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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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MOSCOW, August 08. /ITAR-TASS/. Nine children arrived in Moscow with serious diseases and wounds on Friday. A group of medics met them at the railway station.

All children had diseases that “necessitate long continued treatment”, said Russian Deputy Minister of Healthcare Tatyana Yakovleva. Without treatment and medicines, they could die, she added.

According to Director of the Ministry’s children medical aid department Yelena Baybarina, two children are wounded and in extremely critical condition.

The Ministry was ready to accept more Ukrainian children for treatment if needed, said Yakovleva.

KIEV, August 08. /ITAR-TASS/. The National Bank of Ukraine has ruled to cease financial transactions in localities controlled by the militia in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics,

DONETSK, August 08. /ITAR-TASS/. Self-defense fighters in east Ukraine have seized a large amount of combat materiel from the Ukrainian army grouping encircled in the “southern cauldron,” the local news agency Novorossiya reported on Thursday, citing the militia.

“Good trophies have been seized in the ‘southern cauldron.’ Exact numbers are not yet available but sources give the figure of about 67 pieces of the armor,” the news agency said in a statement.

The east Ukraine militias now have “lots of tanks, 18 Grad multiple launch rocket systems, armed personnel carriers, howitzers, portable air defense missile systems, infantry fighting vehicles and airborne combat vehicles. Most of the materiel has been put into operation while the other part has been sent for repairs,” the Novorossiya news agency reported.

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Alexander Zaharchenko: socio-political direction of the DNI will remain unchanged

Today, the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Boroday resigned at a meeting of the Council of Ministers of DNR. At the same meeting, the post of prime minister, was unanimously proposed by Alexander Zaharchenko tomorrow will pass the procedure of its adoption by the Supreme Council of the Republic.

At a press conference, Alexander Boroday explained the reasons for its decision. "People's Republic of Donetsk already an independent state formation. We have achieved a lot in that time - we have a workable Cabinet and the Supreme Council. I came here as a crisis manager, and now we can say that the NPT as a state. In addition, many of you know, I - a native of Moscow, and I believe that the head of the republic should be born in the Donbass. Alexander Zaharchenko - a worthy man, my friend and comrade, and a strong-willed leader, "- said the former prime minister.

Now Alexander Boroday will take the post of Adviser to the Prime Minister of the DNI in the status of Deputy Prime Minister.

Alexander Zaharchenko, in turn, thanked the Government of the Republic for the trust and said: "My goal is the same as it was at Alexander Beard. First of all - well-being of the inhabitants of the NPT, a strong sector of social support, protection of their rights, compensation for the victims and families of victims, reparation lost housing as a result of aggression Kiev junta; and - a strong army, which we need so much today for the liberation of our lands from the punishers. Need to pay attention to the reorganization of the militia - to make it a regular army, to create a strong base of field medicine. "

He added that his commander's power units "Hold" is worthy candidates and experienced military. "No commander" Hold "will not remain - the war gave many heroes and competent managers," - said Alexander Zaharchenko.


Alexander Zaharchenko 38 years. He is a native from Donetsk. After high school, graduated with honors from Donetsk technical industrial automation. Studied in Donetsk Law Institute, has an incomplete higher education.

Working career began at the mine mining electrician. Further engaged in business, including leadership experience had large groups.

Military rank - Major. He was awarded the George Cross 4th degree.

He is married and has three sons.

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,

Central News Agency Novorossia


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DONETSK, August 09, /ITAR-TASS/. The newly-appointed prime minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic says he sees many similarities between the current situation in Donbass and the South Ossetian crisis of six years ago.

Aleksandr Zakharchenko expressed this opinion of his in a special message to the South Ossetian people on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of Georgia’s armed aggression of August 2008 and Russia’s peace-making intervention that followed the next day.

“Memories of August 8, 2008 will live on in the minds of the Ossetian people and of all those who witnessed one of the most heinous crimes against humanity committed in the territory of what was once an integral state - the Soviet Union, and in the minds of other peoples who had lived side by side in peace and accord for many decades,” Zakharchenko said in a message published by the Donetsk People’s Republic’s press-centre.

“The blood-soaked land of Donetsk is appealing to common sense, it is pleading for compassion and calling upon the world community and the fraternal peoples to stop the blood bath. The long-suffering land of South Ossetia was doing precisely the same in the terrible days of August 2008,” said Zakharchenko, who took office on Friday.

He voiced the certainty that friendship between the Donetsk People’s Republic and South Ossetia would be getting stronger.

Earlier in the day South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov said Ukraine had fallen victim to what he described as a “monopolar game” being conducted by the same forces that had pushed Georgia towards the decision to attack South Ossetia in August 2008.

“Today there is Kiev with the territory under its control, and there are the Donetsk and Lugansk republics existing separately from it. This is a hard fact,” Tibilov said.

MOSCOW, August 08, /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s Union of Journalists is taking efforts to find a photographer from Russia Today news agency who has been missing in eastern Ukraine for the past three days, the Union’s press secretary told Itar-Tass on Friday.

MOSCOW, August 08, /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine's plans to resume fighting in the area of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crash site violate a resolution of the UN Security Council's, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

Moscow’s calls for the evacuation of children from eastern Ukraine are not being answered, Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said. He stated that over 1,200 orphans have been abandoned in the region, which is under continuous shelling from Kiev troops.

4 killed, 18 injured as hospital, residential area shelled in Donetsk, E. Ukraine (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Ukrainian security forces are “methodically shelling residential neighborhoods” and infrastructure, Churkin said at the UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting in New York on Friday.

The UN diplomats assembled to discuss a UN report on human rights in Ukraine.

UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Šimonović stated that according to Kiev, 300 children remain in several orphanages in areas not controlled by Ukrainian troops. He stressed that the children are particularly vulnerable and that “allegations of abductions or attempted abductions continue to persist.”

Churkin blasted the document while conveying that children have had to remain in Donetsk after Kiev’s forces intervened into the region. According to Moscow, there are 1,223 orphans in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

“It seems that UN philanthropists believe that children rather thrive under fire,” Churkin stated.

12:43 GMT:

Russia’s Investigative Committee has petitioned to arrest five Ukrainian army men accused of using prohibited war methods against the civilian population in the east of Ukraine, according to the official representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin.


The Government of the People's Republic of Donetsk starts collecting information about the Ukrainian military involved in the punitive operations in the DNR and LC. This is stated in the statement of the Government of the NPT at the disposal RM.U.

"The Government of the People's Republic of Donetsk starts collecting information about the Ukrainian military involved in the punitive operations in the DNR and LC. Primarily concerned pilots, snipers, gunners and spotters, operators MLRS (" Castle ", and others.) - All those who involved in the bombing of residential areas and the destruction of the civilian population. guide DNR is equally grateful for the same information about the officers, contract servicemen and foreign mercenaries involved in war crimes committed by the armed forces of Ukraine and gangs Kolomoiskiy.

The Government intends to find the DNI, detain and convict every single one of the participants monstrous military adventure to the fullest extent of the law and in accordance with the gravity of each of these crimes. War crimes against the civilian population have no statute of limitations. Murderers do not leave an answer, no matter where in the world they may be.

Guide Donetsk People's Republic will be sincerely grateful to everyone for their help in identifying Ukrainian punitive and disseminating information about them.

Have any information, we kindly ask to send letters to the address: tribunal.dnr@mail.ru. 0994587134, 0995368728.

Confidentiality is guaranteed. "
Central News Agency Novorossia

August 8 in the morning landed in Kharkov strategic military transport aircraft Boeing C-17 Globemaster III. For what purpose transport aircraft arrived this and what or whom he brought to Kharkov - to be confirmed.

Central News Agency Novorossia

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KIEV, August 09, /ITAR-TASS/. Activists in the tent camp in Kiev’s Independence Square have agreed to leave the building of the city administration and vacate an area from the Central Department Store (TsUM) to Proreznaya Street, Kiev’s mayor, Vitali Klitschko, said on television Friday evening.

“We have persuaded the people inside the Kiev City Administration to leave,” Klitshcko said in the Shuster Live talk show. “It was no easy. But finally we managed to talk the people in the square to leave the area stretching from the Central Department Store to Proreznaya Street. We managed to do that and we keep talking to them and asking them to let us restore life in the city centre to normal,” Klitshcko said.

He acknowledged that the situation in the centre of the city was far from calm and remained a great problem for the authorities and the city dwellers.

“Security is the key question that worries Kiev’s people today,” Klitschko said.

Robberies and even attacks on journalists in Independence Square were frequent of late. The area is crammed with piles of stinking garbage and crawling with rats.

“Yesterday, to our deep regret and surprise, stones were thrown at utility workers. Tires were burned,” Klitschko said, adding he was certain that the negotiations with tent camp activists would take a constructive turn, which would allow for clearing the centre of Kiev and putting life there in order.

Kiev’s police has opened three criminal cases over the August 7 unrest in Independence Square.

“Criminal investigation is underway under three articles of Ukraine’s criminal code into car theft, illegal handling of firearms, ammunition and explosives, and hooliganism,” Kiev’s police chief Aleksandr Tereshchuk said Friday. According to the official, five people were taken to district police stations. Another two were given administrative punishment for petty hooliganism. Pre-trial investigation into the criminal cases is continuing.

Last Thursday, utility workers arrived in Independence Square in an attempt to remove the barricades on instructions from the city authorities. The demonstrators offered resistance. Clashes with police and utility workers followed. Fifty police and four utility workers were injured, police sources said. About ten trouble-makers were detained.

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Saturday, August 9

10:26 GMT:

The situation concerning the key services infrastructure in Lugansk continues to be catastrophic, according to the city council. “The city has been without electricity and running water, as well as mobile networking and working landlines for seven days now,” a statement from the authorities read. Fuel reserves have been depleted as well, and no new deliveries are taking place. Fighting in the area is ongoing amid these interruptions, Itar-Tass reports. Information regarding casualties has not been coming in.

09:40 GMT:

Ukrainian troops have captured the city of Krasniy Luch in the Lugansk region, RIA Novosti reported, citing a militia source. This puts Donetsk and its satellite city Gorlovka in a situation of being surrounded.

08:01 GMT:

Early morning in Donetsk saw an artillery strike on the region in the vicinity of the airport, which is in the hands of the separatists who use it as a base of operations. According to regional authorities, the first explosions could be heard at 05:00AM, causing almost no damage, apart from a few broken windows in nearby buildings. The night has otherwise been marked by a reduction in hostilities, RIA Novosti reports.

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Summary of the Resistance forces as of 09.00 MSK. 09.08. 2014

Today, 15:27 | Category: Feed » Events
Views: 3734

News reports from the New Russia


Militia Prokhorov announced an abundance escaped from the boiler of the Ukrainian military, Prime DNR Zaharchenko told about sided with the Ukrainian militia soldiers.

From the 72th it was about 410 people (less than battalion), including the wounded. Threw everything.

Of the 24 th Mechanized left about 500 fighters, they were able to get most of the equipment.

Border guards have marinating "disappeared."

Of the 79th Brigade went just a handful of empty, data on them are classified.

51th Brigade - the loss is unknown, but they came out less than a company.

3rd Special Forces Regiment intelligence (GUR) - losses are unknown, but again came a small group.

Unlocking kick towards applied section 51, 30, 95, 25 teams, with the support of 26 artbrigady (Berdichev). All of these parts of the losses. In the coming months, escaped - not fighters. But when they start to talk, and they begin to talk, then many fighting zeal pougasnet.

According to the new Prime Minister Alexander Zaharchenko DNR, 150 Ukrainian servicemen, who had the territory of Russia, asked to join the ranks of the militia.

DNR army seized a large amount of military equipment from the occupying forces were surrounded in the "southern cauldron."

The exact number of trophies yet, but sources say the figure is about 67 units. According to preliminary information, on account of the militia are now a lot of tanks, 18 multiple rocket launchers "Grad", armored personnel carriers, howitzers, anti-aircraft missiles, BMP, BMD. Much of the military equipment is now operational, the other part is sent for repairs.

Posted by journalists.

"Zaporozhye guerrillas defeated the National Guard convoy. According to sources, on the night of August 7, at the approach to settlements Robin Novorossia guerrillas ambushed, which were natsgvardeytsy. Robin is a little east of the city Walk-field Zaporozhye region -rodiny anarchist Nestor Makhno.

During a brief battle destroyed one of the "Ural", one KrAZ, KamAZ and captured two armored one "Hammer". In addition, was captured quite elderly man in camouflage uniforms without insignia. The detainee was unable to answer the questions asked in Russian, Ukrainian and German. "

Message from the correspondent of "Day-TV Donetsk"

"In Dokuchaevsk locals are forced to donate blood for the wounded punitive, which scored all hospitals in the county - reported from the scene."

Summary of Staff of the Army of the South-East by the end of August 8th

Regional centers of Lugansk and Donetsk were subjected to artillery fire. Enemy actively conducted reconnaissance for air strikes.

Militia forces brought under control settlements Chervonyi Zhovten, Deakovo, Bobrikov Lower Nagolchik, Astakhovo, Nut, Sverdlovsk, Panchenkova, Miner, Mikhailovka Dzerzhinsky.

Settlement Dolzhansky stripped from the remnants of units of the armed forces of Ukraine.

Incapacitated to 17 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, and 27 vehicles, 7 tanks, up to 7 guns and multiple rocket launchers. Destroyed 4 warehouses with ammunition and fuel.

According to intelligence reports, enemy losses were about 250 killed and wounded.

Overview combat situation of volunteer Prokhorov

Strange messages from Panfilovki (DNI - a strategic point of contact Gorlovki and Donetsk) - say, in the village there is punitive. No, after the defeat of the roadblock and militias.

Or all is well hidden, or ukry faithful to their tactics - night of Funky places to run. Or even - as in Miusinske last night when ukry and militia camped in the neighboring streets, not knowing about the neighborhood. Ukry, however, piled up in the morning and in the afternoon again cornered - but with a large force.

Now, by the way, a few minutes ukrov fired from the Red Ray - or Miusinske or next is unclear.

By Saur-Grave lot of panic, but disinformation - it has not been handed over.

Poor Pervomais'k - reported that in the city there is not one intact building.

Well, for those who died.

According to estimates of the People's Deputies of the "For peace and stability," while ATO killed more than 10 thousand citizens of Ukraine. These data are received from the parliamentary group created in the eastern regions of volunteer associations, which counted the number of people killed and injured during the ATO.

"We estimate that only during the first two weeks of July in the area of ​​ATO killed nearly 2.5 thousand Ukrainian military. Number of wounded during the same period amounted to more than 5000 people. Victims of military operations among the civilian population are thousands of our citizens. Most of them were killed it was from shrapnel wounds. Thus, prior number of dead Ukrainians during the time of ATO, according to our estimates, more than 10 thousand people, "- said Sergey peas.

Members of the group "For peace and stability," appealed to the President and the government to declassify information about the victims of Ukrainian citizens.

"We demand that the declassification of official data on the number of dead civilians, Ukrainian soldiers, and all those who participated in the ATO. We know that every week, signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs to the President serves the report. However, this information is strictly classified, and to this day the family the victims continue to hope that their relatives there. turn to us very many people who ask for help in finding their loved ones in the area of ​​ATO. According to local residents of the eastern regions, each day the bodies of Ukrainians are loaded into vehicles and taken to an unknown destination. We demand to tell the truth to the Ukrainian people, bitter, heavy, but the truth "- summed S. peas.

Also this morning, in the south of the NPT at the checkpoint Uspenka on a land mine blew up 2 cars Ukrainian border guards.

At night go Avdeyevka artillery duels.

On the situation surrounding the missing voenkorov Information Cases

There is evidence that the August 6, 2014, our correspondents could be in the locality Dmitrovka, north-east of the settlement Snow, where they were filming a clash with Ukrainian militia troops.

We would like to express my sincere gratitude for the extensive coverage of the missing information voenkorov Korenchenkova Sergei and Andrei Vyacha:

News agency LIFENEWS and personally Sergey Golyandina, Semyon Pegova for help in finding our comrades;

News agency RUSSIA TODAY;

Business newspaper VIEW;

And other information sources that have information.

The search for the children continues. We hope for information on the whereabouts of Sergei and Andrei.

Central News Agency Novorossia


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At six o'clock in the morning the army units began to surround the Ukraine Donetsk. The first action of the occupants began firing close quarters of the Kiev highway, as it turned out, militia forces in the area were not. No fewer than eight shells fell near houses. The shelling killed civilians as well as destroyed 16 transformer stations, they are de-energized.

According to eyewitnesses unit occupants do not fight directly with the forces of resistance, they are on the heavy armored vehicles in towns and are firing electrical substations. Leaving people without power, the Nazis leave the cities and towns. Only one day ninth of August from such actions of the junta 16 Th stations were destroyed.

Lives of citizens, who are still in the city, it is becoming harder. The few that were not able to leave their homes, holed up in basements. By controlling the militias set a curfew for its performance monitored very strictly, after 23.00 streets of Donetsk completely empty.

Not so long ago, the company the city could start issuing wage residents. In this regard, the only financial institution line up very long queues. All branches of the Savings Bank is constantly full of people. In this case, the main difficulty of the enterprise lies in the fact that in the New Russia at the moment is very hot to get money, people have to stand for hours in queues at the 40-degree heat.

Let's hope for the success of the militia in the defense of Donetsk, the city became the new stronghold of resistance since the capture of Slavic and Kramators'k. Hang in there, brothers, we will not give the Nazis their native lands. Bay Nazi dogs, that the earth shook beneath their feet !!! Good luck to you guys, for the memory of grandparents, mothers, fathers, daughters and sons of New Russia!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Defense headquarters Donbass reports that the junta continues to shelling LC. At the same time used heavy artillery systems, as well as missile systems of salvo fire. Recently been subjected to bombing Samsonovka town that is in Krasnodon area.
The population is not more than 1200 people at the same time the Nazis fired him from setting "Hurricane." Confirmation shelling was that were found fragments of missiles. The locals are hiding from possible attacks through the cellars.

Similar systems are used in almost bombardments from the outset punitive action. On July 30 quarters Lugansk Bomb "Grad", one of the missiles exploded near the taxi, the driver was killed instantly, the passengers were injured. The car was only charred skeleton. 29th "Hurricanes" fired on Novosvetlanovke, one of the shells hit in an apartment high-rise.

Nazis regularly shelling the city, under the control of the militia. In this case, the action is not aimed at the suppression of the resistance forces, but increasingly worsens plight of civilians who remained in the settlements.

If we talk about the Luhansk region, the population is on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. Products zavezti not possible, shops virtually do not work, of the products can be found only bread, stocks are declining. In this case, fewer workers remain in the supermarkets - people are constantly running, as soon as they are given the opportunity.

Militias difficult to deal with increasing pressure the junta. Occupants fail all the new troops, the forces are not equal, but our brothers do not leave their native land. Glory to the valiant defenders of New Russia! Do not give up!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Ukrainian troops to the east of the country are in need of replenishment due to defections, and the military does not want to engage in combat with the National Guard, told RIA Novosti on the condition of anonymity, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada.

According to him, the Defense Minister Valery Geletey said in Parliament that the troops in the south-east of the country in urgent need of reservists as "war by all means try to avoid involvement in the fighting," including leaving parts and causing self-mutilation.

According to the deputy, as a result of this division staffed by only half, but the officers refuse to strengthen the National Guard, because "these" guards ", run away and hide from the front. And the military because of this are big losses."

RIA Novosti

Central News Agency Novorossia


As of this morning, Donetsk is surrounded by the army and the National Guard punitive. However, people's militia units are in order and ready to defend the country's capital. Punishers not the first time state of the environment, cleaning and almost taking part areas of Donetsk. However, in reality it is they have never worked.

Government DNR and now confident of victory. However, in the walled city - a humanitarian catastrophe. Bombardments of civilians are dying. In the case of assault on the city the number of victims will increase by orders of magnitude. Humanitarian corridors today have absolutely. In Donetsk can not get loads of medicines to the public. At the end products. Because of the blockade and bombardment is impossible to repair the shattered utility grid. The city is very bad with water and electricity.

We continue to hope that the world community will affect the bloodthirsty Kiev authorities, Donetsk and not repeat the fate of Stalingrad. We are ready for a ceasefire to prevent the proliferation of humanitarian disaster in the Donbas. But the continuation of the aggression of the Ukrainian army of our people's militia to fight for any balance of forces and in any conditions.

Kiev must remember what the Nazis ended Stalingrad, and a couple of years after it was taken to Berlin. Now the city has turned into a military camp. We will not tolerate the excesses and violence of the Nazis in Donetsk. The fight will take place in every street, every house, for every meter of our land! The enemy will be discarded.

We will defend their right to freedom and nezavismosti! Residents of Donetsk support our determination to fight against the invaders!

Victory will be ours!

Source: Press Centre DNR © http://dnr.today
Central News Agency Novorossia


Setting Donetsk postponed

This morning there was an operational crisis, armored group of the 24th mechanized brigade on the night of 7 to 8 August slipped to Miusinsku, and in the morning on August 9 ousted from Miusinska, broke into the Red Ray, retreated from the unstable part of the militia units. At the same time through Faschevku and Vakhrushevo by Debalcevo followed unlocking kick reinforced armored group. As a result, for dinner on August 9 with the coming out of the boiler parts and unlocking a group of the enemy was up to 30 tanks and about the same BMP / armored vehicles and infantry up to 700 people.
But the remnants of the garrison of the Red Ray showed true heroism winning several important hours that allowed promptly bring up reinforcements from the LC and the DNI and reverse the crisis situation in favor of the militia, the enemy began to supplant the city, helped by a small amount of fuel and ammunition from erupting residues 24th Ombre . Currently in the process of overcoming the crisis. Now part of the erupting group pushed to the south-west of the Red Ray. Fighting continues.

The situation was actually close to the critical and really hung over Donetsk threat to the environment, but at the moment like nothing happened. Nevertheless, you should not relax, the crisis has not been overcome and the risk for communication Donetsk retained.

Central News Agency Novorossia

Igor Korovyakovsky spoke about the current situation in the DNR

"The situation we have is not that difficult, but not easy, - said Igor Korovyakovsky. - The National Guard took Debalcevo, located there their firing points and periodically "overtures" Yenakievo. Fire are mainly from howitzers.
Under our control are road on snowy, Gorlivka. Battles are conducted on the outskirts of Gorlovka. The shelling is carried out intermittently over the city of smoke. Punishers bombed a bus station, a huge supermarket "Foxtrot" and many other buildings in the city. Part of the population has left, but many stayed and try to lead a normal life. People are trying to keep the power of the spirit and not to panic.
Rumors about the movements of objects and captures the Nazis there's a lot, but most of them - it's a lie and misinformation. "

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Two Spanish volunteers have joined the fight against Kiev’s offensive on eastern Ukraine, speaking out against the actions of the nation's military. They say their main objective is to spread the truth about the conflict.

READ MORE: Ukraine’s violent escalation: From Molotov cocktails to ballistic missiles

Anhel Davilla-Rivas, 29, and Rafa Munez, 28, arrived in Donetsk two weeks ago to offer their assistance to the residents of eastern Ukraine.

“What we see in these weeks that we are here is only bombing of the people and the assault of all the fronts from Kiev. They are trying to separate the cities, they are sending mercenaries to kill the journalists and to demoralize any person that can tell the truth about what’s happening here,” Davilla-Rivas told RT’s Ruptly agency on Saturday.

The pair has not engaged in the fighting just yet, stressing that their main goal is to reveal the truth about what is happening on the ground.

Davilla-Rivas noted that Russia has no presence in the area and could do more in terms of humanitarian aid.

“I never see a Russian soldier...volunteers like us, but Russia is not really doing anything. And I think that Russia should do more for these people – not with guns, but helping people with medicine,” the Spanish volunteer said.

Davilla-Rivas also called on others around the world to come to eastern Ukraine and help in any way they can.

“More people have to come here. If they don’t want not to take the guns but...all people can help in something: in the kitchen, cleaning, telling the truth to countries from here, and watching the situation with their own eyes. It is more important that a lot of people come here and help in what they can, not necessarily only soldiers.”

READ MORE: Humanitarian catastrophe: Lugansk, E. Ukraine, left with no water, power

Both arrived by train to eastern Ukraine from Madrid and joined the Vostok battalion of the self-defense forces.

Meanwhile, Kiev forces surrounded the city of Donetsk on Saturday.

The Donetsk region militia said it is ready for a ceasefire to stop the humanitarian catastrophe.

READ MORE: Donetsk militia ready for ceasefire to prevent further humanitarian catastrophe

The statement comes as the UN voiced serious concerns over the situation in eastern Ukraine. “Innocent civilians trapped in the fighting continue to lose their lives,” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Friday.


A woman walks threw wreckage after shelling in Donetsk on August 9, 2014.(AFP Photo / Dimitar Dilkoff)

“What we are scared about is the way the military operations are conducted. What will happen if we have intense fighting inside the big urban centers of Lugansk and Donetsk? Fighting in highly intensified urban areas could lead to massive exodus and massive destruction,” UN High Commissioner for Refugees Vincent Cochetel stated on Tuesday.

READ MORE: UN: Scared of the way military operations conducted in E. Ukraine

Russia’s Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, has been calling for an international humanitarian mission to be launched. However, Kiev and some of its Western allies have opposed any humanitarian mission involving Russia. Kiev even accused Moscow of scheming to infiltrate eastern Ukraine with the help of the International Red Cross mission to “provoke a full-scale conflict.”

According to Moscow, however, a “full-scale” war is already taking place in the region and it needs to stop.

Late on Saturday, the press service of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on his official website that the US has been invited to take part in an international humanitarian mission to Lugansk. The mission, presented as Poroshenko’s initiative under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross, was mentioned during his phone conversation with US Vice President Joe Biden.

The eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk declared a state of humanitarian catastrophe on Tuesday, as there are no medical supplies, electricity, or lighting. There is also a lack of mobile and internet communication. Some 250,000 civilians are unable to leave, a statement on the city council website said.


A man inspects wreckage inside a damaged building following what locals say was shelling by Ukrainian forces in Donetsk August 7, 2014.(Reuters / Sergei Karpukhin )

Over 1,100 people have been killed and 3,500 others injured in eastern Ukraine since Kiev’s offensive began. Around 100,000 people remain internally displaced and up to 740,000 have crossed the Russian border since January to stay with friends or relatives, or to seek refugee status.

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Democracy in Kiev
General Prosecutor's Office and the Security Service conducted audits of all public associations and political parties for their support of terrorism and separatism.

This was on one of the channels yesterday, said Justice Minister Pavel Petrenko.

He noted that the results of this test, the Ministry of Justice will submit the appropriate legal action to ban organizations that were related to separatism.

"There is a procedure, we are a European country and adhere to the requirements that are prescribed by law. Procedure says the following - proper evidence base collects the SBU and the Prosecutor General, the evidence is submitted to the Ministry of Justice, and it delivers the appropriate claim. So we walked the same path and by the Communist Party and the so-called "Russian bloc."

We have no judgment, and political killings of political forces. We act according to European standards and the law. When will we have the materials for the Party of Regions, we will provide immediate appropriate action in court, "- said Pavel Petrenko.

"Now go and check the Attorney General's office and the SBU activities of all public associations, for their support of terrorism and separatism. According to the results of these audits will determine the mass of materials, which will under Art. 5 of the Law on political parties to take the decision to submit to the relevant authorities," - he stressed.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia
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Members of the group "For peace and stability," appealed to the President and the government to declassify information about the victims of Ukrainian citizens.


"We demand that the declassification of official data on the number of dead civilians, Ukrainian soldiers, and all those who participated in the ATO. We know that every week, signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs to the President serves the report. However, this information is strictly classified to this day the families of victims continue to hope that their relatives there. turn to us very many people who ask for help in finding their loved ones in the area of ​​ATO. According to local residents of the eastern regions, each day the bodies of Ukrainians are loaded into vehicles and taken to an unknown destination. We require to say Ukrainian people the truth, bitter, heavy, but the truth "- summed S.Gorohov.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Saturday, August 9

21:18 GMT:

The Ukrainian army is shelling residential areas in Donetsk with multiple rocket launchers, self-defense forces told Interfax. Three targets were hit and two one-story buildings were destroyed.

The self-defense forces added that one person was injured and taken to hospital. The Grad system was reportedly used during the bombing.

Earlier, there were reports that self-defense forces hit several Ukrainian army bases.

21:02 GMT:

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed a law extending the age limit of the country’s troop reserves, the president’s press service reported. The new age cap has been increased from 50 to 60 years of age for privates and from 55 to 60 years of age for junior and senior officers.

21:02 GMT:

There will be no hot water during the winter in the southeastern Ukrainian city of Nikolaev, the city's administration announced. The decision was prompted by efforts to save gas, Itar-Tass quoted local lawmakers as saying. There are more than 500,000 people living in the city.

Following the announcement, Mayor Yuriy Granaturov said that he believes “no one will freeze.”

Earlier, there were reports that Kiev turned off the hot water supply in the entire city due to lack of funds.


People look at damage after shelling in Donetsk on August 9, 2014.(AFP Photo / Dimitar Dilkoff )

19:52 GMT:

Self-defense forces have freed 12 “strategically important” residential areas in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, according to the Twitter account of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic.

18:38 GMT:

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called for "urgent measures for preventing an impending humanitarian catastrophe in southeastern regions" of Ukraine while speaking with his US counterpart John Kerry.

"John Kerry confirmed such work is being carried out with the Kiev authorities,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

18:34 GMT:

US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed during a Saturday telephone call that Russia will face additional consequences if it intervenes in Ukraine without Kiev's consent. "The two leaders agreed that any Russian intervention in Ukraine, even under purported 'humanitarian' auspices, without the formal, express consent and authorization of the government of Ukraine is unacceptable, violates international law, and will provoke additional consequences," the White House said in a statement.

17:34 GMT:

Kiev may impose sanctions against Russia as early as August 13, Ukrainian Justice Minister Pavel Petrenko said.

"The Verkhovna Rada will adopt the law on Tuesday August 12, and on Wednesday August 13 the National Security and Defense Council will enforce the sanctions which were proposed by the government,” Petrenko said during the ‘Shuster Live’ program on Ukrainian television.

The list of Ukrainian sanctions, above all, include a ban on the transit of Russian gas through Ukrainian territory to customers in Europe.


A serviceman walks near an APC while a helicopter flies on the position of the Ukrainian troops in Donetsk region on August 9, 2014.(AFP Photo / Anatolii Stepanov)

15:22 GMT:

The situation in Donetsk by 5pm local time (14:00 GMT) remains “tense” as loud booms are heard across the city, the city’s mayor said in a statement. It also said a woman and a child have been recovered from under debris of one of the houses destroyed earlier on Saturday.

10:26 GMT:

The situation concerning the key services infrastructure in Lugansk continues to be catastrophic, according to the city council. “The city has been without electricity and running water, as well as mobile networking and working landlines for seven days now,” a statement from the authorities read. Fuel reserves have been depleted as well, and no new deliveries are taking place. Fighting in the area is ongoing amid these interruptions, Itar-Tass reports. Information regarding casualties has not been coming in.

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Sunday, August 10

11:09 GMT:

Overnight Russia handed over five officers of the 72th brigade to Ukraine, who were earlier released without charges in a case of alleged use of incendiaries against residential areas, Ukraine confirmed.

The officers were briefly detained by Russia on suspicion of shelling a Ukrainian city with phosphorous shells in violation of international law regulating warfare. Russia chose not to press charges, saying the detainees were forced to follow an order by their superiors.

10:41 GMT:

A ceasefire by militias is only possible if Kiev's troops take a similar step, a spokesman for the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic said on Sunday. The statement comes after a Saturday declaration that the region fighting against the Ukrainian military crackdown is prepared for a truce.

Further negotiations would be possible if Kiev withdraws troops from the Donetsk region and agrees to formal engagement in negotiations as opposed to informal consultations, the statement said.

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For many of us now is one of the most important questions: how inhumane circumstances be human? How to prevent heart devil? Reflects on it and well-known Russian journalist Andrei Maximov.

We did not notice the first time since the Nazi camps, burned alive people in Odessa. We did not pay attention to the fact, as in the Donetsk region killed an Orthodox priest Paul Zhuchenko.

I did not want to write about it, because I knew the reaction: irony ernichestvo political cries ... Why?

And then I thought, why do I have no respect for the readers? And readers in general, and those for whom it became a habit in the morning to open the portal "Orthodoxy and the World"? Why am I so sure that they do not want to understand me? It's the same thing: desire.

So what am I?

We did not notice the first time since the Nazi camps, burned alive people in Odessa. We did not pay attention to the fact, as in the Donetsk region killed an Orthodox priest Paul Zhuchenko.

No, of course, the news reported. Some people cried. Phoned with friends. I am proud of those of their fellow citizens, who went to the Embassy of Ukraine, laid flowers and lit candles: no demonstrations, slogans, shouting ...

Everything is so.

But these events have not changed us. And many of us in the social networks and the media continue to sow evil, citing the fact that they are fighting for a just cause. For whatever cause they are fought - they call it right.

I'm not talking about those who risked their lives to tell us about the terrible events in Ukraine. They are real professionals - these are no questions, one delight.

I'm talking about those who consider themselves analysts.

Immediately after a terrible fire in a former businessman and politician, wrote in his blog that supposedly burned some Russian, Odessites was not there. Moreover, it is - a lie. So also clearly was read, saying that if the Russian burned - and God is with them ...

The famous theater director, head of a Moscow theater in Odessa and one, returned to the capital and spoke about his trip to Odessa in the blog. Spoke calmly, with his characteristic lyricism. "The main issue now - says the director. - Learn who shot ... "

And I think that the main question now understand how to live after what happened?

The great philosopher Gregory Pomerantz wrote that the devil begins to foam on the lips of an angel, who is struggling for a just cause. But who listens to philosophers today?

We still crave to comment on the important political events, such as to analyze what we do not understand, and thus, as it were closer to the powers that be.

Putin meets with President of Switzerland. And hundreds, if not thousands of people write their assumptions about what they talked about. And thousands of readers and viewers to discuss the assumptions of those who did not see anything and did not know.

Every day there are hundreds of social networks, if not thousands, of evil, angry, if not insane comments.

And the thick foam on the lips of an angel ...

When I say so, I argue:

- But we can not be away from these events?

And not to be in the side - it means comment on what you do not understand? Not be in the side - so to speak, and rubbing their hands, enjoying their own "political sagacity"?

I think that not being in the side - it means even more to love his wife, his children, his business.

Not be in the side - it means not to sow evil in response to evil, and not die to give love and kindness, which are in every heart.

This is not a general nice words. This is a guide to action.

To communicate with a child who is long gone to the computer. Come to visit his parents. Embracing his wife, and did not yell at her for overdone fried and smile.

And stop to comment on what we do not understand the social networks. Cease to create a world of aggression and anger.

This genuine response to evil.

No the, most angry comments, we do not change. Only increase the amount of evil in the world - that's all.

And we will change if to calm themselves.

Remember how genius wrote: "Silence want silence. Nerves, whether that burned? "

Here I am - this.

When there is a real, real tragedy, our first, is absolutely understandable desire: to pour out his wrath on the other.

And if you do not think about others, and about yourself? It you live in a world where people are burned alive and killed the priest. This does not happen in your country, but in your world of the XXI century.

It is impossible not to worry about what is happening in Ukraine. My father was born in the Ukrainian city Shchors, graduated from the Kiev Pedagogical Institute, and the fight began June 22, 1941 is in the Ukraine. How not to worry?

But now it is time to pray. Evil is not overcome by evil, it is overcome only good - way of the world.

Yes, looking at what is happening in Ukraine - it is impossible not to worry, and it is impossible not to be angry. But more than that should not be given to spread malice in his heart.

Close and given to us in order to make it on someone to train their possessions. These days should not be forgotten about.

The devil is strong hysterics and anger. So he believes that people will pick up this hysterical rage and suffer it all over the world.

God is omnipotent. The devil powerless - it only works through us, through people.

Today is a time when no matter what you write, and however expressed - not a sin to think: the devil are you helping or God.

Yet, alas, the foam on the lips of an angel gets denser, more ... UPD: Author's response to feedback from readers

Thanks to everyone who understood me.

And thanks to all who do not understand. Because this is a misunderstanding - a very characteristic.

I was accused, mostly in "Tolstoyism" in resisting evil. I have not written a word about it.

I've been thinking: why are people so read? And, I think, understand.

People genuinely think that when they write on social networks - they thus do not spread evil, and fight against evil. They really think that if you write: "I am against something" or "I do not like so-and-so!" - It is a struggle. And here there is a paradox.

On the one hand, it is good that the fight turned into a social network. As we have seen in Ukraine: it's better than going out into the street, beat the face and shoot. On the other hand, so evil is sown, and we are creating a terrible reality. How to solve this paradox, I do not know.

But the fact that people believe that when a person calls upon them not to sow evil in social networks - it encourages them to come to terms with evil, it seems to me very characteristic.

In my opinion, it makes you wonder.

Central News Agency Novorossia

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According to Ukrainian media, the situation in Donetsk, Ukrainian law enforcers result of an extremely tense - not subside sounds of heavy artillery, shells fall to the shops and city agencies.

During the attack on the battalion Donetsk "Azov" bear heavy losses of personnel, as their superior force of militia, the Ukrainian edition Dialog.ua with reference to the press service of "Azov".

The publication notes that a battalion of special purpose "Azov" involved in the attack on Donetsk in two directions - Marinka and Ilovajsk.

Swedish radio battalion "Azov" poses a threat to Ukraine
According to the newspaper, the situation in Donetsk, Ukrainian law enforcers result of an extremely tense - not subside sounds of heavy artillery, shells fall to the shops and city agencies, underwent shelling estate Tekstilshchik, in some homes the blast damaged glazing. This was announced by the mayor of Donetsk Alexander Lukyanchenko.

RIA Novosti

Central News Agency Novorossia

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Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko signed Executive Order "On urgent measures to protect the population from banditry and other manifestations of organized crime." This paper significantly expands the powers of investigative police and prosecutors.

In particular, a person who is suspected of involvement in an organized criminal group, and has committed a felony, subject to a thorough inspection.

In addition to the set of examinations can be carried out the audit of financial-economic activity, material and financial situation. Subject to verification of the organization and other persons whose material means used suspect.

For completeness of the investigation to the verification can be brought as relatives or living past five years, with the face of the citizens. In addition, for the purpose of this test bank and commercial secrecy shall not be an obstacle to obtaining personal and other data relating to the suspect.

In addition, suspects and accused persons are no longer applicable under house arrest, a personal guarantee or surety companies. Detention may be applied for a period of 30 days as agreed with the prosecutor.

Ordinance also provides that a violation of public order, spreading false information and rumors, any interference with the professional activity of a law enforcement bodies entail a fine of up to 10 times the minimum wage or administrative arrest for up to 30 days.

Thus, the task of ensuring public order and the fight against crime is fully borne by the law-enforcement agencies, and the measures envisaged must effectively affect the order in the city, as well as the safety of citizens in such a difficult period in the history of the republic.

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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