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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Dmitry Jaros chickened out and pooped yesterday. Backed away and said that the march on Kiev will not take place, because
"Right sector" does not want to denude the eastern front (that is, Donbass).

Apparent contrast of human characters of the 21st century from the guys from the 20th. March on Rome took place, and Mussolini came to power, and Yarosh defecate, and the extent of incommensurable.

Interior Minister Avakov also muttered something counterclaim, the parties to mutual satisfaction, separated for a while. The conflict between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the "right sector", I think, will be resolved soon arrest or destruction Yarosh. And then "the right sector" nominate a more moderate leader.

Negotiations on Ukraine at the Villa Borsig, where the Academy of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, came to nothing. Lenten smiles.

And what might end the negotiations three conspired crooks (Steinmeier Fabyus, Klimkin) and Minister Lavrov? Does not run out.

Must agree among themselves and Ukraine DNI / LC, and the ministers of France, Germany, Russia should only be observers.

Meanwhile, the militia in the Donbass recaptured Kiev troops Stepanovka, marinating and Miusinsk. On the armor to enter the city beterov sat and NBP, funny and hung with weapons.

It was a morning sermon 18 avgusta.Ya - Eduard Limonov.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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While viewing the summary of events in the south-east of Ukraine in print and video files, eventually understand that this information is addressed to those who can afford to take this opportunity to find out what happens from the usual sources - newspapers, radio, television and the Internet. Yes, to influence the minds of the civilian population - it is significant. So public opinion is formed, which then strengthens the motivation of decision making of the ruling elite, and at the same time justifies the implementation of these decisions.

But in modern war in Ukraine it is the rear component of the confrontation of ideologies, and it affects the outcome of today's domestic policy only in the long term future, perhaps distant. A line of direct military confrontation, the so-called front counter militias and APU fire on the lines of direct collision of the parties, at the same time, there is a hell of a sacrifice to the idols of modern politics Ukrainian junta. And, anyway, the first sacrifice it begins in the minds of the victims, begins with the same motivation of their participation in this bloody ritual.

Pointed out that the rotation of combatants APU does not happen, in fact - those who find it possible to get out of the hell of the boiler, including across the Russian border, isolated from society. This means that their testimonies are dangerous for the society.

At the same time there is evidence that the cases are not just soldiers of desertion APU, but the transition to the side of the militia. And the most important observation that participation in the media, are evidence of demoralization participants ATO by the APU on the background of a strengthening morale militia members.

Here would be a good time to make the front of the opposing sides of the ideological struggle in the first line of clashes. I remember the pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War - knowing the internal conflict of Soviet society, the German fascists carried to the front radiorupory and struck into the very consciousness of the Soviet army. Regardless of the outcome of the impact on troops, attention is drawn to a method of warfare. This method is widely used and in the end of it, then it effectively applied the Soviet Army.

As in one, and in another case, a fertile ground to use this method of influence on the enemy troops was originated in the mind of the individual sense of doubt: "What am I here ... and for that !? dying." At the same time this consciousness suggests a way out of this situation - Captured!

On the front lines of modern war, few people can freely use the opportunity to look into the internet, read the newspaper, watch TV - members of the warring parties, usually motivated by robust information cliches and most vulnerable of these stamps exposing the lies of those who formed them. For example, you can often hear the slogan "For a United Ukraine". Oppose this powerful slogan can be only one question - "For whom ?!."

But where more convincing it may sound, if not in the trenches of the war? And this link should be urgently established between the host and MAT - both through loud-speaking facilities, and through radio broadcasts available for reception by mobile phones. In some cases, such a means of effective communication can be a simple SMS, either with information about, say, a family, or a burning issue.

Broadcast on the question "For a United Ukraine - for whom?" Can be deepened to infinity, both in terms of the militia, and the APU, including here as aspects of the economy and the loss of human life, as disappointments "Maidan" and human sacrifice in the interests of those who seek to continue the bloodshed cash profits, including - among direct military leadership.

Even for participants philosophizing "Maidan" pose the question is simple: Is the federal republic can not be unified? As the United States, for example? That all this "grinder" in Ukraine and started !!!

But the direct participants of the war in Ukraine is of little interest, who would get the coal, natural gas, metals, plants, ports. This wave should be more to talk about specific losses: now with video screen in the key military APU obscene hysteria trying to get the answer, apparently, his superiors why he was there (at the front), that he's here to do now, why should he three times lose in salary and leave his family destitute. Such questions set and the last of them - why every soldier APU, even when he does not have financial security, must necessarily die, but do not get out of the living environment !? Who needs it !?

So, the information about the hysteria among the members of ATU has a limited range of display, and everyone thinks that he is subject to such a state one, afraid to blurt, not to fall into disgrace. It is necessary to provide these outside people to come together!

Urgently need a communication channel, where all fear cornered consciousness questions should give convincing and qualified answers to the very front line of the struggle for New Russia! And you should do it right now, when in the medium APU starts shiritsya wave doubts about the validity of their participation in the destruction of the front of his own people! And it is - for whom !? Even temporarily retreating and leaving the position should not be squeamish leaving them for advancing troops APU leaflets relevant content.

Victor layman
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, August 18. /ITAR-TASS/. About 30 miners were trapped underground at a mine in east Ukraine’s Donetsk due to a power cutoff caused by fighting between self-defense militia and Ukrainian troops, the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic’s press office reported on Monday.

The miners were trapped at the Komsomolets-Donbassa mine, the press office said.

“About 30 miners remain trapped underground. All measures are being taken to rescue the miners,” the self-defense militia said.

Security personnel from the republic’s fuel and energy ministry have been urgently sent to the area of the towns of Kirovskoye and Shakhtyorsk to “ensure the safe work of electricity specialists for restoring power supply at the Komsomolets-Donbassa mine,” the militia said.

LUHANSK, August 18. /ITAR-TASS/. Luhansk remains without energy, water and communication, municipal press service of the war-torn city in Ukraine’s south-east reported on Monday.

Ukraine’s military continued shelling last night. In the eastern districts, the Ukrainian artillery destroyed houses, the press service said.

Water is not supplied to houses, and people have to take water from the flow along one of the streets, which began running as a boiling station was damaged in Luhansk.

The press service refers to witnesses, who confirm military actions continuing in the city. People have to wait in line for hours hoping to buy some food that appears from time to time at local market places. Luhansk is not receiving any supplies of food, medicines or fuel.

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НОВОСТИ УКРАИНЫ 18.08.2014 Спецрепортаж. РеАнимация Донбасса. УКРАИНА НОВОСТИ СЕГОДНЯ


Ascribe humanitarian convoy of Russian military plans - shamelessness. Ukrainians in Donetsk and Lugansk have to wait. The first step is to rip anger at Vladimir Putin, because he reacted as quickly as needed. West meanwhile only ignites but does not extinguish. How to react to the Czech government? Asks Jan Schneider.

In Donetsk, there are about 20-30% of the population, mostly - the elderly and the sick. City shells fall, with the target "absolutely unpredictable." The best example - the charred bus, which had to evacuate residents. The besiegers were destroyed even the local prison, from which hundreds of prisoners escaped. Who are they - criminal besiegers, who organized the humanitarian crisis?

Ukrainian regular army under the command of the revolutionary government in Kiev. In the media reported that the Kiev government banned the convoy with humanitarian aid to enter the affected areas. And the argument of the Kiev authorities is far beyond human comprehension.

It's because colon comes from Russia. That there is the fact that it carries with it food, drugs, medical supplies and power generators? Summary - Kiev revolutionary government troops surrounded a certain region of the Ukraine, caused a humanitarian crisis there, and now in addition banned from entering timely humanitarian assistance. That is to say, the Czech government?

Extravagant venture Europeans

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso certainly crazy. Rather than put in place their wards in Kiev and thus provide humanitarian convoy free way, it makes Ukrainians suffer and paranoid Moscow reiterates that humanitarian assistance should not be used as a cover for military intervention by the Russian army in Ukraine.

Citizens of Ukraine, which is intended for humanitarian aid, forgive and wait until the Western policy in the entire width of the deployed palette of human rights and democracy in practice ...

Similar frenzy seized as French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabia: in spite of the suffering people of Donetsk and Lugansk, he fantasizes on concerns about the humanitarian convoy cover Russia's attempts to ensure that in the east of Ukraine continued its presence.

Even the French president should not lag behind, because militant anti-Russian attitude is needed for a cover of "celestial" the arms deal, which he does not want to give up. And therefore carries rubbish about the "concern of the Russian mission", which must first obtain the consent "of the Ukrainian authorities." And the citizens of Ukraine, which is intended for humanitarian aid, forgive and wait until the Western policy in the entire width of the deployed palette of human rights and democracy in practice.

These statements commentators and politicians were added and other crazy thoughts. There was, for example, the claim that Vladimir Putin himself provoked Ukrainian crisis for the sake of raising his popularity. This truth is equivalent to the thesis that Russia cut off gas supplies to Europe ...

Only now becoming clear who actually takes Europe hostage and blackmails gas - famous Ukrainian revolutionary government! Russia continued to supply gas to Europe. Even in a time when gas does not pass through Ukraine, worked at full capacity northern way Yamal. All the rumors were just lied unscrupulous defenders of someone's interests.

"Anschluss" in a different way

Not Putin summoned the Ukrainian crisis. This is the result of long-term targeted expansion of NATO to the east, in contradiction of the West since the end of the promises of the Cold War. Addition of the West that the world imposes its values. It is not surprising that they are not in demand, if not keep their promises.

When former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has decided not to sign an association agreement with the EU, he was forced to resign, and power passed into the hands of those who have recently signed the document.

Ukrainian crisis Russia is not provoked, she did not make any movement in this direction. The crisis provoked NATO expanding to the east and enticing in their networks Ukraine. The crisis erupted because the West has failed to make the first move. Ukraine refused to sign an agreement with the EU. And so it began ...

And here we see the resemblance to the "Anschluss" in 1938. Then Hitler pressured Austria to Germany, she joined. Then Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg was looking for his negative attitude to support the referendum. Hitler, without waiting for a referendum, Austria set an ultimatum: either hand over power to the local Nazis, or to resist the invasion. Chancellor Schuschnigg resigned, power passed into the hands of the Nazis, but the invasion still followed.

A similar situation in Ukraine. When former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has decided not to sign an association agreement with the EU, he was forced to resign, and power passed into the hands of those who have recently signed the documents. And now followed the invasion. At this time, not military, but by cadastral books.

Cynicism and insensitivity

The ancient wisdom of the wise interpreters of texts followed the rule that any proper interpretation must begin with a simple, literal interpretation of the text. Only after that you can start another explanatory methods. That's because the real meaning of the text sometimes lies in its understanding of the first reading. Regular complex interpretation did not bring anything useful. Olga Gavlova, the first wife of Czech President Havel, said: "We should not complicate matters unnecessary thinking."

And the interpretation of humanitarian aid as Russia's "Trojan horse" is very cynical and callous.

If something like that happened in relation to humanitarian aid from the UN, how many would scream was heard! There is nothing here. Exhausted Ukrainians in Donetsk and Lugansk wait. The first step is to rip anger at Putin reacted as needed. Meanwhile, the West is only ignites but does not extinguish. How long will the Czech government to support this criminal policy?

Jan Schneider,

Source: http://ceskapozice.lidovky.cz/ruska-humanitarni-pomoc-a-pokrytectvi-zapadu-foj-/tema.aspx?c=A140813_190443_pozice-tema_lube#utm_source=email&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=lidovky.directmail

Central News Agency Novorossia



Again and again I read articles and comments to them calling for Putin to send troops to New Russia. All the more voices that allegedly Putin "merges" New Russia that Putin is afraid of the United States and NATO, etc. etc ..

You think too naive. To send troops to New Russia is simple, but then what? About this do not you think? Do not know what is war? And Putin would become the aggressor. On the contrary, Putin does everything right. Now he has entered the food embargo against the EU and the United States, and immediately felt the effects of the EU and are already there to think that the United States, do not care what the embargo, and the EU is a serious blow.

Here again blocked Bulgaria South Stream. Now imagine that same Yatsenyuk override gas transit. Half of winter Europe will live in the stocks, and then what? And then the spring, it is necessary to sow ... And what if the summer-autumn 2014th because of their own lack of foresight and loyalty United States, they suffered losses? In many EU countries due to the Russian embargo will be a series of bankruptcies of farmers. As a result, no gas, no agriculture.

In addition, there are measures and on NATO with the United States. It will be recalled on September 1 in Russia may stop working 11 ground stations GPS. Russia may also prohibit the transit of NATO from Afghanistan through Ulyanovsk is a very serious problem for NATO.

Therefore, not only tanks and missiles can fight. Economy sometimes much stronger weapons. But Americans of the economy may not be enough, even about the EU and do not want to speak for this weakening economy and do not need to put a lot of effort for her collapse. And Americans just are committed to under the guise of sanctions against Russia, and the EU force of solidarity to join them. Americans are so clouded brain Europeans that they do not even notice that the United States consistently achieve the weakening euro and the entire European economy.

But after weakening the EU and Russia will be the turn. And it is quite possible to be in the next year or two. Therefore, Putin is not necessary to fight and raise the industry to ensure true independence of Russia. And in China we will actively help because they are well aware that Russia will come after them all. A strong and independent Russia is the guarantor of the security of China, as strange as it sounds.

So it is quite likely that we will witness the fall of the turning point of the EU towards Russia. More and more will show the truth about the Ukrainian events and the role of Russia. In the EU, are already aware that the United States pursues its own interests. All the lies begin to be opened. And here is the most dangerous, because losing support in Europe, America will have no choice but to go to an open confrontation or admit defeat. Recently, I believe it is weak.

Max cormorants Blog "personal opinion"

Central News Agency Novorossia


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Militias Lugansk HP currently conducting operations, the result of which should be complete capture of roads to settlements gristly Krasnodon and Novosvetlovka. Battles with the National Guard resisters are quite successful in the past twenty-four hours the invaders lost a decent amount of troops and armored vehicles of different types. It is known for the burning of four tanks and at least three infantry combat vehicles.

In addition, the 17th of this month, a little safer was the airspace above Novorossia. In the fighting on the above directions participated enemy aircraft. Support
Ukrainian security forces units provided fighter and attack aircraft. Currently reported downed three combat vehicles, namely, the Su-25, MiG-29 and Su-27. The exact location of incidence of combat aircraft remains a mystery, but there is evidence that one of the pilots was captured by militias, they turned out to be the pilot of MiG.

It should be noted that the ability to act resisters, when cleaning the air space over Novorossia seriously complicate the lives of the pilots of Ukraine. 29th MiG was the second car of this class, who left the Air Force commissioned Square. The first "fell" the seventh of this month in the Donetsk HP.

Meanwhile, the machine Su-25, which was destroyed the day before, was the twentieth. In addition to the above two, attack aircraft and fighter forces succeeded in eliminating the militia bomber Su-24, AN-30 and IL-76. Separately, we must say that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense recognizes only six cases. By the way, a "dry" 25 minutes into the hands of the militia, even made sorties.

As for the other machines combat aircraft that will forever remain on the battlefields of Donbass, one can say about the Mi-8 and Mi-24, each were shot in four pieces.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Residents of the village Mospino complain almost unbearable for the existence of conditions. They are provided with the security forces army of invaders that all possible ways lead infrastructure and humanitarian situation in the collapse. In recent weeks, the situation continues to worsen all, the constant bombing of multiple rocket launchers, heavy artillery and combat aircraft, with ground leveled entire neighborhoods.

Thus, only a day ago, at around midnight, Mospino undergone yet another artillery strikes, massive. Rough calculations show that more than two dozen residential buildings are no longer suitable for life, they simply do not. It is caused by the use of incendiary shells that triggered the emergence of outbreaks of fires around the locality.

For residents, this kind of action siloviki Army of Ukraine, become commonplace. So Mospino infrastructure has long been a history bombing exposed institutions, the most important in war, for example, hospitals, kindergartens and so on. So because of the last strike heavily damaged kindergartens and hospitals for children - therapeutic department. Eyewitnesses say that both institutions managed to avoid the death of kids, for example, in the garden, they were in the shelter.

Already a little less than a week people are constantly in the cellars, waiting for the next rocket and artillery strikes. From the first days without communications, people are experiencing terrible hours and their consequences without water and electricity. Destroyed institutions that engaged in the manufacture of food products, such as bakery.

Against this background, looks even worse, the almost complete absence in the village of products, as well as medicines. A similar situation is observed in all the cities and towns of New Russia, which has already got the fascists.

Hold on, the Russian people!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Rusia insiste en negociación y Ucrania pide ayuda militar pdf_button.png printButton.png emailButton.png

seguei.jpgMoscú, 18 ago (PL) La ayuda militar adicional solicitada por Ucrania a la Unión Europea (UE) y la OTAN contrasta con los avances en las negociaciones para solucionar la crisis en ese país reflejados hoy en un comunicado de la cancillería rusa.

El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia reconoce esos progresos en un texto oficial tras una reunión de los cancilleres de Moscú, Kiev, Alemania y Francia, celebrada la víspera en Berlín que duró casi cinco horas.

Las pláticas estuvieron centradas en la búsqueda de un alto el fuego en el sureste de la república exsoviética y en el suministro de socorro a esa región hundida en una tragedia humanitaria provocada por la ofensiva militar ucraniana de gran envergadura en marcha desde abril. Según el documento, los ministros examinaron la situación en Ucrania en todos sus aspectos y prestaron especial atención a los objetivos de trazar una "hoja de ruta" para poner fin lo antes posible a las actividades militares.

En declaraciones citadas aquí por el primer canal de la televisión rusa, el titular de Asuntos Exteriores de Alemania, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, informó que el futuro formato de las negociaciones sobre la crisis ucraniana no ha sido determinado.

Sin embargo, tras concluir la segunda reunión de este tipo de jefes de la diplomacia de los cuatro países, después de la realizada el 2 de julio en Berlín, Steinmeier subrayó que esas definiciones deben ser concretadas en las próximas 48 horas.

De manera contrastante con la visión de Rusia y las declaraciones del ministro alemán, el canciller ucraniano, Pavel Klimkin, insistió ante la prensa en la solicitud de ayuda militar a la UE y a la OTAN para la lucha contra los insurrectos del Donbass.

En entrevista radial a Deustshlandfunk, el titular del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Ucrania enfatizó en que esa ayuda facilitaría la actuación de las tropas de Kiev.

Pese a la insistencia de Moscú en la búsqueda de un arreglo negociado en el conflicto interno, Klimkin argumentó ante la opinión pública alemana que la amenaza de una intervención armada rusa es muy seria.

Negó las informaciones reportadas por televisoras internacionales sobre reiterados disparos de las fuerzas ucranianas contra el territorio ruso, y agregó que desde el país vecino permanentemente disparan contra posiciones del Ejército ucraniano.

Sobre la OTAN, pidió cambios en la estrategia de las relaciones con Kiev, aunque subrayó que el tema de la membresía de su país no se ha puesto en la agenda porque dentro de la sociedad ucraniana no existe consenso al respecto.

Insistió, empero, en que para Kiev es necesario que la alianza noratlántica le garantice no solo ayuda militar, sino también respaldo político.


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Negotiations with Kiev is possible only after the recognition of the DNI.

This was announced at a press briefing the Prime Minister of People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko, stressing that the authorities are waiting for the DNI from the Ukrainian authorities reasonable offers.

"Do not lay down their arms and to ensure the closure of borders. This will never happen and even if it is no dream "- said Zakharchenko.

"We need to recognize the established state. I understand that for them it would be physically impossible or some moral qualities do not allow to recognize at once" - insists the leader of the breakaway republic.

"We are against war and do not want civilians killed," - he said.

Earlier, the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Klimkin said that bilateral ceasefire in eastern Ukraine is possible in establishing effective border control and the progress made in the hostage situation.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

What a loss reality bears the Ukrainian army in the Donbass?

Contrary to information circulated Ukrainian media, the situation in the Southeast for the Ukrainian army is getting heavier, and its losses are increased many times. Thus, according to information received from the co-chairman of the National Front, "New Russia" Vladimir Rogov, as of August 15, the total loss of the Ukrainian military were 23 498 people. Among them were killed and wounded (14 378 people), prisoners (158 people). About 9,000 deserters.

The last category is the most questions: it can get not only the soldiers who defected to New Russia, but also the dead, which for unknown reasons, were not included in the list of casualties.

According to Rogov, "the total amount of punitive appalling losses, but the Nazis did not intend to stop and re-send for slaughter in Novorossia raw flesh." Loss peak occurred on August 13-14, when the Ukrainian army had lost more than a thousand men killed and wounded, as well as more than a hundred armored vehicles. Of course, these figures are without publicity, Ukrainian media constantly distort the facts.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military in an effort to protect themselves and their employees from needless deaths in the fratricidal war, not only in Russia en masse, abandoning their weapons, but also taking the side of the militias. Recently it became known that the side of the DNR moved one of the commanders of the 25th Airmobile Brigade, the militia arrived at its BMP. Currently, he has already taken command of the company.

According to the Prime Minister of the DNI Zaharchenko , this case is not the first nor the last. Guide militia soon expects mass surrender or cross the border with Russia, Ukrainian troops were surrounded in settlements Dmitrovka and tanneries. According Zaharchenko, the reason is that the security forces simply do not understand "what they are fighting for and that they are dying."

It is worth noting that the armed forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics in recent days has been achieved significant military successes. In particular, the National Guard militia stopped the attack at the Lugansk direction completely destroyed a battalion of "Gorin" significant losses were inflicted battalions "Aydar", "Donbass" and "Kievan Rus".

Director of the Center for Eurasian Studies Vladimir Kornilov did not trust the exact casualty figures announced by Rogov, but no doubt their significance:

- I do not know the source of this figure. It, frankly, embarrassing such accuracy. At a time when the Ukrainian army mess when punitive operation includes units militants controlled by no one and not taken into account when soldiers are dying every day, running, desert, it is hardly possible to estimate up to one person for all losses. But that official Kiev constantly and significantly underestimates the damage to the Ukrainian army, no doubt. Of course, these losses are calculated for thousands - enough to evaluate the footage with the defeated Ukrainian armored vehicles to realize that under such destruction dying is not one or two people, as reported by the semi-official reports.

And what are the prospects for Ukraine in the antiwar movement, and which can be carried out historical parallels?

- Recall the United States since the Vietnam War. Americans actually joined it in 1961, and the anti-war movement took shape only somewhere in 1964, when the company realized the scale of American military involvement in the conflict. So almost always happens: the first months of the war found any wave jingoism, everyone wants a quick victory and total defeat of the enemy, and only then, when the company is aware of the scale of the tragedy, dramatically enhanced anti-war sentiment.

So, by the way, was in Russia exactly a hundred years ago. And it's not just the number of victims, the case - in a sharp deterioration of social standards in the destruction of the economy, hardships that accompany war. All of this has already begun to feel not only the residents of Donbass, but also in Ukraine as a whole. Accordingly, there is no doubt that the anti-war movement will grow in almost all sectors of society.

It was reported that one of the commanders of Ukrainian 25th airmobile brigade defected to the DNR, the militia arrived at its BMP. Can we expect more of these cases and how widespread are they?

- And in the first days of the war in the Donets Basin, we saw how Ukrainian soldiers simply gave their armored militia. With the expansion of the conflict and the realization that, in a wild crime army dragged to grow and the number of defectors, and the number of deserters. If someone in Kiev was hoping for a quick and easy "safari", then cruelly mistaken. War, if it is not stopped now, will take a protracted nature. And so there will be more blood, senseless victims, frustration society and the army, cases of mass defections. I do not rule out the fact that at one point, the Ukrainian army will deploy their weapons in the direction of those who sent her to this bloody war against its own people.

Coordinator of the association "Borotba" in the Odessa region Alexei Albu finds that losses are indeed great, but less than 23 thousand;

- In fact, loss less, although they are quite serious. Just people do not want to protest until their child is all right, and when he is killed - it's too late to protest. It is also due to the fact that there are no structures and institutions that could organize resistance and anti-war movement. People are divided and fragmented. Any attempt to establish a committee of soldiers' mothers or organization "Women Against War" meets with strong opposition from the security services, the Ukrainian press and public opinion formed by it.

Recently moved to the side of one of the militia commanders of the 25th Airmobile Brigade ...

- I think that such cases are more frequent, but expect a massive transition of the Ukrainian military to the people is impossible. Rather frequent cases of surrender, because the transition to the side of the militia implies the continuation of the armed struggle, and in the Ukrainian army mood completely opposite - people do not want to fight.

And do you have the ability to stop the current government collapse army?

- No chance. Due to the imminent collapse of the Ukrainian economy. But the problem lies elsewhere: to mention the weakness of the junta, we forget to say about the weakness of "war machine" people's republics. Because the question of whether the Donbass will last until the complete collapse of the economy of Ukraine - is very relevant today.

Ukrainian political analyst Alexei Blyumin also criticized the specific figures, do not hesitate in their scope:

- Data on losses of government troops classified. Officially recognized as little more than five hundred killed. Other estimates, including the militia, are in the nature of value judgments. Estimates range from 7,000 killed and wounded to the named Rogov figures. The truth is somewhere in the middle. You know that a roll of accounting dead no leads.
And can any large-scale anti-war protests to influence politicians? As it happened in the United States during the Vietnam War?

- Protests go, and with every month of their more, but there is one "but". How long did the Vietnam War and how many takes t. N "ATO"? Stratification in society in relation to the war goes on, but not so fast. First of all rebel fighters and relatives of recruits. But their protests mostly not against war per se (such voices, but they are not yet dominated), and against the personal participation of children and relatives of the protesters.

Keynote - "Why is my son, and not someone else?" Or "Let the fighting someone else, the one who stood on the Maidan." I'm not talking about this motif protests as bad equipment mobilized recruits, lack of helmets and body armor.

The idea of ​​the necessity of ending the war as such have not yet mastered the majority. Somebody hopes that the war would soon end in a victory in Kiev. I think to expect isolation "war party" should not earlier than the time when the war drags on so that people stop believing in the possibility of a quick victory. In such a situation come to the fore understanding the meaninglessness of the victims and of the continuation of the war.

And can we expect a mass conversion to the side of the Ukrainian military militia?

- If the rebels and sympathizers of the society as a "big Ukraine" will be able to establish an effective, well-reasoned and clearly propaganda desertion, the cases go to their side could be more. The key issue here - the change agenda of the uprising.

The idea of ​​the DNI and the LC will not be able to inspire people "big of Ukraine", and certainly not be able to do mass Ukrainians allied rebels. If you come to the fore is not separation from Ukraine Donbass, the insurrection will not be carried out under the current slogans, and under the banner of the liberation of the whole of Ukraine from the current regime, while the rebels a chance to win the battle for hearts and minds.

In other words, the agenda of the uprising must go beyond the narrow confines of not only the NPT and LC, but also beyond the "Novorossiysk" discourse.

Dmitry Rodionov (svpressa.ru),
Central News Agency Novorossia


The most important thing at the front . "Ukrainian military managed to repulse already part of the city of Lugansk, it is now held by our military. Now I'm not ready to say what part, but really there was released the police department police, Lugansk almost completely surrounded and is undergoing surgery on his release," - said the representative of the Information-Analytical Center of the Council of Defence and Security Ruins (NSDC) at a briefing in Kiev.

Luhansk locals confirm - fighting in the city in the morning went. Towards evening shifts toward the airport and unabated. The fact that there is still beating surrounded Lvov brigade. To their credit - do not give up and not even try to just get out of the environment, and exit through the Lugansk.

Talking head in Kiev was wrong. Was captured by the military commissariat. Above him even one time could be seen yellow-blakytny banner, but after a counter militias Station, Junta troops withdrew, leaving flags.

Now they are removed. And, just, phoned people there. Ordinary pensioner: "In the Red Ray, Miusinske quietly. Luhansk, relatively, too. No" partially trapped streets and neighborhoods. "Relative slept even at home in Alexandrovsk.'s Hard, but to some extent the intensity of sleep tonight."

I do not want to upset galitsaev but chances entrenched in the airport does not. Through Lugansk they do not burst forth. Moreover, at the time of the approach of the convoy with humanitarian aid from Russia block them tightly.

It would be wiser to give up.

Proscription lists. On "liberated from Russian terrorists and pro-Russian separatists" territories restored the power of the Nazi-Bandera evil. On the rule of law and democracy here, if remembered, it is only aspiring terrorists and have managed to survive the separatists.

Today Slovyansk compiled a list of the school (and not only) teachers - accomplices of the terrorists.

It is difficult to understand how this all relates to the rule of law. Especially when you consider that Ukraine fully operational (in theory) the Constitution. It is unclear, however, which of the previously adopted. But it is not exactly state of war and entered guilty man can recognize only came into force on the court's decision. Vessels not named individuals are not recognized by the courts as terrorists and "accomplices of terrorists" is already there. By the way, the LC and the DNR also recognized terrorist organizations.

And then in the Ukraine, freedom and democracy, and in Russia bloody dictatorship? Excuse me, gentlemen neighbors, but you really need a fat freak, when you look at you from the ruins.

The law for the rich. Continuing the theme of the rule of law, I will quote the Ukrainian media, "Interior Minister Counsellor Anton Gerashchenko said that the meeting of the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov with the speaker of the" right sector "Borislav Birch discussed limiting illegal traffic of weapons from the zone of ATO in other areas of Ukraine and issues of cooperation. "

Will suspend. Think about it! Interior Minister discusses (!?) COOPERATION. Give an example of any state of such savagery. MIA can not discuss cooperation with anyone. Moreover, not a public organization, as modestly written, and with the party. Nazi Party. "Right sector" officially before the appointment of Poroshenko last president announced that becomes a party on the basis of the Social National Assembly (SNA) - the Nazi Party, legally operating in Ukraine.

But to continue: "The Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov respects the contribution of members of the right sector in the fight against terrorism. But at the same time Interior Minister once again emphasized the official representative of the organization" Right Sector "on the legalization of its members wishing to defend the independence and Ukraine's unity in arms, "- wrote Gerashchenko (UNIAN).

That is. Minister understands that the weapons in the hands of militants is illegal, but in this case does discuss issues of cooperation and not to prosecute. Moreover, respect for the contribution of people with illegal weapons "in the fight against terrorism" and only draws (draws) the need legalization. With that weapon in their hands with looted warehouses. Military, police and the Security Service is the winter - more than six months!

At the end and did laugh: "The parties have agreed to regularly exchange information and work together to protect Ukraine from the terrorist threat under the current legislation."

That's what works. A valid one law - the law of the strong - a man with a gun. That is why, and took up arms people - they Bandera fascists with arms as legislators and zakonoispolniteley "are not needed.
And you say - "the law is the law."

Quadripartite meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs on the situation in Ukraine is quiet and inglorious falls into Berlin. It is judged by the absence of details of the participants and the triumphant reports from Kiev. Members - Foreign Minister of Russia, Germany, France and the ruins - do not even go to the joint communiqué to the press.

According to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry lava Klimkin: "Five hours of challenging conversation. But perhaps to budge, take a lot of time for five hours ... no room for compromise, where the state should cross its red line. Ukraine it is not moved."

Refreshingly, the Minister of the Junta is not happy.

And Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, admitted that the conversation was difficult, but nevertheless the parties to make progress on some points. For what is not said. Only said: "We have agreed that the report on the results of our meeting, our heads of state and government, and then - most likely by Tuesday - to determine how to continue our discussion today."

But there are also indirect effects. German Foreign Ministry official has announced that Germany will not provide military assistance to Ukraine, as it officially before the meeting asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ruins.

Last meeting was held in the same inconclusive on 2 July. The next place, most likely on Tuesday. According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, their main goal - to achieve a cease-fire in Ukraine and prevent further bloodshed.

Not poluchitsya.Za this "red line" - the Nazis from Galicia (and not only there - even from Sweden is) just going to eat the last resident. However, they will eat it so no horseradish - only a month and a half.

Junta strongly tightens access of humanitarian convoys from Russia on the rebellious east of the country. Just about everything can be ten times overload even for carts. First, do not let through Kharkov, fearing colossal columns Russian. Then, all referred to the absence of any documents. Then on the disagreement of the Red Cross. When the ICC reported that all pretty again for documents.

August 12 at about 03.00 convoy popped towards Voronezh. Five days have passed since then, as the convoy came from Voronezh and still marking time at the border, waiting for the go-ahead from Kiev.

The amount of dirt poured on Russia, all this time just rolls. Just one example. Some Vyacheslav Hussars called expert Center for Military and Political Studies, writes: "The humanitarian mission of Russia may be the beginning of the outbreak of Russian new tensions in the east of Ukraine under the guise of humanitarian aid to the transmission through the International Committee of the Red Cross." In this case, the president of Russia "expert" refers not only as "the Kremlin Putin Fuhrer."

No objection to such expert opinion - it demonstrates the position of the Junta and its lackeys. But they need better training. Sitting in the defense under the Lugansk airport battalion "Aydar" stupidly failed the task of the attack on the convoy.
Maybe it's for the best. In captivity, at least, will not be killed. Is that shot.

American Marketplace. Maidan - a great blessing! - North American broadcast our benefactors. Strangely however, should someone try to start a maidan in the United States, as a whole falls maydanschikov gosudarstvnnaya power of the United States. So it was with the action "Occupy Wall Street", as happens with the protest blacks Missouri. Governor of this state Jay Nixon night signed a decree placing the National Guard in Ferguson.

One would like to ask sarcastically - Ukrainian? We have a lot of extra "natsgadov" with a lot of experience shooting on unarmed people and it is important to break up the "nasty niggers" views. 14/88 they splashed on billboards another Hrushevskoho this winter. It was there, desperate to get justice from Yanukovych, they pelted police with Molotov cocktails. Today they will be very useful to the police for the city of Ferguson's experience.

It was there, desperate to seek justice after the murder of a police officer black teenager, rebelling local Worst Banderovites "subhuman."

Cop shot and killed a black teenager eighteen Michael Brown Ferguson August 10. Apparently, the atmosphere in the town and before was troubled, because the Negro quarters literally exploded riot bessmylennym - suffer from the rioters, for the most part, their neighbors. Several people injured in clashes with police, the rebels in the scorching, until rubber bullets, treated them with tear gas.

Prior to that, the governor introduced in a state of emergency and curfew. Very similar to what was happening in Kiev. But somehow, the world is silent and does not call for Obama not to beat the rioters with rubber truncheons, because "anizhedeti."

The world community is simply obliged to immediately begin to condemn the totalitarian regime of Barack Obama and to maintain "peace" - in sraneniyu wild galitsayami - protesters town Ferguson. Money, cookies and non-lethal weapons.

Blatant injustice!

But all the signs of state terror in the United States there. Also killed a black teenager white police officer - clearly smacks of racism. Vegetables Bandyuk - President "in kind" and even proffesoru Yanukovich, did not dare to impose a state of emergency in the capital and are lousy governor declared it a week of unrest. Very election turns out democracy in the understanding of Washington.

In Germany, the locomotive of the European economy, the government decided to raise the salary. Inflation, so that it, and soon - the election. It is necessary to show the electorate care of it government. Suddenly, a shout followed from Brussels. European officials thought that the Germans would have to invest "extra money" in countries experiencing economic difficulties.
A French L'Express informed that the European Commissioner for Employment and Social Policy László Andor called on Germany to reconsider its financial policy.

Baits and does insolent. Stating that "while the German lose weight - we shall die of hunger." Envy Untermensch!

Andor - of being in a deep hole w ... Hungary - also troubled by the recent increase in the average level of wages in Germany. He even called it unacceptable and had the audacity to demand instead invest money in German countries of the European Union. Especially in those that are currently experiencing economic difficulties (referring primarily to Hungary).

"For Germany, it is essential to ensure the growth of investment, stimulate demand and align its trade balance, which prevents its export-oriented development of its European neighbors. Thereupon, from the point of view of the European Commission, a change of policy in the field of wages towards improving its overall level seems unacceptable "- blurted commissioner.

Oh, that I can not believe in the understanding of such a collision in Germany.

Zombie. According to qualitatively lie, you need to have a very good memory. To long remember who that sbrehal.

Apparently, with the memory of the junta does not matter. Lied that in Donetsk and Lugansk regions invaded by the troops of Russia. And when it's time for a new appeal, heard from them as brainwashed zapadenskih mothers: "Here let Donetsk themselves protected, once they were attacked!" About how! And you start to explain what little boys are sent to fight not with the aggressor, and with the very Donetsk - so there is will tell the truth, that there is no aggressor. What's going civil war that promised "maetki" with a couple-three serfs of the number of defective "zmoskalenyh" coffins wrapped in reality and poverty ...

But not for the Junta sends people to the slaughter, to tell the truth. It is not their method.

Kiev and other residents Ruins gloat about food shortages in Russia. They see this. Today, I am familiar gleefully said, "What is your favorite Muscovites will eat turnips." Against the background of the "terrible" (but virtual) hunger in hateful neighbors are easier to carry the rapid deterioration of the situation at home.

Prices. "Kyivkhlib" will increase the price of their products, "- Kiev official Yastrubinsky. second during the existence of the Junta." If badly needed such price increases for bread, as though they were affected as little as possible the interests of people of Kiev, that is, that this increase in the minimum. But what does this have to do, no doubt. "To say to what percentage will increase in the price, he did not dare. But we already know - even by 20 percent.

But a pension in the country frozen, wages reduced, the grain of the current - catastrophically - crop actively exported abroad. Sales volumes more than double last year's. Has already sold 33 million tons! Collected until a total of 23 million.

Does everyone have enough money for the winter at times grown utilities, medicines and food? Basic common sense dictates that drags on the Independence Borschik dumplings and grandmothers - just is not enough. They are already doomed to cold, hunger and disease.

Many, many - for the evil death is this very winter.

To war and to whom ... Meanwhile, in the September issue of the Ukrainian magazine "Elle" on the glossy cover emblazoned wife last resident ruins. Rigid smile, cool look sniper bloody embroidery from Vita Kin skirt and Mother of Pearl. With an inscription over his shoulder, "It is fashionable."


There are no words.

Mike He (nakanune.ru),
Central News Agency Novorossia

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July 17, 2014. St. Petersburg.
These Patriots held an unusual and shocking share of sorrow and protest against the killings of innocent children in the Donbas. Shocking for those who can not see the truth, does not know about the horrors unleashed by the United States of genocide against the civilian population of the former Ukraine!
The campaign mourners and protesters laid flowers to the symbolic child's coffin, which is placed near the American Consulate on Furshtadskaya street. The action was part and children. It was in their eyes can see everything - all the horror of injustice in the world in which children are playing in the yard of his home break dozens of fragments in the punitive bombing Ukrainian residential areas in which corrupt politicians in Kiev sent some Ukrainians Ukrainians kill others with their families, together with their children !
The whole world, including even slow the Americans with their swim "democracy" brain wakes up from the American dream, and opens his eyes to the American terror.
An overwhelming number of bloody coups, outbreaks of violence and ethnic, religious wars over the past decade has been planned and financed the United States. Retired employees of American intelligence agencies race write books about their violent acts. President Obama unashamedly declares from the podium that America is an exceptional nation and its interests extend to the whole world ... It is time to call a spade a spade. This is terrorism!
Activists invited employees of the Consulate to get out and enjoy the results of a monstrous terrorist activities of their government. No one, of course, did not come out ...
The action was attended by activists to counter sanctions "PrivetObame", members of the movement "People's Council", as well as ordinary citizens who were unable to pass.
There is a question:
Why are so few people in our country are ready to raise your head? But this is just a change! Now come join us! Stand up! It's time to keep hitting and apply them in return!
And the second question:
Why from a variety of media, press releases received shares, all preferred to remain silent and the story did not come out in any air?
Afraid to upset the owners? ...

Movement against # PrivetObame

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Transcarpathian Republic withdraws from fascist country

Central News Agency Novorossia

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Today, the fate of not only Ukraine, but also the entire system of European security. This was stated by the head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov, answering questions from journalists yesterday during a joint press conference of Speakers of Parliaments of NB-8 in Palanga (Lithuania).

According to Turchynov, the way of finding a compromise with the aggressor "never led to anything good." He added that today there is a question, the EU will be able to protect themselves against the aggressive policy of Russia. "Ukraine is ready to do it, but we really do not have enough weapons," - said Turchinov, adding that the country hopes it is on a military-technical assistance.


"Because Ukraine today protects not only themselves, but also the security system in Europe," - said the speaker.

Turchynov also said that as long as Russia does not stop its aggression against Ukraine, the war will continue, in spite of the terrible sacrifices. "Every day we are losing dozens of our citizens. Daily destruction of infrastructure of the East. But Russia can not bring us to our knees and back end of the Soviet empire. My conviction that without Ukraine, this empire will be destroyed, and the Ukraine has already made that choice," - noted speaker .


Turchinov personification Kiev junta.

These quotations interview Turchinova demonstrates that the authorities in Kiev - is false and murderous junta, which is only as "Jesuit" can not be called.

Help: The system of morality, developed by the Jesuits, they themselves called "adaptive» (accomodativa). Jesuit, following the code of ethics of the Order, to achieve their goals could use any means, up to a conspiracy and murder freely interpret the essence of different things and events.


The purpose and methods of the Kiev junta, fully comply with the Jesuits - a struggle against dissent, humanism and enlightenment, using blackmail, intimidation, terror and genocide.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

At the headquarters of the militia reported that during active offensive operations of the national militia forces liberated town Lower Jug, located between Gorlovka and Donetsk.

DNR militia in Ukraine continues to battle with the security forces all over the front, the overall situation is in favor of the militia, RIA Novosti reported at headquarters.
"During the active offensive operations of the national militia forces liberated town Lower Jug (Makeevki suburb located between Gorlovka and Donetsk). Collision on the ground fighting the enemy threw forty three soldiers killed," - said at the headquarters of the militia.
Also, the security forces have lost 32 units of military equipment, including six "Grad".
Located in this area of ​​the village militia managed to fire Communar "hail" and the location of the tanks of the 25th Brigade Ukrainian Airborne. With reference to its own militia intelligence report 12 paratroopers killed and dozens wounded.

Thus, the militia managed to thwart security forces cut Gorlovka of Donetsk-Makeevsky agglomeration and take Gorlovka in the ring. All three of these cities continue to maintain militias.
In addition, the militia led successful battles in the south of Donetsk, near the town of Ilovajsk (35 km east of Donetsk), which is already two weeks Ukrainian army is trying to take by storm. "There have been prevented all attempts by the enemy to take Ilovajsk, the enemy lost two tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and 30 personnel of the" - reported in the militia.
Also reported at the headquarters, "the militia artillery barrage caused by division of the National Guard in the village of cartilaginous (Krasnodonsky district of Lugansk region)." Destroyed one unit of armored vehicles, three cars, killing and wounding twenty-five security officials, reported in the militia.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

A month has passed since the disaster Malaysian "Boeing" on the Donets, but so far have not been announced preliminary results of the investigation.

Representatives of the Dutch Safety Board said that most likely, a preliminary report will be published in the beginning of September, that is one and a half months after the incident.

Experts familiar with the procedures of such investigations are confident that the necessary conclusions could have been done a week after the disaster, but the contents of the "black boxes" are likely to have been exposed to "secret". Meanwhile, in the press sounded more exotic version, and Russia, accused without proof, as if playing to the West pretend that the plane "just dropped."

The representative of the Security Council of the Netherlands, which is investigating the accident, Wim van der Vegen said recently that "a preliminary report on the crash of a Malaysian ship" Boeing 777 "on a flight MH17, will be made ​​public in the first week of September," said the truth, that the exact date is not appointed. According to the official, the document will reflect the information from different sources: the flight recorders, dispatch service, radar, satellite imagery, and the conclusion of international experts who visited the crash site.

By the standards of ICAO, the preliminary report must be published no more than one month after the disaster, but this time the "experts was difficult to gain access to the site of the disaster," so deadlines were extended.

Access experts was difficult precisely because the army tearing Europe Ukraine hard bombed the area, experts directly fired even near the crash site. DNR militia at this time have made every effort to hold on to the territory of the collapse of international experts, to find the "black boxes" in the shortest possible time and to make them almost perfect condition for those who are investigating.

According to recent reports in the Netherlands have identified 127 bodies of 298 people aboard the plane on the official version. That's according to the official.

While the Crimean activist Marc Ben-Naim said, citing a source in the SBU that in a "combination" (someone still doubt that the crash was orchestrated by the West?) still attended two aircraft. From Amsterdam flew two of the same aircraft with a difference of 17 minutes. All registered for the flight MH-17 took the second plane, which flew on the southern corridor and landed safely at the proper time in Kuala Lumpur. In this case, when the plane flew into the area controlled by the Russian air traffic controllers, the liner "introduced" charter, although the final point in the schedule no charters were not.

At the same time, according to Ben-Naim, provocation liner was designed to strengthen the position of Angela Merkel and Barack Obama, but the Ukrainian performers failed mission, and Western leaders were in an even more precarious position. Real reason for the war in the Ukraine the author considers the plans to build the Nicaraguan canal and plans for oil off the coast of Cuba, which cause a severe blow on the influence of the United States in this part of the world.

"However, after the crash in Ukraine and Russian secret services get all the information about the two planes, Angela Merkel and Barack Obama were in a very difficult situation. Russia now wait for the official version of the investigation into the causes of the crash and lay ace of trumps.'s Why Merkel and Obama only distribute" squeaks and squeals, "but there is no documentary evidence to support the" Russian "in the trail of downed Ukrainian junta" Boeing ", can not be present," - said Ben Nair.

There are quite exotic version. One of them published a Marine Corps veteran, chief editor of special forces veterans and intelligence "Veterans Today" Gordon Duff. The article Duff says that for a terrorist attack with "Boeing" should Israel and that he conducts all local conflicts in recent years. He recalled that many members of the American establishment have Israeli citizenship, others have close relations with the representatives of the State. At the same time, the Malay government has repeatedly accused George W. Bush. Benjamin Netanyahu and war crimes, and the Israeli government's reason enough to attack.

According to Duff, while as of Donetsk flew sentenced "Boeing", from the territory of Azerbaijan, an Israeli military flew the F-15, which flew "in an unknown direction," but it is possible to hit a target on the "surprisingly large distance from themselves." In conclusion, the veteran expects further expansion of terrorist attacks by "false" flag under Israeli rule.

At this time in the Malaysian media experts voiced version of that Ukrainian fighter attacked the airliner missiles "air-air" with teplonavodyascheysya head, which fell into the engine, then the pilot, "finished off" the civilian aircraft of rapid-aircraft cannon.

Those who had the loudest shouting accusations against Russia, with the "evidence", as it turned out, collected in social networks, store expressive silence. No, not only charges, but the topic itself neatly sidesteps all the Western media, which are more relevant information about it. There is a situation of purposeful concealment of a subject in which the United States and its satellites have failed, but do not want to admit it and make excuses for the attack to their citizens and the world community.

Against this background, it is not clear why the silent and Russia. It seems that as a result of some negotiation or pressure value to society hushed topic, as 14 years ago, when the "Kursk" "just drowned," though experts stress that while it was an attack by an American submarine, even a "random" . Instead of silencing the topic Russia got a lot of preferences, but that will get Russia today - the big question.

Most likely, the Russian side has a powerful trump card in the deck, which she does not want to use a number of reasons. As in the case of sanctions, government leaders hold a pause, after which may be followed by a powerful blow. Now the Americans, apparently, in a short time trying to get out of the trap into which fell by the grace of his "closest partners" from Kiev, said the vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Air Force Colonel Vladimir Anokhin.

Q: Why is the publication of the findings has been delayed for such a long time? Indeed this is due to "harsh conditions" or intentionally delayed the investigation?

Vladimir Anokhin, the vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Anokhin: As a person who engaged in the business has participated in the investigation of accidents, I understand that if the "black boxes" are in good condition, do not say "perfect", but in the normal , the cause of the accident is determined by the maximum for a week. We have all seen that "black boxes" were in excellent condition, and this goes to show that any commission that is interested in an objective investigation could give initial findings within a week after the disaster. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the boxes had already deciphered and they received such information, which should take "secret."

Q: Which version of the disaster now, after a month, do you think the most plausible?

Vladimir Anokhin: I like the pilot is absolutely clear that the plane was shot down by a missile not, but from another plane - this is confirmed by the pictures and the results of the objective control of our General Staff. This means that the junta itself could not take such a decision, its independence in the world is known, and all shadow of doubt, suspicion and accusations would have to lie on the United States. And under tremendous pressure, the Dutch still there lost the greatest number of people, they are looking for a way out.

If you take the experience, the means of objective control can not be forged. If they are forged, fake is detected within a few hours, so they are now painfully thinking how to get out of this situation.

Question: Why are all the same plane? Anti-aircraft missile from the ground already is not considered?

Vladimir Anokhin: In "Buck" is a very interesting rocket - when it is run, the loop can be seen by tens of kilometers - the nature of the fuel and height allow you to see her for tens of kilometers on either side. Such a start would not pass unnoticed. This is the first. Secondly, the nature of the defeat of those fragments that we saw on the screen, there rod and bullet holes.

The aircraft flew at an altitude of 10 thousand. 600 m, and any gun, especially aviation, with its rate of fire it simply cuts. Aeroembolizma phenomenon occurs, ie cabin depressurization leads to instant death, because nitrogen in the blood instantly boils man torn apart. Scatter fragments aircraft parts for dozens of kilometers suggests that it was falling apart in the air. Due to what? Due to internal fracture by possibly guns may rocket.

There are many "possible" because when there is a plane crash, the first thing they do - remove the topography of the fragments, as they are scattered over an area. Then they start to add up the pieces together, put what was left of the plane, and the nature of damage can be concluded - Whether the rocket fell into the engine or in the tail or in the luggage compartment, etc. All this lies, although the surface. Experienced aviation professionals could one topography make certain their conclusions.

But it is impossible to give an objective assessment without means of objective control, which are now in England. When this data is transferred from the Netherlands to London, I said that there were no objective assessments will not, the Anglo-Saxons will be played to the end.

Q: It was reported that Russian experts are included in the working groups, why Russia is silent about violations and tightening of the investigation?

Vladimir Anokhin: say, but they are virtually excluded from the research. By "black boxes" they were not allowed. On the territory of Ukraine is not allowed. Go to the crash site was not allowed. And on indirect signs is very difficult to draw objective conclusions.

Q: It's not just about the experts, but also the leadership of the country, why is lying theme that so assiduously ignores the West?

Vladimir Anokhin: Why Our behave this way? Plane Dutch, Ukrainian territory. Russians died there? No. So what the hell are we to go into this investigation and pretend to be the smartest. Guys, knows his xxxx as you want. And then we have asked all the time, why do not we make no representation, why is why it is - let them understand each other and find fault, cheat each other. If the Dutch behaved so with their dead citizens, then to Russia no claims generally can not be. And our experts have clearly told his point of view, the more we have the objective data of the General Staff, and I believe that the General Staff is still ace in the hole, which is not ejected. Thank God, began to think our politicians that a pause of a good artist is expensive. As well as the sanctions - they give us the full program, we give them only the products, and see what a tantrum. The same thing will happen with "Boeing".

Question: "Boeing" has become part of the attack on Russia and New Russia. Russian attack repulsed, this catastrophe we will no longer stand as a claim?

Vladimir Anokhin: They never cease to make a complaint to Russia. Bismarck superbly said that is the biggest lie in the war, and after the hunt before the election. Here it is now carried out in relation to Russia. When Russia was holding a magnificent pause on sanctions, they besilis, and when we replied modestly, as Lenin - all hysterical. It is now starting to say that let's stop all these sanctions. The tragedy of "Boeing" - it is a huge indication that Europe is a non-self, losing its position in the world - not in its range, but in a world that is now the United States in its policy brings herself to the critical features of rejection, even from its allies.

Sergey Tabarintsev-Romanov (nakanune.ru),
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Escaped from invaders peaceful people told militia blatant incident Novosvetlovke.

Ukrainian punishers exhibit cruelty inherent in the Nazis during World War II, said a spokesman for the People's Republic of Lugansk Vladimir Inogorodsky. He told LifeNews, in the village of Novosvetlovka under Lugansk civilians were shot when they refused to work for the invaders - to dig trenches and build fortifications around the temple.

- Once again, we see a clear fascism ... According to the civilians who managed to escape, the Ukrainian army and foreign mercenaries were rounded up people and during the day and last night was forced to build a fortified area around the church. Those who did not agree to work publicly shot - told Inogorodsky LifeNews.

As the commander of a reconnaissance units militia LC, then punishers herded people into the church and its mined land-mines. Because of the threat of loss of life, the militia can not enter the village, to their release.

- So act only fascists during the Great Patriotic War. From a human point of view, these actions can not be explained, - said press seretar LC. According to him, the mercenaries from Poland and Lithuania have no honor - they fight in the form of the Russian armed forces.

Novosvetlovka village located on the road leading from Lugansk to the Russian border. The fighting between the militias and LC Ukrainian army in this area continues more than a week. August 13 punishers on the heavy armored vehicles entered the Novosvetlovku. In the center of the village went battle, local residents reported a large number of victims.

July 29 LifeNews reported that punishers Novosvetlovku fired from multiple rocket launchers "Hurricane." By happy coincidence, no one was hurt. One of the shells destroyed the roof of a two-story apartment building, leaving its inhabitants homeless.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

For several weeks, one of the hottest spots in the Donbas is Luhansk. On the outskirts of the town did not stop fierce fighting, the army of Ukraine uses all possible means to crush the resistance, but the militia did not give up.

The fact that there is a self-defense force out to stop the enemy, saying their actions. Thus, on the 16th of this month. Nazis tried to completely surround the city, closing the ring. However, thanks to the skillful actions of the heroes of New Russia, the invaders were forced to remain in their previously occupied positions.

Due to the fact that the freedom fighters are not going to give up, and any attempt to attack the forces punitive encounter a desperate and fierce resistance, the junta began using banned weapons. It is reported that just yesterday in Lugansk chemical warfare. Suspicions are reinforced by the fact that after a fire, the people who were at a relatively short distance from the targets were covered with a rash.

Against the background of an oppressor of the humanitarian situation is rapidly deteriorating environmental situation, which has led to the impossibility of waste disposal, the use of heavy and banned weapons seems more than confusion. Communications of the city are in a terrible state after almost every fire they have to restore in emergency mode.

However, in spite of everything, the force of resistance does not give ground, moreover, the militia regularly attempt to capture previously lost borders and settlements. So, just today managed to knock the punishers from the checkpoint, which was organized in the village of Lugansk. Conducted by shelling from mortars allowed militia catch the enemy off guard. After a while, making sure that there is no response, resisters have come to the position of the enemy. On the site were found abandoned cars, weapons and documents occupiers. Checkpoint held by militias still.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


The shelling of the kindergarten in Makeyevka killed more than a dozen children - said the first deputy prime minister of the republic proclaimed Donetsk Andrew Purgin. Under artillery fire were the northern areas of the city.
Again underwent a massive bombardment and Donetsk, TV channel "Russia 24". In the center of powerful explosions were heard. At this time the shells fell in the vicinity of the nitrogen plant. One was in an apartment in a high-rise building, there are victims. Damaged pipeline, but online services can not get to the scene of the accident because of ongoing attacks.
We also learned that five civilians were killed during the shelling Makeevki. Shelled the northern areas of the village, in particular, the 761 block. On this side of the city is trying to attack the National Guard of Ukraine. Rockets got on the school grounds 53, store the "North", as well as one of the kindergartens. In addition, the area has suffered one of the ingredients. Local residents took refuge in shelters.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Have not had time to forget the shame Ukrainian soldiers when trying to capture Ilovaysk, which was made on the 11th of this month. Then no more than a dozen militiamen stopped and put to flight three hundred militants junta. In this case, the loss amounted to seven occupants killed and dozens were injured.

Apparently not wanting to accept a humiliating defeat, the Germans again went on the attack. It is worth saying that the recent attack did not look like a beating, however, the success of the Army of Ukraine to no avail. According to information provided by the militia headquarters Donetsk HP, in this clash of the system were removed about eighty soldiers punitive, moreover, on the battlefield there are about forty burning of armored vehicles of the junta, the majority of which belongs to the class of heavy. According to civilians town was fired incendiary shells. Currently there is no information on casualties in the ranks of resisters, as well as civilians.

To divert attention from their atrocities, Media Square indicates the absence in the civilian population. At that time, the data is read out of self-defense headquarters quite different figures - five thousand people up to this point are in Ilovaiskaya. By the way, punishers are firing mortars and machine guns of large caliber - it does not hide the TV in Ukraine.

Life is, of course, citizens are not sweet, constant shelling greatly complicate the situation, amid the almost complete lack of food. Products in the city, at the moment are not made, all the supplies organized militia, on their own, of course, that of the regularity of the question. All approaches to the settlement sweep invaders, so people bring food does not always work.

Problems with communications, light and water have become a tradition for the people of the South-East during the conflict.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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It should be noted that the non-recognition by Russia of the LC and the DNI actually casts doubt on the current membership of the Crimea Russia, as the first step in the return of Russian Crimea Crimea was recognized independent.

What really needs to speak Russian in Berlin?

Firstly, the absolute illegitimacy of the current Ukrainian government, which seized power in Ukraine in a coup in February this year.

Secondly, Russia is obliged to officially recognize the LC and DNR and require the negotiators recognize their independent and sovereign status, as well as participation in the Berlin negotiations representatives LC and DNR with equal status.

Third, Russia must demand that the criminal actions of the Ukrainian authorities against citizens of the LC and the DNI, allocate a separate bombing and shelling civilian towns. Also, Russia is obliged to obtain the conviction of Ukraine as a state in international terrorism - the destruction of passenger aircraft of Malaysian Airlines.

Fourth, Russia should demand from third countries respect for state sovereignty and LC DNR, and the government of Ukraine - the immediate withdrawal of the occupying forces.

Fifth, Russia should demand official recognition of a Russian protectorate over the entire territory of New Russia and the establishment of no-fly zone for Ukrainian aircraft over the territory of the LC and the DNI.

All other issues are secondary, can be solved after solving the above issues.

The present position of Russia in the negotiations in Berlin leads to the loss of DNR and LC, the Crimea and geopolitical disaster with American fleet in the Crimea and American missiles aimed at Moscow and located in Kharkiv on the territory of Ukraine of fascist and embittered.

Michael Osheroff,
Central News Agency Novorossia


Prime Minister DNR said there is evidence of the use of Ukrainian military banned weapons, in particular - phosphorus bombs. Enemy applied them in Mospino. Evidence collected, it will provide the Minister of Defence of People's Republic of Donetsk Kononov.

In addition, Zaharchenko told about the unknown chemical compound in cluster bombs issued punitive troops around the village Dmitrievka: "Now in this area all life extinct. Our soldiers who were there, sent for treatment at the hospital, health-affected poor. We gave samples for examination in Donetsk. Upon completion announce the conclusion of experts. "

The Prime Minister also spoke about the DNI of the military situation in the Republic. According to him, the militia managed to free Yasinovataya, Gorlivka is not completely locked. Separately Zaharchenko noted that all the weapons, which is located at the militia conquered the enemy.

- All heavy weapons, ranging from armored vehicles and ending MLRS "Grad", which are in service with the armies of the DNI and the LC, a holdover from the Ukrainian army. During the fighting, the Ukrainian military are often just throw your technique and get away - said Alexander Zaharchenko. - For example, yesterday, so the militia got 6 plants "Grad". Four of them are correct, the two are currently being repaired. The most interesting - that the two cars were even instituted, the military simply fled.

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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With each passing day the situation around the convoy was getting confusing

Speaker of the Parliament of New Russia Oleg Tsarev: "Kiev took humanitarian aid from the Russian Federation without enthusiasm, but the resolution is still given. I think the cargo reaches its destination. Help us to deliver and the people of Ukraine - and such a lot. And they bring the goods under the Ukrainian flag, ostensibly for the army, and bring us ... We all understand that a humanitarian disaster - a fait accompli. But not all admit it. "

With each passing day the situation around the convoy was getting confusing. Ukrainian politicians called humanitarian aid "Trojan horse", under cover of which the Russian Federation has decided to organize the alleged intrusion.

Yesterday the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine A.V.Turchinov spoke on this topic. According to him, almost two thousand. Tons of Russian assistance to the civilian population of the South-East in the form of generators, food, medicine, drinking water, baby food - a "fake", "fig leaf" provocation and speculation. Russian humanitarian aid does not take into account the problems of the East, and "created exclusively for the supply of weapons to the rebels." "It helps to death" - he concluded.

In response to this, the Russian Foreign Ministry official said that the statement A.Turchinova , amid incessant shelling Ukrainian military Donetsk and Lugansk, destruction of infrastructure and residential areas, the mass death of civilians is hardly softer than the height of cynicism.

In addition, and pull the rubber ICRC representatives. According to them, they are concerned about the safety of their employees.

Of course, much of the territory on which should go column is a field of battle. Ukrainian law enforcers, learning that the cargo will go through Izvarino, advanced armored group of more than 30 tanks and other equipment to cut the track at the Lugansk.

But still strange to hear excuses about their protection from members of an organization designed to rescue those in trouble. "That is, as long as they do not provide complete security, they will not raise the ass? - Outraged statement ICRC Alexander, one of the drivers of the convoy. - And the fact that we run the risk - it does not matter? And there crying hungry children, and on the operating table killed the wounded and sick - also do not care? "

Yesterday ICRC president Peter Maurer in a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia and the militias in respect fully the security convoy, which will be sent from Russia.

"However, so far failed to get the necessary security guarantees for the convoy, and the subsequent distribution of humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian side," - he added.

Lavrov and Maurer noted the need to resolve this issue with Kiev.

Russian Foreign Minister expressed the hope that the alarming delay in the provision of security guarantees is not an attempt to Kiev or other forces to disrupt the vital humanitarian action.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Convoy, all white angel trucks are all in the vicinity of the Russian Donetsk.

Even the first sixteen, was brought forward to Izvarino and crossed the border.

Some bad, and it seems extremely stupid "Red Cross", expects from the Kiev authorities assurances that the drive will be for red-Crusades representatives who sit in the Russian KAMAZ safe.

One hundred percent safety in war is impossible, what are waiting for? Besides, Kiev National revolutionary regime has already proven that he considers a violation of agreements and strokes due to the angle of special revolutionary valor, so it guarantees worthless.

The impression is that the leadership of the Red Cross is made up of idiots. Now they go to Moscow? Why, well, why?

A Kiev izgilyaetsya and show off as a pimply teenager, "I do not want-I will not."
Each side and Kiev, and the Red Cross and customs, border guards and instead come together in one go, all together to explore the interior of KAMAZ, do it separately. Unthinkable tightening the whole story. Yes, and do not, just going.

Stupidity and malice mixed. Negated chistenky Russian angelic Deliveries of food and medicines to the population perishing Donbass.

The new post-Soviet Russia is still very naive. Who do you want to impress? Its white angelic escort?

On seasoned web villains who attacked Gaddafi's Libya, only to not give him millions of euros borrowed? On the United States, hundreds of times to attack other states, in some Latin American countries, the United States does not vtorgalist edinazhdy, and many times ...

I would openly and harshly helped republics DNR and LC, there goes Russian national revolution. And our diplomats hiding quietly rustle lips slightly podvirayut. And why, when the sacred right for us to arm our people in the Western Donbass, Ukraine accidentally pulled out during the division of the territory of the USSR.

A convoy I would have already pushed Swiss citizens of the Red Cross, held in Lugansk, and gave aid to the population.

Wake up, countrymen! We have the right to help the Donbas, and we should not wait for any permission from malicious aliens.

Why do not they kicked in FIG Ukraine from the United Nations for the fact that Ukraine is killing the city Donbass rocket launchers and ballistic missiles?! Expel!

Lavrov, peacefully enough talk!

Require the convening of the UN General Assembly to exclude Ukraine.

In the meantime, let go the whole trainloads of weapons and volunteers from Russia to his native Donbass us. Openly. Because we have the right to protect its own. Point.

I preached it to spit on the infamous world community. I - Eduard Limonov.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Everyone knows that the first casualty in any conflict - the truth. This is what happens in the case of civil war in Ukraine and New Russia. Although thanks to the Internet the powers that it becomes more difficult to conceal the truth from the people. Because the Internet has become a new front in the propaganda war.

Writers, bloggers, governments, secret services, newspapers - they are all trying to influence public opinion, using the Internet. Overall, I think it's good for us (especially in the case of the war in the Donbass), as most Western newspapers and TV channels shows only the views of their governments, it is extremely prejudiced and anti-Russian, antinovorossiyskuyu supporting around Kiev fascists. Of course there are some exceptions. It is basically a center-left newspaper, more objective in their reporting than I would like Western governments. But such a minority media. Because the main source of accurate information - still online. As long as he remains free, the people in the world have a chance to learn the truth about Western aggression in the Donbas and in New Russia, carried out by their servants in Kiev.

I monitor Internet sites throughout Europe and I can say that most of them (and of the people commenting) for the New Russia! This is encouraging and shows that more and more people see the truth through the lies of their governments and the media. In the Internet environment of independent bloggers and writers, most set pronovorossiyski. This is probably due to the fact that people who view and comment on sites, often smarter to inform those who are under the influence of the false propaganda of the media and Western governments.

The mainstream media is so biased that sometimes communicate directly with the application of various fascists "official" Kiev without any thought about how implausible these statements, as they contradict each other. This clearly shows how little the Western media to mean true, how little they respect their audience. They seem to think all men fools.

A couple of examples:
Western media often report huge losses by militias (which are now an army of New Russia). They reported several battles, which killed more than a hundred volunteers, but was injured just 3-4 Nazi. In this case, the war should have been completed two months ago. The truth is closer to the opposite side of the proposed West facts.

Western media called Nazi executioners "Ukrainian Army", and militias - "terrorists". This is far from the truth. In fact, the truth is exactly the opposite! Kiev Nazis kill civilians and militia only fighting the Nazis.

Western propaganda takes for granted the approval of official Kiev that they lost only 550 "soldiers". Meanwhile, everyone knows that only in the first "Southern pot" they have lost more than 3,500 soldiers! Their total losses exceed 15,000!

The facts concerning the case on downed Malaysian Boeing, Jammed and are not mentioned, because, it seems, more and more guilt of the junta, and not militia Donbass. At the beginning of this news is flaunted on the front pages. Then the West tried to fool the people and instill in him who is to blame for the crash. And now no one writes about it. Authorities were "black boxes" more than a month ago! Usually the procedure of extracting information takes a week!

As for President Putin, to him, of course, the Western media "special relationship." He is "the Devil on Earth." Everything he does is bad. If he sends humanitarian aid, it's a trap. If he says something, it's a lie. If it is for a de-escalation, it is called a coward. And so on.

All the leaders of New Russia and the Donbass called "terrorists", while the blood on his hands only in Kiev junta! But let us remember that the West used the same nickname in relation to Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Fidel Castro, who eventually became the favorite leaders of their people!

The same thing happens with the leaders of the Donbas and the New Russia.

And Russia can speed it up, if it is to send peacekeepers to the territory of the whole of New Russia, including Transnistria!

Nicholas, Sweden,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, August 20. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian military forces have shelled central Donetsk, several strong blasts went off on Wednesday.

Eyewitnesses said a dud unguided missile was found near the former building of Ukrainian Security Service in the city. No one was reported injured.

Two districts of the city have been massively shelled since Tuesday evening. The Skochinsky coalmine in the Kirovsky district of the city was assaulted at around 7pm local time, eyewitnesses reported from the scene.

Last night passed quite calmly in the city of Donetsk. Several reconnaissance aircraft are flying over the city. Drones were flying over the largest city hospital and the Donbass-Arena Stadium at around midnight.

At 2.30am local time, the Ukrainian army resumed the shelling of the regional town of Makeyevka. Several witnesses said that military forces were shooting from the direction of Khanzhonkovo, the settlement that came under an air strike on Tuesday.

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Wednesday, August 20

20:15 GMT:

#Ukraine not ready to start processing #humanitarianconvoy b/c paperwork not ready

— Irina Galushko (@IrinaGalushkoRT) August 20, 2014
20:07 GMT:

The first four Russian trucks from the humanitarian convoy failed to pass the Ukrainian border, after customs officials refused to inspect them, forcing them to turn back.

“The examination of the truck freight cannot begin before Thursday, as we have not received the requisite documents from the Russian side,” said Ukraine’s National Security Council spokesman Andrey Lysenko.

18:21 GMT:

The Ukrainian side has not turned up for the customs inspection of the Russian aid to residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions, a source at at the Donetsk checkpoint told the RIA-Novosti news agency. Consequently, customs operations are on hold.

"When the inspection of the humanitarian cargo was due to begin, the Ukrainian representatives didn’t arrive. The crossing of the border by the 16 trucks is delayed,” the source said.

20:06 GMT:

DNR forces say they have re-taken the strategic transport hub of Ilovaysk in Donetsk region, after intense fire-fights with government forces. According to a press release from the rebels the Donbass and Azov government units suffered heavy losses in the battle.

17:57 GMT:

Anti-government forces shot down a Ukrainian SU-25 single-seat fighter jet in the Lugansk region of eastern Ukraine on Wednesday, Kiev said. It remains unclear whether the pilot was able to eject or had been killed in the crash, military spokesman Andrey Lysenko told Ukrainian channel 112.ua.

17:55 GMT:

Eastern Ukraine has sustained another day of heavy shelling. At least 5 people were killed in an army assault on a village near Donetsk, while the city itself was also hit. Inside the city, people are struggling with a dire humanitarian situation, as Paula Slier has more.

16:03 GMT:

Running water is back on in at least some parts of #Donetsk

— Antoine E.R.Delaunay (@aerdelaunay) August 20, 2014
12:39 GMT:

The Makeevka village in the Donetsk Region has been hit by heavy shelling, with a factory being set on fire, according to Itar-Tass, who spoke to witnesses. The workers have been evacuated.

A tire iron fabric has also been set on fire, causing a thick plume of black smoke to rise up above the city of Donetsk.

12:30 GMT:

34 people have lost their lives in Donetsk in one day, as Ilovaysk of the Donetsk Region falls into the hands of the Ukrainian military.

29 others have been injured, local health authorities reported on Wednesday. The overall death toll in the region stands at 951, according to UNIAN.

12:08 GMT:

#Explosions heard in densely populated suburbs of #Donetsk.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) August 20, 20
10:34 GMT:

Donetsk has faced another day of heavy shelling, as RT's Paula Slier reports from the besieged city. Once prospering, it has turned into a place on the verge of extinction with its empty streets and people, either hiding in shelters or fleeing their native city. But some locals have decided to stay despite the humanitarian catastrophe in the city with no water and electricity: “I was born here, I was raised here, on these streets - why should I leave this city just because someone decided to bomb it.”

Last days of fighting in the Donbas, suggests that the initiative in the so-called anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine passed into the hands of militias. Now resisters squeeze the terrorists from their lands, and not vice versa.

The National Guard and regular troops continue to bombard the city by means of conventional and rocket artillery, however, in direct clashes qualitative superiority fighters self-defense, allows the application of heavy losses junta. In addition, from time to time the whole division ukroarmii taking the side of the DNI and the LC, it is possible to seize weapons and armored vehicles.

The last day, just brought resistance are small, but very valuable victory. In Ilovaiskaya continue to "sit", surrounded by army troops of Ukraine borders the enemy are in the vicinity of the airport in Donetsk Partizan and Red bombed. Attack the Nazis to Donetsk and Makeyevka repulsed.

Self-reported militias on the battlefields there are about a dozen cars were burned three armored personnel carriers and tanks as well. Failure was possible to deduce the order of a hundred and fifty men as killed and wounded.

To release surrounded by subdivisions, the occupants fail to Ilovaiskaya troops. Local clashes took place in Sabovke, village Luhansk near Saur-Graves.

We should also mention the collision occurred in brandishing by the junta militia fighters used mortars, some groups of occupants managed to get out of town, however, they were destroyed "Grad" resisters.

In the area of ​​Pervomaisk and Tereza offensive ukroarmii stopped militias believe that this is due to the lack of provision in this area.

On the part of punitive today were launched missiles in Donetsk, suffered as a result some of the houses and infrastructure. Official data on losses militias and civilians cities in the moment.

Hold on, Russian brothers!

Sergey Lyzhin

Central News Agency Novorossia


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