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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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RT :

"Deputy of the regional council and mayoral candidate Aleksey Albu was brutally beaten by Right Sector radicals after he escaped the burning Trade Unions House in Odessa.

“Militants from the Right Sector arrived from Kharkov to Odessa today. They attacked the center of the city first and then they moved on to the anti-Kiev protesters camp,” Albu told RT via telephone while in the hospital. “They attacked the camp with about 200 people there – 100 of whom were women and men over 50 and 60 years of age – with Molotov cocktails.”

“The people at the camp then barricaded themselves inside the Trade Unions House,” Albu said.

The Right Sector radicals then surrounded the building and “began throwing stun grenades and tear gas into the building...I was there inside the building and took part in the defense. We tried to defend ourselves as much as we could,” he added.

“When we were finally able to jump out of the window from the second floor, we were met by the Right Sector radicals. They beat us with their feet using bats and chains. My friend got an open head injury. I received a wound six centimeters long and am now in a hospital waiting to get stitches,” Albu stated.

“We were all covered in blood, our legs were beaten by bats,” he said.

He added that his injuries were minor, considering the situation."

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One Slavyansk defender killed, more than ten wounded
May 03, 5:14 UTC+4

SLAVYANSK, May 3 (Itar-Tass) - One was killed and more than ten people were wounded when fire was opened on the building of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) in Slavyansk, Donbass (Donetsk region) militiamen said.

The SBU building, occupied by the headquarters of self defence forces, was under sniper fire for hours on Friday, an Itar-Tass correspondent reported from the site.

One defender was killed as a result of the punitive operation conducted in Slavyansk. Rumours that "people's mayor" Vyacheslav Ponomaryov was wounded and died were not confirmed. At the same time, some wounded people were in very grave conditions.

It was quiet in the city on the night. No shots were heard. Defenders remained on alert, expecting a new assault and shooting to begin on Saturday morning, at about 05:00 Moscow time.


The Empires warped solution : militarise europe more and punish russia more.

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RT :

“Obama is meddling with war everywhere. America long ago stopped being a ‘guarantor of peace’ in the world. They call themselves peacekeepers, but show me just one country where the US has brought peace and prosperity. Syria, Libya, Egypt, revolutions are being organized everywhere. The American presidents have for a long time been bringing only death,” a woman told Phillips on camera in an emotional statement.

Poor lady in car with us crying - says cant bekieve whats happening #Slaviansk

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 2, 2014

The protesters frequently called on world leaders to come to Slavyansk and see for themselves what sort of “terrorists” or “separatists” they are.

#Slavyansk locals rise up against #Kiev attack. Not a single "Russian insurgent" on sight. pic.twitter.com/WJlvPg56ZZ via @Pauljaine

— Игорь Леонтьев (@leontev84) May 2, 2014

The others, standing on the barricades with the city’s self-defense, said they are determined to fight for Slavyansk to the last.

“What has come down on us, this is not life. I am prepared that I may be killed, but I am sure that together we will defend our native city to the last,” an activist told RIA Novosti.

It looks like a full-blown war zone just outside of #Slavyansk, #Ukraine via @NOVORUSSIA2014. #Славянск pic.twitter.com/B2j8J5nSRP

— Nina Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) May 2, 2014

“We want neither nationalists, nor oligarchs here. All those bandits and thieves – let them bypass our region… My grandfather fought his way to Berlin, and I cannot betray him, betray what he was fighting for,” another activist said.

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‘Fascists! Off to Kiev!’: Outraged Kramatorsk locals chase off Ukrainian military (VIDEO)
Published time: May 03, 2014 19:09

A screenshot from YouTube video / user LIXWIN1945

Residents of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk have lashed out at troops entering the city’s streets with outrage and insults. The soldiers were supposed to be "liberating the people from pro-Russian terrorists,” according to the Kiev government.

The ongoing military crackdown on anti-government activists in eastern Ukraine has been portrayed as a noble quest of freeing the locals “kept hostage” by the so-called “terrorists” and “separatists.” Coup-imposed Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov recently branded the campaign “an anti-terrorist operation against the sabotage group of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Russian Federation” on his Facebook page.

Curiously, however, eastern Ukrainians “liberated” by the Kiev troops have not at all been grateful for the armored vehicles roaming through their cities and military men with and without insignia shooting at supporters of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Republic. Dozens of armed self-defense activists and unarmed civilians supporting them have reportedly been injured or killed since the start of the military operation in the Donetsk Region, where many people have openly rallied in favor of a referendum on autonomy from Kiev.

In the city of Kramatorsk, which for weeks has been an active stronghold of anti-government sentiments, locals took to the streets after Ukrainian troops arrived on APCs and forced self-defense troops to a small cluster in the central square.

Defiant of the armed vehicles and sniper rifles pointed at them, residents were filmed approaching the troops to have their say.

“Fascists! Fascists!” the locals chanted, casting insults on the troops and the Kiev government. Kiev authorities are commonly referred to as the “fascist junta” in the east of the country, because of their takeover of power in February and the government's alliance with nationalists – including the notorious Right Sector radical group.

“What kind of law and order are you bringing here?! We are the f*****g residents of the Donetsk Region, not you!” one man shouted. Many of the soldiers interviewed by RT stringer Graham Phillips revealed they had come from western Ukrainian regions, including Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk. Kiev has been apparently relying on regional and ethnic differences in Ukraine while launching the military action, as a large part of eastern Ukrainian armed forces and police have been unwilling to fire at our own people.”

The crowd in Kramatorsk grew even angrier as one of the Ukrainian APCs rammed a road sign, bringing it down.

“Off to your Kiev! You are not welcome here! Get out! It is our land!” residents shouted.

The troops could then be seen suddenly mounting the APCs and leaving the area. The crowd rushed to chase them, shouting “Donbass! Donbass! Glory to Donbass!”.

The historical Russian region, which spans through several modern eastern Ukrainian regions and is commonly associated with its mining industry and metallurgy, Donbass became part of the Ukrainian SSR at the beginning of the Soviet era, but has nevertheless retained a strong local identity.

According to a common stereotype, most residents of the strongly-industrial region believe they are the real breadwinners of Ukraine, “feeding” the western part of the country. The notion is ridiculed by western Ukrainians, some of whom call residents of Donetsk Region “ignorant” and “brainwashed” people.

Now many of the locals are rejecting the rule of the coup-imposed Kiev government, which is dominated by parties relying on popular support in western and, to a lesser extent, central Ukraine. The fact that much of the eastern population is Russian-speaking and has cultural and family ties with Russia has been used for delegitimizing the popular protests as “pro-Russian insurgency” in Ukrainian and Western media. However, despite accusations of “separatism,” most people protesting in eastern Ukraine have been preaching for the federalization of the country and for an autonomous rule – not for joining Russia.


A woman holds a sign outside town administration building in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine. The sign reads "The Kiev junta carries out the U.S. scenario". (Reuters / Marko Djurica)

At least six people have been killed and 15 injured since the start of the Kiev military operation in Kramatorsk on Friday, according to Donetsk Regional Administration. The local self-defense unit contradicts the official count, saying that 10 people were killed in fighting overnight and at least two others were shot by government snipers during street battles on Saturday.

Edited by John Dolva
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Sunday, May 4

00:59 GMT:

The Republic of Crimea is observing three days of mourning over the dozens of people killed in Friday's violent events across Ukraine's southeast. The republic’s acting head, Sergey Aksyonov, declared May 3-5 as days of mourning, asking local authorities to cancel all festivities and entertainment programs dedicated to May 1 celebrations. All flags across the republic were lowered to half-mast.

00:04 GMT:

Anti-Kiev forces have seized a recruitment office in the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk, local news website Vostochny Variant reports. It added that recruiters have been taken out of the building. This comes after reports that at least one pro-autonomy activist died in clashes outside the building between activists and security forces. Kiev authorities had earlier claimed the attack was repelled.

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Casualty toll climbs in Ukraine’s southeast as bloody clashes continue

May 04, 5:52 UTC+4

In a separate development of events, tanks and military armored vehicles “were shooting at peaceful people”

© ITAR-TASS/Valery Matytsin

MOSCOW, May 04. /ITAR-TASS/. At least one man was killed and two more wounded in Ukraine’s eastern city of Lugansk after soldiers opened fire on pro-federalization activists, Russia’s Rossiya-24 television channel reported on early Sunday.

According to the television channel, crowds of pro-federalization activists gathered to block a military enlistment office and several military bases in three districts of the city in a protest following reports that additional military forces had arrived in Lugansk from other regions of Ukraine.

“Soldiers decided that protesters intended to attack the military enlistment office and opened fire on them,” Rossiya-24 reported.

However, local on-line daily Vostochny Variant reported that protesters seized the military enlistment office in Luhansk and all military servicemen were forced to leave the building.

In a separate development of events, tanks and military armored vehicles “were shooting at peaceful people” after the military hardware entered the eastern city of Konstantinovka in the Donetsk Region, according an activist from the local self-defense forces.

Moreover, he said that “paratroopers descended from helicopters near a television tower and immediately opened fire.”

“There are casualties, there are wounded, but the figures are unknown,” he was quoted by Rossiya-24 as saying.

According to eyewitness reports, combat tanks also entered Kramatorsk, another city in the Donetsk Region. Reports on combat clashes also come from the region’s town of Druzhkovka and the villages of Ivanovka and Pchyolkino. According to various reports, between six and 10 people were killed.

Late on Saturday night military also launched an attack on the municipal authorities building in the city of Mariupol, also located in the Donetsk Region.

On Friday, Ukraine witnessed the bloodiest violence since the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovich in February with dozens of lives claimed in armed clashes.

The highest death toll took place in the southern city of Odessa. A total of 46 people were killed and over 200 wounded after radicals attacked pro-federalization activists and then set on fire Odessa’s Trade Union House with activists inside, burning them alive.

Massive protests against the new Ukrainian authorities, who were propelled to power in Kiev amid riots during a coup in Ukraine in February, erupted in Ukraine’s Russian-speaking southeastern regions in March after Crimea's incorporation by Russia. Demonstrators, who are demanding referendums on the country’s federalization, seized some government buildings.

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Sunday, May 4

10:22 GMT:

The situation in Lugansk remains calms, the self-defense have built checkpoints at the entrances to the city. No public gatherings or uniformed people have been noticed in the city, Interfax reported.

09:02 GMT:

Russians are continuing to take flowers to the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow; on many bouquets you can read the inscription “Turchinov is a killer.”

A rally is going on in front of the embassy, many people are crying. Policemen near the embassy are trying to calm things down.

Meanwhile, in the Moldavian capital, Kishinyov, people also laying flowers at the embassy in commemoration of the victims.


A woman lays flowers by the fence of the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow on May 3, 2014, in honour of people killed during clashes in Odessa. (AFP Photo)

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The Ukrainian military has started an operation against pro-autonomy activists in the city of Mariupol, southeastern Ukraine, as well as the town of Konstantinovka, according to local self-defense activists.

The troops have moved into Mariupol and have surrounded an administrative building held by anti-government protesters. The protesters have set up barricades and are burning tires.

There are a few hundred activists inside the building. They told RT that the army is warning them that if they do not leave the building in the coming minutes, they will be fired at and the building will be seized.

“I am in the center of the city, there are a lot of ambulances outside the local administration building, gunfire is being heard, armored vehicles have entered the city and are moving towards the center,” witness Tatyana told RT by phone. “People are going there as well, to prevent the soldiers from shooting. We are hoping they won’t shoot at civilians, though from what we’ve seen before, we are not sure anymore.”

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MOSCOW, May 04 /ITAR-TASS/. The West has actually imposed an information blockade on tragic events taking place in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.

“While Ukrainian punitive squads are carrying out their operations in east Ukraine, conducting sweeps in some settlements and blocking some others, the West has actually imposed an information blockade on tragic events taking place in that country,” the ministry said, adding that “It is quite illustrative that even in the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) no one is aware that the blood is being shed in Ukraine and troops are shooting at unarmed people.

Russia demands that the relevant agencies of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe give an unbiased assessments to the development picking pace in Ukraine, ministry said.


There was a brief article in aftonbladet a day or so ago which did express a concern by the osce (osse in swedish) about this very matter.

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10:22 GMT:

The situation in Lugansk remains calms, the self-defense have built checkpoints at the entrances to the city.

11:25 GMT:

Barricades being erected around the Security Service building in Donetsk.

12:16 GMT:

In Slavyansk, shooting has been heard on the outskirts of the city near the railway station, which is in the control of armed men loyal to Kiev, RIA Novosti reports. There has not been any immediate confirmation from the local self-defense, but a number of Slavyansk militiamen were reportedly seen moving in the direction of the station.

12:33 GMT:

In Odessa, a crowd of people is moving towards the local police headquarters, while others continue to rally in front of the burnt out Trade Union House.

12:35 GMT:

People in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov are rallying in memory of victims of the Odessa May-2 massacre, demanding those responsible for the death of more than 40 people there to be brought to justice. About 500 people have so far joined the rally, despite the city administration banning requests to hold it. The local police, however, are not hindering the protest.

13:01 GMT:

Around 100 people rallying in central Odessa have blocked the local Interior Ministry department in protest against the detention of anti-government activists following the tragic events of May 2. The protesters are trying to prevent the police from sending the detained, which reportedly include dozens of survivors of the Trade Union House fire, to the regional court building.

14:33 GMT:

Several anti-government activists detained by police in the south Ukrainian city of Odessa have been released after an angry crowd of locals blocked the Interior Ministry building. Those released reportedly included survivors from the deadly May-2 fire.

15:06 GMT:

Miners in the town of Krasny Luch, in the Lugansk region of eastern Ukraine, have joined self-defense activists at checkpoints in an effort to prevent National Guard troops from getting into the area.

Today, mineworkers from seven Krasny Luch mines came to checkpoints instead of work,” Vladimir Serdyukov from self-defense HQ told Interfax, adding that all miners in the Donets Basin will support the move.

15:29 GMT:

Three unidentified people shot at anti-Maidan activists who were manning barricades near the seized building of the security service (SBU) department in the city of Lugansk, eastern Ukraine.

17:12 GMT:

The US ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, has said that his country does not have evidence linking Russia to the tragic events in Odessa.

17:56 GMT:

After the Odessa massacre, big change in atmosphere.To get into Sloviansk you have to drive over a Ukrainian flag now pic.twitter.com/nDAJEPE1fR

— GrahamWPhillips (@GrahamWP_UK) May 4, 2014

17:30 GMT:

Authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic have decided to form a regional regiment, the commissioner of the social-patriotic Eastern Front movement, Nikolay Solntsev, told RIA Novosti.

19:19 GMT:

Odessa’s new police chief, Ivan Katerinchuk, has addressed a crowd of Right Sector activists outraged at the earlier freeing of anti-government activists by the local police, RT’s Irina Galushko reports from the scene.

Greeting the radicals with “Glory to heroes!,” Katerinchuk went on to tell the crowd that “separatism is illegal, unlawful, and so is its propaganda,” Galushko tweets.

A crowd of masked Right Sector members and supporters have gathered at the regional police precinct to “get familiar” with the new chief. Katerinchuk, who is calling on the radical group to be “helpful and diligent,” is rumored to have been instrumental in Friday's clashes in Odessa, according to Galushko.

new police chief speaks in ukrainian, says he's been on #Maidan; hopes the #RightSector will be helpful and diligent #Odessa

— Irina Galushko (@IrinaGalushkoRT) May 4, 2014

18:40 GMT:

#Yatsenyuk on local TV, in russian: dialogue is a must, goes on to lecture on unity as a must #odessa

— Irina Galushko (@IrinaGalushkoRT) May 4, 2014

22:35 GMT:

Around 800 anti-fascists protested in Berlin

22:57 GMT:

The mayor of Donetsk, Aleksandr Lukyanchenko, has resigned and handed over authority to the pro-autonomy activists, RIA Novosti reports, citing the press service of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk. “The power is being transferred into people’s hands, that’s why the keys [to the city council] were handed over. Peaceful people came and asked him [the mayor] to resign and he did so. Everything was peaceful,” the press service said.

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DONETSK, May 05, 5:09 /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine's federalization supporters occupied the city executive committee in the Leninsky District of Donetsk on Sunday, Vitaly Ivanov, an official of the press service of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), told Itar-Tass.

"The administration chief came out of the building and told protesters that he was ready for a constructive dialogue with volunteer corps members and they, without storming the building, posted guards and installed a pass-checking system," Vitaly Ivanov pointed out. According to Ivanov, the administration chief had arrived there expressly for conversing with volunteer corps members.

Protesters also occupied the military prosecutor's office building here on Sunday. About 2,000 demonstrators demanded that criminal proceedings be instituted against members of the National Guard and the Security Service of Ukraine for the use of firearms against civilians.

"Prosecutors fled the building of the prosecutor's office but later on a prosecutor on duty returned to the building and stated that he agrees to initiate actions for crimes committed by the military," protesters told Itar-Tass.

Ukraine's military move towards Donetsk

Meanwhile, Ukraine's military move in the direction of Donetsk. In Konstantinovka they fired at a checkpoint on Sunday, activists of the DPR told Itar-Tass.

"The armoured vehicles enterrd the city from the direction of Druzhkovkas. APCs were also spotted in the area of Novosyolovka and snipers were detected near the Konstantinovka-based television tower," volunteer corps members pointed out.

Figthing is under way in Chervony District and bursts of fire are heard, eye-witnesses say. "The whole of Konstantinovka is in flames. Four National Guard APCs are already heading for Donetsk," DPR press service spokesman Alexander Maltsev told Itar-Tass by telephone.

Alarm is being struck in the churches of Konstantinovka and sirens are wailing in the city. According to preliminary data, the gunned down checkpoint was manned by unarmed civilians.

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MOSCOW, May 05. /ITAR-TASS/. Members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (PCRF) are preparing a petitions to the European Court on Human Rights (ECHR). The petition demands calling to account the Ukrainian authorities and estimating their guilt for the mass killing of citizens in Odessa and the death of civilians in other Ukrainian cities, Georgy Fyodorov, Member of the Public Chamber, told the newspaper Izvestia.

"We are gathering information and preparing to file a suit against Ukraine with the Human Rights Council to the ECHR," he emphasized.

Izvestia recalls, "On May 2, during street clashes with nationalists, Odessa anti-Maidan activists found themselves shut inside the House of Trade Unions. Right-Sector radicals and their supporters set the building on fire and blocked exits from it, as a result of which people inside the building could not get out of the burning building: 46 people died and more than 200 sustained burns and injuries. Those who managed to get out of the burning building were done away with by radicals who staged the arson".

Georgy Fyodorov, president of the Center for Social and Political Studies 'Aspekt'" (aspect) and Member of the Public Chamber, believes that the Kiev authorities seek to justify their crimes against their own people.

"They need to lay the blame at somebody else's door and tell the Europeans that mythical provocateurs from Russia are guilty of everything," he said.

The filing of a suit with the ECHR is being initiated by both the Public Chamber members and Internet users. In the Internet, a group of citizens has already launched a mass campaign for the collection of signatures to the petition to the European Court. The activists are calling on the ECHR to call Ukraine's authorities to account for crimes against their own people.

The text of the petition reads as follows: "As of now, the rights of a large proportion of citizens in the State of Ukraine are not upheld by anyone inside that state! People are kidnapped and taken away to an unknown destination without any chages brought against them. They are robbed and killed with impunity. Agencies that are responsible for the maintenance of law and order keep inactive. The self-styled government is stirring up and contributes to fomenting interethnic hatred and genocide against part of its own people!"

The petition has been already signed by about 2,000 citizens, among them people of Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Greece, Germany, and other countries.

MOSCOW, May 05 /ITAR-TASS/. Alexei Pushkov, Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma lower house of the Russian parliament, believes that the Kiev authorities are ruining the unity of the country.

"Through justification of arson attacks, troop operations, and the killings of Russians in Ukraine, the Kiev-based authorities are destroying the foundations of the existence of a united country," he wrote in his post in Twitter on Monday.

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05:18 GMT:

The Ukrainian army reportedly withdrew its forces to the outskirts of protester-held Kramatorsk, following an offensive that left seven activists dead. Local militia members are preparing to make a stand for the city, RT’s Paula Slier reports from the scene.

RT :

US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt said on Sunday that his country does not have evidence linking Russia to the tragic events in Odessa.

“We don't have evidence of the Russian role in what – the tragedy that transpired on Friday. Prime Minister Yatsenyuk used some very strong words today, talking about the role that he believes Russia played,” Pyatt said in a telephone interview with CNN. “And this is something that we hope an impartial and systematic investigation will be able to get to the bottom of very quickly.”

However, the diplomat added that “we certainly believe that Russia is exercising influence across eastern Ukraine.”

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KIEV, May 05. /ITAR-TASS/. The Ukrainian Interior Ministry has dispatched additional special forces to Ukrainian Black Sea port city of Odessa. A special unit of Kiev’s National Guard has already arrived to the city, the ministry’s press service said.

The press service cited parliament-appointed interim Interior Minister Arsen Avakov as saying that Odessa volunteers allegedly headed the special force.

This is a special force Kiev-1 formed in the Ukrainian capital of volunteers in late April to patrol the city. It was reported then that this special unit can be distinguished for their black uniform and they are armed.

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