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Guest Tom Scully

It is not a new issue, and unfortunately, Greg does not intend to be participating, he does not plan to post.

In all sincerity Greg. it is our loss, despite my message to you, back in March, over emphasizing my frustration.

I hope you reconsider.


You and B.A. Copeland indicate you do not accept that you are required to post with an avatar that displays identifiable facial features. If the rest of us have to conform to this rule, how do you think moderators who engage you here without reminding you of this requirement must feel? I feel you are taking advantage and although it is great to see you back here participating again, I do not think the price of your participation currently is worth the privilege of your presence.

I could say I was dragged into this, but that wouldn't be quite accurate since I could just choose to ignore all the slurs.

But don't fret . You won't have to put up with my presence along with my empty avatar space for long.

"how do you think moderators who engage you here without reminding you of this requirement must feel?"

That's an interesting question, Tom. I am very glad you asked. I shall spend the next millennia trying to decipher its complexity. It will certainly keep me off the streets and out of trouble.

Edited by Greg Parker, 06 April 2013 - 12:26 PM.

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Some of the multiple previous threads on this topic:

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=7998 Wikipedia

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=8861 Wikipedia, Spartacus and the JFK Assassination

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17123 Wikipedia and Neutrality

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9640 Wikipedia Co-Founder seeks to start over.

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=5247 Wikipedia/Democratic Underground

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18475 Wikipedia and Operation Mockingbird

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=8247 Investigating a Wikipedia administrator

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17487 CTKA gets Wiki to backtrack

Edited by Daniel Meyer
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Readers can also use the knowledge that you have criticised me in the past on this forum about my interpretation of different aspects of the JFK case.


I did not address this previously as I wanted to check first as I did not recall any such criticism.

This is all I could find:

GP Mar 5, 2008:

“Suite 8F group

Have been working on trying to sort out issues relating to the DCLU visit to City Hall, the midnight press conference and the 1:30am arraignment. This has led to finding very strong connections between members of the Suite 8F group and a participant in events in question. In turn, this person also has direct links to the Paines, and may have been involved with MI. Will soon be posting an article on my site which will include a time-line of this person's activities from WWII on. Unfortunately, not all books and newspaper archives are available in Australia. Fortunately this forum exists and I am indebted to the member who did not hesitate in helping to dig up a great deal of the background information used.”

JS Mar 5, 2008

“I am interested in hearing more about this information.”

I then sent the material to you privately. You did not respond.

GP Sept 19, 2012

I still think your suite f8 theory has potential.

The only criticisms I have made that I recall, or can track down, relate to your bios (of authors, witnesses and suspects).

I suspect what you are referring to is your in belief in all the sex allegations. I have certainly disagreed with you about that - specifically because of your easy acceptance of such evidence-free scuttlebutt. But your comment above specifically refers to the "JFK case". I do not believe his alleged infidelities have anything to with "the case".

As far as I know, your main ideas about the assassination revolve around the suite 8F group, and insofar as that goes, I have been supportive.

Your stated allegiance to Lifton btw, is astonishing to me.

Forget all the other issues. His belief in Marina as an honest witness rules him out as having a clue.

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Guest Tom Scully

Speaking of "not having a clue," I am surprised at the lack of participation in this thread of our own Paul Trejo. Turns out Paul is the most prolific wikipedia editor of, you guessed it...the wikipedia biographical article on Gen. Edwin Walker. Paul has made 66 "contributions" to that wikipedia page, a more numerous number of edits than any other wikipedia editpr.:

Here is a sample, one of Paul's largest edits to that article.:

Before, and after.:


Edwin Walker: Difference Between Revisions


......Assassination attempt

According to the Warren Commission, around this time, Walker got Lee Harvey Oswald's attention. Oswald's wife, Marina Oswald, said that Oswald, a self-proclaimed Marxist,[14] considered Walker a "fascist" and the leader of a "fascist organization."[15] A front page story on Walker in the October 7, 1962, issue of the Worker, a Communist Party newspaper to which Oswald subscribed, warned "the Kennedy administration and the American people of the need for action against [Walker] and his allies." Five days after the front page news on January 22, 1963 that Walker's federal charges had been dropped,[16] Oswald ordered a revolver by mail, using the alias "A.J. Hidell."[17]

In February 1963, Walker was making news by joining forces with evangelist Billy James Hargis in an anti-Communist tour called "Operation Midnight Ride".[18] In a speech Walker made on March 5, reported in the Dallas Times Herald, he called on the United States military to "liquidate the scourge that has descended upon the island of Cuba."[19] Seven days later, Oswald ordered by mail a Carcano rifle, using the alias "A. Hidell."[20]

According to the Warren Commission, and to the later HSCA Oswald began to put Walker under surveillance, taking pictures of Walker's Dallas home on the weekend of March 9–10.[21] Furthermore, people involved with Oswald in those and prior weeks admitted to have been criticizing General Walker with Lee Harvey Oswald included Dallas engineer, Michael Paine, oil geologist, George De Mohrenschildt and oil engineer, Volkmar Schmidt.

Oswald planned the assassination for April 10. Oswald's wife Marina said that he chose a Wednesday evening because the neighborhood would be relatively crowded because of services in a church adjacent to Walker's home, and he would not stand out and could mingle with the crowds if necessary to make his escape. He left a note in Russian for his wife Marina with instructions should he be caught.[22] Walker was sitting at a desk in his dining room when Oswald fired at him from less than a hundred feet (30 m) away. The bullet struck the wooden frame of the window, which deflected its path. Walker was injured in the forearm by fragments.

According to Dallas Police Department records, neighbors of Walker witnessed two men at the scene of the crime, running into a car and speeding away. To the end of his life, Walker believed that there was another man serving as Oswald's accomplice, and he spent decades attempting to learn the identity of that accomplice.

A police detective, D. E. McElroy, commented that "Whoever shot at the general was playing for keeps. The sniper wasn't trying to scare him. He was shooting to kill." Marina Oswald stated later that she had seen Oswald burn most of his plans in the bathtub, though she hid the note he left her in a cookbook, with the intention of bringing it to the police should Oswald again attempt to kill Walker or anyone else. Marina later quoted her husband as saying, "Well, what would you say if somebody got rid of Hitler at the right time? So if you don't know about General Walker, how can you speak up on his behalf?"[23]

Before the Kennedy assassination, Dallas police had no suspects in the Walker shooting,[24] but Oswald's involvement was suspected within hours of his arrest following the assassination.[25] (The note Oswald left for Marina on the night of the attempt was not found until early December 1963.)[26][27][28] The bullet was too badly damaged to run conclusive ballistics tests, but neutron activation tests later determined that it was "extremely likely" the bullet was a Carcano bullet manufactured by the Western Cartridge Company, the same ammunition used in the Kennedy assassination.[29]

Oswald later wrote to Arnold Johnson of the Communist Party USA, that on the evening of October 23, 1963, he had attended an "ultra right" meeting headed by General Walker.[30]

Paul Trejo's editing is displayed in bold text.:


......Assassination attempt

According to the Warren Commission, around this time, Walker got Lee Harvey Oswald's attention. Oswald's wife, Marina Oswald, said that Oswald, a self-proclaimed Marxist,[14] considered Walker a "fascist" and the leader of a "fascist organization."[15] A front page story on Walker in the October 7, 1962, issue of the Worker, a Communist Party newspaper to which Oswald subscribed, warned "the Kennedy administration and the American people of the need for action against [Walker] and his allies." Five days after the front page news on January 22, 1963 that Walker's federal charges had been dropped,[16] Oswald ordered a revolver by mail, using the alias "A.J. Hidell."[17]

In February 1963, Walker was making news by joining forces with evangelist Billy James Hargis in an anti-Communist tour called "Operation Midnight Ride".[18] In a speech Walker made on March 5, reported in the Dallas Times Herald, he called on the United States military to "liquidate the scourge that has descended upon the island of Cuba."[19] Seven days later, Oswald ordered by mail a Carcano rifle, using the alias "A. Hidell."[20]

According to the Warren Commission, and to the later HSCA Oswald began to put Walker under surveillance, taking pictures of Walker's Dallas home on the weekend of March 9–10.[21] Furthermore, people involved with Oswald in those and prior weeks admitted to have been criticizing General Walker with Lee Harvey Oswald included Dallas engineer, Michael Paine, oil geologist, George De Mohrenschildt and oil engineer, Volkmar Schmidt.

Oswald planned the assassination for April 10. Oswald's wife Marina said that he chose a Wednesday evening because the neighborhood would be relatively crowded because of services in a church adjacent to Walker's home, and he would not stand out and could mingle with the crowds if necessary to make his escape. He left a note in Russian for his wife Marina with instructions should he be caught.[22] Walker was sitting at a desk in his dining room when Oswald fired at him from less than a hundred feet (30 m) away. The bullet struck the wooden frame of the window, which deflected its path. Walker was injured in the forearm by fragments.

According to Dallas Police Department records, neighbors of Walker witnessed two men at the scene of the crime, running into a car and speeding away. To the end of his life, Walker believed that there was another man serving as Oswald's accomplice, and he spent decades attempting to learn the identity of that accomplice.

A police detective, D. E. McElroy, commented that "Whoever shot at the general was playing for keeps. The sniper wasn't trying to scare him. He was shooting to kill." Marina Oswald stated later that she had seen Oswald burn most of his plans in the bathtub, though she hid the note he left her in a cookbook, with the intention of bringing it to the police should Oswald again attempt to kill Walker or anyone else. Marina later quoted her husband as saying, "Well, what would you say if somebody got rid of Hitler at the right time? So if you don't know about General Walker, how can you speak up on his behalf?"[23]

Although the HSCA reported that before the Kennedy assassination, Dallas police had no suspects in the Walker shooting,[24], actually there was one suspect who dogged police and investigators for months, namely, William McEwan Duff. According to DPD reports, Duff was a vagabond, a gigilo and perhaps a bisexual who, in December, 1962, asked ex-General Edwin Walker if he could live at Walker's home at 4011 Turtle Creek Boulevard in Dallas, in exchange for working for Walker's company, the American Eagle Publishing Company. Walker ran his company out of his home. Walker quickly accepted the offer and Duff lived with Walker for several months. Soon Duff tired of doing chores for the American Eagle Publishing Company and just lay out in the sun getting a tan and watching TV. Walker's secretary, Julia Knecht, and Walker's publisher, Robert Allen Surrey, both objected to this gigilo in their daily presence, but Walker ignored them. When Walker was out of town on The Midnight Ride speaking tour with racial segregationist Reverend Billy James Hargis, Knecht and Surrey kicked Duff back out onto the street. After the Walker shooting, Knecht and Surrey both told the police that they suspected William McEwan Duff (aka. McDuff) in the shooting. After a long search, extensive questioning and a lie-detector examination, Duff was removed from the suspect list. Later, Walker told the Warren Commission attorneys that he would welcome Duff back into his house anytime.

Lee Harvey Oswald's involvement in the Walker shooting was suspected within hours of his arrest following the JFK assassination.[25] (The note Oswald left for Marina on the night of the attempt was not found until early December 1963.)[26][27][28] The bullet was too badly damaged to run conclusive ballistics tests, but neutron activation tests later determined that it was "extremely likely" the bullet was a Carcano bullet manufactured by the Western Cartridge Company, the same ammunition used in the Kennedy assassination.[29]

Oswald later wrote to Arnold Johnson of the Communist Party USA, that on the evening of October 23, 1963, he had attended an "ultra right" meeting headed by General Walker.[30]

Three obervations, Paul Trejo included no supporting citations for his large edit, this seemingly irrelevant portion of Paul's edit is:

"...Duff was a vagabond, a gigilo and perhaps a bisexual who, in December, 1962, asked ex-General Edwin Walker if he could live at Walker's home at 4011 Turtle Creek Boulevard in Dallas, in exchange for working for Walker's company, the American Eagle Publishing Company. Walker ran his company out of his home. Walker quickly accepted the offer and Duff lived with Walker for several months. Soon Duff tired of doing chores for the American Eagle Publishing Company and just lay out in the sun getting a tan and watching TV. Walker's secretary, Julia Knecht, and Walker's publisher, Robert Allen Surrey, both objected to this gigilo in their daily presence,..."

.... scurrilous gossip, even if Paul had provided more than a vague supporting reference, and there is also, this.:


...General Walker himself had a different scheme. To the end of his days (as I shared with David Lifton) he claimed that Oswald was arrested on April 10th, 1963 on suspicion of this shooting, but was released on the orders of RFK and the Secret Service. Walker was also convinced that Oswald had a second shooter with him, and demanded to know - to the end of his days - the identity of that second shooter; whether he was connected with the CIA...

Best regards,
--Paul Trejo
...As for Edwin Walker, well perhaps he believed that ... but it does not mean he was right.
Robert, thanks for your open mind regarding my suspicions about General Edwin Walker. I also appreciate that you recommended me to the Education Forum knowing that we disagree on this critical issue.

As I explained to David Lifton -- I don't believe Walker's story, nor do I believe that Walker himself believes his own story. Yet to the end of his life Walker kept repeating this story. Why? Perhaps because it sets up a smokescreen for his actual participation in these events.

I'd ilke to post these PDF files somehow, Robert. I'd really like to hear your opinion about them.

Best regards,
--Paul Trejo, MA

Paul Trejo has also made a number of contributions to the wikipedia biography of Lee Harvey Oswald.:


I hope Paul will share his perspective on wikipedia and his experiences attempting to make a difference contributing to wikipedia articles.

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