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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

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Alexander Rusin: Ahead of the change of power in Kiev ...
Today, 14:47 | Category: Feed » Analysis
Views: 4639


In guerrilla warfare regular army can not win. For the simple reason that the military can not be defeated by the guerrillas. Only by genocide or deportation. And it is not always ...

What is happening in the Donbass once again confirms the truth of the old military, which they say the future generals in all academies. Anyway, in Soviet military academies said so.

Loss of the Ukrainian army at the moment is many times greater than the loss of the militia and continue to grow.

If in the beginning of May the number of militias was barely a thousand men, most of whom kept the defense Slovyansk, at the beginning of August, according to various estimates the number of the army of Donbass reached ten thousand, and some experts estimate it has to twenty.

The balance of forces in the art at the beginning of May, it was 100: 1. Several armored militia had hundreds of tanks, armored personnel carriers and BMD of the Ukrainian army. Aviation in the militia was not too little artillery.

By early August, the ratio of heavy vehicles was 10: 1, with militia appeared artillery. Aviation is little, but the Ukrainian army after losing the majority of helicopters and attack planes half lost the ability to effectively support their actions from the air.

In fact, the guerrilla war has turned into a confrontation between two regular armies. At the same time, the Ukrainian army is rapidly shrinking, and the army of Donbass contrary increases.

The number of combat-ready units of the Ukrainian army in March was estimated at 6,000 troops. During the spring chislennst mobilization of troops was increased several times, but called up reservists were neither preparation nor motivation. As a result, up to 30% of recruits have already left their units. The scale defections are increasing.

In June, several dozen guards destroyed the weapons and crossed into Russian territory in order to avoid death. In early August, out of the environment on the territory of the Russian steel division 72th Airmobile Brigade (Marines) go almost every day, the last group consisted of about 400 men.

The loss ratio of the Ukrainian army and militia ranging from 5: 1 to 10: 1.

If Slovyansk militia were on the defensive, shooting from the advancing troops of the shelters and making occasional guerrilla attacks, in July began a war of maneuver. Now militia already acts as a regular army, moving force to the front, backing and attacking, counterattacking, surrounding the enemy.

Who could have imagined back in May that about 5,000 of the Ukrainian military will be in the boilers - about 500 in Luhansk airport, about 1000 in the Donetsk and Lugansk between 3000-4000 and the Russian border, the so-called southern boiler. Units totaling 5,000 soldiers, who can not get out of the environment, and which can not get through the main force - it is not a guerrilla war, is the scale comparable with episodes of World War II.

Earlier, I wrote that the Ukrainian army, even taking Donetsk, not be able to fully and continuously monitor, it would require too much effort. But they could not even take Donetsk. And obviously, will not be able.

War in the east of Ukraine is often compared to the Chechen. But this comparison is also not in favor of Ukraine. Because the ratio of the population of Russia: Chechnya - about 100: 1, and the ratio of the population of Ukraine Donbass - 6: 1. Population - a resource mobilization reserve, rear, economy. Russia could not achieve a military victory in the first Chechen war and the war ended with the signing of the Khasavyurt agreements. Second Chechen also ended in a draw, which only confirms the impossibility of military victory in a guerrilla war.

Could something to hope in the war against Kiev region in the ratio of the population of 6: 1, the ratio of forces 3: 1 ratio technique 10: 1 ratio and loss of 1: 5 is not in their favor?

Another month of the war and the number of troops in Donbass and Ukraine will be equal, and not only on staff, but also on heavy equipment and artillery.

And the experience and motivation of the army initially exceeded Ukrainian Donbass and this superiority is only growing. That pretty much ensures the effectiveness of the army of Donbass, which leads to large losses in the Ukrainian army.

The reason for the increased motivation army Donbass is simple - they are fighting for their home, their land. This is the reason for low motivation of the Ukrainian army - they came to a foreign land. One may say that it Donbass Ukraine, but for a soldier from Kiev, Poltava and the more Ternopil Donbass will still be a stranger. Even in a big city residents of one district are foreign to the other, if the areas are inhabited by different ethnic or social groups. In a large country, collected from areas with different histories, it is even more marked.

The reason is a higher level of training the militia is somewhat more complicated. The fact that the core of the militia became veterans law enforcement agencies and special services, and the Afghans who came from Russia "Chechens" (not ethnic Chechens, and veterans of the Chechen war, as they are commonly called in the medium security forces). In the Ukrainian army personnel such an order of magnitude less, and those who were - to participate in war or evaded - have gone on leave, resigned, or fighting in the militia as an agent (hence the amazingly accurate hit artillery positions on the Ukrainian militia troops). The reason is simple - the officer, who was born in the Soviet times, and walked back to the Soviet military school - in most cases it will not be at war with the Russian. Therefore, all or nearly all of the frames of the "old school", Soviet issue - somehow got the militia. Either directly or indirectly - in the form of agents and Ukrainian commanders, sabotaging the war.

Do such conditions, Kiev have any prospects?

Some suggest that the Ukrainian army has rear, security, and the militia caught in the two major cities, the supply of which is blocked. Not exactly. Completely block the Donetsk and Lugansk Ukrainian army did not succeed. A rear militia, except the Donetsk, Lugansk and a dozen smaller cities, is ... the whole of Russia. Of course, Russia does not send food and medicine wagons, as you would for your own army, but nevertheless the delivery of humanitarian supplies go. And if need be - these supplies will increase for sure. Therefore, logistics is not inferior Ukrainian militia, and could potentially beat him several times. This is not to mention the trophies, which in the course of successful military operations appear fairly regularly.

But the most important thing - to come.


Ahead of autumn and winter. Donetsk infrastructure severely damaged, but winter in the house, even with a bourgeois much easier than in an unheated outdoor trench. And hardly at all Ukrainian army will get a chance to spend the winter in the trenches. When equal numbers of artillery, troops of Ukraine will be quickly driven out of the region. And there is likely before the first snow.

Kiev is certainly not admit defeat. For several reasons. Firstly, military situation has not been entered. Formally, there is no war, there is simply anti-terrorist operation. And the anti-terrorist operation may just be over. For example, by recognizing that the enemy is not a terrorist. This was so obvious, but if you recognize it officially, it becomes easy to complete a formal occasion ATO. And secondly, to accept defeat is likely to be none. Unlikely Poroshenko and his supporters will sit on the site for a long time after the failure of the military operations will become apparent to all.

But this does not mean that everything will end in October. There is still one revolution (or maidan, if you wish), ahead of the change of power in Kiev ahead of the release of Kharkov and Odessa. Ahead of the question of the extent to which Ukraine will share after the loss of the east. Ahead of the question of whether the West of Ukraine until the end of cling to the idea of ​​Ukrainian or become a principality of Galich and quietly go to Europe, by itself, without pretensions to the territory the size of France, to control which one russophobia not enough.

There is still a lot of questions. It is possible that there is still all-Ukrainian civil war, in which the Donbass will be an island of stability, while the remaining regions are more or less know what he lived Donbass this summer.

There is still a lot of events.


But it is clear that - in front of quilted jackets and winter sets of military uniforms. And who would be more padded jacket - and he wins ...

Alexander Rusin (amfora.livejournal.com),
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Looking from the outside, or is no sadder story in the world
Views: 2950


My day begins with a study of the materials novorus.info, they have the same ends. I try to be objective, so carefully weeded out the emotions that sometimes just going through the roof, and accompanied by a "howling sirens" my soul, my loss.

I looked at the prisoners of the Ukrainian army and other bands (sorry for the emotional definitions), see filled with terrified eyes, and in me begins the struggle of man and spirit! Man yelling out loud (even just a neighbor behind the wall): "What, my dear, you, or someone like you, when my son killed killerskim shot in the head, do you think you're a hero !? You reveled in his impunity and permissiveness! And now you're sorry mutter that did not kill anyone, that you have deceived, intimidated ... The list of excuses is great! .. Yes, take the shooter's hand, but to cut off and throw to the dogs, and you save a life and try to make it long, so it was time to repent . "

Spirit impassively at first, and then, choking with tears, said: "Your mother sees you. Hear your will, God willing, not the last word, and I buried her son in a zinc coffin. I could not kiss him on the forehead, pat his arm, his broken body to regret. "

Everything! More ... No I can not hate me for it. He poisoned with lies! So I think when the roll in some individuals accusations against Russia, accusing it of aggression and assistance of New Russia (unfortunately, such charges in the Rostov region, we sometimes hear of Ukrainian refugees, which in this case is not run deep into Ukraine, and to us) , and I say that it is not a nationality, not in this or that country. Both sides are fighting Ukrainians, Russian, Poles, Czechs, Germans, Latvians ... The will of each individual. And by and large, it is - just an echo of the war of the heavens between good and evil, God's Army peacekeepers and officers of the legions of darkness!

And in all of this continuing cycle life and love. On one such love, men and women who have never seen each other, but experienced this sacred feeling, I want to tell ... Dedicated Van and Ana.

I'm happy, lonely!
I love getting drunk with a vengeance!
And even if it is the distance, far away.
Maybe I was destined to be one.

Do you, family and friends
And a wife and young son.
Between us dune ridge.
But we breathe the same air.

I never did not see you.
You have learned in verse.
I'm your soul binary codes
Sealed lips.

I'm sad, you're feeling!
Your pain is faint in me.
We will deal with you thoughts
In overhanging silence.

You have your own homeland.
I live in a foreign land.
But we are close to you, my soul!
You've come to me soon!

Not coming, dear! I come!
I will come to your grave!
And, sitting on a stool next to,
Again silence conspiracy.

Killed you nonhumans,
Those that stifle the Southeast,
Destroyed and have not noticed,
Encroached on what germ!

I loved you, your bright eyes ...
I loved your smile.
Snipers shot the car ...
It took my soul.

Do you feel me again.
You come to me in a dream.
Clothed in white robes
With calmness on his face.

For me, you worry again.
Persuade to go
In the earthly world without you! My love!
How! .. But it is necessary. We have to go.

In parting, was switched to air
You are the last words to me,
And you write "Thank you"! You write to me!
Care cloudy shaft.

I'm happy, lonely!
Drunk sex with a vengeance!
I filled the bowl up to the top!
I ispIla it with you!

PS Eternal memory to those who died for the truth! And everything will be fine ...

Tatyana Ivanova,
Central News Agency Novorossia

Society of New Russia
Talk about choice?
Today, 3:27 p.m. | Category: Tape » Society
Views: 1443

- Look, you and I will not spare,
when they start to shoot in the squares:
not survive to us in any case.
Doshlyut cartridge - and evil will not feel.
- Listen, we do not save ourselves.
As it will be - and that's about it:
passers zalyagut around you,
and you will not guess lie.
Bypassing the streets deserted butt,
you'll mumble the last verse,
naively believing that otyschesh rhyme -
and all the sins of the Lord will forgive you.
- Live as he lived; as you wandered so far,
leading to a whether a conversation with God -
for as long as the barrel nearest linden
pereschёlknul not signed shutter.

Yevgeny Lukin

I will not say anything new to those who "in the subject." Everything, or almost everything that you read further, it has been stated in the comments. But the point is that "almost." And that I say exactly as I say.

We make a choice of their own destiny every moment of his life. We choose not only their own destiny - we choose our future. The world in which we live. We and our relatives, friends. And everything that we call the world. And what will happen next - Eternity.

In fact, our whole life - a run-up before Eternity. The choice of the direction of movement, choice of tracer this Eternity. What's next - is determined by ourselves every moment.

Our choice is affected by many conditions: falling raindrops on the cheek, someone's reproachful sigh, someone's lying and someone's meanness, someone's wrong and right.

But the choice of doing ourselves. We, and we alone. And no one else.

Here we are screaming, "Oh, Putin gave Russian betrayed New Russia." Good shout in unison. Perhaps even sincere. If you want to talk about it later. Including the sincerity.

And still we cry, "Oh, they also do not want to defend themselves - whether it makes sense to help?". Yes, I will agree. When razhy uncle yells "Pied ... sy!" In the same Slovyansk after firing, and shouts not to the militia, and to the rabid Ukrainians, but it does not go to the militia ... And Uncle Fetter more gold around his neck ...

A more reasonable argument aback to: reinforcement rod in his hands - a weapon. Do not have to lament that does not support the "Moscow". In the mines full of ammonite, and then not continue. Talk about it too. After then.

And yet we have labeled as "aggressors", "fascists". What is different from the fascist Natsik, talk too. Then too.

In the meantime, about personal choice. It is on this background. Because we choose the future. Not lying on the couch, not Claudia computer. Choose in the fact that neither is real life. And can not escape some of the choice.

Now's just say, someone had to save, protect our (and Western) volunteers in Spain? Ranks of the defenders of the republic were ridiculous and miserable. Deciding vote: go on the attack or not. What's Marxism, Stalinism, anarchism ... It was very painful, funny, scary and bloody.

And on the other side was no better. Six months of arguing "Franco troops," what form they wear and how to salute. And to whom. There, too, "together in a bunch of horses, people."

But the volunteers on both sides were. And the Germans, whose ideas Franco called "a surprise." And the Italians, who did not understand the fig Duce throws them into this senseless slaughter. For whom and for what?

Their fears were justified received authority, Franco threw and Duce and the Führer.

And Stalin knew: the forces in Spain, which helps not look very capable on gratitude.

And yet at the same time in China, our military experts, tankers and pilots fought "shoulder to shoulder" with the German "comrades" against the Japanese aggressors. China does not seem capable of at least some gratitude. But, nevertheless, fought.

Leave the political games aside, I would say the main thing: in both cases, the volunteers - and they were just volunteers - doing your own personal moral choice.

Arguments that the Chinese coolies could do for himself, walked to a side. Arguments that Republicans could fight better, go there though.

Going to war makes his moral choices. Protects the future of the world.

Ah, the official government does not help us? Poboku.

Their choice, and only his.

As it did Fusiliers. And his comrades.

"To the ground in Grenada peasants to give up" - not just a line from a song. It is a moral imperative, against which doubly scared that a party finds volunteers (even if you write the word in quotation marks) around the world. They have their own motivation: who catechumens who bablososnaya. But they are, come from all over the world. And they are doing their dirty tricks.

And those who like to "our", all lie on the couch. And they do make a painful choice - the choice of a xxxxx in the internet.

You know, my dear, the choice must be done in real life. Enough to flood. Not wanting to dance will find a million reasons, describing his balls. Though like the art of dance of these organs and stems.

We must get off the couch. We must break away from Claudia. Need and do not know how to shoot. Need even those who are on the provision of trauma care has no idea.

And no matter how many years. What fifteen that sixty four Beatles.

Not important military and medical experience.

The very important moral imperative - in the first place.

Can anyone help. Each.

The term "Spanish volunteers" supremely respectful. Forever etched in history. At the same level as the "hundreds Spartan".

Not making moral choices these days - cattle, just cattle.

And let's talk about the rest of my other essays.

Sergey Catfish,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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UNITED NATIONS, August 06. /ITAR-TASS/. The humanitarian situation in Ukraine's east, particularly in Donetsk and Lugansk regions, is catastrophic "by any humane measure", Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation at the UN, told an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

He said, "With all certitude, one may and musu speak of a veritable war".

HAVANA, August 05. /ITAR-TASS/. A biggest mistake of the United State and Europe is their underestimating the Russian people, Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro said in an article published in Tuesday’s issue of the Granma newspaper.

DONETSK, August 05. /ITAR-TASS/. The speaker of the parliament of Novorossia (an unrecognized confederation of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions) has asked the US president on his Facebook page to put pressure on the Kiev government to end “genocide against the population”.

“We call on you to put pressure on the Ukrainian leadership so that they end terror and killings in Donbass, pull their troops out of the territory of independent republics,” Oleg Tsaryov said.

KIEV, August 05. /ITAR-TASS/. Public utilities started dismantling barricades in Kiev...The city’s authorities proposed the Kiev fortress museum about three kilometres far from the central square as a place for protesters.

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DONETSK, August 05. /ITAR-TASS/. Self-defense fighters are deterring an advance of a large Ukrainian army force in west Donetsk, the local news agency Novorossiya reported on Tuesday.

The Ukrainian “punitive force is actively trying to breach our defense, which has not been seen for a long time before. We are currently successfully repelling the attack. The settlements of Krasnogorovka and Maryinka are remaining under our control,” the agency reported.

The agency report said that the Ukrainian grouping in south Donetsk was building up its forces, bringing the armor to the area.

“Everything is calm in the east of the city after a unit of the [ukrainian] 25th air mobile brigade has been crushed. The Ukrainian military is probably afraid of moving in here and is delivering long-distance artillery strikes,” the news agency said.

Heavy battles are continuing near Shakhtyorsk. Self-defense fighters have been able to successfully repel the attacks by the Ukrainian military, the news agency said.

“Saur-Mogila remains under our control,” the agency said.

“Our forces have inflicted heavy damage on the enemy in the north, in the area of Debaltsevo and Komissarovka. The command of the military operation spoke loudly about a mopping-up operation in Donetsk but they [the Ukrainian military] have not even been able to enter the city and the settlement of Yasinovataya [near Donetsk] also remains under our control,” the news agency said.

A total of 438 Ukrainian army soldiers were forced to cross into Russia on Monday, leaving over 60 pieces of the armor to self-defense fighters to save their lives.

“About 60 pieces of the armor, material supplies and all weapons have been transferred to self-defense fighters,” the militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic said in its report.

Militias battle Ukrainian army near Donetsk

Our forces have inflicted heavy damage on the enemy in the north, in the area of Debaltsevo and Komissarovka. The command of the military operation spoke loudly about a mopping-up operation in Donetsk but they [the Ukrainian military] have not even been able to enter the city and the settlement of Yasinovataya [near Donetsk] also remains under our control the news agency Novorossia The self-defense militia inflicted damage on the Ukrainian military on the north-eastern outskirts of the town of Shakhtyorsk near Donetsk on Monday, the headquarters of the Donetsk People’s Republic said on Tuesday.

“The first and second Slavic battalions and the Kalmius special battalion enjoying the support of a combined artillery battalion destroyed at least three pieces of the armor, a mortar unit, a self-propelled artillery gun and an artillery correction team of the Ukrainian military,” the militia headquarters said.

Updated information has been received about the militia’s artillery strike against the enemy positions near the settlement of Metallist, the headquarters said.

“Our fire has destroyed a warehouse of phosphorus ammunition, one tank and one armed personnel carrier, as well as 25 enemy soldiers who were killed mostly by the warehouse explosion,” the headquarters said.

A large number of the Ukrainian army’s tanks and mechanized infantry attacked the settlement of Dmitrovka south of the town of Snezhnoye in the first half of the day on Monday, seeking to break through to the grouping surrounded by self-defense fighters in the settlement of Dyakovka, the militia headquarters said.

“The militia’s anti-tank guided missile fire has destroyed three enemy tanks and one APC. After this, the enemy attack force tried to bypass the militia’s positons via the settlement of Kozhevnya but was repelled by artillery fire. Most of the enemy armor and motor vehicles had been destroyed by the evening,” the militia headquarters said.

Also, the Ukrainian National Guard launched several attacks on self-defense fighters with the support of tanks in the area of the settlement of Maryinka west of Donetsk, the militia headquarters said.

“The enemy has lost up to a platoon of soldiers both killed and wounded. The militia has destroyed three tanks, one infantry fighting vehicle and a truck with ammunition. Currently, the enemy is concentrating large National Guard forces on the southern outskirts of Donetsk,” the militia headquarters said.

Pro-Kiev troops and local militias in the eastern Ukrainian Donetsk and Luhansk regions are involved in fierce clashes as the Ukrainian armed forces are conducting a military operation to regain control over the breakaway regions, which on May 11 proclaimed their independence at local referendums.

During the military operation, Kiev has used armored vehicles, heavy artillery and attack aviation. Many buildings have been destroyed and tens of thousands of people have had to flee Ukraine’s embattled east.

Tuesday, August 5

22:38 GMT:


Yeah, guys and girls, he really did say that. ''The situation is manageble.'' Jesus wept
— Alexey Yaroshevsky (@Yaro_RT)

22:01 GMT:

Moscow has offered to send a humanitarian aid mission to eastern Ukraine under the aegis of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said at the emergency UN Security Council briefing.

Churkin offered internationally-monitored convoys of humanitarian aid to be sent from Russia to E.Ukraine

— Alexey Yaroshevsky (@Yaro_RT)

These would include food, water, electricity generators and other vital necessities

— Alexey Yaroshevsky (@Yaro_RT)

22:00 GMT:

More than 117,000 people have been displaced in eastern Ukraine and an estimated 168,000 people have fled to Russia as of August 1, UN refugee agency UNHCR reported during the emergency UN Security Council meeting on the crisis called by Russia.

UNHCR’s European director, Vincent Cochetel, said the number registered by local Ukrainian authorities “is in our view a low estimate,” since most men fleeing did not register in order to avoid being drafted into the Ukrainian army and sent back into the conflict zone.

In total, some 730,000 Ukrainians have crossed into Russia since January, according to estimates from Russian authorities, Cochetel said. The UNHCR believes this number is “credible,” he added.

21:13 GMT:

Reports from Donetsk say the city area was hit by two airstrikes over the last hour.

Multiple twitter accounts from
reported at least 2 air strikes in the city within the last 45 min.

— Natalia Melnychuk (@pravolivo)

Sounded like air strike in donetsk a few minutes ago. Some reports that rebel road block in east of city may have been hit.

— Simon Kruse (@crusoes)

21:03 GMT:

The Ukrainian army is using heavy weaponry in eastern Ukraine, such as Uragan multiple rocket launchers and cruise missiles, RIA Novosti reported citing local militia. Cruise missiles were spotted flying over the city of Gorlovka on Tuesday, while Uragan launchers were seen near the town of Snezhniy, witnesses told the news agency.

17:21 GMT:

At least two civilians have been killed amid fighting in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, according to the City Council, as cited by RIA Novosti.

The City Council also said that active military action was reported on the border of Petrovsky district and the towns of Aleksandrovka and Mar’ynka at 4 p.m. GMT.

17:05 GMT:

About 730,000 people have fled Ukraine for Russia this year, according to the European head of the United Nations agency for refugees, which cited compiled Russian data.

"The 730,000, is the 'plus' compared to other years," said Vincent Cochetel. "...Sometimes they just walk across the border, they come with plastic bags. Many of them are really destitute."

The figure excluded people who would have normally crossed the border for trade or tourism purposes, Cochetel said.

An additional 117,000 people have been displaced inside Ukraine – a number that is growing by about 1,200 per day, he added.

15:55 GMT:

Russia called on the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting regarding the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, said Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin. The meeting is expected to be held at 9 pm GMT.

15:53 GMT:

A Ukrainian soldier from the 51 infantry brigade, who was earlier wounded, crossed the Russian border and was treated at a Russian hospital. He told the ITAR-TASS news agency, on conditions of anonymity, that after returning to his country he was questioned and declared a deserter, while his relatives were threatened by the authorities.

There is an investigation ongoing. We are accused of non-compliance with orders and of leaving behind military hardware and weapons,” he said, adding that all soldiers who returned after crossing into Russia were suspended from service. The soldier said that they are questioned several times a day, sometimes at night too.

“The most frightening is that the [ukrainian military] is threatening our relatives and close ones with ‘big problems’. We are prohibited to call them. The conscripts are especially tightly controlled,” he said.

The soldier added that he “envies those who did not return from Russia like us, but were held captive by local militia.”

11:09 GMT:

The number of internally displaced people in Ukraine has reached 117,000 people, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva said Tuesday. It also said that 168,000 people have fled to Russia.

Most people who left their homes, but remain in Ukraine, are from the country’s eastern Lugansk and Donetsk Regions – some 102,600 people, according to UN estimates.

07:39 GMT:

A cameramen and a driver of ANNA News video agency have been injured in Lugansk, eastern Ukraine. The TV crew heard explosions in the city and was going to film the aftermath of the attack, when their car was also hit by a blast.

"We saw some people at the bus stop," driver Aleksey, who suffered a wound to his chest, said in a video released by ANNA News. "And the explosion took place, just a few meters from our car. Our vehicle blocked most of the blast, so the civilians at the bus stop weren't killed. Shell fragments hit our vehicle and three of them injured me".

The news agency’s cameramen, Mikhail Andreev, received an arm injury.

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Hats off to the militia! For all information channels to transmit information that militias in Novorossiya live short-term problems, "they would only fight back." That management Novorosii not capable of planning strategic operations and no organized action in the information war.
And then - a surprise!
Let's go back a few days ago and recall the mysterious story of a "downed drone militias Ukrainian Tu-143.

What caught my eye:
"UAV" brand new, without a scratch, as if he had just painted. There is no visible damage only, but even dirt. This suggests that it was not shot down, was not running and did not fly, because even the engine nozzle did not charred. A starting such an apparatus must leave traces on the nozzle as well as at the casing.


Sling from the parachute is, but most of the parachute in the open field is not observed.
The chassis is completely absent. So it remains a mystery how this device could not land at all.
The Ukrainian side after much deliberation broke standard accusations towards militias


And then suddenly it turns out that the "drone Tu - 143" - fake militias. This - mock drone, which was brought specially from some museum provocation Ukrainian side.
Wrote about it in ANNA- news Alexander Rogers

With all the funny situations, I would not lightly and humorously refer to this action militias. Their goal was not a regular exposure "Psak" Kiev authorities. And there they are doing is more important than the banal banter over stupidity ukroem-government.
And what was the purpose of the militia?
Alexander Rogers touches this theme.
Here is the translation from Ukrainian to Russian press center of the ATO.

"Today, August 1, with a view to identifying defense systems Russian mercenaries from Ukrainian territory was launched unmanned aerial vehicles. His job Ukrainian automatic reconnaissance performed. ATO headquarters received a lot of information about the location and movement of the invaders. And also how they keep track of airspace.

However, when returning to the base he was shot down from the anti-aircraft missile launcher "Buk M-1." Probably because of such an installation professional mercenaries shot down peaceful passenger aircraft "Boeing 777". "

I'm not going to parse all the bloopers and silly "excuses" of the official announcement. I have long been out of kindergarten age to take seriously such "arguments".
Turn intuition. Your message just grates on the ear. Well, do not say Slavs such expressions do not build so about it.
In fact, the text "message" places linguistically identified by a language construct used as a translation from English. It will tell you any specialist - a linguist. Authorship of "messages" can not Slavic. Alexander has even led some expressions that do not apply in the Slavic languages.

- Ukrainian (with capital letters) territory - Ukrainian territory;
- Passenger peace - non-threatening civilian aircraft (American military lexicon, such as "100% civilian");
- Professional mercenaries - professional mercenaries (gradation mercenary foreigners, former military pilot);
- Automatic intelligence - unmanned aerial scout vehicle

I can imagine what this movie stupor drove the Ukrainian authorities. As for the drone, whose it was, where it came from, who launched ??? And, most importantly, how to react to this video. Yes, such a task is clearly not for the "great" minds of Ukrainian specialists in infovoynam.
And they naturally turned to their supervisors, occupying an entire floor in the building of the SBU in Kiev. Those thought, and gave English another "Psak" as the press center of the ATU.
And this is serious. That you do not banter over poor ukrami. This operation is made clearly manifest and puncture hosts all these Tymchuk, Avakova and Seleznev. This is - the real goal.
And held such an operation is clearly not Motorolla.

Gyulchataj opened the face, and we instead saw the Anglo-Saxon, chewing gum muzzle in American uniform.
And it is - is not the first puncture. Suffice it to recall a press conference Avakova-Mahnitskogo-Nalivaychenko about snipers on Independence http://maxpark.com/community/5625/content/2659705
It is hoped that this information sabotage - only the first step. Perspective, I can already see. In the near future - it's running on the Ukrainian side, and so never fallen tactical ballistic missiles Tochka-U. Americans reported that the missiles were launched, only demonstrated militias missile fragments and did not hit the place, and Russia, which by definition should bring down its air defenses ANY ballistic target flying towards its territory, pointedly silent. Planned a very interesting denouement of the story.
"Let's wait" ©

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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As reported sources in Novorossiya, some thousands of Ukrainian military which are thrown into Donbass for carrying out so-called "anti-terrorist operation" (anti-terrorist operation), we are ready to stop operations and to come over to the side of Russia - the only guarantor of preservation of their life and not prosecution.

"The Russian representatives contacted a number of officers of the Ukrainian army of the highest and lowest ranks who declared that don't see sense and prospects of continuation of fratricidal war and are ready to stop working to please to the Kiev mode and curators from the USA, - reported a source to "Segodnya.R". - And, it is a question not only of those military and frontier guards who are clamped in "the southern copper" on border with Russia, but also about commanders and ordinary fighters of groups of the Ukrainian armies developed near Donetsk and Lugansk".

According to the interlocutor of our edition, the discontent among the Ukrainian military personnel has mass character and accrues every day. In a number of divisions which suffered losses and test an acute shortage in the food and fuels and lubricants, there were collisions with nationalists.

"We contact to the Ukrainian military and we know that in some parts, despite extreme exhaustion, people are ready to deploy the weapon towards the criminal authorities and to go to Kiev", - the source shared.

1407153352_1407148998_9-jim-beam-kentuckThe diversionary group of Donetsk militants in Zaporozhye completely liquidated one of battalion "Dnepr" divisions, reported division of a militia of D.O.L.G.

"In Zaporozhye the DNR diversionary group completely liquidated one of divisions of the battalion "Dnepr" submitting directly to Yarosh. All fighting commanders" are liquidated, - militants reported, "Novorossiya" transfers.

We will remind, appointed by the Kiev authorities the chairman of the Donetsk regional state administration Sergey Taruta declared earlier that in situation destabilization in Donbass the governor of the Dnepropetrovsk area, the billionaire Igor Kolomoysky and the battalion "Dnepr" created by it is guilty.

That in "Dnepr" members of "Right Sector" are at war was declared by Dmitry Yarosh.

From the middle of April the Kiev authorities carry out in the east of Ukraine "special operation" for suppression of protest movement in Donbass. Security officers actively use heavy artillery and fighting aircraft. It is reported about numerous victims among civilians and destructions of houses and objects of infrastructure.

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Head of the Human Rights Centre of the World Russian People's Council renowned theologian Roman Silant'ev called locum tenens UOC Metropolitan Chernovtsy and Bukovina Onufriya anathema Kiev authorities.

Silantyeva proposal came after the letter of Metropolitan Onufriya "President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko," in which a priest accused Ukrainian security forces to put pressure on the priests of Donbass, as well as violence and humiliating them, "I would advise the Metropolitan Onufriv Poroshenko not write such letters, as it is absolutely useless. He, at first, does not control the situation, and secondly, and he does not like the Orthodox considerably, and nothing, of course, do not support them. "


Religoved noted that to date, noted numerous cases of harassment of priests, as well as the shelling and destruction of Orthodox churches: "That is, the Lord Onufriv necessary to prepare documents for the anathema Poroshenko and his men. Anathematize this power, killing his own people, who abused Orthodox priests, destroying temples and behaves like a power absolutely anti-Christian. "


In late July, it was reported that the famous church and social activist, coordinator of the Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods ROC Yuri Ageschev anathematized Poroshenko and "Heads of state sponsors of inhuman crimes against the inhabitants of Kiev Donbass", "Ukrainian media can arbitrarily write nonsense about the uprising in South -Vostoka, but there is an act "the head of Ukraine." And there is the fact that the people running in Russia, with the South-East, not in Ukraine. Declare bluntly: Damn him, along with his unclean "candy" and questionable "savings"! Coupled with their "patrons" - Obama "associates" and other overseas patrons killers haters Slavs. "

Meanwhile, knowing Russophobe position which took Onufry as part of a particularly close to power hierarchs of the UOC-MP, with this treatment need to refer to Patriarch Kirill.

And those bishops who refuse to anathematize Russian organizers of the genocide, it is necessary to anathematize themselves.

Roman Silant'ev,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Today, the mass media disseminated by the news that the leader of the Ukrainian radical nationalist organization "Right sector" Dmitry Jaros seriously wounded during an armed clash with one of the militias DNR. According to the rebels, soldiers, intelligence and sabotage Troupe (DBR), entered the rear forces ATO and suddenly attacked one of the divisions of the volunteer battalion "Dnepr", directly subordinate to Yarosh, which in the course of battle was completely destroyed.

Armed clash happened on the border of Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye region 45km from Donetsk. According to information provided, the entire command were killed Ukrainian nationalist armed group and wounded head of the party "Right sector" Dmitry Jaros.

Battalion "Dnepr" organized for their money oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. It is staffed mainly by radical nationalists and formally submits to the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine, but the orders of staff ATO does not perform and act independently. As they say: "He who pays the piper calls the tune." In the armed forces operate the whole unit, formed from members of the "right sector." Obviously, it it was destroyed during the sabotage operation.

Ukrainian activist Borislav Birch on Facebook denies wounding Dmitry Yarosh and states that he has suffered. Activists say dozens of rebels killed, captured strongholds, broken armor and sniper duels won. Who is telling the truth, we soon learn, as long as the civil war in Ukraine gathers new victims.

Igor Zinevych
Central News Agency Novorossia

Column Ukrainian punitive defeated at Gorlovka.

According to sources in the New Russia, several thousand Ukrainian soldiers who are thrown into the Donbass for the so-called "Anti-terrorist operation" (ATO), ready to cease hostilities and to the side of Russia - the only guarantor of the preservation of their life and non-prosecution.

"In a number of Russian officials released the Ukrainian army officers of higher and lower ranks, who said they did not see the point and the prospects for the continuation of the fratricidal war and are ready to stop acting for the sake of Kiev regime and curators from the United States - said the source" Segodnya.ru. "- And , it's not just about the military and border guards, who get caught in the "southern pot" on the border with Russia, but also about the commanders and ordinary soldiers groupings Ukrainian troops deployed near Donetsk and Lugansk. "

According to the source of our publication, discontent among the Ukrainian military is massive and growing every day. In a number of units that have suffered losses and are experiencing an acute shortage of food and fuel, clashed with nationalists.

"We have contact with Ukrainian military and know that in some parts, in spite of the extreme exhaustion, people are ready to deploy the weapon in the direction of criminal authorities and to go to Kiev," - says the source.

Central News Agency Novorossia

Apparently, now decided to use safer methods for themselves, so of artillery shells will be releasing a special, which at a certain height - the highest point of flight, discarded campaign materials. One warhead can cover a small town, whose population is less than three thousand.

It is believed that the reason for such enterprises lies in the fact that the Nazis kept of urban residents in fear for several months. Information that is contained in the shells, talks about the possibility of providing a corridor for people from the territory of the conflict. Moreover, in the last statement from the residents there are serious doubts, to run with the same Shakhtersk they have to watch out for positions of the Nazis, which can open fire without warning.

If the first time when the papers scattered helicopters punishers asked people not to participate in meetings with the purpose of the federalization of Ukraine, now give vague promises. Hardly these movements at least as it will change the opinion of the people of New Russia to the actions of the Nazis.

However, for service should adopt these methods and militias fired position invaders came, and there are already empty - you can save ammo and people.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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If there is an opportunity to share with someone from the DNR and LC, said that in captivity they subman, and they want to let him go.

Who have the opportunity, throw off this is the guys in the militia ... Maybe will reach the right people.

"They gave up, they gave up, we have achieved ..." - shouted this scum, Andrew Panasiuc when burned people in Odessa on May 2nd. Now he is in captivity and bleats like a sheep.

Many, perhaps even pity him, seeing his tears. On his page "VKontakte" he left the following inscription: "Forget what you were taught, among the beasts live like a beast, hit first, so you do not hit, I saw tears - beat stronger."

Is this scum released? Do not let it get away! DNR militias still do not know what this fascist in Odessa burned people alive while shouting "Glory to Ukraine" ... They're going to give it to mom.

This ghoul lying in a hospital bed in Donetsk, asks the camera to my mother took it ... Here's a video confirming Aug 1. 2014 Hospital Donetsk. Prisoner of war of the miner's "appeal to the mother" 01.08.2014

Vladimir Terentyev,
Central News Agency Novorossia


The Minister of Defence of People's Republic of Donetsk Igor Gunmen ordered the militia to several thousand jerseys, also referred to as padded jacket.

Thus Kiev transparently hinted that give the army is not going to Donbass and will continue to fight against the punitive and autumn, and winter.

- In the fall of the militia DNR ordered several thousand Soviet army sturdy padded jacket - said one of his deputies.


It is noteworthy that "quilted jackets" Ukrainian maydanschikov call all those who honor the exploits of Soviet soldiers in World War II, for whom the Nazis and Bandera - the criminals, not heroes.

Therefore, in the news bloggers saw thin banter Strelkova enemies.

Booked whether Poroshenko for their embroidered winter warriors national sample, is still unknown.

And he may not be necessary at this time.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Edited by John Dolva
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MOSCOW, August 6. /ITAR-TASS/. American* journalists accredited in Russia declined the invitation of Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to visit the Russian-Ukrainian border and meet the Ukrainian servicemen that passed to the territory of Russia. Deputy Head of the ministry’s Department of Information and Press Maria Zakharova wrote this on her Facebook page on Wednesday.

“This story happened the day before yesterday… In the morning, news agencies reported that over 400 Ukrainian servicemen addressed Russian border guards asking for asylum. Understanding the importance for journalists, especially the foreign ones, of the opportunity to communicate with the representatives of Ukrainian armed forces, to find out straight from the source about the real combat situation, about the motivation of Ukrainian soldiers, the real causes of their act, we decided on the same day to invite a group of foreign correspondents to the Rostov region. Luckily, a plane of Russia’s Defense Ministry was heading there and was able to take 30 to 40 journalists. We started to call everyone immediately. About forty people gathered within an hour,” Zakharova wrote.

However, there were hardly any reporters representing top US-based media outlets among those who wanted to get to the Russian-Ukrainian border.

“Aside from Bloomberg agency journalists, there was none from American* media,” Zakharova wrote. She added that the invitation to meet with Ukrainian servicemen that passed to the Russian territory was declined by representatives of leading US media: CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor. “Then on what are based the stories of these journalists, if they refuse to meet with the sources?!” “The funniest behavior was shown by Reuters: they signed up, set out to the airport, halfway changed their minds and didn’t fly,” Zakharova said.

“We are reproached for having little communication with western media, and this is supposed to be the reason for Russia’s information blockade. But the fact remains a fact: we speak, and they don’t want to listen, or they are not allowed,” the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson stressed.

The Ukrainian military servicemen, who laid down arms and crossed into Russia, were accommodated in a tent camp that was set up for them near the Gukovo border checkpoint in Russia’s Rostov Region.

The soldiers expressed surprise over being treated well on the Russian territory as, according to them, news information they gathered earlier from Kiev media was in sharp contrast to the reality they saw.

“We could have a bath, received new clothes. We are very grateful,” one of them told Russian LifeNews online television channel.

According to the Ukrainian soldier, before they crossed the border they had been told that Russia was an “aggressor country” engaged in combat operations against them, but now they found out that it was not true, he added.

Pro-Kiev troops and local militias in Donetsk and Lugansk regions are involved in fierce clashes as the Ukrainian armed forces are conducting a military operation to regain control over the breakaway regions, which on May 11 proclaimed their independence at local referendums.

During the military operation, Kiev has used armored vehicles, heavy artillery and attack aviation. Many buildings have been destroyed and tens of thousands of people have had to flee Ukraine’s embattled Southeast.

Note : * 'America' is a colloquialism used by some to refer to united states of america. For clarity it is better to refer to 'the us' or 'the usofa'.

America is a continent. In north america there is a country called the 'united states of america'.

[Che referred to 'their' and 'our america' to differentiate]

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Chain dogs, which scored Semen Sementchenko are known to have formed a battalion of "Donbass". In the ranks of the murderers joy: they got the money for the suffering of the civilian people and people who wish to remain free from government oppression oligarchy and fascism.

Collect yourself, "army" Semyon began in April of this year, it included volunteers who were against the independence of the New Russia Ukraine. Subsequently Sementchenko became leader of the group.

In the popular social networking site "Facebook", on your page, the commander of "Donbass" said that to him a courier arrived with a salary. Says the leader, they finally become full-fledged mercenaries, apparently up to this point they only promised to pay for the murder. Salary for each Banderlog unit is 989 hryvnia, and this figure does not correspond to initially promised Poroshenko. In the final days of voting, when it was still allowed to conduct campaign activities, the president promised to 1000 hryvnia per day to anyone who can take part in the genocide in the vast Donbass.

In any case, reports Seeds Sementchenko felt joy, apparently "Donbass" is already in Russia was about: money to take, out, wound hem as it gets passed from invaders. Leader says that it will be able to pack a lot of let the money in the first place need paint to tag the captured city ...

It is worth noting that the past of the head is covered with darkness, his every interview - a conversation with a man in balaclava. Apparently Sam realizes that his activities do not give medals. Militia have already said that anyone who kills for money will not be spared, so the Nuremberg trials to the second, too, will not pardon jackals ...

Let's wait for news of the labeled cities, the beast that militia expelled. A salary mercenaries need to pay, how much they can be buried in the ditches, and now even on the coffin enough ...

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Militia to be the last fight for Shahtersk, the fact that this town is actually the eastern gate to Donetsk. Naturally, the Germans understand it, and therefore making desperate attempt to capture the strategically important object, regardless of losses.

Most of the civilians left regularly shelled the city, there was one-fifth of the total number, mostly the elderly and those who are not lucky escape in time.

Militia is making every possible effort to improve the lives of little people, for example, they were able to negotiate with the owners of the stores, so they gave people the products. The only fine condition and resistance is that alcohol will not be distributed. The defenders of the Motherland do not drink, it is sometimes necessary to subdue drunken civilians. To avoid wasting time on the fight against alcoholism, the owners break the bottle with a "green snake" on the street.

Hosts stalls without further ado agreed to give food, all this because there is no light in the city, refrigerators do not work, everything is rather spoiled.

Meanwhile, all attempts to arrange a humanitarian corridor for civilians fail. Occupants begin shelling concentrations of vehicles to help trafficked people from Miner. According themselves militia artillery strikes are chaotic, but you should begin to gather people for export, punishers immediately open aimed fire at the gathering place.

Nevertheless, the group on several machines skips from time to time. The fate of the survivors of the atrocities punitive not enviable, if refugees are caught, then sent back, young people are often taken into the army of Ukraine.

Recent fighting talk about high combat capability guys militias, let's hope that the enemy will not pass. At this point, after the last attack, strengthens the position of both parties, the Nazis customize force in this direction.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Late yesterday evening in the skies over Izvarinskim boiler appeared Ukrainian Su-24 bombers carrying on an external sling huge bombs. Watch this militia for Saur-Tomb is already prepared to repel air attack, but the bombers, flying past, went into the territory occupied by the Ukrainian troops.
Soon the bombs rained down and in the enemy began to be heard powerful explosions shook the earth from which even a few kilometers away from the scene. The air began to appear as mushroom-shaped clouds that are more typical for nuclear explosions.
At this very moment to relatives phoned soldier from the remnants of a broken 79th Brigade. He shouted that their position "by mistake" bombing its same aircraft. Suddenly the conversation was interrupted. Whether the village phone battery, whether the speaker had been wounded or killed. This bombing was hardly a mistake. Ukraine at any cost necessary to keep the remains encircled by the transition in Russia, so that they both fashionable longer chained to the strength of militias and to place them died truth about wrongful deeds Ukrainian command.
How many killed and many injured by these bombs, it is not yet known. Received a message that last night killed the deputy commander of the 2nd Battalion, 79th aembr Sergey Krivonosov.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Units junta, more precisely battalion "Azov", attempted to escape from the boiler, which was organized by the militia. It happened near the village of Marinka. In the implementation of a breakthrough, security forces faced strong opposition from the defenders of the native land, the militia managed to destroy or seriously damage the most punitive techniques. Of the losses in manpower should be noted 14 injured occupants. Speaking specifically about the loss of combat vehicles fascists, on the battlefield only three tanks, armored personnel carriers. On the part of DNR lost two resisters, five wounded.

The fifth of this month, the Ukrainian army units fired artillery fire on Gorlovka and Dzerzhinsky. West and south of Donetsk arrived serious forces junta resistance organized a powerful defense. Settlement Dmitrovka was attacked by the Nazis, while they actively used heavy combat vehicles.

Through tanks, heavy artillery and a large number of infantry invaders storming victory, Dmitrovka, snowy and Latysheva. Militia shall make every reasonable effort not to miss the enemy forces.
During regrouping the National Guard, the militias were able to gain a foothold in the area Avdeyevka while they destroyed five tanks fascists.

It is worth noting that in the enemy's rear there is a disagreement about the mismanagement of the operation in the Donbas. At the moment, he was appointed guilty Oleg Lyashko - brawler, leader of the Radicals.
The fact that the social networks he posted data for the punitive action on your page. Accused him Boris Filatov, who is the deputy governor of Dnipropetrovsk region Square.

Let's wait for the results hold little brother !!! Give heat corrupt dogs !!!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Fighting for land Donbass not just subside, but also gaining momentum. Northeast Miner shaking explosions of shells artillery, machine-gun fire cut the air, working sniper and heavy armor. The militia did not hand over their positions, both sides suffer losses.

During the day, fourth of August did not abate shooting, during which time the militia managed to destroy payment mortar, self-propelled artillery, as well as a group that engaged in the adjustment of artillery fire.

As usual, the main victims of the Nazis by - peaceful people, the fact that during the active conflict ukroarmiya produced shelling settlements, apparently, according to tradition. In particular, to the list of small victories resistance include an artillery attack which hit the positions of the occupants. The result of it was the complete destruction of the warehouse with phosphorus bombs, which, despite the ban, the Nazis used. Among other things, managed to burn one tank and an armored personnel carrier. Just during the fighting killed about 25-punitive, even more wounded.

Punishers attempted to break through the encirclement militia to break their locked units. It happened in the area Dmitrovka, using armored vehicles and infantry. The result of the attack was the loss of three tanks, as well as one armored personnel carrier. Breakthrough fails, then force the invaders tried to evade the militia from the village tannery, eventually shelled by artillery and lost most of their machines.

Somewhat west of Donetsk clashes occurred in which punishers lost about two platoons of soldiers, three tanks, infantry fighting vehicle, truck with ammunition.

Congratulate our brothers victories, chase away the fascists !!!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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What happened recently an exodus of Nazi soldiers on the territory of Russia was only the beginning. As you remember, the border under white flags crossed 438 security officials, they refused to wage war and kill their brothers in the New Russia. A little later they were joined by about two hundred children.

The main reason for "desertion" was the lack of support and supplies from Ukraine, as well as the fact that the Nazis saw the face of war, written with his own hands. To their surprise, they fought not with mercenaries and volunteers, killed civilians, perhaps even their loved ones.

To keep all the soldiers and officers who refused to kill women and children of Donbass, was organized by the tent city, which can take up to five hundred people.

We should also mention that the number of arrivals to the territory of the Russian Federation military and militia entered. Probably nerves can not stand some to resist the regular army with a huge number of vehicles - not just, however, they should not justify, to refuse to fight for their land - it's a shame! In any case, the situation may be different, we will not judge strictly guys.

Soldiers of the Army of Ukraine were surprised by the fact that Russian adopted them as their own, which does not fit in with the Nazi propaganda media. As promised the soldiers and officers: upon their return home they would never take up arms against the people of Donbass - wait and see.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that such action is not the first evidence of crossing the border invaders, thus, in the long term stream of "defectors" will not decrease but only increase.

In general, the situation is such that the regular army does not want to carry out genocide against the brotherly people. Soon the vast New Russia will fight alone, foreign mercenaries and militias, getting stronger all of them will give a light ...

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Given the expanding scale of the humanitarian catastrophe caused by the aggression of Ukraine, the Government of the People's Republic of Donetsk has taken measures to ensure coordination of activities, safe delivery, centralized accounting and state control receipt, storage and distribution of humanitarian aid.


1. Switch on all incoming to the Republic of humanitarian assistance to the State reserve the People's Republic of Donetsk.

2. Create State Commission for accounting, state control over the receipt, storage and distribution of humanitarian aid.

Commission headed by Alexander Karaman, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers for Social Affairs DNR.

The jury consisted of:

Roman Lyagin, Minister of Labour and Social Policy - Deputy Chairman of the Commission;

Andrew Prutskih, Health Minister - Deputy Chairman of the Commission;

Igor Kostenok, Minister of Education - member of the commission;

Andrew Rodkin, DNR spokesman in Russia - a member of the Commission;

Igor Fusiliers, the defense minister - a member of the Commission;

Oleg Birch, Minister of Internal Affairs - member of the commission;

Elena Nikitina, the minister of information policy - a member of the commission.

In addition, to improve the efficiency and transparency of monitoring the receipt and distribution of humanitarian aid government DNR offered to the Supreme Council of New Russia, public organizations and funds to delegate their representatives to work together with the State Commission.

In the work of the State Commission will take part:

From the Supreme Council of New Russia, are members of:

Artem Timchenko
Vitaly Zolotnyuk
Irina Popova

Of the Popular Front of New Russia:

Alexander Kozlov
Alexander Degtyarev
Elena Korovkina

The Foundation fraternities Donbass:
Alain Yakovenko

Source: dnr.today

Central News Agency Novorossia


Listened to the so-called forbidden interview Alexander Nevzorov about the situation in the south-east of Ukraine. Struck not the interview itself - nothing else from Nevzorov I did not expect. Hit individual comments.

For example:

"How did the Russian society. Back in the late 90's Nevzorov, Makarevich, Shevchuk and other respected, almost worshiped. Listen to their opinion. And now someone heroes? Kiselev? Putin? Kadyrov? ".


"Clever Girl! Rightly says! ".

I do not want to say that this write stupid people: youth - that's not stupid. Rather - the inability to see and understand people.

Of course, clever, I say more - a talented journalist. But the intelligence and talent are not necessarily unique to good people. Smart and talented can also be liars, or just villains.

Now the end of the 90s. I first saw it on TV Nevzorov in the middle 90s. It was impossible not to see - was broadcast on all channels, where he vilified Yevgeny Primakov and communists.

Why? For what purpose?

I'll try to answer this question, as well as to show that it represents Nevzorov.

In the late 80s, it became clear that the socialist economic system has become ineffective, and it needs to be changed. Not because it is fundamentally wrong.

Wrong control everyone and everything from a single center point, what and how to produce, to plow new ground, move the Siberian rivers, sow corn, where it does not need to sow.

Wrong when production is carried out for the sake of production, and not for the benefit of specific people.

For most people, it has become evident that we need a market, and this requires the privatization of inefficient production and transfer to private ownership.

This does not mean that the entire industry had to be urgently transferred to private hands. There are minerals, oil, gas, nuclear power, etc.., Which should belong to the people and managed by the state.

On the example of transport: you can send aircraft to private ownership and get the old planes, completely destroy small aircraft, and it is possible to transfer fully to administer a taxi and get the same mess. You can transfer information system in private hands and get Yarosh, Tyagniboka and what is happening in Ukraine.

In need of privatization, especially agriculture, light industry, transport and other loss-making and low profitability of the industry. And here also do not need all at once to give to private ownership. In every industry were effective production. Need to get rid of inefficient: not to give, somewhere - to sell.

Most people understand this. But lacked the Stolypin, Kosygin, although these people were Gerashchenko, Primakov.

Everything went the other way - the way of plundering of national wealth and profitability, transfer them to family, friends of family, friends of friends. And to no one indignant raised the slogan - let everyone have as much sovereignty as you can, ie "Enrich, who as you can."

Here's the needed young talented journalists without conscience, without honor for a lie. It was necessary to accuse the communists of all sins, so as not to interfere with stealing.

Need money? Yes, no problem! You can take away all the savings of the population. It does not matter that people saved for retirement life. You can just type of loans from the IMF - to give something where there will be the following. That had to do VV Putin.

Resent no one will, because in the information system alone Nevzorova, their loves and listens to the whole country. Parliament can shoot and kill a few thousand of their fellow citizens - they are in fact for the Communists, and the Communists is to blame for everything.

Still, not everything went smoothly, the country in poverty, the population dies out, ahead of new elections, the rating is not, and still did not manage to steal.

And then suddenly there is a serious candidate who like and not for the Communists. Politician, business executive, just not uberёsh. Then there is a real job for Nevzorov.

Lies, slander and just poured the dirt every day with screens on the Communists, and most importantly - in person at the EV Primakov.

At times, think about it, where did these people. After all, they just went to the garden, school, helping veterans and old people just looked the same channels, which still was not anger, greed, envy. Not to love Russia and at the same time to live at the expense of Russia. In America and the West, they do not need. Well aware of this and take a crap.

Maybe their parents in childhood did not like, did not pay attention? And here they are with child, and used to take a crap, crap and xxxx.

Vladimir Zverev, Novosibirsk,
Central News Agency Novorossia


Donetsk's Republic addressed to the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama to use his influence on the world community and the Ukrainian leadership to stop the criminal military operation illegitimate authorities in Kiev against their own people, promote international recognition of rights enshrined in a democratic way of Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic as well as guide United States helped the recognition of Kosovo as an independent state. This is stated in the treatment of the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Donetsk Andrew Purgina.

"Mr. President!

For more than four months in the Donbass does not stop military operation against civilians, democratically expressed disagreement with the Ukrainian leadership.

During the fighting against the supporters of constitutional reform and defenders of the right of people to self-determination have been killed or maimed thousands of civilians. War is with the use of prohibited weapons, which aggravates the plight of the residents of Donbass.

Earlier efforts prosperous land Kiev siloviki and illegal armed groups Ukrainian neo turned into ruins.

Stopped or partially destroyed large chemical, metallurgical, coal mines of Donbass, which provide jobs, income and content of the budget not only the region but also the whole of Ukraine.

During the fighting illegitimate Kiev guide to usurp power through undemocratic, made several attempts to pacify demonstration, which was carried out under the guise of re-deployment of military units and strengthening the group of so-called "anti-terrorist operation" in order to complete suppression of the opposition in the face of Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic.

Our appeals to the international community have had no effect. Aggressive nationalist propaganda Kiev tries to put us indigenous people of Donbass, mercenaries and terrorists, while real war criminals are on the other side.

On behalf of the residents of the People's Republic of Donetsk ask you to use your influence on the world community and the Ukrainian leadership to stop the criminal military operation illegitimate authorities in Kiev against their own people, to promote the international recognition of the rights enshrined in a democratic way of Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic as well as the United States has helped guide the recognition of Kosovo as an independent state.

AE Purgin
First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Donetsk. "

Source: rusmir.in.ua
Central News Agency Novorossia


I wish all the people who died in the Donbas and in New Russia. I hope and believe that their sacrifice was not in vain. I regret that President Putin seems to have started amnesia, and he forgot about his patriotic duty. I regret that cowards and traitors seems prevailed in Moscow. But I believe that sooner or later we will see free Novorossia.

In the meantime, Russia killed her own rulers. Together with Russia, without even realizing, and they kill themselves. It's crazy - let some of its border to build a state based on the hatred of Russia. Especially when you consider that it is the "state" openly oppress 20 million Russian and Russian-speaking people. They are deprived of the fundamental rights of language, self-expression and self-determination.

False Nazi state - a tool of other states, helping to harm Russia. It can be stopped at any time, but the rulers in Moscow inactive. I feel that my support and respect for President Putin decrease (of course, they'll be back, and even increase, when he begins to intervene in the New Russia, which we are all waiting for).

Donbass alone does everything it can, and more, is fighting against the fascist army, supported by thousands of foreign mercenaries. And now in Ukraine any fascist party that will perform for the federalization or equality for Russians and Russian speakers will be announced Kiev Nazis illegal.

The European Union is, of course, nothing can make, for which he condemns Russia. But Russia also does nothing. Consequently, all the sacrifices of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War were in vain. Nazis and traitors back. While they were in New Russia, but soon will get to Russia. If seventy years ago in Moscow was as little patriotism, as it is now, they would have won the war back then.

Kiev "government" and "president" is not legal. Junta staged fake, non-democratic "election", where all the candidates of the South-East, New Russia, were removed from the lists sent to jail or beaten and intimidated. They recognized this farce called "elections" held by denying the right to vote 20 million people! Of course, the people of New Russia boycotted farce. And, of course, in the end voted less than 50% of the population. You can not call these elections where there is no choice, where not taken into account the opinion of half the people.

And, of course, fascist junta did not have the right to conduct these elections. The current "president" and "government" illegitimate and undemocratic. Nothing more, nothing less.

Their place - in the dock in The Hague!

Shelling of residential areas of many cities and villages of Donbass - a war crime openly and willingly committed Kiev fascists supported by the United States. Thus, all of them - war criminals and should be condemned by the Hague Tribunal.

Using banned phosphorus bombs, the use of artillery and air power against civilians - a flagrant war crime, which in other cases, strongly condemns the West. But not in this case.

This behavior is no excuse and no forgiveness, but that's exactly what they expect. The real culprits are to be found in the West, which supports the junta, as well as those in Moscow who do not want to stop it, who can still do the right thing, but condoning crimes!

Thousands of civilians were killed Kiev junta only what they wanted to have a basic human right! Rights which have been approved in the rest of the civilized world. And the killing continues. Built concentration camps. People are arrested and tortured for the fictional "crimes" or the dream of democratic rights. Every day the ranks of the fascist army forcibly urge people. Russophobe dictatorship is based on the Russian blood on the doorstep of Russia.

If you have previously and could question the nature of the Kiev junta, now any doubt destroyed their war crimes. The "democratic" mask dropped. Outlawing the Communist Party (the party that legally exists throughout Europe), and they have demonstrated contempt for democracy. Just for that they could permanently deny entry into the European Union. Communist Party - one of the best in terms of organization - must now go over to the New Russia, Donbass and self-defense forces. It should provide at least 5,000 soldiers.

In fascist Ukraine, where Kiev takes absolutely undemocratic "laws" against all political opposition politicians is absolutely impossible to work legally. These "laws" never would have entered into force anywhere in Europe. But then again, when it comes to the fight against the Russians and Russian speakers, the EU does not mind, but rather officially support any violations.

And Russia still does not do anything! Anyone who sells his dignity, to avoid sanctions, and lose their freedom. And received sanctions in any case. This is exactly what he deserves.

Russian rulers! You do not protect Russia, handing Novorossia Nazis into slavery! You do not protect Russia, allowing the Nazis to bring Ukraine and occupied it Novorossia NATO! You do not protect Russia, giving the world a reason to laugh at her and over you!

You defend Russia, helping New Russia, making clear that Ukraine (at least - New Russia) is included in the range of important national interests of Russia. You defend Russia (and themselves) by sending the army to release Novorossia!

And for those decision-makers who do not want to help the New Russia, I say, "You are so-called rulers, you know everything that is going on and still hesitate? Shame on you! Does the thickness of your wallet is more important than the fate of your country and your people? Shame on you! Where's your sense of duty, honor, patriotism? Have you forgotten what the words mean? Let your president to do its job as it should. "

President Putin! Do not listen to cowards and traitors! Send your army in the New Russia!

Nicholas, Sweden,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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KIEV, August 7 (RIA Novosti) – Clashes among activists and police broke out Thursday on central Kiev's Maidan Square, the flashpoint of the country’s pro-EU uprising in November 2013.

Activists were seen throwing stones and sticks at police and firemen in a bid to force them out of the square.

A RIA Novosti correspondent said that tires were set ablaze, with sounds of what appeared to be an explosion heard in downtown Kiev. Thick smoke has blanketed the square, where a protest camp was set up less than a year ago.

“The entire square is covered in thick smoke. The [two] fires appeared on Maidan just as community service workers began taking down the barricades,” the correspondent said, adding that a large crowd had assembled in Kiev’s main square.

Earlier in the day, police seized some 20 boxes with petrol bombs as utility workers continued to dismantle the barricades in the center of Kiev.
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Literally, on August 6th, the army troops bombed Poroshenko Thorez, Snow, Shahtersk. At the same time, they used only the big guns, one of which included missile multiple rocket launchers "Smerch". Like any other similar action, this situation is mainly touched civilians, a large number of buildings have been destroyed settlements, after the bombing of people fought the fire fighting.

In parallel with the above events was made an attack on Dmitrovka militias have been squeezed out by the vastly superior forces of the enemy of Marinka in Petrovsky district of Donetsk.
Later, the Nazis began the offensive in areas Dmitrovka and Snow. A large number of armored vehicles were able to break through the barrier of defenders, the National Guard went to Latysheva and skirmishing.

Fascist outpost was destroyed close from roadside. According to eyewitness reports, a large number of punishers were killed and wounded during the shelling organized.

Seventh of the checkpoint resistance located under the snow, was in the line of fire invaders. The attack was organized by tanks and fighters, while fighting vehicle was destroyed, more than a dozen army soldiers have been killed in Ukraine. During the attack killed two guys militias.

The battle began even at night when the troops came to the roadblock, supported by several armored vehicles and two tanks. Then the Nazis tried to steal infantry fighting vehicle of resistance, the battle began.

The main areas in which the main aim punitive force, became a breakthrough environment militias, which hold some units of the Ukrainian army, east of Donetsk. Fortunately, the guys kept and natsgadov upset when they try to spoil everything.
Good luck to you, brothers! Hold on, not a step back !!!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

In the evening of the seventh August Ukrainian Air Force plane was shot down by the militia in the vicinity Yenakievo, 20 kilometers north-east of Donetsk.

...the militia forces were able to capture in were surrounded by 18 Ukrainian military installations NWB "Grad", as well as a variety of tanks and armored personnel carriers.

Thursday, August 7
19:16 GMT:

Four civilians have been killed and 18 people wounded as a result of Thursday’s shelling of residential areas in the city of Donetsk, the region’s administration reported, citing health officials.

18:06 GMT:

Self-defense forces have shot down a Ukrainian military jet on the outskirts of the city of Yenakievo, northeast of Donetsk. The aircraft crashed and exploded between the villages of Rozovka and Zhdanovka, reports LifeNews. Journalists who were in the area said they heard the blast and then saw a plume of smoke. According to one reporter, the pilots managed to eject. The type of the plane is currently unknown, but sources told LifeNews it could be SU-25 or MiG-29.

16:27 GMT:

Aleksandr Boroday, the prime minister of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk (DPR) has announced he will resign. He will be replaced by Aleksandr Zakharchenko, one of militia commanders and also a leader of the ‘Oplot’ movement.

I came here as a crisis manager, a start-upper, if you want. I’ve managed to achieve a lot in the past several months, the DPR has been established as a state,” Boroday told a media conference in Donetsk, as cited by RIA Novosti.

Unlike Boroday, who originally comes from Moscow, Zakharchenko was born in the Donetsk region. Boroday was appointed prime minister of the DPR on May 16. Boroday will reportedly continue his work at the DPR government as an adviser to the prime minister.

15:09 GMT:

Five civilians were killed and ten more injured in shelling in the city of Gorlovka in the Donetsk region, the city council website reported. The statement added that part of the city was left without power as an electrical substation was bombed in the Stroitely district. Water supplies were also cut-off in the city.


An Orthodox priest gestures with a stick and shouts as Maidan self-defence activists clash with fighters of Kiev-1 volunteer battalion on Independence Square in Kiev on August 7, 2014.(AFP Photo / Sergei Supinsky)

15:03 GMT:

Fighting continues on the outskirts of the town of Snezhnoye in the Donetsk region. Kiev forces are attempting to relieve a group of the military and National Guard troops, encircled by the militia near the border between Ukraine’s Donetsk region and Russia, the press service for the self-declared People’s Republic of Donetsk told RIA Novosti. So far, self-defense has reportedly managed to repel attacks.

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wwlogo_5march2014.jpg Remember the Tonkin Gulf lie!
By Editor on August 7, 2014

Aug. 4 is the 50th anniversary of the infamous Gulf of Tonkin incident. On that day in 1964, officers of a destroyer, the USS Maddox, which had been gathering intelligence data in North Vietnamese waters, claimed that three North Vietnamese Coast Guard patrol boats fired at them without provocation. It was a bald-faced lie.

The Lyndon Johnson administration used the alleged shots from the patrol boats as a pretext to escalate U.S. intervention in Vietnam. The Pentagon immediately bombed North Vietnam’s port city of Haiphong and the capital, Hanoi. And on Aug. 7 the U.S. Senate approved by a vote of 98-2 the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which gave Johnson a free hand to intervene in Vietnam.

The war ended nearly 11 years later when the Vietnamese drove the U.S. and its puppet regime out of South Vietnam, liberating the entire country. But this war cost 3 million Vietnamese and 58,000 U.S. lives.

In August 1964, the vast majority of the U.S. population believed Johnson and all the media that parroted the government’s claims. The lie fooled many people and browbeat others.

By 1971, the tide had turned. Most people opposed the war. With the publication of the Pentagon Papers, anyone following the news could read that the government had been lying through its teeth all along in order to get backing for the war and that the corporate media went in lockstep to repeat these lies. Like Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction,” the Tonkin incident was proven to be a Big Lie.

The reason it’s important to repeat this history — it won’t be repeated too loudly in the corporate media, and they won’t draw the correct conclusions — is that it arms the working class and anti-war movement against the Big Lies of the capitalist government and its monolithic media machine.

When you hear the rants of the government and media blaming Russia and the Ukrainian rebels for the crash of the Malaysian plane, remember the Gulf of Tonkin.

When you hear the repetition in the imperialist and pro-Zionist media blaming Hamas for the fighting in Gaza, even though Israeli bombs, shells and rockets are killing mostly civilians and hundreds of children, remember the Gulf of Tonkin.

There’s another reason to bring up this event. It is important to have a working-class party that has the determination to stand up to the Big Lie and face down ruling-class public opinion.

Following the first bombing raids in Vietnam in 1964, today’s Workers World Editor-in-Chief Deirdre Griswold and Contributing Editor Fred Goldstein, then young leaders in Youth Against War & Fascism, stayed up all night to write a leaflet that nailed the alleged attack as a phony pretext for expanding the war. Others active in Workers World Party distributed that leaflet at an all-day protest at the United Nations the next day.

It is vital even for a small revolutionary group to swim against the tide. In the case of Vietnam, that act of protest led to the anti-war flood in the years to come.

When you think about why we need a revolutionary party that can hold its ground in a crisis, remember the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

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Choc-chip cookies anyone?

The situation in Kiev

In Kiev, completely shut off the hot water. Will reduce power consumption, the winter will be cold apartment.

Reduced wages, calculated money to support the Ukrainian army - it's not only the one and a half percent, which approved the Verkhovna Rada, in fact paying much higher. This means that in the fall waiting for social upheaval.


Government intends to, as long as people are working in the gardens, relax or busy with their chores, quickly clean up the center and prevent further performances.

Yesterday, in the first half of the day on Khreshchatyk, there were clashes between police and activists of the Maidan, when the utility tried to remove barricades. Maydanovtsy set fire to tires and tents, throwing in law enforcement "Molotov cocktails."

After a while, the police retreated. Interior Ministry reported on wounding six policemen. After these events, the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko called law enforcement officers "to restore order in the city center."


Who scatters Maidan

Experts believe that accelerates the Maydan Poroshenko. Its position is unsustainable. He managed to keep Yatsenuk, otherwise it would threaten the rigid confrontation with Kolomoiskiy and Tymoshenko. In this confrontation, he will lose.

But Poroshenko understands that Yatsenyuk unreliable. Therefore, it is necessary to remove potentially dangerous for him pockets, one of which is the Maidan.

"Tymoshenko is silent, but it just waits. This woman of power will not give up. Plus Poroshenko enemy appeared in the person of Kolomoiskiy. They both consider Ukraine as a business. Every great ambition, no one can renounce. Between them, war is inevitable, "- said Ukrainian political analyst Yuri Gorodnenko.

The situation today

Residents of the tent camp on Independence Square in Kiev after trying to dismantle the barricades communal last night began to build a new "Obstacles". The inhabitants of the area of ​​strengthening protective "wall" tires, boards and bricks.

As one of the activists of "Maidan", "the current government is no different from the previous one." "We are already seeing the first steps of the usurpation of power. We are constantly terrorizing law enforcement. Plainclothes police officers trying to provoke a conflict with us to find a reason for the violent dispersal," - said the activist.

Now the area of ​​a lot of people. For permanent residents of the tent city came to Kiev. Some of them, like a few months ago, brought maydanovtsam food and began to help strengthen the barricades.

The leader of the Radical Party of Ukraine Oleg Lyashko instructed under his control battalion territorial defense "Aydar" promptly return the zone ATO to Kiev to prevent dispersal of the Maidan.


It is possible that to join them and other controlled Ljashko Battalion - "Azov", which is now also involved in the punitive operations in the Donbass, and other battalions are in Mariupol.

Practically, Ljashko announced march on Kiev, against the leadership of the junta.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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since the defense Sloviansk much has changed!

Firstly, the whole of the Donbas suffered and continues to be subjected to inhuman, barbaric bombing by the Ukrainian Army! Destroyed dozens of settlements, hundreds of homes, dozens of companies! Over half a million people were left homeless Novorossia and livelihood! Very many were forced to leave their towns, their homeland to escape in Russia.

Residents of New Russia itself need help! Their ability to help the militia are very limited! It remains the only hope for the citizens of Russia!


Second. Since the days of militia Sloviansk number has increased significantly! Now under the command of Igor Strelkov about 10,000 fighters! They must feed, water, clothe, shoeing, provide remedies army ammunition. This requires a lot of money!

For reference. The price of one suhpayka one day is about 400 rubles. If you multiply the cost by the number of militia suhpayka, you will get the amount of daily expenses militia only one category: suhpayki.

And yet it is necessary to provide the militia fighters water, cigarettes. In the midst of fighting clothing wears out faster than in peacetime! The same can be said about the shoes. She quickly becomes unusable. Still need to prepare for the winter. Militia needed winter clothing and shoes.

Costs are very high. And without regular assistance from concerned citizens Russian militia provide the necessities will not work!

Help comes, but its volume is not enough! We call on all citizens of Russia, civil society organizations, Russian entrepreneurs to help in the fight against our brothers Kiev fascists!

Remember that the militias are fighting not only for their families, their homes, their motherland. They fight, and for Russia, for you and me, for the Russian Mir.


This has always been in the history of our country. Remember how the world gathered for the militia of Minin and Pozharsky. Remember how in the Great Patriotic War, our people, our grandparents gave last savings to help the Red Army to plants produced another column of tanks, another squadron of planes!

Nothing has changed since then! From us to you depends on victory army Novorossia! And the slogan of the war, is still relevant today!

Everything for the front! All for Victory!

Central News Agency Novorossia

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