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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Viewing it from the left it is the right defining itself as left and right. eg hillary clinton is to me far right. It strikes me as a rather rambly article with good points but lacking in cohesiveness. eg there never was a soviet invasion of afghanistan: the soviets were asked by the democratically elected and progressive afghan government to help with the fight against warlords that were severely threatening reforms. These are the groups that the cia et al were supporting in order to destroy another fledgling democracy. These are the groups that went on to cause later chaos that justified to the cia et al to invade ahghanistan.


RIA Novosty :

"When on duty, in the course of daily inspection of reinforcing obstacles, two contract soldiers of the armed forces of Ukraine were injured. According to preliminary information, the cause of injury was the explosion of an unknown improvised explosive device,"


KIEV, April 28. /ITAR-TASS/. People wearing masks and armed with bats, chains and nonlethal guns attacked participants in a many-thousands-strong antifascist march in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk, chanting nationalistic slogans along with it, local media said.

Some of the participants in the march were injured.

Several dozen ultras attacked the moving column of people and started hurling stones at it. Reports also speak of a use of hand grenades. The protesters rebuffed the attackers and the latter made a getaway from the scene.

The marching column was shouting slogans like ‘Fascism Won’t Take Hold’, ‘Say No to Nazism’, ‘Russia, Russia’. Many participants sang patriotic songs in the Russian language.

Sunday, April 27, the ultras assaulted supporters of federalization of Ukraine in the northeastern city of Kharkov. Several dozen people received injuries.

KHARKIV, April 28. /ITAR-TASS/. The person who made an assassination attempt on the life of Kharkiv Mayor Gennady Kernes, shot to kill him, Ukrainian presidential candidate Mykhailo Dobkin said on Monday.

The attacker was aiming at the heart, said Dobkin, who is a close friend of Kernes, the mayor of a large Russian-speaking eastern Ukrainian city. He said law enforcement officers had found the location from which the attacker had shot, saying a 7.62-mm shell from the Dragunov sniper rifle had been found.

RT :

Moscow is “extremely concerned” by the Kiev regime’s “political repression and persecution” against those who dare express opposition, the Russian Foreign Ministry said calling for the release all political prisoners.

“Mass media reports give us reason to speak of the start of a ‘witch hunt’, mass prosecution of dissidents and political repressions and persecutions against those who dare disagree with the Maidan [coup-imposed] authorities,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

18:22 GMT:

Anti-government protesters have detained the leader of a special internal troops unit in the city of Schastye in Lugansk region, local TV reports as cited by Itar-Tass. The man, identified as Timur Yuldashev, was tasked with “tackling separatism,” local media reports. He is said to be the a leader of radical groups in Lugansk. Media speculate that he came to Schastye to recruit people for special battalions, which mostly consist of members of radical groups.

18:22 GMT:

There was gunfire, explosions and brutal clashes in the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine as fighting erupted between pro- and anti-govt protesters, RT’s stringer reports from the scene.

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KIEV, April 29. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s presidential candidate Oleg Tsariov has withdrawn from the presidential race.

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KIEV, April 30 /ITAR-TASS/. In Lugansk, federalization supporters on Tuesday occupied the building of the regional Interior Ministry directorate and the nearby building of city militia. Witnesses report from the scene of events that bursts of submachine-gun fire were heard but it is unknown who was firing.

Windows in both buildings are smashed. Noone was hurt. Federalizaion supporters several times formed a corridor through which Interior Ministry personnel were to go through unarmed. However,the guardians of the law did not leave the building for several hours.They used tear gas.

Earlier in the day federalization supporters in Lugansk had occupied the buildings of the Regional Council and the Regional Prosecutor's Office.

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06:32 GMT:

Ukrainian anti-government protesters have seized the city hall and police station in Gorlovka, local media reported. Gorlovka is a city of some 260,000 people in the turbulent Donetsk Region.

RT :

The Ukrainian army is on full alert due to the “threat of a Russian invasion,” Ukraine’s acting President Aleksandr Turchinov said after admitting that the government in Kiev cannot control the situation in the east of the country.

“I am going back to the real threat that Russia would unleash a continental war against Ukraine. Our armed forces have been put on full alert,” Turchinov told Wednesday a council of heads of Ukrainian regions in Kiev, as news agencies report.

He called on the audience to speed up the creation of regional militias loyal to Kiev.

“We must have the capability to move those units fast to support other regions against such a threat,” he stressed.

Turchinov admitted that Kiev simply cannot get the situation in the rebellious eastern regions under control and reiterated earlier accusations, saying some people in law enforcement “are cooperating with terrorist organizations,” the name Kiev authorities use to refer to anti-government protesters who are seizing government buildings in eastern Ukraine.

“Our primary task is to prevent the spread of the terrorist threat to other regions of Ukraine,” he said.

This guy really puzzles me (and by inference the rest of the junta and its backers). I wonder who he thinks he's fooling.

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RT :

On April 17, Russia, the US, the EU, and Ukraine adopted a joint document on the de-escalation of the Ukraine crisis, calling for all illegal armed groups to lay down arms and for a wide amnesty for detained protesters.

Churkin stated that none of the radical groups are laying down arms, including the far-right group Right Sector, which is “marching under the Nazi flags.”

“On the contrary, these groups have been granted legal status, and [have been] used to form the paramilitary battalions 'Dnepr,' 'Slobozhanschina,' and ‘Donbass,'” he said.

According to Churkin, Kiev’s Independence Square is still being occupied, even though that is in violation of one of the items in the Geneva agreements. “Nobody is vacating anything in Kiev, while Washington is complacently claiming that the buildings are being ‘legally rented out,’” he stated.

The Russian envoy to the UN also highlighted that repressions against those disagreeing with Kiev’s coup-imposed authorities are continuing, adding that there has been no amnesty for arrested protesters.

Churkin stated that the current Ukrainian regime, supported by the West, is pushing the country towards a catastrophe.

He also criticized other states which have claimed that Russia is not doing its part to influence protesters in southeastern Ukraine. “How can you convince the militias in the east of the country to disarm or leave the buildings if they are surrounded, like in Slavyansk, by Ukrainian armed forces and the so-called ‘National Guard’ units, entirely consisting of Right Sector militias?” he said.

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This guy really puzzles me (and by inference the rest of the junta and its backers). I wonder who he thinks he's fooling. // John Dolva


John he (they) can be dead from the neck up,but the WEST'S MSM will make of them superheroes.... any oddball can be made into a superhero when there is a political agenda.


on Today Show (West honors Pussy Riot with MSM apperance)

In Russia
4:38 Pussy Riot has Orgy in museum and has sex with chicken in a supermarket

Aug 7, 2012 ... Footage of stunt that did not appear on Internet. Includes Pussy Riot stunt footage
in supermarket and museum. Also interview with Putin, ...


President Aleksandr Turchinov WILL BE CALLED IN THE MSM as the true peace maker !!!
capiche ??

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Steve, I have this nasty suspicion that all are expendable afa the us led subversion is concerned. They promise things with their cookie diplomacy but when the fukus alliance wants are thwarted whoever'll find they indeed can only eat the cake.

RT :

The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine has launched an investigation against the commanders of the Alpha special force after its troops disobeyed the government orders and refused to fire at protesters in the south-east of the country.

The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine has launched an investigation into the seizure of the prosecution office by anti-Kiev protestors in the city of Lugansk on Tuesday.

The central election commission of the People’s Republic of Donetsk has already organized 2,000 polling stations for the referendum on federalization on May 11, RIA-Novosti reports.

According to the Commission’s head, Roman Lyagin, 2 million ballots have also been printed out for the upcoming vote.

The coup-imposed government in Kiev is set to decide on a national poll which would include a question on giving more autonomy to regions

Kiev’s new authorities are not really interested in finding those responsible for any deaths which took place during anti-government protests in Kiev’s Independence Square, stated Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. There is plenty of evidence suggesting that blame for the deaths lies with the far-right group Pravy Sektor [Right Sector], said Lavrov.

Russia's President Vladimir Putin and UK Prime Minister David Cameron have agreed in a phone call that the crisis in Ukraine can be solved only through "peaceful means," reports Kremlin’s official website.

The car of the ‘people's mayor’ of Ukraine’s eastern town of Nikolaev, Dmitry Nikonov, was shot at on Wednesday night, Member of Parliament Oleg Tsarev said on his Facebook page. No one was hurt in the attack and a criminal investigation has been opened. Tsarev added that Nikonov has received threats in the past from the nationalist Right Sector group.


KIEV, May 01 /ITAR-TASS/. Several dozen people armed with bats, metallic rods and batons gathered in front of the building of Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers late night Wednesday.

MOSCOW, April 30 /ITAR-TASS/. Russia urged Kiev to immediately stop its belligerent rhetoric that intimidates people.

“On April 30, ‘acting Ukrainian President’ Alexander Turchinov declared that the Armed Forces of Ukraine had been put on high alert. We are concerned about these militarist statements of the Kiev authorities,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, April 30.

“We are insisting that Kiev immediately stop its belligerent rhetoric aimed at intimidating its own population, prevent the use of force and commence a pan-Ukrainian dialogue in search for a national consensus in the country,” it said.


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Kiev, Apr 30 (Prensa Latina) Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov is the main suspect of the attack in which Kharkiv Mayor Gennady Kernes was seriously injured, according to his own statements. A well-known opponent to the rulers who overthrew President Viktor Yanukovich, Kernes was shot by an unidentified individual while he was jogging.

According to medical sources, the mayor underwent gunshot wounds in the liver and a lung.

Amid the investigation, a denunciation made by Kernes, quoted by the Ukrainian news agency Unian and posted on the website of the regional administration in mid March accused Interim Minister Avakov, who in just two months has been involved in a second violent crime.

"I address the delegation of the Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine in the region of Kharkiv, to the heads of the regional prosecutor's office and the SBU (security service) to call their attention," said the mayor.

Kernes warned about "dozens of threats that we, I and my family, including the children, have received lately in a context of political persecution."

When pointing at possible suspects, he made it clear that "Arsen Avakov, the former governor of Kharkiv and incumbent interior minister of Ukraine, may be behind these threats against the physical integrity and the life of my family," the mayor charged.

sus/jg/tgj/jpm Modificado el ( miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014 )

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May Day may be a defining moment. I assume that the left in ukraine knows very well what may day means, perhaps more so than a number of countries. I wonder if this coincides with a puted military movements in kiev which did or did not happen. The left were kicked out of maidan by the fascists. It was not wise to carry the flag then. Socialist and lgbt activists were very wary of their safety in that climate. Is this now the real left? What will the fascists do? Perhaps most important : what will 'the left' in kiev have to say today of all days.

KIEV, May 01. /ITAR-TASS/. Several thousand people have gathered for the May Day demonstration in the centre of Kiev. A march staged by the Justice bloc of left forces started from the Arsenalnaya metro station down Grushevskaya Street to the Verkhovna Rada building and Europe Square, where a public meeting will be held. The march’s promoters told ITAR-TASS “Ukrainian presidential candidates don’t take part” in it.

The public meeting participants will adopt a package of demands consisting of seven political and seven economic paragraphs to the parliament-appointed Ukraine’s interim President and Verkhovna Rada Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov and parliament-appointed Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The demands of the meeting participants include an immediate constitutional reform, early elections to the Verkhovna Rada and local councils, as well as a nationwide Ukrainian referendum on determining the Russian language’s status and on Ukraine’s development vector.

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ROSTOV-ON-DON, May 01. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian border guards have beaten up two Russians and a Belarusian on the border with Russia in the Rostov region, spokesperson for the region’s FSB (Federal Security Service) border guard department Vasily Malayev told ITAR-TASS.

According to him, the incident took place at the Ukrainian border checkpoint Dolzhansky (called Novoshakhtinsk on the Russian side).

How the travelers were beaten

A Russian citizen was going to Luhansk to visit his girlfriend. A friend accompanied him. At the railway station, they met a citizen of Belarus who was returning home from Sochi. He planned to travel home using a short route — in transit through Ukraine. They hired a taxicab for three.

“These citizens said that after they crossed the Ukrainian border, a group of border guards suddenly appeared, struck them down to the ground in a puddle and started to beat them at gunpoint. They saw that the Belarusian citizen had climbing gear that they took to be subversive group equipment,” Malayev said.

According to him, the injured persons said that the Ukrainian border guards used force against them during interrogation.

“These people were handed deportation acts with the motivation that they failed to confirm their place of stay. Russian border guards provided them all the needed assistance and helped to get to Rostov. The travelers had to change their routes. The entry into Ukraine has been banned to all of them for three years,” the official added.

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May Day may be a defining moment. I assume that the left in ukraine knows very well what may day means, perhaps more so than a number of countries. I wonder if this coincides with a puted military movements in kiev which did or did not happen. The left were kicked out of maidan by the fascists. It was not wise to carry the flag then. Socialist and lgbt activists were very wary of their safety in that climate. Is this now the real left? What will the fascists do? Perhaps most important : what will 'the left' in kiev have to say today of all days.

KIEV, May 01. /ITAR-TASS/. Several thousand people have gathered for the May Day demonstration in the centre of Kiev. A march staged by the Justice bloc of left forces started from the Arsenalnaya metro station down Grushevskaya Street to the Verkhovna Rada building and Europe Square, where a public meeting will be held. The march’s promoters told ITAR-TASS “Ukrainian presidential candidates don’t take part” in it.

The public meeting participants will adopt a package of demands consisting of seven political and seven economic paragraphs to the parliament-appointed Ukraine’s interim President and Verkhovna Rada Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov and parliament-appointed Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The demands of the meeting participants include an immediate constitutional reform, early elections to the Verkhovna Rada and local councils, as well as a nationwide Ukrainian referendum on determining the Russian language’s status and on Ukraine’s development vector.

A bit further on this as there appears to be a clash brewing in jonkoping, sweden, right now, between the large traditional workers march and a small gang of fascists. How it turns out remains to be seen. This is a big year in sweden as it looks like maybe the left will be back in power this year. http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/live/1/ live feed.

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people are lying down on the street to stop a nazi march. Police are separating the two camps. "no nazis on our streets" seems the most common slogan shouted.

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Thousands of people are blocking the streets and the police have formed a corridor with horses, foot police and police vans and are herding the nazis out and keeping the opponents at bay. Fire crackers, fingers, and slogans are being slung but generally the tension appear to be receding.

Large may day marches are being held throughout the country.

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back in ukraine

12:39 GMT:

Protesters in Donetsk threw stones at the prosecutor’s office in an attempt to storm the building. Those inside the building responded with stun grenades and tear gas.

#BREAKING: Clashes are happening now in #Donetsk between activists and security forces guarding the building. pic.twitter.com/8g3oaQidcV

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 1, 2014
12:20 GMT:

Self-defense forces in Slavyansk have released two of the three detained Ukrainian intelligence officers, Interfax reports. The officers have signed a deal not to participate in the military operations in Ukraine’s east, and have been released in exchange for detained self-defense soldiers.

12:12 GMT:

Activists and police in Donetsk have agreed upon joint efforts in guarding checkpoints leading to the city. Police have also promised to release the protesters detained a day earlier.

Anti-government protesters are now on their way to the Prosecutor’s Office.

Massive crowd in Donetsk. 'Referendum! Russia! Putin!' pic.twitter.com/sgR1AjagiJ

— Olaf Koens (@obk) May 1, 2014
11:55 GMT:

Several thousand people have gathered in Kharkov’s city center for a pro-federalization meeting, Gazeta.ru reports. Two thousand police officers are providing security at the event.

Activists are demanding the release of their fellow protesters from prisons, renewal of Russian TV broadcasts, and cancellation of the military operation in eastern Ukraine.

11:28 GMT:

#Donetsk: #Donbass flag raised over the Police building. pic.twitter.com/ZQuPost2uK

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 1, 2014
11:16 GMT:

RT’s Paula Slier, currently in Donetsk, says more than a thousand people have gathered outside the local police building. Activists want to raise the Donbass flag over it and people are chanting "Taruta out." Taruta was appointed governor of the Donetsk region by the coup-imposed government in Kiev.

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