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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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The Russian Foreign Ministry and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) yesterday announced the achievement of "a common understanding of readiness to start motion motorcade" with the Russian humanitarian aid to the Donbass. Has been agreed and the order of the border. In the evening, the first batch of Russian "KamAZ" went to customs and border clearance.

This meant that the final, most difficult stage of the humanitarian operation has begun.

As confirmed in the State Border Service of Ukraine, the whole procedure of checking the convoy - passport control drivers and attendants, as well as jointly with the customs inspection of cargo and checking machines "for possible hiding places and undeclared goods" - held at the Russian check point "Donetsk", that is, before crossing the border .

Correspondent, who visited yesterday on the other side of the border, in the village of Izvarino, convinced: this decision was apparently the only one possible. Immediately behind the line of the border checkpoint "Izvarino" flag is fluttering self-proclaimed "People's Republic of Lugansk." Militias, little resembling the border service officers, across the border pass freely, but is informed that photography and filming "in the garrison Izvarino" is strictly prohibited. Village compared to the Russian Donetsk poor road for PPC broken.

- Before Krasnodona - perfect silence, but then there are no guarantees - says one of the militias, border guards about the safety of a possible marshruta.- Now here mincer not, at any time can begin.

Security Considerations delivery to Ukraine of Russian humanitarian aid, from Sunday idle at the border, were discussed yesterday in Moscow. As the press service of the Foreign Ministry after the meeting Deputy Minister Sergei Ryabkov heads with the head of the ICRC's operations in Europe and Central Asia Laurent Korba, sides "fixed common understanding readiness to start motion convoys." A representative of the ICRC in Ukraine Andre Lersh explained that the route of the humanitarian cargo is agreed upon, the main problem - full security guarantees employees accompanying the goods. To check the route of the convoy, the ICRC has sent along the route "advance team of employees."

The representative of the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko yesterday morning said that the procedure for clearance of goods is delayed due to the fact that the Ukrainian side has not received documents on the content of the cargo. However, the ICRC representative in Moscow Victoria Zotikov denied this information. "We have received from Moscow detailed information about the contents of the convoy, which we arranged. Based on this information, we turned to the Ukrainian authorities to recognize the humanitarian cargo - and have already received their consent," - she said.

Yesterday was finally agreed upon and order of the escort of the Russian-Ukrainian border: the border guards and customs officials in Russia and Ukraine inspect the goods in the presence of representatives of the ICRC, and then the machine is sealed. As explained by the representative of the Red Cross Galina Balzamova, technical details of the inspection and cargo movement - "until the one who put the final seal" - agreed upon yesterday in place until late in the evening.

After customs clearance and inspection convoy will leave the territory of Ukraine, accompanied by Red Cross workers. According to Ms. Zotikova, we are talking about a group of 20 people already working at the site, as well as the reinforcement of the 14 members of the ICRC, the ejected yesterday from Geneva to Rostov.

As explained on the eve of the OSCE Representative Paul Picard, on arrival in Lugansk convoy can unload humanitarian aid for the logistics base of the Red Cross. After that, the mission will begin the distribution of aid in the region, and cars will return to Russia the same route.

Vadim Divers, Donetsk - Izvarino; Galina Dudina (
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Igor Carpenter, who previously held the post of defense minister proclaimed the People's Republic of Lugansk (LC), elected by parliament as prime minister LC, according to the press-center of "New Russia.

Carpenter from mid-August was considered as acting head of the LC.

Head of Luhansk proclaimed the People's Republic Valery Bolotoff August 14, said he was resigning because of the effects of injury. At the same time, he said that "not going to leave the front."

Bolotov also said that, following consultations with colleagues from the executive and legislative branches LC offered to lead the republic Igor carpentry.

According to the law of the People's Republic of Lugansk, loss chapter LC lead to the resignation of the Council of Ministers of the LC. According to the same law, the head of the republic can combine his post as prime minister.


Ass. [/ B]
Igor Venediktovich Carpenter [/ b] (b. June 26, 1964, Luhansk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - soldier and statesman unrecognized Lugansk People's Republic. The head of the People's Republic of Lugansk (August 14, 2014) and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LC (from 20 August 2014), Minister of Defence of the LC (from May 23, 2014). Major stock.
From 1982 to 1991 he served the Armed Forces. In 1987 he graduated from Penza Higher Artillery Engineering College. Chief Marshal of Artillery NN Voronov. Service ended with the rank of Major.
In 2008, Master's degree in East Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dahl in "Civil Service" (qualification Master of Public Service).
From 1992 he worked in various companies as a manager and deputy director of commerce.
From 2004 he began to work in the civil service.
After the proclamation of the People's Republic of Lugansk Carpenter began to take an active part in its activities, in April became the first commander of the newly established People's Liberation Battalion "Dawn". May 21, 2014 Republican Assembly LC elected him Minister of Defense.
August 14, 2014 the head of the LC Valery Bolotoff announced his resignation and the appointment to the post of Igor carpentry. August 20 the Council of Ministers headed by LC.
He is married and has a son and a daughter.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Guide DNR sit at the negotiating table with Kiev only if recognition of the independence of the republic

The recent reshuffle in the top echelons of power DNR had no effect on the principled position of its leadership that the independent status of the Republic may not be a bargaining chip in negotiations with Kiev.

The recently appointed Prime Minister Alexander Zaharchenko at a briefing in Donetsk said that the militia are ready to open Kiev siloviki "humanitarian corridor" through negotiations, if the President Poroshenko and his team recognize the sovereignty of the DNI. "We are always ... open to any negotiations. We are waiting for offers, but only reasonable offers - do not lay down their arms and to ensure the closure of borders. This will never happen and even if it is no dream, "stressed Zaharchenko.

According to him, the peace process, who unsuccessfully attempt to initiate international mediators, is possible only on equal terms. "We need to talk as equal partners", convinced Prime DNR.

In this case, one of the militia leaders recognizes that Maidana authorities "it will be physically impossible or some moral quality will not be allowed to recognize at once (republic) as an established state." However, this will have to do if Kiev realizes the futility of continuing bloodshed. "We are against war and do not want civilians killed," reiterated the constructive spirit guides DNR Alexander Zaharchenko.

His speech was a public response to the statement of Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin made ​​as a result of the quadripartite meeting of foreign ministers of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine. Former Russian and now head of the "independence" of diplomacy insists that bilateral ceasefire in eastern Ukraine is possible only with the establishment of effective border control and steps to the demilitarization of the conflict zone (ie, subject to the disarmament of militias).

Despite the fact that the Prime DNI very clearly set out its position in the Ukrainian media have interpreted this statement in an ambiguous way. Treating it almost as a willingness of the resistance movement in the Donbas to unilateral concessions.

At the same time as confirmation promaydannye media quoted the prime minister, referring to the Russian news sources.

Since an error in the newspaper ceased plant lines, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish from deliberate misinformation incompetence, explained the emergence of alternative interpretations of the press conference, Prime Minister DNR president of the Center of Systems Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko.

- Against the backdrop of the recent successes of the NPT, when the militia managed to capture nearly 200 armored vehicles, as well as another attack bogged down by security forces Kiev Donetsk and Lugansk, it would be illogical to expect that the leadership of the republic will go to the unmotivated concessions. Talk about the military defeat of New Russia is not just early, and, I think, is meaningless.

Despite the fact that in these areas is really going on a humanitarian catastrophe. This is an inevitable concomitant of war, especially if it goes on for a long time confined space. But this does not mean that the armed forces certainly be defeated.

In Stalingrad during World War II was also a humanitarian catastrophe. A similar situation (if not worse) was in Leningrad during the siege, when only from starvation killed more than 640 thousand inhabitants. However, these cities have survived, and in the end we won. The lack of water, electricity, food shortages, medicines, problems with sewage and generally destroyed infrastructure is, of course, the test for a population that is in a combat zone. Especially Kyiv leads them in a way to get rid of "excess" of civilians.

And yet, the failure of the life support systems undermines the rear.

- Many people are forced to flee the besieged cities, which not only reduces the mobilization resource, but also the motivation to protect these settlements. Plus, at some stage, the remaining population begins to dream is not about winning, but about a loaf of bread. True, it is a lengthy process. Especially because, as far as I know, the actions of the Kiev security forces did not lead to the undermining of the rear militias. They rather, on the contrary, resulted in consolidation of the population. That's why talk about military defeat of the forces of resistance is not necessary.

As for the statement of the Prime Minister Alexander Zaharchenko DNR about the conditions for the start of negotiations, it does not differ from that of his predecessor. Despite the fact that some representatives of the expert community experienced on this account some of the concerns related to the recent castling in the governing body of the republic. Just lay down their arms and surrender at discretion militia can not. In addition, to engage in dialogue, we need a strong negotiating position.

DNR leaders insist on the recognition of independence of the Republic of Kiev.

- The minimum requirement is a cease-fire and withdrawal of troops from the line of contact. Not sure it's worth in advance to anticipate the outcome of negotiations, demanding immediately recognize the independence of the DNI. Similarly, the results of negotiations anticipates demand Poroshenko lay down their arms.

If Kiev took more or less sane position, negotiations could begin. Unfortunately, the President of Ukraine does not demonstrate the ability to take a sane position. On the one hand, the United States put pressure on him, who are not interested in the cessation of hostilities. In contrast, Washington is interested in seeing this conflict flared.

On the other hand, is based on the neo-Nazi Kiev formation, which are also no negotiations are not going to. These guys are well aware that any peace settlement means that then pops up the question of war crimes committed by them. And to answer for the deaths of innocent civilians will not only generals and high-ranking politicians, but also specific artists. These people also do not allow Kiev to negotiate adequate. Before Poroshenko be able to sit at the negotiating table, there is a military coup.

As for the president, for his "point of no return" is passed, or he may still be out of the game to give guarantees of personal safety?

- History knows of cases where people made clear war crimes, and then avoided punishment. At least from a formal legal point of view. During the Civil War he was a general Slaschёv known as Crimean "General hangman." After a brief exile, he returned to the Soviet Union and even lived for a while until he was murdered by someone from the relatives of the victims. Nevertheless, the Soviet state to it do not make claims.

Theoretically, in the interest of the ceasefire and the peace settlement possible compromise on the principle of "we have forgotten what you have done." While taking into account what is happening in Ukraine, it is very problematic.

Of course, you can make it appear that there was shelling Sloviansk, Lugansk, Donetsk and other cities of New Russia. And thousands of victims attributed to "the inevitable costs of war." But there is a category of international crimes. Kiev authorities still have to answer the question of who shot down the "Boeing" Malaysian airlines with Dutch passengers on board. He will not ask the authorities of Ukraine, Russia or the United States, and the Netherlands and Malaysia, which obviously will require an objective investigation.

In any case, someone will be held accountable, and, therefore, will give evidence pointing to the involvement of this tragedy figures higher rank. These readings will be recorded. Although there is a precedent of the Nuremberg Trials, when some uncomfortable questions for the allies did not go up. Therefore, individual members of the ruling elite of the Third Reich escaped punishment.

Another thing is that in relation to Ukrainian politicians, I do not think anyone is seriously interested in their salvation. Therefore, if they do not come under judgment, I might accidentally be killed by their own allies.

According to the Defense DNR, law enforcement officers ordered to take Kiev Donetsk until August 24, the Independence Day of Ukraine. How likely is the success of "jubilee blitzkrieg" or is it a bluff?

- I think, for the onset of serious resources Maidan authorities have been exhausted. After all, the task set is not today. Ukrainian military attempted to capture Donetsk over the last few weeks. But by the weekend, it became clear that the attack petered out. Do Kyiv reserves in order to bring them to the front and to continue active operations is unclear. Already in the first line appeared territorial battalions, which are clearly weaker than the regular army brigade.

In general, the new attack is theoretically possible, but so far suggests that the attack fails.

War does not solve the problem suggests the possibility for a specific date. You can plan any operation, but the enemy in front of you, who have their own plans. He, too, is going to win the war, and not to surrender. Therefore, even if you create the ideal conditions for an attack, you can not be sure that the defeat of the 10th or the 20th of the.

Turchinov is begging the West military aid. This is hardly speaks of confidence in their abilities in Kiev.

- Militia reports on the capture of hundreds of armored vehicles. We constantly see pictures, which show the tens and even hundreds of armored vehicles destroyed. It is clear that Kiev carries significant losses. And given the fact that the army was decomposed in Ukraine for 23 years, there is not so much art, located in the state of combat readiness. If militias constantly shoot down planes, their stock end sooner or later. The same goes for tanks and any other equipment.

Especially now that Kiev does not produce anything. It's during World War II, to the point where the tanks were burning on the battlefields, factories in Germany have time to rivet them in the same, if not more.

Apparently, to the request to provide military assistance to Kiev will be denied.

- Firstly, help can only adequate technique. Well, no Ukrainian tank that know how to drive, "Leopards". In Germany, in turn, there is no T-64. A retraining takes too much time.

During the Great Patriotic War, when the tanks were, to put it mildly, simpler, tank crews were trained for at least two months before they got to the front. In order to master the management of a modern tank, you need to study at least six months. This time in Kiev was not.

More importantly, that the supply of arms mean direct involvement in the country's conflict. And this, in turn, will cause a corresponding reaction on the part of Russia. Moreover, as soon as it arms supplies one warring side, it is possible to supply weapons to the other party. And still do not know who will benefit from it.

As told co-chairman of the People's Front of New Russia Vladimir Rogov , the Prime Minister of DNR during a press conference addressed the Kiev authorities to recognize the independence of the republic.

- This clearly expressed promise does not leave much room for speculation and interpretation. Kiev and Donetsk can only talk to each other on an equal footing. If hypothetically, that the head of the DNI would have been a person who wanted to live in a country with Kiev occupiers, he stayed in the prime minister would not even watch a minute.

In recent days, the number of volunteers and technology we have just come. In turn, the official casualty figures of the Ukrainian army, which has been spoken personally Poroshenko indicate that it is in a state of collapse. To compromise with those who lose at least unwise. Not today or tomorrow Maidan authorities themselves will beg us for mercy and ask them to leave at least Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk. A Kiev will give Novorossia that should be hers by right.

Ukrainian media say the armed forces under the control of Kiev completely blocked the capital of the DNI. This is true?

- We must understand that Donetsk - a colossal agglomeration. That is, it is not worth the steppe - it closely surrounded by other cities. For example, 400000th MAKEEVKA. In Donetsk includes dozens of major routes. I'm not talking about the small roads and small country roads. Block all entrances to these unrealistic. Yes, now go to the city of problematic large column. The individual machines may well do it.

Trying to arrange a blitzkrieg of Independence Day, Kiev has thrown to the front of all the strength. However, they are exhausted every day.

And the talent pool in punitive not - the third wave of mobilization failed. From Kiev, nobody called, but in Russia run away tens of thousands of recruits who received a summons.

If you do not take the New Russia, the main flow of refugees in the Russian Federation is formed by the men of military age. Received a summons, they immediately take the train tickets or get in the car and go to visit their relatives in Russia, not to participate in the fratricidal war. So the new influx of potential punitive Kiev should not expect.

I think a few days left to reach a large fracture on the front, which does not even see specialists in military affairs.

And, most likely, the fracture occurs in the area of ​​the so-called "Independence Day." We are well aware that there is no independence of this state does not have - during the "maidan" it was occupied and is under external control. Our task - to free him.

Today my boys burned Ukrainian BTR and scattered infantry column. With that, until May-June, they all in the hands of the weapons did not hold. On our side every day go a few dozen people. They give up arms, and they are released. Some then go to battle, someone just goes to Russia. This is not mentioned in the media, because people understandably do not want to "shine".

Moreover, nearly hitting the Ukrainian army, many just trying to find friends or fellow countrymen who are fighting in the army of New Russia. Then contact them by phone and agree how to move us to avoid the fire.

With regard to water supply and other problems, we have recently produced water treatment system based on diesel generators. Now you can take water from small water towers or Kalmius - water will be clean.

Vasily Vankov (svpressa.ru),
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Thursday, August 21

07:27 GMT:

The first 16 trucks containing Russian aid for Ukraine are still waiting for the greenlight to cross the border, despite all paperwork from the Russian side and the International Red Cross Russian being presented on Wednesday. The trucks remain at Ukraine’s Izvarino border checkpoint. Yesterday, the convoy was expected to start heading for Lugansk at 8 am.

06:17 GMT:

Destroyed #Ukraine regime self propelled artillery near #Stepanovka pic.twitter.com/1smE5Sf5OK via @NovorossiaNews

— Steiner (@Steiner1776) August 20, 2014
00:30 GMT:

The number people displaced as a result of Kiev’s military operation in eastern Ukraine has surged to 190,000 in the last few days, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Ariane Rammeri has said.

“We recognize that the number of displaced could be higher in light of the non-existent central system of registration,” Rammeri added.

UNHCR cites Russian government when estimating that as many as 773,000 Ukrainian refugees entered Russia since January.

00:01 GMT:

New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) urged Ukraine to reverse its ban on 14 Russian TV channels.

“We are concerned by Ukraine's ban on Russian television channels and call on authorities to reverse it immediately,” CPJ Europe and Central Asia Program Coordinator Nina Ognianova said. “The Ukrainian public deserves access to a range of information that reflects all sides and views.”

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‘I never saw people die before’: Injured girl shares horrors of Donetsk shelling (VIDEO)

Published time: August 21, 2014 03:53

Edited time: August 21, 2014 11:18


Still from Ruptly video

Ukrainian army shelling has forever changed the life of a teenage girl near Donetsk. She is now lying in hospital with a shattered arm and shrapnel wounds. The teen saw several people, including children, being killed by falling bombs on the riverbank.

Kiev's bloody eastern Ukraine campaign LIVE UPDATES

Government forces first bombed the village of Zugres in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine on August 14. Several shells hit a beach full of people relaxing by the river, with shrapnel killing 12 people, the Rossiya 24 TV channel reported. Several people were injured and taken to hospital.

Yana Fenenko was one of the lucky ones who survived that day.

“We were swimming in the river when lots of bombs started falling all at once. We left the water and I threw myself down on the ground. I was lying prone, but I was still hit by a bomb,” 15-year-old Yana told RT’s Ruptly agency from a hospital bed.

“I had never seen how people die before,” she said. “The beach was filled with kids… A man got his hand blown off by one of the bombs. I saw it, he was laying right next to me. Also, one of the kids’ heads was blown off... It was very scary.”

Yana has been in the hospital for about a week and still has another month to go before she can be released. Doctors say her recovery will be very long and painful because of all the shrapnel in her right hand and the right side of her body.

“She has a lot of shrapnel wounds in the right half of the body: the jaw area, all of her right hand, shoulder and forearm, right hip and right thigh,” one of her treating doctors told ANNA News.


A man reacts as he stands in front of a building damaged by, what locals say, was recent shelling by Ukrainian forces, in Donetsk, August 20, 2014. (Reuters/Maxim Shemetov)

“My life definitely changed for the worst [since Kiev’s military offensive began]. A lot of my friends and acquaintances have died,” the girl said.

Yana was planning to study to become a teacher. She had all the documents already submitted to a local college and was just waiting for the exams, but those have been continually postponed due to the Ukrainian army shelling of eastern Ukraine.

Since the initial shelling of Zugres, the girl’s parents have been forced to take cover in a bomb shelter. “They’ve been there for two or three nights already,” Yana said.

Yana’s grandmother is with her at the hospital. She said she is devastated by what is happening to her family and land.

“I can’t understand this government, or Mr. Poroshenko himself. Why should our kids, our mothers, or grandmothers suffer? There is so much pain inside, I can’t even express it,” the woman said.

The Ukrainian military is moving forward with their offensive, carrying out raids in Donetsk and Lugansk as well as the surrounding areas, according to Ukraine’s National Security Council spokesman Andrey Lysenko.

Reports from the ground indicate that the offensive continues to be accompanied by indiscriminate shelling of residential areas, causing daily civilian casualties.


Local residents walk near bloodstains on a damaged street after recent shelling in the settlement of Makeyevka, on the outskirts of Donetsk, August 19, 2014. (Reuters/Maxim Shemetov)

On Wednesday alone, 34 people died and 29 others were injured as Kiev shelled villages and towns in the Donetsk region, local health authorities reported.

Shells also hit a penal colony in the Donetsk region, killing two inmates, local authorities told RIA Novosti.

Another bomb hit the Yasinovskiy coke and chemical plant in the city of Makeyevka, causing fire with a billow of smoke. All of the workers have been evacuated and production at the plant has been halted.

Makeyevka has for days been the target of relentless shelling, with houses, kindergartens and a fuel station reportedly destroyed in several attacks. Six civilians were killed there as a result of Tuesday’s shelling.

Some of the towns targeted by Ukrainian troops’ shelling are left with no water or electricity. On Tuesday, a water purification plant was heavily damaged in the Donetsk Region, cutting water supplies to thousands of people, including those in Zugres. Meanwhile in the city of Donetsk, local maintenance crews have been working to restore the damaged water plant supplying water to a population of 436,000.


A local resident stands in front of an apartment block damaged by a recent shelling in the settlement of Makeyevka, on the outskirts of Donetsk, August 19, 2014. (Reuters/Maxim Shemetov)

Meanwhile, Ukrainian customs officials are refusing to inspect the first batch of Russian trucks carrying aid to eastern Ukraine, claiming that the paperwork is not ready.

The UN has estimated that around 2,000 people have lost their lives since the start of the riots in Kiev and the subsequent military campaign in the south-eastern regions of the country.

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Donbass militia continues to successfully deter aggression occupation forces take offensive gradually weaken units junta.

Thus, the previous day (August 21), was carried out counter-offensives by resistance forces, during which it was possible to take control of points Manuilovka and Peter the Great, which is located in the south-west of the Snow.

Ongoing battle for Saur-Tomb, which can be called an important strategic point. Occupants are trying to clear militias from a height, however, met with fierce resistance and only lose armored vehicles and soldiers. According to Defense Minister Donetsk HP, a major line of defense units will not be abandoned.

Past today fighting in the Snow, described above, brought the militia not only settlements, but 13 prisoners. Were captured by soldiers of the junta, of whom three were officers - a colonel, lieutenant colonel and major. Vladimir Kononov, recently taken the post of defense minister, said that in respect of captured people will be investigated. The results of which will be determined by who can be exchanged for its captured soldiers or to take appropriate action.

Will be reviewed questions about the involvement of each of the servicemen of Ukraine to the crimes against the people of New Russia. Uncomplicated be able to go home or to be transferred to APU in exchange for prisoners militias.

Military prosecutors DNR will consider the case. Imputed fascists are all crimes against the people of character, taking away from civilian cars to military actions against civilians. Separate note on this background stands that were recently put in military courts, which can set any preventive measure for criminals, including the death penalty.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Do not cease exploding shells, machine-gun and machine-gun fire in Ilovaiskaya. For a settlement there are fights. In this area, the militia fighting the Punisher "Donbass", in the clashes, many of which are injured or killed, in the meantime, they are not going to surrender and continue to defend the city. Apparently, in order to support the battalion, they were sent to the weapon system, including such heavy weapons as the installation to deal with heavy machinery, grenade launchers and anti-aircraft systems.

Earlier, Kiev had received information that the city was taken security forces that was a lie. At the same time, continued firing of cannon and rocket artillery due to the absence of civilians in Ilovaiskaya. In fact, the resisters say that the cellars sit about five thousand citizens, who are not related to the war.

Currently, a similar situation with deceptions regarding the occupied territories was obtained from Kiev Yasinovataya. Witnesses funny situation involving Nazis began militia and civilians, according to them, they saw a picture when gunmen drove up to the junta administration building of the city. After that, he set up on the Ukrainian flag, photographed and sending falsification on the internet left. Meanwhile, the situation in Yasinovataya is under the control of militias.

Unfortunately, despite these ridiculous cases themselves locations, including Yasinovataya are in dire straits. Constant artillery strikes junta turned many houses in the mountains of debris, infrastructure as well in poor condition. People with problems not only food but with water and medicines. Militia, at the same time to provide all possible assistance to the citizens of New Russia.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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11:00 GMT:

President of Ukraine[fascist], Petro Poroshenko, has signed a law enabling the country’s law enforcement to detain citizens in the zone of the so-called anti-terrorist operation (ATO) without a court ruling for up to 30 days, the RIA news agency reports. Just like the previously allowed detention limit of 72 hours behind bars, the new one-month detention should be agreed with prosecutors. “This will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement actions during the ATO and will contribute to the execution of their tasks and neutralization of terrorists," said the press-service.

10:42 GMT:

The battle for the small town of Ilovaisk, some 35 kilometers from Donetsk, resulted in 16 deaths and at least 50 wounded among Ukrainian troops and members of the National Guard, Anton Geraschenko, counselor of the Minister of Interior, acknowledged, as quoted by Itar-Tass. Five soldiers have died and 21 have been wounded over the last 24 hours, Andrey Lysenko, spokesman from the national Security Council, informed journalists.

The self-defense militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic claim that all attacks on Ilovaisk have been repelled and several units of the Ukrainian army have been surrounded on the outskirts of the city.

09:03 GMT:

Four prisoners have died after the Ukrainian army shelled Penal Colony #32 in the city of Makeevka in the Donetsk region. An artillery strike came around noon on August 20, with two shells exploding in the grounds of the penitentiary. One shell hit a barracks, killing two prisoners instantly and injuring eight more. Two wounded convicts later died in the colony’s hospital on Thursday morning.

07:27 GMT:

The first 16 trucks containing Russian aid for Ukraine are still waiting for the greenlight to cross the border, despite all paperwork from the Russian side and the International Red Cross Russian being presented on Wednesday. The trucks remain at Ukraine’s Izvarino border checkpoint. Yesterday, the convoy was expected to start heading for Lugansk at 8 am.

06:17 GMT:

Destroyed #Ukraine regime self propelled artillery near #Stepanovka pic.twitter.com/1smE5Sf5OK via @NovorossiaNews

— Steiner (@Steiner1776) August 20, 2014

DONETSK, August 21 (RIA Novosti) - Eastern Ukrainian independence forces have killed a sabotage group composed of mortar gunners and snipers who had been shelling the Donetsk city center, a militia headquarters representative said Thursday.

“We’ve received a signal from local residents that two mortar detachments have been operating almost in the city center. Protected by three snipers’ covering fire, they have been shelling the area of the former Ukrainian Security Service building [now a militia headquarters]. The self-defense members have engaged in fighting with the saboteurs, the group has been eliminated,” said the representative.

Earlier, Donetsk People’s Republic authorities repeatedly warned the population about infiltration by sabotage groups from Ukrainian government forces. Local residents report that the pro-independence fighters occasionally exchange fire with unidentified armed people.

The Kiev authorities have been conducting a military operation in eastern Ukraine, aimed at suppressing local pro-independence forces that do not recognize the February regime change in the country. Moscow has opposed the operation, urging the world community to help make Kiev stop the military action that Russia considers “punitive.”

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UNITED NATIONS, August 22 (RIA Novosti) – The examination of the UN Security Council statement on Moscow's proposal for a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine during the delivery of Russian humanitarian aid has been delayed, UK mission to the United Nations, which presides this month in the Security Council, told RIA Novosti.

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Reports about losses in aircraft retaliatory Ukrainian the Air Force on today's number. Loss notable, despite the incessant pressure of terrorist attack of the Ukrainian army upon Donbass, militants manage to put to terrible armed forces of the neighboring country a notable loss.

April 25, 2014 – Mi-8 it is destroyed at the airport of Kramatorsk (hit from RPG or the Anti-tank guided missile), nearby standing An-2 also burned down.

May 2, 2014 – Mi-24 it is brought down near Slavyansk from PZRK – the crew was lost.

May 2, 2014 – Mi-24 it is brought down near Slavyansk from PZR – 2 people was lost, 1 is captured.

May 2, 2014 - Mi-24 it was damaged by fire from the earth (from the Storage or a large-caliber machine gun), I left to the, abnormally I sat down, подломана a tail beam and an engine fire.

May 2, 2014 – Mi-8 it is strongly damaged near Slavyansk.

May 5, 2014 - Mi-24 it is brought down near Slavyansk from a large-caliber machine gun. It is destroyed by Ukroarmiya's aircraft later.

On May 26, 2014 – civil Yak-40 is destroyed at the airport of Donetsk... Whose fire - it is authentically not known.

May 26, 2014 – Mi-24 it is damaged in Donetsk in a course of action for the railway station, engine ignition, I managed to leave, abnormally I sat down.

May 29, 2014 – Mi-8 it is brought down from PZRK near Slavyansk. 12 people were lost (including, the general Kulchevsky), one got severe wounds.

May 29, 2014 – Mi-8МТ (I treated the 51st crew of army aircraft of national guard) it is brought down or technical malfunction. The crew was lost.

June 2, 2014 – Su-25 it is damaged by ZU-23-2 fire near Lugansk, I held on to base under Raisin.

June 3, 2014 – Mi-24 (number 10 yellow) it is lined near Slavyansk, it is strongly damaged, abnormally I sat down in the field, the crew is evacuated, after unsuccessful attempts of repair is taken out.

June 3, 2014 – Su-25 it is damaged by fire from the Antiaircraft ZU-23-2 installation near Slavyansk (most likely, I held on to base under Raisin). I reserved a black trace in the direction of the Red Estuary.

June 3, 2014 – Su-25 it is brought down near Slavyansk (I fell to the north), the pilot catapulted.

June 3, 2014 - Mi-8 (a white color) it is damaged near Slavyansk, abnormally I sat down at having stolen, it is taken out.

June 04, 2014 - Mi-8 it is damaged near Slavyansk, abnormally I sat down with MTO ignition, under cover of armor it is taken out;

June 4, 2014 - Mi-24 it is damaged near Slavyansk, abnormally I sat down, it was filled up sideways, MTO ignition, укры finished from Su-25. (according to other data it is finished from BMD-2 by a militia);

June 4, 2014 – Mi-24 (number 15 yellow) it is damaged near Slavyansk, it is taken out.

June 4, 2014 – Mi-24 (number 91 yellow) is damaged near Slavyansk, is taken out.

June 5, 2014 – Su-25 it is damaged by fire with ZU-23-2 near Slavyansk, I held on to base under Raisin.

June 5, 2014 – Mi-8 it is damaged by fire from small arms near Slavyansk.

June 6, 2014 – AH-30B is brought down from PZRK.

June 6, 2014 – Su-25 received insignificant damages near Slavyansk.

June 13, 2014 – Su-25 it is damaged over Druzhkovka, smoking, I departed, most likely, I held on to base.

June 14, 2014 – Il-76 is brought down from PZRK near the Lugansk airport (at least 49 victims).

June 14, 2014 - Mi-24 at the settlement. Happiness it is damaged, MTO fire, abnormally sat down at the Cheerful Mountain, is finished from 82-mm mortars.

June 14, 2014 – Su-25 it is brought down from PZRK over Gorlovka, the pilot catapulted, was taken prisoner, was exchanged later. According to other information Su-25 is brought down not, and Su-24 and 1 pilot was lost, the 2nd is taken prisoner.

June 17, 2014 - Su-25 it is lined at Kurdumovka, I left with a smoke, most likely, I held on to base.

June 19, 2014 – Su-25 it is lined at Yampol, I held on to base.

June 19, 2014 – Mi-24 it is damaged at Yampol.

June 19, 2014 – Su-25 it is damaged under Seversk, I returned on base.

June 21, 2014 – Mi-8т the Helicopter of public service of Ukraine on the emergency situations, involved within the power operation performed by the Kiev authorities in the east of Ukraine, crashed in the Zmiyevsky region of the Kharkov area. As a result of accident three crew members were lost.

June 24, 2014 – Mi-8 it is brought down from PZRK near Slavyansk, all 9 people were lost.

July 1, 2014 – SU - 25 is lined at. Snow, most likely, I held on to base.

July 1, 2014 – Su-24 it is lined over the village Lugansk, I held on to base.

July 2, 2014 – Su-24 it is lined near Lisichansk, I held on to base, but I burned down on VPP.

July 2, 2014 – Su-25 it is lined under Seversk, the pilot tried to hold on the plane to base, but failed in the Dnepropetrovsk area, the pilot catapulted.

July 5, 2014 – Il-76 is destroyed at the airport of Lugansk.

July 7, 2014 – Su-25 crash-landed in the Luhansk region, the pilot gave up in captivity. LNR had the first plane.

July 12, 2014 – Mi-24 it is lined from PZRK at low height at. Snow, near N of the item Kozhevnya. I was compelled to sit down.

July 13, 2014 – Su-25 it is brought down at Gorlovka from ZU-23-2, I fell in the region of N of the item of Zaytsevo.

July 13, 2014 – Su-25 it is brought down at Gorlovka from ZU-23-2, I fell in the region of N of the item of Debaltsevo.

July 14, 2014 – Su-25 it is lined around the airport of Lugansk, I held on to base.

July 14, 2014 – An-26 it is brought down from PZRK, I fell in the district of the settlement of Dolzhano-Nikolsky of the Luhansk region.

July 14, 2014 – Su-24 (?) it is brought down near Lisichansk from PZRK.

July 16, 2014 – Su-25 it is lined from PZRK around Dmitriyevki, most likely, I held on to base.

July 16, 2014 – Su-25 it is brought down at Amvrosiyevka, the pilot catapulted.

July 21, 2014 – Su-25 it is lined at the settlement of Georgiyevk, I reserved a smoke trace, I left on base.

July 23, 2014 – Su-25 it is brought down from PZRK at Saur-Mogily, according to other information - at Dmitriyevka. The pilot catapulted.

July 23, 2014 – Su-25 it is brought down from PZRK at Saur-Mogily (according to other information - at Dmitriyevka). The plane was initially lined and smoking flied towards Lugansk near which failed. The pilot catapulted.

August 2, 2014 – Su-25 it is brought down from PZRK under Yenakiyevo. The pilot catapulted, is captured.

August 7, 2014 - MiG-29 is brought down under Yenakiyevo. The pilot catapulted.

August 7, 2014 – Mi-8 (medical), it is lined around Saur-Mogily (Ukrosmi).

On August 17, 2014 – MiG-29 is brought down from PZRK near Krasnodon, the pilot catapulted.

On August 17, 2014 – Su-25 is brought down from PZRK at Hryashchevatoye's village.

On August 20, 2014 – Mi-24 from PZRK at Georgiyevk's settlement is brought down.

On August 20, 2014 – Mi-24 from the STORAGE at Georgiyevk's settlement, a dense black smoke from the engine is lined, crash-landed.

On August 20, 2014 – Su-25 at Novosvetlovka is brought down, the pilot catapulted.


Mi-24: 6 it is destroyed irrevocably + 8 are lined/are damaged.

Mi-8: 5 it is destroyed irrevocably + 5 are lined/are damaged.

Su-25: 11 it is destroyed irrevocably + 1 LNR + 12 is taken are lined / are damaged (returned on base).

Su-24: 2 are destroyed irrevocably + 1 it is lined/is damaged, I held on to base.

Mig-29: 2 units are destroyed.

AH-30 (scout) + 2 Il-76 (transport workers) + An-26 (transport worker) are destroyed also.


The other day the deputy of the Dneprodzerzhinsk City Council Sergey Tkachenko communicated to the old companion who spoke with it directly from zone anti-terrorist operation. His companion appeared the soldier of the Ukrainian army from that distressful 72nd crew which reduced by half got out of the Southern copper. Directly the soldier refused to contact the journalist as is afraid for destiny of brother-soldiers whom can "set up". Any contacts with journalists are forbidden them so it was necessary to take information at second hand. We give conversation retelling with the soldier who has survived in a meat grinder who still is in a zone of fights.

Held down by one chain

So it turned out that the state which these military allegedly went to protect, they are afraid more, than so-called separatists. The mutual responsibility connected all who now there is. So, for example, that the few which after this meat grinder let go on leave, warned that in case of not return their companions-guarantors "will be punished by a post". That is the post is such punishment. The guilty or left guarantors as in a case with holiday if the soldier didn't return to part, send for post protection, and "the Russian roulette" begins further. If carries by, all will return live and safe after marked time. And if isn't present, and the post will be attacked by militants, the chance to survive is reduced to several percent. For this reason we don't tell neither the name of the fighter, nor concrete division where it served.

From the story of this soldier reflected in detail it is possible to draw a conclusion, what even in the dislocated today's world zone anti-terrorist operation represents even more dislocated reality. According to him, in Donetsk now for a card "Kiyevstar" give to 400 hryvnias. Cards simply aren't present on sale. At the same time as much there is a Kalashnikov with a full unit of fire. However, and it isn't possible to take out this weapon from "zone". The same holiday-makers or invalided out will see off through seven checks and searches regarding taken out the weapon or cartridges. The same that occurs till this joyful moment, it is possible to characterize in a word - "hell".

Also put here not only in continuous attacks and every minute circulation under death. According to the soldier, in a copper them stupidly threw. Anybody for all the time didn't make any attempts to their release. Even on arrival was a lot of such, who with shouts "Glory to Ukraine! " I was torn to be on duty on posts and I volunteered to go on reconnaissance. The most part from them already isn't present in the live. For the others even the campaign goes on a post mostly as punishment, for these or those violations of the charter. Armies as a whole are in the state close to the panic.

Most of all are afraid of input of the Russian armies. By the transferred words of the soldier, in case of input of the Russian army all army of Ukraine will be scattered even before clash.

Hostages of the country

The southern copper well highlighted that fact that at any real threat anybody won't rescue soldiers of Ukraine. Them will simply throw, as the used expendable material. It isn't necessary to speak about equipment at all.

"Bullet-proof vests aren't necessary to us, - the military introduced the original idea. - They only constrain movement and if rescue, only from splinters or a bullet on a tangent. At a direct hit of a bullet they make the way as a foil. It concerns not only antediluvian sheets of the first series, but also bullet-proof vests of the 5-6th series".

Dress "armor" only on posts. In attack or at fast retreat them simply don't take. According to military, all this hysteria round bullet-proof vests - attempt someone to be sewed by no other than on this problem and to get rid of parties of "bronnik". Already for anybody not the secret that in this war by diligence of gunners and aircraft perishes the mass of not privy civilians to war.

However, according to the soldier, the Ukrainian infantry in any way didn't dirty itself blood of the civil. With marauding and war crimes national guardsmen and "правосеки" most of all sin, hearings about their arts reached and soldiers of VSU. Blocking detachments from "правосеков" about which write the Russian mass media, here not, but the general atmosphere demoralizing. The squealing which is in every possible way encouraged prospers. Rules of army regulations are turned inside out. So, for example, at the beginning of operations in part there was a mass desertion. Now, as the military told, to all of them explained that lists all of them relatives are in anti-terrorist operation staff and if soldiers desert or will come over to the side of the opponent, these lists will be transferred to radicals from "Right Sector".

Commanders are even in more unenviable situation. On the one hand, on them presses the administration with idiotic, orders sometimes contradicting each other. With another - same "rules" about relatives that extend on soldiers.

Actually relatives of many military too became hostages of this war. And on other party of entrenchments against badly armed and untrained soldiers there are professionally prepared militants.

According to the serviceman, generally local, but is both Russians, and Belarusians, as a rule, mercenaries though foreign mercenaries are and from the Ukrainian party. Hearings about the Poles who in large quantities are at war for money on the party of Ukraine go, but personally he saw and even communicated only with Czechs.

That to official reports of the administration and squeals in the Ukrainian mass media about never-ending victories, for 90% all this lie. Real losses enormous, not less than 7000 soldiers. Even if something is taken also by the Ukrainian armies, for a while and are soon compelled to recede: "We even never would take Slavyansk if Shooters didn't disengage army", - the serviceman speaks.

The soldier answered a question as, in his opinion, it is possible to finish this war, unambiguously: "At the present power in any way. If this mode doesn't fall, all this will be tightened for years, and even for decades".

Source: http://ruskline.ru/
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Column with the Russian humanitarian aid to Ukraine starts to move in the direction of Lugansk state in the Foreign Ministry. The situation with endless artificial puffs address the issue of early delivery of Russian humanitarian aid to areas of the South-East of Ukraine became intolerable, consider the Foreign Ministry.

"The nomination of new artificial requirements and prepositions has become humiliating. Continue to tolerate such lawlessness, outright lies and inability of the impossible. All excuses for pulling the delivery of aid to people in the area of ​​humanitarian catastrophe exhausted. The Russian side decided to act. Our convoy with humanitarian aid begins to move in the direction of Lugansk, "- said in a statement posted on the Foreign Ministry website.

"Apparently, in Kiev, set out to provide full force" cleansing "of Luhansk and Donetsk for the upcoming Independence Day on August 24," - said in a statement published on the website of the Russian dipvedomstva today.

"Reinforce the perception that the current Ukrainian leaders deliberately delaying the delivery of humanitarian aid, in order to achieve a situation where the aid will generally have no one" - said on Smolensk Square.

"Perhaps, the calculation of the fact that the approach to such a result to the scheduled August 26 meeting in Minsk», - noted there.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Yesterday, at the next session of the Parliament of New Russia deputies have made an appeal to the Ukrainian people.

Parliament President Oleg Tsarev invited all Ukrainians to revolt and join the People's Republic of Donetsk.

"Citizens of Ukraine! Wake up and let's face it: we are pushed into a fratricidal war Kiev politicians who made his Nazi ideology. Indicative that most of them are neither nationality nor the faith and spirit are not Ukrainians" - said in a circulation.

Deputies united parliament Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics are reminded that while during the war die ordinary soldiers, Kiev government earns on human grief.

Speaker of the Parliament of New Russia Oleg Tsarev called "sending sons to the Donbas, the Ukrainian mother pushed them to certain death., In turn, enrich the oligarchs for the deaths of thousands of people by supplying the army defective body armor or selling it at exorbitant fuel prices. We call on the people of Ukraine to start a revolution then join our state. "

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


In so doing, it helped the Ukrainian media

August 21 press office Nazigvardii Ukraine reported that soldiers punitive battalion Donbass located in the combustion environment on the outskirts of the city, brandishing sent grenade launchers, anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems installation. Using this information, the militia decided to intercept the convoy.
To accomplish this task was chosen reconnaissance commando team, repeatedly went on a mission into deep behind enemy lines. Late at night, taking advantage of the lack of a solid front line, the scouts went to the enemy's rear and arranged sent patrols on several roads, in any of which could move the column. Soon, one of the patrols was reported false column, followed by moving maneuverable armored group. Ukrovoyaki expected the militia attack on a convoy porozhnyakka and finding himself subjected themselves defeat. The trick of the enemy was solved, and the false column missed, not touching.
Half an hour later, on the same road there and the main column, which included nine flatbed trucks KamAZ. She also had bronesoprovozhdenie but well-aimed shots granatomёtchikov APCs were immediately destroyed by an RPG-7. Povyprygivali driver of the cars with their hands up and have offered to bring the car to the location of the militias. By morning, moving in a roundabout way, the convoy arrived at the militia. As it turned out, were carrying arms for the very punitive KAMAZ, which recently invested in the National Guard from the Russian manufacturer. Major pariah weapons suitable for arming the whole battalion was immediately distributed by departments.

Alexander Nikishin

Central News Agency Novorossia


82-year-old grandfather was shot with a shotgun centurion Maidana

At a time when Ғeroy Maidana tried to rape his granddaughter

According to Ukrainian media, "20 serpnya in the battle for vizvolennya Luhansk zaginuv centurion 8 ¯" afganskoї "self-defense sotnі Maidan kiyanin Oleg Mіhnyuk."

For his Afghan and Komsomol past "Mіhnyuk koristuvavsya on Independence great authority." Also, the media reported that the funeral, presumably, will be held in Kiev on August 22 Baykovoye or Lukyanovsky military cemetery. Farewell will be held on the Maidan, where Oleg Mihnyuk spent the first day of the revolution, this Ғeroy.
However, the circumstances of his shameful death of the Ukrainian media, of course, do not open. And it was so: with the two of his subordinates of 8 ¯ "afganskoї" sotnі, now part of the battalion Aidar Mіhnyuk, nalakavshis ғorilki decided in the best traditions of the occupiers popolzovatsja local lasses. Long chasing minor local resident of the village, they drove her to the barn and tried to rape her. At this point, out of the house popped her 82-year-old grandfather with a shotgun and the spot made the two rapists. While my grandfather was reloading his gun, a third bandit managed to escape.

Calling on the aid of accomplices of Aydar, he returned to the place of death of their commander, to avenge him the girl's family, but she and her family managed to escape. Enraged, punishers burned hut and farm building. So Ukrainian nationalists "vizvolyayut Luhansk."
Source anagen

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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"Bullxxxx on a moonlit night"

Chairman of the SBU Valentin Nalyvaychenko: "We call it a direct invasion by a cynical cover of the Red Cross. This military vehicles, a military documents covering. There as a military drivers are trained to escort functions for control of combat vehicles, tanks and artillery. Transportation of this column will be used for transportation of artillery, and therefore against the civilian population. "

In addition, Nalivaychenko noted that, according to the SBU, the so-called humanitarian convoy of Russian has three objectives. The first - the use of military KamAZ, repainted in white, for the transportation of guns, the second - is transportation of weapons and equipment gangs and third, it is important to conceal the crime, hiding the bodies of people killed by relatives of the Ukrainian authorities to relatives of those killed in Russia do not know where their loved ones died. "


Asked by journalists about whether it is possible to stop the convoy of humanitarian convoy Nalivaychenko said no, as it moves through the territory, which is controlled by the rebels.

At the same time, he said, the Ukrainian side will not use air power against the convoy.

"On this provocation Ukraine in various ways to inform the Red Cross to now all of Ukraine is not pulled into the provocation that we used force against the so-called machine assistance. Next the reaction will be determined "- he said.

A strong statement and warning knocked the stuffing out of the Russian Foreign Ministry and the audacity with leaders of the junta.

Finally, to demonstrate the political will of the Kremlin and clearly given a signal that Donbass "not give up", contrary to the hopes of Kiev.

Poroshenko "unrolled lips" ...

It is interesting to yesterday's statement Poroshenko in Nikolaev. He told reporters that on August 26, he, along with "a strong team" consisting of three high representatives of the EU "in Minsk going to talk about peace." He said that at a meeting of Ukraine "will call pick fighters from Ukraine." "I am confident that we will succeed," - said Poroshenko.


I think that this is a profound delusion Poroshenko. Their Russian do not surrender! Today it has been confirmed in practice.

And yet the fact that the President of Russia will hold talks with Peter - "bloody".

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

In the Crimea at the checkpoint "Chongar" an amusing incident. Russian border guards detained at the boundary between two drunks in smoke Ukrainian colleagues, so to speak Visitor "at the light."
- Two Ukrainian Border Guard (1990 and born in 1978) came to the carrying position with a few bottles of beer and ammo AK - told the "KP", the press service of the Russian FSB Border Directorate of the Republic of Crimea. - The men said that they were bored and they decided to pay a visit to have a drink together and talk heart to heart about the situation between Russia and Ukraine.
Both border guards detained to ascertain the circumstances.
- It is surprising that in their behavior they did not see anything strange, - said the press service. - The two border guards claim that they drink in the post no one stops, and a few liters of beer does not harm anyone else. What kind of order on the Ukrainian border at all, you can tell if the border guards, who are considered the face of the state, running in a state of intoxication?
According to the materials http://www.kp.ru/

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


"Next to tolerate such lawlessness, outright lies and inability of the impossible. All excuses for pulling the delivery of aid to people in the area of ​​humanitarian catastrophe exhausted. Russian side decided to act. Our convoy with humanitarian aid begins to move in the direction of Lugansk," - said today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia .

Russia expected to escort humanitarian convoys ICRC and their participation in the distribution of on-site assistance. However, representatives of the organization mission, if for security reasons. "The Russian convoy carrying humanitarian aid goes to Ukraine, but we did not accompany him due to the difficult situation in the region", - reported the organization to Twitter. "We have not received sufficient security guarantees from the warring parties. Our team in Lugansk reports an intense shelling during the night," - said in a statement.

Border Guard Service of Ukraine stated that the convoy of Russian trucks started to move, ignoring the agreements on the design of the cargo. National Security Council said that Ukrainian customs officers, border guards and the Red Cross did not inspect trucks crossed the border.

However, the most ardent Russophobe Psak-stuffer Tymchuk said on his page on Facebook: «It is about 34 trucks from the column checked Ukrainian border guards and customs before. however, to enter into the territory of Ukraine was necessary to permit the Ukrainian side after The Red Cross provided them soprovozhdenie.Ukrainskie border guards to inspect the column on the territory of the Russian checkpoint, were driven by Russian soldiers, after which the column started to move "

At the headquarters of Luhansk militias were informed that they will be accompanied by humanitarian aid.

"We ensure the security of humanitarian cargo and his entourage. Column moving under guard militia "said at the headquarters of the militia LC.

Sergey Volodin

Central News Agency Novorossia

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KIEV, August 22./ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian military will not use air force aircraft against the Russian convoy carrying relief supplies which entered Ukraine on Friday, head of Ukraine's Security Service Valentin Nalivaichenko told reporters on Friday.

"No, we won't use aviation against them," Nalivaichenko said.[always remember che's words: NEVER trust the imperialism. the junta and its backers say one thing and does another. russias restraint is amazing. perhaps finally though I doubt it, the junta will start some kind of dialogue with the anti fascists, which is what they have been wanting from the beginning : to be listened to.]

Kiev will inform the International Committee of the Red Cross about the situation with the convoy, he said adding that Ukraine could not stop the convoy as it was moving through the militia-controlled territory.

edit add

11:36 GMT:

About 60 KAMAZ trucks (approximately 20 percent of the total) from the Russian humanitarian convoy have crossed the Ukrainian border. The convoy has been greeted in Ukraine by several locals holding Russian flags, St.George’s ribbons and posters, saying: “Thank you!”, “Mother-Russia will not fail us!”, “Cannot kill us or force on our knees!”


RIA Novosti / Maksim Blinov

11:30 GMT:

Russian aid convoy crosses Ukraine border and Russia warns against any attempts to disrupt it http://t.co/Q34hhmIihs pic.twitter.com/c7bm8jp5w4

— ITV News (@itvnews) August 22, 2014

Edited by John Dolva
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t is learned that, naterpevshis from the junta, Lugansk residents received help from Russia. Thus, the trucks with food and various necessary items arrive at your destination. In the afternoon of the last day cars have received all the necessary documents at the checkpoint "Izvarino" in the region of half of the sixth - have already entered the Lugansk.

Citizens were surprised and very pleased in this course of events, because the situation can be called critical. While virtually humanitarian disaster and environmental crisis, residents now have hope that things will get better.

Going to Lugansk, trucks moved through the streets, while they were staying at each intersection. In order to hold the column without incident in the city, the militia moved by a detour to avoid the fire, as a result, had to make a detour of 170 kilometers.

Provisions for the issuance and things specially organized 24 points, according to the administration of LC, half of them will start to function the next day. Previously, data will be matched by the number of cargo by Russian documents with the actual volumes.

In order to most efficiently distribute brought between civilians, compiled lists, which included the most needy people. First of all, they have become refugees, victims of the bombing, the disabled, pensioners who are in health care facilities.

We should also note that at the start of unloading trucks at border, the Nazis made a shelling. Of possibly chaotic running shells, two detonated very close to the truck. Fortunately, neither the driver nor the loads with the machines and the people were not injured. Drivers before dispatch received detailed instructions about the behavior in the event of any emergency. After unloading, KamAZ went way back to Russia.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Yesterday militias carried out a successful operation to free the two settlements (Peter the Great and Manuilovka). It was learned that during the battle resisters burned at least ten armored enemy as light and heavy classes. In addition, in the hands of the defenders of New Russia got one serviceable infantry fighting vehicle. On the captured 13-year-fighters, including three officers, it was learned earlier.

There are new details of past battles. Milestones resisters were organized near Petrovsky, just five kilometers from a strategic perspective - Saur-Graves. At the beginning of the confrontation occupiers began to retreat, and the fear of being taken prisoner, forced them to undermine the bridge over Sevastyanovka thus hampering the promotion of militias. However, the attempt failed, the bridge was not destroyed and resisters quietly passed on it. At a time when the forces of the defenders of Donbass entered the village, the soldiers APU surrendered without a shot being fired.

Despite the fact that the militants ukroarmii expect courts and inquire about their involvement in anti-national crimes, the military are in a good mood. They enjoy a good attitude militias: the way they were treated in cigarettes and talking quietly.

Themselves soldiers taken prisoner, denied any involvement in the atrocities of the junta in the lands of New Russia. In their own words, they fought with the Russian invaders - claim as one, despite the fact that in the eyes of Russian, none of them had seen. As a result, the prisoners came to the conclusion that they were betrayed by their own leadership.

It is known that the treatment of captured soldiers in battle DNR and LC opposite. They are often beaten, can not feed for days, kept in the pits, in general, for people do not consider.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Yesterday evening began UN Security Council session devoted to the humanitarian situation in the Ukraine.

Then arrived in Lugansk all 262 truck with the Russian humanitarian aid: food, drinking water, medical goods, baby food.


Before the convoy with humanitarian cargo moved in the direction of Lugansk Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement that Moscow decided to start the delivery of humanitarian assistance to affected areas south-east of Ukraine.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon acknowledged that the humanitarian situation in the east of the country is deteriorating. This is stated in the declaration of the world organization. "The Secretary-General once again calls on all parties, especially the Ukraine and the Russian Federation to continue to work in cooperation with the international community to ensure the delivery of aid to the most affected areas," - the document says.

Secretary General of the world body also stressed that all parties should exercise maximum restraint and to avoid escalation.

Russian Foreign Ministry: "Before we teach others how to live, start with yourself"

"Following the Kiev insinuations in the coming hours and days to follow as hypocritical moralizing to us from other capitals. Primitiveness and predictability of all that we hear from the West, does not require a long comment.

Advance answer: before teaching others how to live, start with yourself. Consider the extent to which your words are crossed out with your own business. We believe he is right. And we accuse Kiev and behind it the country that they repeatedly put their own political, essentially anti-Russian interests above the immutable rules of humanity and compassion. "

West's reaction to the Russian convoy

United States condemned Russia sending humanitarian convoys to Ukraine. Key foreign policy adviser to President Barack Obama in the White House staff Ben Rhodes confirmed that on August 22 press briefing in Massachusetts, where the American leader is on vacation.

According to Rhodes, the United States does not consider sending columns agreed with either Ukraine or the International Committee of the Red Cross, and see it as a "violation of Ukrainian sovereignty."

NATO said in Moscow responsible "escalation of the conflict in the Ukraine with the Russian armed forces." Statement by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen: "I condemn the introduction of so-called Russian humanitarian convoy on Ukrainian territory without the consent of the Ukrainian authorities, and without the participation of the ICRC. This is a gross violation of the international commitments of the Russian Federation recently in Geneva and Berlin, and a further violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine by Russia."

The European Union considers a "violation of the integrity of the Ukrainian border" crossing her convoy with humanitarian aid from Russia. This was reported by the press service of the European Commission.
"Humanitarian assistance must be delivered and distributed in cooperation with international humanitarian organizations and with the consent of the official Kiev. EU urges the Russian authorities to reconsider the unilateral decision."

OSCE . The current Chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Swiss President Didier Burkhalter said that he hoped to bring back the provision of humanitarian assistance to the east of Ukraine in a lawful channel. "Given that the deplorable living conditions of the civilian population in eastern Ukraine are getting worse, it is necessary to urgently return to joint legal and humanitarian efforts."

The International Committee of the Red Cross is ready to help the people of Lugansk. This was said in a statement the organization released late Friday night at Twitter. "Representatives of our team in Lugansk said that people need water, food, medicine. We can help ... We urge Ukraine and Russia to respect the neutrality, impartiality and independence of humanitarian mission of the ICRC."

This statement came after the entire convoy with Russian humanitarian aid has arrived in Lugansk.

"Dogs bark ...", and the convoy came

Speaker of the Parliament of the Union of People's Republics Oleg Tsarev. Saturday should earn points issue of humanitarian aid, which was brought from Russia 262 truck. Already organized 24 points, 12 of them open in the morning on Saturday. At present the unloading of the goods. It is warehoused and counted in warehouses.


In Lugansk, has compiled a list of people who are most in need to provide food, water and medicines. "In the first place will be given to pensioners and families where both parents work in the public sector, refugees, victims of the bombing, the disabled and hospital patients."

Around the convoy.

During the day, the forces of the Army of the Southeast have successfully solved the problem to ensure the smooth passage of humanitarian convoys to Lugansk.

In the woods near Krasnodona division of the national militia destroyed subversive enemy reconnaissance groups of five members.

According to intelligence reports, the group planned to conduct provocations on the route of the column.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Saturday, August 23

07:06 GMT:

The first batch of trucks has returned to Russia after delivering aid to Lugansk. 34 vehicles are currently back in Russia, with six units in total to arrive.

06:49 GMT:

President Poroshenko has stated that Ukrainian will be the only state language in the country, as cited by Itar-Tass.

“No one will break Ukraine apart on the principle of language; the only state language in the country will be Ukrainian,” he said at a flag-raising ceremony in the center of Kiev.

He added that the Russian-speaking citizens “love Ukraine no less than those who speak Ukrainian.”

“We should appreciate the contribution of those who speak Russian,” Poroshenko said.

About 45 percent of the Ukrainian population use Russian at home, according to the latest data by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology. The 2001 census also indicated that 68 percent are “fluent in Russian.”

06:45 GMT:

The Red Cross allegedly insisted on sending the humanitarian convoy via a dangerous route, through the village of Novostelovka, where Ukraine’s National Guard was stationed, according to an unknown source of the Ria Novosti news agency.

“There is fighting going on in Novosvetlovka, and the road to Lugansk remains closed. Despite this, the Red Cross insisted on the convoy going via that dangerous route,” the source told the agency.

The Red Cross wasn’t immediately available for comment.

06:28 GMT:

The first trucks from the Russian humanitarian convoy have left Lugansk and Ukraine. They are currently at the Russian-Ukrainian border, the Itar-Tass news agency reported, citing its correspondent at the scene.

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