mainly focused on obvious applications such as water-proof clothing and self-cleaning surfaces. But now US scientists have a new idea: using them to deliver drugs.

It turns out that superhydrophobic materials are very good at slowly releasing drugs over extended periods of time, from weeks to months. This is because the water-repellent properties of these materials arise from their rough, rippled surfaces, which trap air between the ripples. This trapped air prevents liquids such as water from penetrating the ripples, forcing it to remain perched on top as intact droplets.

Mark Grinstaff, professor of chemistry at Boston University, realised this trapped air could also be used to control the rate of drug release. The idea is that the trapped air prevents any drug loaded onto the superhydrophobic material from escaping, until the material is immersed in a liquid such as blood. Then, as the liquid slowly soaks into the material, it gradually displaces the air and releases the drug. More hydrophobic materials, which trap the air more securely, will release the drug over longer periods of time.

Doping the polymer mesh with a superhydrophobic material slowed the release of an anticancer drug four-fold

© J. Am. Chem. Soc.

LOL did you even bother to read this? It clearly states that “The idea is that the trapped air prevents any drug loaded onto the superhydrophobic material from escaping, until the material is immersed in a liquid such as blood. Then, as the liquid slowly soaks into the material, it gradually displaces the air and releases the drug.” thus for the drug to be released the material has to come into contact with blood.


Advanced Drug Delivery Technologies: Enabling Drug Reformulations and Administration Routes Report - Table of Contents

Author: Hermann AM Mucke, PhD


Classical Routes of Drug Delivery: Their Limitationsand the Alternatives

1.1. The Oral Route: Obvious But Limited in Non-Obvious Ways

1.2. The Parenteral Routes

1.3. Systemic Topical Delivery

1.4. What Is “Alternative” Drug Delivery?


The Marriage of Drugs and Devices: ReinvigoratingOld Technologies

2.1. Drug-Eluting Stents

2.2. Metered-Dose Inhalers

2.3. Programmable and Self-Programming Devices Pumps and “Clever Pills”

2.4. Externally Triggered Release from Liposomes

2.5. Long-Acting Depots with Biodegradable Polymers

2.6. Advances in Injection Technology Needleless Injectors

Autoinjectors: From Battlefield to Living Room

2.7. New Approaches to Transdermal and Transmucosal Delivery Medicated Clothing


This sounds like it could be promising, post some excerpts of what author said about the applications for “Medicated Clothing” my guess is that unless they are tight-fitting they are limited to dermatological or antiseptic uses.

Ready to Wear –Innovative Textiles with Medical Applications

Published: 25 Jul 2003

By Astrid Basson, Project Manager at Frost & Sullivan (astrid.basson@frost.com)

Though she worked as a marketing consultant for medical companies the author seems to have had no medical, biological or any other type of scientific training. She wrote this 4 years after earning a BA in “International Business” while working for her 1
employer a marketing company. She did not cite any sources.

Latest developments in medical device technology include textiles used as transdermal slow-release drug delivery systems. Various synthetic and natural fibres can thereby be utilised to construct such biomedical textiles with a therapeutic effect. Other medical applications of textiles include the integration of biomedical sensors for monitoring vital body functions. Such concepts could open up promising future markets. These and other issues may be raised at Management Forum’s upcoming conference on successful development of medical devices.

Textiles and fibres used for medical purposes are not new. Sutures and wound dressings are only some examples of commonly used fibre-based medical devices. More recent developments include mesh fabrics for hernia repair and textile-based vascular prostheses. Transdermal patches containing therapeutic ingredients have also become commonplace e.g. nicotine patches. The application of textile materials does however not stop there. Highly sophisticated fibres could be used as transdermal drug delivery systems. Progress has been made possible by advances in supramolecular chemistry, nanotechnology and polymer science and technology. The other avenue of smart clothes include garments with integrated sensors that could measure and transmit vital patient data.

Hmmm, “
with integrated sensors that could measure and transmit vital patient data.” what will they think of next? Nothing about drug delivery.

Clothes as transdermal drug-delivery systems

Coating of textiles with suitable molecules for drug depot and delivery is tricky and represents a challenge to scientists and engineers. Examples include cyclodextrins, a unique group of cyclic oligomers of glucose, that are able to incorporate and recognise other molecules in their molecular cavities. This unique characteristic can be used to incorporate active substances into their molecular structure leading to a variety of potentially promising medical applications including transdermal drug delivery. Future usage could include clothes with integrated corticoids for patients suffering from neurodermitis. In Germany alone, the number of patients suffering from this disease is estimated to be around 5 million.

Neurodermitis is German for
Atopic dermatitis
(a type of

Potentially possible could further be the transdermal delivery of insulin to diabetes patients via such smart clothes. Another usage could include hospital garments with integrated antiseptic substances. Theoretic possibilities are endless. It remains to be seen if such smart clothes are technically feasible to produce and, not less important, within acceptable costs. However, such applications are not likely to be ready within the next 5 years.

“Garments with integrated antiseptic substances” doesn't really help you though “ transdermal delivery of insulin to diabetes patients via such smart clothes” does but she described this as “potentially possible” and one of several “theoretic possibilities” no mention is made of birth control applications if that weren't bad enough she said “It remains to be seen if such smart clothes are technically feasible to produce and, not less important, within acceptable costs”. To top it off she didn't cite a single source in support of her claims.

All birth control methods I know of other than Depo-Provera and similar shots need to be used during or shortly after “the act”, at a specific time during the menstrual cycle or lead a woman to stop menstruating. You've yet to explain how the evil plotters could get the women to wear the garments on right days/moments; wouldn't telling them something like 'make sure to wear this blouse the day after your period' raise suspicion? And many fertile women ceasing to menstruate would be noticed. So would a sudden drop in birth rates. Nor have you explained how a drug that if fixed well enough to resist being washed out could transfer from clothing, to skin, to bloodstream sufficiently inhibit pregnancy.

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Depopulation: Scientists warn of sperm count crisis

The reproductive health of the average male is in sharp decline, the world’s largest study of the quality and concentration of sperm has found.

Between 1989 and 2005, average sperm counts fell by a third in the study of 26,000 men, increasing their risk of infertility. The amount of healthy sperm was also reduced, by a similar proportion.

The findings confirm research over the past 20 years that has shown sperm counts declining in many countries across the world. Reasons ranging from tight underwear to toxins in the environment have been advanced to explain the fall, but still no definitive cause has been found.

The decline occurred progressively hroughout the 17-year period, suggesting that it could be continuing.

The latest research was conducted in France but British experts say it has global implications. The scientists said the results constituted a “serious public health warning” and that the link with the environment “particularly needs to be determined”.

The worldwide fall in sperm counts has been accompanied by a rise in testicular cancer – rates have doubled in the last 30 years – and in other male sexual disorders such as undescended testes, which are indicative of a “worrying pattern”, scientists say.

There is an urgent need to establish the causes so measures can be taken to prevent further damage, they add.

Richard Sharpe, professor of reproductive health at the University of Edinburgh and an international expert on toxins in the environment, said the study was “hugely impressive” and answered sceptics who doubted whether the global decline was real.

“Now, there can be little doubt that it is real, so it is a time for action. Something in our modern lifestyle, diet or environment is causing this and it is getting progressively worse.

( via independent.co.uk)

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