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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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on air :


Tear gas was used and explosions heard in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk as a crowd of anti-government activists attempted to storm the Prosecutor’s Office. The clashes ensued after a tense standoff that had lasted hours.

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The police handed their shields and helmets to the demonstrators who armed them selves with them while a police officer was strolling around talking on a radio. The (disarmed) police then were led out in line.

There is still a standoff. Ordinary men and women. There's no translation

Ooops they're in, through a fence around back

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flag's raised. some tense moments. crowds cheering and chanting. speeches.

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a strong theme is no to fascism ( "nyet nazism or fascism")in speeches and loud united chanting.

Forget about the wests fascist profit inspired idiotic apologists, this is the life the people in ukraine are living.

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the junta attacks

Friday, May 2
04:34 GMT:

Amateur footage from a resident in Slavansk shows a plume of smoke rising from the city on Friday morning.

04:30 GMT:

Assaults been going on for nearly two hours #Slavyansk - started about five am local time

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 2, 2014
02:38 GMT:

Air raid sirens went off for a few minutes in Slavyansk and gunshots were heard, RIA Novosti reports, adding that the area is calm at the moment. There are reports of helicopters flying around the town. This comes amid reports that the Ukrainian army may begin a crackdown against pro-autonomy activists in the east of the country on Friday.

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Militiaman: сombat helicopters above Slavyansk, east Ukrainian city blocked
May 02, 8:29 UTC+4

SLAVYANSK, May 02. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian Air Force combat helicopters are in the sky above the east Ukrainian city of Slavyansk, the city is fully blocked, a representative of the militia said Friday.

He told Itar-Tass that he has no confirmed information on those injured or killed.

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The Ukrainian army has reportedly begun a special operation against pro-autonomy activists in the eastern town of Slavyansk. The city is now blocked by the Ukrainian military, with 20 helicopters used to crack down on self-defense forces.

A third helicopter has been shot down by self-defense forces, according to reports. Earlier, two helicopters were reportedly shot down, with one pilot dead and another one captured, RIA Novosti news agency reported.

The Slavyansk self-defense leader also said that helicopters are shooting down at the city with missiles, but that there have been no reports of damage, Interfax reported.

Slavyansk self-defense forces told RIA Novosti that the Ukrainian military has attacked several positions.

The attack is targeting a few checkpoints at the same time. A few armored vehicles and airborne combat vehicles arrived and airborne troops descended from the helicopters and attacked the checkpoints. Some forces were dropped off around the train station, where we didn’t have anyone,” RIA Novosti quoted the press secretary of the Slavyansk self-defense units as saying.

Pro-federalization units prepared sacks with sand. The atmosphere is tense, people are ready to fight.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 2, 2014

Early Friday morning, a city siren – which is designed to warn local residents of a Ukrainian military attack – went off and shots were heard. A few minutes later, the siren stopped and everything calmed down, according to reports.

A few of the activists were injured during the attack, Interfax cited the city’s self-defense unit as saying.

A commander at one of the checkpoints told RIA Novosti that the Ukrainian army has taken control of one of the roadblocks on the outskirts of Slavyansk, as well as the city’s TV broadcasting center. The Ukrainian army is putting up artillery around the captured TV station in Slavyansk, a city administration spokesman said, as cited by RIA Novosti.

A police station was reportedly seized, while the city center remains quiet, RT’s Paula Slier reported from Ukraine. Several armored vehicles have been seen outside Slavyansk, she added.

Thick smoke was spotted on the outskirts of the city, where the roadblocks are located.

A video posted on YouTube reportedly shows the start of the special operation in Slavyansk:

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05:12 GMT:

Reports emerge that one pro-federalization activist was killed and one injured.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 2, 2014
05:07 GMT:

There’s a temporary ceasefire in Slavyansk, according to self-defense forces, cited by Interfax.

05:02 GMT:

Slavyansk is completely surrounded by Ukrainian troops, the leader of the self-defense forces, Igor Strelkov, said at a briefing, according to RIA Novosti.

We estimate there are around 20 helicopters hovering above the city,” he added.

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06:29 GMT:

A third Ukrainian helicopter, a Mil Mi-24, was downed at a checkpoint in the eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk, Rossiya-24 TV reports, adding that the helicopter “literally exploded in the air.”

06:20 GMT:

RT’s Paula Slier says the situation is tense in Kramatorsk with local self-defense forces preparing for an attack.

Truck closing off road at # Kramatorsk - self defence guys wontvlet us in further pic.twitter.com/goqcAX24X0

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 2, 2014
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Kiev’s ‘punitive op’ in E. Ukraine irreparably severs Geneva accord – Kremlin


ok, that's another important point reached. The chaos that the junta in kiev is spreading amongst the ukrainian population, including the introduction of conscription in ukraine (for 18-25 males), clearly shows that kiev never had any intention of listening to the citizens of ukraine. Anyone who disagrees with the juntas proclamations or actions is in danger now. (well, always was so but now it is clear.)

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By unleashing a ‘punitive operation’ in eastern Ukraine, Kiev has destroyed the last vestige of hope for implementing the Geneva agreement on de-escalating the Ukrainian crisis, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"While Russia is making efforts to de-escalate and resolve the conflict, the Kiev regime has chosen military aviation strikes on peaceful residential areas and started a punitive operation, literally destroying the last hope for the viability of the Geneva accords,” Peskov said.

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09:52 GMT:

A helicopter carrying militants from the Right Sector nationalist movement has landed on the outskirts of Slavyansk, RIA Novosti reports.

09:42 GMT:

Ukrainian coup-imposed Interior Minister Arsen Avakov has made demands on the self-defense forces in southeastern Ukraine, urging the protesters to lay down their arms, free all detainees and leave administrative buildings, according to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry press service.

“We are ready to negotiate with the protesters and their representatives,” Avakov declared, threatening “inevitable retribution” on those who won’t surrender.

09:40 GMT:

Despite a warning from Ukraine Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, urging people in Slavyansk and Kramatorsk to stay indoors during the military operation, a crowd has gathered in the center of Slavyansk, with people demanding the operation stop, as shown in this video.


We ask to stop these crimes against us, against our southeast,” a woman in the video says. “How long will we sit and tremble, being afraid to go out? Our children, our elderly citizens… What have they driven the elderly to? They’ve seen war. Now they are ready to take their crutches and go protect their children. This is the real crime. The whole world is watching and no one can help us.”

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KIEV, May 02 ./ITAR-TASS/. The Ukrainian Central Election Commission (CEC) has cancelled registration of two candidates, namely lawmaker of the country’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, Olhg Tsariov and former Minister of Social Policy Natalia Korolevskaya for presidential elections in the country on Friday, the country’s CEC press service reported.

The CEC has satisfied requests to this effect which these presidential candidates had made on May 1.

After registration of Tsariov and Korolevskaya at early presidential elections due on May 25 was cancelled 21 candidates will run in elections.

On April 29, Tsariov said that he withdrew his candidacy from presidential race. “I believed and believe that while self-appointed central Kiev authorities work for a split in the country, regions can take real steps to preserve Ukraine. Talking and coming to agreement with each other and avoiding puppet authorities in Kiev they will attain a larger agreement. But Kiev authorities stripped me of this opportunity in violation of all democratic standards,” the lawmaker noted.

“I decided to withdraw my candidacy, because the status of candidate is ineffective in such conditions,” Tsariov stated.

“We will seek for other information channels and possibilities to inform residents in central and western Ukraine about our thoughts and positions. I appeal to all other candidates, including Pyotro Simonenko, Mikhail Dobkin, Sergey Tigipko, Rinat Kuzmin and other candidates basic electorate of which live in southeast of the country to withdraw from presidential race. Elections which are held amid a civil war should be boycotted,” Tsariov added.

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SLOVIANSK, May 02. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian army helicopter gunships delivered strikes at massive gatherings of civilians in the eastern Ukrainian city of Sloviansk, a city resident said on Friday.

“Helicopter gunships have made several attack runs and delivered strikes,” the eyewitness said.

Sloviansk people’s mayor Vyacheslav Ponomarev has made a video address to local residents earlier in the day asking children, women and pensioners not to leave their homes and asked men to “give all their aid” to policemen.

“Our city was attacked, our city is being stormed, we suffer some losses,” Ponomarev said, adding that “We will protect our city, we will win.”

Ponomarev’s address to Sloviansk residents was delivered shortly after local residents started making a live shield on the roads leading to the city and near checkpoints to prevent Ukrainian law enforcement columns from entering the city.

Ponomarev also noted that one person was killed and another one was wounded in the military strikes on the city.

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idiotic comment from junta spokesperson (BBC) :

"acting President Turchynov said the fight against rebel forces was "greatly complicated" by the fact that the conflict in eastern Ukraine was taking place in population centres."

"Many pro-Russia rebels* have been killed, injured and arrested in the Ukrainian government offensive in the eastern city of Sloviansk, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov has said."

Odessa has seen it's Trade Union Building turned into a crematorium by pro junta mob : 38+ dead, burnt alive, smoke inhalations, falls..

Yet people keep fighting. This seems to puzzle 'leaders' in the 'west'.

*ukrainian federalists

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