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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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“Our people approached the airfield, shot a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) in the direction of the helicopter. There was an explosion. [Kiev] militants started shooting and we [protesters] retreated,” a representative from the Kramatorsk self-defence troops told RIA Novosti.

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Ukrainian armed forces have set up a military base some 20 kilometers from Slavyansk, RT's stringer, Ukraine-based British journalist Graham Phillips reports. According to Phillips, there is an ongoing buildup of troops in the area and “snipers hiding in forests in position.” The city is being encircled, he says.

Look closely at this photo. It's 2 snipers from Ukrainian army at new Ukraine army base, 20km from #Sloviansk. pic.twitter.com/WNgMnc53f5

— GrahamWPhillips (@GrahamWP_UK) April 25, 2014

Lugansk people’s governor Valery Bolotov has addressed the people of the eastern Ukrainian region with a statement, saying that he is prepared to “give my own life for the prosperity of the native region without a qualm.”

The people of Lugansk will be able to see positive changes “in a week’s time,” he said, adding that his team is doing “hard, routine work” together with experts in law, politics and economy, and not just concentrating on the field of security and “military actions.”

Anne Brasseur, has said in a statement posted on the PACE website.

“I am extremely concerned by the information coming from Ukraine about the resumption of violence, including in the city of Sloviansk. I call on all sides to urgently de-escalate the situation and end all violent or provocative actions and return to what was agreed in Geneva, particularly as regards the disarmament of illegal armed groups currently active in Ukraine,”

Russia's foreign minister told his German counterpart on Friday that all violence in Ukraine must be halted, "primarily the use of the (Ukrainian) army and armed radical nationalists in southeastern Ukraine," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović has expressed concern over the disappearance of two journalists for Russian news outlet, LifeNews.

Several shots have been heard in the center of the Slavyansk, reports RIA Novosti. Earlier, the "People's Mayor" of the city Vyacheslav Ponomarev warned that members of the Right Sector have infiltrated the city, alongside a group of armed youth, 18-25 years old that could harass the local population.

18:56 GMT:

Unreal Images - this is a tank at a checkpoint -Ukraine: Army road blocks are installed near Slavyansk: http://t.co/kMusl1L6Rd via @Ruptly

— RT Ruptly-Nicolaj (@Nicolaj_Gericke) April 25, 2014
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two journalists deported to russia.

Washington must dissociate itself from the junta in kiev (which is going to be really difficult as us forces have funded this entire mess to start with.) and urge them to stop arming the fascist gangs roaming ukraine. It is only by dissociating themselves from these murderous provocative forces that trust can be rebuilt. The real concerns of the ukrainian people must be heard. Until the junta in kiev acknowledges its role it will never be recognised as legitimate.

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anti-junta ukrainians are being rounded up in large numbers

01:00 GMT:

As a sign of “good will,” local authorities in Donetsk have released a number of Right Sector fighters upon a request from Ukrainian presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev. The undisclosed number of fighters were detained for being involved in hooliganism at the Donetsk Administrative building.

“They have not killed or raped anyone. We don't consider them enemies,” Tsarev said, as quoted by Itar-Tass. “I am sure that most of those who arrive in the south-east [of Ukraine], including punitive units, are people who were deceived.”

At the same time, Tsarev noted that the authorities in Kiev had detained more than 200 activists from the south-east of Ukraine, adding that since the coup “repressions” had reached a historical scale not witnessed since Ukraine became independent in 1991.

The presidential candidate urged Kiev to release more than 70 people “detained in Kharkov, where arrests continue” as well as Donetsk and Odessa, in order to implement the Geneva accords.

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KIEV, April 26 /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s national television company NTU has refused to allow the presidential candidate from the Party of Regions, Oleg Tsarev, to take part in debates on the UT-1 channel in a teleconference mode, local mass media said.

Earlier, Tsarev addressed the NTU with a corresponding request only to get a reply from the channel’s management the NTU was unprepared to provide the service.

I am the sole presidential candidate who has been stripped of the right to use government-provided bodyguards. I agreed to participate in the TV debates via a video channel. In response I was told that the national television company is unable to arrange for this. Too bad. It would be a good chance to explain the way the people in the country’s southeast feel to the authorities and to the whole of Ukraine,” the politician said.

On April 14, Tsarev was brutally beaten up in Kiev after a live show on the ICTV channel. The presidential candidate was attacked by an aggressive crowd, which had blocked the building of the TV studio.

Ukraine’s presidential election is due on May 25.

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Kiev has cut water supply Crimea


see // http://www.nu.nl/buitenland/3761352/kiev-sluit-watervoorziening-krim-af.html

'Kiev sluit watervoorziening Krim af'


Oekraïne heeft de watervoorziening van het vasteland naar schiereiland de Krim afgesloten. Het belangrijkste kanaal op het schiereiland is daardoor zo goed als droog komen te staan.
kiev-sluit-watervoorziening-krim-af.jpgFoto: AFP

Dat melden Oekraïense en Russische media zaterdag.

Het water dat door het kanaal hoort te lopen komt van de rivier de Dnipro. Oekraïne zou begin vorige week al zijn begonnen met stapsgewijze afbouw van de watertoevoer.

Het is niet duidelijk waarom de toevoer is stopgezet; volgens de autoriteiten op de Krim heeft het schiereiland een geldige overeenkomst met Oekraïne.


Het tekort aan water kan voor problemen zorgen in de landbouw en de drinkwatervoorziening. 85 procent van het schiereiland is volgens de Russische autoriteiten op het schiereiland afhankelijk van het water uit het kanaal.

De Krim werd medio maart door Rusland ingelijfd. De Oekraïense interim-regering erkent de inname van het schiereiland niet.


De Russische minister Aleksandr Novak van Energie en Aleksei Miller van Gazprom hebben zaterdag met enkele gasafnemers om de tafel gezeten om te praten over de gasdoorvoer in Oekraïne. Rusland benadrukte dat het gas door Oekraïne zal blijven stromen, meldde persbureau Interfax.

Vertegenwoordigers van Bosnië en Herzegovina, Moldavië en Macedonië waren bij de gesprekken aanwezig.

De landen spraken hun zorgen uit over het mogelijk dichtdraaien van de gaskraan vanwege de schulden die Oekraïne bij Rusland heeft uitstaan. Zij vrezen dat Oekraïne de eigen ondergrondse gasvoorraden aanvult en de verplichtingen van doorvoer niet meer nakomt of de doorvoer afbouwt.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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satellite images show massing of military near slavyansk.

A growing number in the west rejecting mil ind comp narrative.

Germany Increasingly Involved in Ukraine Conflict


Berlin, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Germany appears today increasingly involved in the Ukrainian conflict according to evidences collected after the Russia supporting militia arrested various observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Among the detainees, who according to the militia could be serving spy mission, are four German citizens, three soldiers and a translator.

The leader of the troops opposed to the punchiest regime Kiev, Slavjansk city, East of Ukraine, Vjatscheslav Ponomarev, labelled the detainees as 'prisoners of war'.

Our security services will question these people who have not had permission for this alleged observation mission, said Ponomarev according to the correspondent of the German newspaper Bild.

In view of the worsening of the situation in Ukraine, in Germany voices increase of those against a military confrontation, even more, the NATO participation in it.

According to the Peace Council, the largest alliance of pacifist organization in Germany, the leaders of the NATO, European Union and the German government agree on attributing Russia Ukraine problem.

However, organizations for Peace said that it has been the western, that is to say the German government, the European Commission and the US government which have tried to increase their influence in the Western Europe countries.

'By the political and economic blackmail tried to isolate Ukraine from the Russian zone of influence to subordinate this country to the conditions of the European market and military structures of NATO, added the text.

Meanwhile, members of the Socialist Party of Germany criticized the military offensive of the de facto government in Kiev, in the East of the country.

' The German government should publicly reject the military escalation in Ukraine provoked by the de Facto Prime Minister, Arseni Jasenjuk and the new threats of the US Secretary of State John Kerry, said the spokesman for the development policy of the socialist group in parliament.

A political solution should include the disarmament of all irregular groups, Hansel added.

sus/abo/avj/hcn Modificado el ( sábado, 26 de abril de 2014 )
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DONETSK, April 27, /ITAR-TASS/. The Novokramatorsk Machine Building Plant (NKMZ) has provided to the people’s militia of Kramatorsk military equipment “for clearance of minefields set by Ukrainian troops near the city during the so-called “antiterrorist operation,” a representative of the press service of the Donetsk People’s Republic told Itar-Tass with reference to NKMZ chairman of the board, deputy of the People’s Council of Kramatorsk Maksim Vlasov.

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Ukraine federalisation supporters protesting in 2 big east Ukrainian cities

April 27, 16:02 UTC+4

KIEV, April 27. /ITAR-TASS/. Several hundreds of people have assembled Sunday on the central square in the eastern Ukrainian major city of Kharkov with a demand to hold a referendum on federalisation of Ukraine. Local media reported that women from the so-called women’s movement of Kharkov are participating in the rally, prepared to go to the eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk to support people’s militia.

Meanwhile, protesters said they were in solidarity with other south-eastern regions of Ukraine which also came out against current Kiev authorities.

Lenin Square where the rally goes on is blocked almost completely, but the central Sumskaya Street passing through the square is opened for traffic.

Demonstrators said that they plan to stage a multi-thousand protest action against current Kiev authorities on May 1.

Meanwhile, around three thousand people are participating in a rally on Lenin Square in the centre of another big eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk, local media reported on Sunday.

The action began with a minute of silence in commemoration of Berkut police commandoes who perished in the clashes between law enforcers and radicals on Independence Square in central Kiev and in memory of activists who were killed by Right Sector radical ultranationalists on the Easter night at a checkpoint near another eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk.

Protesters demand a referendum on federalisation, chanting slogans “No to bloody Kiev junta!” and “Stop the occupation of Donbas [a large Ukrainian coalmining region]!”

Activists of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s republic who fenced off the square ensure law and order at the rally.

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Detained “OSCE Monitors” in Eastern Ukraine Turn out to be NATO Military Intelligence
Global Research, April 27, 2014

People’s mayor of Slavyansk tells about detention of the OSCE monitors: all of them turned out be NATO military intelligence officers accompanied by two officers of the Ukrainian Army High Command.

It was discovered that they were busy collecting and marking locations of all the checkpoints and defense positions of Slavyansk’s self-defense. They also carried explosive cartridges and ammunition.

original Russian

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The April 17 agreements achieved in Geneva by the foreign ministers of Russia, the United States, the European Union and Ukraine on the de-escalation of the situation in the country were aimed at easing tensions in the region to a point where a peace settlement would be possible. In reality we have observed just the opposite. Kiev has moved its armed forces against civilians and brought armoured vehicles to the border with Russia. The United States is sending its naval ships to the Black Sea. NATO is beginning a military exercise in the Baltic in combination with unequivocal threats against Moscow. What is it Russia can do in a situation like this? Russia has offered a mirror response, the way it has been customarily done for thousands of years,” the deputy chairman of the Federation Council’s international affairs committee, Andrei Klimov, told Itar-Tass in an interview.

“If someone pulls the sword out of the sheath, the other party is just forced to act according to the circumstances. Russia does not wish to see the deployment of extra military forces around Ukraine, and it is against fanning tensions in the region. But we have to resist punitive operations by Kiev, which enjoys support from the West,” Klimov said.

Asked about likely ways out of the crisis Klimov said that “it would make sense for the two parties to the conflict in Ukraine - the government and the representatives of the Southeast - to come to the negotiating table to address such issues as the constitutional reform and the state structure.”

“However, none of the leaders of the movement opposed to Ukraine’s new authorities and their policies were invited to Geneva. Nor have they been asked to come to Kiev. Instead, US Secretary of State John Kerry demanded that Moscow should issue instructions to the protesters to end the acts of disobedience. But Moscow does not command the self-defence forces in the Southeast of Ukraine,” Klimov said.

Asked about proposals voiced by some experts for more talks in Geneva Klimov replied that “negotiations are resumed in two cases: either when the initial basic conditions have been met, or when further steps have to be decided on.”

“In this case the agreements have been disrupted, and not through Russia’s fault,” he said.

“Defusing the current tensions by diplomatic means will be still possible if Russia manages to convince the United States it does not control the protesters in south-eastern Ukraine, and if the United States persuades Kiev to make it stop violence against protesting civilians,” the chief of the International Security Centre under the Russian Academy of Sciences, Aleksei Arbatov, told Itar-Tass.

“The United States should put pressures on Kiev to make it disarm the Right Sector militants in accordance with the Geneva accords,” Arbatov said.

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RT :

Unconfirmed reports are coming from Konstantinovka, a city with in Ukraine’s Donetsk region, of anti-government activists taking over the city hall and police station.

The city is located in the northern part of the turbulent region and has a population of about 77,000. It’s known as a large glass and glassware production center in Ukraine.

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10:03 GMT:

The mayor of the Ukrainian city of Kharkov, Gennady Kernes, has been shot in the back and is undergoing emergency surgery in the hospital, his office announced. It was not immediately clear who shot him.

Kernes was shot while jogging, cycling or swimming in a spring, according to conflicting media reports.

As mayor of Kharkov since March 2010, Kernes has been a strong supporter of President Viktor Yanukovich, who was ousted in February. Since then, Kernes supported the new Ukrainian authorities and stayed on as mayor.

09:36 GMT:

The shooting between anti-government protesters and Kiev military troops has been heard near the airport of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk Region, reports Kramatorsk.info.

According to unconfirmed reports by social media, two members of Kiev forces have been injured during the shooting.

09:06 GMT:

The shooting between anti-government protesters and Kiev military troops has been heard near the airport of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk Region, reports Kramatorsk.info.

According to unconfirmed reports by social media, two members of Kiev forces have been injured during the shooting.

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Crane arrives delivering huge slates of stone -position being fortified fast #Konstantinovsk pic.twitter.com/4n9m3g392b

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) April 28, 2014
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past is prologue


Color Revolutions. Getting Our Facts Straight on the “Arab Spring”
Global Research, April 28, 2014

The so-called Arab Spring is one of the most pivotal geopolitical happenings of the current century and one which will no doubt reverberate and define the academic discourse on the subject in later generations.

That being said, it becomes disheartening to find out that the majority of the talking points on the Arab Spring echoed from both mainstream media as well as “non-aligned”, independent sources ring of the stereotypical western narrative of spontaneous, indigenous uprisings rising up corruption and despotism.

While no doubt unsavory strongmen like Ben Ali of Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt had well earned the resentment of their population, to engage in a reductionist paradigm of the Arab Spring illustrating down-trodden masses merely rising up against political exploitation does injustice to the behind-the-scenes networks of NGOs and special interests who helped influence popular sentiment and channel it in ways to bolster western objectives.

While the notion that the US government, and specifically the corporate-financiers overlords of Wall Street and London, were behind the Arab Spring are scoffed at by “skeptics” and “academics”, the financial and political connections are well established and open for all to independently verify. The year 2011 was truly the “Year of the Dupe” and unless we collectively identify this engineering of our past and by extension our destiny, we run the risk of making true yet again Napoleon Bonaparte’s adage that, “History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon.”

The Mainstream Left, the Fake Neo-Con “Right”, and the Islamists

Our first stop in deconstructing the myth of the Arab Spring relates to the standard view propagated by the mainstream left and the likes of MSNBC, CNN, most of academia, and well-intentioned “critics of the conspiratorial right-wing” (which does warrant legitimate criticism but for different reasons). A classic case of this which can be found replicated across a host of websites is the article “How the Conspiratorial Right is Spinning Egypt’s Protests” by Sarah Posner. According to her thesis, she claims the Arab Spring was a legitimate popular uprising spurred spontaneously by political reasons and that Islamists and religious groups played a marginalized role in the January 2011 protests in Egypt. From her perspective, any assertion to the contrary is a byproduct of a conspiratorial right-wing spinning the protests against the ambitions of a politically awakened populous.

Where I agree with her most definitely is when she calls out the lunacy of the Neo-Con Islamophobic right-wing featuring the likes of “former terrorist” Walid Shoebat (also exposed by conservative writer here) among others like WorldNetDaily who wittingly or unwittingly perpetuate the neo-imperialist strategy of tension revolving around an engineered “clash of civilizations.” The role of these figures is to perpetuate the fake left/right political paradigm in context of the narrative of the mainstream left wing, spinning reality into partisan categories and keeping the concerted imperialist agenda from coming to light.

Islamophobic interpretations mainly keep the political hamster wheel spinning in a strategy of tension keeping people divided and squabbling over unnecessary and artificial points. In the Neo-Con right wing’s fantasies, Obama is an “anti-American secret Muslim” and Posner correctly sums their disinformation as being, “that the Muslim Brotherhood is behind the protests, and that Obama is somehow linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, and an evil plot to subvert “Judeo-Christian” values, America, and Western.”

The right-wing narrative is a disingenuous ploy by the imperialist establishment to spin US financing of terrorism by the NATO-GCC powers, specifically through Saudi Arabia and Qatar by jettisoning all the blame on the Obama “left” using the Fox News/WND/Neo Con mantra of “Obama the Muslim”. In doing such, the tracks of money and the political connections are covered up and repackaged into a rhetorical box to be used by the right wing to frighten the average unaware American with propaganda about a growing Islamic threat, completely ignoring the fact that from Mali to Pakistan, we can see a direct connection of US support for terrorist groups to push forward its hegemonic designs, and under US/Saudi control. Saudi Arabia is the primary underwriter of global terrorism, created through its network of madrassas and Islamic charities, an outgrowth of Operation Cyclone during the Soviet-Afghan War where both the US and the Saudis collaborated to leverage Islamic proxies against the Soviet Union. This isn’t merely conspiracy theory or a conflated connection; the US West Point Combating Terrorism Center notes (pg. 24, PDF):


During the first half of the 1980s the role of foreign fighters in Afghanistan was negligible and was largely un‐noticed by outside observers. The flow of volunteers from the Arab heartland countries was just a trickle…but by 1984, the resources being poured into the conflict by other countries—especially Saudi Arabia and the United States—had become much greater, as had the effectiveness and sophistication of the recruitment efforts.

It is worth noting that US funding for the Islamists began BEFORE the Soviet invasion, contrary to the mainstream narrative. Some might defend the operation from the perspective of the fact that it facilitated the collapse of the Soviet Union but to do so would be myopic to the true power brokers and their full-scale agenda. Also noteworthy is the financial connections between the GCC and the West.

The Protesters

Where does Posner (and the mainstream left) go wrong? They go wrong in ignoring the fact that there is indeed a conspiracy although different from the myopic misperception of the right wing so focused on bashing Obama, Muslims and the left they fail to see the true power-brokers and their hegemonic designs. The Muslim Brotherhood also played a prominent role along with the moderate and secular youth cannon-fodder in the streets and the subsequent political landscape but for different reasons. It is correct to assert that secular, politically-minded individuals made up a bulk of the protestors in Egypt to a degree but also served as a smokescreen for a resurgent Muslim Brotherhood. However, who was coordinating them? In April 2011, the New York Times published “US Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings” which noted:


In clarifying who these particular groups were, it further notes:“A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington.”====

“The Republican and Democratic institutes are loosely affiliated with the Republican and Democratic Parties. They were created by Congress and are financed through the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up in 1983 to channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations. The National Endowment receives about $100 million annually from Congress. Freedom House also gets the bulk of its money from the American government, mainly from the State Department. “

The role of US-funded, Serbian-based NGO, CANVAS (formerly known as “Otpor!”), in coordinating protest movements around the world according to US geopolitical interests is noted in the JourneyMan Pictures documentary “The Revolution Business.” NGO leader Srdja Popovic openly admits to his antics and confirms that the iconic “Otpor! fist” used by his organization during the Serbian protest movement in 2000 that ousted Slobodan Milosevic was deliberately replicated in copy-cat “color revolutions” (see here for examples).

No one doubts that the masses in the street were legitimately agitated and wanting change. What we must point out, however, is that these misguided people are being lead by individuals towing the western agenda and channeling their ambitions to accomplish what the west and the financial power-brokers seek. Interesting is the role of the National Endowment for Democracy in financing these NGOs and movements; according to one of its founders, Alan Weinstein, “Alot of what we [NED] do was done 25 years ago covertly by the CIA.” Interestingly, the US State Department has been attempting to cover its track in these actions amid growing public awareness.

In “Google’s Revolution Factory”, Tony Cartalucci points out the specifics behind the Egyptian uprising’s NGOs and their western corporate funding and notes the role of what he calls “globalist con-man in chief” Mohammed ElBaradei. While feigning opposition to the US and Israel, it is revealed that ElBaradei sits on the board of trustees of the International Crisis Group (ICG), a corporate-funded institution alongside George Soros, “geopolitical advisor” Zbigniew Brezinzski, Neo-Cons like Richard Armitage, suspected financial criminal Larry Summers, and most striking of all considering his feigned anti-Israeli rhetoric, the President of Israel, Shimon Peres, Stanley Fischer who serves as governor of the Bank of Israel, and former-Foreign Minister of Israel Shlomo Ben-Ami. The ICG has taken down ElBaradei’s profile from their website, probably because many people were linking to it as evidence, but a screenshot can be seen here.

ElBaradei led the National Front for Change which included the CANVAS-trained, US State Department-funded April 6 Movement, Wael Ghonim of Google, and a coalition of opposition parties. ElBaradei arrived not in 2011 but in February 2010 where April 6 members would be arrested waiting for his arrival. The April 6 Movement took part in the US-State Department-backed “Alliance for Youth Movements/Movements.org” conference in December 2008 attended by the State Departments’ James Glassman and Jared Cohen after which they would subsequently travel to Serbia to receive training from CANVAS.

Worth repeating is that many if not most of those in these movements are legitimate people but with political demands focused on political abstractions as opposed to concrete, pragmatic solutions put forward simultaneously, they are doomed to continue running the political hamster wheel and generating the power for western destabilization and corporate interests.

Counter-revolutions would define Egypt after January 2011 with ElBaradei ousted by his own movement. After that, the Muslim Brotherhood was installed into power per western objectives and ultimately removed in July 2013 when the west directed its proxies in the Egyptian military to capitalize on popular agitation against the Brotherhood and channel that revolutionary fervor to ensure the west remained at the top of the pyramid as noted by Dr. Michel Chossudovsky. The controlled nature of Egyptian politics can also be noted by Tony Cartalucci in “Morsi & the Muslim Brotherhood Challenged in Egypt.”

The Arab Spring, because of outside interference and lack of cohesive, indigenous pragmatism, would increase despair and result in political failure and in the case of Syria and Libya, western-backed insurrection. While the political pieces at the bottom of the pyramid continue to shift like a jigsaw puzzle, the apex remains the same and the equation remains constant.

Islamists and Syria

In “Muslim Brotherhood Are Western Proxies”, Tony Cartalucci gives us the true role the Muslim Brotherhood are playing in executing western objectives across the Middle East, namely acting as a proxy in a premeditated sectarian and political front against Iran. This is not the conjecture of conspiracy theory but was documented as far back as 2007 by Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh in his New Yorker piece, “The Redirection”, cited literally hundreds of times by the alternative media and Tony Cartalucci but stubbornly ignored in the mainstream media where Justin Bieber’s marijuana habits are apparently more significant to our destinies than US support for international terrorism. In “The Redirection”, it is stated,

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.” -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh

As if to address those who would claim that such support was passive, the active nature of the destabilization campaign was noted as follows:====

“…[saudi Arabia's] Bandar and other Saudis have assured the White House that “they will keep a very close eye on the religious fundamentalists. Their message to us was ‘We’ve created this movement, and we can control it.’ It’s not that we don’t want the Salafis to throw bombs; it’s who they throw them at—Hezbollah, Moqtada al-Sadr, Iran, and at the Syrians, if they continue to work with Hezbollah and Iran.” -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh

The US-backed and supported Saad Hariri political faction in Lebanon has been the driving force behind this destabilization on Syria’s border, serving as a logistical conduit and staging ground for radical Sunni militants in a premeditated sectarian division. Interestingly, a US intelligence professional interviewed by Hersh noted that:=====

Some may try to defend this engineered clash of civilizations by asserting that it was necessary to avert a rival and resurgent Iran and its Hezbollah proxy from dominating the region and perpetuating terrorism. One must question how the US bolstering radical Islamist groups isn’t perpetuating a resurgence of extremism that would increase terrorism across the region. The reality is not that the west wants to prevent a crisis but rather that it wants to engage in what is called “crisis management”. It wants to channel the violence and tension that it engineers as the “Swiss Army knife” with which it could carve out a Middle East and world order in its own image.

”Robert Baer, a former longtime C.I.A. agent in Lebanon, has been a severe critic of Hezbollah and has warned of its links to Iranian-sponsored terrorism. But now, he told me, “we’ve got Sunni Arabs preparing for cataclysmic conflict, and we will need somebody to protect the Christians in Lebanon. It used to be the French and the United States who would do it, and now it’s going to be Nasrallah and the Shiites” -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh

Some may claim that this is all conflated conspiracy theory where individual points are taken and connected on baseless ”guilt-by-association” to form a false paradigm. Putting to rest this particular criticism is the fact that Gary Gambill of the Neo-Con “Middle East Forum”, which regularly features Islamophobic propaganda perpetuating the talking-points of the fake “War on Terror”, wrote a disgustingly titled article, “Two Cheers for Syrian Islamists”. In his article, Gambill attempts to justify and defend US support for the Syrian rebels which he admits are made up of mostly radical Islamist Al Qaeda types. He claims that it is justifiable on the basis of undermining Iranian influence and curtailing the Syrian government’s “foreign policy adventurism” along with bringing Syria into the orbit of the petrodollar-tied conservative Sunni monarchies of the Gulf.

Gambill gives a frank insight into the depths of depravity perpetuating the western campaign against Syria. He attempts to mislead readers into believing that the rise of Islamists is coincidental and merely aligned to “US interests”, ignoring the work of Hersh pointing out the deliberate engineering of regional terrorism by the west. Tony Cartalucci’s analysis of this intellectually-insulting article by can be found in “Globalist Rag Gives “Two Cheers” for Terrorism” which notes that Gambill’s talking points are merely pandering to the lower and mid-level pawns of the imperialist establishment’s myriad of “intellectuals” and think-tanks. Considering the blood and toil spent supposedly fighting “the terrorists”, US financing of terrorism to achieve premeditated geopolitical ends is an insult to the blood of veterans shed fighting a monster of the west’s creation.

Let’s not forget Ed Husain’s piece published on the Council on Foreign Relations’ website in August 2012 titled “Al Qaeda’s Specter in Syria” which stated:====

“The Syrian rebels would be immeasurably weaker today without al-Qaeda in their ranks. By and large, Free Syrian Army (FSA) battalions are tired, divided, chaotic, and ineffective. Feeling abandoned by the West, rebel forces are increasingly demoralized as they square off with the Assad regime’s superior weaponry and professional army. Al-Qaeda fighters, however, may help improve morale. The influx of jihadis brings discipline, religious fervor, battle experience from Iraq, funding from Sunni sympathizers in the Gulf, and most importantly, deadly results. In short, the FSA needs al-Qaeda now.”

To make matters worse, the West is not simply financing extremism against Syria, Iran and its proxies but also in locations where western logistical and financial interests are geopolitically at stake. One particular case is against Pakistan where Chinese investments in the deep-sea port city of Gwadar in the southwestern Pakistani province of Baluchistan province a is being intentionally destabilized with an armed “Free Baluchistan insurgency” coupled with a simultaneous National Endowment for Democracy-backed network of NGOs. The technicalities of the region’s political dynamics notwithstanding, the west is exploiting and stoking tension to accomplish its objective of keeping down any alternative axis of power from developing in an inevitably mutli-polar world. Interestingly, many of the “Baluchi rebels” are on record radical Salafi and militant Sunni Taliban-types and though this is exposed and is a verifiable open secret, western aggression continues unabated.

A Word of Advice to the Alternative Media

When will we learn to put aside the futile and artificial paradigms foisted upon us in the media and realize the complexity of the Middle East and how the west capitalizes on division to further its hegemony? The time of resistance is now or never. Resistance is our existence and our very identity against the wave of disinformation drowning the world; we should not let what we do not know stop us from speaking out against what we do know. That being said, I urge the alternative media to not simply resort to an “anti-West” approach and in the process end up accidentally absorbing the very toxic pieces of disinformation that are the byproducts of a politicized perception management.

An example of this is a recent episode on RT’s “CrossTalk” titled “Springless Arabs.” While well-intentioned and seemingly “critical” of the west, it ended up perpetuating various pieces of critical disinformation that bolster the western agenda. In particular, the myth that the west was somehow “taken aback” and “surprised” at the rise of Islamists (as opposed to having deliberately engineered their rise to target rival secular nationalist regimes) was one that is commonly perpetuated in the western media and echoed on this show. Another myth was echoed by Professor Joshua Landis and journalist Nabila Ramdani on the show was the bogus idea that somehow, the west is propping up “secular regimes” to keep “Muslims down” and in opposition to the Islamists as opposed to the fact that the secular regimes are the target of the west. Nabila Radmani even implied that Assad is being preferred by the west over the rebels because the west is somehow afraid of political “Islam”.

NO. The west deliberately engineered the Arab Spring. The west deliberately engineered the rise of Islamists to destabilize the Middle East and create a united front against Iran and ultimately undermine RUSSIA and CHINA.

Yes, the people in Tunisia, Egypt, and elsewhere like Bahrain had every right to rise up and overthrow western-propped strongmen like Ben Ali and Mubarak but the political reality that succeeded them was one of western hegemony.

In the case of Syria and Libya, regardless of political nuances that were present, the west deliberately empowered radical elements and opposition parties to overthrow the Libyan state and attempt the Balkanization of Syria but to no avail. Anything beyond the paradigm documented here on the psyop of the Arab Spring is disinformation, intentional or not. Unless this pivotal event in global geopolitics is accurate conveyed to later generations, we run the risk of basing our analysis of subsequent and inter-related events on a mythology crafted by the west and for the west through its characteristic means of compartmentalization and spin.

Let us truly democratize our resistance and make it pragmatic by escaping the deadly chamber of the US’s “democracy theater” and realize that it is no hyperbole to note that there are puppet masters behind the scenes. Already, Americans are talking about the 2016 elections. Liberals want Hillary Clinton; conservatives are pondering everybody from Rand Paul to Marco Rubio and some even Jeb Bush.

To do so would be to spit in the face of the truth; no matter who wins the elections, if the corporate-financier interests behind the scenes crafting the agenda are not exposed, boycotted, and replaced, who we vote for doesn’t matter and all the public will receive is the same objective regurgitated through the appropriate partisan spin. To tip the balance of power in our favor, we must reach out to our communities with information like this and work to develop local, pragmatic, and technological solutions to everyday problems.


Edited by Steven Gaal
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