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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Ukrainian troops continue their onslaught on the rebel cities of Donetsk and Lugansk. Russia is working with the Red Cross to allow a convoy of humanitarian aid cross border into the battered regions.

Saturday, August 23
09:42 GMT:

The humanitarian situation in the city of Lugansk (under constant shelling by the Ukrainian army) remains critical. Over the last 24 hours 68 civilians have been injured, Lugansk city council reports on Saturday. Representatives of the International Red Cross inspecting the situation in the city have confirmed to the UN that the humanitarian situation in the city is grave.

09:32 GMT:

Employees of the Russian Red Cross can’t come to Ukraine to help with humanitarian aid without approval from the Ukrainian Red Cross, RIA Novosti news agency reported, citing the head of Russia’s Red Cross, Raisa Lukutsova.

Lukutsova said she knows about the negotiations concerning the participation of the International Red Cross committee in the distribution of the aid, “but there is no result yet.”

“I’ve only recently spoken with the president of the Ukrainian Red Cross; they are discussing it, aren’t ready to give an answer. We [Russian Red Cross volunteers] can’t enter the country’s territory without the Ukrainian Red Cross’s consent,” Lukutsova said.

09:22 GMT:

The Russian Foreign Ministry is ready to continue working with the Red Cross to bring humanitarian aid to eastern Ukraine, according to a foreign ministry statement, as quoted by the RIA Novosti news agency.

07:52 GMT:

Three civilians have died in artillery shelling in Donetsk by Kiev forces, and the situation remains tense, according to a statement published on the city council’s website.

“As a result of morning artillery shelling in Kievsky district, two civilians have died –they were waiting at a bus stop. In Kirovsky district, one person was wounded – but he later died in the hospital,” the statement read.

07:52 GMT:

Lugansk residents hope that Russia will provide more humanitarian aid in the future, first vice premier of the Lugansk People’s Republic Vasily Nikitin told Ria Novosti.

“We don’t have any food left, and we hope that Russia won’t leave us in this situation and these humanitarian convoys containing food will become commonplace. We hope for the help, and we need it,” Nikitin stated.

07:28 GMT:

The humanitarian convoy came under fire on Friday while approaching the city of Lugansk, an unknown source told the Ria Novosti news agency.

“Arriving in Lugansk, the convoy was shelled by mortar launchers from the area occupied by the Kiev-controlled military,” the source stated.

According to the source, no one was injured, and the humanitarian aid was delivered safely to Lugansk.

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Events Novorossia
Security officials are preparing attacks in Kiev, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk
Today, 2:37 p.m. | Category: Feed » Events
Views: 4345


Ukraine's security services are preparing for Independence Day on August 24 attacks in three major cities of the country. Responsibility for the crime is supposed to entrust the militia south-east. On this Russian intelligence officer said, directly coached a group of saboteurs. In order to provide prompt LifeNews video secret service officer with the revelations.

Former captain of the 47th Regiment of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry special forces stationed in the Crimea, and last spring passed under the jurisdiction of Russia, the last few months he lived in that part of the Lugansk region, which is not controlled by LC, and served in the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

- When did the transition of Crimea to Russia, I decided to go to the Ukraine - said the ex-captain, a specialist in mine blasting work. - There's the structure of the Ministry of Interior to me at first promised a lot of things, but it turned out that the natives of the Crimea is not trusted. As a result, I was sent to fight in the Luhansk region.

In the south-east of the captain responsible for the organization of subversive groups, in particular the punitive battalion "Aydar". Its objectives were to develop a group of saboteurs and manufacture of explosive devices disguised as everyday objects: bags, boxes, bottles, cans. They were used against the militias. Then the captain apparently gained the trust of the Ukrainian leadership and received a special assignment.

- In August, I was ordered to urgently prepare a three subversive group of fighters "Aydar" and "Donbass" - the man continued. - To them, we were preparing explosives camouflaged under bags of refugees. Soldiers were mainly come from Lugansk and Donetsk regions. I was told that they would have to return to their homes and make a series of terrorist acts against the leaders of the militia.

Later, the captain found that the products were intended for entirely different purposes. The explosions, which had planned to accuse the militia were to occur in Kiev, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk on the eve of Independence Day, or directly during the celebration.

- After the attacks of military action had to be strengthened, intensified, because now they are neither good nor bad. People scatter, begrudgingly serve no one - admitted the officer.

The captain did not want to be involved in such crimes. He feared that it may subsequently eliminated as an undesirable witness. An officer with the help of colleagues from the Crimea left the place of service, he returned home and is now testifying Russian special services.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Yesterday, Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said to reporters that "We hope that the ICRC be able to participate in the distribution of aid."

The response from the ICRC did not take long. Still, they did not accompany the convoy - zaboyalis. Rather not receive good from his leadership, and the last, from Washington.

On Friday late on Twitter: "The representatives of our team in Lugansk said that people need water, food, medicine. We are ready to help ... " .


Helped ...

Today, the ICRC with its regionals, instead of being hungry to food, medicines to patients, staged a showdown.

Russian Red Cross (RRC) have not been able to reach an agreement with the Ukrainian Red Cross (UCC) in respect of the distribution of humanitarian aid. This was announced today by Head of Public Relations Tatiana Klenitskaya.

"As long as there is no agreement, - she said. - We have sent the proposals to the Ukrainian Red Cross, but so far no answer. Go harmonization".

In turn, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies can play a role only if the two national Red Cross societies to agree among themselves.

Head of the Regional Office of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Davron Muhamadiev, stated "in accordance with international rules, working principle of uniqueness, that is necessary to reach an agreement between the parties."

Russia would continue to follow the principle of international law, but in fact ran into sabotage.

In the words of Viktor Chernomyrdin: "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always."

In the meantime ...

Russian humanitarian convoy fully returned to the territory of the Russian Federation. Trucks proceeded in several stages from Lugansk to Donetsk Rostov region on the bypass road. Safety column provided militia Lugansk People's Republic.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, Rostov Region, August 23 (Itar-Tass) - The last trucks of the convoy, which delivered humanitarian aid from Russia for the eastern Ukrainian population, have safely returned into Russia's territory, an Itar-Tass correspondent reported from the site.

The convoy on Saturday took a bypass road from Lugansk to Russia's Donetsk, the Rostov Region. Militia of the Lugansk People's Republic ensured safety for the convoy along its route.

ROSTOV-ON-DON, August 23 (Itar-Tass) - Customs officers were evacuated from two Russian border checkpoints in the Rostov region on Saturday because of intensive gunfire on the Ukrainian side, the head of the press service of the Southern Customs Department, Rayan Farukshin, told Itar-Tass.

LUHANSK, August 23 (RIA Novosti) – Hundreds have died in artillery attacks on eastern Ukraine’s key city of Luhansk as government troops continue to lay siege to the militia stronghold, according to a senior official of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic.

“As of today, the death toll has climbed into the hundreds. Hundreds of homes have been torn down, including more than a dozen of apartment blocks and hundreds of private houses,” LPR Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Nikitin told RIA Novosti Saturday.

Luhansk has been left without running water, electricity and phone communications for 20 days as government troops continue to besiege it, pounding indiscriminately militia positions and residential quarters in and around the city. All deliveries of food, medication and fuel had long been stopped due to heavy shelling.

In a recent incident, a mortar round launched by government forces hit a water distribution facility in the inner city instantly killing fifteen people who had come to replenish their supplies, local authorities told RIA Novosti.

City morgues are filled with shelling victims, and the staff find it hard to remove all bodies from the streets leaving some of them exposed to elements for days.

Four months of fighting in Ukraine’s easternmost Luhansk region has left more than 2,000 people dead and 5,000 wounded, with hundreds of thousands fleeing their homes, according to UN reports. More than a half of the refugees have been crossing over into Russia.

On Friday, a humanitarian aid convoy from Russia rolled into eastern Ukraine after being checked by Ukrainian customs officials. A total of 280 trucks delivered grain, baby food, water, medicine and generators to the war-torn region, including Luhansk.

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The war in Ukraine. Part 3

Views: 5763

What is the difference between the Russian and Anglo-Saxon civilization? Why are they so adamant? Again, look at some facts. In the world there is only one single country, where more than 100 different ethnic groups, each of which has its own territory, their language, their culture, and they are all equal. That is, there is no priority of one nation over another. This is Russia, the successor to the Russian Empire, in turn - the heiress has a larger Slavic civilization. Hence the expression "brothers-Slavs".

A Russian? Russian are state-forming rod that State, near which united many nations on an equal footing with the Russian people. Thus, it is the Russian people is the basis, the foundation of the State. The main objective of the Anglo-Saxons - the destruction is the Russian people, and system - whether communist or tsarist autocracy - big plays no role.

One British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said that Russian should not stay more than 15 million in Russia. That is the goal that they want to achieve. Therefore, the war in the south-east of Ukraine has quite a specific purpose, and it is no accident so cynical way to destroy the civilian population of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, using all kinds of weapons, including missiles and to toxic substances. In this regard, the passive position of Russia, which does not show proper will in the salvation of their fellow countrymen, raises many questions and misunderstandings of the Russian world, and to a large extent and west.

But back to the question of Russian civilization. I recently returned to the Republic of Crimea in the Russian Federation, and from the official, state status gained three languages ​​- Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar. In Ukraine, home to no less than 8 million Russian people, but they do not give any status or even killed just because they are Russian. The same attitude to the Russian in the Baltic countries. But this attitude to Russian formed puppet governments of these countries on the direct orders of Washington. The Anglo-Saxon civilization ruthless, operates on the principle of "divide and rule".

In Russian genocide in the south-east of Ukraine all blame President of Ukraine Poroshenko. It rained all the curses, but he only executor of Washington - as well as the other members of the government. But the true culprit of this civil war are the United States - the world superpower that seeks to absolute world domination. This is their method and style, proven already in many countries for centuries.

How can so many different nationalities appeared within the borders of one state - the Russian Empire? Of course, there were wars, resulting in the area and joined their people, but never the population of these nations are not destroyed. Moreover, these people have retained their language, culture and way of life.

But there have been cases where small nations themselves asked to save them from total annihilation, and to include in the Russian Empire, that is to be protected. And Russian blood of their soldiers rescued these people. Can you name another country in the world, which would have been capable of this? And some people still remember this event, grateful to Russia, ie the Russian people. This, for example, Armenia, which is now part of the CIS and is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union. But Turkey would completely destroy this nation, the most cruel and ruthless manner was cut three quarters of the population. Only Russia's intervention saved this people from total destruction.

But there are people who've almost forgotten what they owe to Russia, and monuments to Russian soldiers who died once for their salvation, already demolished. This is Bulgaria, now a member of the EU. Its government, of course, at the behest of Washington is doing everything to erase this event from the memory of the people. These same countries include Georgia, which also sought refuge with the Russian Empire, and now Russian considers its enemies. And here, too, in a coup installed a puppet government controlled from Washington. By the way, Joseph Stalin considered himself a Russian Georgian as nationality he - Georgians, but after the Spirit - Russian, and he has done a lot for his country - Russia. And Georgia, he never separated from Russia.

What behaved Anglo-Saxon civilization? England, mistress of the seas and oceans, conducted active colonial wars around the world and had many colonial states in almost all continents. Actively engaged in the slave trade, so there is in America a lot of black people, that is, descendants of former slaves of introduced from Africa. We can say that the main objective of this civilization - profiteering and power over the world, and people have never been to them any value, neither before nor now.

You say, what about democracy, human rights and freedoms? This is just a smokescreen to somehow hide their true intentions. Pay attention to the facts. Where the native population of American Indians? They are almost gone. And it was in the beginning, according to some estimates, about 40 million people. In those days it is very big people. Their systematic extermination lasted for several hundred years. Only in the early 20th century - and it is not so long ago - the last tribe surrendered to American authorities. Many Indians still live in extreme poverty in a very unfavorable areas of life - former reservations, where the remnants of the indigenous population were resettled. Why did not the British granted them at least some territory where they could maintain their way of life, language and culture? They Americanize them, that is imposed on them their language, their way of thinking, their culture.

Similarly, and now they act worldwide.

Victor Shelest

Central News Agency Novorossia


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LUGANSK, August 23 /ITAR-TASS/. Sixty-eight civilians have been injured as a result of fighting in Ukraine’s eastern city of Lugansk over the past 24 hours, the city council said on Saturday.

It said the shelling continued and had damaged several hours on one of the streets.

No food, medicines and fuel have been supplied to the city over the past three weeks. There is no water and electricity, land lines and cell phones are not working, and no wages, social allowances and pensions are paid.

As the food situation is deteriorating, only the very basic staples such as bread and milk can be bought from vending vehicles after standing several hours in line.

The spokesman for the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic, Pyotr Mikhailov, told Itar-Tass: “The attacks on the city continue and their purpose is to cause panic among the residents of Lugansk.”

At least 210,000 people are currently staying in the city with no water or electricity, he said.

“There is no electricity because power lines have been destroyed, and we will be unable to restore power supply until our army fights Ukrainian troops out,” Mikhailov said, adding that despite the absence of electricity the majority of hospitals were still working.

“They [hospitals] use diesel and gasoline generators. We keep this issue in the focus of our attention,” he said.

Although the humanitarian situation remains critical, there are no epidemics in the city. “No outburst of epidemics or other dangerous diseases has been registered,” Mikhailov said.

DONETSK, August 23 (RIA Novosti) – Ukrainian militia in the restive Donetsk region told RIA Novosti Saturday they were now fighting their way to the Sea of Azov in the country’s south.

A source in the militia headquarters told our correspondent that self-defense forces had been pounding government troops’ positions near the town of Novoazovsk, a port on the southeastern tip of Ukraine.

If the militias are victorious, forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) will gain access to the Sea of Azov, which is a northern extension of the Black Sea, while also taking control of a local checkpoint and forcing pro-Kiev troops away from the border with Russia.

Earlier reports said that heavy fighting near the Novoazovsk border crossing prompted Russian border guards to pull back inside the country over security concerns.

Running street battles are also continuing in a town of Ilovaisk, which is an important railway hub in the Donetsk region, a local militia commander told RIA Novosti on Saturday.

“Half of the town is de facto controlled by us, and the other half by them [government forces],” the commander said, adding self-defense forces are driving the Army out of the town. Pro-Kiev troops have taken up position on the outskirts and are shelling Ilovaisk.

On Wednesday, Kiev claimed control of Ilovaisk, but its troops failed to consolidate their grip on the town and were forced out.

Since mid-April, Kiev forces have been conducting a military operation in southeastern Ukraine, aimed at suppressing independence supporters who refused to acknowledge the new government that came to power following a February 22 coup.

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived today for a visit to Kiev. In a situation where the Kievan troops are committing bloody aggression in the Donets Basin (in the full sense of the word itself, the blood on the sidewalks of cities of Donetsk and the corpses of civilians), the visit of German Chancellor justify aggression justifies murder. Poroshenko inspires new murder.

Meanwhile - an East German woman has forgotten that it was the Russian architect and executor of the reunification of Germany in October 1989.

If Russia did not want reunification, Angela Merkel would sit now and crushed flies on the window pane, in some provincial cultural institution or health care, in the backwoods of East Germany.

But Angela Merkel unusual feeling cold even helpful.

Doubt and that the ordinary German citizens know the feeling of gratitude.

Otherwise, Germany would shut up about the reunion to the Crimea with Russia and the uprising in the Donbass. We have reunited, because you have no moral right to oppose reunification with the Russian Western Donbass Russian Eastern Donbass, Russian?

Now, I hope all of our Russian citizens, relentlessly clear that it was not necessary to unite Germany.

To me it was clear as early as 1991 in the city of Vukovar vybomblennom where Serbs sadly reproached Russia for what she gave to unite Germany.

"As soon as this happened, Germany began to supply arms to Croatia and peaceful life is over for us," said the Serbs.

Angela Merkel is increasingly looks like a stocky Devil Merkel.

Could not travel to Kiev.
It was necessary to go in Kiev!
We will remember that you went to Kiev, to murderers, Angela Merkel!

And it makes me uncomfortable understood one pecking head off the idea. "Without a major war will not do!"

"Without a major war will not do!"

We had to jump in the Donbass Russia immediately after February 22.

Well, what's done is done.

A humanitarian convoy was a great idea. Approve.

I - Eduard Limonov. It was anti-German sermon
Central News Agency Novorossia

August 22 The Ukrainian Security Service detained a criminal group - five people in the capital, which was prepared before and during the celebrations on the occasion of Independence Day of Ukraine attacks in the Kyiv region.

This was reported by the press service of the SBU. According to the report, the intruders were detained in Kiev during the production of firearms (handguns 5 "PM"), which they planned to use for attacks on places of Ukrainian-based volunteer battalions, as well as leaders of organizations that provide assistance to the fighters involved in the anti-terrorist operation .

Members of the criminal group have made improvised explosive devices for sabotage on one of the railway infrastructure to impede the movement of troops and military equipment of Ukrainian Armed Forces.

During a search of the apartment of one of the intruders, law enforcement officers seized the components of improvised explosive devices, RGD-5 grenades and ammunition for the gun.


SBU argue that funding and coordination of terrorists carried out from Moscow persons controlled by the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Zhirinovskiy- "zhadyuga"?

Vladimir Zhirinovsky was "to diminish" or so want to see him in Gospeke?

Donbas in due time "tiger" has not regretted. And then just "chickens to laugh."

Judge for yourself, lads hired, gave only "pukalki", which a lot of noise does not wilt. Apparently money and gave little, if lads had to do self-made bomb.

And the idea was good, scare junta.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

The most significant financial loss to the state militias caused the destruction of the Mi-24 (5x15 - from $ 75 million) and the MiG-29 (2x30 - 60 million dollars).

According to various sources, mostly Ukrainian aircraft shot down from MANPADS and anti-aircraft installations.

Data independent of the junta media losses to 22.08.2014.

Loss of military aviation.

The numbers are large, the findings of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine for sad: Air Ukraine has practically no more . Do not put out of action can not be repaired, due to stop production for military aviation, which is located on the warring Donbass.

Loss of aviation during the ATO follows. Helicopters : Mi25 - five shot down eight damaged; Mi-8 - five helicopters shot down, five damaged.

Aircraft: Su-25 - 11 units lost one captured militia LC, 12 cars are badly damaged, but returned to the airfield; Su-24 - 2 units lost one aircraft damaged, returned; Mig029 - 2 units lost. Also lost to the ATO reconnaissance aircraft An-30, three transport planes - two IL-76 and one An-26.


"Changing tactics," announced on August 18 Poroshenko, has greatly enhanced the shock loss in the number of weapons and the personnel of the ATO, according to a source in the Defense Ministry of Ukraine.

Over the past three weeks, lost half of artillery ATO . Since the beginning of the special operation lost more than 200 art pieces, many of them "Grad" and "Hurricane", the third part of these plants is captured by the militia.


Tank - lost more than 500 units. With the military warehouses for ATO take out technique 30-40 years ago in poor condition, to compensate for the loss.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

With ever-increasing force clashed in such important areas as Saur-Tomb, Ilovajsk and snowy. Militia managed to take a serious enemy forces in the environment, punitive enthusiasm fading away, but they continue to make desperate attempts to break through the barrier to self-defense forces. However, the militias believe that the resources to break the occupants will not be enough, and their long-term resistance is at issue. Likely to need nerves or compel punitive lay down their arms, to continue to participate in the genocide will be only the most violent and religiously believe in the fairy tale of Ukrainian mass media, and even then not for long.

The fact that the army troops of Ukraine continue to hold the position, yet seriously complicates the lives of the militia. However, in spite of everything, the defenders of Donbass discourage all attack the Nazis, thereby increasing their weakening. Unfortunately, the stock invaders affect the peaceful people - harder to live in dilapidated cities, in constant fear of the next bombing.

The past two days were quieter than previous days, in Donetsk continued to tear shells enemy in sleeping areas, the fire was on the side where the track is located Mariupol. Offensive security forces was observed that the self-defense forces associated with a serious weakening of the enemy. But vigilance no one loses!

It should be noted that Ukraine will soon holiday, August 24 - Independence Day. By the way, the taking of Donetsk and its liberation from the militia was planned precisely on this memorable date. Apparently Kiev did not expect such a fierce resistance militias. At the same time, the DNI fighters are in a buoyant mood and laughing, that Ukraine will celebrate its independence from the Donbass.

Thank you, guys, do not give up!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Militias Donetsk HP sees before him two major challenges we are talking about units that are located in the vicinity of Snow. Thus, in order to strengthen its position, it is necessary to exempt from punitive land border with Russia, as well as take-Saur Tomb under its full control.

With regard to the strategic height, the DNR will not be able to hoist the flags over villages Rams and the Assumption, which is located near the border with Russia. The fact is that with Saur-Graves sweep these settlements, so as not to draw them in ruins, it is necessary to clear the unit occupants completely. To date, most of the objects occupy exactly the defenders of their land, but completely neutralize groups of enemy forces is not possible.

Relative to the other tasks, it can be said that the junta troops, retreating from Manuilovki and Petrovsky, were surrounded. At the same time, according to militia fighters army Ukraine desperately resisting and attempting to break through the encirclement. Apparently, the position of the occupants in the area are so severe that they go to any measures to implement the breakthrough. Thus, trying to make their way to the track Donetsk-Lugansk, punishers fired a ballistic missile "Tochka-U" by militia checkpoint DNR.

Naturally, such a type of weapon would not leave the checkpoint from a stone, but the resistance forces have rescued several factors. Firstly, it is very conveniently located trenches were, secondly, apparently, the rocket did not work in full force. After charges have been released cluster, some of them are not impacted. Soldiers found several DNR quiescent cells and, holding them in their hands, they were glad their own luck.

Militias themselves say they saved by God. Maybe it is, because justice and truth on their side ...

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Summary of Army Southeast August 23:

As a result of the impact caused by the Nazis tactical missile "Tochka-U" on the residential areas of the village Rovenki (LC) killed three (including one child) and injuring nine civilians.

During the day, the intense artillery attacks have been punitive suburbs and outskirts of the city of Donetsk, Lugansk and Ilovajsk. There are civilian casualties.

Another 'glorious victory punitive "in Kirov Donetsk region. punitive projectile hit the Church of St. John of Kronstadt. The incident occurred during the evening service. The tragedy killed three people, six were injured. After shelling the church was completely destroyed.

During the same firing shells hit in the hospital building, where there are two people killed and seriously injured.

Messages from the Army of the Southeast.

Under persistent pressure from the Nazis militia forces began to withdraw its units from the position in the area of ​​human settlements Thorez and snowy (DNI).

Artillery militia stronghold DNR eliminated punitive near Vasilievka. 1 BMD destroyed and 12 people killed and wounded.

In the area of ​​the village militia Red counterintelligence discovered and defused subversive and intelligence team of the 25th Airmobile Brigade consisting of 6 persons. The group operated under the guise of local residents. Saboteurs, traveling by minibus "Volkswagen Transporter", conducted reconnaissance and carrying out attacks on posts and columns of small militias. During the skirmish 3 saboteur were killed, the rest were taken prisoner. Militias captured 5 machines, 1 sniper rifle made in Germany, a 120-mm mortar and 12 ammunition. At the moment the prisoners delivered to the Department of Counterintelligence Chief of Army Staff of DNR. Carried out their questioning.

As a result of successful ambush actions intelligence militia groups in the area of ​​the village was divided Starobeshevo column logistical support 72th mechanized brigade, to put forward in the direction Andreevka. Direct hit destroyed a truck with ammunition and fuel. Seized cars with food and fuel. Killed three soldiers of the enemy, one captured.

Militia began fighting for access to the Sea of ​​Azov, reported at the headquarters of the DNI.

Militia security forces fire on positions of the city from the village Novoazovsk Telmanovo. Advanced militias are taking steps to take control of the village and the village of Cold Open Novoazovskiy district. They are tasked with mastering of strategic communications.

Upon successful completion of the operation unit DNR will receive access to the sea, as well as take control of your PPC "Novoazovsk" and fully shade on the security forces from the border of the Donetsk region, Russia.

Based on the actual situation, a holiday for the junta is not very cheery. Better suits them celebrate the Birthday of potato chips, which is now celebrated in the world.

August 24, 1853 George Crumb - Afro-chef at Hotel Moon's Lake Lodge in the town of Saratoga Springs (NY, USA) was first cooked potato chips. Chips created by accident. One of the visitors of the restaurant refused to eat fried potatoes served him, since, according to him, the pieces were cut too thick. Furious chef D.Kram thinly chop the potatoes, sprinkle it with salt and sauteed. To the surprise of the chef client simply could not hide his admiration of this dish. It was a triumphant Birthday chips. Popularity chips over the years only increased.

This is almost history of independent Ukraine. gathered in December 1991 in the Bialowieza Forest leaders of Russia, BR and SD well "vmazat" and destroyed the USSR.

Just randomly and unexpectedly, like potato chips, Ukraine became the Square.

Only in the history of potato chips in 160 years, and Square could end on the figure 23.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Communist Party created a patriotic united front help Novorossia

August 21 in Moscow, the Communists held the Extraordinary Congress of Deputies and the candidates for deputies of Moscow at all levels.

The main objective of the forum was the creation of a "patriotic united front help Donbas and New Russia" Red Moscow ", as well as a discussion of the upcoming elections in the Moscow City Duma.

The event was attended by about two hundred members of parliament of the State Duma and the Moscow City Duma, members of the municipal assembly, the candidates in Moscow City Duma deputies from the Communist Party, civil society activists, assisting the Donbas, the representatives of the DNI and LC, the representatives of the Czech Republic, Spain, Venezuela, Vietnam, Palestine, Syria, as well as members European left-wing organizations.

Opened the event with the Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the deputy of the State Duma, the initiator of the civil movement "Red Moscow - Patriotic Front aid" Valery Rashkin . In his address, he noted that the Moscow government in its current form is not able to maintain that lead and patriotic enthusiasm, which is happening in the society because of the war in Ukraine and increased unceremonious pressure on Russia from the West.

- It must make responsible patriotic political forces outside this power without playing with fire, with national chauvinism and this responsibility lies with the Communist Party, as the most serious and important international force in patriotic opposition, which created the "Red Moscow" - said Valery Rashkin.

- We declare - the opposition is! Patriots in the country are, and they are strong as ever. We do not allow the secret service of the West to destroy our state. Voters, our citizens need to hear us, to see firsthand mobilized, united patriotic opposition capable of real action to protect the people of the country, at a time when officials are inactive or act only for their own selfish purposes. We raise the red flag of victory, the victory over fascism, and call for unity around him all the patriots. That this issue is dedicated to our Extraordinary Congress.

Doctor of Law, Professor, Coordinator of the civil movement "Red Moscow - Patriotic Front aid" Sergei Baburin, speaking on the activities of the new organization, said that the patriotic united front help provide communication platform and organizational opportunities for all who wish to participate in teamwork.

- All organizations that are ready to participate in the patriotic united front assistance may delegate their representatives to the Coordinating Council of the front, which will seek to address all the issues on the principles of common agreement and understanding, without suppression of the minority by the majority. Share us nothing, I'm sure, for the sake of our brothers dying in the Donets Basin, we find a common language.

Single Patriotic Front assistance in Moscow should not focus on criticism of the government and go into politics - he is now a very different, much more urgent task. And we need to work with all those who are able to help, especially in the power of the Patriots. Moreover, without such assistance, when a vowel when the vowel is not nothing. We are in this business should be united.

As for the opportunists and crooks in power, all this fifth column, which is trying to put us spoke in the wheel, we do not forget and do not forgive, let it know. New Russia will be a great way to separate the wheat from the chaff, the Patriots dominated by traitors and servants of the oligarchs. Cleansing Power begins now. We long to throw stones - it's time to collect them. It is time to consolidate the Patriots, while pitched battles with our enemies. And we at this hour should be together.

Talking about how humanitarian aid is being collected in Moscow, the chief editor of the newspaper "Pravda Moscow" Yulia Mikhailova, noted that Muscovites are not outside observers of what is happening in the south-east of Ukraine and began its support of New Russia without waiting for official aid from Russia finally moves back under escort.

- Patriotic Front "Red Moscow - the Communist Party" sends humanitarian aid to New Russia for the past three months. In Moscow, opened 14 headquarters to facilitate sending and receiving of goods. According to the information to RBC and the Federation Council of the Communist Party activists collected and delivered to the New Russia 1 122 tons of humanitarian aid - more than any of the non-governmental organizations.

By Patriotic Front "Red Moscow" joined more than 10 thousand Muscovites, and about 1,200 people in the capital have become volunteers of our front. They write letters of encouragement to people of Donbass and militias, last fall, collecting medicines, foods. Sometimes bring big boxes, sometimes - just a couple of packages, but it is from the heart.

Owners of factories, newspapers, steamships have infrequent visitors. But it's nice to know that we are not so rich, but honest and conscientious, so much more. To support our brothers dying in the Donbas patriots, all the organizations and groups of citizens engaged in the organization of the collection of aid, it is necessary to consolidate, to combine their efforts. You need to go to a new level of communication with the Muscovites, strengthen communication with Novorossia. We must do everything to almost everyone has become familiar and close to the problem, so that everyone can help to choose the Donbas and the Coordinating Council of the front support.

His speech the head of the Communist Party faction in the Moscow City Duma Andrey Klychkov also began with the situation in Ukraine. He noted that all of the members of the Communist Party should be involved in the collection of humanitarian aid.

- We, the deputies - Communists have no moral right not to be included in the work, which is a party to the Patriotic Front. Those who hold a different position, no place in the Communist Party, they must surrender their mandates.

According to Andrei Klychkov, with the theme of Ukraine inextricably linked and the election campaign in Moscow - at every meeting Muscovites raise this issue.

- Elections in Moscow are another choice for our state. In a media war and armed society needs in a single center, the united front of struggle. Have you ever seen fair elections in Russia? By joining the campaign, we are faced with what was returned early voting at the last minute cut district.

Now we see that the work of the whole running of the administrative resource, work advisors heads of public councils, who receive money for the campaign in favor of the government candidate. The money that paid these people go out of our pockets, in this I have no doubt. Communists intend to demand that the mayor of the implementation of applications for fair elections, which are still only looking statements ".

In the course of the event were representatives of New Russia.

LC Andrew Pozhidaev deputy who was injured in Lugansk in early summer and is undergoing treatment in Moscow, said the collection of humanitarian assistance and the difficulties it is experiencing the civilian population in a given situation.

- In the DNI and the LC has already come a humanitarian disaster, people were left without electricity and water, there are difficulties with food and basic necessities, there is only war being waged by the junta against its own people, said Pozhidaev.

During the present Congress manifesto was adopted Common Patriotic Front Novorossia assistance, according to which assistance to people living in the south-east of Ukraine, - "The first thing all the patriots."

"Humanitarian assistance to Russia, Moscow our brothers in Ukraine so far is mostly unorganized, uncoordinated. At the same time there is a strong pent-up request millions of patriotic citizens of Russia and Moscow on the legalization of such assistance. Now our cause, the cause of society, the first cause of all patriots. Our people should not be abandoned. The Russian people are not their people down! ", - Emphasized in the manifest.

In coordinating council associations included 14 people. Including a State Duma deputy, the first secretary of the Communist Party of the CIM Valery Rashkin, State Duma deputy Vladimir Rodin, head of the Communist faction in the Moscow City Duma Andrey Klychkov, publicist and public figure Alexander Prokhanov, former chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Anatoly Lukyanov, the candidates to the new capital of parliament Sergei Baburin, Nicholas Hubenko Denis Parfyonov Yulia Mikhailova, and a representative of the DNI in Moscow Alexei Anpilogov, LC representative in Moscow Irina Shablovskaya.

Also at the congress were a number of documents, including the Appeal to the President of the Russian Federation to recognize the New Russia, the Moscow authorities to return the legitimate powers capital's parliament and local governments, as well as appeal to the residents of the capital to collect humanitarian aid for the refugees and the Donbass with Ukraine.

Maria Klimanova (svpressa.ru),
Central News Agency Novorossia

People's Republic of Donetsk.

Army Headquarters Donetsk People's Republic issued a statement. It is reported that after prolonged positional battles on the territory of the People's Republic of Donetsk army DNR within the last day launched a counteroffensive. During the offensive, complete blockage of a powerful group of Ukrainian Army in the area of human settlements Voykovsky, Kuteynikova, Fertile, Alekseevskoe, Uspenka and Ulyanovsk.

According to intelligence reports in DNR "ring" were surrounded by the headquarters of the 8th Army Corps, the 28th and the 30th Mechanized Brigade and 95th airmobile brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the National Guard battalions "Aydar", "Donbass" "Shahtersk." Messages about 5 thousand people with weapons and military equipment: about 50 tanks; more than 200 armored fighting vehicles (BMP, BTR, BMD), 50 multiple rocket launchers "Grad" and "Hurricane"; more than 100 artillery pieces and mortars.

Another group of about two thousand men of the battalion "Azov" and "Dnepr", armed with 30 tanks, 80 armored combat vehicles, more than 60 guns and mortars, blocked and now destroyed near the village of Olenovskoe.

During the counter-attack in the last 2 days battery installations destroyed "Smerch", 12 "Grad", 17 tanks, more than 30 armored vehicles, 50 vehicles with ammunition, more than 150 people punishers. Captured seven warehouses with plenty of ammunition, materiel, food, seized natsgvardeytsami population during the "sweeps", including road vehicles.

It is also reported that the army DNR decided to move from the fighting in small units to conduct full-scale operations, high-grade formations and military units. On the basis of existing militias formed three infantry brigades. Number of Ukrainian servicemen voluntarily sided with the DNR, and the miners of Donbass additionally created a separate Volunteer Regiment.

Over the last two days from the captured militia during the counter-offensive military equipment and weapons punitive formed two tank battalions, three jet division, two self-propelled howitzer battalion, three battalions of cannon artillery of various calibers and eight mortar batteries.

Lugansk People's Republic of

Militias Lugansk People's Republic declared the beginning of the offensive on two major cities: Syeverodonets'k and Debalcevo. Syeverodonets'k is located in the northwest of the Lugansk region, and is the largest city of regional importance. Debalcevo, in turn, is considered one of the largest railway junctions in the country.

Perevalsk area toward the city Debalcevo Brigade militia units "Ghost" destroyed a group of Ukrainian security forces, according to the headquarters.

Near the village of Chernukhin destroyed two infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and howitzer D-30. In the village of White defeated two checkpoints Army of Ukraine, two T-72 tanks. "The Ghost" tightens force to Severodonetsk and Lisicansk.

LC militia managed to take the village of White Mountain and in the suburbs Borovskoe Severodonetsk. Representatives of the militia were also informed that created a new checkpoint between the cities of Happiness and Novojdar north of Donetsk.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


As in July, the 1944th in Moscow, and in August the 2014th in Donetsk Nazis awarded "honor" striding in the parade through the city center, but ... in shackles. I saw these pictures and I had goose bumps were on the back. Not on the captives, and not from the cries of the angry mob of Donetsk, and somehow by sprinkling machines that these scum washed asphalt.

Personnel Chronicle in 1944, in which multitudes of German prisoners were on Gorky Street (now Tver) and Red Square cause a lot of emotions. But this story. And looking at those pictures I think that this will never impossible. But come август 2014th column and again captured Nazis in Donetsk. But the horror of that in Moscow they were German prisoners, foreign invaders, and in Donetsk - the citizens of one country ...

Despite this "parade of shame" I was surprised Shakhtar exposure that they are not attacked a convoy of prisoners and lynched them, it would be quite fair. I am sure that this parade marks a new chapter in the history of New Russia, history is no longer civil, and national liberation war. Passed the point of no return.

Max cormorants Blog "personal opinion"
Central News Agency Novorossia

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We can say that the militia of New Russia, as such, no longer exists. Defense Minister DNR said that it formed a single unit, which can safely be called an army. A large number of soldiers and armored vehicles allowed to do so. Managed to form artillery battalions, tank battalions, brigades of infantry, who are under an organized, unified management.

Army forces soldiers of the Donetsk HP were taken to the environment, two groups of invaders. One of them consists of more than four thousand men and two hundred armored different classes is completely locked. The second plan is finally surrounded by the morning of 25 th.

In the course of the collision, the army DNR suffered some losses as a result of killing seven defenders of the Motherland, 18 out of action due to injuries of varying severity, the invaders burned two armored vehicles. At the same time, the loss of punitive show significant superiority fighters Novorossia: 250 killed by the Nazis, three hundred wounded, burned 16 combat vehicles, two self-propelled guns, three howitzers and six mortars.

Army counteroffensive operations DNR was not scheduled for Independence Day, however, the security forces are ready to take MAT Donetsk full control, defenders were prepared for defense, and the favorable moment decided not to miss.

Thus, Donetsk Kiev HP said the statements about the future of the seizure of the Donbass. Residents of New Russia - it's only free men, who do not intend to submit to the government a false Ukraine. In Poroshenko there is only one and only way to take control of the former South East Square - the complete destruction of all the people in the lands of New Russia. However, as we have seen, he was worth the junta it is not enough.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

In Ukraine today (August 24) Independence Day. However, the holiday marred Novorossia militia who broke the course of the planned destruction of the residents of Donbass and the National Guard troops APU. It is known that Poroshenko planned to fully capture the Donetsk to this day, fortunately, the army and the DNI LC gave a fitting rebuff to the invaders and move drew opposition in the party.

I must say that the militia was not spared a memorable date, while in Kiev parade was in full swing, the defenders held on the streets of New Russia punitive prisoners, after which, it was decided to wash the track.

While trying to catch my breath punishers of the last attempts to go on the attack, the forces of resistance organized offensive on Debalcevo to clear the occupiers of this strategic point, which is located at the intersection of two lines: Slavic Anthracite and Donetsk-Lugansk. During the advance of troops managed to destroy the howitzer, and four armored infantry fighting vehicles. Among other things, the defenders of the counteroffensive began in the Donbass region Severodonetsk, presently captured towns of White Mountain and Borovskoe. On the way to the cities were broken up two checkpoints punitive, burned two T-72.

About the anniversary, the defenders of the Motherland say that for them the first time that day was a symbolic meaning and ceased to be another red day on the calendar. And what's a holiday without fireworks ?! Apparently, after the so-called Square, militias were given shots of the "salute" from large-caliber guns and rocket launchers by: checkpoint and the reference points of the Nazis near the village of Luhansk, Luhansk itself, the airport and Utkino; punitive camp not far from Merry Mount and Chervonoi Glade; positions of the occupants in the area Malonikolaevka and Donetsk.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Sunday, August 24
17:47 GMT:

The United Nations calls to increase the amount of humanitarian aid to the residents of eastern Ukraine due to the upcoming plunge in temperature, said Valerie Amos, UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs. “Most of the refugees are vulnerable even for the moment, and temporary shelters they live in are not meant for under zero temperatures. We have to provide people with support for them to be able to survive the winter,” she said in a statement after her 4-day-long visit to Ukraine.

13:10 GMT:

The number of Ukrainian government forces killed during the “anti-terrorist” campaign in the country’s east has reached 722, the National Defense and Security Council said. This is a 150 troops jump from August 11, when the figure was at 568.

12:16 GMT:

Donetsk self-defense troops have force-marched dozens of Ukrainian prisoners of war along the main street of the rebel-held town in east Ukraine.

People shouted “fascists” at the group, who walked with heads bowed, reports Reuters citing eyewitnesses. The captives were largely unshaven, disheveled and dressed either in combat fatigues or civilian clothes.

Supporters of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk threw plastic bottles and eggs at the group, which comprised of about 50 captive soldiers, reports the Ukrainian Ostrov news website.

12:04 GMT:

More photos of ruin and struggle in #Yasinovata. pic.twitter.com/QJb8xgXVDv

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) August 24, 2014
06:51 GMT:

Five artillery missiles have landed in a morgue in central Donetsk, an RIA Novosti correspondent on the ground reports, saying no mortuary staff were injured in the attack.

Multiple massive attacks reported this morning on suburbs and residential areas in #Donetsk.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) August 24, 2014
06:42 GMT:

Lugansk self-defense forces have declared they’re launching an offensive, the RIA Novosti news agency reported, citing self-defense headquarters.

They are targeting the city of Severodonetsk in the northwest of the Lugansk region, which they were forced to abandon in July and Debaltsevo in the east of the Donetsk region.

According to the headquarters’ data, the militia also destroyed a Ukrainian reconnaissance and sabotage group, consisting of seven people and one infantry combat vehicle.

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DONETSK, August 24,/ITAR-TASS/. In scenes reminiscent of the famous July 1944 march-past of more than 56,000 Nazi prisoners of war down the streets of Moscow, several hundred captive Ukrainian Army Servicemen were convoyed in a column down the streets of Donetsk Sunday, eyewitnesses said in personal accounts from spot.

Several thousand local residents standing on the sidewalks booed at the former military. Water sprinkling vehicles moved behind the column, flushing dirt from the city streets in much the same way as it was done in July 1944 in Moscow after the passage of the German column.

KIEV, August 24 (Itar-Tass) - Hackers from the CyberBerkut hacker group have blocked the phones of Ukrainian lawmakers and over 500 pro-government media resources in protest against a ‘fratricidal’ war unleashed in the country, the organization said on its website on Sunday.

DONETSK, August 24 /ITAR-TASS/. The Donetsk People’s Republic has put on display the Ukrainian army’ combat hardware destroyed by self-defense fighters, eyewitnesses said on Sunday.

The exhibits displayed on Lenin Square in the center of Donetsk comprise multiple launch rocket systems, howitzers, infantry and airborne combat vehicles that were used by the Ukrainian army in its military operation in the country’s east and destroyed by local self-defense fighters.

The display gathered thousand city dwellers. The press office of the Donetsk People’s Republic earlier said that “an anti-fascist meeting” would be held in the square at 3 p.m. Moscow time (12:00 p.m. GMT), which would be devoted to “the republic’s struggle against Ukrainian Nazism.”

ROSTOV-ON-DON, August 24 /ITAR-TASS/. Customs officers were evacuated from a Russian checkpoint in the Rostov Region in south Russia after fighting resumed on the Ukrainian territory, spokesman for Russia’s Southern Customs Department Rayan Farukshin said on Sunday.

DONETSK, August 24 /ITAR-TASS/. The army of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has blocked completely a large grouping of Kiev military forces in six republican settlements on Sunday.

The headquarters of the 8th army corps, 28th and 30th motor rifle brigades, 95th Ukrainian air mobile brigade, punitive battalions Aidar, Donbass and Shakhtersk were entrapped, the DPR army headquarters said citing reconnaissance data.

“Around five thousand servicemen with weapons and around 50 tanks, more than 200 combat armoured vehicles, about 50 multiple launch rocket systems Grad and Uragan, more than 100 artillery guns and mortars were blocked in the trap,” the army headquarters said.

The DPR army has tightened the assault on a military grouping of around two thousand servicemen from punitive battalions Azov and Dnepr which are armed with around 30 tanks, more than 80 armoured vehicles, over 60 artillery guns and mortars. DPR military forces are destroying this Ukrainian grouping near the settlement of Olenovskoye, the army headquarters added.

These successful military operations became possible thanks to the fact that the DPR army headquarters decided to pass from military action by small units to full-scale operations by full-fledged formations and army units.

DONETSK, August 24 /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian military forces are shelling the city of Donetsk, where bomb blasts are heard almost in all districts, eyewitnesses said from the scene on Sunday.

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A tank with a flag of Novorossia (union of Donetsk people's republic and Lugansk people's republic) drives in central Donetsk late on August 23, 2014. (AFP Photo / Max Vetrov)

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After sustained defensive combat against Ukrainian troops in the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk during August, rebels are now reporting of entrapping two large groups of Kiev troops and seizing military hardware in a counteroffensive.

The main headquarters of the DPR army has made a decision to stop operations in small groups and form full-bodied independent military units, the anti-Kiev forces say in a summary of their operations filed on Sunday.

They also say they are blocking a large “punitive force” near Alekseevskoe, Blagodatnoe, Voykovsky, Kuteinikovo, Ulyanovskoe and Uspenka.

Own little parade in #Lenin Square with captured #Ukrainian military vehicles. pic.twitter.com/A90fU3UtMT

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) August 24, 2014

Some 5,000 Kiev troops “with military hardware” including some 50 tanks, over 200 armored vehicles and 50 artillery rocket systems (including Grad) are trapped in the area, the DPR claims.

DNR’s army has surrounded the staff headquarters of the 8th army corps, 28th and 30th mechanized brigades, 95th air mobile brigade of the army of Ukraine, and also punitive battalions ‘Aidar’, ‘Donbass’ and ‘Shakhtersk’,” the document claims.

However, Ukraine's National Security Council (SNBO) denied the claims.

"Over the last three days not a single person has been surrounded. Ukrainian troops are securing their outposts and continuing their advance on areas occupied by terrorists," SNBO spokesperson Andrey Lysenko said in a briefing on Sunday.


Reuters / Maxim Shemetov

2,000 more Kiev troops, armed with 30 tanks, over 80 armored vehicles and more than 60 artillery pieces and mortars, have been engaged and are currently being eliminated near Olenovskoye, the anti-Kiev forces said.

According to the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, information about thousands troops being pinned down in the east of the country is not true. The council says “not a single serviceman” has been surrounded during the last three days and that troops continue to successfully attack “territory temporarily occupied by terrorists.”

Over the last two days, the self-defense forces say they have captured a lot of military hardware. This has reportedly helped them get 2 tank battalions, 3 multiple launcher rocket system batteries, 2 self-propelled howitzer batteries, 3 cannon battalions of various calibers and 8 mortar batteries.

All the new subunits have joined the newly formed fighting force, the rebels said.

Three infantry brigades will be organized from the existing detachments of self-defense militia, the document reads. A new volunteer regiment has also been formed consisting of miners from the Donbass region and soldiers and officers from the Ukrainian army, who have opted to side with the People’s Republic of Donetsk.

Moreover, the DNR army says it has destroyed four ‘Smerch’ multiple rocket launch systems, 12 ‘Grad’ multiple rocket launch systems, 17 tanks, 30 armored vehicles, 50 supply trucks, and killed over 150 enemy personnel.

We have captured 7 military supply depots with large quantities of armaments, munitions, aids and appliances, food rations and property of the citizens expropriated by the National Guards during mopping-up operations, including all-terrain vehicles. From now on we intend to utterly annihilate enemy forces trapped near Olenovskoe and the communities of Kuteinikovo-Blagodatnoye-Uspenskoye,” HQ said.

The DPR army has also reportedly “liberated” a number of communities such as Agronomicheskoe, Klenovka and Stroitel from the Ukrainian troops’ and National Guards’ “punitive detachments”.

Some of the seized hardware was paraded by anti-Kiev forces in Donetsk Sunday. However, it was not clear where the trophies came from.

Площадь Ленина #донецк #днр #вднх by sashakots pic.twitter.com/svpNGiD7S8

— Instagram DonScanner (@instagram_dn) August 24, 2014

Ukrainian troops have vigorously pursued military operations in the country’s Donetsk and Lugansk regions, where a majority of the population is demanding federalization.

The Ukrainian Army had planned to capture the militant stronghold city of Donetsk by August 24 - Independence Day in Ukraine.

According to the UN’s “very conservative” estimates more than 2,000 people have died and over 5,000 have been wounded in the fighting in southeastern Ukraine since April, when the Kiev government launched its military offensive against rebel militias they refer to as “terrorists.”

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"How much more can be destroyed churches and killed people? I'm waiting for a response from the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, to which I drew his word with an appeal to stop the slaughter in which the Orthodox people perish" - the patriarch said, recalling that on Saturday, August 23 during the evening worship was destroyed by a shell temple in the city of Kirov, Donetsk region. Under the rubble of a building killed three parishioners, six more were injured.

"I do not believe that the temple could be accidentally thrown projectile. It is possible that, aiming at the temple, the gunmen were aiming in all of us, in all of Holy Russia, which many times were aiming for all of our history," - said the Patriarch.

He stressed that the Orthodox Church, which is now "is the only peacekeeping force in Ukraine and unites east, west, north and south," should no matter what "and more work and do everything possible to stop the military clash."

"Let us pray that the Lord stopped this terrible bloodshed stopped trouble to protect the Orthodox people of eastern Ukraine, and that as a result of the negotiations was reached just and lasting peace", - concluded the patriarch.

Patriarch Kirill on the last week sent a letter to the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the OSCE to protect the rights of believers of Ukraine, as well as the message of the Local Orthodox Churches.

Over the last week except the temple in the Kirov were fired courtyard of the convent in the village of Red under Lugansk and vicinity Kasperovskaya monastery near Ilovaysk, where they found shelter civilians.
August 1, experts from the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies published statistics based on Ukrainian and Russian media reports 62 cases of attacks on churches in the Ukraine, and the priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate to the beginning of the year.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Alexei Borisovich Brain born April 3, 1975 in the village of Lower Duvanka Svatovo district of Lugansk region of Ukraine.
He was a soloist Svatovo male ensemble, was the Luhansk region in the reporting concert at the festival of popular talents.
He served in the army under the contract, and then some time spent in Svatovo military.

In 2014 he took part in the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine as a militia leader Lugansk region.

Think about the New Russia Alexey.

"I fight not for LC. I fight for the New Russia, a part of which should be not only the two areas, but the entire South East. I initially never satisfied with what someone wanted two areas do the two republics. And now, what's next? Two governments, will let two presidents will then another area-Republic - and one more government and so on and so on ... It's all just the same, and is called "divide and conquer". "

"The fight began when such categories as the New Russia, did not exist. This concept arose in the course of battle and gradually more and more growing, and becoming more and more sense. Novorossia now - it's not just a territory, it is primarily the idea. Freedom of conscience - this will be the New Russia.

We have enough people of different beliefs. I think that will be formed entirely new society, with a completely new way of thinking. I want to, first of all, this way of thinking emerged, and secondly, that it was different from what today is. New productive. I would like to create something deeply humane. "

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


On August 23, Lugansk People's Republic established the first National Union militia - Ruthenian battalion of them. IG Kundry (Archimandrite Job Uholka) - Carpatho-known Orthodox missionary and a veteran of World War II.

In the battalion entered Ruthenians volunteers from Carpathian Ruthenia Prjashevshchina (Slovakia), Lemkoviny (Poland) and Hungary.

Number - 387 people.

Commander - YA Yantso.

Pudkarpatska Rus i Novorusko - navhtema vrokashi! / Carpathian Ruthenia, and the New Russia forever together!

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

August 23, 2014 this writer as a correspondent for CANopen New Russia and Chairman of the "Committee on May 2," visited the organized national liberation movement of the conference nationally oriented forces in Russia.
The conference was held in the hotel "Russia", which is the area of ​​Chernyshevsky.

Events in Ukraine since November 2013 so awful that it is hard to believe them. Today, the forces of collaborators in the Southeast ruthlessly kill women and children, young people, journalists and civilians accused of separatism, which is credited with all of these heinous crimes. Unlikely to ever be able to count the number of injured and killed in these riots.

The main theme of the conference organizers have declared support for a national policy of the Russian President Vladimir Putin and his team to strengthen the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, as well as the development of mechanisms and the adoption of measures aimed at combating the fifth column.

Spacious hall was filled, it was possible to eat sandwiches, cakes, tea. Representatives of the departments of GCD from different Russian cities, urban patriotic organizations such as parent, defense, with the national passport, KPE, the "Golden Age", the RNC and others. Everyone who came heard the ribbons, flags GCD, colorful booklets GCD, information packages with socio-political newspaper GCD: FOR SOVEREIGNTY! Those interested can become the owner of an interesting brochure of the Russian Constitution as the Constitution defeated the state for 2013. The booklet consists of four parts: the report Prof. Vardan Baghdasaryan, December 6, 2013, interview with Yevgeny Fyodorov "Colonial Constitution of Russia", 22 June 2013, Comparison of the Constitutions of the USSR and Russia Tatiana Chuprova (http://rusnod.ru/theme185.html), The Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993 with comments.

Met a lot of friends to me in the socio-political activism GCD.
One of our patriots remembered epic for the Protection of the yacht club "Baltiets."
Talked with the coordinator GCD Yevgeny Fyodorov.
Quite a long time talking to the press-secretary of the party "National Rate" Aminat, agreed with her that I will take part in the preparation for the release of the next issue GCD: FOR SOVEREIGNTY! Planned circulation: 100 thousand. Copies.

The newspaper is printed on the front page material "Elections Petersburg." Quote. "A month is left before an important and responsible for the cultural capital event - the election of the governor. Already September 14 St. Petersburg will come on a single day of voting, during which elections will be held in the municipal district and the early elections of the governor of St. Petersburg. Besides Georgii Sergeevich as head of the city claimed by: Konstakntin Sukhenko (LDPR), Tahir Bikbaev (Russian Ecological Party "green"), Irina Ivanova (CPRF) and Andrei Petrov (Russian party "Motherland").
However, this danger is not zakanchivayutsya.Oppozitsiya, though not presented clearly, has a clear title of "fifth column". Coordinator of the National Liberation Movement Yevgeny Fyodorov so explains the situation:
"We are experts analyzed. From the standpoint of the United States and Russia began the Orange Revolution or intervention. Their first hit will be in September during the gubernatorial elections. Moreover, they do not even need your own governor: they need the whole of Russia, and not just Petersburg. Which is Traditionally the opposition goal. Here are more popular liberal views ... St. Petersburg - a city of three revolutions, the city Putin. That is a blow to Putin by Peter - it's like a blow to Russia via Ukraine. recently Ambassador held a closed meeting in one of the theaters in Moscow, where he openly said that "the first strike we will be placed in St. Petersburg in September during the election." What does that mean?
1 In our elections will as much money as they can master the candidates. Even without conditions. "Do what you want. Here you just bags".
2 In our city will come prepared for battle Ukrainian youth. They are similar to Russian, so their main task - provocation -naydёt response among the masses.

Goes the other, non-military form of the invasion of Russia. The goal is to: run instability, to destabilize the situation. If possible, to reach the second round - an armed uprising. And if not, it will be a powerful street pressure. Why do we say that the Orange intervention against Russia began.
But most importantly it does not fighters, and the technology of the fifth column: how officials, generals, businessmen, online media suddenly start to change its position. They dosed betray the country on the plan, developed in the United States, liability for which - US Ambassador John Tefft.
Analysis of events in Ukraine and in the whole twenty-orange interventions United States and its allies shows that direct military invasion is always preceded by a powerful organization of the fifth column in the media. In Ukraine, it is the third intervention in the last hundred years. Bottom line: if it has not turned the aggressor prepare a fifth column, then do not get to kill people.
What is the fifth column in Russia? This is the "Echo of Moscow", Newsru.com Gusinsky, Snob and RBC Prokhorov, Elephant and "Rain" Vinokourov known that bankrupted the bank and withdrew assets abroad, a number of others. "

On the third page of the information sheet is available on the GCD.
Quote. "National Liberation Movement - a struggle for the liberation of their homeland from invaders.
National liberation movement called itself as the struggle for liberation, and the structure, lead and coordinate the struggle: Party committees, fronts, etc.
Petersburg Department of GCD to the end of August holds regular events in the form of pickets:
1 On Sunday gathering at the metro station Seating yard. Shall be allocated to the Nevsky Prospekt.
2 on Thursdays pickets at Furshtadskaya 15 in United States Consulate.
All participants make photo reports, which are available on the site GCD:
There is a serious political struggle, which does not speak televizoru.Ee need to win. "

Addressing the State Duma deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov, the deputy manager of association "for sovereignty", the coordinator GCD particularly noted the importance of the activists GCD St. Petersburg street agitation during mass and pickets. E.A.Fёdorov urged to unite patriotic movements before the fact upcoming autumn attempts to organize a "Russian Independence." Voiced by Fedorov information about 100 thousand trained militants ready to Kiev junta "parachute" in the figurative expression of the deputy, in St. Petersburg. This happens if Donetsk surrender its position as a result of punitive action ATO. On the strength of Donetsk dependent stability of the northern capital.
According to the GCD attention geopolitical enemies of Russia aimed at one of the key regions - St. Petersburg, where the fifth column has stepped up its strength. And this region is not chosen by chance, because St. Petersburg - one of the largest cultural centers of world significance, which is a strategic center, directly bordering the countries of the European Union. City, where he was born, grew up, got education and training, Vladimir Putin. And our Euro-Atlantic partners will make every effort to establish control over the authorities in the region.

Yevgeny Fyodorov highlighted the fate of Sergei and Andrei Korenchenkova Vyacha.

The performance of the representative of the GCD of the Crimea, who said that the first pickets patriots of the Supreme Council in Simferopol, even before the advent of "polite people" were organized exactly Crimean nodovtsami.

Presidency, which was headed by Yevgeny Fyodorov and party spokesperson "National Rate" Aminat Anchokova, provided an opportunity to ask the deputy coordinator of the GCD and questions.
Known agronomist Jozef K. Kovalchuk, with which the author of these lines have long known and worked closely within the framework of human rights commissions "Motherland," assured the deputy Fedorova, that he has all along exposing the so-called "Nizhny Novgorod reform program AIC" material, and it is ready to transfer their coordinator GCD. At the time, the writer of these lines carefully studied the "program" and recommended Yu.K.Kovalchuku evaluate it as a program of genocide, what a respected landowner agreed. Subsequently, reading numerous publications Yu.K.Kovalchuka in patriotic press, continuously monitor its use of the term genocide in relation to this destructive program that representatives of AIC called the "Black Book". Fedorov Kovalchuk invited to cooperate.
Before my question, when the writer of these lines was already standing at the microphone, Fedorov picked up the hall to thank all those ordinary nodovtsev who enters the pickets on a permanent basis. Everyone applauded, I was a good sight. Fedorov said that even the radio "Freedom" noted activity GCD St. Petersburg, which had led by as much as two weeks postponed plans occupiers.

Asked Yevgeny Fyodorov, is it possible to create in the State Duma Commission on the fight against subversion and invited him to lead a Commission; the second part of the question dealt with the need to recognize the genocide of the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2nd.
For me it was important to the representative patriotic audience, using a microphone to remind that you can not forget the Odessa Hatyn, and to inform about the activities "of the Committee on May 2."
Yevgeny Fyodorov thanked you for your question. The essence of his answer was that the main requirement to the State Duma GCD not interfere! He said that it is constantly under pressure from the fifth column, night call, ask nodovtsy did not go out on picket lines.
At these words, Fedorov approvingly looked at Tatiana Chuprov, which was in the Presidency with him. Fedorov said that the fifth column is even in some of the towers of the Kremlin. Therefore, GCD and says: SPLIT! Nodovtsy win, because they know the ultimate goal of external control. Goes the objective process of liberation.

The Conference was shot on video, so its course and answers Fedorov can be viewed.

After the official part I was approached by a woman whose son suffers from alcohol addiction. Gave her the issue of "free country" with addresses rehabs and explained that she had to do, how to fight for her son for 26 years.
First of all it is necessary to visit the meeting of the organization "Mothers Against Drugs."
I have always been especially excited to be able to consult and co-dependent drug addicts, for this was invented and created by me newspaper "Free Country", for this we Companions spend time and energy on its development.
Newspaper "Free Country" and "Sober Petrograd" were transferred to me GCD activists from the regions.
Temperance movement, in my opinion, is the core of the All-Russian National Liberation Movement. In negotiations with Mikhail from Moscow, which actively opposes periodically collect on Red Square maydanovtsam, agreed to cooperate in the framework of the anti-drug, anti-alcohol directions GCD. Temperance movement even with Russia XIX century is the National Liberation of the captivity of international corporate groups, so the co-working with GCD Yevgeny Fyodorov is completely organic: we are talking about two rowing boats one state.
Only Sober Russia would be Great!

Anatoly Obroskov
Central News Agency Novorossia

German Chancellor did not meet the hopes and expectations of the junta also did not go to attend the parade. We must see the faces of the junta, that the next day they went on holiday.

By the way, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine at the event was not a single head of a foreign state.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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As reported by the "information edge" residents occupied in Mariupol, today began a mass exodus from the city nats.gvardeytsev. In the morning the trucks filled with armed men, leave the city and go in the direction Mangushev and Zaporozhye region. At the same time, the men do not look like a regular part of the Ukrainian army, besides many have some markings destroyer battalions. Because it is likely talking about natsgvardeytsah and detachments, the so-called territorial defense.

Such a flight may be associated with a successful offensive on the southern portion of the DNI front. The day before yesterday reconnaissance and sabotage groups Novorossia were fighting near Novoazovsk. Now, troops DNR managed to free from the occupation of several settlements. Among them Telmanovo - the administrative center of Telmanovskiy district, which borders Volodarskii and Novoazovsk area, as well as very close to Mariupol.

At the same time, in Mariupol and its surroundings were units of the Ukrainian army and some part natsgvardeytsev. Because, say, that the troops DNR can soon release Mariupol not worth it. However, the flight natsgvardeytsev seriously weakened the southern group of troops. And the fact of the proximity of troops DNR can make the junta to evacuate from Mariupol his occupation administration, which is formally headed by the former Donetsk region of Ukraine.
Source - http://twishort.com/Tomgc

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Russia sent a note to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, which informed about the intention to prepare a new aid convoy.

This was announced today at the briefing, said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

"They sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, informing about the intention to prepare the next convoy with humanitarian aid", - said Lavrov. He noted that the Russian side proposed a list of goods that are ready to ship.

"We are ready for close cooperation with the ICRC," - said the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Russia hopes that a new convoy to Ukraine will be sent on the same route as early as this week, Lavrov said, adding that the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is not passed.

Today in Lugansk began issuing of Russian humanitarian aid.

"The issuance of long will be on 28 points in the community," - said in a statement. They will run approximately from 08:00 to 12:00 MSK considering possible attacks the city Ukrainian security forces.

The press service of the LC noted that the product has received a sufficient number of packets with humanitarian aid will be issued "only free" and lists.

Here's a new message that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on the distribution of aid withdrew - are engaged volunteers and representatives of the self-proclaimed "People's Republic of Lugansk." However, the Red Cross was assured that "local authorities are ready to provide expert support - in the consultations."

Total convoy delivered to LC about 2 million tons of cargo. This is mainly food, water, baby food and medicines.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


According to the Staff of the DNI, the boiler near the village Stepanivka got more than 40 tanks and about 50 multiple rocket launchers "Grad" and "Hurricane".

According to the DNR Staff militia, in the morning on August 25 was completely surrounded by another, the third one, strike force of the enemy in the area of ​​human Stepanivka, Amvrosievka and Stepan-Jug in the south-east of Ukraine.
All night the militia forces were focused on narrowing the Rings encirclement around two blocked Ukrainian groups in the area of ​​the settlements Voykovsky, Kuteynikova, Fertile, Alekseevskoe, Uspenka, Ulyanovsk.

According to staff, the boiler has got more than 40 tanks, about 100 units of BMP, BTR and BMD, 50 launchers multiple rocket launchers "Grad" and "Hurricane" and more than 60 units of field artillery and mortars.

Also during the night fights most of the village came under the control Olenovskoe defenders southeast. According to data held in the headquarters in Ilovaysk areas that have fallen under the control of the militia, "Ukrainian natsgvardeytsy battalions of" Dnepr "," Aydar "and" Miner "lost 107 men killed and 75 wounded."

According to the staff, under the control of militias moved settlements Lugansk, Bright and share, as a result of battle at night Novoivanovka destroyed equipment punitive column of eight trucks with ammunition.

August 24th Army Headquarters DNR reported that in the breakaway republic militia surrounded the two groups Ukrainian law enforcers total number of seven thousand soldiers. In the ring were the headquarters of the 8th Army Corps, 95th airmobile brigade MAT, 28th and 30th mechanized brigade, as well as punitive battalions "Aydar", "Miner" and "Donbass".

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Lavrov: Russia to send another humanitarian convoy to Ukraine

Published time: August 25, 2014 08:16

Edited time: August 25, 2014 11:52


A Russian convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid for Ukraine is parked at a camp in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region, August 18, 2014.(Reuters / Alexander Demianchuk)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has announced plans for a second humanitarian convoy to be sent to eastern Ukraine, urging foreign actors and agencies to participate in continuing efforts at relieving the crisis.

Failure to do so would constitute a violation of international law, he warned.

“Anyone in need of aid shall receive it,” the FM said, stressing that it is important to learn from the mistakes of the first attempt and to look forward to closer cooperation with the Ukrainian authorities this time around.

Trucks with Russian aid reach Lugansk, E. Ukraine

He stressed that as the indiscriminate shelling of areas such as Lugansk continues, the humanitarian need for water and food grows. This has been acknowledged by humanitarian agencies and itnernational actors at large.

The distribution of aid is currently underway, and is headed by the ICRC.

The second aid convoy must travel this week... We hope for less interference and more cooperation from Ukrainian authorities this time.

The FM also added that the shelling of schools, hospitals, kindergartens and other vulnerable institutions and structures can no longer be excused by claims of “wrongful shooting” or be written off as “accidental.”

READ MORE: US calls for restraint in Ukrainian army’s actions after deadly Donetsk shelling

Minister Lavrov emphasized that Russia is willing and ready to participate in full in any type of negotiations on ending hostilities in the east, and expressed hope that Tuesday’s meeting in Minsk will include a focus on the crisis in Ukraine.

“We certainly expect that tomorrow’s meeting in Minsk will feature a discussion on the humanitarian crisis,” Lavrov said. “We express hope that all participants will urge for the removal of any obstacles to smooth aid delivery to those who are most in need of it,” he added.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.(RIA Novosti)

The upcoming gathering will be attended by the Customs Union, the Ukrainian authorities and members of the EU.

Sergey Lavrov was asked a wide range of questions on the situations in Ukraine, including the claims that Russian arms were crossing the border.

Allegations of Russian attempts to smuggle military equipment into Ukraine are false and are the latest in a string of bad information that has been circulating in recent days, the minister said. No one, including Ukraine’s special services, could confirm those suspicions.

Lavrov went on to stress that reports of Russian forces crossing into Ukraine have not been confirmed by the OSCE, which is evidenced in their report.

READ MORE: Reports of Russia’s military build-up on Ukraine border groundless - Moscow

“We were ready at the August 17 meeting in Berlin to urge the provision of any support necessary – including drones – to the OSCE mission.”

He further mentioned OSCE concerns that indiscriminate arrests carried out by the militias are beginning to resemble a "witch hunt."

The people migrating into the west are not being taken in, nor are their children being given places in schools, he stressed.

If this is the sort of national unity Klichko, Tyangibok and Yatsenyuk spoke of, they lied to their own people, he said, referring to national unity agenda promoted by the leaders of the opposition to former president Viktor Yanukovich.

Allegations of Russian military crossing into Ukraine like Malaysian Boeing story, with accusations and talk of irrefutable proof, followed by silence.

The minister was dismayed at the ongoing investigation into the downing of flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine, which aroused much controversy and finger-pointing. He said that at this point it would appear that Russia “seems to be the only interested party in giving this serious issue any further attention.”

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