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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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What really happened?

In reality, the photo was taken during a visit of 30 OSCE international observers who arrived at the scene of the crashed plane to investigate the area. Among the OSCE group were the members of self-defense forces in Donetsk region who accompanied them.

The footage shows that one of the members of self-defense troops suddenly saw a teddy bear which apparently belonged to a child who was among the 298 passenger on board the Malaysian jet.

“We want those bastards to see whom they shot down,” the man said, “Do you see?” meaning that there were innocent children who died in the crash.

Then he carefully put the toy back to a heap of other items that used to belong to the passengers. After that he took off his cap and marked himself with a sign of the cross paying the tribute to the memory of the victims of the catastrophe.


A member of Donetsk self-defense forces takes off his cap and crosses himself to pay tribute to the victims of the Malaysia plane crash (screenshot from infrocorpus)

The MH17 flight crash site is a vast territory, from 10 to 50 square kilometers according to various sources, as the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 came apart kilometers above the surface and the debris rained down on the fields around the village of Grabovo.

That explains why Donetsk People’s Republic emergency services opted to collect the located belongings of the passengers from the territory and bring them to one spot. If not taken to a single place, they could be lost later, as mapping such a huge number of fragments and items appears to be a monumental task.

Though international expert community insisted on not touching the bodies, after several days of waiting in vain, when no international experts managed to leave Kiev to see the crash site, where daily temperature reached +30 Celsius, the self-defense forces opted to collect the decomposing bodies and loaded them on to a refrigerated train.

Now that first Dutch forensic experts – first international investigators - have arrived in eastern Ukraine to assess the aftermath of the Malaysian plane crash, they will finally get a first glimpse on the crash site and probably share their preliminary findings with the media.

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Ukraine government crisis happened today.

Once the Speaker of Parliament Turchinov dissolved the Communist Party faction in the Verkhovna Rada, announced its withdrawal from the parliament faction of "Beat" Klitschko and party "Svoboda" Tyagniboka.

One with the other is not connected, the Communist Party angrily threw deputies. Unanimously.

A Tyahnibok Klitschko and his faction planned deduced to provoke new elections next month in parliament.


And for a snack, before suddenly Rada, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and announced that resigns. That's certainly was not planned. In his speech excited Yatsenuk publicly admitted that Ukraine - a country bankrupt beggar, and that there is nothing to fill the tanks of the vehicle, a belligerent in the Donbass.

Currently in Ukraine there is no parliament or the prime minister.

What I am personally very happy.

Despite the fact that I understand that this is not the end of the Kiev authorities, but only the beginning of the end.

Has Not Yet Perished of Ukraine, but closer to death than it was yesterday.

It was my evening sermon. I - Eduard Limonov,

Central News Agency Novorossia


U.S. Embassy in Bishkek held a rally for an end to the punitive operation in southeastern Ukraine.

Organized a rally public association "Center of Slavic culture." The action was attended by several dozen people. Some came to express their opinions with their children. Protesters made an appeal to the White House.

According to the protesters, the U.S. contribute to tension and bloodshed continue in Lugansk and Donetsk regions, supporting the regime established in Kiev, and announcing sanctions against Russia. The White House as protesters argued, uses double standards, not noticing the growth of nationalist sentiment in Ukraine and strengthening of fascist ideology.

Protesters urged Washington and Kiev to stop military operations in Kyrgyzstan for the fraternal country.

Daniyar Karimov (WG)
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Verkhovna Rada deputy. Prime Minister and Speaker of scoundrels lie in hysterics and floated blackmail

Today, 6:09 | Category: Feed » Politics
Views: 3867

Verkhovna Rada MP Inna Theological yesterday emotionally and accurately described the situation in his blog in the Ukrainian parliament. In this trenchant and gave obektinye characteristics junta leaders who led Ukraine to a serious political crisis.

The resignation of the Prime Minister.

"Yatsenyuk resigned. Did this pathetic. And falsely. lied, that the Prime Minister in the country forms a coalition! Poor thing, I forgot that this coalition chooses the prime minister and Cabinet forms - and not vice versa! Forgot that the parliament within 10 days to accept the resignation may or may not accept. Forgotten that the entire Cabinet is obliged by law to perform the duties until a new government. "


"Lied, the government has done all it could. Did not! Deposited Crimea! leave the old corrupt on streams and add more of his! The allowed the National Bank to refinance hundreds of millions of hryvnia to where exactly it is stolen, let the national currency collapse and a half times! Bribes only grown, public procurement prices inflated at times, positions are sold, cops bespredelnichat and these policemen are driving, as before ... "


Rada speaker position.

"Turchinov, knowing that lying and breaking the law, said that" IMPACT "and" Freedom "should (for some reason) to form a new coalition in parliament!? First, it is the same nonsense as that forms a coalition Prime. Second, the fraction in order and out of the coalition that this Parliament was dissolved and made the people's will - hold elections.

Shouting and paling Turchinov "h perelyaku" said that the Council is obliged to form a new technical government - absolute nonsense. And as cowardly dirty dog, urgently closed session of parliament, because I realized that right now, from the podium will be revealed and all lies and hysteria speaker and the prime minister. "


The political arena once again torn Tymoshenko

"Today, as I said yesterday, all the masks ripped off. In the morning, tens of millions of dollars and offices were thrown on bribery "udarovtsev" to no faction left the coalition - did not work. Evening blackmail was used to create chaos and do not give to hold elections - also no chance. Now try to jump on stage Tymoshenko. Scenario clear. But more on that later. "


"On the main: Maidan was to die, to change the rules and standards of living in Ukraine. "Fatherland" grabbed all fallen power and tried to ride all the old corruption flows. At this time, thousands of Ukrainians in the ATO, at the front and rear give the last to defend our country and the right to live freely in the most free Ukraine! And no blackmail, lies and hysteria that will not stop. But if the bastards will not stop, they will stop! And forever . "

Sergey Volodin

Central News Agency Novorossia


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" Poroshenko : - Barack, I am surprised and upset your inconsistency in reporting the causes of the destruction of the Boeing ... That We point you to the separatists, then to Moscow, then suddenly declare that the evidence of her involvement in this case is not ... We're with outset agreed to stick to one position ... But if you continue to make such statements, it will be difficult to resist the Moscow ...
Obama : - Easy, Peter. You apparently misunderstood the nature of our applications ... We say "unavailable" ... But a lot of work on it ... But now you have to work a lot more to ... to ... to ... all it looked plausible as possible ... You made ​​a big mistake by sending this very ... Russian warplane ... got him ... And now you, and we will be very difficult obyasnit world ... why this was necessary. ..
Poroshenko : - We did not have confidence that the ground we will succeed ... I had to check ... and err ...
Obama : - I understand, I understand ... But it's not included in our understanding of the pattern of events ... And now at the hands of Russian have another trump card ...
Poroshenko : - As it happened, how it happened ...
Obama : - Peter, you see, what happened ... This is bad ... I mean that your plane that flew after us ... This adds a lot of trouble ...
Poroshenko : - We both denied everything, and will deny ... The main thing to you, it has not tripped up by these strange statements about his innocence Russian ... You and I should not diverge in this ... Otherwise it will be difficult ...
Obama : - We will support you in everything ... We are sailing in the same boat ... Do not hesitate ... Although you have completed our overall plan procrastination ... It had to happen a little earlier ...
Poroshenko : - But you are well aware of the level of training of our specialists ...
Obama : - I am concerned that some of these most experts do not spill the beans ... Russian probably already hunting them ... Try to save those of his people ... If they open your mouth ...
Poroshenko : - I understand ... We will make sure that they never open my mouth ...
Obama : - You need to tightly control all svidelstvo and witnesses ... It can ruin our whole party ...
Poroshenko : - And what's with the black boxes? ... I sent to England to their experts ... they worked in contact with the British ... But Russian also require access to these tape recorders or whatever ... This is very dangerous and for us, for you ... Russian and close there should not be ... Otherwise ...
Obama : - I have already spoken on this matter with Cameron ... Everything will be okay ... His people will do anything wrong "...

I will not discuss whether it's true or false, disinformation. I will try to analyze the goals that can be achieved by this publication.

First visible targets that have already been achieved by the fact of publication, regardless of the veracity of the facts cited in it.
1. Baranez leads a specific date and time of the conversation between Obama and Poroshenko. So this conversation was. And make it clear to the West that Russia is aware of the fact that conversation and can prove it.

2. Officer Government Communications Ukraine allegedly sold for $ 1 million record the conversation to a certain German news agencies. It discredits Ukraine Poroshenko, showing all the leaders that "secret" talks with President of Ukraine are not secret, and any "confidential" talks at any time may become a thing of the world community. With Ukraine deal impossible . Baranets calls and the amount thus giving to understand that this information it directly from the source, since it is not necessary that the amount mentioned in the further dissemination chain until it "flow." In this case, the amount of the purchase does not have this information for consumers no value compared to the information itself. That is, Baranez makes it clear that Russia was still known to "leak" disk imaging from Germany and Poland.

3. Merkel ordered "under any circumstances, the content of this talk in the media not to disclose." That is, the German Chancellor can ORDER any "independent" news agencies in Germany. This fact discredits itself as Merkel, and the entire western "democracy" with its "independent press, freedom of speech and so on." Baranez simultaneously makes it clear that Russia again all know what's going on in the higher echelons of power in Germany and without "sources in Poland."

4. Officer German secret service, "working for Poland", passed the information to Warsaw. This Baranez disavows its source in Germany. In addition, in Germany now recruiting scandal erupted with German officials Americans. Coupled with the fact that the "closest ally" listens to all the phone calls the highest officials of Germany, refuses to return to the gold reserves and generally behaves with Germany as an occupied country with the third world, this infa can splash in kerosinchiku so special relationship with the United States of Germany. Any such information leak from Germany to the U.S. (and a staunch ally Poland Americans) can blow up German society from the Parliament, to ordinary citizens. Germany - Russia's key partner, and any disagreement with the U.S. throws her in our arms.

5. That leak in Russia, according to Baranets occurred precisely in Poland, killing three birds with one stone: disavows the possibility of Russian intelligence in Germany, Poland substitutes as a source for any disk imaging Russia and NATO makes clear that all of them " secrets "for Russia - no secrets.

And another very interesting observation. This information is not available widely in the media. Silent television, print media, too, the blogosphere about it almost does not know. If the information is true, then the power in Russia made it clear to the West that at any moment, these facts can be widely reported and presented. If the information is false, then Russia reserves itself room to maneuver, saying in the case of force majeure, that is - an initiative of the private person retired colonel, and the state is not liable for the actions of individuals.
In any case, Russia has a huge room for maneuver in any direction.

Now, Khodakovsky.

It traces another operative combination. I have to say, I believe that Alexander - the hero of New Russia and honestly fighting for independence with the junta.
But, it is both the most controversial figure in the leadership of the DNI, complicit in all the scandals, "betrayal", games of various political and oligarchic forces in Ukraine and Russia. Khodakovsky - ideal figure for various operational transactions at any level. He - the former commander of the "Alpha" Donetsk region of Ukraine, a former security minister DNR, the commander of the battalion "Vostok". By definition - a man not stupid, many knowledgeable, able to analyze and feeling in any operational transactions, like a fish in water. Besides, he - the perfect person to carry out such operations as Donetsk Republic and Russia. Therefore, any word of his interviews, or deed must be considered from the standpoint of ongoing information war . Many consider him a traitor, a man of Akhmetov, etc. So it is necessary to think so. This gives him room to maneuver. Khodakovsky not go to any comparison with another controversial rebel leader - Kozitsin. Compare them - it's like comparing a peacock and wise eagle Sori for the digression.
Therefore, binding and Khodakovskogo agency Reuters to this conversation the first U.S. officials and Ukraine - also part of the probable mnogohodovki. Maybe soon we will know to what. And can not know. In any case, this article Colonel Baranets not as simple as it seems at first glance, and is not published to our "sofa experts" in the virtual exercise at their own ambitions, omniscience and swearing.

This zhzhzh ulterior motive!

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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The junta continues to make crashsite unsafe.

Ukraine: Militia patrol Gorlovka following bombardment


Friday, July 25
12:22 GMT:

Around 40 shells from fighting over on the Ukrainian side of the border have landed and exploded in the Russian village of Primiusskiy, according to head of the press department of the Rostov Region border service Vasily Malaev.

There has been no information of casualties, though a security source told RIA news agency that one house was damaged by the barrage.

Another three shells landed at the same village on Tuesday.

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DONETSK, July 25. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian troopers help installing shale gas production equipment near the east Ukrainian town of Slavyansk, which they bombed and shelled for the three preceding months, the Novorossiya news agency reports on its website citing local residents.

“Civilians protected by Ukrainian army are getting ready to install drilling rigs. More equipment is being brought in,” they said, adding that the military are encircling the future extraction area.

The people of Slavyansk, which is located in the heart of the Yzovka shale gas field, staged numerous protest actions in the past against its development. They even wanted to call in a referendum on that subject. Environmentalists are particularly concerned with the consequences of hydrofracing, a method used for shale gas extraction, because it implies the use of extremely toxic chemical agents which can poison not only subsoil waters but also the atmosphere. Experts claim that not a single country in the world has invented a method of utilization of harmful toxic agents in the process of development of shale gas deposits.

Countries like the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and France have given up plans to develop shale gas deposits in their territories.

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"Pastor Niemöller spoke for thousands and thousands of men like me when he spoke (too modestly of himself) and said that, when the Nazis attacked the Communists, he was a little uneasy, but, after all, he was not a Communist, and so he did nothing; and then they attacked the Socialists, and he was a little uneasier, but, still, he was not a Socialist, and he did nothing; and then the schools, the press, the Jews, and so on, and he was always uneasier, but still he did nothing. And then they attacked the Church, and he was a Churchman, and he did something--but then it was too late."

MOSCOW, July 25. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian deputies have disbanded the Communist faction in parliament and are planning to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine altogether in open violation of the principles of pluralism and democracy. However, the West is unlikely to react with any radical protests.

Ukraine’s parliament speaker Oleksandr Turchynov announced his decision to disband the faction at a parliamentary session last Thursday, adding that hopefully he would never see Communist factions in Ukraine’s legislature again.

Amendments to parliamentary procedures which Ukrainian deputies had adopted last Tuesday made it possible for Turchynov to disband the Communist faction. President Petro Poroshenko signed the amendments bill into law the same day. The Kiev authorities were absolutely open in saying that the law had been passed in pursuit of one single goal - to get rid of the Communist faction in parliament.

On July 8, Ukraine’s Justice Ministry filed a lawsuit to Kiev’s district administrative court urging it to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine for the reason that its members were linked to financing separatists (in Eastern Ukraine) and actions that led to the ‘annexation’ of Crimea in March 2014.

The measures followed a statement by Communist Party leader Petro Simonenko,

MOSCOW, July 25. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian deputies have disbanded the Communist faction in parliament and are planning to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine altogether in open violation of the principles of pluralism and democracy. However, the West is unlikely to react with any radical protests.

Ukraine’s parliament speaker Oleksandr Turchynov announced his decision to disband the faction at a parliamentary session last Thursday, adding that hopefully he would never see Communist factions in Ukraine’s legislature again.

Amendments to parliamentary procedures which Ukrainian deputies had adopted last Tuesday made it possible for Turchynov to disband the Communist faction. President Petro Poroshenko signed the amendments bill into law the same day. The Kiev authorities were absolutely open in saying that the law had been passed in pursuit of one single goal - to get rid of the Communist faction in parliament.

On July 8, Ukraine’s Justice Ministry filed a lawsuit to Kiev’s district administrative court urging it to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine for the reason that its members were linked to financing separatists (in Eastern Ukraine) and actions that led to the ‘annexation’ of Crimea in March 2014.

The measures followed a statement by Communist Party leader Petro Simonenko, made early in May, that he would have immediately withdrawn all troops from Ukraine’s eastern provinces, if he were president. He also described Kiev’s military operation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions as a war against ordinary people.

Meanwhile, the parliament’s decision did not upset Simonenko at all. He said the authorities’ pressure would not prevent the Communist Party of Ukraine from taking part in long-term parliamentary elections scheduled for autumn.

Russia’s reaction, however, was sharp.

“The disbandment of the Communist Party faction in Ukraine’s parliament and an attempt to ban the party is another example of how Kiev is infringing on the right to free speech and pluralism. Combined with a crackdown on unsuitable media and persecution of dissidents, this latest move by the Kiev authorities is taking Ukraine far away from the democratic path,” Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry human rights ombudsman, wrote in Twitter.

He said it was high time for the West, including the European Union, which had in vain tried to portray itself as a stronghold of democracy, to stop pretending not to notice this iniquity.

Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the Communist Party of Russia, has urged the leaders of Germany, France and Italy to demand the termination of a case aimed at banning the Communist Party of Ukraine.

“We insist that countries like Germany, Italy and France that suffered most from fascism in Europe should be the first to raise their voices against this kind of trial and ban,” Zyuganov said.

Russian experts, however, believe that the West will not rush to help the Ukrainian communists.

“Left-wing parties will be the only force to oppose the ban in the West. But even they are unlikely to take any radical actions and demand sanctions,” Alexei Makarkin, the first vice-president of the Center for Political Technologies, told ITAR-TASS.

“The Western reaction will not be radical,” he said.

The disbandment of the Communist faction under a procedural pretext is unlikely to stir any protests in the West. However, the ban of the party itself may cause protests, according to Mikhail Remizov, the president of the National Strategy Institute.

“At the same time, part of the elites in Europe, let alone the United States, would welcome the Communist Party ban. They put Communism and Nazism on a par in their assessment of the events of the 20th century,” Remizov told ITAR-TASS.

Anyway, Remizov said, this move “would not become a matter of principle or a kind of painful issue for Kiev.”

Alexei Makarkin explained the motives behind the Ukrainian authorities’ actions.

“They are in line with the destruction of monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. They regard the Communist attributes and Communist Party symbols as the Soviet legacy of which they want to get rid of,” Makarkin said.

Besides, Makarkin noted, several prominent figures from the Communist Party of Ukraine, have joined the self-proclaimed republics in the east of the country. Many of those who support the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic voted for the Communists.

Makarkin described Kiev’s decision as dangerous.

“Applied to one political force, these rules can later be used against anybody many times,” he said.

Political scientist Mikhail Remizov said Ukrainian politicians had started playing according to new rules and those new rules of the game could be the root cause behind the decision to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine.

“In previous years, Ukrainian politics was designed to reflect the country’s regional diversity. Now, this diversity has been deprived of the right to exist. Communists have been branded as the traitors of national interests only because they have a different view on what’s going on,” Remizov said.

made early in May, that he would have immediately withdrawn all troops from Ukraine’s eastern provinces, if he were president. He also described Kiev’s military operation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions as a war against ordinary people.

Meanwhile, the parliament’s decision did not upset Simonenko at all. He said the authorities’ pressure would not prevent the Communist Party of Ukraine from taking part in long-term parliamentary elections scheduled for autumn.

Russia’s reaction, however, was sharp.

“The disbandment of the Communist Party faction in Ukraine’s parliament and an attempt to ban the party is another example of how Kiev is infringing on the right to free speech and pluralism. Combined with a crackdown on unsuitable media and persecution of dissidents, this latest move by the Kiev authorities is taking Ukraine far away from the democratic path,” Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry human rights ombudsman, wrote in Twitter.

He said it was high time for the West, including the European Union, which had in vain tried to portray itself as a stronghold of democracy, to stop pretending not to notice this iniquity.

Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the Communist Party of Russia, has urged the leaders of Germany, France and Italy to demand the termination of a case aimed at banning the Communist Party of Ukraine.

“We insist that countries like Germany, Italy and France that suffered most from fascism in Europe should be the first to raise their voices against this kind of trial and ban,” Zyuganov said.

Russian experts, however, believe that the West will not rush to help the Ukrainian communists.

“Left-wing parties will be the only force to oppose the ban in the West. But even they are unlikely to take any radical actions and demand sanctions,” Alexei Makarkin, the first vice-president of the Center for Political Technologies, told ITAR-TASS.

“The Western reaction will not be radical,” he said.

The disbandment of the Communist faction under a procedural pretext is unlikely to stir any protests in the West. However, the ban of the party itself may cause protests, according to Mikhail Remizov, the president of the National Strategy Institute.

“At the same time, part of the elites in Europe, let alone the United States, would welcome the Communist Party ban. They put Communism and Nazism on a par in their assessment of the events of the 20th century,” Remizov told ITAR-TASS.

Anyway, Remizov said, this move “would not become a matter of principle or a kind of painful issue for Kiev.”

Alexei Makarkin explained the motives behind the Ukrainian authorities’ actions.

“They are in line with the destruction of monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. They regard the Communist attributes and Communist Party symbols as the Soviet legacy of which they want to get rid of,” Makarkin said.

Besides, Makarkin noted, several prominent figures from the Communist Party of Ukraine, have joined the self-proclaimed republics in the east of the country. Many of those who support the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic voted for the Communists.

Makarkin described Kiev’s decision as dangerous.

“Applied to one political force, these rules can later be used against anybody many times,” he said.

Political scientist Mikhail Remizov said Ukrainian politicians had started playing according to new rules and those new rules of the game could be the root cause behind the decision to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine.

“In previous years, Ukrainian politics was designed to reflect the country’s regional diversity. Now, this diversity has been deprived of the right to exist. Communists have been branded as the traitors of national interests only because they have a different view on what’s going on,” Remizov said.

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On the day of the disaster Malaysian Boeing Ukrainian air defense units of the armed forces exercise conducted to test the "removed from the system lock missile launch." But there was an emergency situation. This was reported by an unnamed source in one of the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine.

The interviewee told that "July 17 commander 156th anti-aircraft missile regiment was ordered to carry out training of combat crews to provide cover for ground troops group in the suburbs of Donetsk." They had to deploy battalions, wiring work goals and perform the whole algorithm in tracking and destruction of conditional goals missile air defense system "Buk-M1." Battery commander received razblokirovochnye keys to launch missiles, but the real rocket launch 9M38M1 was not provided.

- To participate in the training in Dnepropetrovsk airbase Kulbakino 229th Brigade Combat Aviation in Nikolayev were sent two Su-25. Before them was tasked to conduct aerial reconnaissance and identify control objectives within a concentration of ATO grouping west of Donetsk, - said the representative of the Ukrainian power structure.

- After entering one of the aircraft in the detection zone SAM "Buk" he was taken to support combat crew battery located near the settlement Zaroschenskoe - the source added. - Apparently, in a tragic accident after a while Malaysian Boeing flight routes and Su-25, despite the difference in levels, matched and merged on the screen at one major point that was fatal to the civil side - at the moment of convergence targets on one azimuth tracking system automatically rebuilds of doing that which has the largest area.

However, the source media does not know why there was an unauthorized launch.

- This issue is SBU that about half past nine pm (obviously - Thursday - Ed.) Took the battery commander with the crew - he concluded.

Former commander of the Air Force and Air Defense (January 2002 - May 2007), Hero of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Vladimir Mikhailov, commenting on this sensational information considers that version specially voiced to justify the crime committed by Ukrainian regime.

- Every day more and more information that confirms: adventure with Boeing was prearranged Kiev. And now this material, which quoted a certain media source and are very reminiscent of excerpts from real-life combat document Kiev regime wants absentia little to justify their actions. Like, yeah, we carried out military exercises, which provided support for the two Su-25. But it turned out that two marks match, rocket suddenly gone ... In general - excuse us, it all happened by chance and accident ...

Just let the Ukrainian authorities to clearly answer the question of why the Malaysian Boeing was given the command to exit from the highway to the north - in the area of ​​so-called exercise with some loss of height?

Recall 2001, when the Ukrainian S-200 shot down a Russian Tu-154. Then running target for gunners held at a distance of 35 kilometers from the starting position. Its reflecting surface is considerably smaller than the surface of the Tu-154. Coincidentally, that both goals were on the same line. When the rocket went past the target and headed for the liner, Ukrainian warriors had to immediately remove from its high voltage equipment, exposure to the Tu-154 had ceased. Then it would rocket self-destructed. But they have not removed the voltage, resulting in a rocket flew to the aircraft.

Over the Donbas could be the same situation: Su-25 and Boeing were in the same sector, and the rocket went into a large reflective surface. That is technically plausible version. But, again, why it was necessary to fire deliberately "dovorachivat" Boeing?

Could it be that the SAM accompanied goal in training mode, conducted the so-called "electronic start." But because the rocket launcher was mistakenly unlocked, there was her sudden descent from unauthorized guide?

- Yes, it could be. But! We were hit on it and so we thought, "It was a tragic mistake!" Do not look for an excuse the actions of people who have committed a scheduled offense!

No evidence catastrophe militias and Russian nor Ukrainian nor the Americans do not, and it's now defunct first promise: "You know, we are very nice and very peaceful. And it's not us on Human Settlements of Donbass "Grad" shoot, and Russia. We just carried out military exercises to be prepared to reflect the "Russian aggression", but we have one payment took the key and knocked down ... Boeing. " But, again, why airliner veered off the track in the "training area"?

And maybe the Ukrainian military, from the first moment knowing that the ship is shot down, they concealed it from their president? Simply substituted Poroshenko telling him false information? And that, in turn, framed Obama ...

- What can I tell if Yatsenuk resigns and immediately calling Kerry? Like, let me escape now? I wanted to run a bit later. But it is a situation that should run right now ...

Sorry, but it seems to me - none of the Ukrainian leadership, including Poroshenko, the toilet does not go without the permission of the American side ...

Military expert Viktor Myasnikov also believes that Ukraine will eventually have to admit that it is they knocked Boeing. And this anonymous stuff the media they prepare for this soil, slowly "renting" information.

- Right now there's kind of like documents, which states that were still in the sky, two Su-25. And the Ukrainian security services, relatively speaking, only learned that day in training exercises. Consumed expensive ammo, but no one does not know - whether start? This, of course, naive and funny: Command can not be unaware that they have going on in parts.

Americans also have already begun, they say, wagging his tail, saying he did not know who shot him. But they still believe that Russia has created some conditions. Just what - is unclear. In general, the situation is repeated in 2001, when Ukrainians categorically refused to recognize that the plane was shot down they are.

Calculation and Kiev and Washington was that unfounded blame for downed Boeing will put the blame on Russia. And, as usually happens, the U.S. allies support them. And we see how they are in a hurry to impose sanctions against our country. After may recognize: that yes, there was an accident - mark merged, shot by accident.

When in 1983 the Soviet Union shot down a South Korean Boeing, the situation was similar: a passenger ship accompanied American reconnaissance aircraft RC-135. Mark merged and our could not assume that Boeing will fly into Soviet territory, to military installations ... As a result of the provocations against us also introduced various kinds of sanctions. But in the case of the Malaysian Boeing Ukrainians will strongly blanch.

Now deciphering "black boxes" are likely over. And the data is transferred to the Government of the Netherlands. And it is already doing - what to disclose, and that - no. Here the main question is: will the Americans during secret talks smack on the leadership of the Netherlands or not?

Ukraine - U.S. controlled territory. I think that provocation with Boeing invented it in America, it performed just Poroshenko verbally ordering (no written will not dismiss all) things to be formalized as a doctrine (possibly retroactively).

What is important - Americans on board the Boeing was not. Except one person with dual citizenship. That is, the neutral plane was chosen in this situation of the country, which then did not take any action against the United States, the EU and Ukraine. And shot down.

But that's only then it all went wrong in their scenario. First, there is no agreement allies. Second, the plane crashed in the territory, which is controlled by the militia. A militia did not touch anything and just waited for foreign specialists, although the situation is constantly sabotaged and Kiev, and the West.

But, nevertheless, Malaysian experts were able to see a picture of the disaster virtually untouched, including places of discovery of the bodies. The main thing is that the flight recorders of the militia under the gun cameras passed the experts who recognized that they were not opened. Plus, the Russian (which, alas, usually takes a wait, responding only to blows, and then, not always wisely) moved to the offensive and made progress, presenting a record of objective control means and ask 10 questions Ukraine and the U.S., and that was no answer. But overseas it became clear information on what happened that day in the sky over the Donbas is at our side.

West apparently had not counted on such offensive actions. States also provided information from social networks that put it mildly, is not serious for the CIA and for the vast U.S. intelligence community. And when there was a question that needed some serious spread trumps, they began to equivocate. Transfer to another subject, saying that the Russian territory of Ukraine and shell etc. In general, the story of the plane they would have probably wanted to hush up and ...

But it is likely that we still have some trump card: it makes no sense to lay out all the details when the United States and Ukraine can fabricate any materials that will have something to refute convincingly.

Central News Agency Novorossia

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As previously reported, under the Ministry of Construction and Architecture DNR committee was established to work with the citizens who lost property as a result of Ukrainian aggression.

The Committee is developing a position on the basis of which will be made for compensation of Ukrainian army destroyed houses and apartments. For compensation must apply, provide passport with residence permit, identification code and documents of title to the property.

For two days the committee has already taken more than forty applications. Particularly difficult situation in Marinka, where a huge amount of destruction there is a whole street, destroyed by artillery natsgvardii. The first payment will be issued to vulnerable categories of citizens - the disabled and pensioners.

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,

Central News Agency Novorossia

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Events Novorossia
Government House DNR will start a public reception
Today, eleven one | Category: Feed » Events
Views: 102


In the near future social structures Donetsk People's Republic will open a public reception.

It is expected that it will form the basis of a structured system of reception of citizens on all issues. You can go direct to the profile head of the republic, leave a request, which will have a strict deadline.

In public reception is planned to concentrate all the organizing committees in the first place - on humanitarian assistance, relocation and evacuation, compensation to victims of the so-called Ukrainian "ATO".

The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the People's Republic of Donetsk reported that work public reception will begin as soon as possible.

On the opening date will be announced.

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Saturday, July 26

12:03 GMT:

A shell hit a high-pressure gas pipeline at the Oktyabrskaya Mine outside the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.

There’s a huge pillar of fire coming from the damaged pipe, local media reports.

However, there’s no risk the fire will spread to nearby residential areas. The accident also had no effect on gas supplies to the city of Donetsk.

Артобстрел в Донецке: снарядом уничтожены муниципальная техника и газопровод #Донецк http://t.co/nhf8g6h8oT pic.twitter.com/iIREBoaQc2

— Новости Донецка (@donnews777) July 24, 2014
10:18 GMT:

Fifteen civilians have been killed and 60 injured in Lugansk overnight due to massive mortar and artillery shelling of the militia-controlled city by the Ukrainian army, the militia reported. Most of the victims died after shells hit their homes, causing several collapses.

Viktor, a witness from Lugansk told RT that at least ten of those killed were commuters, who were waiting for their early morning bus when they were hit by artillery fire. He added the areas targeted by the shelling had no militia forces whatsoever.

Earlier on Friday, five civilians were killed and two others injured in Ukrainian army shelling.

07:43 GMT:

An explosives plant in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region has caught fire after shelling by Kiev troops, local self-defense forces said on their Twitter account.

Earlier, on July 8, Ukraine’s media outlets reported that the plant had been under militia control, after expelling its military guards.

05:52 GMT:

The number of Ukraine’s refugees housed in temporary shelters in Russia topped 31,000 people, said spokesman for Russia’s emergency ministry Aleksandr Drobyshevsky.

“There are 31,784 people, including 11,728 children staying in 433 shelters,” he said.

The number jumped almost 4,000 from more than 27,000 just a day before, he added.


Group of volunteers from Rostov-on-Don helps Ukrainian refugees (RIA Novosti / Evgeny Biyatov)

05:46 GMT:

Self-defense forces in Donetsk region have taken control of the Marinovka border checkpoint, they said on their Twitter account. Earlier Marinovka was reported to be under control of the Kiev troops. No independent confirmation of the claim was immediately available.

The fighting between the Ukrainian army and militias for the border checkpoint occasionally spills out into Russia’s territory. On Friday, more than 45 shells exploded in Russia’s Rostov Region not far from Marinovka and damaged several residential buildings.

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Analysis Novorossia
"Donetsk still waiting terrible times." Who for whom the Donbas? Statistics
Views: 5721


The last few days the fighting continues on the outskirts of Donetsk: Ukrainian army is struggling to get as close to the city, controlled by militias. Mean collision reports from places not give a picture of what the city is now living, peaceful citizens who have decided not to leave their homes. "Times" has collected stories journalist colleagues are now in Donetsk.

How to live Donetsk

Vitaly Leybin, editor in chief of the magazine "Russian Reporter", a native resident of Donetsk
Ukrainian military flag hung over the administration of the Dzerzhinsk. Donetsk left without Lugansk

On Monday, the Ukrainian army after the shelling began an offensive on the part of Donetsk airport.
After the fight, which took place in Donetsk, where civilians were killed, the city came to life: there are restaurants, public transport. Curfew conditional enough, moreover, on the streets of armed men less than before. Because there is a northern front line in the vicinity of the airport, there came the shooting, and the whole town lives with apprehension, but more or less normal life. The only thing - do not sell cigarettes and alcohol after 23.00 even convenience stores.

People are naturally afraid. But in general it does not affect the mood of those who decided to stay - they seem to have decided to stay permanently.

There are principled people. There are those who have nowhere to go, and there are people, like my aunt, I persuade to leave, and she is responsible for it: I was already in the occupation, all collected in an hour and ran away, and do not want to leave the house again. She said: I have so many live here - where to run, why?

There are entrepreneurs who say, here we leave the city, he will die; if absolutely all leave, then just bomb the city, and while we're here, we can maintain the infrastructure. Those who remained pronounced note of urban patriotism.

After Gunmen his men came to Donetsk intensified fight against looting and all sorts of other crimes. For example, when something in the yard young enough, you can call the DNR and all sort. disappeared prostitutes, they dispersed. Afraid to sell drugs.

Despite the fact that many apartments thrown fewer crimes now, although in principle the apartment - is to hunt for bandits. I was told one occasion when and militias and police work together at the regional level. But on the other hand, they ride around the city by car and do not observe any rules, that is, to demonstrate their power. There is a group moralizovannaya militia, and has clean warriors whose actions can be very tough. No action against the civilian population, but may, for example, the arrest of journalists, suspicious persons, it happens.

I was told that support DNR and LC about 30%. And she is more than in small towns and less large.

But most against Ukrainian forces, because they bombed the city and against the DNR because they provoke.

But it is clear that the hatred of Kiev more than dislike of the DNI. After each new bombing Ukrainian side militia strength increases, because people just take and recorded.

To be honest, I think Donetsk still waiting terrible times. After Slovyansk bombing tactics worked for the separatists, the city, on any place does not make sense to abandon it. Especially after the Boeing 777 was shot down at them a free hand, they can do anything, and no one in the world will not mind.

In war, which is in the east of Ukraine, met all sorts of people. "Gazety.Ru" visited Lugansk;

It's still one people, one mentality, so it would be strange to assume that on the one hand - the dregs, and on the other - the heroes. In fact, here on both sides have xxxx there and heroism, but in fact it is just a fratricidal war, which, of course, very sad.

Militias - a very motley mass, there is a small percentage of Russians, they especially come here, and most likely, they have to make some preparation. But the majority - it's still the locals and the people there are very different. There are those who went to improve their financial situation, maybe even plunder. Everyone notices that a large percentage of the militia marginals.

These are people who have always been on the side of social life, and now they have realized that they have the opportunity to take a gun and become kings. But again, do not think that this is all the army - in fact the picture is more complicated. There's a large number of normal men.

Just during active operations of militias changed. First marginals was more were drug addicts, petty criminals, curves, oblique faces. Then, when everything has turned into a real war, they fled, and there are many local people from adults 35 and older, who really believe that Kiev carries them a huge threat. Some went to Afghanistan.

They have a very different idea of ​​what they want: both NBP and supporters Dugin, and Eurasians, and supporters Kurginyan. But they are united by two points: they are fighting for the language and they are fighting for a holy attitude to victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Many of them radicalized recently, they did not consider the option that Kiev is simply forced to fight so that there just do not know how different. They truly believe that they are defending their homes, their land from the "junta."

By Ukrainian law enforcers also the picture is very colorful. In the army, the people set out to fight with the enemy, they have some ideas about morality, honor and so on. Although the army now greatly expanded, but something else in the minds of the people there. Among the new people mobilized many Russian speakers. That is, in fact, this fratricidal war between Russian.

In natsgvardii have ideological people, but many marginals. Offended by life, with arms in their hands, they feel better, coming out of their usual rhythm: "Who am I, trembling creature or have the right?" Many of them hate the east of Ukraine, believe that there live cattle and "quilted". Now this is particularly aggravated because these "quilted" were loyal to Russia and Putin.

Nobody knows what will happen next. Obviously, it would be a tough armed clash in Donetsk: militias very much, they are very angry and determined to. Plus they are defending. And those who defended, there is always an advantage.

If you take all of the local people as 100%, then the talk turns out that supporters of Kiev - is 5-10%, and I have a feeling that this percentage decreased to these active hostilities he was above. Just waiting for all of Kiev some reasonable steps, but on the other hand, it is not clear what.

Approximately 50-60% for anyone, they just want peace came. If Russia will come - they will agree. If it comes Kiev - they agree. If militias live their independent republic, they also agree the main thing - to make it happen quickly. To ustakanilos situation. Just people are accustomed to civilian life, and to live in a bombing oh how they do not want.

Well, quite a large percentage, perhaps 20-30%, still supported militias DNR. They are certainly not the majority, but they are most active.

Anna Andripolskaya
Source: www.gazeta.ru
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Saturday, July 26

23:07 GMT:

Sixty-one towns in Donetsk region have been left without electricity as a result of heavy fighting between the local militia and the Ukrainian army, local energy company Donetskoblenergo said on its website.

19:37 GMT:

Explosions, gunfire sounding near area east of #Donetsk train station. People take cover in station's underground. Small arms fire visible.

— Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) July 26, 2014
17:27 GMT:

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk believes his country’s attempts to oppose Russia and solve the Ukrainian crisis on its own are too ambitious.

“It is obvious to me that we have a chance to adjust Russia’s actions or, at least, make Putin and his team to think if it’s worth it to continue their attack. And the only chance to persuade them to do so are the joint actions of the whole of Europe,” Tusk told Poland’s TVN24 channel. “What is particularly important for Poland – and I dedicate it to our radicals – is not to give in to the temptation to jump on a white horse and rush at Moscow on its own.”

17:04 GMT:

At least 10 people were killed and 20 others injured when the militia’s reconnaissance group was ambushed by Kiev troops near the town of Snezhnoye in Ukraine’s Donetsk Region, a fighter for the self-defense forces wrote on his blog.

“We actually, lost one of the best strike groups” of the Donetsk People’s Republic, he wrote.

12:03 GMT:

A shell hit a high-pressure gas pipeline at the Oktyabrskaya Mine outside the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.

There’s a huge pillar of fire coming from the damaged pipe, local media reports.

However, there’s no risk the fire will spread to nearby residential areas. The accident also had no effect on gas supplies to the city of Donetsk.

Артобстрел в Донецке: снарядом уничтожены муниципальная техника и газопровод #Донецк http://t.co/nhf8g6h8oT pic.twitter.com/iIREBoaQc2

— Новости Донецка (@donnews777) July 24, 2014
10:18 GMT:

Fifteen civilians have been killed and 60 injured in Lugansk overnight due to massive mortar and artillery shelling of the militia-controlled city by the Ukrainian army, the militia reported. Most of the victims died after shells hit their homes, causing several collapses.

Viktor, a witness from Lugansk told RT that at least ten of those killed were commuters, who were waiting for their early morning bus when they were hit by artillery fire. He added the areas targeted by the shelling had no militia forces whatsoever.

Earlier on Friday, five civilians were killed and two others injured in Ukrainian army shelling.

07:43 GMT:

An explosives plant in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region has caught fire after shelling by Kiev troops, local self-defense forces said on their Twitter account.

Earlier, on July 8, Ukraine’s media outlets reported that the plant had been under militia control, after expelling its military guards.

05:52 GMT:

The number of Ukraine’s refugees housed in temporary shelters in Russia topped 31,000 people, said spokesman for Russia’s emergency ministry Aleksandr Drobyshevsky.

KIEV, July 27, 0:46 /ITAR-TASS/. Nine mines of the Donetsk fuel and energy company (DTEK) have suspended operation in the Lugansk region in Eastern Ukraine for fear of power cuts. The company’s press service reported on Saturday that 3,000 miners had been evacuated.

"We had to stop the production and raise the people to the surface because two high-voltage power lines owned by Ukrenergo Company were damaged during military hostilities today. The Lugansk thermal power station was the only source of energy for the Lugansk region from 12:30 to 17:32,” the DTEK said.

The evacuation passed normally. The mines will work in a life-support regime (ventilation and unwatering) until the risks of being left without electricity are removed.

ROSTOV ON DON, July 26, /ITAR-TASS/. Over 40 Ukrainian servicemen have left their units and come over to Russia’s side, spokesman to the Russian FSB border department for Rostov Region Vassily Malayev said on Friday.

“About 41 Ukrainian servicemen have left their units and arrived at the Izvarino checkpoint. They asked militia to assist them to come over to Russia’s side because they did not wish to fight a war against the own people,” he said.

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ODESSA, July 26, /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine has started excavating a 450-kilometre trench in Transdniestria near the border neighbouring Moldova, an official of Ukraine’s Border Guard Service Vladimir Kachanovetsky said on Saturday.

“The trench is being excavated around-the-clock for preventing the movement of heavy hardware, as well as of contraband cargoes, he said.

In March 2014 Transdniestria accused Ukraine of isolating the self-proclaimed republic. Ukraine considers such accusations groundless.

Russia Initiates Case into Purposeful Attack from Ukraine on Investigators

A case has been initiated into the attack on the members of Russia’s Investigative Committee, it was targeted fire with intent to kill law enforcement officers, the committee’s spokesman said.

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British journalist Graham Phillips tells RT of how his life has been thrown into disarray by his ordeal in Ukraine, speaking of recent cyberattacks and electronic account hackings, and his three days being held by the security services.

“I was put in a room next to an artillery position that they were firing heavily from, that was being fired on,” Phillips told RT, adding that his bulletproof vest had been seized despite the violence.

He said that he was blindfolded, given no guarantee that he was going to live, and called a terrorist.

“A soldier said that if he couldn’t confirm my details then he couldn’t guarantee that I was going to live. I was blindfolded,” Phillips said.

“I’ve been called an enemy of the state,” the RT contributor, who has been extensively covering the conflict in eastern Ukraine, recalled. “There was no representation given to me.”

He added that he discovered upon release that all of his electronic accounts had been hacked:

“My Twitter account, my email account, my YouTube account – which is obviously my main livelihood – someone has deleted 2,000 videos from that.”

I've been on a train to Warsaw for the past 12 hours, offline, in that time everything written in all of my accounts wasn't me.

— GrahamWPhillips (@GrahamWP_UK) July 26, 2014

Phillips was deported to Poland on Friday, following his arrest at Donetsk airport on Tuesday night.

He will now not be allowed to re-enter the country for three years. He was taken to Kiev, put in a van, and taken to the border: “…told I was deported and banned for three years.”

“I’ve been deported from a country I own a flat in,” Phillips said.

The journalist will not be allowed to re-enter the country for three years. Ukraine’s Security Service said that the official reason for the deportation was the threat Phillips presented to the "state security, sovereignty and territorial integrity" of Ukraine.

He added that he has a history of defending and praising Ukraine in the run-up to Euro 2012, when other journalists were being discouraging.

“I was the one…defending Ukraine, praising Ukraine,” Phillips said.

I'm really really disappointed to have lost 2000 videos. But, I'm alive, I'm not beaten, I'll make 4000 more videos telling the real story.

— GrahamWPhillips (@GrahamWP_UK) July 26, 2014

He said the only reason given was that he works for RT and was therefore considered an enemy agent. He added that RT had received a message from 'Graham' confirming he was fine, but he said he hadn't sent it.

“This is something that’s happened in a lot of countries where you have a war or a civil war going on,” investigative journalist Dave Lindorff told RT. “Participants are loath to have independent journalists nosing around the battlefield…they have to be embedded with the troops,” he said.

He commented on Graham’s unique treatment, being held hostage, and having his online presence damaged. “This is more what you see criminal thugs do than a government,” Lindorff said.

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