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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Summary army LC for 26/07/2014
Today, 8:03 | Category: Feed » Events
Views: 2659

The largest loss of military equipment of the Ukrainian army lately.

The decor in Lugansk and around remains difficult.

All night Ukrainian troops moved along the front line. On them to deliver preemptive missile artillery strikes. As a result of these attacks near the village Metalist near a gas station destroyed an artillery battery, along with ammunition.

In the night from 25th to 26th July, near the village of White accurate one massive volley of our missile was destroyed at least 70 edenits combat materiel. According to official statements Ukrainian military shelling killed more than a hundred soldiers of the Ukrainian army. According to our estimates, the loss amounted to no less than 400 people from the enemy. Ukrainian military cordoned off the area completely. Rockets hit including in cars with ammunition, so the place is still working engineers. The area around the lesion is completely cordoned off, the locals do not allow.

In the area of ​​the village on the Red mobile enemy group has suffered an artillery strike, which resulted in the group was completely destroyed along with the BMP.

In the village as a result of Lugansk sabotage raid destroyed one BMP, 3 BTR, BRDM one, and about 45 Ukrainian soldiers.

Lugansk city shelling continues. There are wounded, injured, their number is specified. As usual shelled residential areas and building infrastructure. The shelling was from 152 millimeter howitzers and mortars 122 millimeters.

Central News Agency Novorossia
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Opinion policy. Junta has lost control of the situation in the country

Today, 7:52 | Category: Tape " Power
Views: 2170

Today, the power to share portfolios should stop and think about the ratings, and is obliged to restore order, peace and stability in Ukraine.

About this yesterday on his Facebook page wrote the chairman of the executive committee of the Party of development of Ukraine Sergei Larin, commenting on the murder of the mayor of the city of Kremenchug and raked grenade Lviv mayor's house.

"Ukraine is finally sinking into the abyss of chaos and violence. In the East there is a war, people are dying every day. During this time, due to dead and maimed in the thousands already.

A great manager today killed Mayor Oleg Kremenchug Babaev, fired from a grenade launcher house Lviv Mayor Andriy Garden. And it happens far outside the ATO.

Write off all the machinations of the neighbors will not succeed. In fact, authorities lost control of the situation in the country. Violence has become commonplace tool of political struggle, and human life is worth nothing.


It's almost cheered when the victims were opponents of the ruling team. Now this evil boomerang hit by a loyal people, and even active supporters of the Maidan. The situation in Ukraine is beginning to resemble a bloody tragic course of events in 1917. Weapons in the hands of more and less order.

Today, the power to share portfolios should stop and think about the ratings, and is obliged to restore order, peace and stability in Ukraine.


All armed groups must either be included in the structure Natsgvardii and other units under the control of the Interior Ministry, or disarmed and disbanded. Rigidly to prosecute all violators of the legislation on firearms.

The Ministry of Interior is long overdue expose decisive reform with the creation of a viable municipal police.

Finally transmit powers and means territorial communities.


Stop playing the revolutionary upheavals. Time to restore and develop the state. Otherwise, we will be a very hard fall and his "Red October," - said in a statement.

Sergey Volodin

Central News Agency Novorossia


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White church .

Near the town of White Church in the Kiev region several dozen wives and mothers blocked the highway "Kyiv-Odessa". Their husbands and sons, 72 fighters mechanized brigade, a few months can not wait for the rotation.
Women sent letters military leadership, but never received a response. This forced them to go to extreme measures - blocking roads and protest. Because of the actions of soldiers wives and mothers on the track formed massive traffic jam.

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Military junta Kiev made of us "cannon fodder"

Punishers 72th, 79th and 24th Brigades, taken "in the grip of" militia almost ceased to exist. Kiev authorities underestimate the loss, throwing soldiers and commanders to fend for themselves, say the militias.

Punishers themselves believe that they were thrown to the war as "cannon fodder", without bothering any software properly, no support, no help. Such actions are regarded as a betrayal of the military.


"The explosion vaporized fuel tanker people"

72-th and 79-th brigade of the armed forces of Ukraine were surrounded near the Russian-Ukrainian border. DNR army for a long time soldiers shelled positions junta.

Killed hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers burned a large amount of military equipment.

Soldiers of the 72nd Brigade was told that after a fire killed at Amvrosiivka were taken at 4-KAMAZ, the injured were about 60 ...


From the tanker explosion vaporized people, people from explosions tore apart. "At 4:00 and arrived at 4:15 column column is gone and, in general, no more teams."

"Why fight against people who do not support you ... In Donetsk this earth ... Here the local people support Russia", - said the soldiers.

ATO guide servicemen accused of treason and draining the coordinate information of Ukrainian units, thereby destroying the militia artillery cluster technology.


Commander Poroshenko: 72nd and 79th airmobile brigade got food and ammunition

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko wrote yesterday in Twitter, that 72 th and 79th airmobile brigade in the area of ​​the antiterrorist operation received assistance. "In 19 hours 72 Mechanized and 79th airmobile brigade received food and ammunition," - said in a statement.

Punisher: "We will have corn tops"

Soldiers of the 79th Brigade did not confirm the statement of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko that the 72nd and 79th airmobile brigade in the area of ​​counter-terrorism operation received assistance - food and ammunition.

According to the publication "Galinfo" soldiers explained that the past two weeks have not received anything. "Ammo we will, God willing, to hold until the morning. And so, we will soon have tops corn will eat here. "

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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In the west believe that the gas reserves in the land could fundamentally change the power not only in Ukraine, but also across Europe.

According to local residents, under Slavic mounted drilling rigs, clearly intending to produce shale gas.
According to them, under the protection of civilians Ukrainian military are preparing to install the towers. Imported equipment. Ukrainian law enforcers take the proposed area of ​​shale gas in the ring.

It should be noted that shale gas deal with Ukraine on U.S. companies, the head of one of which is the son of Vice President Joseph Biden. Official Kiev did not even try to hide one of the goals of the war in the Donbas, to start work on the extraction of shale hydrocarbons, without waiting for the end of hostilities in the region.

Sunday, July 27
05:21 GMT:

An early morning Grad rocket attack of Ukrainian troops in Gorlovka, a city near Donetsk, left at least one civilian seriously injured, the militia reported. The two volleys fired by multiple rocket launchers have damaged several residential buildings in the city center and in the nearby village of Korolenko.

03:25 GMT:

Over 1,200 orphans are still located in the war zone in southeastern Ukraine, Russia's children's rights commissioner, Pavel Astakhov, said on his Instagram account.

“Kiev authorities are prohibiting to evacuate and rescue the orphans and don’t do it themselves, making the most vulnerable children hostages to their political ambitions,” he wrote.

More than 40 Ukrainian soldiers have abandoned their military posts and crossed into Russian territory, stating that they refuse to fight against their own people, a Russian Federal Security Service spokesperson said.

Follow RT's live updates on Kiev's bloody eastern Ukraine campaign

At least 41 Ukrainian soldiers have made it to Russian territory after asking self-defense forces for help, the spokesperson from the Federal Security Service’s Rostov region border patrol unit, Vasily Malaev, told Itar-Tass.

"At around 20:30 Moscow time, 41 Ukrainian soldiers left their military bases and arrived at the Ukrainian border crossing checkpoint Izvarino. They appealed to the militia there for help to with cross into the Russian territory, in connection with the fact that they do not want to fight against their own people,” Malaev said.

All of the soldiers were able to cross into Russia at the Donetsk checkpoint, the spokesperson added.

Meanwhile, a Russian hospital near the Ukrainian border has been treating wounded Ukrainian soldiers. Some of them have expressed their unwillingness to fight for the Ukrainian army, blaming mobilization laws for forcing them to do so.

“I wouldn’t want to. We don’t know who we are fighting. I have no animosity towards Russians. I am not a nationalist, I am not Right Sector,” Ivan, a Ukrainian soldier, told RT.

What right do they have to make us fight? I was mobilized, I received wounds to my hands and now I have to go and fight again with cardboard equipment. They reuse old ammunition and make money off us. The country is falling apart, but for them everything is fine,” he added.

Another soldier questioned the purpose of the military offensive, adding that it is not even clear who the enemy is.

It is all so confusing, who is fighting who and how and what for isn’t clear. Who are these separatists? What do they look like? We don’t know,” Ukrainian soldier Sergey said.

Two other Ukrainian soldiers – major and senior warrant officers – were also among those who fled to Russia and said they intend to apply for Russian citizenship, according to Malaev.

Ukrainian soldiers claim that high-ranking officers rarely come to the frontline, and when they do they try to leave as soon as possible – preferably before dark – RT’s Roman Kosarev reported from Donetsk.

“Millions of dollars have already been spent by Kiev on its punitive action against those they call terrorists. While the country’s leadership ordered yet another mobilization round of its citizens into active armed forces...morale of the soldiers on the ground and the collapsing parliament could become a barrier for their operation target,” Kosarev added.

Ukraine's parliament, the Verkhovnaya Rada, approved this week a presidential decree authorizing the limited mobilization of army reserves and material, which will be used to reinforce units fighting in the east of the country. This was part of the Ukrainian president’s peace plan, which involves a unilateral ceasefire by government forces in eastern Ukraine.

On Friday, mothers and wives of Ukrainian soldiers sent to fight in eastern Ukraine kneeled during a demonstration, asking President Petro Poroshenko to end the military offensive.

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08:44 GMT:

The Malaysian government has reached an agreement with self-defense forces in eastern Ukraine, to allow an international police force access to the site of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 crash, said the Malaysian PM’s office.

08:33 GMT:

Clashes are raging in the Ukrainian territory near the Russian checkpoint Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov Region, head of Russia’s Customs Service, Rayan Fakurshin, told RT. “The fighting started near Dolzhanskiy [ukraine's counterpart for Novoshakhtinsk - RT] at about 11:20 Moscow time [ 07:20 GMT]. Our employees have been evacuated. This is a routine for them now. This has been going on a month-and-a-half. If some shells hit our checkpoint, we can learn about it afterward, ” he added.

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15-15 DNR Headquarters on the situation on the fronts (13.00 on Sunday July 27).

In the "southern pot" operational situation has not changed. Grouping of the Ukrainian Armed Forces residues three teams still sitting there, suffering considerable losses from enemy militia. Last thread gearbox "Marinovka" was cut yesterday. All conversations Poroshenko that surrounded delivered food and ammunition is the usual lies, now supply can be carried exclusively by air, and then - at great risk to aircraft discharging cargo by parachute. Of course, on the supply of ammunition and fuel armored speech does not go, the group essentially is now a mass of infantry dug tanks and infantry fighting vehicles that have retained the combat capability. Obvious and slug hunger for conventional and rocket artillery.

In the area of ​​Saur-Graves and Amvrosiivka front has long had all the signs of position, where activity is shown by artillery strikes and actions DRG. Dominant position Saur-Graves and constant bombardments Amvrosiivka not give impunity junta to gather strength for the unlocking strike aimed at saving the southern group. All the recent successes of the junta in the area associated exclusively with the actions of DRGs.

In the area of ​​continuing massive attacks Debalcevo Ukrainian law enforcers. On Saturday evening, the headquarters of the Ukrainian troops had reported about taking Debalcevo, but in fact just the security forces entered the city under cover of heavy shelling, and then there began a heavy street fighting with heavy losses on both sides. On Sunday morning fights Debalcevo continued. "

Loss Debalcevo seriously complicate the situation in the DNI, which essentially hangs on one thread supply ", - the report says DNR Staff. We should expect the tightening militia reserves to counterattack. In fact, the direction between Gorlovka Alchevsk and - this is the only area where the Ukrainian army firmly holds the operational initiative and conducts large-scale offensive action with decisive goals. In most other parts of the front and DNR LC started July 1 offensive or stopped position boils down to the front.

Enemy advance to Debalcevo led to coverage Gorlovki from the northeast, bringing the city was surrounded by a partially operational because of the roads had been cut DRG enemy motorized infantry and leaked. Key militias pushed into the city and prepare for street fighting.

"In the Donetsk junta offensive bogged down on the outskirts of the city - said in a statement. - Heavy fighting near the village of Sands led to the actual stop direct assault on the city. The junta was forced to go to the "Slavic" tactics heavy shelling of residential areas, after which the slow progress with weak tanks supported by infantry. " The first days of the crisis storm Donetsk (when militias actually going into the urban fabric) at the moment is overcome, and the militia is preparing for new battles in the suburbs.

15-04 is not supplied reliable information, about what the junta troops managed to enter in the miner.

15-02, a result of firing of MLRS "Grad" junta (started at 14-30 on MSK) in the center Gorlovki destruction. 2 hospital and suffered DonbasEnergo.

14-30, there is a constant movement of High transport military junta in aviation area Krasnograd direction from west to east, south-east. Seen frequent flights SS 25 in the direction from south to north, north-west.

14-15, Sunday in Lugansk was declared air raid. The city is preparing for a new airstrike or fire. "Yes, (forward) fire or air attack. Literally 20 minutes ago was the air-raid "

13-50, after the destruction in Amvrosievka Grado at the location, Ukrainian military began to fire out of the city - shot and left.

13-39, URGENT! In the coordinates DNR prepares a serious fire (deploy MLRS)

Left border - X - 31200 Y - 07420
Right boundary - X - 31865 Y - 07240

13-38 Pro shelling Gorlovki:

Brunt of the installations "Grad" on Sunday morning hit the streets Merciless, Ostapenko and Karalenka village where houses have suffered, and in apartments povyletali window. At the same time, according to reports in the net, "Beat" worked out zhilmassiva Builders and then returned "otvetka" to the area and trolley stop cafe "Caspian."

According to residents, shots began to be heard at 5 am, 30 minutes later all was quiet. One of the shells exploded near the street dentistry Ostapenko. Blast shattered windows in the adjacent five-storey building. Some shells as reported by eyewitnesses, were right on the territory prosecutor Gorlovki. Thus in the building for more than two weeks, there are no representatives of DNR. Also saw a projectile at high school field adjacent to the school № 65.

13-30, was a massive bombardment Shakhtersk. In mining there is a fight between the junta and armored militia.

13-02, Near PPC "Dolzhansky", on the border with Russia, is fighting between the militias and LC units of the Ukrainian army.

12-58, Intelligence in Lugansk:

In the air again, aviation, drying and two scouts. Morning in Lugansk bombed hospital.
Airport came under the control of militias.

12-26, Blogger Boris Borisov, who is in the ranks of the militia DNR reports on combating all types of alcohol and drugs in the ranks of the militia and the territories controlled by them.

"Now I'm in the company of five militia - Borisov wrote. - Because alcohol is strictly forbidden here, all the guys are sober as a whistle. What's interesting - no conversation "about women", drinking and other nonsense. This impression. that even where there are smoking less than usual. Talks mainly about the war, about the weapons of battle tactics ... no one is going to surrender. Do not expect. All seriously. "

Also blogger notes, "came the first battle piece DNI." Leaf really fighting. One of the quotes: "... Decree-martial tribunal from 16.07.2014 year for the production and sale of narcotic substances, namely narcotic substance" screw "in the city of Donetsk sentenced to exceptional measures of punishment - death by firing squad - Andrew L. Sergeeva, 1967 year of birth. "

This, obviously, is about the only subject of Donetsk trader, wrote about the other day citizen journalist Vsevolod Petrovsky.

12-24, Destruction in Lugansk yesterday:

- In the area Artem - 16: specialized school № 7 (Lenin's street, 103), a nursery-garden combined type number 53 (sq. South), a house in the square. Zarechnyj, 5, home of the private sector at st. Azov, 57, str. Bolotnikova, 18, 20, str. Angara, 17, str. Ochakovskaya, 47, 1st Caspian passage, 10, 2nd Caspian routes, 11, 12, 15, str. Onega, 26, str. Trunk, 58, p Jubilee Street. Steppe, 5, str. Ukrainian, 9.
- In Zhovtnevyy district - 4: House of the private sector on the street. 3rd Donetsk, 91, 93, 97, Krasny Yar, m. March 8, 16, apartment house in the square. March 8, 23.
- In Kamennobrodsky area - 6: Lugansk city multidisciplinary children's hospital number 4 (Lenin Square, 65a), home of the private sector on the street. Levanevskogo, 20, 82a, lane Levanevskogo, 1, 2, 3.
- In the Leninsky district - 12: Monument railroad, Luhansk Regional Palace of Culture (Pushkin Street, 2), the administrative building of Luhansk City Council (Pushkin Street, 8), houses on the street. Defense, 12a m. Acute Tomb, 4, home of the private sector on the street. Defense, 17, 19, 21, str. Gogol, 45, 47, 48.
July 25 shelling shell struck the roof and attic floor school number 7 on the street. Lenin, 103, from the street shattered windows and doors.
Yesterday, due to the impact of the projectile shattered attic space Luhansk city multidisciplinary children's hospital number 4 (Lenin Square, 65a), there are fracture on the 3rd floor. Also, the blast shattered windows in the building of Lugansk city STI clinic (Karl Marx St 105).
In preschool educational institution - the nursery garden combined type number 53 blast was broken 10 windows. Blast also shattered windows on the 1st and 2nd floors of an office building on the street. Pushkin, 8.
During shelling in the street. Magpies, 104, gas station "Parallel", the SBU building explosions occurred five shells.
Because seriously damaged shell hit the house number 18 on the street. Bolotnikova, broken windows and doors in the house number 20 on this street. Also destroyed the house at ul. Angara, 17, str. Ochakovskaya, 47, damaged pipeline.
The explosion in the yard of number 58 on the street. Trunk, broken glass shards, whip the wall, damaged pipeline is broken mains.
The shelling damaged railroad monument, engraved 23 windows on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Luhansk Regional Palace of Culture on the street. Pushkin, 2.
Because shell hit in the garden around the house number 17 on the street. Defense, broken windows and doors, also shattered windows in houses number 19 and number 21 on this street.
A spill of ammunition into the roof of a residential house on the street. Defense, 12a torn slabs, broken apartment on the 5th floor.
Due to an explosion in a private house number 57 on the street. Azov broken windows, doors, roof flogged shrapnel damaged pipeline.
As a result of falling shells destroyed house on the street. Gogol, 45, 48 broken windows in the house st. Gogol, 47.
Also destroyed the house at 2nd Caspian passage, 13. Shattered windows in homes number number 11, 12, 15 in the second Caspian Travel. In some places the damaged pipeline, cut short the power line.
The bombardment completely destroyed the house number 10 in the first Caspian Travel, damaged pipeline.
The blast partially destroyed the house number 26 on the street. Onega.
The explosion on the street. 3rd Donetsk in houses number number 91, 93, 97 broken windows, torn off the power line.
Shell struck the roof of a residential house number 5 in the square. Zarechnyj, tumbled plate lies in apartment 72.
As a result of the shelling destroyed house in § Jubilee Street. Steppe, 5. Destroyed the roof and walls at home on the street. Steppe, 1b.
Due to explosions in the houses number 20 and number 82a on the street. Levanevskogo broken roofs, broken windows.
As a result of the shelling was blown away and smashed windows in the house at Lane Levanevskogo 2. Damaged roofs and shattered windows in homes as number 1 and number 3 in the alley Levanevskogo.
The shelling in Krasny Yar damaged roof of a private house number 16 in the quarter. March 8 and pipeline. Broken windows and doors in an apartment building at m. March 8, 23.
Because fire pierced the roof of an apartment house at number 4 m. Acute grave, broken windows.
The shelling of the house at ul. Ukrainian, 9 broken windows, no electricity supply.
Strong razreshuniya of Grad MLRS s.Roskoshnoe not included in the Lugansk, but worth close to kv.Stepnoy

12-21, According to local residents Kramators'k yesterday July 26 actively flying heavy propeller aircraft (most likely transporters), allegedly sat on Kramatorsky airfield.

12-16, Just (12-16 on MSK) passed over Kramatorsk Ukrainian plane attack (it was from the southwest)

12-10, just (by 12-10 MSK) Lozovoy passed over "dry" in the direction of Donetsk.

11-38, Ukrainian army shelling of residential areas Debalcevo not stop. The city has many buildings destroyed. Lights DZMM.

Central News Agency Novorossia

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"New Russia" Kharkiv People's Republic
WARNING! Unverified information, but be careful

Dear compatriots! Especially those living in Pavlograd,
Dnipropetrovsk region! Read the message and send to everyone!

In the city of Pavlograd Dnipropetrovsk region is preparing a terrible provocation, its scale, the number of victims, victims block the Malaysian "Boeing" at times!

Kolomoiskiy and Kiev junta prepared militant groups, Russian speakers, who under the guise of DNR militias and LC have to arrange in Pavlograd night "long knives". Are killed hundreds of civilians! Allegedly in retaliation for the death toll in Lugansk and Donetsk republics.

Already prepared false witnesses who will confirm it. This can happen even tonight! Do not give the Nazis able to kill with impunity!

Census is a message to all their friends and relatives, call them! The more people know about it, the less likely it will happen!

Our indifferent should stop moral monsters, who conceived this terrible provocation! Do not take a sin, pity those people who can be killed!

Central News Agency Novorossia


Militia continues to fight against the invaders of their native land. Naturally, given that it is a hard, hard to resist the regular army, which has a large amount of military equipment, even if she was not ready for war. Despite all the difficulties, the resistance firmly gives fascists understand that without a fight, they are not going to give up. This is understandable, in the circles of power in Ukraine, the so-called "separatists" - already sentenced. At the valiant defenders of the Motherland is no fear, only a desire to survive - the indomitable spirit of the Russian.

Today, namely, the 27th of July, civilians Shakhtersk witnessed that entered the city punitive force. More specifically, they were seen dozens of trucks with soldiers, about forty pieces of equipment, including tanks, combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers landing.

Just an hour after the above movement of terrorists, the first shots rang out. Earned siren warning - on the outskirts of Shahtersk (Donetsk region) began fighting.

Settlement is an important object, as can be judged, if the army of Ukraine can take it, then just three cities will be in the ring, namely Gorlivka, Makeyevka and Donetsk. Among other things, this line connects the Donetsk and Lugansk. But this problem will not end the resistance forces: the units that are stationed in the area Dmitrovka marinating and will be cut off from the main force.

At this point, the militia managed to restrain the brunt of the Nazis, however, the battle continues. Both sides are big losses, luckily enough militia forces and morale, not to miss the punishers.

Let's hope that the Russian and this time will not hand over the position superior enemy forces. Glory to the heroes of New Russia, died and those who continue to defend their land from the plague of fascism!

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Just yesterday (July 26), there was another incident, which can be regarded as a prerequisite for the future collapse of plans for genocide. It's no secret that Kiev, to put it mildly, pahabno refers to the defenders of their land. Up to this point repeatedly appeared information that the soldiers do not get food in Ukraine, forms, generally do not get anything.

So, about four dozen members of the Ukraine came to the checkpoint "Izvarino." The boys were asked to Russia, the basis for such action was the unwillingness to fight for the oligarchs, who allowed conscripts to the front as a consumable. Naturally, the punishers did not want to show their faces at the camera and call names, that they fear for their loved ones.

According to the soldiers, they spent two weeks surrounded by militia, thus, did not carry out the command of supply of provisions, not bringing up reinforcements. When crossing the border, promoting soldiers had militias, the children themselves say that they have left no choice - had to go to Russia.

It is worth emphasizing that the situation of such a plan - not news. About a week ago, the Ukrainian army soldiers turned to Russian border guards to get medical help. The soldiers were surrounded with a similar respect of staff, many were killed and more were wounded.

Against this background, it is possible that there will be nobody to continue ATU - Nazis flee their homes. By the way, some fighters Ukraine say that if food supply situation does not change, they generally go to Kiev.

Naturally, demoralized, ragged and hungry army - not such a serious opponent, given the fact that morale militias remains on top! Stay brothers, punishers soon depart, and there and there is a trail to Kiev!

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Journalists Odessa channel "First City" Vladimir and Dmitry Yuriev Dolmatova that led to the July 24 videosemku BOLGRAD District, police officers headed by the Chief of the District Department Vladimir Bachurom forced to stop work, detained, searched, and a company car for a few hours "took explanations" about purpose of visit and meetings with residents of Bessarabia.

This was announced in an interview with the head of the crew Ukrinform Yuriev, noting that "during the trip we wanted to check whether the information on the validity of the tense situation in Bessarabia, including manifestations of separatism and opposition to it on the part of civil servants and the police."

"However, the meeting with residents Bolhrad in fact only confirmed the dangerous trend - noted journalist. - I had to, in particular, was surprised to observe that some of the buildings hover over Russian tricolors on vehicles a lot of so-called" St. George ribbons. "And during a conversation ensure that the management of district administration is not concerned about Russian flags hanging, here it is not considered an offense, "- said the journalist.

According to St. George, arrival Odessa crew and record interviews with bolgradtsami, "apparently caused someone's discontent. Because for us was organized surveillance - security firm employees' strength and police. Ultimately, shooting disrupted the pretext of searching pledged in car bomb, not involving bomb technicians. As a result, the bomb, of course, is not found, but advised us to leave Bolhrad. "

In Odessa oblUVD stall work crew obїyasnili "difficult operational situation in Bessarabia." According to the chief DSP Vladimir Shablienko, "because the police department received information about explosives in the car journalists, the police responded immediately and in full."

World warden can not accept the fact that the Donbass continues to oppose his will, despite the sacrifices and everything, even the most heinous methods of waging war. America continues to monitor developments in the New Russia, gives instructions to his puppets and angrily admits foam from that militia maintains its position. Let Psak continues to demonstrate its "impressive" intelligence, the United States sees that Poroshenko unable to crush the resistance forces. In this regard, plans are under way to provide "assistance" infirm oligarchs, so far unsuccessfully.

However, no way back, so the Western superpower is making every possible effort to achieve their goals is illusory. There have been reports in the Western press that between the Yankees and Ukraine there is a certain agreement, which allows limited sharing of intelligence. Naturally, this kind of information in the hands of the Nazis, could have a negative impact on the success of the resistance.

It was learned that Washington is considering to provide data on the location of Ukraine heavy weapons militias. We are talking about air defense systems, moreover it can be exchanged, "knowledge", seriously discussed the question of assistance to strike on these important objects.

May thus be organized another provocation, which will involve the U.S. in the conflict, as well as, Russia.

In any case, at the moment this can not happen. Here's the thing: The White House of the United States is working on the introduction of "new" sanctions against Russia, so maintaining their puppets postponed by the wayside.

It is worth remembering that Russia has always won. We do not start wars, but on our roads Plohenky always broke back invaders. So it will be in the New Russia, by all means! Glory to the heroes!

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Desertion punitive zone ATO is massive. Fleeing, warriors throwing weapons and equipment.

The hacker group "KiberBerkut" published online two interesting materials.

A memo to the commander of the military unit in 0849, in it - a list of escaped soldiers: 153 people. Fleeing home, soldiers abandoned weapons and equipment.


Another document - an appeal to Dnipropetrovsk prosecutor. It provides a list of the captured militia weapons.

Almost every army is losing tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, "Grady" and other equipment.


"In the period from 06/20/14 to 07/20/14 illegal military formations captured the following technique, belonging to the Armed Forces of Ukraine: T-64 tanks - 25 units, BTR - 11 units, SAU" Carnation "- 11 units RSZV BM-21" Grad "- 12 units, howitzer D-30 - 5 units, 82 mm mortars - 16 units."

Sergey Volodin (image from cyber-berkut.org),
Central News Agency Novorossia

This was followed by return fire. Shells hit the area and trolley stop "Caspian."

According to residents, one shell landed near the street dentistry Ostapenko. Blast blew out windows in the surrounding five-storey building.

According to eyewitnesses, several shells flew into the territory of the Town Prosecutor. The publication notes that the Prosecutor's Office itself about two weeks there are no representatives of DNR. Another shell landed on the territory of the school field school № 65. House also suffered, killed in April, the city council deputy Volodymyr Rybak. This message confirms the widow policy.

According to the press service of the city council, in the village down Karalenka burned two houses. "The shells also fell in the area of ​​the pond, as well as near the football field," - said in a statement.

Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands, yesterday, announced agreement on access to the crash site of experts between the militias and the representatives of the OSCE mission.

Later it became known that a group of international experts and the OSCE was unable to get to the crash site of a Malaysian ship because the fighting began in the mining, the town on the road between Donetsk and Thorez, next to which is the place of the crash.

Malaysian authorities also reached an agreement with the militia in eastern Ukraine, sending a group of 68 police officers to the site of the crash Malaysia Airlines, said yesterday Prime Minister Najib Razak Malaysian. "Malaysia has reached an agreement with the Ukrainian separatists controlling area crash MH17, that an international group of police officers will be ensure the security experts at the crash site, "- he wrote in Facebook.

As an added Razak, 68 Malaysian police will fly from Kuala Lumpur to the site of the tragedy on Wednesday. They will participate in an international police mission.

The Premier noted that earlier on Sunday discussed with colleagues from the Netherlands and Australia the deployment of this mission.

The leaders of all three countries agreed to cooperate closely in this matter. "Malaysia calls for an immediate cease all military activity both on the crash site, and the approaches to it" - said Razak.

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Summary of Staff Alexei Brain on the results of 25 - 27 July 2014

"Back off, does not mean to lose!"

"Ghosts" back to work. After the withdrawal of troops from the locking ring inside the battalion and separate platoons militia activities were carried out to reshape to change tactics and the quality of work for the destruction of enemy forces.

07/25/2014 The battle for Lomovatka - by one unit had stopped the enemy column, which was moving towards Bryanka. 3 APCs, 1 tank and several URAL with personnel were unable to break through the defense to 6 people. Ukram had to retreat ...

26/07/2014 Joint Action of mortar and artillery battalion calculations Cossack was destroyed hundreds of fortified under Pervomay.

Alexei Brain.

Results fighting battalion "Ghost" for the last two days.

May Day was destroyed direction:

Trucks - 2 URAL 1 GAZ-66;

Armored vehicles - BMP 4, 2 tanks;

1 ammunition depot.

By Komissarovka:

Destroyed 1 tank, 3 infantry fighting vehicles, 1 Ural;

In total, the enemy lost more than 100 people living force.

Our loss is 2 slightly wounded (refused to leave the position.)

Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, July 27. /ITAR-TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has asked the United States to stop hindering the work of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Thursday that Russia had registered nine strikes on its territory from Ukraine during the period of June and July of this year.

The Russian Foreign Ministry condemned the shelling of the Russian territory, urged Kiev to stop the attacks immediately, and warned that these provocations might have irreversible consequences.

DONETSK, July 27 (RIA Novosti) – The Ukrainian Army fired Grad rockets on Sunday evening into the southeastern city of Horlivka, a local militia representative told RIA Novosti.

“Six Grad rockets were fired into the center of the city. They targeted our headquarter, but hit residential buildings,” a representative said.

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Nothing you do not understand, David Duchovny, as was the play actors, and remained an American.

Offered you earn advertising "Siberian Crown", posing as an American, dreaming of Russia - you have earned! Proposed to declare himself a Ukrainian - Announced! And again earned.

Although Ukrainian - in Europe obscenity. And looking at poroshenok Turchinova and a growing number of "Ukrainians" cease to be.

Because being Ukrainians, David, this is a political choice. You made it. And earned.

A boy Dnepropetrovsk and Zhytomyr for their Ukrainians get - well, if the coffin to Kharkov, or simply under a bulldozer rumbling, two feet of earth above them. It sent them to punish Ukraine Novorossia who did not want get into NATO (SS) uniform.

The situation is difficult. Mother and wife mobilized Ukrainians praying on his knees before poroshenkovoy administration: "Bring our men and boys! Or give them ammo! Why not send your boys? ".

But for some reason Sky hears that they shouted: "Hands off the Donbass! Do not kill children, mothers, old people! ".

And to those words as long as possible has been heard, "Biznes.FM" immediately after the stories about David-American begins to collect votes allegedly Shakhtar, who "already bored - and soon they would have won or those that all calmed down!". And since "Nicholas of Donetsk" militia commandeered a car, it is now ready, assures "Biznes.FM" accept the return of Ukrainian orders.

Thanks to such professionals as "Biznes.FM", "Ukrainian Truth", "Channel 5" Poroshenko and Kolomoyskogo spokesman, Nicholas knows nothing about fascism Kiev Ukrainian nor the State Department about the liars, and hopes for peace after the philistine Whose whatsoever victory.

It is poorly taught history. He held her ukrofashistskim textbooks. And with the same indifference to the truth, which showed an American actor. Not by chance, it was his philistine irritation sounded in the air "Biznes.FM."

Yuri Serb,
Central News Agency Novorossia

Analysis Novorossia
Sensation, or intelligence operations - 2. Game Over
Views: 1714


July 25 I wrote an article "Sensation, or intelligence operations?" http://who-is2012.livejournal.com/9413.html, where analyzed sufficiently sensational article Colonel Victor Baranets "In a telephone conversation with Obama Poroshenko admitted that Boeing knocked Ukrainian defense, and "finished off the Su-25" »

In his article, I have not touched the veracity given a telephone conversation between the two presidents, but only tried to analyze the purpose of this publication. Judging by the fact that the article was a huge success, I got it. Article scattered across thousands of websites, news agencies, political magazines, social networks, blogs as tens of thousands of Census and repost. Article hit the top news even not patriotic Rambler. I fell down in the mail approving and condemning reviews, although the latter was much smaller. Many I gave food for thought.
But I want to be honest with you, and therefore declare:

Article Colonel Baranets - fake from start to finish. Figment of imagination Viktor Nikolaevich
My article with the analysis - a fake from start to finish. Figment of my imagination. From the outset.

Shaft represent perturbations that can translate on my head, so I want to explain motivation.
Viktor wanted to show an example of his imagination, how to make fakes even such serious agencies like Reuters . And he came up with in response to your fake telephone conversation with Obama with a history of receiving Poroshenko Russian recording this conversation. I clothed all in analytically-mysterious form and published. True to the article was convincing, I had to force myself to believe in it, so to speak, to get into character. Judging by your reaction, everything turned out as Viktor Nikolaevich and me.
We have shown how the Ukrainian side, as their propaganda machine. In one small example. Only here in this work in the information war, they engaged in a huge structure, we can say, at the state level. We have the same information war in Russia - the inheritance of individual enthusiasts, bloggers, politicians ... We, unlike Ukraine, infovoyna is not total, organized from above, nature . But even at such minimal opportunities, we were able to achieve amazing results, and showed that this article.
I admit, the idea of the article you are reading now agreed with Viktor Nikolaevich Barantsov. We have shown that Russia, too, can lead infovoynu similar western. Only the will and desire of our state .
I am absolutely sure that the fratricidal war in Ukraine, where Russian Russian kill for the sake of Western interests alien to us, can not win with machine guns, tanks and hail. It will be a Pyrrhic victory . Only methods of information warfare by changing the consciousness of millions of people can win, keep people and continue our association "Russian mira."
Once again I apologize to those readers who I deliberately misled. Our Goal is worth it.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Want to win the crash site of the Boeing in the Donbass. Smell of fried because!

There are reports that the Ukrainian army is trying to take control of the crash site of a Malaysian Boeing in the Donbass. Ostensibly to prevent tampering debris militias. They started today offensive near the village of Shakhtersk, near the crash site near the village Hrabovo.

Why today. A smell of fried because!

Experts expressed because today the preliminary version of what happened.

Focusing on the nature of the damage of the fuselage, the experts concluded that the Malaysian Boeing was just hit by a missile. True, they do not even care what was called a missile, not the type of call. But the range is narrowed.

Submunitions, capable of inflicting damage discovered the wreckage of the Boeing in the Donbass, as contained in the stuffing missiles 'Beech' (type 9M - 38), and in installed on the Su-25 rocket R - 60.

If it turns out that it was a missile R-60, therefore Malaysian airliner was shot down by Ukrainian Su-25. Since militias, known as aviation is not.

That rushed to win the wreck Kiev punishers. In my opinion, they want to capture the crash site to destroy the evidence, issuing missile R -60.

And then ten days dreaming and poked fingers in their noses.

I really do not believe that the testimony transcribed in the UK orange black boxes will be communicated to you and me undistorted. But there are other ways to learn the truth.

I - Eduard Limonov.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Want to win the crash site of the Boeing in the Donbass. Smell of fried because!

There are reports that the Ukrainian army is trying to take control of the crash site of a Malaysian Boeing in the Donbass. Ostensibly to prevent tampering debris militias. They started today offensive near the village of Shakhtersk, near the crash site near the village Hrabovo.

Why today. A smell of fried because!

Experts expressed because today the preliminary version of what happened.

Focusing on the nature of the damage of the fuselage, the experts concluded that the Malaysian Boeing was just hit by a missile. True, they do not even care what was called a missile, not the type of call. But the range is narrowed.

Submunitions, capable of inflicting damage discovered the wreckage of the Boeing in the Donbass, as contained in the stuffing missiles 'Beech' (type 9M - 38), and in installed on the Su-25 rocket R - 60.

If it turns out that it was a missile R-60, therefore Malaysian airliner was shot down by Ukrainian Su-25. Since militias, known as aviation is not.

That rushed to win the wreck Kiev punishers. In my opinion, they want to capture the crash site to destroy the evidence, issuing missile R -60.

And then ten days dreaming and poked fingers in their noses.

I really do not believe that the testimony transcribed in the UK orange black boxes will be communicated to you and me undistorted. But there are other ways to learn the truth.

I - Eduard Limonov.
Central News Agency Novorossia


Counterterrorism forces conducted a march from Debalcevo Shakhtersk to actually separate the two groups and DNR LC, reported huntovskie media.

At the headquarters of TAU: "One of our forces rounded Gorlovka and blocked city, another country roads started Shakhtersk that allowed the terrorists to strike an unexpected blow," - said the source, without revealing the details of the plan. According to eyewitnesses, several major anti-terrorism forces units are now in the vicinity of Shahtersk. Shakhtersk actually is the last link between the LC and the DNI. "

"Miner - ours!" - Said in a Twitter DNR.

July 27 maneuverable armored group attacked enemy city Shakhtersk deep behind the army DNR. On the outskirts of the city began heavy clashes.

Ukrainian armored vehicles stuck in the battles at checkpoints around the city. While the miners' army units DNR reflect attack, militia headquarters immediately sent reinforcements to the side and further Torrez Shakhtersk by Red Ray and other areas.


In the city included tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, MLRS "Grad", trucks, minibuses and cars with army soldiers DNR, including enter one of the main shock units Igor Rifles - a battalion of special purpose "Kalmius."

Dispersed they clashed with troops occupying Kiev.

In Shahtarsk sounded civil defense sirens, some mobile operators have stopped working, the streets were deserted. On the outskirts of heavy fighting, heard powerful explosions from artillery and tanks, also conducted automatic shooting.

In Shahtarsk fierce street battles between militia and natsgvardiey.


Columns of armored vehicles moved from the different parties on the outskirts of the city: witnesses told that passed through Stashkovku many technicians.

Heavy fighting was in the area of ​​militia positions in the 20th mine, resulting in burned several homes and burned enemy equipment.

At the turn on the outskirts Torez Zhuravlevka tank battles were intense and almost continuous gunfire sounded short.

Some time after the enemy reinforcements began to retreat.

Position on the part of the DNI in the 20th mine resulting battle, remaining in service with the Ukrainian machinery soldiers stepped aside Olhovchika. Suffered losses in manpower and military equipment enemy waited shot from each private home. Natsgvardeytsy weapons have imposed on every fence, Ukrainian flags were removed from the armored vehicles and hidden.

Foothold in Olhovchike on Field junta soldiers began digging trenches in plantations and near the 15th mine.

Morning of July 28 clashes continued.

Around 3:00 am Moscow time began a new battle at Loose, fire is automatic weapons and tanks.


Recall that Shakhtersk is on the second line of communication between Lugansk and Donetsk, and its loss can have catastrophic consequences for the defense of New Russia. Came the decisive moments of the battle for the Donbas.

As was his wont Ukrainian side reported a fantastically successful operation. According to them Shakhtersk already taken and stripped from the militias. They simultaneously they allegedly stormed Debalcevo, Torez, snowy, hang their flags everywhere, mechanized columns and move the tank hordes.

Sergey Volodin based on media
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, July 28./ITAR-TASS/. Defense minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Igor Strelkov has ordered commanders and soldiers of militia forces not to fire on Ukrainian servicemen raising white flags or otherwise indicating surrender.

Strelkov says those taken as war prisoners must be moved to special points for sending under guard deeper into militia-controlled areas.

In accordance with Geneva protocol agreements on rules of military operations, such persons must be provided with food and medical care. They must not be shot, tortured or abused. Violation of the regulations is viewed as a war crime, the minister's document says.

Persons voluntarily laying down arms and surrendering, and not having committed serious crimes in military operations in the territory of Novorossia (the Donetsk and Luhansk regions), themselves decide whether to return to their families in Ukraine, join militia ranks in the southeast or go to Russia.

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