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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Kiev troops killed, dozens injured on both sides as military op continues

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11:49 GMT:

Four Ukrainian troops have been killed and around 30 injured in fighting in Slavyansk since Monday morning, Ukrainian Interior Ministry reports. The number of people killed on the side of the city’s self-defense is unclear, but unconfirmed reports suggest at least 20 people in total have been killed in clashes.

Some 11 recently injured people are being treated in hospitals in Slavyansk, while a civilian woman was reportedly shot dead by a Ukrainian army sniper while on her balcony, RT's Paula Slier reports.

Shops closed, streets deserted in central Sloviansk as fighting reported as waging on outside of city now. pic.twitter.com/lLyvy43RrP

— GrahamWPhillips (@GrahamWP_UK) May 5, 2014

#Slavyansk: Reports suggest at least 20 ppl are dead following the military operation this morning. Fatalities come from both sides.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 5, 2014

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It's beginning to look like the kiev junta is blockading parts of ukraine. Medicine, food, banking, transport and information are all affected. There are reports of fascist militias roaming eastern ukraine as part of the juntas terror campaign. The western backers of the junta continue to glibly ignore the realities.

Nevertheless, ordinary peoples resistance to this terror op grows.


KIEV, May 05. /ITAR-TASS/. “A civil war provoked by the Kiev authorities” responsible for the “death of dozens of people” is raging in Ukraine, the Luhansk Regional Council said in a statement on Monday, May 5.

Half of the country has been classified as law offenders and terrorists only because people see the future of their own country differently than the politicians who have come to power,” the statement said. “Instead of talking to them, clearing up positions and finding compromises, Kiev has started not a counter-terrorism but a terrorist operation against millions of people. This first army operation in the contemporary history of Europe against fellow citizens which uses both regular army units and paramilitary groups is a blatant act of terror against the people,” the document said.

The authors of the document stressed that “the authorities are provoking and organizing confrontation between people in the south-east of the country and using political repressions against dissidents." "Mass arrests of civil activists in the Kharkiv Region, the bloodbath in Odessa where ultras and neo-Nazis were sent, the hysterical euphoria of jingoists over the death of peaceful people in Odessa’s Trade Union House indicate that the incumbent authorities have excluded from their political arsenal all civilized and democratic mechanisms for resolving contradictions. The killing of civil activists in Odessa has become the last redline in settling the conflict peacefully. Ukraine may be facing its last choice between stopping the violence and letting it go out of control. Any new forceful actions on the part of the central authorities in the rebellious territories will inevitably lead to the paralysis and collapse of Ukrainian statehood," the statement said.

Members of the Luhansk Regional Council urged the Kiev authorities to immediately stop all punitive operations, pull back the troops to their bases, disarm paramilitary groups, return to the February 21 agreement signed by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and the opposition in the presence of foreign diplomats, pass a law on amnesty for all protesters in south-eastern Ukraine, disarm all illegal far-right groups, primarily the Right Sector, start constitutional reform, make Russian a second official language, and give the local authorities broader powers.

Only then “will it be possible to begin preparations for presidential elections which would be senseless and irresponsible now given the present circumstances”.

The authors of the statement urged the European Union, US and Russian leaders to demand that Kiev “immediately begin negotiations with representatives of south-eastern Ukraine, including insurgents, and continue international negotiations on Ukraine”.

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RT :

Tuesday, May 6
00:23 GMT:

Members of two Donetsk coal mines have gone on strike, assembling in the center of the city to protest against the authorities in Kiev, Itar-tass reports.

South Donbass No. 1 and No. 3 mines in the city of Ugledar, Donetsk region have partially seized production and are now demanding that Kiev's military units end assaults on people in the east of the country.

Some miners have expressed their desire to join the self-defense squads to help protect Ukraine's industrial region. Others are volunteering to help organize this week's referendum.

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ukraines junta has slaughtered 30 people in sloviansk

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07:40 GMT:

Anti-government protesters have seized the city hall in Debaltsevo, a city in the eastern part of the Donetsk region, local media reported. The city is a major Ukrainian railway hub, through which a large part of the rail traffic from Russia passes.

The protesters took the administrative building unopposed, and no violence was reported.

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comments from the guardian :

" "… when you kill people for their ideas it is fascism".

that sentence, in a nutshell, says just about everything you need to know about current developments inside ukraine.

as for the massacre in kiev, watching the occurrences -as they happened in real time- on any number of youtube channels should suffice to see and understand who the real culprits were - and why, precisely, our western media chooses to keep a very low profile indeed in its reporting on the truly horrible mass murder that was enacted inside that city`s trade union buildings.

hopefully, these murders will go down in history as the beginning of the end of ukraine`s "integration" into the robber`s fiefdom that is the EU.''

"Strong critics from German politicians about the involvement of German soldiers (camouflaged as OSCE observers)

"I can see that it is in the interest of the revolutionary government in Kiev, whose legitimacy one has reasons to doubt, to 'invite' soldiers of the German army into the conflict zone," said Peter Gauweiler(the deputy leader of the Bavarian CSU, a sister party to Angela Merkel's CDU). "But I don't understand how it can be in our interest to allow ourselves to be dragged further into the conflict in such a clumsy manner." "

"While the rich and their political poodles in the west are celebrating their victory against the poor, namely the “revival of [their] economy”, thirst increases for expansion of power for economic ends. A new Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq will definitely result in viable business for many. When the political battle throughout the western countries is exclusively about who has a better plan for exploiting the cornered working class and its army of unemployed, what else do you expect regarding the treatment of Ukraine? A treatment which has been repeated so many times it’s like the monotony of replaying a cruel episode of a film which vividly portrays the extent to which capitalism extinguishes hope and destroys the future of the vast majority of people.

Military crackdown and attacks by fascist mobs are used to kill off the opposition to the illegitimate Kiev government - a repeat of the bloody turmoil in Egypt, Bahrain, Turkey and many other client states, supported and actively encouraged by the West.

Where is the cry of protest against this new aggression? Where is the request for the no fly zone? Where is the “world response” to and “united front” against the on-going crime in Ukraine?

Who has approved the government in Kiev? Who invited the security agencies in the country? Who accepted the IMF loan and its conditions? And what has the US to do with Ukraine?

Sometimes truth is slaughtered even before anyone can get a glimpse of its existence; sometimes those few who carry it face their cruel end, leaving behind the legacy of a fervent desire to deny agonizing injustice. There is no quarrel among different people; we all are hostage to a system whose main goal is to put power into the hands of a few, leaving us with nothing. Workers’ alienation from political and economic means is the cornerstone of capitalism ingrained in every chapter of its dark history.

That system, which western political power leads and maintains, creates division among its hostages who ultimately pay the cost of the resulting chaos with their lives, money and future. If East Ukraine wants to be independent so be it; in these circumstances staying under the authority of the coup leaders in Kiev is the worst option which will mean continuous tension and hardship for all people in the country."

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correction p#348 near not in slaviansk

Tuesday, May 6
07:44 GMT:

There were no reports of fresh clashes overnight in Slavyansk, the stronghold of anti-government militias opposing Kiev’s military crackdown in eastern Ukraine. The city saw four consecutive days of attacks by Ukrainian troops, with Monday being the bloodiest.

Tensions remain high in the blockaded city, where residents are fearful of food shortages and the continuation of hostilities.

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SLOVIANSK, May 6. /ITAR-TASS/. Ten civilians and self-defense activists were killed and 25 people wounded as a result of the punitive operation carried out by Ukrainian servicemen near Sloviansk (Donetsk region) on Monday, May 5. Some of the injured are in a critical condition, according to a representative of Sloviansk self-defense forces.

He added that people died in a shootout opened by Ukrainian armed forces in the Semyonovka village, where a fight between Ukrainian servicemen and militiamen took place on Monday morning. Four armored vehicles of the Ukrainian army opened fire at checkpoints of the self-defense forces.

In addition, the source dismissed reports of some media outlets with reference to parliament-appointed Interior Minister of Ukraine Arsen Avakov saying that 30 members of self-defense forces were killed as a result of the punitive action.

The situation in Sloviansk is calm so far. There were no armed clashes at night and in the morning, and no shooting was heard.

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Siege? :

MOSCW, May 07, /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine's security forces that surrounded Slavyansk are preventing civilians from leaving the city and fire at their cars and other transport vehicles, a spokesman for the Slavyansk self-defence forces told Itar-Tass by telephone.

"The city is surrounded, with civilians being prevented from leaving it. Recently, a family with a little child tried to leave the city in a car. However, the vehicle was fired upon. At least two people were killed as a result of the fire for effect," the spokesman said.

The representative of the volunteer corps said, "The so far unidentified people wearing a black uniform" had appeared at checkpoints around the city.

"We can suppose that those are Right-Sector people. However, we lack exact data on that score yet," he said.

"Besides, we have available data on the bringing of artillery guns up to Slavyansk, and on the organization of positions for firing from a salvo-fire Grad system, in particular," the representative of the self-defence forces said.

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MOSCOW, May 07. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia will not let “sweep under the carpet” a horrible tragedy in the Ukrainian Black Sea port city of Odessa, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday.

“They [European countries] turn a blind eye to how new supporters of this ideology are being recruited, but what is happening is not just marches with slogans, but a ‘live’ manifestation of fascism,” Lavrov said.

Russia’s minister of foreign affairs added that Russia would seek for a full investigation of May 2 tragic events in Ukraine’s Odessa. “What happened in the city of Odessa is pure fascism and we will not let ‘sweep under the carpet’ the investigation and will seek for the truth.”

Sergei Lavrov stressed that Russia will not let revive fascism in Europe.

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Clashes in Slavyansk as Kiev's troops maintain chokehold
Published time: May 07, 2014 11:28
Edited time: May 07, 2014 07:28

Ukrainian soldiers man a checkpoint near the eastern Ukranian city of Slavyansk on May 6, 2014.(AFP Photo / Vasily Maximov)

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Shooting continued Wednesday morning near the besieged anti-government protester stronghold of Slavyansk. The city is encircled by pro-Kiev troops, who are reportedly preventing any civilians from leaving.

The clashes come as the anti-government militia are trying to retake a TV tower and several checkpoints previously captured by Kiev's troops, Interfax reports, citing a militia source.

Kiev's operation commander, Dmitry Tymchuk, said there was an attempt to break through Kiev's blockade in the morning, but it failed.

Neither side immediately reported any casualties.

This morning’s clashes come after an uneasy night in Slavyansk. Bursts of gunfire and at least two explosions were heard on the outskirts of the city overnight, with locals fearing that Ukrainian troops could enter the city at any moment.

“The city is encircled and civilians are not allowed to leave,” a representative of the self-defense forces told Itar-Tass. “Just recently, a family with a young child tried to leave the city by car. As a result, [the troops] opened fired, killing at least 2 people.”

According to the source, the government forces blockade points around the city have seen an influx of “people in black uniforms.”

“We suspect them to be from the Right Sector, but so far we have no concrete evidence,” the source said adding that he has information that “Kiev's junta” artillery units are being deployed to Slavyansk, in particular, Grad multiple rocket launcher systems.

Commander of the ‘Donetsk Republic’ self-defense forces, Igor Strelkov, confirmed the information saying that Grad batteries have been deployed to the outskirts of the city in addition to an “almost complete tank battalion” of some 30 tanks and a motorized infantry unit of around 20 armored infantry fighting vehicles, as well as a battery of “Akatia”, an artillery unit.


A checkpoint of the Ukrainian Army on the road linking Kramatorsk and Slavyansk.(RIA Novosti / Mikhail Voskresenskiy)

Strelkov says that all the barrels are pointed at Slavyansk, warning that once the assault starts, citizens of Slavyansk “will live badly, but not for long.” He says that volunteers, mostly men in their forties, are continuing to join the ranks of the self-defense pro-federalization forces, to “defend their native city.”

On May 5 several checkpoints came under attack around the city of Slavyansk. Casualties were reported on both sides. Donetsk Health Department reports that at least 8 people died and 16 others injured when the troops started the assault on the city, trying to fight their way in into the center of the city.

With support of armored vehicles, artillery, and the air force the Ukrainian troops encircled Slavyansk but did not retake the city from the pro-federalization forces. Strelkov said that at least 10 of his men died in the last attempt.

“We suffered losses – about 10 people, including civilians, 20-25 people were injured. I do not know the losses of our adversaries; clearly they are smaller than ours, they have armor. Most of our losses came from plainclothes [troops], disguised as civilians,” he said.

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry said four of its troops were killed and some 30 others injured in Slavyansk during Monday’s attack. There were also casualties among the civilian population of the city, the ministry added.

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