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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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yesterday, and today more so, news is scant. The republics websites appear to be partially down. See later.

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Yesterday, the first of August was made a prisoner exchange between punitive and fighters DNR, with militias were given from the 25th Airmobile Brigade. Igor Fusiliers was shocked at how much different POWs security forces and self-defense forces. The fact that the detainees paratroopers came to "own" themselves, while the militia were thrown like a sack of potatoes. As a result of the medical examination, doctors have noted a large number of fractures and internal injuries. According to doctors, the guys have almost no chance of survival. Exchanged two paratroopers on two resisters.

Most of all small struck by the fact that the National Guard is not entered in this way with the guys, and Dnipropetrovsk landing. As a result, the defense minister ordered the DNR does not stand on ceremony with the officers of the 25th Airmobile - to take no prisoners, they will all be destroyed!

Before this opportunity to exchange the bodies of dead soldiers, DNR received 12 bodies. Naturally, the doctors performed the inspection bodies, but even without it is not difficult to understand that some of the soldiers did not die in battle. Three children were mutilated, found numerous stab wounds and signs of torture, even the rope with hands were not decoupled.
In spite of this, the attitude towards the prisoners ukrofashistam not changed, the militia do not want to be like these animals.

The officers, who were in captivity militia, said they did not know about who actually killed. According to them, going to war for the destruction of mercenaries and terrorists, while in reality killed civilians. They were horrified when they learned the truth, however, the dead children, women and old people can not come back.

Fratricidal war continues, the atrocities of the Nazis cause hatred, but not fear. Guys defenders Novorossia hold positions, we will wait for good news from the front, wish them good luck!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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07:36 GMT:

An encircled unit of the Ukrainian troops is negotiating with the militia about surrendering, the militia told RIA Novosti.

The Ukrainian troops have been cut off from supply lines in the Sverdlovsk area of the Lugansk Region not far from the Russian border, where they were sent to take control of the border but were trapped instead.

The militia said that the Ukrainian unit offered to destroy some 70 military vehicles in their possession and leave behind all small arms and ammunition, if they were guaranteed safe passage to Kiev-controlled territory.

The offer was not taken up by the militia, who said they wanted to capture the armored vehicles intact, they told the news agency.

05:27 GMT:

Fighting is continuing over the weekend near Donetsk, with residents reporting regular explosions west of the city.

Ukrainian troops claimed on Saturday to have taken the towns of Krasnogorovka and Staromikhailovka near Donetsk.

Meanwhile the militia said Saturday they had fended off Kiev’s attacks on Krasnogorovka and Maryinka.

There are reports of serious damage to the region’s power grid, with several neighborhoods experiencing outages.

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Events on the battlefields of Donbass inspire confidence in the militia forces. Saur-Grave as before remains under the control of "the East" - battalion DNR. There are fights with a team of Marines 25th airmobile battalion and "Dnepr-1." Collisions do not stop in the territory of Thorez, Miner and Snow.

Just south of Snow, Novorossia fighters hit the Nazis artillery positions. The main objectives are clusters of the enemy in the vicinity of settlements Fertile, Saurovka, Amvrosievka, Stepanivka, as well as far away from the busy host of the height. It should be noted that this force punishers are big losses, is known about the destruction of a plurality of armored vehicles and soldiers.

At Donetsk, more precisely on the south-western outskirts, occurred about 40 armored vehicles for different purposes. Movement they started from villages Karlivka and victory. In addition, the offensive was launched by the Krasnogorovka. Managed to capture the first checkpoint close to the militia of Marinka. At the moment, fierce fighting on all these fronts.

Not so long ago, the first reconnaissance of resistance forces carried out an attack on a checkpoint, at the time it was under punitive, near Andreevka. During the attack failed to destroy himself checkpoint, as well as two armored personnel carriers and tanks.

In the area of ​​Amvrosiivka militia spent pounding the enemy artillery positions, while, the battery was able to destroy the militia burned at least five different combat vehicles, as well as two stacks of ammunition.

Since then, Russian do not surrender! Summer is slowly coming to an end, there Autumn - cold. All invaders at all times with the Russian winter land helped to drive. If punishers before the cold weather will not achieve their nefarious goal, then the militia with winter cool the ardor of Russian fascists!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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People mayor Vyacheslav Ponomarev Sloviansk said in a broadcast LifeNews, that more and more Ukrainians understand what they are fighting militia Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics. While there is a brutal war and the expense of Ukrainian servicemen killed has been going on for thousands, President Peter Poroshenko obeying orders from Washington. People can see it, and will soon come out against Kiev.


Representatives of the OSCE mission came under fire while working on the Russian border checkpoint "Gukovo" in the Rostov region. This was announced by the head of the press service of the FSB border region Vasily small.

According to him, in the territory of the item exploded munitions used during the fighting in the adjacent Ukrainian territory.

"The shell exploded about 13:55 MSK. During this time, the territory of the checkpoint in addition to customs and border guard were representatives of the OSCE mission. Nobody was hurt," - said the small, adding that the infrastructure of the Russian check point will be examined, after being on the adjacent territory to cease hostilities.

"Presumably, it was mine. Funnel of 40 cm diameter and 20 cm in depth", - the press-secretary of the Southern Customs Department Ryan Farukshin.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Long battles near Lugansk Ukraine severely depleted group located in the area. One of the representatives of the militia, located at the headquarters, said that negotiations with the military junta. How it became known fighters ukroarmii increasingly difficult to continue fighting, the fact that they basically left the food, fuel and water. Among other things, running out of ammunition, supplies which are not produced.

To be more specific about the location, then the units are fascists in the Luhansk region - the Sverdlovsk region, between the border with Russia and settlements Biryukova and Panchenkova.

On the initiative of military talks began. Fighters do not want to continue hopeless battle, they said, a few days later they had run out of ammunition. The Nazis offered to organize a militia corridor for the withdrawal from the environment. In return, they will give Resistance Army weapons and ammunition. It is known that the Ukrainian army units in this area have more than 70 armored vehicles, however, in terms of the ceasefire included the destruction of all armor. Militias on these conditions to organize the withdrawal disagree - was offered a transfer armored vehicles safely.

Unknown at this time what the outcome of the negotiations, but we can assume that the military will offer Ukrainian militia. So it is unlikely that they will try to break through, reinforcements, as well, the resistance will not miss.

So we will wait replenishment fleet of armored vehicles from the militias. With these successes, such actions on the part of ukroarmii can take much larger scale - will run soon invaders from the lands of New Russia! Glory to Heroes!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Grouping Ukrainian military is in the Sverdlovsk region of Luhansk region between the villages Panchenkova and Biryukova, on the one hand, and the Russian border, on the other.

Donetsk, August 3 - RIA Novosti. Large group of Ukrainian military and security forces surrounded the south of Luhansk region, began negotiations with the militia on the terms of his surrender, told RIA Novosti on Sunday at the headquarters of the militia.

Grouping is in the Sverdlovsk region of Luhansk region between the villages Panchenkova and Biryukova, on the one hand, and the Russian border, on the other.

"Food rations, water and fuel they ran out of ammunition were only small arms for a couple of days of fighting. They entered into negotiations with us. Their proposal - they destroy all the equipment (about 70 units), pass the ammo and weapons, and we produce them from the environment on the Ukrainian territory, "- said the representative of the General Staff.

Militias, according to him, these conditions are not agreed. One of the requirements of militias - troops leave them all the equipment intact. "The approximate deadline epic - four or five days, - believes the representative staff. - Militiamen just block surrounded by not engaging in melee and shooting at them with artillery." "Supplying the encircled, because of the large loss of military transport aircraft, is practically reduced to zero" - told RIA Novosti news agency headquarters, noting that cargo planes drop from a great height, "which is why some of them fell to the positions of the militia." Surrounded by a few groups are Ukrainian security forces who tried to cut off the DNR and LC from the border, but were unable to cope with this problem

Central News Agency Novorossia

Militia continues to clear the sky above the native land of the enemy aircraft. Fighter and attack aircraft occupants applied considerable damage to the urban infrastructure of New Russia, on account of the pilots Nazis hundreds of lives of ordinary people, children, elderly, women.

For the duration of Poroshenko, or rather the United States of America, the anti-terrorist operation, militia forces were shot down dozens of aerial combat vehicles. Of the total number of helicopters in less than a half. As for aircraft, the reserves of Ukraine serious, however, resistance and reduces their numbers carefully.
Known case of an emergency landing of the Su-25, when the militia got a plane that even made sorties against the punishers.

In general, over the last month, a considerable number of machines of military aircraft of various classes found their last resting place in the land of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. Initially, at the time of the genocide, Ukraine has the following number of planes in the border area with Novorossia: Su-25 - 35 cars (ground attack aircraft), Su-27 - 17 (fighter), and Su-24 - 33 (bombers). It should be noted that the data has not been officially confirmed.

Over the last month a decent number of machines Square combat aircraft were shot down over the lands of the Donbass. Ratio of the militia are four attack aircraft, one bomber. Just recently, another Su-25th was hit by a fire militia and "hard landing" not far from Makeyevka.

Of course, simple resisters are very difficult to deal with the armed services of the enemy, which themselves DNR and LC do not have. Despite all the factors at the moment aviation invaders significantly reduced their activity in the skies of New Russia, compared to the beginning of the conflict.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Head of Administration of the UK's largest trade union Unite the Union Andrew Murray Cameron urged the government to refrain from supporting "fascist" government in Kiev.

During his speech at the meeting in honor of the organization "Solidarity with anti-fascist resistance in Ukraine," Andrew Murray said about the inadmissibility of "continuing repression in eastern Ukraine."

"We must demand that the government stop supporting the expansion of the EU and NATO and to stop supporting the government in Kiev", - said the leader of the union.

In general, Murray strongly condemned the Ukrainian government, saying that his policies "aimed at the destruction of their own people."

Earlier, the head of the trade union Len McCluskey has also stated its support for the Ukrainian militia, taking, as well as Andrew Murray, participated in the creation and organization of the group "Solidarity with anti-fascist resistance in Ukraine."

Unite the Union - the largest trade union of the United Kingdom, created in 2007, based on the association of trade unions Amicus and the Transport and General Worker's Union.
The purpose of the union declared the protection of workers' rights in the face of the employers, the number of members currently stands at 1.42 million.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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More than 400 Ukrainian troops have been allowed to cross into Russia on Sunday night after they requested sanctuary, Russian border guards reported.

According to the Rostov Region’s border guard spokesman Vasily Malaev, a total of 438 soldiers, including 164 Ukrainian border guards, have been allowed into Russia.

On Sunday, the Russian border guards reported of 12 Ukrainian soldiers seeking refuge in Russia.

And in late July 41 Ukrainian troops fled to Russia to escape fighting in eastern Ukraine. They are now being prosecuted in Ukraine for deserting in the heat of battle.

The flow of deserters from the ranks of Ukrainian Army and National Guard seems to be increasing amid the escalating violence in Donets and Lugansk Regions, where Kiev is fighting against armed militias.

Several Ukrainian units have been reported to recently to be cut off from supply lines after attempted offensive operations, which brought them behind the militia-controlled territories and close to the Russian border.

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Ukraine has lost seven military aircraft when trying to deliver a cargo of food and ammunition for the soldiers of the 72th Mechanized and 79th Airmobile Brigade, said in a live program Shuster Ukrainian Defense Minister Valeriy Geletey.


"Nails would make of these people! Harder would not be in the world of nails" - remember the post-revolutionary Soviet classics made the act of pensioner Yenakievo.

Retired from Yenakievo captured catapulted Ukrainian pilot, according to the headquarters of Army militia DNR.

Calculation over the city was hit by MANPADS militia Ukrainian Su-25. Pilot safely ejected, but the "local grandfather took him prisoner, stabbed during the chase in charge of the punitive fine fractions", witnesses commented on the situation.

After first aid pilot questioned.

"Grandfather health! A shot even better - on game with shot go", "BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO! Ukr.grazhdanskoy real hero of the war, glory to the pensioner, to avenge the death of children, women, old people, for the people of New Russia hell!" - Rasstroganno comment message users of social networks.
Central News Agency Novorossia


After the events in the east, especially after numerous calls Kiev authorities to be vigilant, Kiev began to see the separatists in any company of young people.

The mayor urged people of Kiev Klitschko careful about all suspicious objects in public places and to inform law enforcement agencies about the movements of groups of people, causing doubts about their intentions.

As they say in the city police, the public signals has recently become very much in the number of suspects were even police officers.


The police urged to call 102 at the first suspicions, but asked not to expose themselves to danger by finding out more information from suspects. "All you need do police officers - said the press service. - People who have been checking the police, it is advisable to stay calm and make the most complete explanation of the purpose of their meeting. Without bravado and vulgarity to assist law enforcement agencies and to fulfill their demands. Under these circumstances, it is desirable to always have with you the documents. "

Obolon for separatists took two teams of amateur footballers. "Because of the intense heat, we decided to get together not in the afternoon, as usual, and in the evening. By 22:00 gathered on the machines. It so happened that our team was in black tracksuits. Before we all get together, as we have already questioned "- says 43-year-old businessman Mikhail Antonov. According to him, the police had to open the bag and show balls and shorts. "Law enforcement officials told us that the signal about a group of people who have guns in the bags and they are preparing a terrorist attack", - says Andrey.

And in the Kyiv region detained on suspicion of evil intentions of other athletes. As it turned out, 54 people in camouflage - airsoft enthusiasts, and their weapons - exact copies of this. People came from all over the country through the social network for the war game. Wanted to arrange the next competition. After the interrogation of the detainees were released.

08:42 GMT:

OSCE observers have left the Russian border checkpoint Gukovo due to continuing battles on the Ukrainian side of the border, the Russian border guard reported.

Victims of vigilante became even civil society activists who have worked for the benefit of citizens. "We called the woman and told her that the bridge Paton meets several people strong physique in black T-shirts with guns in their bags. "They are probably preparing a diversion on the bridge" - told the callers. But the guys just got to paint the bridge in the colors of the national flag. A paint brought in bags "- told us in the press service of the Kyiv police.

Grandparents "prykalyvayutsya"?

Amusing incident occurred recently in Darnitsky area. 30 policemen who were grouped before distribution to patrol the area, came to the attention of local pensioners who immediately blocked ... "surrendered" colleagues.

"On the phone, 102 received a call telling you that in one of the districts Darnitsa people gather in camouflage and tibia. In place immediately came up the police to verify the information. It turned out that the "separatists" - this is law enforcement. Just call no attention to the chevrons "- told the police head office in the capital.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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New realities gave rise to the whole layer of murderers who know – it is possible to kill and anybody to you for it will make nothing.

On departure from Mariupol towards Melekino on a post which, according to local, is controlled "by a battalion Dnepr", there was an incident.


Near 2ч 30м in the night of the 1st for August 2nd through a post dark Opel Vectra went. There is no need to break through check point to fighters (whom in Mariupol long ago isn't present). That is, it is possible to assume that ordinary citizens went.

But fighters excited by lack of military operations confused something, of something were frightened, started shooting.

At a forward window two traces from bullets. Judging by the bullet openings, two stitched the car through at the level of a breast, could touch the head or a neck if the driver slightly bent.

In the car blood on the driver's seat, the broken-off neotlozhka package from the first-aid kit, in blood.

Most likely, the person tried to help someone from passengers, or to himself.

Shot more than a minute from several trunks.

AN car of 1656 joint stock companies. Costs on entrance to country cooperative "Samarinets". It is hidden.



And now tell – you read about this murder, heard something by radio, saw on TV? No.

Because to report about cool execution of peace citizens "by mistake", or from desire "to do some shooting on live" - means to set up patriotically adjusted heroes security officers.

It reminds me Vietnam: those who against war – traitors, it is impossible to report about horrors of war. It is possible to remember the Afghan war still.

New Ukraine lives in the past, the 20th eyelid. And everything comes down to its beginning further …

Novorossiya's central news agency

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08:42 GMT:

OSCE observers have left the Russian border checkpoint Gukovo due to continuing battles on the Ukrainian side of the border, the Russian border guard reported.

more critical voices saying the Ukraine de facto has no infantry troops and has no other way to fight but by leveling militia-held cities to the ground with artillery and air strikes. There is a growing resistance to the military campaign among Ukrainian population

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In the capital of Belarus evening of July 31 tripartite contact group to resolve the crisis in the south-east of Ukraine gathered for a regular meeting, following which it became known that the participants agreed to cease hostilities in the area of ​​humanitarian corridor that OSCE observers moved to the crash site " Boeing 777 "in the Donetsk region.

The Contact Group also decided to transfer the militia international inspectors car with personal belongings of the victims of the collapse of the Malaysian haul Boeing until August 2.

Another important agreement - the release of prisoners. In the statement released by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) stated that the contact group had called for the immediate release of people who find themselves in captivity as a result of the conflict in the east of the country. Other elements is called the effective monitoring and verification of the border between Ukraine and Russia, as well as the establishment of OSCE-supported mechanism for monitoring and verification, which must begin to act together with the beginning of the truce.

What do you think about this meeting with the "Relevant comments" shared the president of the Center of Systems Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko:

"We Poroshenko three serious problems. First - this is the exhaustion of the combat potential of the National Guard, who is forced to move from the offensive to the defensive.

The second - the difficulty of mobilizing and destabilization of the rear. There are problems with the completion of the Ukrainian army and, accordingly, there is concern that if the army will not be replenished in time, it is possible its expansion. Poroshenko also very much wants to avoid this.

Last - is the need to develop some kind of political solution that would bring the brackets and the situation with the "Boeing-777", and somehow solve the problem of the south-east.

I do not think that the talks in Minsk met with real success. Short-term truce - yes. But even an agreement is not a guarantee because Kiev little control troops stationed on the line of battle. More than once there are situations where Poroshenko announced a cease-fire, but fighting on the part of the Ukrainian army continued.

In addition, negotiations to be effective negotiators must have a common position. The President of Ukraine on the table is laid out well-known "Poroshenko Plan", which implies the surrender of the militia. And the militia on the table laid out certain requirements and recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics. In this case, it is clear that the New Russia can not accept the plan Poroshenko and surrender that whatever guaranteed Kiev authorities, to accept the surrender will come the same National Guard and "Right sector." And Poroshenko can not accept the requirement to recognize the independence militias regions. Because as soon as he recognizes in Kiev all accused him of treason, will be called a puppet of the enemies of Ukraine, and the current president of Ukraine will receive a rebellion of those who have fought and is fighting with the militia. Reduce to a common indicator of two diametrically opposite positions, to develop a plan that would suit both sides - is not possible.

Of course, under pressure from the international community, the parties may agree that Ukraine has preserved a whole, but, say, a Confederate unit. But it confederal arrangements should be again someone provided. In Ukraine, the two opposing armies in the Civil War, in addition, a significant portion of New Russia occupied by the troops Kolomoiskiy.

On the part of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics have a claim on the New Russia as part of at least eight areas. And who will protect those opposing army, who are ready to kill each other to the bitter end - is unknown.

Theoretically possible international protectorate, the introduction of the police force and so on. And then it is necessary, first of all, to disarm the military forces on the territory of Ukraine and, in fact, to introduce an external collective management. This will require the introduction of both Russian and European troops to the areas of Ukraine. This kvazikonfederatsiya already denotes the elimination of Ukraine, only delayed legal status. Therefore, it is not clear how to achieve a common negotiating position, which would be arranged for all, all she would obey and which would not require still doing some military battles, now pulling in the battle and the international forces. "

Central News Agency Novorossia

Edition of the program "Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov" (aired on August 3 at the channel "Russia-1") - a serious reason to think about all the detractors of President of Russia.

Details retell the content of the program will not. Who wants to - will find it on the Internet and look. Let me draw your attention to the audience of the site (both journalists and visitors) to the final, where Nikolay Starikov clearly and unambiguously formulated the thesis, which must form the basis of an information war between Russia and the entire Russian world against the West and its henchmen-liberastov: "Do not touch the Emperor!"

No bootlicking, idolatry and the "formation of a new cult of personality" as it may seem at first, cursory glance, this thesis is not. Since Starikov extremely logical: The West needs to destroy Russia as a strong state. The state, as we know, always start to destroy by discrediting its head. Examples of this in recent history - the mass. Saddam Hussein, according to the ideologues of the United States - "a terrorist and a murderer," Muammar Gaddafi - a "bloody dictator" Bashar al-Assad - "tyrant" ... And to understand if there was a "bloody dictator" same Gaddafi, who built accidentally on Libyan soil "socialism with a human face", it's too late: not alive nor head, nor the country ...

Do we want the same fate of Russia and the Russian around the world?

And if you do not want to - why allow yourself and others to insult, curse, humiliate Vladimir Putin?

It's time to take it for granted, "Every judge of others in the extent of their depravity!" It is time to realize that no matter how sick soul of the thousands of innocent victims of the war in the New Russia - Putin Donbass not "merge" russsky not betrayed its territory, to fend for themselves is not throwing. As militia DNR and LC, he - at the front. Diplomatic and economic. As the militia, he also - soldiers coming victory of the Russian world. .

Claiming the opposite, replicating distrust of GDP, we pour into the hands of enemies, opponents in the most severe informvoyne. Or minded "intellectuals" who in the days of Khrushchev's "thaw" learned that the "cultural elite is obliged to be in opposition to the government," and still do not realize that in the current circumstances such "opposition" to put it mildly - not comme il faut ...

Therefore, if we want to win, let's start with a simple: "Do not touch the Emperor!" Our leader now more than ever, needs to be trust, understanding and comprehensive support.

Tatiana Dugil.
Central News Agency Novorossia

The fascists are attempting to "rise" in the eyes of the inhabitants of New Russia. To achieve their goals they use questionable special campaign Rockets. It is known that such systems were first used in England in 1918.

With regard to the present conflict, such events have already been held by the punishers. Then, in April of this year, the Ukrainian army helicopters flying over populated areas of Donbass and dropping leaflets. However, the work was soon halted after two cars were shot down over the militias Kramatorsk and Slavonic.

Apparently, now decided to use safer methods for themselves, so of artillery shells will be releasing a special, which at a certain height - the highest point of flight, discarded campaign materials. One warhead can cover a small town, whose population is less than three thousand.

It is believed that the reason for such enterprises lies in the fact that the Nazis kept of urban residents in fear for several months. Information that is contained in the shells, talks about the possibility of providing a corridor for people from the territory of the conflict. Moreover, in the last statement from the residents there are serious doubts, to run with the same Shakhtersk they have to watch out for positions of the Nazis, which can open fire without warning.

If the first time when the papers scattered helicopters punishers asked people not to participate in meetings with the purpose of the federalization of Ukraine, now give vague promises. Hardly these movements at least as it will change the opinion of the people of New Russia to the actions of the Nazis.

However, for service should adopt these methods and militias fired position invaders came, and there are already empty - you can save ammo and people.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Column Ukrainian punitive defeated at Gorlovka.

According to sources in the New Russia, several thousand Ukrainian soldiers who are thrown into the Donbass for the so-called "Anti-terrorist operation" (ATO), ready to cease hostilities and to the side of Russia - the only guarantor of the preservation of their life and non-prosecution.

"In a number of Russian officials released the Ukrainian army officers of higher and lower ranks, who said they did not see the point and the prospects for the continuation of the fratricidal war and are ready to stop acting for the sake of Kiev regime and curators from the United States - said the source" Segodnya.ru. "- And , it's not just about the military and border guards, who get caught in the "southern pot" on the border with Russia, but also about the commanders and ordinary soldiers groupings Ukrainian troops deployed near Donetsk and Lugansk. "

According to the source of our publication, discontent among the Ukrainian military is massive and growing every day. In a number of units that have suffered losses and are experiencing an acute shortage of food and fuel, clashed with nationalists.

"We have contact with Ukrainian military and know that in some parts, in spite of the extreme exhaustion, people are ready to deploy the weapon in the direction of criminal authorities and to go to Kiev," - says the source.

Central News Agency Novorossia

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Hostilities, instigated by Washington, organized by the hands of corrupt puppet - a tragedy for the people of Ukraine and Russia. The most terrible feature of collisions at all times was that the people suffer, people who do not want war and death are victims of senseless violence and genocide.

So, once again, it was with the inhabitants of the mining. On July 27, in the town entered the National Guard units, with the support of more than forty units of combat vehicles for different purposes. Among the armored vehicles were armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, tanks. Almost immediately after the troops on the territory of the Miner, between the host and the Nazis got into a fight.

Civilians army maneuvers in Ukraine was caught off guard, many hid in basements, who is holed up in their homes. Everyone who was able to react in time, packed up, and the children went to Donetsk. People had to wade for freedom under a hail of bullets, exploding shells, shrapnel, aimed fire of snipers and brutal bad people - fascists. Those who were able to get out of the hot spot and put in Donetsk, settled in the dorms. However, the survivors themselves say that a lot of people have not been able to get away and stay in their homes, especially many of them women and children, the elderly, there are kids with disabilities.

As far as the fighting lasted for two days, after a brief lull, resumed again. Civilians are asked to provide the public with paragraph humanitarian corridor so that people least able to leave the war zone. In this case, it is worth noting that the National Guard refuses to help the public, so anyone who dares to leave the city, the risk of being under fire fighters Army of Ukraine.

Just a few days ago, namely on August 1st, the militia were fighting with "Dnepr-1" and the 25th Airmobile Brigade. Good luck guys, you strength!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


People's Governor Paul Donbass Gubarev sure: the enemy will be defeated, the victory will be Novorossia.

"That's a radical change occurred in the war. We surely are going to win. Ukrainian army into nothingness. They are surrendering, they fled across the border to Russia, do not want to fight. Mobilization they choked, fighting spirit they have, so I can say for sure: we come not only to Kiev, we get to the city. And strangle this trash so that three or four hundred years Ukrainians forget about Bandera, Shukhevych and on the integral Ukrainian nationalism.

I want to note that we are not fighting with the Ukrainians - we are at war with ukrofashistami. And these two types of consciousness are very different. And so Ukrainians who by chance or violence were in the Ukrainian army, we call: give up - we will treat favorably. Or deserters from the army. This will be even better.

But ukrofashisty - these are the oligarchic mercenaries who with dilated pupils shouted at the "Independence": "To the Heroes - thanks!" - This is the fascist scum. And so, of course, there will be no mercy!

Now we have this abomination will only drive. We will not allow to make the land of Donbass ground for shale gas production by Western companies. We will not give in to turn Donbass crap desert. We want to see their land green, prosperous, rich. For this fight. "

Central News Agency Novorossia

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GORLOVKA, August 05, 3:04 /ITAR-TASS/. The Ukrainian army has begun the shelling of the city of Gorlovka in eastern Ukraine’s Dinetsk region from the Smerch and Grad multiple-launch rocket systems, a separatist militia representative told Itar-Tass.

“Currently, at least two squadrons of the Smerch system and several Grad squadrons have shelled the Aksyonovka district in the private sector. Houses are burning there. There are not positions of our troops there,” said the representative of the militia under command of Igor Besler. He said other residential neighbourhoods of Gorlovka have also been shelled.

According to previous reports of eyewitnesses, a convoy of vehicles under Ukrainian flags was moving towards Gorlovka. There were many Smerch and Grad systems in the convoy.

The self-defense claims that the systems are targeting residential areas, where no militia troops are positioned.

MOSCOW, August 04, 21:41 /ITAR-TASS/. The Kiev authorities are no longer concerned with the lives of civilians, Ukrainian troopers or militias, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in its statement on Monday.

"The Kiev authorities instigated by their western sponsors are carrying out a punitive operation killing and wounding civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure. A humanitarian situation in the region is getting worse,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian army continues pulling the “Tochka U”, “Smerch” and Uragan missile complexes to Donetsk.

DNR: Statement Ljashko about the cleaning of Donetsk - lie

Information about the early stripping Donetsk Ukrainian spetsbatalona untrue. This was stated in the press service of the self-proclaimed "People's Republic of Donetsk."

"Information Ministry of Defense of Ukraine that the Ukrainian army entered the Donetsk and started" cleaning "of the city - an absolute lie. Loot in there," - said in a statement.

DNR also denied the information Minooborony Ukraine and the press center of "anti-terrorist" operations of the capture of the Ukrainian army n. n. Yasinovataya. "Places of Marinka and Alexandrovka near Donetsk continue to be under the control of militias DNR", - assured the press service.

It also reported that the Ukrainian army pulled to Donetsk hundreds of armored vehicles and artillery, dozens of MLRS ("The Hurricane," "Twister," "Castle"), missile systems "Tochka-U".

In addition, the militia reported an unsuccessful attempt to break the Ukrainian army units to Donetsk. "The enemy tried to break to Donetsk, directing their attacks on Krasnogorovka and Marinka. All attacks were repulsed. Information on losses is specified," - said the DNR published on Twitter.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Anti-fascist center launched in Ukraine
By Borotba on August 4, 2014

Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine launched in Simferopol, Crimea — Your help is needed!

The objective necessity of a Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine in Simferopol:

Currently, it is extremely difficult for leftist forces opposing fascism in Ukraine to work in the territory controlled by the Kiev government, in particular for the most active left organization — Union Borotba (Struggle). In the cities of the southeast, there were mass arrests of Antimaidan supporters, and today hundreds of people are behind bars. The Security Service of Ukraine now searches and arrests our comrades even for simply posting on social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte), material which is classified as “separatist” propaganda.

Under these conditions, cells of Union Borotba and other left-wing, anti-fascist organizations operate semi-underground. Any prominent leader or organizer immediately becomes the object of reprisals. The organization is now able to work only on the network principle — as a network of small, autonomous groups that direct agitation, propaganda and organization, as well as protect themselves from attacks by neofascist combatants.

Operation of a central leadership of the organization has become impossible in the territory controlled by the Kiev authorities — there is too great a risk of exposure for such a center and for destruction throughout the network.

This situation creates the need for a coordinating center for Borotba and other friendly organizations and leftist groups outside of Kiev government-controlled territory. An example in this respect is the work of the Russian Social-Democrats of the early 20th century to create a center abroad to coordinate the activities of clandestine cells.

Activists involved in the anti-fascist struggle in Ukraine, who risk arrest, torture and even death, need to know that they will not be left without shelter and livelihood if needed, so that they will be able to continue to participate in the struggle for the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazis.

Subjective conditions of the Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine in Simferopol:

Due to repression by the Kiev authorities against Union Borotba and other left-wing and patriotic organizations, many activists were forced to leave the territory of Ukraine. Currently, about 20 members of Union Borotba from Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev and other cities, who left Ukraine under threat of arrest or violence, are in the Republic of Crimea in Simferopol. There are also representatives of other leftist groups that fled Ukraine.

For now, emigrant anti-fascists have only their own scarce resources for rent and other necessities; they do not have jobs or other sources of income. At the same time, our comrades do not want to become refugees and receive Russian citizenship — we want to return to Ukraine and defeat the neofascist regime.

Union Borotba, under the direction of Odessa Regional Council Deputy Alexei Albu and Coordinator Victor Shapinov, has already started work on coordinating Borotba and other left-wing forces within Ukraine. From July 5 to 8, the first school for political activists was held near Simferopol, which was attended by 30 people who left Ukraine.

Tasks of the Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine:

1. Coordination and management of the cells of Borotba and friendly leftist organizations.

2. Ensuring secure communication channels and delivery of funds for anti-fascists in Ukraine.

3. Training new political activists who came to the resistance movement in the wake of the Antimaidan protests. Creating a cadre of powerful left-wing political forces, which will be an essential element of the political system of the new Ukraine, liberated from fascism.

4. Creating a press center of left and anti-fascist forces in Ukraine to inform the public about the fight on the territory controlled by the Kiev authorities.

5. Creating promotional materials (leaflets, videos, etc.) for use by the left and anti-fascist forces within Ukraine. Maintaining a constant videoblog for leftist forces of Ukraine, expandable to a full-fledged online channel.

6. Translation of materials of the anti-fascist resistance to foreign languages. Spreading global awareness of the fight by the anti-fascist forces of Ukraine. Dissemination of accurate information about the repression and killings of activists.

7. Maintaining a register of crimes and human rights violations by the Kiev government and its controlled ultraright units.

8. Liaison between the leftist forces in Ukraine and worldwide.

9. Ensuring evacuation of Ukrainian comrades who risk persecution or violence where they live and work.

We, the representatives of the Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine appeal to all progressive movements and organizations as well as individual activists for help. Any, even the most modest, help would be greatly appreciated by the Ukrainian anti-fascist emigrants.

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New Russia Policy
Ballistic missiles against civilians Donbass.
Today, 14:21 | Category: Tape » Politics
Views: 3114


Punishers Kiev junta used in the shelling of the city of Donbass ammunition huge power and destructive force.

In particular, the city in the past day Shahtersk was fired ballistic missiles "Tochka-U", capable of carrying nearly 500-pound charge of TNT.

On the application of Ukrainian law enforcers new weapon in Shahtersk television reported LifeNews. On the streets there were huge craters up to five meters deep and about 10 meters in diameter. Such weapons can completely destroy an apartment building, turning it into a pile of rubble.

The shelling Shahteraska superstrong warheads reports and dialog.ua. In the courtyard of a private house pensioner crater several meters deep and diameters greater than 10 m as a result of contact with an unknown projectile.


Mistress of the site, an elderly woman said that her yard is completely pitted due to the impact of the projectile.

Woman complains that the city is still a lot of people and children who are unable to travel due to lack of money.

"Who are they free us? We never anyone nebyli occupied, we were not caught by anyone, and destroy us. Work settings "Grad", mortars and shells unknown from which are here are now funnel "- outraged local resident.

Experts do not rule out that the punishers could use missiles "ground - air" - guided munitions designed to destroy targets on the surface of the earth, water, and zaglublёnnyh objects.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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