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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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May 7

10:44 GMT:

People bury Irina Boyevetz in Slavyansk. 2 days ago, the 30-year-old woman was shot in the head by sniper fire while standing on her balcony.

Outside the church, scenes of fury from the crowd, inside, mourners grieve -https://t.co/O2ivmxVwpF

— GrahamWPhillips (@GrahamWP_UK) May 7, 2014
10:35 GMT:

The Russian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday called on Kiev to immediately stop "the use of force against its own people".

"The illegitimate authorities in Kiev go on crudely trampling on widely-recognised rights, with the connivance of their Western patrons," the ministry also said in a statement.

07:45 GMT:

#Odessa: Deputy chief of regional Interior Ministry department detained. Dmitry Fuchedzhi is accused of misfeasance during the May 2 riots.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 7, 2014
06:49 GMT:

Kiev loyalist forces have taken the city hall of Mariupol, its website reported. Construction workers are currently dismantling barricades previously erected by anti-government activists who were in control of the building.

The announcement comes after reports of heavy fighting overnight for Mariupol, which involved an estimated 1,000 Ukrainian government troops.

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12:13 GMT:

At least 14 Ukrainian servicemen have been killed and 66 injured since the beginning of the military operation in Eastern Ukraine. The numbers were given as of late May 6 by the Ukrainian information agency UNIAN, based on security service data.

12:03 GMT:

Activists in the southeastern city of Slavyansk are prepared to face an army offensive at any time, day or night. The threat has driven women to take up arms to protect their children and their future. Every night they join their men at one of the checkpoints.

“I'm ready to fight them with my bare hands,” a woman named Lena told RT’s Paula Slier. She is a mother of two teenage boys, who are every night left to wait nervously at home, not knowing if their parents will return.

Lena and the other women there hope their presence will stop the army, Slier reports from Slavyansk.

11:26 GMT:

A group of journalists with the channel Lifenews has come under fire from an RPG in the vicinity of Slavyansk, it was reported on the news channel. The TV report said that the incident took place during a live broadcast.

Shortly before that, reporter Aleksey Kazannikov said that the Ukrainian army has masked a couple of Grad rocket weapons systems. Latest reports indicate that Kazannikov and his cameraman Aleksandr Matveev are hiding out in the woods nearby.

This is not the first such instance.

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DONETSK, May 07. /ITAR-TASS/. The Regional Council of the eastern Donetsk region urged the Kiev authorities to stop the punitive operation in the east of the country and pull back the troops to their bases.

“The operation started in the north of the Donetsk region by a decision of the leaders of the country has already resulted in numerous deaths among civilians,” the Council said in a statement on Wednesday, May 7.

Its members are convinced that the situation in Slavyansk, another city in eastern Ukraine where people are protesting against Kiev’s rule, is on the brink of humanitarian catastrophe. “The city of Slavyansk has turned into an area of bloody fighting and basically into hell for its residents who cannot flee it because of the blockade,” the statement said.

The Council members urged the Kiev authorities “to resume the talks and find a peaceful political solution to the crisis.”

They also condemned the banishment of Communist Party deputies from parliament, which they believe “shows that the parliamentary majority is set to clear the political field of its opponents”.

Deputies of the Donetsk City Council sent a similar message to the Kiev authorities earlier in the day.

edit add :

DONETSK, May 07. /ITAR-TASS/. Denis Pushilin, co-chairman of the government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic in eastern Ukraine, told Itar-Tass on Wednesday that he does not rule out the postponement of a referendum on independence scheduled for May 11.

“Tomorrow [May 8] we will put the issue [on plebiscite put-off] to the vote at the people’s council,” Pushilin said.

add2 :

RIGA, May 07. /ITAR-TASS/. European Parliament deputy from Latvia Tatyana Zhdanok has requested fellow MPs to support her demand that the European Commission (EC) includes the radical movement Right Sector in the list of terrorist organizations, Zhdanok's press office told ITAR-TASS on Wednesday.

Edited by John Dolva
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00:32 GMT:

There are reports that the ultra-nationalist Right Sector has fired at the prosecutor's office in Severodonetsk in Lugansk region, UNIAN news agency reported, citing the head of the Center for Military-Political Studies Dmitry Timchuck.

The head of the NGO states that according to his sources on the ground in Severodonetsk the prosecutor's office was attacked by “more than 100” people who identified themselves to be from the Right Sector.

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Ukraine’s Interior Ministry has reported that two anti-government protesters’ cars have been destroyed overnight in the southeast of the country.

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May 7, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin addressed Kiev officials urging them “to immediately stop all military and punitive operations in Ukraine’s South-East”,

KIEV, May 8. /ITAR-TASS/. The Kiev authorities are ready to hold a peaceful dialogue with federalization supporters in Ukraine’s south-east in order to reconcile the conflict and avoid further victims. Deputy Secretary of Ukraine’s Council for National Security and Defense Viktoria Syumar made this statement on Thursday.

“Everyone is tired of war: both law enforcers and civilians. Therefore, where it is possible to solve the conflict through a dialogue, the Ukrainian authorities are ready to do this,” she is quoted as saying by Ukraine’s UNIAN news agency.

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The council of the Donetsk People’s Republic won’t postpone the referendum on their region's future as part of Ukraine, and will hold it as planned on May 11, said DPR officials.

“This is not our decision [of the politicians] , this is the decision of people of Donbas region,” said Andrey Purgin, one of the leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, “People of Donbas [Region] got their chance to make a heroic deed and we can’t deprive them from this chance.”

The decision of holding a referendum as scheduled was approved on the council of People’s Republic of Donetsk unanimously.

Meanwhile, the council of the People’s Republic of another eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk have decided not to postpone their upcoming referendum either, and to go ahead and organize it on May 11.

In April, activists in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, announced they were planning to hold a referendum on their regions’ future as part of Ukraine on Sunday, May 11.

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12:00 GMT:

Ukrainian troops are trying to take the City Council building in Mariupol in the Donetsk region by storm. According to the press service of the proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, the anti-government activists are making efforts to stand their ground by putting barricades of car tires on fire, Itar-Tass agency reports.

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Ukraine peoples future ......


============== WHY UKRAINE IS HAPPENING.===============


Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope:

"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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RT :

Russian Foreign Ministry says that Kiev's reaction to the roadmap proposed by OSCE and Moscow bluntly contradicts the agreement reached in Geneva.

“Such a position is in direct conflict with the fundamental principle of the Geneva Declaration, which begins with the requirements of the termination of any use of force,” the ministry said.

Furthermore Kiev's “unwillingness to listen to the international community” is undermining the efforts of the OSCE, because it is unlikely protesters in the south-east of Ukraine will “cooperate with the regime which declared them all terrorists and sent an army against them,” the statement reads.

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RT :

"Ukraine, which also marks the 69 anniversary of defeat over Nazi Germany, is being marked with great tensions and a split in society. Most cities have cancelled mass celebrations over fear of violence by the Right Sector, which oppose what they call a Soviet occupation and deny the historical importance of the Soviet multinational fight against Nazi invaders. Earlier this week, Ukraine's government media watchdog urged the channels not to include Russian war films or documentaries in their rundown.

“If possible, refrain from any mass rallies, and in the case of participation in them, do not to succumb to provocations. Demonstrate tolerance to flags, slogans, and other opinions,” coup-installed Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said.

The parade will not go ahead in Kiev the head of city administration is afraid of the destabilization of the capital, blaming Russia for possible unrest. Law enforcement were also asking people to avoid clashes and help maintain peace. According to Bondarenko, all SBU and security officers have been placed on high alert. EuroMaidan paramilitary groups will also be keeping order.

In western Ukraine, traditionally more nationalist, in the cities of Ternopol and Lvov, display of all communist symbols and nationalists insignias has been banned. Military parades have also been cancelled as well as the traditional laying of the flower reef next to the Monument to the Unknown Soldier.


RIA Novosti / Vitaly Belousov

Yet despite the imposed ban, the veterans in Lvov are still planning to hold celebrations. The head of the Lvov veterans association, Timofei Mahanyuk told RT, that despite the ban, he and many of the veterans will fulfil their duty and pay respects to their fellow mates by laying flowers at their graves.

Mahanyuk says that Lvov has become the breeding ground of Ukrainian Nazism. He says that he and many of his veterans always face the possibility of being attacked. But despite a valid threat to their well-being, veterans will hold May 9 festivities.

In the south-east of Ukraine some festivities will take place but celebrations are expected to hit a low note once darkness falls.

In Odessa, the scene of May 2 deadly clashes, authorities will deploy over 2,000 security officers to ensure order amid fears of possible provocations. The parade has been cancelled but locals will have the opportunity to greet the veterans, lay reefs and witness fireworks.

In Lugansk, the parade and the fireworks have been canceled, but residents will have the opportunity to show respect for all those that perished during the world's bloodiest war.


RIA Novosti / Alexsey Nichukchin


LOS ANGELES, May 09. /ITAR-TASS/. Whole world must stand up for rebuffing the showings of Nazism in Ukraine, Yefim Stolyarsky, the chairman of the association of Soviet veterans of World War II in Los Angeles told Itar-Tass.

“Quite naturally, I’m watching the situation in Ukraine and I think the people of that wonderful country should find a path towards dialogue,” he said. “There should be no interference because it will only fuel the conflicts and draw new a multitude of countries in the vortex of misfortunes.”

“Along with it, the world must stand up against fascism, including the one in Kiev,” Stolyarsky said.

As he spoke about VE-Day, he said it was impossible to describe all the emotions with words. “I was in Koenigsberg (then a German city in the southeastern section of the Baltic Sea, now Kaliningrad - Itar-Tass) on that day and when the rumors about victory were confirmed, we celebrated, wept, joked, and even kissed each other.”

“This is a great holiday for all of us today to,” Stolyarsky said.

Yefim Kutz, the vice-chairman of the association, told Itar-Tass he had had a narrow escape from death on that day. “We were riding from Prague to Budapest when we came under fire opened at us by the Banderites but by virtue of a miracle I survived.”

The Banderites were the followers of Stepan Bandera, the leader of Ukraine’s wartime ultra-right nationalism. They fought on the side of Nazis in many places far outside the Ukrainian territory.

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Friday, May 9

08:26 GMT:

@clairemgorman: Woman with rifle at laying of flowers on Victory Day in #Donetsk pic.twitter.com/moQrSTFGZ4

— Ruptly (@Ruptly) May 9, 2014
08:26 GMT:

War veteran rocks some sparkling shoes here at Donbass Arena
— Claire Gorman (@clairemgorman)

08:09 GMT:

With a mixed feeling of joy and grief, young and old are flooding the streets all across Russia and former Soviet states to commemorate those millions who sacrificed their lives to stop the Nazi horde 69 years ago.

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RT :

Shooting, military vehicles and armed fighters clad in black uniforms are reported to be in the center of Mariupol in Eastern Ukraine. Unconfirmed reports suggest one person has been killed and four wounded in the offensive.

The participants of the Victory Day parade in Mariupol have headed to the local interior ministry HQ to try and stop the assailants from taking control of the building, self-defense forces reported as cited by Interfax.

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RT :

Kiev’s forces are using heavy weaponry and tanks in the eastern city of Mariupol to storm the local Interior Ministry building, where police have barricaded inside. After residents began flocking to the scene, Kiev fighters opened fire on civilians.

Many people came to mark Victory Day, but as the reports of shooting started coming in, they moved on to show support for a few dozen policemen who had barricaded inside the building, refusing to take orders from Kiev.

Federalization supporters screamed “Fascists!” as the Kiev forces approached.

One of the armored vehicles then opened fire at a group of unarmed civilians, according to a self-defense forces’ representative.

RT’s stringer in Mariupol has been injured while trying to film and is now in hospital. Doctors say that in spite of his bulletproof vest he has sustained an injury to the stomach.

here is the video filmed by our producers in #Mariupol minutes before one was shot https://t.co/SEhOVrWqJI @Ruptly @RT_com @M_Simonyan

— Lizzie Phelan (@LizziePhelan) May 9, 2014

According to the city’s health officials, there is a gun battle underway in the center and at least 4 people have been hospitalized with gunshot wounds, local 0629.ua news website reports.

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12:13 GMT:

RT's stringer in Mariupol has been injured while trying to film and is now in hospital. Doctors say that in spite of his bulletproof vest he has sustained an injury to the stomach.

11:36 GMT:

The main Interior Ministry building is on fire, 0629.ua news portal reported.

11:28 GMT:
11:14 GMT:

According to the 0629.ua news portal, “a tank was seized at the crossroads of Lenina and Torgovaya streets by the representatives of the Donetsk People’s Republic.”

Mariupol’s residents have put up barricades in the streets, burned tires and turned over cars.

11:03 GMT:
10:37 GMT:

Two people died and eight were wounded in the shooting, local witnesses reported, as cited by Interfax.

Ten people with gunshot wounds have been taken to one of the hospitals in Mariupol, local media reported.

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