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To fight the 6th Floor plans for the 50th anniversary we should...

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have more than one conference.

I’ve been thinking of how to counter the fact that the 6th floor thinks it has now bought and now owns Dealey Plaza, for a whole week, in an attempt to own the 50th anniversary. I think we can and should build a movement, and we can start outside the influence of the 6th floor, by having conferences, even small ones, invite college kids in, in cities that have a connection with the case.

We should have a conf in New Orleans in April 2013.

We should have one in Chicago, and if at all feasible walk along where the Chicago motorcade would have been, at least have a mini-motorade of our own.

We should have one in Tampa and Miami.

And we should have conferences outside the U.S.

We should have a conf in Mexico City in or near where LHO allegedly stayed, and/or near where the Soviet and Cuban consulates were in Mexico City. We should do this around Thursday, Sept 26 – to Thursday, Oct 3, 2013.

We should have one in Russia. Yes, I'm serious. We should highlight that we really don't know where Oswald was or what he was doing for a long time while he lived in Russia which people would probably be quite surprised at.


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