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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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It will be a long line, a paragraph. The first contains my apologies for the alias, it is necessary to call me "Alcofribas Naze, who forgot about pantegryuelizme." Important for me to continue to stew in the circle of your enemies, so my real name does not matter.

Pantegryuelizm - similar gigantism velikanstva. Giants - is NATO. This is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which employs more than half a million long staff, although they no longer serve America, America - they are. This is the Fed - Federal Reserve System, which owns not only the American currency (up to 16 trillion there, no more), but the whole mass of dollars and gold on the planet. The world economy over 50 trillion. This is three times larger than most of America. America itself a prisoner of the system.

Do not forget who I'm dealing with, but remember that they are a great and mighty

The second line can be supported in the saying: if the enemy does not understand and do not know, it will not win. Let us understand that America itself Captive NATO, the CIA and the Federal Reserve. Europeans - poluplenniki, but also prisoners. Their Ukrainian henchmen are inspired by the following: Russian once supported North Korea, and it mired in poverty, and America - South, South Korea - the worldwide benchmark breakthroughs, prosperity, and progress. So that your enemies can be fully understood. They are imagining that supporters Novorossia want to turn all of Ukraine in the analogue North Korea, which is still our quilted jackets really. An opposite example - an example of Vietnam. There are thriving supporters of Russia. But they'd better not mention. In their worldview Vietnam - an unfortunate mistake, offensive shortcomings Americans misunderstanding.

The third line contains the question of whether the commanders understand what they are fighting is multifaceted, or just for yourself convincingly. Of course, the commanders - not the rank and file, they must subordinate and remind you that we are fighting for their land on their own land. So, it is true, the men, but the real enemy of your face you did not show. In the sense that in addition to wars, they are still something "more important" busy. Of course, it is no secret that the CIA, the Federal Reserve and NATO - a kind of bankrupt, they have trillions of money, but it's solid debts and obligations. Russia's involvement in the great war, then dismembering thereof, then selling piecemeal extend their power over the entire planet for another 10-20 years. In Russia itself, there are a million dreamers that patriotism in life in general is not necessary and a hindrance. So sit down at one table with the Fed, the CIA and NATO, they are only too happy, so we are fighting with different weapons, not only and not so much for Russia in general, but for her right to life. Ukrainians and unpatriotic promised that they will be cut off from Russia cut their own piece of "Russian", so that they can scream, they believe in "their Russian." She promised them. As ardent supporters of bloody Bandera - "Its Ukraine." You, in contrast, usually need one victory, one for all, and you do not stand for the price, as in that song about a tenth commando battalion of the film about the Belarusian railway station.

"And the postman would go insane looking for you"

The fourth line will help you to understand the inevitable future, which can be seen without any grandmother fortunetellers, clairvoyants, without which willy nilly will come. As the time of year when we know that in the summer comes autumn. For the planet's future reliably described the classic ideas of freedom (liberalism) in the book "The Road to Serfdom." For this book he strongly disliked both in the USSR and in the West. And now scientists planet reread this classic. Well, as the water looked! And lived in the days of the Great Patriotic War. There he wrote that the planned and controlled economy and strangling trampling of free economic planner, and equated the Western economy to the Soviet planned, indicated that our first stop growing, zatopchet in place, then the whole world will cease to grow, will stagnate. And we remember that 50 years, our growth has slowed. And the people were happy. So on the whole planet now "stagnation", although in some places - in China - there is still growth, but it is for the whole world has no effect.

Congestion on the planet! The whole planet is in great dependence on dollar loans, the cost of defense. Everybody wants to spend and no hunting earn. Here is the way to a sickening stagnation scientist called "The Road to Serfdom." The Fed, the CIA, NATO and war loans as gingerbread and whip, being driven all the countries of the planet (and not only one Ukraine) to book with them more and more weapons. That's what they need, and dozens of small wars and major war with Russia. It would seem that these military chess combinations not always in our favor: you will win - they just settle means war neo-fascists Kiev junta, and if you die, it is easier to start to prepare a war with Russia.

It would seem that "all is lost." But is it? But there is one "but": they need the weapons ordered from them, and not in Russia. Good to have found a person to privately purchased sophisticated weapons from Russia through nominees and gave it to you. To see the entire planet who need to buy weapons. For one this idea, said aloud, the author equated to you and, therefore, will be called the instigator of terrorists. Sooner or later, the bubble of the trillion or burst or deflate. This is inevitable future. When you win, it is approaching the end of this bubble of trillions of dollars.

But there is much more effective move in this murderous war chess. This was the fifth line. If an objection to the Fed, NATO and the CIA begin to raise voices and weapons freedom loving people of Europe, America and the entire planet, the support you can be easier and more powerful. Can you imagine the reaction of the CIA, NATO and tycoons Reserve Fed? You're fighting about how the Vietnamese! Those in the 60s with bows and arrows defeated the army of France, and when the Soviet Union lent them a "Kalash", anti-aircraft guns and tanks, then came the collapse of American foreign policy. No one in the world is not ready to have to fight for their land as you fight today or Vietnamese in the 60s.

A nuclear bomb in the Donetsk and Lugansk they are still not ready to give up. They also need to drag on the entire planet on their way to financial slavery, which dreaming power of the junta "Bandera". "Chasing the financial slavery" - is more important to them wars. War - as a whip. A bomb scare slaves and can kill, which is not in their best interest. And in this sixth line, you can safely apply to the officers and soldiers on the other front line, the intellectuals of the Dnieper and Kiev, who excitedly curse you and Russia, repair tanks in Kharkov, which will go to you. Let intellectuals revered "Road to Serfdom" Hayek will be smarter than we were. Let the officers and soldiers are aware of who is behind the cries of the restoration of the integrity of Ukraine: the Fed, NATO, the CIA, it is necessary that the Slavs were killing each other more, and they can use any slogans.

And to those who shout that he loved Ukraine, will be our seventh line. Ukrainians for Peace forever reunited with Russia. And do not take the words back, in the courage and minds of Ukrainians. My father said he was a Ukrainian. A propaganda cries, pictures, show, signing international agreements on trade and eternal love homosexuals, other clowning - a vehicle for dissemination of psychosis, neurosis and hysteria. If someone becomes hysterical, falls into hysterics or neurasthenia, it's not really Russian and Ukrainian completely. Sick? Propyl course soothing. Dissemination of psychosis, neurosis and hysteria is funded by all of the same trinity Fed, NATO and the CIA. These giants, alas, even a bullet in the forehead is not calm. Many-headed hydra, as written in the past propaganda. So it is not surprising that in the army infantry and Whites, and Red Star in the same trench against the monster stood up.

And found a cut diamond.
And he was somewhere between Donetsk and Lugansk.
This stone, as your native land, and you are defending, the fighters.

Alcofribas Naze, who forgot about pantegryuelizme,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Share my thoughts. If anyone offended, it is not out of malice.

In his first interview after fleeing Yanukovych said: "When the Donbas miners will have nothing to eat (nothing to feed the family), that's when the miners rise up and show everyone what's what." It's not literally, but almost said so. So, while eating there, they did not particularly worried. Yanukovych miners equated to cattle in this statement! Maybe he did not want it and meant something else.

These words, I took it as an insult to the miners, although I'm not a miner and not from the Ukraine. But it took some time, fighting broke out in Slavyansk, in that county. Looking at the behavior of the miners (and other people), and more and more surprised. Russian language is banned - the miners work, monuments demolished - miners work day victory overturned, World War II veterans rank almost the occupiers - miners work Slovyansk 300 people are fighting for freedom from ukrovskoy army - they continue to work. Q: And when a man must take up arms to protect their language, their culture, their values, the monuments?

Show miners refugees - in Russia has found work comfortably settled. Healthy as oxen guys piled-miners from their land. And who must defend their land if they run away? The Russian army or something? The Russian army has to come to fight against the illegal authorities of Kiev, and the miners (and not only they) have to work to ensure that feed their families, to sit at home on the couch and drink beer?

Ukrainian politics is completely knocked out of the Russian population of Ukraine its identity, honor, values ​​of the Russian people, the memory of their heroic stories. After a law was passed banning the Russian language, normal people who respect themselves, their culture, customs, and had to stand up and say: "From this day on we Ukraine out of the way!". I was surprised at how the Russian people reacted sluggishly to such a law - thousands gathered only, and then only in the capital cities of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv. It should have said, and go to the area millions of people across South-East (at least).

Where more insulting than the mother tongue ban ?! What else to talk with such authority? Why live in such a country, if for you, for Russian, other nations (Ukrainians) is not intercede? Even if this law is abolished, it is still impossible with such a country to be together!

But the mood of the people were different:

1 Some wanted to join Russia;
2 others - to make a federal state and to remain part of Ukraine;
3 others - also continue to be a part of Ukraine, because the law of the Russian language was canceled;
4 fourth want to create a separate republic - DNR, LC.

The overwhelming consensus is not.

As Russian troops enter? For whom and for what? From those who do not want to be a part of Russia (there are not enough), we can expect a bullet in the back. All others to the bulb - just to eat there. In the Crimea, before the referendum, the vast majority said: "Only in Russia, and the point!".

They say Russia sent troops into Georgia, and why has entered a New Russia? Russia stands up for South Ossetia, seeing that all the Ossetians as one against Georgia. On the Georgian side was not a single Ossetian! If the South-East, people would rise from the polls, millions, while the army has not entered ukropovskaya "taste" the bombings and killings, while the Americans and the Europeans came to, that Russian troops would be introduced, because there would be confident in the people of South-East .

But Ukrainian propaganda "swing" in the Russian people awareness of their dignity. Therefore, it is sluggish and respond to insults in his address. First of all, the men of New Russia must protect our land and not run! And who can, will come to you for help, but this is the second turn. New Russia will !!!

Central News Agency Novorossia

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According to Ukrainian media, the situation in Donetsk, Ukrainian law enforcers result of an extremely tense - not subside sounds of heavy artillery, shells fall to the shops and city agencies.

During the attack on the battalion Donetsk "Azov" bear heavy losses of personnel, as their superior force of militia, the Ukrainian edition Dialog.ua with reference to the press service of "Azov".

The publication notes that a battalion of special purpose "Azov" involved in the attack on Donetsk in two directions - Marinka and Ilovajsk.

Swedish radio battalion "Azov" poses a threat to Ukraine
According to the newspaper, the situation in Donetsk, Ukrainian law enforcers result of an extremely tense - not subside sounds of heavy artillery, shells fall to the shops and city agencies, underwent shelling estate Tekstilshchik, in some homes the blast damaged glazing. This was announced by the mayor of Donetsk Alexander Lukyanchenko.

RIA Novosti

Central News Agency Novorossia


Good news for all supporters of independence Novorossia! Militia managed to thwart the plans of punishers, which includes the overall ambience of Donetsk. Divide the army DNR, as well failed.

Started yesterday fighting in the town of Red Ray and others who were near the Donetsk, just east of today went into a prolonged phase. Militias were able to stop the breakout of the Nazis, in that the resistance forces helped shelling army units in Ukraine.

Since yesterday, the battle between the forces of militias and security forces were conducted in different areas of human settlements, as Ilovajsk, Red Beam, Avdiyivka, Sands. Today, the enthusiasm of several occupiers pougas, clashes gaining strength far from the road Donetsk Shahtersk that connects the center of resistance to Lugansk, as well as the Tomb-Saur - height, which has repeatedly tried unsuccessfully to capture ukroarmeytsy. In addition, local skirmishes occur under the settlement Minusinskom, which is almost on the border between the regions of Lugansk and Donetsk. Shooting heard in Mospino, which is near Donetsk.
Clashes moved from a phase of active fighting in the shootout by artillery, from time to time there are local skirmishes. Under the control of the militia are checkpoints that are as shelling junta.

As for specific numbers, it is worth noting the capture height, which is located near the village Novoannovka. Brothers-Slavs were able to take this important point in this case, the resistance forces were destroyed: the calculation of the mortar, infantry fighting vehicle, a dozen enemy soldiers. Clash with security forces units defenders of freedom in the vicinity of the checkpoint near the town of Red, brought a couple of small victories militias destroyed UAZ, two antitank missiles, as well as 14 soldiers the Army of Ukraine disabled.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, August 11 (RIA Novosti) – More than 100 prisoners escaped from a high-security prison in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk after it was shelled, leaving at least one prisoner dead and another 18 injured, the city council’s website said Monday.

“Late in the evening of August 10, a shell hit the living quarters of the high security prison colony Number 124 in the Kirov region: one prisoner was killed, three received injuries and another 15 were slightly wounded,” the city council said.

After the shelling, 106 prisoners escaped, but by morning some of them had returned, the council said.

Artillery shelling resumed in the city of Donetsk early Monday, knocking out 214 electrical power substations near the Tochmash plant. Power to 200 of them was restored several hours later, but the remaining 14 substations still needed repairs.

The situation in the city remains tense, according to the city council.

Last week, shelling in Donetsk claimed the lives of four people and injured 18.

Ukrainian eastern cities have been the targets of attacks since mid-April after Ukrainian authorities launched a military operation to suppress a growing independence movement in the region. According to the United Nation’s latest report, more than 1,100 civilians have already died in the conflict and nearly 3,500 have been injured.

Just summon back these people guide the junta immediately beginning to tire of them. They are living witnesses of the crimes she committed (I'm not talking about the five officers who testified about the attacks in Russia and were ... .otpuscheny. Means testimony given by ...... those who are above). As the 79th Brigade them quickly bundled into buses and sent ...... sent to nowhere, but in the end the way they were in the Kiev area in one of the railway deadlocks. The soldiers were initially told that they were being taken back to the unit. But the train has passed the White Church and ... .. drove on. Sensing something was wrong ... soldiers raised .. not until the riot. Just picked up a few questions. At the same time the train began to disappear people. Nothing there is no afterlife. Just a few soldiers decided that they have had enough .... Enough of the lies and hypocrisy, which they have for half of the year saw so much that they no longer want. Command seeing that the situation is going to open revolt sent "truce." I almost forgot. The soldier on the road ... not fed .. or even watered. Although overboard stable 30. Apparently forgotten ... ..

No. The most interesting thing started then. when the train away from sin was driven into a dead end already mentioned. Came a colonel ("truce") and soldiers began to rub that part of the territory they can not be sent, because there ...... mobilization (sorry that I can not insert a smiley "big eyes"). What did he mean by that is not clear, but I think everyone already knew. And so all they have to drive to the landfill under Chernihiv to ...... send them on vacation. Next went the army anecdote is true in real life. These soldiers were "a misunderstanding" Ukrainians and their finger in the mouth do not put. To ask a question, and why it was under the Chernigov Military clear and concise answer Colonel, "what would you find there and make lists." To the question "and what those lists that were landing not like?", The answer is "they do not fit." and so on.

Better dialogue went to the place where the film crew arrived at 1 + 1 (Benya taxis theme and it is clear that without the 1 + 1 there would be no cost). Correspondent made the call to the brigade commander and asked purely Ukrainian: "Sho is this ragtag bunch of calling themselves the 72nd brigade of under Lugansk. You told me recently that they are .... Zaporozhye? ". Answer brigade commander called a "grimace" discontent (and a bunch of "Matyukov") from his subordinates, because judging by the responses correspondent, their commander said ... twice deserters (Russia + Kiev), because they can not located in Kiev. In general, it seems that they have captured military train (article in the article). In general, according to the Brigade Commander of the scattered on the territory of Ukraine, and he does not know where they are. In short who owns Ukrainian ask (for Russian-speaking audience I are passed).

The scandal went beyond the part. Soldiers as an eyesore. Junta would love to write them down in the "missing", bringing the list of the southern boiler to 4000, but they ... .. alive. And a lot of knowledge. And many say. And do not listen to the boss (Colonel in the video just three letters are not sent. But the movie for August 6, I think this feature has already been passed). They interfere mobilize (Colonel the video is almost openly declared). They decompose the army in the end. Yes, they have to fight will not go. They are fed up with this war. And not because they survived in a meat grinder. but because they realized WHO AND WHY THIS WAR IS NECESSARY. And this is the most terrible secret junta. Much worse than the actual losses and the situation in the ATO. Because if this mystery will be known to all, the junta usidit in Kiev and weeks. I think those who asked the question: "Why have released soldiers of the 72nd Brigade" satisfied.

Central News Agency Novorossia

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GROZNY, August 11, 15:50 /ITAR-TASS/. A new shipment of relief aid has arrived in east Ukraine from Chechnya, president of the Russian Caucasus republic Ramzan Kadyrov said on Monday, having last month pledged $7.5 million-worth of vital supplies for the embattled region.

“A new shipment of relief aid has arrived to the Luhansk People’s Republic. A regional public fund named after Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, the hero of Russia, has sent equipment necessary for surgical units, first aid and treatment of serious gunshot and fragmentation wounds,” Kadyrov wrote in social networks. Supplies also included daily essentials for those trapped in the area of military hostilities.

“People in the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics need urgent aid and support without waiting for the United States and Europe to agree on some kind of corridors,” Kadyrov said.

The Chechen fund, named after Ramzan Kadyrov's assassinated father, sent the first aid shipment last week, delivering 50-60 kilowatt power generators, medical supplies, bandage materials and medical instruments.

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So kill a fascist, that he,
And do not you lay on the ground,
Not in your home to moan
And it was dead on.

So like it's his fault -
Let it burn his house, not yours,
And let not your wife,
And let it be a widow.

Let isplachetsya not yours,
And his mother gave birth,
Not yours, and his family
Let it be in vain to wait.

Your grandfather defended Donbass. He mёrz in the trenches, fed lice and dreamed of the day when it will flower apple tree in the garden, and will not have to kill any more. Kill in the name of life. He's in 45 came home after going on their bellies half of Europe. It was he who built the house. He's raised from the ruins of Donbass. And he shouted in Russian: "Victory! Victory! ". And now came to his house soldiers in black uniforms and said that he - and the occupier may lam where they say in Russian. Otherwise, he must die!

So kill him before he killed your grandfather.

This is your grandmother went down into the mine to extract coal. It was she who gave his last piece of your father, my son. She did not sleep nights. She treated his childhood wounds. She stroked his blond head. And sang Ukrainian songs. And now they have come out with your grandfather meet Ukrainian tanks. Unarmed. Old. But without fear, when they arose in the way of the murderous machine.

So kill sitting in the tank until they are moved to your family.

It's your father studied and then taught others in the school. He told them how great and powerful country called the Soviet Union. As friends, and single people in this country. And a toast to the New Year in the come back in garrison on German soil his brother raises twice: Kyiv time and Moscow. This he spoke in Russian and Ukrainian. This he loved Pushkin and Shevchenko. This he was reading Gogol and Tolstoy. And now in his city was a boy soldier and told him that there was no history and not had a winning record, that was not the friendship of the peoples, and that it - and let the bastard is tucked away in Russia. Otherwise die.

So kill him before he killed your father.

It's your mother treated the children on the ground of Donbass. She wanted them to grow up healthy and strong to become defenders of their land. It was she who gave the Hippocratic oath and remained faithful to her until the end. And now it came to the hospital National Guard and told her that she should treat only the Ukrainians. And if you do not want to, then the death of her as an accomplice of the terrorists.

So kill him before he killed your mother.

It you were born on the land of Donbass. You grew up, matured, loved, worked. And that you are 20 years old saying that you are guilty, guilty, guilty. Guilty because they consider themselves Russian. Guilty because they did not chtish Bandera. Guilty because they did not leave. Guilty because your children speak in Russian. Guilty because he was proud of his grandfather - a Russian soldier. And now come to your house soldiers in the landing form. You wore the same myself. And he tells you that you - the occupier and must die.

So kill him before he kills you.

Is that your son was born, when there was not a single country. This is your son to grow up, when he said that there is a great Ukraine. This is your son every day heard that there is no Russian and its history. And that he did not believe in this lie. This, he said that he - Russian and not padded, not Colorado, not Moskal. It was he who took up arms to defend their Ukraine. And now he beats there - at Saur-grave. And a soldier he brought upon him the knife to kill the Russian - your son.

So kill him before he killed your son.

So kill him as many times as you can, as long as he did not kill your edge until he trampled everything that you loved, until it destroys everything that you've created, everything that you loved.

Svetlana Gurov
Central News Agency Novorossia

Everyone knows that this is determined by the past. But our thoughts, actions and deeds today determine our future. In other words, your tomorrow we are doing today, and today we have your yesterday. And it comes as a separate person, and with the states that these individuals are.

Why now in parts of the former Kievan Rus descendants of Grand Duke Vladimir encountered in a terrible internecine slaughter? Why Kievan Rus now calls itself the outskirts, and the people from time immemorial inhabited this land, calls itself okrainskim, ie residents of suburbs, completely forgetting his great ancestors, which all the surrounding nations to call Russia, Rousseau or Uruses? Transformed into Ivanov, not remembering kinship with gusto now destroy the roots that feed the very essence of their lives, forgetting that they were blood of the blood, the flesh of the founders of the Kievan Rus. If this destructive process will continue, the people outskirts, and the state itself will simply cease to exist, becoming uncomfortable bearded ballast for Europe in a dress, ballast, impregnated Americans-European values ​​with their same-sex marriages, and the juvenile justice

Ukraine, or Suburban. Where did this word? Is not one of those times when a part of Russia was under the rule of the Polish crown, indicating the outskirts of the Polish state? And in the face of Bohdan Khmelnytsky people of the former Kievan Rus' was asked to Russia. The most important thing: the people in the outskirts of the person of Bogdan Khmelnitsky gave oath on the cross, that swore on the cross to be faithful to the Russian throne and his Motherland and his people, the Russian people, because he was a detached part of it.

God is not mocked! This terrible oath is broken, and Ukraine will destroy itself until it chooses:

1 or live together with Russia;
2 or completely disappear from the world map.

And the right to choose the Lord God always gives a person, because this is the likeness. The right choice.

Eugene Kubanets,
Central News Agency Novorossia


The threat of sabotage and terrorist acts on the territory of our country appeared, literally, with the first refugees Donbass, who crossed the border. Naturally, that help people who do not want to appear in the list of victims of the Nazis meaningless - it is necessary and important. At the same time, unscrupulous Nazis in any case will not miss such a great opportunity for provocation.

So have not had time to cover it with a touch of forgetting an incident that occurred the eleventh of last month, when the Russian capital have detained nine Ukrainians. During the inspection, the staff PPP found in their car an arsenal of weapons, from nine in seven guns were seized. After a while the two "unarmed" was released.

Now, it was reported that the occupants (more specifically, the formation of "Right Sector") have recruited civilians Donetsk and region, all this happened in order to find people who are willing to spend on a fee terrorist acts on the territory of the Russian Federation. Moreover, this kind of recruitment began in May of this already "hot" year.

According to some reports, the agitation was carried out among women whose age does not exceed 30 years. Radically-minded group of ladies offered training on sniper and demolition business, "education", women were in special camps. It is known that about thirty people have accepted the offer pravosekov.
In order not to miss out on the territory of our country, the terrorists, the Russian troops are in active checking refugees.

Of scoundrels-fascists can expect anything. These are absolutely inadequate little people are able to mine and the baby. Let's hope for the vigilance of our guardians of law and order, even as neither the explosion did not thunder on the lands of the Motherland!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Has already become a well-known team of hackers calling themselves "Cyber-Berkut", published on its own resources "unpopular" data. They announce the list of the Ukrainian army soldiers who refused to take part in the genocide in New Russia. Among other things, the guys announced the list of armor, which was burned during the fighting, as well as into the hands of the militia.

From the reports it can be concluded that the success of the junta, which illuminate the Ukrainian media, to put it mildly, exaggerated. Thus, the "valiant" punishers almost completely demoralized soldiers are dying in large numbers on the battlefields, many flee, abandoning equipment and weapons. Large negative effect does the threat environment militia. In general, the soldiers do not even understand what they are fighting.

In the hands of militia forces got a huge amount of armored cars, armored cars from finishing systems and multiple rocket launchers. Since the twenty-first of July to 5th August 14 th year, the resistance has received the following machines: twenty two tanks, twenty six BMP, seventeen armored vehicles, four "Nona", four "Pinks" (the latter two types - self-propelled artillery) as well as twelve "Grad".

In addition, hackers say that the invaders had lost five howitzer D-30, ten 82-millimeter mortar x thirteen anti-aircraft ZU-2.23 and as much as seventy-five tractors.

Thus, the merits of punitive more than exaggerated media Square. Naturally, the militia victory over the vastly superior forces of the enemy are given with great difficulty, in spite of that, each new day that resistance resides Novorossia closer to victory.

Good luck to the gallant militia Donbass! Stay brothers, you force honor and truth! Davi in ​​the ground fascist scum!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


"The Prime Minister Alexander Zaharchenko noted that the statements of the Ukrainian military" completely surrounded and blocked the capital of the republic "- no more than the usual bluff," - said in a statement.

The self-proclaimed militia Donetsk People's Republic planning to move to large-scale offensive, as they say, the Ukrainian army "completely demoralized" and statements completely surrounded Donetsk - "usual bluff," the press service of the DNI with reference to Prime Minister Alexander Zaharchenko .

Earlier, at the headquarters of the militia RIA Novosti reported that on Saturday morning Ukrainian troops captured the town of Krasny Luch, Luhansk region, which is located on the highway in the direction of Donetsk, Lugansk region and Russia. As a result, Donetsk and Gorlovka were surrounded. Later militia reported that recaptured the Red Ray. Speaker Information Center Ukrainian National Security Council and Defense Andrei Lysenko said Monday that the military is almost completed the encirclement of Donetsk and Lugansk.

"First and foremost, Alexander Zaharchenko assured that because of the complete demoralization of the Ukrainian army in combat areas army DNR plans large scale offensive. He also noted that the statements of the Ukrainian military of" completely surrounded and blocked the capital of the republic "- no more than the usual bluff" - said the press service.

Prime DNR also noted that there are big problems in the delivery of humanitarian assistance. He stressed that the militias are ready to cease fire, but only in the direction that will be open humanitarian corridors. "The militias will fight to win" - quoted the press service quoted Zaharchenko.

Earlier Monday, the Ukrainian security officials urged residents of Donetsk and Lugansk to leave the city, as the military is preparing to begin the assault. Now the security forces continued shelling of cities. Lugansk due to the occurrence of security forces on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe: the beginning of a serious disruption to transport, electricity, communications and water supply, rose products. Residents massively leave the city, its population almost halved.

RIA Novosti http://ria.ru/world/20140811/1019645398.html#ixzz3A6vUvORg

Central News Agency Novorossia


August 11 a public meeting of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Donetsk, which was read out by the report of the Minister of Education Kosteniuk Igor Vladimirovich about the preparation for the new school year. According to the document, the Ministry of Education DNR operates in three main areas: technical, methodological support and work with parents.

Currently held inventory of educational institutions with a view to clarifying their destruction. Actively conducted the preparation of new textbooks. To sensitize parents about the upcoming school season.

Due to the fact that due to fighting a large number of children to travel outside the country, some schools will join. Students grades 1-4 will be provided with free food. Particular attention is paid to creating a safe environment in kindergartens, schools and universities.

Based on the military situation, the government should solve the issue, will begin classes in schools on September 1 or later.

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Ukrainian Nazis and the ‘Commissar Order’

By Victor Shapinov on August 8, 2014

Victor Shapinov, of the Marxist organization Union Borotba (Struggle), makes the connection between the Nazi practice of extermination of communists and commissars in 1941 and the latest news about the “Anti-Terrorist Operation” that is currently targeting communists and leftist activists in Ukraine. The article originally appeared on the website ActualComment.ru and was translated by Workers World Contributing Editor Greg Butterfield.

By Victor Shapinov

Union Borotba (Struggle)

The “Commissar Order” (Richtlinien für die Behandlung politischer Kommissare) was issued by the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht on June 6, 1941 — two weeks before Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. The decree stated that “the commissars are not recognized as soldiers; they are not covered by the international legal protections for [prisoners of war]. After sorting them out, destroy them.”

In Operational Order Number 8 of July 17, 1941, Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the SS [armed wing of the Nazi Party’s Schutzstaffel] and Security Police, set the task of teams operating in the occupied territories: “First of all, they should identify: all major public party workers, … all former political commissars of the Red Army, … senior economic officials, Soviet-Russian intellectuals, all Jews, all who are known as instigators or fanatical communists.” Such “dangerous persons,” even if they did not resist, should be shot on the spot or sent to death camps.

Remember the Nazi practice of extermination of communists and commissars when reading the latest news from the “Anti-Terrorist Operation.”

On July 17, Sergey Dolgov, well-known journalist and editor in chief of the Mariupol newspaper “I Want the USSR,” was found dead near Dnepropetrovsk. On June 18, immediately after the occupation forces seized Mariupol, armed men in civilian clothes took him away from his office to an unknown location. Presumably, it could have been the “Dnepr-1” Battalion, which was funded by oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. The journalist’s body showed signs of torture.

Other news: On the night of July 22, at a National Guard roadblock near the village of Luzhki, Donetsk region, the Secretary of the Communist Party in Glinka and Deputy Village Councilor Vyacheslav Kovshun, born in 1956, was killed.

More news: In the Donetsk region, First Secretary of the Volnovakha District Committee of the Communist Party Sergey Filindash was kidnapped. On July 30, Filindash’s home in Volnovakha was raided by masked men. Before the eyes of his wife and children, they seized Filindash and took him to an unknown destination.

These killings of leftist activists are not coincidental. Militants of the “Anti-Terrorist Operation” write openly about the need to destroy people holding leftist and communist views.

For example, there’s a memo by a spokesperson of the ATO, also head of the press service of the neo-Nazi National-Social Assembly, Igor Mosiychuk. This was posted on social media by another member of the punitive operation in Donbass, Sergei Vakula.

In this post, claiming to be “intelligence,” the Ukrainian Nazi calls for “mopping up these freaks.” Among the “freaks” and “degenerates,” according to the enlightened opinion of this Maidan Democrat, are “commies,” “many leftists” and “anti-fascists.”

“After the victory of the revolution they were silent for a while, and then intensified their padded rallies. Subsequently, they unanimously supported the idea of creating a ‘New Russia.’ Their most active aggressive force became the Union Borotba,” writes the Nazi political analyst.

“In this regard I ask activists to draw attention to the activities of these degenerates who hold anti-Ukrainian views and do a sweep of these freaks,” concludes his “memo.”

I note that this is not just the writing of a teenage skinhead, but an officer of the “Azov” Battalion of the National Guard of Ukraine. He has military rank and police authority.

The law enforcement agencies of Ukraine speak unashamedly about the physical destruction of political opponents. They speak the same language, in the same terms, as the leaders of the Nazi Wehrmacht and the Gestapo.

After the Maidan’s victory, Nazis such as Mosiychuk became staff of the Interior Ministry and security services. Now this is not just an “extremist view” — it is the most important and active part of the state apparatus of “democratic” Ukraine. And if the Maidan regime does nothing else, it gives guys like the Nazi Mosiychuk the opportunity to conduct purges of “unreliable” elements, not only in the ATO zone, embodying the popular slogan on Maidan of “communists to the gallows.”

We are often asked: Why do you, Borotba, support the AntiMaidan movement, because there are Orthodox and Russian nationalists, etc., etc.?

To answer this question, it is possible to carry out a social class analysis of the Maidan and AntiMaidan, to see which side the oligarchs and world imperialism support.

But there is a more simple and banal answer: The Maidan people want to kill me and my comrades. The AntiMaidan people do not want to kill us.

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Junta empties gas storage facilities in the Donbas

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Donetsk Andrew Purgin said yesterday that Ukraine vigorously pumping natural gas from the gas storage Donbass. Following the punishers are structures that are devastating the captured gas storage.


"We have a difficult situation with the gas supply. The region has two of its own gas storage, which were filled with nearly a billion cubic meters. Ukrainian side intensively trying to pump gas when establishing control over them in the fighting," - said Purgin.

According to him, the GTS Donetsk and Lugansk republics can exist separately from the Ukrainian GTS.

In this regard, the government is preparing a DNR corresponding appeal to Russia to Donetsk and Lugansk republic considered by the Russian side, as separate entities from the Ukraine in the gas issue.


"This issue will be resolved as soon as possible in order not to disrupt the heating season, as virtually all of the heating system and the production of the Donbas to use more gas. All of this is technically possible. This question should not depend on political differences, because it could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe, and it affects the lives and health of citizens in the winter, "- said Purgin.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Back in mid-June, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko banned all Ukrainian companies to cooperate with Russia in the military-industrial sector. Then, experts estimate that a decoupling affect 79 859 Ukrainian and Russian defense enterprises. Despite the fact that the Ukrainian "defense" it means certain death for the past few months Kiev politicians not only change your mind, but decided to take a break on the documentary and spread it on dual-use goods.

On Tuesday, 12 August, the Supreme Rada of Ukraine will consider the Government's proposed package of sanctions, which included a ban and trade and cooperation with Russia in the defense sector.

We can not say that this decision came as a surprise to the Kremlin. Back in May, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that two and a half, a maximum of three years of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation will be able to realize its objectives and to ensure the independence of our businesses. June 10 the Ministry of Industry, introduced in the MIC Plan import all military products from Ukraine. And on Monday, August 11 in the media and leaked details of the proposed plan. In order to replace the Ukrainian imports, according to Industry and Trade, you will need about $ 50 billion. Rubles.

List of main product lines are already drawn up and agreed upon in the relevant departments. It included more than three thousand types of components and assemblies, which produce more than 160 enterprises of Ukraine. They were involved in the manufacture of more than 200 types of weapons, military and special equipment. However, not all products will be difficult to replace. Where it is only a component, our businesses fairly quickly be able to establish their own production. Especially because in many cases it is more about the standards left over from the Soviet era.

More serious problem functionally finished products, such as engines, including the helicopter, which we purchased from Zaporozhye enterprise "Motor Sich". Replace the Ukrainian company may PMZ, "Saturn" or of "Klimov," but the process of establishing its own production is not fast. For example, of "Klimov" engines can produce 50-60 per year, while the need to 10 times greater.

Military expert, chief editor of "National Defense" Igor Korotchenko believes that cope with the problem of substitution of Ukrainian import our defense industry is quite capable. Moreover, the need to establish their own production would be an additional incentive for the development of the defense industry, although the difficulties, of course, will be.

How feasible task to fully replace Ukrainian defense products for two or three years?

- Politically and strategically, this problem is extremely important, given that the Ukrainian government today - it is actually the enemy of Russia, and rely on the supply of Ukrainian military components for our military-industrial complex is no longer necessary. Politically, the problem has been determined, held a meeting with President Putin, where the matter was thoroughly discussed with representatives of all relevant ministries and departments. Regarding the timing, I think, provided the concentration of efforts, they are very real.

However, practice shows that the amount of the released funds always have to increase, so I think these 50 billion it will not be. But, in any case, it will be the right investment, as we invest in the empowerment of our defense industry. Import substitution will give us technological independence in the production of the most important types of weapons and military equipment.

In what areas of Ukrainian products will replace the most difficult?

- The most difficult issues two. The first is the question of production on the territory of Russian aircraft engines, which up to the present time, we supplied Ukraine. The second, equally difficult task - delivery of gas turbines for warships. These are two large and very CPU-intensive tasks, and everything else is solved, I do not want to say painlessly, but without too much trouble. It should be noted that the defense complex has already begun to address these issues. Just a few days ago in Perm a special meeting with representatives of the defense industry, which are located in the Volga Federal District.

The meeting was held under the leadership of the presidential envoy Mikhail Babich, it was assembled the entire management case defense enterprises District. Also in the meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of Russia Oleg Bochkarev. Actually, the meeting discussed the steps to be taken to ensure that the import substitution. It is important that this is a pilot project.

First it was in the Volga Federal District established a council to develop defense enterprises. It is clear that similar events will be held in other federal districts to "defense" could mobilize their capabilities.

The list of goods at import substitution came more than three thousand types of components and assemblies, will be able to quickly establish whether their production?

- The fact that the engines and gas turbine power plants, of which I said - it's functional finished products that we have received from Ukraine. Everything else - is complete, and the question of their replacement is solved easily. That finished product will be the most demanding tasks in the implementation of the development of production in Russia. For all other component parts will be addressed in a simplified manner.

In the Ukrainian segment of the Internet "patriots" can be read that nuclear safety in Russia almost 85% dependent on the plant "Pivdenmash", which produces rocket "Voivod", and, if desired, Kiev can give all Americans the secrets of our strategic nuclear defense ...

- Look, this missile has long been discontinued. Their release was stopped after the collapse of the USSR. Ukraine has supplied us separate parts, components and accessories, and experts Extends those missiles that are on duty. But instead of these missiles on combat duty will soon be put Russian missiles, such as the RS-24 "Yars" development of the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering. This new solid multiply intercontinental ballistic missiles, capable of overcoming prospective missile defense system the United States. Accordingly, as will end the life of the missiles "Voivod" and "Satan," as they are called, these missiles are produced even in Soviet Ukraine, will be written off, and instead put on watch Russian RS-24 "Yars" .

For our nuclear security cooperation with the gap "Pivdenmash" is not critical, because in the field of strategic nuclear weapons was taken a course solely on Russian cooperation that has been established and successfully operates under the leadership of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology. The main production site - it Votkinsk plant, which produces and missiles "Yars" and missile "Bulava". We have been technologically independent of nuclear weapons. As for the group of missiles built in the Ukraine, she is living out its last days.

Rejection of cooperation with Ukraine could be a positive momentum for our defense industry?

- Of course. If selected for import substitution funds will be spent wisely, under proper control, and is not stolen, it will give a new impetus to the development of high-tech defense industries and in the future full of technological invulnerability Russia. It's an investment in the national defense industry.

Can the same be said about the Ukrainian "defense"?

- The fate of their defense companies, only one - to die. 90% of the Ukrainian military exports went to Russia. Accordingly, it is now the only thing left - death. But it is a conscious choice of the Kiev leadership, which destroys his own hands the military industry of Ukraine. Find other customers, except Russia, will not succeed. Maybe they will keep some tank manufacturing armored cars, but the rest of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine is doomed. They will not have any of the internal market, nor, especially, external.

President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, a military analyst Konstantin Sivkov believes that the problem of substitution of Ukrainian imports more ambitious than it seems at first glance. In order to effectively replace the products from Ukraine, it is necessary to reform not only the defense industry, but also the economy as a whole, or on local success it will not work.

- Program to implement import substitution is possible, but much more money is required declared 50 billion. Firstly, by themselves power to be restored, is too large. For example, you can not quickly adjust the amount of engine that produces Zaporozhye company "Motor Sich". Secondly, we can not ignore the factor of corruption, which is not defeated. If you look at the experience of the Olympic Games in Sochi, I would say that the amount claimed should be increased at least threefold.

On the issue of import substitution is important - that the political elite, which smashed the Russian military-industrial complex, inherited from the Soviet Union, is still at the helm. The authorities are still people who are in favor of the liberal market.

Replace Ukrainian imports is still possible, but Western products will be difficult to replace. This is especially true of high-tech products and core technologies - chip production, special materials, and more. To do this, we need a new industrialization. In the USSR, it took 10 years, from 1930 to 1940, and demanded that all forces of a great state. People laid out with full dedication, because it was the idea of ​​service to the state. People knew that the system "Dneproges" or "Krivorozhstal", they work for themselves, for their country. And today they will work for the interests of capital. But for the sake of another capital one will not be laid out, the enthusiasm of the people for the money can not buy.

But our defense industry have some success. For example, successfully working PMZ and "Saturn" in Rybinsk, which produces gas turbine engines?

- Yes, of course, partial success is, it's wonderful. "Saturn" or Perm Plant emerging as producers. But in order to make it work, we need machines. A necessary machines today we do not produce, they are purchased abroad. If the West stops the supply of machines, all of our import substitution over. We can replace the same "Motor Sich" for 5-10 years (not three, as officials say). But how to replace foreign components in the automotive industry, while our industry has become an assembly shop for Western companies? Restore the production of machine tools, in which we are three times superior to the United States, too, is very difficult, and it will take decades.

The point is not just to raise the "Saturn" or another plant. That's why I'm talking about the second industrialization. Need to restore and re-focus on the needs of Russian companies that produce metal, to nationalize the oil and gas industry, to organize the sale of gasoline and lubricants in the country three times cheaper than abroad, and so on. Why our products are not competitive? Because 70% of the territory of our country is in the permafrost zone. We have huge space, so railways should only be public.

There will be no breakthrough until order is restored in the economy, although some progress is certainly possible. But they do not solve global problems. In order for our businesses to produce good engines, you need a good high-alloy steel, we need machines, qualified personnel, engineers and so on. Not to mention the fact that the guide should be professionals, not "effective management", who only think about how to fill their pockets ...

If Russia decides to very specific problems of import substitution, the Ukraine that do not need it. Just because the Russian market of Kiev at all desire nothing can replace. But we could in the past to think about how to end the dependence on cooperation with Ukraine in the defense industry, according to the head of the analytical department of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Hramchihin.

Will Ukraine be able to compensate for the loss of the Russian market?

- Naturally, no. There are countries that use Ukrainian, that is, in fact, the Soviet technique, but even speech can not go on to Kiev found comparable to Russia in terms of the buyers of their products. I think that Ukraine has already established contacts with all who are willing to buy its products, so that Ukrainian industry rejection of cooperation with Russia - it is a complete failure.

Forced to work on import substitution will help us to fully restore its military-industrial complex, or of the products we start to import from other countries, the same in China?

- China has got nothing to do with it. We're talking about a specific product, which is produced only now in Ukraine. Naturally, we must clean up its production. Just like to ask why this has not been done so far? Why think about it just now, when "has secured", although it has long been perfectly clear that Ukraine is not friendly to us by the state. Kiev has always tried to blackmail us with these military-industrial relations, but he did try to blackmail us in every way possible. But somehow we have not thought about it in advance ... was circulated absurd stamp about "brotherly nation", which is not borne out in practice. Unfortunately, our elites have not thought about the future and did not have a long-term strategy for the development of the country, including in the military industry.

Anna Sedov (svpressa.ru),
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Statement by the Council of Ministers of DNR

Yesterday was a public meeting of the Council of State for the DNI, which adopted a joint statement, "War Crimes in Ukraine and humanitarian disaster in the Donetsk People's Republic."

The document read Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy, Alexander Karaman:

"The Geneva Conventions require that the parties to the conflict to distinguish between civilians and direct participants in hostilities (combatants) in order to ensure the protection of civilians and civilian objects. Prohibited attacks on the civilian population as a whole and on individual civilians.

Kiev regime violates the law, which is confirmed by the destruction of 60% of cities such as Slavs, Kramators'k, Dzerzhinsk, Gorlivka, Debalcevo, Shahtersk. They were exposed and subjected to daily attacks from mortars, tank shells, artillery systems, including rocket launchers, rocket-bombed from the air. Against civilian targets used ammunition prohibited by the Convention, including cluster bombs and bombs with phosphoric filling.


From bombings exposed destruction of fresh water system, electrical substation, health care, pre-school and school education, industrial plants, bridges and roads.

Only BSME Donetsk (Bureau of Forensic Medicine) delivered the body almost six hundred victims of the bullet and shrapnel wounds.

According to the most incomplete estimates, several thousand dead in Slavic and other settlements and buried without the conclusion of the medical examiner or coroner by militias and civilians. These settlements are temporarily occupied by armed forces of Ukraine. The scale of the real loss will be set only after the release of these settlements and the exhumation of burial places.

Today Donetsk is practically surrounded, so there is no way for delivery of humanitarian aid, in particular - of foodstuffs, medicines, personal care products, fuels and lubricants. No opportunities and safe removal of the wounded and sick. The city has accumulated more than 3.5 thousand. Refugees, among them - a large number of children, including grudnichkovogo age. Destitute of food, medicines, personal hygiene items.

The Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Donetsk strongly condemns the actions of neo-fascist government of Ukraine, supported by their allies in the United States and the European Union that blatantly violate the fundamental rules of international humanitarian law.

Suspend humanitarian catastrophe is possible only if one condition - the termination of shelling and bombing of civilian targets settlements, providing humanitarian corridor, broad international support initiatives of the Russian Federation on the direction of the Russian convoys with humanitarian aid under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross. "

Press center of the DNI,
Central News Agency Novorossia


Strategy of the Commander in Chief Poroshenko, to present them in the month of July, to reach the "pincer" militia turned the "southern boiler", the loss of 4 million punitive, and a large number of military equipment.

Although the first phase of the commander in chief loudly declared that punishers "stepped on his throat" militia. Today prosecutors seeking culprits failure ingenious strategy Commander.


While the essence of the matter, the General Staff yesterday presented a new tactic ATO.

Speaker of the Information and Analytical Center NSDC Andrei Lysenko yesterday at a regular briefing said that the forces of ATO switched to a new tactic, which has already proved its effectiveness.

True specific examples of the effectiveness, as usual did not lead.

The essence of the new tactics boil down to the fact that instead of frontal assault to destroy the gangs now uses special point groups.

"Spot the destruction of gangs and columns with the technique proved more effective than a frontal assault. 'New tactics concerns just divide groups of terrorists in pieces: because of the offensive from different directions they perceive not only the environment, but also a small number of critical ways to obtain help from the neighboring country . Ie is blocking and the gradual neutralization of terrorist gangs "- said Lysenko.

According to him, the forces of ATO are now in constant occurrence, but it is carried out very carefully. "Firstly, the mandatory exploration of the area, where to go combat unit, which among other things should tell you about the presence of civilians, that they have not suffered during combat operations", - said the speaker.


Lysenko explained that in case of a threat, worked through the mechanism of the special point groups. "It snipers are special small tactical groups operating very specific targets for disabling military equipment and terrorists shakeout their leaders. This works very effectively," - he concluded.

At its core, the new tactics of the junta - a tactic militia Donbass against punitive.

Observed another interesting detail: yes, we are constantly on the offensive, but carefully.

If you remove all the bravado Kiev junta, it is possible to say that the combat skills militias forced to respect themselves. Punishers openly began to fear them, and to exercise caution.

But that's to be modest until militia punitive not fully learned. The Slavs had a very good pogovorka- "Boast not going to battle, boast going to ratification."

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Soldiers of the 24th mechanized brigade APU yesterday staged at the station Zaporozhye protest.

"All the signs are that we are again going to war. We were in the zone" ATO "56 days, during which put ten-day leave. But instead of going home, we're going to Chuguyiv (Kharkiv region) allegedly unload equipment. And entire brigade. Although this is quite enough to 10 people. Who invented the drive through the entire area, "ATO", including Kramators'k and Slavic to pass technique? We could rent it and in Yavorov, "- said the military.


How to declare war on their bosses questions not answered: "It's complete ignore, we are being taken, as a flock to the slaughter. We are not afraid to send, we demand to his human relations, and do not trust those who give the orders."

One of the men told the media that they were "not allowed to fight." "There was a team to watch stupid. We donablyudalis to huge losses - killed more than 200 people. Who gave the order to reduce the 72 th, 79 th, 24 th Brigade in one column to all of us covered with fire?".

All military brigade stated - and incompetent leadership deceives not only them, but also the entire country. "When they told the media that we are out of the environment and are already in Kiev, we were still in the heat. Then to report on TV that we were given the corridor, but the corridor was not any. We drained and destroyed," - said the soldiers of the 24 th mechanized brigade APU.

Correct situation in Kiev came from Dnepropetrovsk Major-General Sergei Naev, who promised that after the surrender of weapons and equipment in Chuguev fighters receive rehabilitation leave and will go home on leave.

Hesitated, the men still loaded on the train began to Kharkov - with the proviso that there will be received by community activists who will monitor the situation.

Sergey Volodin based on media

Central News Agency Novorossia


Summary of Staff militia MO DNR

During the whole of yesterday continued fierce fighting near Ilovaiskaya. During the fierce fighting militia managed to clean up the town Grabski and surround enemy units in the villages Fedorivka and Green.

During the fighting destroyed about 10 tanks, 4 units of light armored vehicles and battery "GRAD" the enemy. However, the militia units continue to be constrained by the fight.

In the eastern sector of the front continued fierce fighting in parts of the city and the village of Krasny Luch Miusinsk. The enemy continues to keep the main roads, leaving the group in DNR operational environment.

In the afternoon the enemy, taking advantage of the failure to provide the necessary reserves militia, without resistance, entered the area between Gorlovka and Makeyevka and took the villages and towns of Korsun, Top Pitcher, and Monakhovo Krinichnaya where equips fortified positions.

Trying to break into the enemy immediately Makeyevka through repair plant reflected. Destroyed two tanks and captured one BMP. So no less a threat of full cut-off Gorlovki Yenakievo and from the rest of the DNI.

Thus, the situation continues to deteriorate at the front and remains critical.

Central News Agency Novorossia

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Soul takes chills:
Lugansk city under siege.
The enemy is hit in the forehead,
Then sneak up behind ...

That bastard will fire
From a distance the hospital.
How is this Hell ...
Will last in Lugansk?

How many more losses
Will be in his quarters ...
News not even believe ...
Light in the houses did not become ...

No drinking water,
Market is almost destroyed ....
Junta in every way
Boast, though do not listen ...

Though do not look at the screen ...
In the dark smoke and the noise ...
Here is a pedestrian from wounds
At the crossroads died.

From flown min
Wounded were children ...
It is difficult to name people
Those in favor of the war in a reply ...

Central News Agency Novorossia


The first thing I discovered - it's something I really do not know the history of the country in which he lived for 23 years.

To my surprise, turned out to be our flag flag of Lower Austria and the national anthem - stolen by the Poles "More Poland has not perished."

History of Ancient dill - stolen, a thousand-year history of Russia.

Larissa Kosach (Lesya Ukrainka) lived most of his life in Egypt, and Taras Shevchenko St. Petersburg, where he was buried. Ukraine, during his lifetime, came as much as three times and his diaries kept exclusively in Russian. No, of course, Shakespeare can be considered a great Ukrainian playwright if steal his bones from Stratford and buried in Brovary.

But I have, by the way ...

Gregory pan from birth to death, was a subject of the Russian Empire, and Misha Grushevskii before to sell his country's enemies, had been in her self-proclaimed president even a few hours.

Cossacks, when you were in school, apparently ignored the lessons of the Ukrainian language and did not attend. How else to explain that the letter to the Sultan, they wrote in a language that is not similar to the Ukrainian. Maybe Cossacks were unaware of its existence?

Equally surprising me was the fact that modern Ukrainian depicted as much money Ukrainians as sitting in the modern Ukrainian government. When the state does not have its history it or steal from another state, or simply sucked from the finger, and then on the basis of these data, the history books are written, which then brought up a generation.

But there are things that will never make it into the history books. All the above listed - dust, compared with the history of Ukrainian coat of arms. Here I found the answer to the question, which was mentioned at the very beginning of my story. Everything fell into place. It became clear why the Russian and Ukrainian kill both at the same time remain a loser. It became clear why the Ukraine are among the richest people no Ukrainian. It is clear why officials twenty years destroyed the Russian language, but at the same time themselves and did not learn Ukrainian. Everything that happens in the Ukraine, it becomes clear as soon as we learn the true history of the origin Ukrainian coat of arms. Quite a long time believed that this falcon dive, borrowed from the coat of arms of Rurik, but your idea will change drastically as soon as your eye, even by accident, will fall Khazar tamgha.

The truth is very simple.

In fact, no one ever going to build an independent Ukraine on land stolen from Russia. Extermination of Russian and Ukrainians said that the people here are going to live a completely different ethnicity and religion. This is clearly evidenced by Europe's largest religious building in Dnipropetrovsk ...


Central News Agency Novorossia

Bombers bombed civilian targets in eastern Ukraine, aircraft coming from the identification marks Ukrainian Air Force, have been associated with the military and air bases, located in Romania and Moldova, they were equipped with, and some may piloted, Poles and Israelis, said the publication "New Russia" with reference on foreign journalists.
Canadian journalist, Geoffrey West, working with groups of informants social networks noted that "several military aircraft" flying over the airspace of Ukraine, took off from the NATO bases and other facilities. "I found out on Thursday night in the website tracking ... that was listed a series of flights" without callsign "in the area of ​​Ukraine / Black Sea. My friend noticed that they appeared in Bucharest. I noted that it was near Chisinau, Moldova. "
It's more than an attempt to avoid detection by radar of the Russian air defense, capable to prevent the pro-Russian separatists who oppose Kiev junta. This is a serious violation of international law and national sovereignty of the Member States, as well as unauthorized use of NATO forces, some of which are under the direct command of General Breedlove, a clandestine terrorist war against civilians, many of them with Russian passports.
This week, two Su-25 bombers were shot down over Ukraine after a reset of white phosphorus bombs in a small town in the pro-Russian region of eastern Ukraine. There is one more interesting and scary part about this attack.
Aircraft involved in the attack, did not take off from bases in Ukraine, and from bases in Romania and were seen within the footprint of the radar near the American air base. NBC News Agency plans used websites tracking radars in order to sell their version of the downed plane MH17, but the images that were made military satellite the United States, it is not confirmed, not only based on the distance of 25 miles, the image also showed all missile operations controlled by the junta in Kiev region.
In fact, the information briefing at the Pentagon suggested that the defense of the junta was sabotaged "and then sabotaged a second" - an extravagant hypothesis, surpassing any conspiracy theory.
The United States has stockpiles of illegal weapons around the world, some of them are conveniently located for deployment against civilian targets in Ukraine. Supply of weapons stored in the United States to Israel, was significantly depleted by attacks on settlements in the Gaza Strip.
Other weapons storage centers are at Aviano Air Base in Italy, Camp Darby, USA., Depot near Pisa in Italy, based on Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean and MK Airbase in Romania. In the journal "Stripes and Stars", Major General John O'Connor, commander of the Air Command 21, outlined this way: "This is the perfect place for us in terms of opportunities."
United States has built 85 buildings that can accommodate about 1,500 people at the airbase MK, O'Connor said. Since the end of December 21 of the expanded infrastructure to accommodate up to 2,000 soldiers and 400 transit military commanders who control operations. "This service is primarily designed as a troop transport, returning from Afghanistan, regularly seen as a huge cargo C 17 sit down and take off from the base.
Also stocks of weapons the United States are in Azerbaijan, they were unloaded in the Georgian port of Poti USS Grapple in June 2010 and
transported, according to sources in Georgia, Azerbaijan on the truck.
It seems quite reasonable to use the database outside of Ukraine for modern weapons, fuel and maintenance, as well as for pilots and aircraft, especially if they come NATO and "other." Facts based on the testimony of the radar suggests that this could be done.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Circumstances in which were fighters from the 51st Brigade in "southern pot" were simply incompatible with life. Lacking food, water and ammunition, they left the occupied position and took refuge from attacks on the territory of Russia.

Team leader threw the young soldiers to their fate, while he got out of the environment, and his players left.

Now, however, already under legal "fire", the top management of misses, desertion is not suspected, and none of the bosses are not judged.


In Russia, local authorities offered all Ukrainian soldiers refer to appropriate services and take refugee status, but the latter refused. Young soldiers warned that on arrival home they will be judged, but in spite of all the possible consequences of their decision was unshakable.

Returning, they still hoped that there "top" people will realize the hopelessness of their situation, and no court will not. However, on arrival there was little positive, the prosecutor's office did not want to hear, but also to arrest anyone did not, sending the entire team in the Ural barracks, to ascertain all the circumstances.

Now every soldier of the 51th Mechanized Brigade faces a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

My parents told me soldiers, the prosecutor constantly hiding from them, does not want to talk. Hinted that we came here for nothing, in the case of your children have all allegedly agreed. He said: "We were taken to the morgue 60 bodies, why your kids came here alive? Each soldier must stand up to the end! ".

Parents of all the defendants want only one thing - that the investigation was over as soon as possible, so that they were allowed to take home their sons and to normal treatment. In fact, after all of the experience, each of them in need of rehabilitation, physical and moral. Some fighters after all the events in the area of ​​ATO twitching eye, others are shaking hands, all of them exhausted and sometimes frightened various harsh sounds and noises affects burnout.

Soldiers now can only wait for a court ruling that will decide their fate.

But hope for loyalty court punishers do not have to. For the junta, they have already spent material and their example should be intimidated by all the participants of the ATU.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Last weekend, the Ukrainian military attempted to take control of the town of Krasny Luch. The official representative of the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko said on August 10 that the city is very important, and if come under the control of the Ukrainian army, it will block the flow of aid to the militia. "Now there is fighting continues ... There really is very hot. And our military is doing everything to take it as soon as possible," - said Lysenko.

On the same day, the press service of "New Russia" reported that the militia forces manage to repel the attacks parts of the Ukrainian army of the city of Krasny Luch. "Red Ray is of strategic importance ... there goes the battle. Situation has not changed. Ukrainian military was unable to push the militia units from their positions."

And it was reported from the headquarters of the armed forces, "Lugansk People's Republic." Between the towns of Anthracite and Red Beam (Lugansk region) in the environment division were the 30th and 95th Brigades of the Ukrainian army.


"Now these parts are cut off from the rest of the forces are constantly exposed to attacks from armed militias of available self-propelled artillery and" Grad ", as well as experiencing serious difficulties with food, although there is some ammo" - reported at headquarters.

"All proposals militias to surrender in exchange for security guarantees while surrounded by a refusal" - added to the staff.

Tymchuk silent statement to mean real militia.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


According to the generalized information posted press services battalions "Donbass" and "Azov" on their pages in Facebook, in action on 10 August under her into the DNR killed 6 people and injured 8 punishers. Among the six killed in the battalion "Donbass" is allocated a name deputy battalion commander for armaments - Head of the technical part, Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Litvinskiy from Kiev. Separately in the list of losses appears curator Battalion "Donbass" from the cupola MIA - Head of combat and special training management National Guard under Colonel General Yuri Boyko. Recall, according to the report, "the press service of" battalion "Donbass" "August 10, with the participation of volunteer battalions" Donbass "," Azov "," Miner "and the right sector, as well as in conjunction with the forces of the APU, the military operation took place near the town of Ilovajsk. The aim of the operation was the capture of the city by storm, and the destruction of fortified checkpoints militants. " As a result, punishers suffered a humiliating defeat and beat a hasty retreat.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Another militia clash with the security forces of Ukraine was on the outskirts of Ilovaiskaya. This event in some way can be called a triumph of the forces of resistance. In general terms, it looked like this: according to the fighters Square, no more than five snipers forces DNR held fascists who outnumbered them ten times, presumably in the attack was thrown about 300 fighters.

Joint force Ukrainian battalions "Azov", "Shahtersk" "Donbass" stormed the fortifications in which there were only a few people. Has been preliminary artillery preparation, but the security forces bombed the wrong position, the thing using the wrong coordinates. After that, the occupiers built in two rows, the rows have closed technique, was ahead of the infantry combat vehicle.

Militia opened fire, the only military unit that adequately fulfill its task by ukrov was BMP, as well as a heavy machine gun "Cliff", which was used by the "Azov". Soon, however, the gun jammed armored vehicles, machine gun just out of order.

Resistance to deter security forces at a distance of not less than one kilometer, so they could not fire from automatic weapons, Dragunov sniper rifles at their disposal, as well, at this range are ineffective.

Somewhat later, by holding in the grass punitive militias began firing mortars. However, just after the second volley, the Nazis began to disperse. According to one of the military junta, which has been involved in a collision, "Azov" lost four, "Donbass" - three. Six soldiers were seriously injured, according to other sources wounded lost ten men.

This here is the incident, the Nazis run - militia laugh!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


The last days of clashes in the lands of New Russia militias luck.

Thus, in the area of ​​human settlements and Red Ray Minusinsk actively work to identify and eliminate groups of saboteurs junta. Force intelligence units DNR identified and destroyed several of these groups. Upon detection of the last of them, the militia opened fire, however, meaning it did not matter, as disclosed by the positions occupants will work artillery. By the way, the boys suffered no losses.

11 th day of clashes with the forces of resistance to the punitive under snow. Two platoons of the occupants were in the forest belt, but they managed to destroy by means of an artillery strike. In this case, the militia used mortars caliber 120mm.

According to the militia was made 94 shots, which are fully covered group fascists. It is known that fire brought significant losses army units in Ukraine. Thus, destroyed an armored personnel carrier, a tank and a command post vehicle. Just during the shelling of the militia heard three explosions are considered: detonated munitions that have been used for self-propelled artillery system.

Among other things, the militia forces was identified and arrested gunner punitive. Suspicious man discovered civilians in the analysis of debris in the street Panfilov. I recall that recently there mortar shell hit a residential high-rise. As it turned out, the gunner - a resident of Ivano-Frankivsk, apparently, at the time of arrest was in shock from the offense, as all of the questions answered in monosyllables, kept saying that it "mobilized" and participated in the war he did not on their own.

Thus, the militia gradually assert a position at the same time the junta enthusiasm fading away.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

The other day the militia Donetsk HP exchanged prisoners of war with the Army of Ukraine, in addition, they were able to capture new fighters junta. But first things first.

Between Saur-Tomb and Thorez a meeting of representatives of the opposing sides, and the purpose it was an exchange of prisoners. The Nazis passed into the hands of resistance forces seven people instead got four, one of whom was an officer.

Two of the soldiers who have returned to the forces of the occupants were injured, and the injury of one of them was difficult. While staying with militia men received all necessary assistance. So say not only resisters, but also the mother of one of the wounded who came to pick it up. The guy got shrapnel wounds, he underwent surgery after treatment in the DNI headquarters, mother of was able to meet with their child.

The militia, which passed punishers, talking about exactly the opposite attitude. According to released, they were forced into the pits, every day they have suffered abuse, they methodically beaten. Atrocities stopped only for a couple of days before the meeting, went to the bruises.

According to Andrei Purgina, who is vice-premier of the DNI, between militia and security forces managed to reach some agreements that relate to the exchange of prisoners. In this case, the action will take place on a "one on one". So in the near future will take returns of 20 volunteers, the junta will receive the same 20 people.

As for the "fresh" party, the defenders of their land seized several soldiers of the army of Ukraine. Soldiers of the junta said that they expected to see Russian and protect their land from them, but, instead, they stood against the ordinary people of Donbass. One of the Nazis failed reported that they had been promised a salary of fifteen hundred hryvnia. In the Army of Ukraine was hard, they are constantly persecuted somewhere, did not provide everything you need. In general, the attitude of Kiev to his "ward" has not changed.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Seven people from the bus were killed on the spot, another 13 were injured and hospitalized in a hospital in Donetsk. A few people managed to escape.

Bus with activists of the "right sector" was shot at the entrance to Donetsk, seven people were killed, RIA Novosti reported on the committee of social communications DNR.

"On Tuesday night, a bus with armed men suddenly attacked our outpost in the village Mandrykino (a southern suburb of Donetsk). They shot our sniper, then the militia at a checkpoint opened fire on the bus," - said the representative of the DNI.

Battles in the Donetsk region continues at various points

Seven people from the bus were killed on the spot, another 13 were injured and hospitalized in a hospital in Donetsk. A few people managed to escape in a sunflower field, located near the checkpoint - the militias were afraid to pursue them because the fields are mined.

In the dead and wounded were found in possession of identity activists of the "right sector." In the militia suggest that bus "lost" - start position close to the National Guard and the Army; bus, apparently, going to check out from the Zaporozhye region to his own, but ran into a roadblock DNR.

Kiev authorities carried out from April to the east of Ukraine military operation directed against the people of the region who are dissatisfied with the February coup in Kiev. In Moscow, this special operation, which has already led to numerous victims, called punitive and urge her to stop immediately Kiev.

RIA Novosti http://ria.ru/world/20140812/1019787901.html#ixzz3AD4WgR3A

Central News Agency Novorossia

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SOCHI, August 12 (RIA Novosti) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Western media reports started showing the true picture of what is going on in southeastern Ukraine and thanked the journalists for their contribution to covering the events in the conflict-torn region.

“Western media has started, even if unwillingly, to cover the situation [in southeastern Ukraine] quite detailed, showing all the horrors that the civil population is facing there,” Lavrov told journalists.

The minister reminded that earlier Monday, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs issued a report on the humanitarian situation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

“It shows a very sad picture: thousands of killed and injured, no electricity, no drinking water, it is impossible to provide work of hospitals, retirement homes, other objects of social infrastructure,” Lavrov noted.

“So, although, it is late but even those who initially took a rather reserved stance in regards to the events, finally started telling the truth, thanks to the Russian journalists, who made a huge contribution in order for this truth to be finally heard from the newspaper pages, television screens, as well as from international organizations,” Russian top diplomat stated.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly stressed the need for urgent measures to prevent a humanitarian crisis in southeastern Ukraine and urged its Western partners to assist Moscow in its efforts to stop the bloodshed in the region.

[meanwhile the usofa elite has officially announced it has no sympathy for the people involved in the struggle against the fascist junta and it continues to fund, equip and guide the junta's terror operations]

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MOSCOW, August 13 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Investigative Committee could add Ukrainian tycoons, who raise funds for Kiev’s military crackdown in eastern Ukraine, to its list of wanted criminals, a Russian daily said Wednesday.

“Some businessmen do not even try to hide the fact that they are not only providing financial assistance, but are actually taking part in the operations,” the Izvestia newspaper cited a source in the committee as saying.

“We also have evidence that some of them have ties with criminal gangs,” the source added.

Russian investigators are reportedly considering bringing a criminal case against Ukrainian industrial oligarch and the newly-appointed pro-Kiev Donetsk Region Governor Serhiy Taruta, who ranks among the world’s 500 richest people, according to Forbes.

Ukraine’s lawmaker and the leader of the local nationalist Radical Party Oleh Lyashko, as well as the Konstantinovsky multimillionaire twins Oleksandr and Vyacheslav could also be added to the list, Izvestia’s source said.

Eastern regions of Ukraine have been targeted for attacks of the Ukrainian Army since mid-April after Ukrainian authorities launched a military operation to crack down on its growing independence movement.

According to the United Nation, at least 1,500 civilians have died in the conflict and nearly 3,500 have been injured. The fighting has displaced hundreds of thousands, most of whom have fled to Russia.

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