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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Wednesday, August 13

05:09 GMT:

The convoy of humanitarian aid for eastern Ukraine has left Voronezh, where it stayed overnight, and is moving towards Belgorod, RIA Novosti reported. Uncertainty remains as to how much time it will take for Ukraine to vet the 2,000 tons of cargo and let it in, once the trucks arrive at the Russian-Ukrainian border.

[because the kiev junta and its rightwing backers continue to prove themselves un-worthy of trust it will be important to observe how they will use this humanitarian mission to advance their terror campaign]

0have proven themselves to be untrustworthy (who knew?) it will be important to track this shipment and observe how they will sabotage it. I'm sure that they will use it to advance their terror campaign in some way.]

0it will be important to track this shipment

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Nazi Symbolism Flourishes in Post-Maidan Ukraine

MOSCOW, August 13 (RIA Novosti) - Ukrainian authorities have vehemently denied that Ukraine’s armed forces have slightest correlation with neo-fascists. However, open use of Neo-Nazi symbolism in their crusade against militia forces and civil population of eastern Ukraine explicitly suggests otherwise.

The country’s special unit for protection of public order - the Azov Battalion, often referred to as the “Men in Black” – is subordinate to Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.

© Alexandr Maksimenko

Azov battalion soldiers take oath in Kiev before being sent to Donbass

The emblem of the unit is the Wolfsangel symbol (or wolf-hook) on the background of the Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) – though of an ancient origin, both were used in Nazi symbolism.

Wolfsangel, though supposed to be a stylized representation of a kind of iron hook historically used as a wolf trap, was also the emblem of the occultist Thule Society which contributed to development of the Nazi ideology.

Azov’s emblem also matches the symbol of the Waffen-SS 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich.

© flamesofwar.com

Tiger I and crew of the Das Reich Div.

Waffen-SS was found guilty of war crimes in the Nuremberg tribunal, with Das Reich - of Oradour-sur-Giane and Tulle massacres.

One of the Azov Battalion’s official military arm patches has the inscription The Black Corps, which in German stands for Das Schwarze Korpus.

Das Schwarze Korpus was the official newspaper of the SS (Schultzstaffel).

The evident similarities were immediately noticed by the Daily Agenda news alliance and the UK’s Daily Telegraph.

Nazi symbols are now official in #Ukraine and endorsed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Azov Battalion #A30B... pic.twitter.com/2bv7ns0uYF

— Daily Agenda (@NewsAlliance) August 10, 2014
© REUTERS Valentyn Ogirenko

A new volunteer of Ukrainian self-defence battalion "Azov" holds an AK-74 during a ceremony where he took an oath of allegiance to his country, in Kiev July 16, 2014

The Telelgraph’s Tom Parfitt admitted that “the western-backed government in Kiev is throwing militia groups – some openly neo-Nazi - into the front of the battle”.

“The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites,” he wrote in his article entitled “Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists”.

Earlier this year Kiev saw a torchlight rally, similar to that in Berlin in 1933 when 25,000 Nazi troops marched through the city to cheer Adolf Hitler, the then newly appointed Chancellor of Germany.

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MOSCOW, August 13 (RIA Novosti) - Andrei Stenin, a photojournalist of the International Information News Agency Rossiya Segodnya, went missing on August 5, when he was reporting on the conflict in eastern Ukraine, including from the cities of Donetsk and Slaviansk. Ukraine’s Interior Minister Adviser Anton Herashchenko said Tuesday that the journalist was arrested by Ukrainian security services and is suspected of aiding the terrorists. Here is the timeline of Stenin’s detention in Ukraine:


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UNITED NATIONS, August 13 (RIA Novosti) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon held a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday, urging Kiev to find a peaceful resolution to the country's conflict, Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric announced.

GENEVA, August 13. /ITAR-TASS/. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has noted the escalation of violence in eastern Ukraine.

At least 70 civilians are dying or receiving wounds in east Ukraine every day, the OHCHR told ITAR-TASS on Wednesday, adding that 41 civilians were killed and 143 wounded on August 7.

At least 2,086 civilians were killed and 4,953 wounded during clashes between government forces and militias in eastern Ukraine from mid-April to August 10, it said.

Casualties have almost doubled since the previous OHCHR report 18 days ago to 1,129 people as of July 26.

GENEVA, August 13. /ITAR-TASS/. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has noted the escalation of violence in eastern Ukraine.

At least 70 civilians are dying or receiving wounds in east Ukraine every day, the OHCHR told ITAR-TASS on Wednesday, adding that 41 civilians were killed and 143 wounded on August 7.

At least 2,086 civilians were killed and 4,953 wounded during clashes between government forces and militias in eastern Ukraine from mid-April to August 10, it said.

Casualties have almost doubled since the previous OHCHR report 18 days ago to 1,129 people as of July 26.

BELGRADE, August 13. /ITAR-TASS/. Serbia’s President Tomislav Nikolic has expressed surprise over how different the world community’s attitude to similar situations may be sometimes.

“Serbia was bombed and rocketed (by NATO’s forces in 1999) for alleged excessive use of force, although not a single shot had been fired in an attempt to restore control of its territory. These days in relation to Ukraine some other rules are at work. The army there is waging a war on its own people, while some countries bomb others and get support for it,” he told the TANJUG news agency in an interview.

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Many readers have noted that the treatment has not been signed by anyone. Perhaps it is - an appeal of a small group or even a single person? But the questions raised in it are very important and in any case need to be answered. militias have not once expressed the idea that they would like to power without the oligarchs. This means that they would radically different system of government in which the oligarchs would not have the final word. In this regard, we would like to recall the article " Why modern "democracy" is not a democracy ? " In this paper we show that modern form of government established ¬spetsialno order to be able to intercept the power shadow government. As a shadow government can be any well-organized gang, the Mafia or, for example, a group of oligarchs, and this - the same. This is exactly what is observed in all countries for over a century. Power captured by force, for example, as a result of (criminal) Revolution, and then it is given to the appearance of legality, by selecting the so-called "people's representatives". At the head of the selected authority are always the leaders of the coup. In this system, the power of words "representative" is given to a meaning which the word never had. Representative (company or individual) always has a very definite task. Moreover, the representative (eg, attorney) must have certain qualifications, guaranteeing the ability to perform the job that he will be charged. national representative from no qualification is required. They can be any person who has reached a certain age, such as 18 years. Constitution explicitly say that he is not obliged to carry out a mandate of the voters. He gets the mandate, which is not indicated will of voters who elected him representative. We note in passing that the word "mandate" in Latin means "mandate." This alone proves that no representative of the punishment can not be. But the strange thing, his rights in general any document is not restricted. So who is the people's "representative" really? It could be called a trustee (the people, the voters), t. To. Guardian can not get the job of the person under guardianship. But it is much more suitable word "autocrat", ie. To. Had not only no responsibilities, but no limited rights. The only difference from the autocrat that people's "representatives" a lot, usually a few hundred. Imagine now a couple of hundred "autocrats", each of which has its own will, and each has its own desires? How easy is it to come to a consensus? And here it comes in "shadow government" consisting of a small gang (oligarchs). They know what they want and give appropriate instructions "sovereigns." Since they never against the additional income, the transaction, as a rule, take place. In the same hall of the parliament (Duma) only played the show. 's so ruled shadow government. Of course, they can not simply be poor people. Its role can execute only bandits or oligarchs. Later in this article says that the word "representative" in the policy must return its true meaning. Then, a representative will be required to have a mandate from the people (the contract with the voters in his district) and therefore will not be able to do anything, which is not the Mandate. This article discusses other options how to create laws people. It makes no sense to repeat the entire article. But, in our view, it is clear that if we do not want the oligarchs, the existing system of government should be abandoned. Conclusions of the article "Why modern" democracy "is not a democracy?" You can believe or not believe, but we are all witnesses of the fact that "people's representatives" never even refer to the will of their constituents mandate. But we all know that they usually represent the interests of any oligarch. Therefore, if we want the people's power, we have nothing else to do but to return to the word "representative" of its true meaning. And then the representative of the people would indeed be his servant. Other way, we simply do not have. militias have suggested that to solve the problem of power without the oligarchs should be established party. Absolutely true thought. And the author of the article "Why modern" democracy "is not a democracy?" Expresses a similar thought: "We need to create a society to promote and clarify this idea. When these societies are strong enough, they should take part in the elections and power away from the parties, employees or cunning oligarchs national minorities. " Starting a party already exists. Readers can either organize their own party, or join us. We already have and the program and the charter party. Under this program, provided that, after winning a majority in parliament, all members will be required to have a mandate from the people (their voters). If so will make laws, the power really belongs to the people. government (managing economic affairs) will have no impact on the laws. These people will be chosen, for example, on a competitive basis, of people have already showed talent in managing large shopping complexes, factories or institutions. Consider, for example, the current situation with Novorossia. The laws created by the people, it would be said in advance how to deal with the problem of self-determination of peoples. Putin to any in this situation would not have to decide how to act. Yes and abroad would know in advance what will be the reaction of the country controlled by national laws. Would know about it and the country (region, district), wanting to join. Any guesses would be necessary. And "Western countries" also would have no reason to "teaching" how to act properly, or the use of "sanctions." And anyway, who are they to teach someone? problem of "power without oligarchs" - an international problem. Bandits and oligarchs the above fraudulently usurped power in all countries. Movement for people's power without intermediate "representatives of the people" in one of the countries most likely doomed to failure. It is necessary to unite all. The power of the oligarchs and bandits all tired. Well, now there's an idea how you can do without false "democracy" their puppets. Now it only in order to have believed in this idea and enough people came together in a single organization. Join us. Appropriate Applications for our society can send all living not only in Russia or New Russia, the citizens of any country, not just militias. All those who are ready one way or another to support this idea, please write to the address on the Internet or jo_k@gmx.net wsdv@gmx.net. Who is afraid to name and address, please call the country, region and district, zip code, codename ( nickname), their talents in terms of utility for the party. Nikolay Smirnov, Phoenix Society. Phoenix - is the idea of rebirth from the ashes. In this case, the revival of the people's power, power without oligarchs.

Central News Agency

Novorossia Novorus.info

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Yesterday 287 Russian truck carrying humanitarian aid to war-torn residents of Donbass, reached the Belgorod region and very close to the Russian-Ukrainian border near the checkpoint "Pletenevka." But, despite the fact that the territory of the Kharkiv region, through which the goods will have to follow, fully controlled by Ukrainian border guards and troops permission to travel column and have not received. 's because after a few days of diplomatic wrangling and consultation with Western leaders, the Government of Ukraine actually refused to accept Russian aid. As follows from the statement of the Prime Yatsenuk at yesterday's meeting of the government, the daily death of citizens of Ukraine, and the gathering in the Donbas hunger - is insufficient reason to provide children of the east country, food, medicines and all vital. Government to help them "evromaydana" ready only under the auspices of international observers. In this case, humanitarian aid from Russia Yatsenyuk, without thinking twice, called "cynicism that has no borders." We note that this is without a doubt a cynical phrase he uttered after the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) , as well as observers from the OSCE and the UN still agreed and route humanitarian columns, and the procedure of transmitting cargo. "We took into account the wishes of all, without exception, the Ukrainian side agreed to ensure that our Truckee appeared Ukrainian rooms on their journey through the territory of Ukraine . At the stage of negotiations with the Ukrainian side raised the issue that the transfer of the load of 287 trucks in all those who need to rent the ICRC. For obvious reasons, the thought they refused, because it will only complicate and raise the price of the implementation of humanitarian action "- said the night before, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, reiterating that the note of consent to the adoption of humanitarian aid from Kiev was received. But the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov on his page on the network "Facebook" on Wednesday, said bluntly that cargo through Kharkov region, which is considered his fiefdom, in any case will not work, because the "aggressor cynical provocation on our territory is unacceptable." This is probably the first time in world history, when the movement of the column with the food and medicine is equivalent to an act of aggression. Hysterics in the Kiev government offices, it is necessary to clarify heated numerous publications "experts", I suspect that even under the auspices of the UN and the OSCE on the territory of Ukraine can get Weapon: impression is that camouflaged howitzer Ukrainian border guards make out even a lawn mower. Avakova Words and Yatsenuk quickly found practical expression: yesterday afternoon was abandoned camp Ukrainian emergency services deployed specifically for adoption in the area of cargo crossing point "Pletenevka." Official representatives of Kyiv demonstratively left the camp with a group of support from among the activists of Kharkov "Maidan". Nevertheless after Yatsenuk and Avakova spokesman for the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko said that Kiev still ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid, if its security is satisfied by the ICRC. But even if Ukraine and finds in its territory three hundred trucks, which is already sorely lacking even punitive detachments, confidence in the fact that humanitarian aid reaches the people in the Donbas, the hatred which continues to be instilled Ukrainian media in the country, no. There comes to mind the story of the American dry rations for the Ukrainian army, most of them immediately after delivery to Ukraine was on the open market. And what will be using for the "separatists" if it comes to the disposal of Kiev? Likhomanov Peter (WP), Central News Agency Novorossia Novorus.info

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Readers of the Hungarian edition Hídfő.net sent to the Editor Photos tanks, trafficked from Hungary to Ukraine by rail through the station Zahon August 2nd. Images themselves were made ​​at the station Nyíregyháza. The fact that the composition followed by Ukraine, reporters learned from the train schedules. In the photo journalists identified reopen T-72 tanks of the Hungarian army. turned out that they were implemented by the Ministry of Defence through an authorized agency won the tender for the implementation of a private company with questionable documents. And a tenth share of their market price.


The company, in turn, as shown in its financial report, has sold about 58 tanks are not specified by customers, it is the market value, although the costs referred to in the report on the pre-training (one of the conditions of the tender of the Ministry of Defence), could cover at best redecorating rather than the entire set of required works. Hungarian edition of wonders, why the tanks with the Hungarian coat of arms now going to participate in the killing of thousands of civilians, and indicates that the same firm is now planning to implement 24 of the MiG-29 and 8 Mi -8. Sergey Volodin, Central News Agency Novorossia Novorus.info


Russia's initiative to provide humanitarian assistance.

Vladimir Putin: Russia aims at Donbass convoy in cooperation with the ICRC (11 August 2014). Russian President Vladimir Putin held telephone talks with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. Putin expressed the words that the consequences of the punitive operation of Kiev in the Donbas have catastrophic proportions, and the people of the south-eastern regions in need of humanitarian assistance. Kremlin press service reported that Russia aims at Donbass convoy that is in accord with the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross). (Http://www.kremlin.ru/news/46433) Russian Foreign Ministry to provide humanitarian assistance to residents of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine Russia in coordination with the Ukrainian side and the International Committee of the Red Cross has sent humanitarian aid, including food, medicine, electricity generating equipment. The Russian side has gone to meet the wishes of the Ukrainian side about the route of the column, cargo inspection and other modalities of the transaction. During the humanitarian action planned to use 262 units of motor vehicles, of which 198 vehicles with trailers loaded with material resources and power plants with a total weight 1809.9 m . part of Georgia included: power - 69 sets; different grits - 400 tons; canned meat - 340 tons; salt - 30 tons; Sugar - 100 tons; canned milk - 60 tons; Tea - 0.8 tons; bottled water - 679.5 tons; baby food - 62.4 tons; medical property - 54 tonnes; sleeping bags - 12 300 pieces. Delivery of the goods, will be implemented through an agreed between the Russian and Ukrainian sides checkpoint "Shebekino- Pletnevka" on the border of the Belgorod (Russian Federation) and Kharkov (Ukraine) regions. After crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border column will proceed under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Russian side expects maximum assistance of the Ukrainian side to ensure the safe delivery of humanitarian aid in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. Given the above, appeared puzzling statements of the Ukrainian side on the alleged inconsistency clickstream convoy and all the new logistics requirements. Taking into account the existing agreements expect that previously agreed with the Ukrainian side delivery options humanitarian cargo will be carried out. Aug. 12, 2014 (http://www.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/newsline/75142E8601E58DBA44257D32004E25E9) Position of the West United States would be considered an invasion attempt Russia unilaterally, without the participation of international organizations to deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine. On Friday, August 8, said US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power. Chancellor Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel) and President Barack Obama in a telephone conversation came to an agreement that Russia will face additional consequences in the case of interference in the events in Ukraine without permission of Kiev. As stated in a report released on Saturday, August 9, the White House statement, the two political leaders believe that the Russian intervention, even under the guise of a "humanitarian" mission without a formal, explicit consent and approval of the Government of Ukraine is unacceptable and in violation of international law. Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Laurent Fábio with opined that a convoy of humanitarian aid that Russia sent to the Ukraine, it may be a cover for the invasion of that country in order to establish a permanent presence there. Experts do not undertake to predict how many will decide on the delivery of humanitarian aid to Russia South-East of Ukraine. In this case, from Kiev sound more and such statements that there is no humanitarian catastrophe in eastern Ukraine is not.
 Oksana - resident Pervomaisk Lugansk region on the situation in the region. "We need everything. Need water and some food. There are 80% of the city is no longer neither pharmacies or shops, no schools, no hospitals. And there is no light at all in anybody. And people stop ringing, said that the phone is charging more than anywhere else. People drink water from the river. The neighbors in the hall shell fell on the couch in my house has no windows and doors. We have the city suffered more than slavic. We have thousands of 50-60 people. All closed or looted, or simply destroyed. " Why Western leaders do not try to influence the Ukrainian President Poroshenko, that he has solved the problem with the delivery of Russian humanitarian aid to the south-east of Ukraine? Yevgeny Minchenko - Director of the International Institute of Political Expertise: " Contribute to this convoy - to recognize that the South-East of Ukraine is a humanitarian disaster, as well as to recognize that Russia - this is not the aggressor, but rather sympathetic, empathetic neighbor, ready to lend a helping hand. I think that those people who are interested in that there was a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, to the instability remained there, they are interested in that this convoy was not. To them, he - a hindrance. " Kiev disciples "Psak" or "Bullxxxx on a moonlit night," Here are excerpts from yesterday's statements by the representatives of the junta. Prime Yatsenyuk said at a government meeting in Kiev. "The so-called humanitarian aid. The level of Russian cynicism knows no bounds. First, they supply tanks, "Grad" terrorists, bandits who shot Ukrainians, and then they deliver water and salt. Our position is as follows. Already, together with our international partners in the Fund assistance to about 6 million. Dollars., Which are managed by the United Nations High Commissioner. We supply essential commodities to all the liberated territories. We will provide the Ukrainian state and are able to provide their citizens ... " "They would be the better of the 300 sent empty Kamaz, Russian, took her back to the bandits, and then it is not necessary to send humanitarian aid," - said Yatsenyuk. "No, Putin's" humanitarian convoy "did not to pass through the territory of the Kharkiv region. Cynical provocation aggressor in our territory is unacceptable ... the Head of the Presidential Administration Valeriy Chaly : "Wednesday night was another scenario where there was an attempt, in fact, to break through the Kharkiv region already with the forbidden things, I mean the support of the Russians. That the Red Cross did not take "- said Chaly. According to him, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko held an emergency meeting with Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Turchynov and heads of law enforcement agencies. Chaly said that she worked for "telephone diplomacy", so managed to avoid breaking boundaries. "Many countries have advised us to find a way not to place. They believe that it is a trap. If Ukraine will close and say that we will not accept, then it's a trap, for which will begin full-scale conflict. Then this will help quite differently - with peacekeepers, so-called, with an armed escort. " Ex-head of Ukrainian intelligence: "We were convinced that the Russian humanitarian aid instead bring the APC and the soldiers," - said the former head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Nicholas Malomuzh. "Last week we received the data that formed the cargo, but formed under the auspices of the military contingent. And instead of a humanitarian convoy will be introduced Russian troops. Military units, armored personnel carriers, mercenaries and military ammunition, which now lacks the DNI. This information has been realized in the exploration and entered the EU format, respectively, of the Russian Federation warned that it will be considered as direct aggression. As a result, the format was changed. And under the aegis of Putin that the goods have been shipped, but without military aid to the separatists. The main danger is that there is no clear identification of the goods. " Ex-Defense Minister Yevhen Marchuk , "According to my information, a column of Russian" peacekeepers "near Tula was divided into two parts. The second part of the appearance, "peacekeeping", but with men and equipment went to Donetsk. Do not rule out that this part will try to go through the Russian-controlled part of the Russian-Ukrainian border. " "Entourage their peacekeeping, but the content is very questionable. Some people have seen soldiers and military equipment. The first part of "all peacekeeping" goes to Rostov. I think that's up to something. No wonder Putin with all his power and political team today drove closer to the scene, that is, in the Crimea, where it is expected some sensational statement. I think our government knows all this. " MP from the "Fatherland" Alexander Briginets: "On the territory of Ukraine from Russia entered 143 pieces of equipment. Among them, fuel trucks and radar stations. They had a point dislocation in the checkpoint "Dubrovka" Amvrosievsky district in the Donetsk region. Occupation increases and continues ... ". Advisor Poroshenko: "It is now known that the column has disappeared in an unknown direction. And apparently it was divided into several columns, "- said Advisor to the President of Ukraine Serhiy Kunitsyn in the TV channel "Ukraine". "Ukraine was ready to ensure that the restart, scan and check it out. But Russia has refused to overload. But ultimately, Ukraine was ready to examine the cargo and deliver it, accompanied by Red Cross. But it is, perhaps, the Russian Federation is not enough, because the column suddenly disappeared somewhere. Where is she now supposedly in the Belgorod area, it is not clear, "- said Kunitsyn, noting that after the negotiations with the EU and Ukraine USA decided that it is possible to take humanitarian aid. A spokesman for Svyatoslav Tsegolko Poroshenko said that the Presidential Administration of the permit the possibility of invasion of Russia in Ukraine under the guise of humanitarian aid. "There are three scenarios. Direct intervention under the pretext of delivery. Provocation in the Kharkiv region with direct aggression. Third - Aid flows through Luhansk nearest checkpoint. " "Our customs, border guards and OSCE representatives will be able to scan the goods on the Russian-Ukrainian border. The mission will move to the territory, which remains under the control of insurgents. But on arrival in Lugansk allocate aid among the civilian population will be the Red Cross, "- commented the press secretary last option. Speaker Information-Analytical Center of the NSDC Andrei Lysenko: "Any power column accompanied by or that include the military, and who do not have a mandate the Red Cross, are perceived as aggressive forces. Accordingly, the response will be adequate. " Headquarters ATO. "Terrorists preparing shelling tonight, and tomorrow morning counter-attack in the Red Ray. This is likely due to the humanitarian convoy, which must go through Izvarino ", - reported in the headquarters of the Anti-Terrorism Center. "Our intelligence received timely information about the preparation for the shelling positions ATU troops in the Red Ray. Attacks should start tonight and early morning planned counteroffensive fighters on this site. Most likely this is due to the arrival of the "humanitarian aid" from Russia through Izvarino and its delivery through the Red Ray in Donetsk, "- noted in the headquarters of the ATU. Opinion "Russian expert Paul Nikanorova: "The fact that around the convoy such information, political and organizational mess, is not surprising. Kiev and Obama are extremely interested in the growth of a humanitarian catastrophe in the Donetsk and Lugansk. Than it is wider, the more difficult to resist the militia. Oland and Merkel in general still: quickly everything would have ended there with this Novorossia. But in public, for the whole world to deny Moscow in a desire to help the suffering people, they (especially Merkel and Öland) could not. therefore, giving formal consent (with reservations), the Germans and the French turn a blind eye to how Poroshenko Obama repairing all sorts convoy under different "plausible" excuses, trying to turn the "Russian humanitarian action" in pure profanity. And all together (so angered Russian and did not think to cross the border in an area controlled by the host) - threatened to accuse Moscow of direct invasion. 's all obvious. wonder now only one thing: how to go Putin. Agree to all the humiliating conditions, will give the goods and practically "will merge" or share, after all, angry. " According to him, the transfer of cargo to the Ukrainian side for another boundary is invalid, because in this case, humanitarian aid simply can not get to Lugansk, controlled by rebels . "This is one moment. Other - is that, having received the goods in his hands, Kiev will do its utmost to delay the transfer of it to the address and manipulate the situation: blame the militia in that it does not give the corridor. Can not agree among themselves, and a cease-fire. Or that, having received the first part, the militia has not handed over the goods to civilians, and "looting" on humanitarian aid and takes it all himself, and not only - even a shootout occurred between the groups for the goods and etc. "- predicts Nikanorov. "If he did not, then I will not give to another." General Secretary of the National Committee of the Red Cross Society in Ukraine Alla Habarova stated that "if humanitarian aid includes medicines that are not registered in Ukraine, they can not will use, and humanitarian aid will go to recycling. " Sergey Volodin based on media reports, the Central News Agency Novorossia Novorus.info


Posts by some media wounding Defense Minister proclaimed the People's Republic of Donetsk (DNI) Igor Strelkov untrue. said member of the Security Council declared DNR Sergey Kavtaradze. "This is - nonsense. Another round of information war", - he said. According to him, this message is a typical disinformation. "Igor Gunmen alive and well. Those who catapulted to the media this information, of course, pursue their own goals and would demoralize the militia forces on the eve of the decisive battles. Who benefits - judge for yourself" - summed Kavtaradze. Sergey Volodin, Central News Agency Novorossia Novorus.info

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LUHANSK, August 14. /ITAR-TASS/. Head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) in Ukraine Valery Bolotov said he resigns. "I've decided to temporarily quit the post of head of the Luansk People's Republic," Bolotov told reporters on Thursday. "The impact of the wound is preventing me from being fully efficient at this post."

He said he would ask LNR Defense Minister Igor Plotnitsky to replace him, promising to continue the struggle. "I'm a resident of Luhansk; it's my home, and I will continue to fight for our common ideals," he said, adding that he was confident that the LNR would be successful.

He acknowledged a difficult situation in the self-proclaimed republic, saying Kiev had sent a large taskforce against LNR cities in a purposeful move to destroy LNR infrastructure.

"It's a fact that we're on the brink of a humanitarian disaster," he said, urging the republic's leadership to exert themselves to strenuous efforts to work for the sake of people's lives.

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The Government of the People's Republic of Donetsk interacts with the International Committee of the Red Cross, widening the scope of cooperation, said the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the DNI Alexander Zaharchenko.

The Prime Minister said that the outcome of the consultations carried out today by the official representative of the Russian Federation with the DNR to represent the management of the ICRC regional delegation in Russia, Belarus and Moldova, the Government has decided to accommodate the wishes of the DNI, the ICRC present at the acceptance of the goods by the Government of the NPT, as well as in the distribution of these goods the civilian population in the territory of the republic.

"Given the extremely difficult situation of a humanitarian disaster, the government runs the State Commission for accounting, state control over the receipt, storage and distribution of humanitarian assistance in the republic", - said Zakharchenko.

Commission headed by Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy, in its composition, in addition to members of the government, members of the Federal Parliament working New Russia, as well as non-governmental organizations - the "Popular Front of New Russia" and "Fund fraternities Donbass", said the head of the Government of the DNI.

"We consider it necessary that the process of getting humanitarian aid to be as open and therefore readily responded to the ICRC initiative and invite representatives of the international organizations to cooperate in the framework of our state commission," - said Alexander Zaharchenko.

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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19:27 GMT:

Three children and 12 adults have been killed and 19 others injured as a result of fighting in the town of Zugres in Donetsk region, the Donetsk administration reported on its website citing health authorities.

Last night, the town was at the epicenter of heavy fighting between Kiev troops and militia and came under artillery shelling, with mines exploding next to a school, a beach, the town stadium and a power station.

15:39 GMT:

Igor Strelkov, the field commander and defense minister of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk, has resigned, according to a statement published on the local militia’s website. He will be replaced by Vladimir Kononov as military commander, the website said.

2:39 GMT:

Anti-Kiev rebels seized control of a checkpoint south of Marinovka, near the border with Russia, following a ferocious battle with Kiev forces in recent days. The anti-Kiev forces deployed a sniper and anti-tank team, among other units, to take the checkpoint. The bodies of two Ukrainian soldiers were identified, as well as four tanks and one APC destroyed.

KIEV, August 14. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting on Thursday obligated providers to take Euronews Russian language service off air.

It explained the measure by the fact that the Ukrainian-and Russian-language versions of Euronews TV channel were available in Ukraine.

The council’s deputy chairman, Olga Gerasiumyuk, said the Russian-language version “is a propaganda tool” but the Ukrainian-language version would continue broadcasting.

Earlier, the Council banned the broadcasting of five Russian television channels, saying their “content does not correspond to Ukrainian law on television”. Among them the Council named RBK-TV, RTR-Planeta, NTV-Mir, Rossiya 24 and TV Tsentr International.

VIENNA, August 14 (RIA Novosti) - OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine has once again reported about Ukrainian Ministry of Defense’s volunteer battalion abducting villagers in the Luhansk region, SMM’s most recent report states.

“The SMM learnt about cases of detention of two villagers in the Luhansk region. The head of Starobilsk police told the SMM that investigations had confirmed that soldiers from the 24th Battalion, a volunteer battalion under the control of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, was responsible for the abduction of the villagers, as well as their detention,” the report published on the OSCE website says.

“In a meeting with the Ukrainian military commander of the security operation, the SMM was told that the military general staff had been visiting the area in order to assess further involvement of the 24th Battalion. The findings had not been revealed so far.”

SMM added that their interlocutor said that “in his view, the 24th Battalion ought to be disbanded, reformed and redeployed.”

The report is the second in a row, drawing the international attention to volunteer military battalion’s illegal detentions. On Wednesday, SMM to Ukraine referred to the regional chief of police, who told the SMM “that the detention of supporters of the so-called ‘Luhansk People’s Republic’ (‘LPR’), carried out by a volunteer Ukrainian battalion at the filtration checkpoint in Schyatya (24 km north of Luhansk city), was illegal.”

In mid-April, Kiev authorities started a special military operation in the east to suppress the pro-independence movement. Moscow has repeatedly called on Kiev to stop the bloodshed and seek a peaceful resolution through nationwide dialogue.

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Moscow, Aug 14 (Prensa Latina) Russia will do everything possible to resolve the conflict in southeastern Ukraine as soon as possible, said today President Vladimir Putin during a speech in Crimea before legislators and ministers of his country. Putin described the situation in Ukraine as a bloody and fratricide chaos, and said Moscow is closely following the developments in the neighboring country immerse in a violent crisis since last February by an unconstitutional coup against the government.

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MOSCOW, August 12. /ITAR-TASS/. As eastern Ukraine is sinking ever deeper into the abyss of an economic crisis and humanitarian disaster, local oligarchs are at each other’s throats for redistribution of property. Ukrainian businesses are unpatriotic, so they care little about the disastrous position of fellow citizens, if at all, several polled experts have told ITAR-TASS.

The governor of the Dnepropetrovsk Region, multi-billionaire Igor Kolomoisky, has been using subordinate mass media as a mouthpiece to urge the nationalization of businesses that allegedly belong to the family of the country’s former president, Viktor Yanukovych. Also, he has been pressing for the nationalization of enterprises belonging to other tycoons - Rinat Akhmetov and Dmitry Firtash, who allegedly threw their financial weight behind militias in the southeast.

The Inter television news channel, which belongs to Dmitry Firtash, the owner of assets in the energy, chemical and titanium industries, has accused Kolomoisky, the owner of the Privat group, of stealing oil from government funds and selling petroleum products to the armed forces at grossly overcharged prices to the accompaniment of pseudo-patriotic statements. In Ukraine, these verbal exchanges have already been dubbed as a media war between oligarchs.

“Oligarch is a transnational term. Such a person always tries to derive profits from the state he keeps wooing with bombastic nationalistic rhetoric. The Ukrainian oligarchs are no exception. But in the advanced countries the state keeps the oligarchs at bay, while in Ukraine they are not answerable to anyone,” says the director of the Institute of Globalization Problems, Mikhail Delyagin.

In the Dneptorpetrovsk Region “Kolomoisky has created his own state within a state, with its own armed forces on his payroll. Even to President Poroshenko’s so-called “peace plan” Kolomoisky replied that his paramilitary units would refuse to disarm. Also Kolomoisky sells fuels, lubricants and bullet-proof vests to the Ukrainian army at thrice the price, in other words, he outrageously embezzles Ukraine’s slim budget. He will keep robbing all those within reach, including the former president, Viktor Yanukovych and his own competitors, such as Firtash and Akhmetov, the analyst said.

“Incidentally, when spiders start devouring each other, nobody around gets upset,” he added.

On the other hand, Kolomoisky’s idea of nationalizing the properties belonging to those he suspects of support for “separatists” in the east of the country has already drawn a favourable response from Ukraine’s parliament, Verkhovna Rada. A bill to this effect is already in the process of consideration. The underlying risk is the label “separatist” easily sticks to any dissenter, so the law may begin to be used for taking away people’s apartments, country homes and cars, thereby triggering another tide of violence,” Delyagin said.

“It is noteworthy that Ukraine’s richest people have ignored Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s call of one month ago to raise funds for restoring the damaged infrastructures of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. These are absolutely cynical people, moneybags, who just do not care about the misfortunes of their fellow citizens,” the editor-in-chief of the weekly Zavtra (Tomorrow), Aleksandr Prokhanov, has told ITAR-TASS.

“In a geostrategic situation that is so painful for the Ukrainian people those who rule the roost in Ukraine these days are devoid of any real political experience and absolutely not interested in preserving the state,” Prokhanov said.

Ukrainian oligarchs stay aloof from the real drama of millions of people. Mammoth wealth is their sole obsession. When the country’s gas and food market shrank, Ukrainian multi-millionaires launched a war for redistribution of assets among oligarchic groups,” Prokhanov said.

“In Russia, the state managed to keep oligarchs away from the political leverage. In Ukraine, on the contrary, the oligarchs have gained an upper hand over the interests of the state,” the director of the Institute of Political Studies, Civic Chamber member Sergey Markov has told ITAR-TASS.

“Some of Ukraine’s big business tycoons have criminal backgrounds. They do not stop at brutal crackdowns on their opponents. Let us recall the May 2 tragedy in Odessa, where 48 people were burned alive in the Trade Unions Building. After that tragedy Kolomoisky, whom Russia’s Investigative Committee has put on an international wanted list, appointed his crony to govern the Odessa Region. The Odessa port and the nearby chemical plant are now changing hands to Kolomoisky’s benefit,” the analyst pointed out.

Kolomoisky is the chief sponsor of suppressing popular protests in the southeast of Ukraine against the authorities in Kiev and their policies. He is also the main beneficiary of the so-called anti-terrorist operation,” Markov said. “In a word, the wealthiest people of Ukraine have been using the political and economic crisis in the country for their own selfish interests in the struggle for power and for property.

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Donbass residents do not want reconciliation with Ukraine, because they can not forgive the killing of civilians and destruction of cities, said in an interview with First Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Antyufeev DNR.

Eminence grise DNR
Transnistrian General Vladimir Antyufeeva called the gray eminence of DNR. Formally, it is only responsible for the security services of the young republic, but it is clear that it is engaged in operational control.

In the post of first deputy prime minister Antyufeev deputized Beard during his departure for Moscow. And after the resignation Beard began working in his office at the meeting there now come the military and even the newly appointed Prime Minister Alexander Zaharchenko DNR. More Antyufeeva spices called for "gossustroystvu the unrecognized republics" - and this side of the "Transnistrian General" is probably of most interest today.

Since the 70's, he worked for the Ministry of Interior of Latvia, and in the early 90's he moved to Transnistria, where he headed the Ministry gosbezopasnosi. Antyufeev participated in the creation of the same structures in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

About the Donbass
Here, people want to talk and live on their land. No one is attacking Kiev, Lviv does not explode, people just want to live in peace!

Yes, people have revolted! Kiev against the regime against the oligarchs, they live on this earth.

Here the best working class, the strongest corps of engineers and they should enjoy the fruits of their labor, and do not feed Lviv and all evil. This is how!

But earlier it was just so fed Donetsk region of Ukraine, many ... Anyway, speaking of Ukraine. It's an artificial construct created by the will of the Bolsheviks.

Ukraine - it was always a little! The Bolsheviks gave them Novorossia in the 1920s, followed by the results of World War II - part of Poland, Romania and Hungary, as Khrushchev gave the Crimea, on the basis of their nefarious combinations. Wanted to sweeten the strongest of the party organization in the USSR ...

It's all native Russian land. Look at the earlier period!

I'll tell you more. This is not necessary Ukraine and the West. Time will pass and raise the issue of the return of these territories of Hungary and Romania.

The current configuration of Ukraine retained thanks to the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation if it no longer protects the territorial integrity of Ukraine - that disintegrate instantly. Europe, the country does not need. It will be examined by all as a designer.

When the republic was lost for someone first, the State has already taken place. Because people do not die for a fictional state.

Go to places of fighting, talk to refugees who fled from areas where people come to the military. I talked to them, asked what they miss, what they need.

You know what they told me screaming? "Kill Poroshenko! Kill his children and grandson! Why not bomb Kiev ?!. " Yes, yes. This voice of the people.

Why should they be destitute and deprived of their homes! You do not understand this reaction of the people?

You might get yourself into this situation. And what to say to people? You destroyed housing, you left without a livelihood, killed relatives and friends, but it is made for a great purpose - integrity of Ukraine! To power of the oligarchs was again rob you, mock you, prohibit your native language - that is the ultimate goal! And you and your family - is nothing compared to a single country! Do you think so, it is necessary to talk ?.

The citizens of our country are killed every day, fighting against multiple of superior enemy forces. They know that they can die, but they go into battle.

Why do people live? To think about the future of their children and grandchildren.

Sergey Volodin

Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, August 15 (RIA Novosti) – Russia has deployed mobile teams of border guards to the vicinity of the border with Ukraine, but they are to operate strictly on the Russian side, a spokesman for Russia’s FSB Border Guard Service said Friday.

The spokesman said that residents of the border territories are under threat due to increased numbers of Ukrainian servicemen crossing into Russia and frequent cross-border shelling.

“They [border guard groups] are operating solely on the territory of Russia. In this regard, the reports about a group of Russian servicemen crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border are completely untrue,” the spokesman said.

On Thursday, a number of foreign news agencies reported that a convoy of military vehicles with Russian license plates crossed into Ukraine via the Izvarino border checkpoint. Earlier on Friday, the UNN information agency, citing the Anti-Terrorist Center operating under the Security Service of Ukraine, reported that the reports had been confirmed. According to preliminary accounts of the alleged incident, the vehicles were carrying armed servicemen.

The Ukrainian government has long blamed Russia for funneling heavy equipment, arms and troops across the border with Ukraine to support the independence movement in the country’s eastern regions, a claim Moscow has repeatedly rejected.

Last week, Pengaton spokesman John Kirby said Russia had amassed 10,000 troops on the border with Ukraine. Shortly after, NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow said 20,000 servicemen had already been deployed to the border. NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu added later that NATO is concerned that Russia might send troops into eastern Ukraine under the “pretext” of a humanitarian or peacekeeping mission.

Earlier this week NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said there was a “high probability” the humanitarian aid Russia dispatched to the crisis-plagued Ukrainian eastern regions might be a pretext for a military incursion into Ukraine. The Russian Foreign Ministry has dismissed the allegations, calling them absurd.

At the same time, there are numerous reports of Ukrainian servicemen flowing into Russia. Earlier this month, 438 Ukrainian personnel, some employees of Ukraine’s State Border Service, requested refugee status in Russia.

The Russian-Ukrainian border has also been subjected to Ukrainian artillery shelling in the nearly four-month-long standoff between Ukraine’s national troops and eastern independence supporters. In total, one person has been killed and several others injured on Russian territory as a result of Ukrainian shelling since the military operation began.

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DONETSK, August 15./ITAR-TASS/. The current situation in the city of Donetsk is calm on Friday, as Ukrainian military forces had stopped shelling the city.

Public transport, buses are running to the cities of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, a marketplace works in Leninsky district of the city, local residents said.

Bread, water, electric power supplies and Internet access are provided in Donetsk.

Electricity is still cut in several residential houses in Leninsky district of the city, as an artillery shell had hit a high-voltage power line which can be restored for more than two days.

Militias are controlling approaches to a town bordering Donetsk and Ukrainian army confronts them on the other side of the city. Overnight a bridge was blasted, disrupting the traffic in the town.

Eyewitnesses also said that fields were burning around the Donetsk dam lake and explosions were heard in another regional town.

DONETSK, August 15./ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s military have begun shelling central Donetsk, witnesses said on Friday.

They said about six artillery attacks. Information on destruction and victims is not available yet.

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