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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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20:40 GMT:

At least 14 people have been killed as a result of intense fighting between the Ukrainian military and anti-Kiev forces in Gorlovka village, Donetsk region in the last 24 hours, local authorities report, citing the regional health department.

"According to the Department of Health of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, 14 people, including 5 children were killed in Gorlovka. There is no information about the dead and wounded in Avdeyevka and Debalcevo," the statement said, noting that Department staff cannot reach Avdeyevka or Debalcevo because of the continued fighting.

19:09 GMT:

Washington for weeks prevented the UN Security Council from adopting a resolution on sending international observers to the Russia-Ukraine border, which contrasts with public statements made by US officials, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergey Ryabkov, was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti.

While formally welcoming the Russian initiative on sending OSCE observers to Russia-Ukraine border checkpoints, the US in reality “for more than two weeks prevented the taking of the decision by the UN Security Council, set forth various conditions, incited Kiev to include in the draft such wording that foredoomed the whole thing to failure,” Ryabkov said.

“Sadly, the actions of Washington often radically contrast with the promises and signals that we receive through the diplomatic channels, as well as in the form of public comments on behalf of the [White House] administration. The gap between words and deeds, it is mind blowing,” the Russian diplomat added.

12:12 GMT:

Railway traffic to and from Lugansk in eastern Ukraine has been suspended because of ongoing fighting between Kiev forces and self-defense troops in the region, the press-service for the Ukrainian railroads administration has said.

09:59 GMT:

Armed forces from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic have repelled a major assault of pro-Kiev troops to the east of the city of Shakhtersk. Ukrainian troops “have suffered colossal losses,” claims DPR’s press service. Yet self-defense forces have had to retreat to the nearby village of Dmitrovka to escape heavy mortar shelling of their positions, leaving behind some 20 scouts to monitor the situation on the battlefield. Kiev’s troops are currently shelling the neighbor city of Gorlovka, where citizens are hiding in cellars turned into bomb shelters and inside the local church.

08:09 GMT:

Some 1,129 people have been killed and nearly 3,500 wounded in the Kiev’s operation in eastern Ukraine, according to UN estimates.

“fake” satellite images of alleged shelling of Ukraine from Russian territory were created by US counselors “with close links to Ukraine’s Security Council.”

The authorities in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said that by stepping up fighting in the area around the crash site Kiev was trying to avoid exposure.

DPR Prime Minister Alexander Borodai said that active fighting in this area “undeniably indicates that Kiev is trying to destroy the evidence of the crime committed by its military”.

DPR officials said “remains of three brigades” are still in the Donetsk region but “the position of the surrounded troops is deteriorating as some soldiers are running away, heading to Russia”.

Peaceful people killed in Donetsk and Luhansk

Explosions and shooting are heard in Donetsk since morning. Fighting continued throughout the city all night. As a result, eight civilians were wounded and three of them later died from injuries, the City Council press service said.

Infographics 1051967.png Boeing 777 crash in Ukraine
Malaysia Airlines’ Boeing 777 crashed in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. 280 passengers and 15 crewmembers have died. Infographics by ITAR-TASS

“The army’s offensive got chocked on the outskirts of the city. Heavy fighting …basically stopped its advance. Currently, residential quarters are being shelled, with tanks supported by infantry slowly moving in,” it said.

In Luhansk, five civilians were killed and 12 wounded over the past 24 hours. Electricity has been cut off to more than 30,000 people due to the damage to city’s power system, and over 8,000 people have been left without water and 4,000 without gas supply.

This forced nine mines to stop operation and evacuate 3,000 workers.

Ukrainian army offensive stopped north of Luhansk

The Ukrainian army offensive has been stopped north of Luhansk, officials of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) said.

The situation north of Luhansk “has stabilized after the offensive broke down there. Attempts to fight its way to the airport… failed and the enemy is regrouping its forces”, the Novorossiya news agency quoted LNR officials as saying.

It reported constant shelling and subversive activities by the Ukrainian troops but said that air strikes have become less frequent.

DPR army commander orders no fire at surrendering Ukrainian troops

DPR Defense Minister Igor Strelkov ordered militias and their commanders “not to open fire at single Ukrainian army members or their groups if they have raised a white flag or otherwise signifoed their intention to surrender”.

After disarming, these individuals will be given the status of prisoners of war. They will be provided with meals and medical attention, if need be. They cannot be executed, treated humiliatingly or tortured, Strelkov said.

In the future, members of the Ukrainian army who have surrendered and who have not committed grave crimes during armed hostilities in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions will be allowed either to return to their families or join the DPR militias or will be sent to Russia as refugees.

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Strochevoy lamented Ukraine’s violation of the fundamental principles of cooperation in investigation of aviation accidents and said Kiev’s statements did not help unbiased and professional analysis.

MOSCOW, July 28 (RIA Novosti) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reproached western countries Monday for their lack of political proposals to resolve the crisis in Ukraine, saying they are merely making demands of Russia and threatening sanctions.

“I have neither seen nor heard of any political initiatives from our western colleagues,” Lavrov told journalists.

“There were the Berlin agreements, now there are the agreements promoted within the OSCE. I want to ask our Western colleagues what their contribution to a political resolution is,” Lavrov said, criticizing the leaders for refusing to support the agreements made in the UN Security Council and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

Lavrov said Russia’s western partners only say that Moscow needs to change its policy toward Ukraine.

“Until there is a change, there will be sanctions. I don’t know what is meant by changing policy. At the request of our western colleagues we supported the February 21 agreement, we were the initiators and active participants in developing the Geneva Agreements, we supported the OSCE ‘roadmap,' which the West refused to support, we suggested various forms of observers on the border crossings," Lavrov said.

Russia’s foreign minister said the West has been trying to stall the process, which is why it took a very long time for a decision to be made. “I want the lack of negotiability to become a matter of analysis and interpretation,” Lavrov said.

This month, the international community converged with Russia and Ukraine to discuss ways of resolving the conflict. On July 2, Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France held four-party talks in Berlin, in which they agreed on a range of measures necessary to persuade Kiev to immediately agree to a ceasefire.

The military operation targeting independence supporters in the east of Ukraine was launched by the Kiev authorities in mid-April and has already claimed hundreds of lives and forced thousands to flee their homes. Russia has repeatedly condemned Kiev’s actions and urged for an immediate stop to the punitive operation, advocating a peaceful resolution to the crisis in the region.

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Head of the government of People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Boroday described Syrenko as "a good manager and a professional expert to address a wide range of economic problems," noting that the new deputy prime minister is a native of Donetsk region. "In the republic back and ready to work for its development of highly skilled professionals, it is very positive trend," - said Boroday.

For its part, Oleg Sirenko noted:

"Industrial Donbass Ukraine has always been a donor. Therefore, the republic's economic prospects are very good. Yes, war conditions made it difficult to work, but we will do everything to preserve and develop the potential of the region. I think that, first of all, our efforts should be aimed at maintaining the social status of civilians. This - pensions and social benefits, compensation from the effects of hostilities. Donbass residents should know and understand that they are socially reserved. I like a native from Donetsk is primarily concerned with the development and prosperity of our region. "

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,
Central News Agency Novorossia

Battalion of national militia "Ghost" is one of the most combat-ready units Lugansk People's Republic.

Federal News Agency correspondent was able to meet with his commander and learn how to fight the militia and what help is waiting for Russia.

Last week in St. Petersburg held a press conference with the commander of the "ghosts" Alexander Kostin. After the event, "Dad", as it is called militia proved inaccessible to journalists, said that he had already left Petersburg.

However FAN correspondent learned that the battalion Kostin is a clinic in St. Petersburg, where he underwent surgery and was able to arrange a meeting with the warlord.

Commander himself at first seemed not like a special forces soldier - an ordinary man age "under fifty" low growth. However, in his view, there is something that once made to believe that, under the command of this man were a hundred people.

- Who do you have in life before the war and why chose to go to battle?

- Yugoslavia, you remember? We once sat with the guys ... even before the war, and I say, "You see what's going on there? And we wait. " It just happened. I myself was born in the Kemerovo region. Ukraine was in the army, and remained became crest, married Khokhlushka. I had everything: good company, cars, apartments. I was self-employed, did not live in poverty, a great position in society ... was. Now I'm a bum. Not at home, bombed all the only thing that managed to take out - family. Now, thanks to the guys, who than can so that helps. Elementary, kids diapers ...

- We have many believe that men Donbass sit at home and fighting, mostly volunteers from Russia. Tell us how things really are there many who want to "ride out" the war?

- A lot, and now they will regret it. None of those who live in the Donbass, it will not pass. Because now natsgvardiya increased conscription age to 60 years. He wants to get in line, do not want - it does not matter under the machine will rise. In the hostage go their families, and they will walk in the forefront, that's all. As in 1941-42 were the so-called penal battalions, so it now creates Kolomoysky. That is, go ahead "sofa warriors" who thought to sit and rear detachments will go from "right sector." Ahead we will shoot and rear, if anyone would retreat, will shoot their same. Let them think of those who now wants to lie down, sit.

- Who is fighting in the militia? What is the portrait of the man - his profession, education, social status?

- Go to battle different people: a man with higher education, is a farmer, tractor, fitter. Basically, workaholic. It all depends on the region if it mining region like ours, it is the miners. But the guys do not take courage. Purely military specialties we have very little we can say that at all. Someone once served ... it's all here now remembered.

- Many volunteers from Russia?

- Plenty going guys from Moscow, from St. Petersburg, is from Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Siberians have even come from Altai. They are not snipers, but great hunters.

- In response to recent events, heavy fighting - is there a stream of volunteers reduced or vice versa?

- Of course, the increased influx of volunteers, but now, I think he will grow back in a few times.

- How many people do you have in subjection and why you called themselves "ghosts"?

- At first, when it was just beginning, there were about 100 people, then reached up to 800 and now counted 600 people who came out and deployed. And why "ghosts" ... it was two months ago, while we were standing under Novoshakhtinskoye customs, and came to us from the OSCE view or show the world what is happening, I do not know. And then we started bombing, bombed, so that the territory where our base was completely smashed. And in all the Ukrainian media reported that particularly large, for some reason, "Russian", "gang" completely destroyed.

Later, when we changed the place of dislocation and stood near Sverdlovsk Luhansk region, OSCE inspectors in the same part of our detained at the checkpoint and reported to me. When we Alexei Brain out of the car, and they saw us, we were so surprised that only one question was asked: "Vi live?" Then we immediately said to myself, yeah, we're ghosts ... So it went from here that we battalion " ghosts. "

- Which of your operations you consider the most successful?

- The most successful when coming out of the encirclement with Novoborovits when we levied more than 120 armored vehicles, and we had only 40 people. Come out beautifully, without loss, without any hassles. Although then we have already lost, already put us on the cross ... But we are slightly modifying the route out, retaining personnel, without losing a weapon, not a single piece of equipment.

- And the worst bout yours?

- Fear as such, no, I do not know, maybe I'm the kind of person ... but emotions were June 19 for all combat no injuries, and there survived two heart attacks. Because you are on the armored battalion, and you are responsible for their own people.
They do not go to a frontal attack, but first sanded all the "Castle", and only when they are convinced that it's empty, begin advancing tanks and armored vehicles. If they were going to a frontal attack, it would be easier to fight them, but when draped entire territory "hail - you can imagine what is happening there. If a person is a little weak on the psyche, it can not withstand these shellings.

- What is now available on the service with the militia?

- What are we fighting for? Machines, of course ... Guns, howitzers, "Grad", "nones" - that we have. There grenade "Fly" flamethrowers "Bumblebee" - something with which the tank is no arguing against. Well, there are mortars, mortar but is effective only when a stationary target when moving - it's ... not. And mortars we are only two things, "one hundred and twentieth" (120mm - approx.) For unit and four "eighty-second" (82 mm).

- How do you assess the current situation on the fronts of New Russia?

- Now it is very hard, and if you will not help, I'm not saying the personnel, I am only talking about weapons, it will be very bad.

- If the militia will not be able to defend the Lugansk and Donetsk, whether it is possible guerrilla war, or the loss of the major cities it's all over?

- First, you can not let that happen to Lugansk and Donetsk they took. Second, the guerrilla war and now is in the same Lysychansk, in the same Slovyansk our people poostavalis there and they are doing their own work. And if we surrender ... meaning then had to start all this?

- How do you assess your opponent - Ukrainian army natsgvardiyu? What are their strengths and weaknesses?

- Those who go against us - they are mercenaries. They are not fighting for their land, they work for money, and above all, value their lives. This advantage is on our side. Now it is clear that they also do not have enough equipment, if earlier they could throw BTR and we could seize it and podremontirovannye, put in your system, but now they cling and drags him along. Advantage in their arsenal. It would have at least a ratio of 3 to 7, - no city would be delivered.

- Can the Russians from reports in the media a complete picture of what is happening or something hushed up?

- During the fighting at the Lisichansk refinery from Ukraine attended mercenaries: negros, Americans, Poles, Frenchmen, there were all. Poles there fly planes Polish, it all turned a blind eye. If all that was flying Ukrainian, shot down long ago, and now there are new "drying" where they come from?

- What in this situation can help Donbas Russia, without getting involved in a military conflict directly?

- Heavy weapons, it will be enough. Russian troops I do not need and I do not ask aircraft tanks I ask, I ask the same gun, "Grad". We are now ten to one advantage in technology in their direction, now I can fight only small sabotage groups: one-destroyed two tanks - this is a plus. But this is not: one of their tanks destroyed is ten.

- What are you going to do after his recovery?

- I'm here for a while now and receive medical treatment back in there ... there are my soldiers.

Interviewed Lepshina Love (FAN)
Central News Agency Novorossia

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The us elite are now funding the reapir of the destruction of the occupied areas of novorussia that the jubnta spent lives and money (that should have been spent creating a democratic region) to destroy. Presumavbly this is to help people think fascvism is ok.

Tuesday, July 29
02:02 GMT:

A home for the elderly in Lugansk was targeted in a shelling attack on Monday, leaving at least five people dead, LPR spokesman Vladimir Inogorodtsev said.

The facility is located in the Artemovksy district of southwestern Lugansk. Local militia members patrolled the damaged building and said that it was shelled by Kiev forces.


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These individuals we all - the whole world community - are obliged to name accomplices in the massacre, as they actually shirk their duty during the investigation into the massacre. These black boxes are not announced, therefore, cover the criminals. So even beat them, that is also the criminals in the investigation of the mass murder of innocent people.

These persons should be summoned for questioning by the forced international tribunal since the mass murder of innocent people is classified as a crime against humanity. And the plain facts provided by Russia, suspects now act Ukrainian armed forces and dispatch Aviation Service of Ukraine.

Now continue the investigation - so call for forced interrogation of persons actually conceal facts of the crime. They have become complicit in murder. If covered up, have not announced the facts obtained, then cover the killers.

Nicholas Kerzhakov
Central News Agency Novorossia

Hardly anyone can easily relate to what is happening in Ukraine. Particularly worrying benderchane for residents of eastern Ukraine. Refugees from these cities are now in the same position as in the distant Transnistrians terrible and ninety-second year. Running with the ashes of their country people are asking for help from anyone who is able to do. And help will come. At the initiative of the city council public organization "Mercy" began collecting funds to address issues and material support for families in the east of Ukraine. On organizational points of this action and a simple human duty, we chatted with the staff of society.

"The fact that the misfortune in this part of Ukraine, we knew long ago. Pursued her relentlessly, sympathized with the brotherly people. And certainly decided to help people, because ninety-two cities of this part of Ukraine took Transnistrian refugees, provide them a decent life. We do not forget the good and decided to retaliate. In hard times benderchane always assisted the needy - the victims of wars, fires, floods. So tells us heart. By the time the initiative received the City Council, all was ready for the beginning of the action, for us it was a green light, "- commented Trofimovna Valentina Fedorova, psychologist GS" Mercy ".

- As the action is brought to the public and covered in the media?

Valentine Trofimovna: We placed posters throughout the year, informed the ticker broadcast BTV, covered the event and in the press. The more people know about this action, the more successful it will be.

- What will provide the refugees as they help?

Valentine Trofimovna: These people fled from the grief, many of them are not in possession of not only money, but sometimes clothes. To provide them with all necessary and carried out this action. People will have at least dress, shoes and feed, as well as provide them with a roof over his head. By the time of their entry and settlement will create a special committee of the city council, which will deal with this issue. Most likely, the refugees accommodated in the camp "Dniestr Dawns", it has everything you need for a comfortable stay. If one of them has the opportunity to stay with relatives or move into a vacant apartment, the city council will help in this. Also, people will be guaranteed full security at the new location. Workers must employ, and children - to prepare the school. If they wish to stay with us, never to return to their homeland, and later wish to take Transnistrian citizenship - so be it!

- Why are picked with a purely financial?

- Lyakh Maria, volunteer society "Mercy": To help people things, we must see them initially. Difficult to predict what will be refugees. "Mercy" will deal with personally transfer the collected amount to the bank account, supervise each step, the NGO "Mercy" and the City Council give an absolute guarantee that need to get paid.

- Who responded to the call?

- Maria Lyakh: Basically collection comes at the expense of funds of townspeople. Most active retirees rent money. They are familiar with this matter, because they were shot. But with pleasure I note that responded and youth, young about as much as the elderly. And someone collects and delivers cash whole families. Amounts vary widely, and in different currencies. Unfortunately, finances until slightly, but we hope for the best, to help all Transdniestrians. It would be great if we helped municipal enterprises and private entrepreneurs. Only when we unite not remain indifferent to the woes of these unfortunate if each hand over at least a ruble - Ukrainians have a chance.

A. Belyanskiy,
Central News Agency Novorossia

Power Novorossia
Fascist Council of Ukraine. Legalized killing civilians
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Members punitive action now will not be able to prosecute

Head of the faction "Fatherland" Sergei Sobolev broadcast local TV channel "24" said that the Ukrainian authorities rewrote 37 laws to legalize insurgency operations in the east of the country. According to him, over time parties to the hostilities will not be able to prosecute.

- You know that we had to change 37 laws, and only those engaged in parliament and to bring ATO in accordance with the regime of martial law, so God forbid those soldiers, those officers who are now in the zone that nobody could bring them to justice - said Sobolev.


Despite the ongoing military operation in eastern Ukraine, which claimed the lives of hundreds of local residents in the country now officially "peacetime." And every murder should be investigated and the perpetrators punished.


Ukrainian authorities do not want to introduce martial law because they are afraid of losing the promised assistance from the West. International Monetary Fund, according to the rules of the organization, does not give money to countries that are at war. On the eve of this openly acknowledged head of the country Poroshenko.

Ukrainian president said that in the case of martial law will be impossible country support international financial institutions, and the opposite side would be protected by international law.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Kiev is not enough American advisers

Today, 7:37 | Category: Feed » Analysis
Views: 2015


In the U.S. Congress introduced a bill according to which Ukraine can get the status of the main U.S. ally outside NATO. This initiative was made ten congressmen.

If this happens, Ukraine can get all relying support that have the same NATO countries. But Poroshenko regime in the event of the document will not NATO and the U.S. "military roof." Near the NATO permission to ask this is not necessary. Why Kiev convince Brussels, if everything can be solved easier? It is only necessary Congressional approval and approval of the document head of the White House that the bill came into force. Alliance in this case, simply put in prominence in the notification.

Congressmen have appealed to U.S. President demanding Ukraine have all the required military assistance. "The bill would authorize the U.S. president to start work with the Ukrainian government to determine its needs in military and intelligence fields, as well as security. It will also provide the necessary assistance for the protection of Ukrainian democracy and sovereignty," - said one of the authors of the document, Republican Jim Gerlak , simultaneously accusing Russia of destabilizing the situation in Ukraine.

According to experts, the initiative once again shows who is behind today's events in the "independence" and what are the true goals of the United States in close proximity to Russian borders. In case the document will pull together even tighter Washington that "short leash", which keeps Poroshenko and his entourage.

De facto Americans from the beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine, provide technical assistance, supplying medicines, remedies, the same suhpayki, which, however, were plundered and sold in the same Kiev civilians. Much has been said about the American private military companies that have sent to Ukraine seasoned mercenaries and that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and Security of the country inundated with American advisors, and to be honest, actually execute "command from Washington." Now in the U.S. top want more: military action against Ukraine will be regarded as aggression against the United States. From the series "King's guards attempted an attack on the king himself."

Indicators and a scenario in which played out a question of possible "military cooperation between Ukraine and the United States." At the beginning of last week, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Igor Kabanenko during a meeting with Adjutant General of the National Guard of the U.S. state of California, David Baldwin, seizing the moment, asked a colleague for help. Note the two talked, in general, conventional general. And help Kabanenko asked the guest from California, not even from the Pentagon. Though - no less - and the international military. Following this request was duplicated Poroshenko motivated this request to the United States that without Kiev, they say, can not cope with the rebellious east, and therefore will not achieve stabilization of the situation in the country. Signals from Kiev, as usual in Washington immediately heard. "Our intentions - to further expand cooperation with the Ukrainian Armed Forces and to increase the volume of cooperation", - said at the meeting David Boludin, hinting that in the bowels of the Capitol is "matures" the document.

A few days later it are already submitted to regulators, making the document to Congress and duplicating their demands in a letter to Obama. In the case of adoption of this document, Ukraine will join the "elite U.S. military club of friends outside the NATO framework," which has made Japan, Philippines, South Korea. And these are the countries in which many American units stationed.

And let no man deceive Kiev from getting into this "cage". It is clear that in this document are not the interests of Ukraine, and the mood is quite influential part of American politics for years lobbying the idea of ​​approximation power U.S. forces close to Russia's borders. Actually the legislators themselves do not hide, against whom the initiative aimed. "We help the people of Ukraine to defend against Russian moves to destabilize Ukraine", - said Rep. Sander Levin.

Worried by the fact that the project is not submitted "neoconservatives" with Capitol, and Republicans and Democrats together, uniting to "xxxxx Moscow."

Maxim Makarychev (WG)

Central News Agency Novorossia


David Icke: Going Beyond (The Biggest Secret)


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[7 hrs]

IMPORTANT copy itself quickly! Appeal to U.S. soldiers Right Sector SPONSOR OF TERROR My Videos

Today, 9:57 | Category: Tape " Video
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Central News Agency Novorossia
Edited by John Dolva
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A live interview with an HRW representative on Ukraine's Hromadske TV came to an unexpected close when the host terminated the conversation after the guest refused to validate claims of Russia's alleged “indisputable war crimes.”

KIEV, July 29. /ITAR-TASS/. 27 Ukrainian border guards were killed in hostilities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the press service of Ukrainian state border service reported on Tuesday.

According to available United Nations reports, at least 1,129 people have been killed and 3,442 have been wounded in a military operation in east Ukraine since April 15.

Pro-Kiev troops and local militias in the south-eastern Ukrainian Donetsk and Luhansk regions are involved in fierce clashes as the Ukrainian armed forces are conducting a military operation to regain control over the breakaway regions, which on May 11 proclaimed their independence at local referendums.

During the military operation, Kiev has used armored vehicles, heavy artillery and attack aviation. Many buildings have been destroyed and tens of thousands of people have had to flee Ukraine’s embattled south-east.

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Yesterday there was an attack on the building of the Security Service of Ukraine, which is located in Berdyansk. Moreover, the "terrorists" and secretly acted very professionally. The shot was fired from a grenade launcher. Unfortunately, the shell did not hit the building itself, he landed in a tree, though knocking heavily pitted glass state institution.

After the incident, the territory was taken at SBU cordon, an investigation on the matter. At a distance of about 50 meters was found cartridge cases from a grenade launcher, and, in addition used, experts have found a second, which apparently did not work. Officially, it is known that as a result of a night attack, none of the staff was not injured.

Who shot and why, say the experts can not. Construct different versions, one of which is "malicious" gosucherezhdenie fired because recently captured Yuri Borisov - Mayor Stakhanov. Carried out this plan battalion "Miner", which was in Berdyansk.

According to one of the other versions, which, incidentally, is not disclosed publicly, the action was carried out by militias. Presumably, resisters Novorossia could go to the rear of the Nazis, with the aim of demoralizing and other actions, as well as the implementation of guerrilla activity.

On the other hand, we can assume that the people of Ukraine begins to wake up from the intoxication of the false media.

In any case, such incidents are not in favor of the invaders. Whichever option is not proved true, the event indicates that the end of the vile regime in the offing. Oligarchs begin to flee like rats from a sinking ship. Hopefully, all will not have time to escape, and for those who go abroad will be prepared in advance lead goodies.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Hey, you rabid warmongers! Enough yelling that Russia - a traitor! Enough to yell about indecision, cowardice Putin, who gave Russian south-east of Ukraine at the mercy of the Nazis! You, those who shout the loudest about it, where do you? In soft chairs warms ... experience? Russia despite all hooting cowardly pack of mongrels trying to take sides in the conflict to a civilized solution.

Who does not need? Who will benefit from drawing Russia into war? Just do not say you do not know the answer! Not by the foolishness! I am a mother of two sons! And now ... was only one!

The eldest son of himself, without nasally cries of the gate, decided he made his choice and civil entered Donetsk militia. He became a volunteer. And no matter what is happening now called - war or insurrection oligarchs separatist terrorists - my son is clearly identified for yourself that is at war with the Nazis, with the brown plague!

And this is my oldest son finished off the Nazis shot in the head in the upside Kamaz near Donetsk airport May 26, 2014. And dozens of his sons somebody that I pray for the day when visiting the grave of her son.

I declare that my son knowingly and voluntarily made his choice. And despite the incredible pain that will never go away from my heart, I respect his choice! And you, screamers, want my country to come into your war, to the second and my son gave you to the wolves! Do not you dare!

I can assure you all thinking people that the war in Russia will come only under one condition - if the Russian war will be declared. And nothing else.

I wholeheartedly on the side of the militia! I trust in the mercy of God and the will of him! And take my word, everything will be fine ...

Tatyana Ivanova,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Tuesday, July 29

23:13 GMT:

Nine children are being treated at a hospital after suffering from wounds inflicted by a bomb in Berestovaya village in Donetsk region, an adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko said on his Facebook page, RIA reports.

“All are in serious condition, requiring urgent amputation of hands, feet. Some lost their eyesight forever,“ Gerashchenko wrote.

21:30 GMT:

Some 1,236 Ukrainian servicemen have been injured during the so-called "anti-terrorist operation" in Lugansk and Donetsk regions, according to the latest figures from the director of the military medical department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Vitaly Andronati.

15:06 GMT:

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in a telephone conversation with US State Secretary John Kerry has urged Washington to influence Kiev to achieve a prompt ceasefire and to start negotiations with southeast Ukraine.

In the past two days Kiev’s forces have launched several short-range ballistic missiles into areas in east Ukraine controlled by self-defense forces, CNN reports, citing US government sources.

The move “marks a major escalation” in the Ukrainian crisis,

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Popular Front of New Russia (NSF) said that Ukrainian authorities plan to commit terrorist acts on the territory under the control. "Kiev authorities to supply their Western curators plan to make the territory controlled by their troops, a series of terrorist acts," - ITAR-TASS reported NSF co-chairman Konstantin Dolgov.

According to him, several independent sources confirm that now discussing the possibility of implementing a series of terrorist attacks in crowded places.

"Under the threat of subways Kiev, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk, stations regional centers, airports and stadiums. These crimes accused, of course, representatives of Donetsk or Lugansk people's republics" - Dolgov said.

He believes that Kiev needed "horror stories" for the West to confirm his thesis that "Donbass terrorists", which was used to justify the massacres of civilians Donbass.

"One" terrorists "did not commit and do not intend to commit terrorist acts, Kiev decided to do it for them. We do not think that the Kiev authorities wake up consciences, and they change their minds. But we hope to disrupt the implementation of these plans will help them publicity" - Co-Chair concluded NSF.

Central News Agency Novorossia


Izvarinsky boiler, killing hundreds of troops Square, a few thousand remain in the environment, has galvanized the whole of Ukraine, has led many of its citizens, finally learned to think seriously about what is happening at home.

Actual decay Ukraine switched many of the concepts shifted ideological meanings. President lies to its people about the great mission of liberation of the Ukrainian army in the south-east. In this Poroshenko refused to impose martial law, so as not to lose the financial assistance from the IMF and the United States (each day of war is worth 1.5 billion hryvnia Ukraine). Moreover, he has directly encourages the Yankees to send troops and fight against the Russian.

Parliament Square is mired in infighting and loggerheads, entered the period of self-destruction. Prime Minister Yatsenyuk decided not to represent Kamikaze and a coward from his post, sensing something was wrong. It is demanded to dissolve the Rada. Samoraspuskatsya one another and local organizations of political parties not to be responsible for the consequences of the policy of genocide of their own people.

Prices are crazy, jumping up. Social guarantees and rights are cut according to the instructions of the IMF. GDP declined. And it is - just the beginning. Without the support of the United States, Ukraine as a state would already spread across the seams, like rotten cloth.

But until then, while all this is not directly concerned the masses, they remained silent and obedient majority, prefer to live on a "none of my business." Many simply do not understand what is happening, who is with whom and why should fight. However, as the war began to affect the majority of the population, but by Square went trains loaded with 200 people woke up. And suddenly realized that:

- In the country a long time ago all sold, divided and sold out;

- Came to Ukraine neo-feudalism, and residents began serfs;

- Holes in the budget close exorbitant taxes, most of which goes to war;

- The constitution and laws of the country are not respected;

- In the southeast live not terrorists, and the same ordinary people who are being killed "Grad" and phosphorus bombs;

- The children of workers and peasants fighting for the interests of the oligarchy, and not for the future of their country.

This was first realized the soldiers' mothers, who are now all over Ukraine overlap expensive and require that their krovinochek returned home. "Our children - not cannon fodder" - with such slogans protesting in Kiev, Chernivtsi, Mykolaiv, the White Church and other cities. "Why not go to war in the south-east of the oligarchs children and senior parents?" - Ask the mother.

Mass protests against conscription rocked the country after the militias Izvarinskom boiler was surrounded and defeated 72 Mechanized Brigade of the armed forces of Ukraine. She held a few days, sending signals «SOS» authorities. But no it did not help. Many bodies of dead servicemen are still on the battlefield. And is surrounded by about 4,000 Ukrainian soldiers, particularly 79th airmobile brigade, which also suffered heavy losses.

Gradually terrible shots burned and charred bodies of vehicles began to break through the barriers of censorship. Ukraine learned that her exhausted soldiers, they have no reinforcements, ammunition and food running out. They were simply abandoned to their fate, no one needs. And those who miraculously managed to break out of the encirclement, authorities announce crazy and stashed away in a mental hospital.

There are those who fled from the battlefield ... in Russia. On Saturday 40 Zbroynyh military forces of Ukraine crossed our border near the gearshift "Donetsk". Remnants of the defeated teams retreating to Amvrosiivka and already there, pressed against the border of Russia, have requested asylum. Russia has not blocked the road, provided medical assistance to the wounded, and took the bodies of two dead. And this is done not for the first time.

However, illegitimate Ukrainian authorities do not care as their own soldiers and the inhabitants of the south-east. Moreover, as if not knowing what he was doing, she announced a new partial mobilization, determined to encourage another 20 thousand people. What came out of it, we know from leaked to the press head of the SBU secret report to the President of Ukraine. It Nalivaychenko said that if the situation will develop in a similar way, Ukraine will remain without an army. Humbled and humiliated, she often refuses to perform criminal orders Poroshenko. Now in Russia run even officers, not only conscripts and reserve soldiers. It is clear that a good life would not run one. All Ukraine now, we can say, is in the cauldron of violence.

But retribution ... nobody leave. As recently curled head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin known names for 40 mid-level commanders who gave illegal orders to destroy the civilian population of the southeast, killing Russian citizens. "We'll get everyone," - said Bastrykin.

Fear of retaliation will now hang over these Ukrainian warriors to the end of their days. Figuratively speaking, through izvarinsky boiler will have to go to each of them.

Oleg FALICHEV (vpk-news.ru),
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Brussels, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Tuesday demanded that Kiev call a truce in the zone where a Malaysian airliner crashed, while the European Union (EU) imposed more sanctions on Russia due to Moscow''s stance on the Ukrainian crisis.

From this capital, Rutte demanded that Ukrainian President Piotor Poroshenko stop the military offensive in the region where a Boeing 777 plane carrying 298 people, including 193 Dutch citizens, crashed on July 17.

The military actions by the Ukrainian army, using the aviation and reactive artillery, resulted in 31 civilians killed on Tuesday, while more than 1,000 have been killed since April 2014 in southeastern Ukraine.

Over the past few days, the Ukrainian forces have stepped up their attacks to take over control of the zones near the site where the Malaysian Airlines plane crashed. The zone is in the hands of the federalist militias that favor a greater status for the Russian language and more autonomy.

However, the EU is blaming Russia of being the cause of the Ukrainian crisis, so it approved more sanctions that will affect Moscow's access to financial markets and investments in the oil, gas and mineral sectors.

They also ban exports of high-technology products for the power sector in the case of Crimea and the port city of Sebastopol, which joined the Russian Federation after a referendum held there in March.

The sanctions have increased to 87 the names of Russian people, including the chiefs of the Security Service, Foreign Intelligence, the president of Chechnya and ministers, among others, who cannot visit the EU and whose bank accounts in Europe were frozen.

sus/jg/rc/to Modificado el ( martes, 29 de julio de 2014 )

ucrania-bombardeoslavianks.jpgMoscow, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) The Russian Foreign Ministry denounced today hypocrisy in the UN Human Rights report on the situation in Ukraine, which does not demand to stop the military operation against that country''s southeastern region.

Commenting on the fourth monthly report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN monitoring mission on the Ukrainian crisis, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexdander Lukashevich said the main conclusion was that the report was not objective and was even hypocritical.

He highlighted that the UN monitoring mission did not take into consideration the principle demanding that Kiev's authorities stop immediately the punitive operation against its own people.

Without that demand, speaking about human rights in Ukraine is meaningless, said Lukashevich, who questioned, according to the deocument, the right granted to the Government to legitimalely use force to restore law and order and thus the operation condeuctred by the Ukrainian punishers is essentially justified, said Lukashevich.

The diplomat considered that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the monitoring mission should channel their efforts, not to directly or indirectly justify the violence carried out by the Ukrainian authorities, but to help ensure the ceasefire and to begin the dialogue between Kiev and the Eastern representatives to restore peace in the region.

Analyzing the content of the report, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said the facts are distorted, when they assert that Kiev began the operation in response to the actions by the militia activists.

The diplomat highlighted that the populations of those regions took up arms to defend themselves and their families from ultranationalists and fascists, including mercenaries, who are participating in the military operation, recruited to the special commands, according to denunciations in that regard.

Lukashevich also deplored that the report did not show the use of the lethal Grad multiple rocket launcher systems by the Ukrainian army and the National Guard in the indiscriminate bombings against residential secytors in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman drew attention on the silence kept by the UN monitoring mission in reference to the multiple violations of human rights, the international regulations of the humanitarian right and the cruel violence of the Ukrainian authorities, and warned that concealing all that would mean discredit to the international organization.

sgl/ef/iom/ga/oda Modificado el ( martes, 29 de julio de 2014 ) Widespread Rejection of Punishment Operation in E. Ukraine pdf_button.png printButton.png emailButton.png

Kiev, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) The protests against a new mobilization of reservists for the punishment operation continued today in Ukraine as the Army intensified for the second consecutive day the bombings against civilian targets in southeastern Ukraine.

Again, today hundreds of residents in the region of Zakarpatia, in the west, blocked the access of the international road to Kiev in rejection of a third enlisting for the Army offensive launched by the Government of President Piotr Poroshenko, resumed actively early this month.

The mothers, wives and sisters of the soldiers took to the streets even with their little children, and formed a human barrier to stop the traffic in the main road. Similar protests are being staged in other regions, with residents demanding the government to cease its military actions of force and violence against civilians.

Since early July, Poroshenko launched an unprecedented military offensive against the eastern regions with a plan of blitzkrieg attacks against the industrial cities of Donetsk and Lugansk.

This week, the government forces have been trying to take control of major cities and towns, near the site of the crash of the Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines, in fierce clashes with Donbass self-defenses.

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Militiamen found in the Luhansk region unexploded fragments completely ballistic missile warheads.

"Today I was there, where the head is. She totally did not explode, but it worked with tape, and she remained head whole and unharmed," - said the military commandant of Lugansk Sergei Grachev.

According to him, a shell fragment was found near the station Vergunka in Luhansk region.

Information on the use of short-range ballistic missiles in eastern Ukraine on the eve of distributed, July 29, the U.S. broadcaster CNN, citing a source in the U.S. intelligence. "This is the most devastating weapon that hitherto applied to the conflict", - channel reported. The speaker of the information center of the National Security and Defense of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko said that security forces did not use ballistic missiles, "as they are very powerful."

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Kirit Radia, the American television journalist, ABC News, citing U.S. officials said on his microblog on Twitter, that the Ukrainian military ballistic missiles struck the district crash Boeing 777 airline Malaysia Airlines.

According to the journalist, according to information he had received, in the last 48 hours on the locality of snow were issued three ballistic missiles. As he points out, rockets were fired tactical missile complex "Point" (NATO - SS-21).

Snow City is located in the Donetsk region, less than 15 km from the village Hrabovo July 17 where the Boeing 777 crashed. Earlier, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko Ukrainian military instructed "not to use fire" in a radius of 40 kilometers around the site of the crash. People's Republic of Donetsk authorities also agreed to call a truce in the radius of 40 kilometers from the crash site.

Yesterday, Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte during a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko expressed concern that international experts can not get into the area of ​​the crash Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777. Poroshenko, in turn, promised to provide access to the site of the tragedy experts.

However, as stated by the National Security Council spokesman Andrei Lysenko, Ukrainian Army plans to break into the area where the militias are under the protection of the wreckage of a Malaysian Boeing.

"As soon as the Ukrainian army will drop into this territory through the city Anthracite and Red Ray militants withdraw from the area: it has no strategic value for them," - said Lysenko.

July 29, a group of international experts for the third time was not able to get into the disaster area Boeing 777 near Donetsk. This was reported, citing the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Netherlands.

Earlier, a group of international aviation experts and police refused to work at the crash site, as this area is recognized unsafe. Experts returned from Torrez in Donetsk.

In addition, previously Kiev admitted that fail to provide security professionals. Speaker of the National Security Council Andrei Lysenko said that the security forces are not yet able to guarantee international experts "job security" in the area of ​​the crash of the Boeing 777.


Yesterday in the U.S. CNN's broadcast came an urgent message that in the past two days, the Kiev authorities have released several short-range ballistic missiles on the Donbas. This information was reported channel military analyst, referring to the three high-ranking source in the U.S. government.

CNN calls it "a significant escalation of the conflict." "Not so long ago, three U.S. government officials confirmed in an interview that the U.S. intelligence community over the past two days has recorded several ballistic launch short-range missiles from the territory controlled by government forces of Ukraine, on the territory, which is controlled by militias. This would mean a significant worsening of the situation. Short-range ballistic missiles "- explained CNN correspondent Barbara Starr at the Pentagon.

Sergey Volodin based on media
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Russia's Federal Migration Service says displaced persons from Ukraine now in Russia number almost two million.

DONETSK, July 30. /ITAR-TASS/. Separatist militias were fighting government troops to seize the outskirts of Shakhtyorsk, a city in eastern Ukraine, on Wednesday morning, Novorossiya news agency reported, quoting armed forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

Ukrainian government artillery had responded by setting an ammunition depot in the city on fire, the agency added. One eyewitness report spoke of casualties among militia fighters.

Separatist sources claimed success already in their advance. “Militia fighters have taken control of Shakhtyorsk, and the National Guard, with armored vehicles, is hiding in thick foliage,” DPR representatives said, adding they had put a tank, an artillery system and a truck out of action.


Former Chief of Staff Land Forces of the Russian Federation General Sergey Skokov today commented on his blog about that Kiev junta has repeatedly used in the last two days of short-range ballistic missiles against the New Russia.

In Ukrainian arsenal is only one type of such weapons - Soviet tactical missile systems "point." According to Lieutenant General Sergei Skokova, this is not surprising, since the Nazis from Kiev have already applied the rest of the array of weapons against the people of Donbass to show his "omnipotence."

"I believe that the use of tactical missile complex" point "during the civil war in Ukraine is quite possible to avoid. Indeed gang of fascists allowed to do whatever they want to achieve the objectives set by their owners, in order to prove and demonstrate the omnipotence of unlimited power over the world last, "- says General Skok.

The expert notes that the missile can carry different types of ammunition, both nuclear and high-explosive or cassette, and the complex is used for the destruction of mechanized infantry mouth, control centers and other similar facilities.

"The idea of ​​punitive thus very simple: before the cold finally deprive people of shelter, heat, food, water. Deprived of all this, they will only have two options: either to leave their homeland, seeking refuge and salvation in Russia, or surrender to the will of the winners. no mountains, forest - not save, but not naroesh dugouts. Therefore the use of "points", if this is true, quite reasonably, "- General analyzes.

"In addition, there is another question: where do the same and that international observers?" - Says Sergey Skok.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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