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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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indeed, Steven. It is when looking at banks and debt interest deflation etc that much can be understood. The IMF et al are going to screw the people of ukraine like it does wherever it sticks its greedy paws.


Sunday, May 11
06:55 GMT:

Journalists from RT’s Ruptly video agency say that no armed people can be seen around polling stations in Donetsk.

Polling station one, no security pic.twitter.com/MRJgYy57zR

— RT Ruptly-Nicolaj (@Nicolaj_Gericke) May 11, 2014

06:51 GMT:

PHOTO: Citizens of #Ukraine's Mariupol queuing to vote in referendum http://t.co/tZ7RTCGFLJ pic.twitter.com/1ZBb1dUyAH

— RT (@RT_com) May 11, 2014

06:30 GMT:

I repeat hundreds come to the voting poles here in #Mariupol to vote for independence. ballot boxes are in the street pic.twitter.com/BOXPQvS753

— Petr Shelomovskiy (@stopnarcotics) May 11, 2014

06:26 GMT:

No casualties are reported by Slavyansk self-defense forces, following shelling overnight and this morning of checkpoints on the city’s outskirts by Kiev’s troops, the “people’s mayor” of Slavyansk, Vyacheclav Ponomaryov, told journalists, according to RIA Novosti.

05:47 GMT:

Security has been tightened around polling stations in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

We sent additional self-defense units to polling stations and also to the most important social institutions,” a Lugansk self-defense leader, Aleksey Chmilenko, told Interfax. “So far everything is normal, there are no incidents.

05:47 GMT:

Almost simultaneously with the opening of polling stations, sounds of shooting and artillery fire were heard on the outskirts of Slavyansk, in southeast Ukraine’s Donetsk region, RIA Novosti reported, citing its correspondent in the area.

05:32 GMT:

Roman #Lyagin, chair of central #election commission, tells me, "There is a war in each of us, but I fight with the pen. This is my weapon"

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 11, 2014
04:45 GMT:

Polling stations about to open in Donetsk and Lugansk regions seeking independence from central government in Ukraine.

Preparations for referendum pic.twitter.com/5BmMP2roLp

— RT Ruptly-Nicolaj (@Nicolaj_Gericke) May 11, 2014
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08:27 GMT:

Communication has been lost with two territorial self-determination referendum committees in the town of Krasny Liman, in southeast Ukraine's Donetsk region, the head of the Central Election Commission of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic,” Roman Lyagin, said, according RIA Novosti.

Lyagin said a military operation is currently going on in that area.

07:46 GMT:

Turnout at the referendum is exceptionally high, the head of the Central Election Commission of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic,” Roman Lyagin, told Interfax.

The turnout is not just high, it’s off the charts,” Lyagin said. “People are queuing up at polling stations, and election commissions are working at full capacity.”

#Ukraine: 'Turnout at referendum is exceptionally high' - head of Central Election Commission http://t.co/tZ7RTCGFLJ pic.twitter.com/TR6F6cjgWW

— RT (@RT_com) May 11, 2014

In Lugansk, 22 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots two hours after the polls opened, a leader of the city’s self-defense forces, Vasily Nikitin, told RIA Novosti.

07:28 GMT:

No members of the self-defense squads in Slavyansk were killed during the overnight and morning artillery attacks carried out by Kiev’s armed forces, the city “people’s mayor,” Vyacheslav Ponomaryov, told journalists.

07:15 GMT:

: Some problems are reported. Communication issues are registered acc. to local sources.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT)

07:08 GMT:

An attempt at provocation has been registered in Lugansk, where a group of people tried to take away ballot papers from voters, a representative of the city’s self-defense forces, Vasily Nikitin, told RIA Novosti. He said the attempt to disrupt voting was foiled and the incident is being investigated.

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10:46 GMT:

Connection between #KrasnyLiman and #Donetsk region is restored acc to Electoral Commission official.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 11, 2014
10:38 GMT:

A man fired several gunshots at the ceiling in a polling station in Donetsk, according to the head of the Central Election Commission of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic,” Roman Lyagin, RIA Novosti reports. Lyagin said the gun was a traumatic one and the man was quickly detained.

10:37 GMT:

#Mariupol: Fire was registered in the City's Hall. Firefighters manage to control it now. Blaze's cause is still unknown. No causalities.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 11, 2014
10:25 GMT:

The death toll from Odessa’s May 2 riots has risen to 47, after 34-year-old Evgeny Losinsky, who was shot in the stomach, died in the hospital, Itar-Tass reports.

10:15 GMT:

The referendum turnout in the Lugansk region has already reached 65 percent, according to the chairman of the local referendum committee, Aleksandr Malykhin, RIA Novosti reported.

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Ukrainian Communists uninvited at round table

May 11, 14:46 UTC+4

Yatsenyuk likes words but we do not see any actions,” he party’s Secretary Georgy Buyko said

KIEV, May 11 /ITAR-TASS/. Communist Party of Ukraine has not been invited to the so called round table of national unity which acting Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk proposed to hold on May 14, the party’s Secretary Georgy Buyko told Itar-Tass on Sunday.

“Yatsenyuk likes words but we do not see any actions,” he said. Dialogue is impossible when the Communist faction has been “illegally dismissed” from discussions in the country’s parliament, Verkhovna Rada, Buyko believes.

He noted the need “to immediately cease the anti-terrorist operation in the East, which people describe as punitive”. Illegal bands that crept over the whole country from the Maidan should be disarmed prior to any dialogue in the parliament, he added.

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Referendum held in Eastern Ukraine despite Mercenary Repression

mercenarios-ucrania.jpgKiev, May 11 (Prensa Latina) Despite the presence of about 400 American mercenaries taking part in the repression against eastern Ukraine, 75 percent of electors have already voted the referendum on self-determination in Lugansk region.

The figure was confirmed by the spokesperson of the Central Electoral Commission, Vasili Nikitin, past the noon (Ukraine�s local time).

Nikitin reported that neo-Nazi armed squads scare the neighbors with armored vehicles and other military equipment moving between one village and another.

However, people in Lugansk have responded by ignoring the repressive atmosphere, he said regarding the 15,000 troops of the Army, the National Guardâ�Ös neo-Nazi squads and the Right Sector party sent to the southeastern Ukraine.

The self-determination referendum held today in Donetsk and Lugansk regions includes a single question about the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk popular republics newly formed in eastern Ukraine.

Russian media today reported the presence of about 400 mercenaries from US private security firm, Academi, controlled by the intelligence services of Washington, in rebel areas.

sus/isa/ro/jpm Modificado el ( domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014 )

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What concerns me at the moment is the assertion of a few mouthpieces for the factions that suppoort the junta in kiev saying the results are irrelevant. When you have around 80 % of eligible voters casting a resounding vote against kiev under very tense conditions certainly the voting is relevant. There can be no dobt that the majority of people in these regions of ukraine reject the coup in kiev. That is of no surprise. It's also of no surprise that the us (not america, the us is a part of the northern part of america. much of the rest of america rejects again and again the us presumed right to meddle in countries and support the right of peoples to choose and not to have choices forced upon them by the types of opressive regimes that the us regards as legitimate).

Once the miners voiced support, companies made soothing noises, yet the terror camapign by the kiev junta continues unabated in ukraine. They are busy making generational enemies and putting ordinary ukrainians in the position of fratricide. By labeling the people terrorists in typical new-speak and having western mouthpieces in temporary positions of power supporting that, a very bad example is being set. The fascist elements are encouraged. This will of course not bode well for the west in the long run. To foist all blame on russia and to further 'punish' russia for taking a principled position can only worsen the situation.

At the moment there is a cascade of data coming from the regions. I suspect it will be a number of days before any possibility of resolution will emerge.

Results of referendum have been announced in Donetsk and they show the majority of voters supported self-rule, despite intensified military operation by Kiev which resulted in several deaths. In Lugansk region ballots are still being counted.

Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES on Eastern Ukraine.

After the last polling stating closed in Lugansk and Donetsk regions at 23:00 local time (20:00 GMT), election commissions began counting the votes.

According to preliminary results – based on phone call reports from local commissions – in Donetsk region 89.7% of votes were cast in favour of political independence from Kiev. In Lugansk region preliminary results have not yet been announced, but the leader of the local “people’s front” said only around 5% voted against the “Act of state self-rule of the Lugansk People's Republic.”

This is the pile for all the yes votes :)#Donetskpic.twitter.com/7wusyG8VK3

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) May 11, 2014

Central election commissions are yet to receive the official reports from the polling stations across the regions. Earlier it was said the documents would not be transported until the morning over the fear of possible attacks and provocations.

Despite fears that amid Kiev’s intensified military crackdown – which killed at least two civilians on referendum day – the turnout will be low, in both of the region it was unexpectedly high. In Donetsk it reached 74.87%, while in Lugansk the central election commission says 81% of eligible voters came to the polling stations.

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Monday, May 12

06:01 GMT:

Ukrainian troops have begun shelling Slavyansk, Donetsk Region, a RIA Novosti correspondent on the ground reports.

Blasts of artillery ammunition can be heard at one of the checkpoints on the outskirts of town.

Strong explosions resumes around Slavyansk now @Ruptly #Ukraine

— Katica Djurovic (@zoontangmarg) May 12, 2014
05:28 GMT:

The overwhelming majority of voters in Donetsk Region have endorsed political independence from Kiev, the head of the Central Election Commission of the self-proclaimed ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’, Roman Lyagin, announced.

Counting the ballots proved to be surprisingly easy – the number of people who said ‘no’ was relatively small and there appeared to be only a tiny proportion of spoiled ballots, so we managed to carry out counting quite fast. The figures are as follows: 86.7 percent voted ‘for’, 10.19 percent voted ‘against’ and 0.74 percent of ballots were rendered ineligible,” Lyagin told journalists.

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The village of Andreevka, over 100km from Slavyansk, has come under artillery fire from Kiev forces, according to the representative of the self-defense forces, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

“There was an artillery attack. Houses have been destroyed. Cars are on fire. There are casualties, but the numbers aren’t known yet,” the representative said.

The assault of Slavyansk itself began around 5am local time (02:00 GMT) by the Kiev forces, ITAR-TASS reported.

The explosions are at a frequency of once a minute.

The attack is being conducted from the TV tower on Karachun Mountain.

The National Guard is firing at security checkpoints, but reports emerged of mortar shells landing in local residents’ homes.

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08:50 GMT:

An unknown armed group took control of an oil depot in the Lugansk Region on Sunday, according to the press service of the region’s interior ministry. “An unknown armed group of around 15 people, who were dressed in camouflage, took the oil depot (in the city of Rovenki).” The seizure took place at 13.40 (local time) on Sunday. Details of what exactly happened are still not clear and are currently being clarified.

08:20 GMT:

Moscow hopes the results of the referendums in eastern Ukraine will instigate dialogue between Kiev and the regions that voted in favor of self-rule, according to the Kremlin’s press-service.

Moscow respects the will of the people in Donetsk and Lugansk and hopes that the practical realization of the outcome of the referendums will be carried out in a civilized manner, without resorting to violence, through dialogue between representatives of Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk,” the statement reads.

The Kremlin says it welcomes all mediation efforts, including those by the OSCE.

08:13 GMT:

Two more people have died over the weekend following the violent clashes and unrest in Odessa on May 2, which has brought the death toll up to 48, as reports RIA Novosti. 43 people remain in hospital, two of which are in a critical condition according Odessa.ua, who made the announcement on Monday.

08:03 GMT:

The head of the Donetsk Region’s administration, Sergey Taruta has praised the decision by Metinvest, which is owned by local oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, to set up a combined defense force with the police to help protect the citizens of Mariupol. “400 citizens along with 200 people from the police force will really help because less there will be less people with guns on the street,” Taruta stated according to Interfax. He added that the local population in the East of Ukraine were scared of armed people and wanted to restore order to their cities. Metinvest had stated they wanted to bring an end to armed operations in the East of Ukraine and remove military hardware and troops from civilian areas.

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12:30 GMT:

A faction of the Party of Regions in the Ukrainian parliament will appeal to different international courts to bring attention to the killing of peaceful citizens in the South East of the country and ask that those who committed the acts be brought to justice, ITAR-TASS reports. Aleksandr Efremov, who is a spokesman for the faction said, “It is unprecedented for Ukraine to have experienced so many people dying every day. Therefore we are going to address international courts to make those who used the army against their own peaceful citizens accountable for their actions.” Efremov added that “These military operations in which peaceful citizens are killed can only be described as a war crime.”

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16:14 GMT:

The People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk want “to continue their way together,” the Donetsk People’s Republic speaker Vladimir Makovin said.

16:35 GMT:

Just filming inside ravaged police HQ in #Mariupol - several sources state that as many as 50 died here on May 9th. pic.twitter.com/Rl4wOfVkQE

— GrahamWPhillips (@GrahamWP_UK) May 12, 2014
17:11 GMT:

Lugansk has demanded Kiev make changes in Ukraine’s constitution “that would make the process of federalization possible” as the people’s referendum in the Lugansk region demands, the local regional council said in a statement.

"An absolute majority has voted for the right to determine our future,” the paper said, adding that in the current situation this is the only possible way and “the only chance” to save Ukraine.

Otherwise, the Lugansk Regional Council warned, the responsibility for separating the country “would lie on Kiev.”

Lugasnk officials demanded the immediate cessation of Kiev’s military operation, which “in fact is a crackdown on protests.”

It also wants an “immediate” implementation of “another major decision of principal” – making the Russian language a state language in the Lugansk People’s Republic.

19:25 GMT:

Citizens of #Lugansk ecstatic as they witness results of referendum on autonomy from Kiev http://t.co/mYTrIEQ2hf pic.twitter.com/QgCoRdXiWy

— RT (@RT_com) May 12, 2014
19:14 GMT:

Kiev troops have launched an assault on the eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk, a stronghold of anti-government activists, local self-defense says.

“Slavyansk is being bombarded from several sides, we have information that the adversaries are using heavy mortars,” a self-defense HQ spokesperson told Interfax.

Mobile communications have also been disrupted in the city, the agency says.

19:39 GMT:

The EU should respect the results of the referendum in Lugansk and Donetsk and to contribute to fulfilling peoples’ will within the framework of a dialogue between Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said.

The decisions on Ukraine by the EU Council cause deep bewilderment as the bloc continues issuing statements that do not correspond with reality, the Ministry added.

“It is time for Brussels to stop looking at a significant part of Ukrainian people, who do not accept Kiev government, as ‘pro-Russian separatists’ and understand that without recognizing the inner nature of the deep Ukrainian conflict it will be impossible to solve it,” the statement said.

19:41 GMT:

Kiev has applied to London for non-lethal military aid (would you like extreme prejudice with that?)

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The OSCE 'roadmap' is based on four fundamental principles - renunciation of violence, disarmament, national dialogue, and presidential elections on May 25.

renunciation of violence - as the self defence in eastern ukraine is dependent on the junta renouncing violence and the junta has shown no intent to do so, to achieve this, as the junta is very hostile to russia, it's encumbent on the junta to demonstrate a willingness in this and the only way likely for it to do so is if its western supporters urge them to do so. Primarily the nations* of the usa, uk, france, and strangely enough sweden (those who think the sweden of today is the one of yesteryears are, unfortunately, seriously deluded - sweden has become a fukus satellite). Many others seem much more realistic, includung large sections of swedish society which look ready to give its own right-wing gov the boot. It'll be interesting to see how the us is working to subvert that.

disarmament - again the above applies.

national dialogue - the junta keeps making piecemeal efforts to engage but not with the people they actually need to talk to. The people they need to talk to continue to be available for dialogue so essentially progress is primarily incumbent on meaningfull attempts by the junta to do so. Again : encumbent on the juntas supporters to urge them to do so.

presidential elections on May 25 - candidates sympathetic to comprehensive dialogue get sidelined, attacked physically and verbally and drop out of the race. Significant portions of society are excluded making the elections unreliable but, of course, the junta will go ahead with them. Meanwhile for the reasons in all the above significant portions will not participate. Again, the onus of resolution lies on the fukus alliance to dissuade the junta from further terror campaigns. Whether they will do so or not ?? (methinks by trackrecord so far - not).

Meanwhile the alliance continues to blame russia instead of recognising their own moral corruption.

edit add : *and canada. of course.

Edited by John Dolva
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MOSCOW, May 13. /ITAR-TASS/. Following Sunday’s referendum on the future of the Donetsk region, the authorities of the Donetsk People’s Republic will roll up their sleeves to resolve the social and economic tasks the region is faced with and they will take up the problem of organizing its Armed Forces, Denis Pushilin, the co-chairman of the DPR says in an interview published Tuesday by the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily.

“A de facto civil war is being waged on our territory,” he says. “There are many military bases here and we should decide on what’s to be done about their contingents. They either change over to our side or else they are declared occupation troops, which makes them subject to expulsion.”

Pushilin indicates that active work with the military is underway now and “there are many encouraging signals in return.”

Among the social and economic tasks, which the DPR will have to untangle in the first place, he named pensions and the salaries in the budget-receiving sector in the Donetsk Coalfields area.

“We still have some monies left, as Kiev remitted some amounts,” Pushilin says. “As for now, we’ll have to see. We’ll continue using the hrivna for the time being but a switch-over to some other monetary unit is unavoidable in the future.”

Also, the authorities plan to set up new agencies of state power. All of these steps will be take “over the shortest possible term.”

He mentions the operations of industrial facilities located in the region, saying they are working as usual. “For the most part, the industries here are oriented at Russia and the Eurasian Customs Union countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia) and it would be totally irrational to break these ties up,” Pushilin says.

He confirms the intention of the DPR authorities to appeal to the UN for a recognition of the republic as a sovereign state.

“We are planning an appeal to the UN for declaring us a sovereign state but we don’t hope to get a positive answer, frankly speaking, because the West’s position towards us,” Pushilin says. “The West’s stance towards us is all too obvious but we won’t be particularly upset either because we know only too well what we were embarking on.”

May 11, people in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine voted in referendums on the status of their regions. The electoral commissions there said almost 80% registered voters had come to the polls amid the continuing punitive operation led by the Armed Forces, paramilitaries of the ‘national guard’ and rightwing radical militants.

The referendums were held in the wake of formation of the Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic, which were declared in April.

As a result of Sunday’s polling, 89.7% residents in Donetsk and 96.2% residents in Lugansk voted in favor of independence.

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