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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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The civil war in Ukraine arose because of a sharp artificial Ukrainianization Russian population of Ukraine and fascist country as a whole. This process was initiated outside the United States and Europe to try to separate artificially created state - Ukraine - to Russia and draw her into the orbit of Western influence. For this purpose it was necessary to introduce artificial and deliberately false thesis that "Ukraine - not Russia" and come to an artificially created country their ideology, their false narrative, and his false story. This was necessary in order to overcome existing at the beginning of the 1990s, the majority of Russian in Ukraine.

In this case, the goal allies in this process differed. The United States was important military-strategic aspect of the acquisition of Ukraine - Crimea as a base of the American Navy, the place in the north-east of Ukraine as a place-based American missiles with minimal podlёtnym time to Moscow and the weakening of Russia without Ukraine as a whole. European politicians in the absence of their own, different from that of American foreign policy, were important economic aspects - the Ukrainian market, the possibility of economic pressure on Russia for gas, the destruction of Ukrainian enterprises and private Ukrainian economy as competitors, cheap semi-slave labor force, as well as Ukraine new borrower international financial institutions.

23 hletny zombie Ukrainian elite population of Ukraine and its indoctrination did not help. Ukraine - an artificially created state patchwork with lots of Russian regions, previously in the history of Russia did not have nothing to do with Ukraine, - began to collapse because of the violence of the elite of one people over another. Instead of a peaceful, neutral and democratic state of the two nations to the Russian inhabitants of Ukraine was not offered anything other than the destruction of their historical memory, their culture, their history and their language. At full betrayal of their former representatives - the Party of Regions of Ukraine, which is twenty years in the Russian regions to root out the memory of Russia and all the pro-Russian political movement - Russian Ukrainians understand that living in a non-Russian Ukraine, they are no longer able. Put on the agenda of the slogan of an independent Ukraine. First left the Crimea. Odessa was drowned in blood. Kharkiv was deceived by the city and the region. But Donetsk and Luhansk joined the struggle for independence from Ukraine - first under Russian, and then under their own banners.

Ukrainian authorities still rely only on a military solution to the conflict and do not offer anything of the insurgent people. Equal status of the Russian language in Ukraine and the status of the Russian people in Ukraine and now could be the way out of the civil war and the foundation of inner peace in a united Ukraine. But Ukrainian authorities have still not ready to offer a Russian to Ukrainian citizens, which they destroy the artillery in the south-east of Ukraine and suppress the entire rest of the country. In doing so, the Ukrainian authorities are absolutely illegitimate, since they act contrary to the will of the Ukrainian people, to elect their representatives in parliament - the Party of Regions, and its president - Viktor Yanukovych. Defying the will of this, they took on the maidan hundreds of militants and nationalists staged in February 2014 coup.

All the troubles and misfortunes Ukrainian illegal and illegitimate authorities accuse Russia. American authorities, once spoke of the "reset" now embarked on suppression Russian actions at all costs. Most of all, they are afraid of the direct intervention of Russia in the Ukrainian conflict, and against this, all possible countermeasures - from direct personal sanctions and threats against the country's leadership to implementation through their agents of influence thoughts regarding the dangers of Russia's intervention in the Ukrainian conflict. As a result, a sufficiently effective measures of the United States of America, the Russian authorities do not pursue national interests. The Russian army moved away from the borders of Ukraine, Russian diplomacy instead of recognizing the LC and the DNI and Announcements Kiev junta usurpers mumbles something in Berlin about the federalization of Ukraine and the future existence of a unified Ukraine.

Russian authorities can not understand and realize a simple thing - Crimea they will never forgive neither the Americans nor the Europeans. In addition, the regaining of Crimea, is no longer possible to speak of a unified Ukraine. Roughly speaking: talking about unified Ukraine - Crimea give back to Ukraine was united.

Regaining the Crimea, Russia in fact recognized the artificiality of a scrappy and Ukraine. It also means that the actual goal of Russia can not be united and friendly Russian Ukraine - it became impossible after the return of the Crimea to Russia. Therefore, the only realistic and achievable for Russia, the goal now (if Russia wants to retain the Crimea, as well as its role and influence in the area) should be the maximum rate for a division, the division and weakening of Ukraine with the release of her non-Ukrainian regions in the southeast, west and south-west of Ukraine. In this, Russia must seek allies in Europe among the political elite other neighboring countries - Hungary, Romania and Poland. In particular, the leadership of Hungary and some Hungarian political leaders speak of the protection of ethnic Hungarians in all the countries of their residence. This primarily refers to the Transylvanian Hungarians living in their historic land that is now part of Romania, and the Hungarians in Transcarpathia, which yet remains a part of Ukraine.

Also in connection with the sudden global confrontation between Russia and the United States and Europe on the agenda for Russia raises questions seeking global allies - from historical, yet the Soviets, to the new on the basis of confrontation with the United States. Russia now needed to intensify contacts, relations and cooperation, including military-technical, with a variety of countries, such as Iran, Afghanistan, Cuba, Nicaragua, the countries of Latin America. In the global interests of Russia:

- The creation of maximum difficulty leading European countries which are now openly anti-Russian position - Britain, France and Germany;
- Maximum cooperation with the countries of southern Europe - Bulgaria, Greece and Italy, which in connection with the events in Ukraine may appear irregular supply of Russian gas;
- Cooperation with the Russian partners for the construction of the gas pipeline "South Stream".

With regard to the confrontation with the major European countries, Russia should use all its features. In particular, in the current circumstances, Russia will be the most profitable to cooperate with the new authorities of an independent Scotland, who came to power in his country after the referendum in September this year. An independent Scotland would not be a member of the European Union. The new authorities of this country will initially resist the British authorities, and that this moment can and should take advantage of Russia. Scotland - industry, agriculture, fishing, fleet, oil offshore. In Russian with Scotland will be many opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation. Cultural ties between Russia and Scotland have a long history - from the Petrine era and General Gordon, from the poet Lermontov and architect Cameron to transfer Marshak.

Russian projects in Latin America can deliver a lot of trouble the United States and its allies, and to distract the American authorities of Ukraine. Resumption of bases in Cuba, at Lourdes, and the construction of a canal in Nicaragua - these are just two of the project, which will bring the Americans many sleepless nights and a constant headache. In addition, to strengthen Russian influence in the region could lead closer cooperation with Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina, with Argentina - until the recognition of its legitimate claims to the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), that takes a lot of unpleasant moments the British Foreign Office. The supply of food from South America may well replace European.

Russia is not the beginning of the current standoff in Ukraine, but Russia has to respond to American calls, and have to do it the most powerful and maximum pain for the United States and its allies unworthy. Russia in the Ukrainian question nowhere to retreat - Russia must fight for their influence near its borders and in their historical land, including through direct intervention, as well as by the application of the United States and its allies counterattacks around the world in all areas of influence of the United States. The only way Russia can and must win in this new global confrontation.

Michael Osheroff,
Central News Agency Novorossia

Press service of the Ministry of Defense DNI reports yesterday, as a result of reconnaissance units armiii DNI with flight entered Yelenovka.

Enemy stamped with two checkpoints on the road from Donetsk to this settlement. Taken three prisoners, three anti-tank guns "Rapier" ammunition MTLB with ZU-23-2 in Armor, GAZ-66 and UAZ-452 pill "loaf".

As reported by the soldiers, the enemy did not expect such a bold and early "congratulations" with ukropskim holiday. On a fire grilled kebabs and was harvested a lot of vodka.

Although the two "Ukropov" managed to escape, but the other three have kindly agreed to stay with the soldiers and the DNI to share their knowledge.

Taken equipment in good condition assigned to the rear and will be used in good faith and for other purposes - for the benefit of the residents of New Russia.

Backlog intelligence battalions continued. As reported guide DNR: "As a result of the offensive on Yelenovka destroyed more than 1,000 soldiers of the enemy, and about 50 armored vehicles."

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Monday, August 25
18:00 GMT:

The Crimean Telegraph newspaper said that two of its journalists have gone missing in the warzone in Donetsk Region of Ukraine on August 24.

“Yesterday, in the area of the ‘anti-terrorist operation’ not far from the city of Donetsk reporter Evgenia Korolyova and photographer Maksim Vasilenko were removed from their bus by Right Sector [radical movement] representatives,” the paper said.

“Korolyova was allowed to make one phone call, but couldn’t speak freely as it was obvious that “people, who controlled her every word, were with her,” the Crimean Telegraph added.

“When asked if she felt a real threat to her life, Evgenia said ‘no’, but confirmed that they were detained not as ordinary Crimean citizens, but as journalists,” the newspaper said.

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Active offensive operations have caused confusion among commanders APU, it is known that the punishers started massive retreat from Mariupol. Apparently, appeared to close the gap, the leaders have ordered ATO Beletsky, which governs the activities of the battalion of "volunteers", "Azov", to prevent the success of securing the army of New Russia. To this end, group was instructed to relocate to Novoivanovka. It is believed that it is necessary to ensure that the militia could not organize a strong ground in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Azov.

However, appear to have been Bielecki its plans for the upcoming action, Colonel briefly but succinctly pointed out the direction in which you should go command, used with obscenities, for emphasis, I guess.

Oleg Lyashko hastened to reassure supporters of the fascist government, on social networking pages, he wrote that the army soldiers and the National Guard of Ukraine staunchly difficulties behave calmly and do not give in to panic. Not really fit in his statement to the present state of affairs and cowardly flight security officials from Mariupol. By the way, "Azov" moved in the same direction as the traveling invaders. In addition, Ljashko predicts that the army of New Russia in the near future will not go on the offensive, that is as far from the truth.

To hide the lack of influence on the MAT command such as the formation of "Azov", comments are given, according to which the battalion is not punitive went about their business, ignoring the orders management, and moved to rest and are supplemented. Indeed, it's time to relax, when your brothers in arms sit in "cauldrons" with no way to retreat and get supplies ...

That's true predictions of people who believed in the success of the militia!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Military experts drew attention to the tactics of the war by the militia. According to them, the defenders of Donbass conduct operations, carefully considered and designed, which is confirmed by their successes. Was appreciated by the operation to withdraw troops from the Slavic, which have successfully completed the "Strelkovtsy." Then, it is worth recalling a separate division was a strike group, which distracted the enemy's attention to yourself during skirmishes main forces left the city. Experts have suggested that this maneuver will be a topic of discussion in many of the general staffs of different countries.
Organized an army of New Russia "boilers" - just an indicator of high professionalism command and morale of soldiers.

As far as we know, are already surrounded by three groups of forces in Ukraine a total population of more than seven thousand soldiers, as well as four hundred combat vehicles for different purposes. In the third ring militia troops were APU, locate their position in the area of ​​Amvrosiivka that in the south of Donetsk. For occupants biggest problem is that together with the soldiers, were blocked by at least forty tanks, MLRS fifty, a hundred light combat vehicles to be than to feed and supply the ammunition.

Supply is surrounded by troops Square would be incredibly difficult to organize, the fact that the army Novorossia monitors the air with the help of MANPADS. In any case, the air discharge through the load is likely to get exactly the defense Donbass and not to butchers.

Military experts say that the Nazis would be incredibly difficult to break through the barrier Army militia. In order for this to happen, you need to properly test the weaknesses in the divisions defenders Novrossii on that they simply may not have enough power.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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August 25 Donbass main fighting was near Donetsk (in the village. Yelenovka, s.Karlovka) gg.Yasinovataya, Novoazovsk, Telmanovo (Donetsk region), as well as in gg.Lisichansk, Pervomais'k, Severodonetsk (Lugansk region).

Over the past day the army liberated the DNR locations: Novodvornoe, agronomic, Novokaterinovka, Osykovo, Klenovka, Builder, Lenin. Fighting was going on the southern front.

The situation changes in the dynamics. Yelenovka and Yasinovataya militia holds. In s.Karlovka under Novoazovskiy Telmanovo and there are fights.

There are no active hostilities in the area and Miner "Saur-Graves," as the front shifted. Yesterday APU very fired Hartsyzsk. The shelling of the funnel formed to a depth of 3 m. MAT thresh artillery. Subjected to shelling everything. "

Kiev prepares to defend the second most important city of Donetsk region - Mariupol (controlled mode), is also preparing to defend Dnepropetrovsk - bid oligarch Governor Igor Kolomoisky.

"A lot of information about the allegedly entering Donbass Russian troops, but it's more hysterical. Militia has formed quite normal. People many months preparing and practicing. There are reinforcements.

If the Russian-Ukrainian border broke a regular part of the Russian armed forces, they would have already taken Mariupol. It would go very serious fights.

According to information is evacuations Novoazovsk and Mariupol, panic in the cities, people leave villages. Mariupol try to prepare for defense.

There is information that Dnepropetrovsk is also trying to prepare for defense.

The city Zhdanovka Ukrainian troops fired mortars those soldiers who decided to give up the militia. Where were clamped Ukrainian part of the Ukrainian soldiers raised white flags and popped in the direction of the village Zuevka. These soldiers also covered their mortars.

In a counterattack army moved LC. Militia succeeded in driving the enemy from Lugansk. Army LC advanced to Happiness. There brunt went on Lisichanskiy and Severodonetskoye. This strategic locations. From Lugansk militia moved not far away, but the defense perimeter expanded. Expanded the network of checkpoints.

Special breakthroughs was not, but part of the APU was able to push and expand the territories under their control. Fighting was going on in Pervomaisk.

Sergey Volodin based on media
Central News Agency Novorossia

Singer Andrei Makarevich, who more than once in recent months, Putin condemned the policy with respect to the Crimea and Ukraine, appealed to the President for protection.

This time, he asked him to "stop the Sabbath, discrediting his name" after a trip to "liberated" from the junta militia of the city of Donbass. The Kremlin has offered not to confuse "baiting" with the reaction of public opinion.

The text of the open letter Makarevich was posted on Monday evening at "Moskovsky Komsomolets". Letter text is preceded by a very pathetic that Makarevich and some colleagues have fallen victim to "propaganda clichés."

The letter asks the President to intercede Makarevich for "There are People's Artist" in the person himself.

Quite unexpectedly and quickly appeared and the first to comment on this appeal. President's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, the radio station "Moscow speaking" promised in the morning to deliver a letter to the president, but expressed his opinion on the request of the musician.

"There can not quite agree. Fact that he treats as harassment, so you can call and response of public opinion. Unlikely here should appeal to the president," - said Peskov.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Scaring themselves Russian tanks began to skedaddle from Mariupol in the direction of Zaporozhye themselves natsgady battalions of the Dnieper and Azov.
However, for many coveted Zaporozhye natsgadov not become salvation.
As soon as they entered the limits of Zaporizhia region, their convoy was attacked by guerrillas in the Zaporozhye region Rozovka.
Breaking through the first barrier, the convoy came to a new ambush at the entrance to Kuibyshev. Guerrillas fired trucks from a distance, making it ineffective return fire nationalists.
Part of the machine broke toward Zaporozhye. The other half was forced to return to Mariupol on punched slopes.
When returning the car were concentrated at the eastern entrance to Mariupol on Volodarskiy Highway, in their accumulation opened mortar fire already Mariupol guerrillas carrying their mortars from place to place in the trunk of a car.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, August 26. /ITAR-TASS/. Russian lawmakers on Tuesday called Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko's decision to dissolve parliament and call early elections “an opportunistic move” that might signal a crackdown on the opposition.

“Dissolution of the Communist Party of Ukraine was first, followed by the Verkhovnaya Rada” [ukraine's parliament], said United Russia faction's Vyacheslav Nikonov. "It is a pattern to create controlled political bodies" but it led to the shrinking of Ukraine, he noted.

“The situation is quite clear,” said Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the Committee for Affairs of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). “President Poroshenko needs a puppet Rada of his own.”

Kiev's incumbent Rada failed to suit him since it had many deputies of the previous assembly, opposing the new authorities’ fascist course, Slutsky said.

9:49 GMT:

Russian customs officials from the Veselo-Voznesensk checkpoint have been evacuated due to a shooting in Ukraine.

“Heavy shooting started near the Ukrainian checkpoint Novoazovsk. There was a threat that the ammunition would reach Russian territory. The customs officials have been evacuated to a safe place,” Ryan Fakurshin from the press service of Russian Southern Customs Department told ITAR-TASS.

08:51 GMT:

Night time shelling by the Ukrainian military has reached the Petrovsky and Kievsky districts of Donetsk, resulting in three deaths, according to the city council.

08:49 GMT:

Today ten self-defense troops have been killed and several dozen others injured.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) August 26, 2014

08/26/14. 12:10. Posted by Staff militia.

"The militia took control of the DNI strategically important high-Soir's Tomb, which this morning has completely passed under the control of the militia.

Earlier Saur-Tomb, which is a mound, passed from hand to hand from the militia to the National Guard, and vice versa. Earlier this highest point of the Donetsk region representatives of the Ukrainian army could control the movement of troops militia. Interception-Sayre Graves can be considered a turning point in the course of fighting. Now militias observed from this point of the redeployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In fact, it means that our troops troops won another victory in an attempt to take the National Guard into the environment. "

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

According to the map of the night there were significant changes. Several settlements and city Novoazovsk completely under the control of the militia! Border guards pushed back to the border and they have nowhere to go. Mariupol while waiting for the arrival of the militias.


25/08/14 20:48 MSK. Posted by voenkora militia
"Battle of the Sea of ​​Azov
Lord !!! I want to tell you a very pleasant news. Information will be called so, insider, from militias fighting in the Sea of ​​Azov, obtained over the phone.
As a result of the fighting in the evening and night of the 24th of August and the morning of the 25th relieved the city and the surrounding villages Sedov. Around 7:30 am on August 25th, the last "patriots" have escaped from there. They were pulled out and the district center Novoazovsk.
As a result, more accurate and precise volleys of artillery militia roadblocks and positions in the National Guard in the area Novoazovsk troops junta ran. First fled towards Mariupol mercenaries punitive battalion Dnepr-1, followed by the - all the other "brave".

Pograntsy and customs of the locals went over to the militias. Local officials, appointees junta fled.
By Mariupol. Bought up cleaned products and gasoline at the gas station. Oligarch Taruta appears on television and tries to comfort - to no avail. In the ranks of the junta's henchmen panic - nobody wants to die, and have run out of Mariupol. Abandoned some checkpoints at the entrance to Mariupol.
Among the locals is a rumor that the President had already left with Ukraine.
In general, the 24th August was celebrated well. "
Voenkor Guardsman.

08/26/14. 10:22. Posted by militia.

"There is an offensive army Novorossia. Almost the entire boundary of the Saur-graves of the Sea of ​​Azov is ours. During the offensive, the militia forces completely destroyed the military base APU Sedov, carried out a successful assault attack on checkpoints around the Sedov and Novoazovsk. Checkpoints ukrov eliminated. "

Group Donbass
Information from: Mariupol the National Guard was preparing "human shield" of peaceful citizens
Checked and confirmed with information of places: the National Guard in Mariupol herding civilians in the group to use them as human shields.
Information on the use of citizens in Mariupol as human shields confirmed local. Today, August 25th, in the morning the National Guard went home and took away civil selectively. They are distilled to the borders of the city (in the direction of the likely impacts army DNI). Thus natsgvar. preparing a provocation. Also in the area n. Unnamed (near Novoazovsk) Ukr. roadblocks blocking all movement of civilians (probably prepare another human shield of civilians). Do not miss even the people walking on foot and without things.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

News New Russia today, August 26 militia continues to advance. DNR artillery fire hit a convoy of automotive vehicles, heading in the direction of Amvrosiivka. Beat about six transporting Ukrainian military vehicles. Remains of the security forces returned in the direction of multi player. Ukrainian troops hand over positions and move away, without stopping to fire home civilians Donbass. The most intensive strokes fall in the suburbs of Lugansk and Donetsk. According to staff People's Army, the militia during the bloody battle were able to take the high ground in the area Yelenovka. Taken over control of part of the route between Kuznetsova and Novoazovskiy. Militia also announced the elimination of the boiler near Amvrosievka-Kuteynikova-Ilovajsk.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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August 25 in Kharkiv on the central square rally against the so-called "anti-terrorist" (read - punitive) operations junta against its own people. Watch the video:
Central News Agency Novorossia

Distressful Ilovajsk - one of the most important goals for the army DNR militias seeking to dislodge the occupying troops from the city, in order to obtain full control. Passed today (August 26) offensive defenders of the Motherland, helped fight off more than half of the village in the siloviki invaders.

The first step on the road to success was the artillery preparation, during which it was possible to disable some armored vehicles and soldiers who helped in this self-propelled guns and mortars. The assault were thrown a few units that have come from both sides. Part of the militia units hit "head" invaders, and the rest went to the West. In addition to the "storm troopers" Army Donetsk HP went into battle armored vehicles of various classes.

After long fights, it was possible to shift the front line of the railway, which has divided Ilovajsk into two opposing halves. In the area of ​​the depot are about a hundred fighters APU, which continue to resist. Militia fighters note that from the former punitive force was gone, long collision exhausted invaders and now they have virtually no chance to break through, to hold the city they just can not.

Despite the successful and thoughtful actions of the army of New Russia, at the moment we can not speak about the capture of the village, but the result is quite predictable. In addition to fighting in brandishing active and least productive actions militia can be seen in Novoazovsk and some other localities. The plans for the near future, the first place is the liberation from the occupation of Mariupol.

Do not remember the puppet rulers of Ukraine crumbling of what the epidemic is over fascism seven decades ago: a cancerous tumor was removed, metastases - destroyed. Wait for his scalpel, the junta!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

The successes of the People's Republic Army could not go unnoticed. The fighting, which were the result of the onset of the militia DNR on critical areas, the creation of a huge number of boilers surrounded by invaders, taking several cities, and escape the Nazis - all this shows the real power of free people! Naturally, the residents not only of New Russia, but also the neighboring regions have noticed that there is no need to endure the selling power when you can generate your own.

People's Governor (Gubarev Paul), said that since the beginning of counteroffensive operation significantly increased the influx of people into the ranks of the army, in addition, he noted that if a man used to go to war for 40 years, now expressed interest in the Motherland young people - 18-30.

People's choice, among other things, said that in the near future will be created similar to the republic LC and DNR, such as Odessa, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv. People are fed up with murderous junta, which is even legally have less right to exist than the breakaway regions. Tensions in society above, and not just growing regions, hardly able to change Poroshenko emerging situation.

Against the backdrop of stunning success, only the newly formed army, against the fascist troops and battalions punitive, it is worth noting that progress militia not going to stop. Several strategically important objects are already under the control of the army of defenders of Donbass, the occupants fled, throwing techniques, weapons, wounded and killed - militia forces grow.

Of course, talk about the upcoming completion of hostilities and a clear sky over the heads of the inhabitants of New Russia, yet. However, anger Russian Reversing not one army invaders, so it will be this time!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Group militias under the command, which has already become a folk hero, "Motorola" in the morning today, headed for Yasinovataya and Ilovajsk. Since settlements are strategically important points, it becomes obvious need for their release. Currently tested the battle for the city, punishers entrenched in their positions, the army militia trying to clear the occupiers from their homes.

Donetsk for this night has become one of the most peaceful in the past week reinforced shelling. In the city did not explode a single shell or rocket. The whole point is that the forces of the defenders managed to shift the epicenter of Donbass fighting just west of, and active work of the militia does not allow distractions to such punitive definitely "important matters", as the destruction of civilians.

Yesterday the army managed to repulse the DNR Yelenovka the Nazis, however, the lack of reinforcements forced them to temporarily leave the town. However, the militia retreated only to focus today, in such important areas as Ilovajsk, Yelenovka and Yasinovataya go active hostilities. Sweep assumed all the same glorious group "Motorola".

On developments at the front, it can be concluded that the army Donetsk HP is moving towards the Black Sea, to the south. Foreseeing trouble, occupants continue to retreat from Novoazovsk and Mariupol, they are sent to the land of Zaporozhye.

Division of the Nazis, remain in the boiler, organized militias. Not far from the clamped Amvrosiivka "Azov" and "Donbass" The Punisher, as well as militants brigades: the 28th and 30th mechanized, as well as the 95th - desantura.

That moment came when the tears of women and children will be washed away with blood Donbass fascists! Reservoir Dogs is not spared!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Women of Ukraine!
Mothers and wives of servicemen of the Ukrainian Army!
From August 24, the army forces Donetsk People's Republic moved to large-scale offensive action in all directions.
In a tight encirclement were 8 staff of the Army Corps, 28th, 30th, 93th Mechanized Brigade, 95th airmobile brigade, giving them a territorial defense battalions "Aydar", "Donbass", "Miner", the battalions of the National Guard "Azov" and "Dnepr", and other parts.
Not having reserves in manpower and equipment, ammunition and food, the generals require them to continue the senseless resistance, fear of responsibility for inept command of the troops.
To achieve their criminal goals, they are willing to sacrifice the lives of your loved ones. Opportunities for resistance forces exhausted. There are no real prospects to break through the encirclement. Alternative resistance - is the death.
So it was with the surrounded soldiers and officers killed in senseless Izvarinskom boiler. Your sons and husbands were in the end of your rope.
To avoid bloodshed in vain, that you do not become orphans and widows, the People's Republic of Donetsk guide offered to soldiers and officers to stop resisting and to leave their positions.
Part of the military agreed to our terms and conditions.
The people of Donbass is ready to provide an opportunity for all laid down their weapons and gave an obligation to no longer participate in hostilities against the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, to return home.
In order to avoid reprisals by the Ukrainian authorities and their repeated return to the civil war, we encourage soldiers' mothers and wives to take part in saving the lives of their sons and husbands.
You can take them home.
Come and take away their sons!
Do not allow them to re-send a fratricidal war!

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Donetsk A.Zaharchenko

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Appeal to the commanders and soldiers of the Ukrainian army, surrounded by the territory of the People's Republic of Donetsk
Donetsk, 08.25.2014

Officers and soldiers! From August 24, the army forces Donetsk People's Republic moved to large-scale offensive action in all directions.
Connection Army DNR surrounded by a dense ring group of Ukrainian troops in the areas of human settlements: Olenovka, Starobeshevo, Voykovsky, Kuteynikova, Fertile, Alekseevskoe, Uspenka, Ulyanovsk, Stepanivka, Amrosievka Stepan-Jug. There were eight army corps headquarters, 28th, 30th, 93th Mechanized Brigade, 95th airmobile brigade, giving them a territorial defense battalions "Aydar", "Donbass", "Miner", the battalions of the National Guard "Azov "and" Dnepr "and other parts.
There are no real prospects to break through the encirclement. Your situation is hopeless and further resistance makes no sense. You are fighting with his people. Following criminal orders in the fratricidal war will not bring you neither fame nor money. Alternative resistance - is the death. So it was with the remaining in the boiler Izvarinskom Ukrainian soldiers and officers, when most are not laid down their arms died senselessly.
In this hopeless situation for you, in order to avoid bloodshed, vain, invite you to the following conditions:
1 All surrounded by Ukrainian troops to cease resistance.
2 Send us with personal weapons, military equipment and military property.

We guarantee all stop resisting officers and soldiers of the preservation of life and safety. Wounded will be given the necessary medical care.
Servicemen who voluntarily ceased resistance, under the obligation not to engage in hostilities against the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, will be handed over to the Ukrainian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers or mothers (close relatives) and will be able to return home.

Made the decision to end its participation in the war citizen should leave their positions and holding a white flag or a piece of white cloth in his hands come to the location of the compounds of the armed forces of the People's Republic of Donetsk.
In the case of non-acceptance of these terms, forces of the army will be forced to destroy the DNR surrounded by subdivisions. Responsibility for their destruction suffer generals and officers of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies.

Chief of the armed forces of the People's Republic of Donetsk

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Than fighting the Ukrainian army in the New Russia

In the near future the Ukrainian army will get upgraded multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), "Castle", the designation "Bastion-1" and "Bastion-2." This was reported on the website of the concern "Ukroboronprom."

Upgraded installation will be mounted on the platform of the KrAZ-6322. The main difference from the "Castle" - a system for quick reloading, thanks to which payment can recharge MLRS in just two minutes. Know-how of the system - a special cage in which installed 40 additional rockets.

"Bastion-1" and "Bastion-2" are equipped with satellite navigation systems. According to the press service of "Ukroboronproma", the possibility of new types of ammunition has increased the range of fire systems up to 40 kilometers.

Plus, a division of the Ukrainian Army in the East soon received new medical-evacuation vehicles PMM-4C based on BTR-4E. These armored "soon" will be equipped with artificial respiration, defibrillation, and blood transfusions.

Will Kiev new technique and the actual fight with the Lugansk and Donetsk Ukrainian army?

- Ukrainian army at war with Soviet weapons - said the deputy director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Hramchihin. - armored vehicles, artillery, aviation, - all things Soviet, with the exception of the T-64BM "Bulat" (they are in the Ukrainian army is less than 100 units).

But "Bulat" - a modernized Soviet T-64 tank. It's pretty old in car design, which can be called modern but with a high degree of conditionality. Besides Ukraine, this tank in service is nowhere. Russia has refused to him immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union because the tank de facto turned purely Ukrainian - he made only in Kharkov.

It should be noted that the Ukraine at the time of the collapse of the USSR, on the power of the armed forces shared the 3rd place in the world with China. This is even without nuclear weapons, which Kyiv, under pressure from Washington, gave Moscow. I would even say that the then Ukrainian army was better than the Chinese: it had a little less technology, but this technique was of much higher quality.

But since "independence" is not only not updated military equipment, but not engaged in combat training. As a result, the Ukrainian army titanic degraded. A significant part of the arms was either sold out or fallen into disrepair.

What military equipment from the rest, most battle-worthy?

- Soviet military equipment in Ukraine very much. Even with the current - high - level of losses, the Ukrainian military it will be enough for a couple of years.

Engineering - this is the BTR-60, BTR-70, BTR-80, BMP-1 and BMP-2, self-propelled and towed multiple rocket launchers "MSTA", "Castle", "Hurricane", "Twister", the Su-24, Su-25, MiG-29 and Su-27. In short, the standard Soviet weapons.

And, of course, Soviet ballistic missiles "Tochka-U". If the purpose of fighting is the destruction of housing and people, "Tochka-U" is quite effective. However, the same "Grad" and "Hurricanes" in this case is even more effective because cover a large area.

Can you compare the potential of the Ukrainian army with Russian?

- The potential of the Ukrainian army immeasurably below. In addition, the new technique does not buy, the army of Ukraine was not involved in the conflict, or even in the normal exercise. Meanwhile, in the present army learns only in war: the teachings are necessary, but they are no substitute for war.

I would say that the Russian army fought a lot, and Ukrainian - did not fight at all.

Ukrainian army, fighting in the Donbass, a fast learner?

- Any army in the war gaining experience in a different way does not happen. In Ukraine - patriotic enthusiasm, so there is a certain number of people at war with enthusiasm. But on the other hand, there are lots of forcibly mobilized, which, even as anti-Russian, not too want to fight.

Also, yes, the army gained experience, but those who experience picked up, knocked out in combat.

If we compare the current state of the Ukrainian army that was at the time of the annexation of Crimea, the difference is large?

- Army of Ukraine became better because I have gained experience. On the other hand, it suffered huge losses in men and material - and therefore reduced its potential.

How can you describe the steps of the Ukrainian Army in the South East ?

- Kiev does not stop in front of their own losses, to no casualties among the civilian population, and trying to crush the South-East military weight. This, in my opinion, the only possible option for Kiev, another way to defeat it is not.
Another thing, it's hard to say what forces actually a militia.

On Saturday 23 August, it was reported that the army of Donetsk and Lugansk republics went on the offensive and try to make their way to the Sea of ​​Azov. This attack will be developed or drown?

- It just depends on the forces that have militias. The war in Southeast simple in the sense that both sides are fighting with the same weapons, the same methods. This is reminiscent of war since ancient times: the winner is the one numerically greater.

There is, however, one important point. If hostilities drag on until the winter, the position of the Ukrainian army much worse, and it can go as far as its complete decomposition. But yet again, it is difficult to say what will happen until the winter ...

- The Soviet weapons, which is fighting the Ukrainian army is not in the best condition - said military expert, Colonel Mikhail Timoshenko. - Say solid rocket "Tochka-U" have a shelf life of 10 years. Ukraine has never produced them. Flashed reports that Russian experts still performed routine maintenance Ukrainian ballistic missiles. But, quite possibly, it is not true. I recall that in 2000 such a missile, fired from the landfill "Goncharovskiy" off course and landed in a residential building in Brovary, breaking nine floors. Catered rocket would not have flown.

The problem is that the fuel in "Tochka-U" requires a certain temperature and humidity conditions during storage. Otherwise it may crack the charge due to the rocket and fly the devil knows where. In short, the current technical condition of Ukrainian ballistic missiles causes huge problems.

The second power of Ukrainian weapons - MLRS rockets. The shelf life of these at least 15 years. However, there is nothing special break. But, as the events in Eastern Ukraine, problems encountered in the MLRS "Smerch". Apparently, the rockets fired at Donbas of "Smerch" systems have remote mining areas, and these systems did not work properly. This is a signal that with rockets in the Ukrainian army is not all right.

There are cannon artillery - self-propelled "Hyacinth" and "Tulip". Artillery shells unpretentious enough to storage conditions and can easily lie down for 30-40 years. But, on the other hand, if the Ukrainians even armored vehicles did not serve - there are cases that Ukrainian tanks for a fire due to a faulty electrical - then and Rockets hardly kept, as it should be.

Speaking of tanks. In Ukraine, a huge number of tanks T-64. More advanced T-72 Ukrainians strove to sell abroad, and the T-64 did not use demand. But this tank - fully Ukrainian and Kharkov Tank Plant. Malyshev is able to bring the week to a working condition 25 tanks that were mothballed.

Ukrainian military aviation, in theory, to date, to be completely destroyed. In Kiev there are only a few planes and helicopters - technique, according to the media, they are distilled from Poland and Romania. By the way, by 2010, children everywhere, fighting Ukrainian "Mi-8" was supposed to end life of the blades.

Remains small arms, but with him in Kiev's all right. "Kalash" - he and Ukraine "Kalash": anything with it is not done.

These weapons can effectively fight?

- In my opinion, the problem is not what the Ukrainians fight, but as a war: from bad to worse. In the Ukrainian army no properly trained soldiers or officers able to control the fight.

Militia fighting is much better. There are, for example, an immutable law of war and paradoxical: if you do not have sufficient strength to positional defense - a counterattack, the transition to the active defense. Now the militia began to counterattack - and in the ranks of Ukrainian Armed Forces from any serious loss, and even captured equipment militias bummed.

Now Lugansk and Donetsk have the opportunity to form complete tank battalions and artillery battalions. This means, at the New Russia formed the normal armed forces, and they can do a lot.

In addition, the militia marched to the Azov coast - this is a very interesting point. If they manage to capture the port city, the New Russia will be able to receive assistance, including military, from anywhere. For example, from Abkhazia.

What is the current balance of forces in Kiev and New Russia?

- Until recently it was 3: 1. But as the militia appeared certain military successes, his numbers will grow. And there, and winter on the nose. Try to fight against the Donbass, knowing that your parents are heated dung and straw. If events develop in this vein, humanitarian aid will have to be sent is not in the Donetsk and Lugansk and Kharkov or Dnepropetrovsk.

By the way, if the militia go to Dnepropetrovsk, will be quite fun. Relationship with President Poroshenko with Dnipropetrovsk oligarch Igor Kolomoisky very bad, but because hardly Ukrainian armed forces will protect Kolomoiskiy. Here militias and maps - that is to say, the weapon - in his hands.

Under military law, the militia, of course, have to go to Kiev. But the big question is, how hard Kiev will climb in New Russia, and when he had finished commanding and technical resources. It is possible that the Ukrainian authorities will soon be just a certain set in a military operation, and they chickened out trite and flee ...

The army of Ukraine

In the Ukrainian army, there are only two armored brigades - the 1st Tank Brigade in Chernihiv region and 17th Tank Brigade in Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region. The best is the 1st Brigade, equipped produced in Kharkov modernized tank T-64BM "Bulat".

In addition, the Ukrainian army has eight separate mechanized infantry brigade. Of these eight, the end of June 2014 in the Donetsk region fought seven:

24th mechanized brigade, located in Lviv region, was alerted in early March. In May - June, she participated in the battles near the town of Krasny Liman and Yampol Donetsk region, in early July - in an attempt to cut off the Donetsk and Lugansk Republic from the Russian border, and suffered great losses in the towns and Zelenopole Rovenki Lugansk region.

51th mechanized brigade transferred to the Donbas of Volyn region. Part of May 22 suffered heavy losses under the first Volnovaha. In mid-July, the brigade participated in an attempt to cut off the Ukrainian army from Lugansk Donetsk.

28th Separate Guards Mechanized Brigade was transferred to the Donetsk region of Odessa region.

93th mechanized brigade, previously stationed in the Dnipropetrovsk region, fought under the Slavonic, now - near Donetsk.

30th mechanized brigade of the Zhytomyr region was first seen in the battle in June, the city Rubezhnoye between Slavic and Lugansk, now fighting under Lugansk.

Part of the 72th mechanized brigade of the Kiev region in June, participated in the battle for the airport in Donetsk in July fell to the operational environment on the border with Russia under the settlements Zelenopole and Sverdlovsk Luhansk region, which suffered heavy losses.

128 Mechanized Brigade was transferred under Lugansk from the Carpathians, from the west of Ukraine - the city of Mukachevo.
In addition to airborne, armored and mechanized brigades in the war for the entire Donbass participates Ukrainian special forces. In Ukraine in 2014 left two separate special purpose regiment, located on the right bank of the Dnieper: 3rd Special Forces separate regiment in Kirovograd and 8 separate regiment special forces in Khmelnitsky. Now both of the Ukrainian special forces regiments marked in the Donbass.

In the armed forces of Ukraine there are three artillery brigades. One of them, 26 Brigade, previously located in the Zhytomyr region, is considered the best of the artillery units of Ukraine. A team of armed self-propelled and towed 152-millimeter howitzers "MSTA" self-propelled guns "Hyacinth" and multiple launch rocket systems "Hurricane." It was her howitzers fired slavic.

Andrey Polunin (svpressa.ru),
Central News Agency Novorossia

The military situation in the New Russia today is characterized by extreme volatility. Militia headquarters announced the counteroffensive, which resulted in a new "boilers" were seven thousands baderovtsev, about 500 armored vehicles and a large kolichesktvo artillery. In particular, to the south of Donetsk in the environment were three Ukrainian teams, as well as punitive battalions "Aydar", "Donbass", "Miner" and "Dnepr-1."

Widely publicized Ukrainian "offensive", which, according to the Bandera warriors, would end exactly to the Independence Day of Ukraine (August 24) the "great Peremoga" over the "separatists and terrorists," ran out of steam and petered out. It became clear after the Russian humanitarian convoy of 280-year-KAMAZ smoothly and without loss reached to Lugansk, accompanied by militia checkpoints which, as it turned out, confident control all the way to the Russian border. Thus lies "nezalezhnyh" propagandists of the great successes ukrovoinov allegedly surrounded the Donetsk and Lugansk and leading cleansing already almost in the center of the city, it became evident around the world.

Not less evident was the helplessness and the Kiev authorities. The head of the Security Service of Ukraine Valentyn Nalyvaychenko movement called Russian humanitarian column "Russia's invasion of Ukraine", and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, in turn, said the "next key blatant violation of the principles of international law" by Russia. Simultaneously Nalivaychenko stressed that "the Ukrainian side could not stop the convoy as it moves through the territory controlled by the separatists."

Ukrofashistov impotence, their inability to change the course of the fighting in the New Russia in their favor, becoming more and more obvious to any impartial observer. In recent days, punitive operation Bandera almost completely reduced to shelling militia roadblocks and peaceful neighborhoods of Donetsk and Lugansk, Makeevki and Ilovaysk.

At the same time Ukrainian infantry and armor are timid, and only occasionally along roads without having neither the power nor the ability to conduct active offensive operations. But the militia while also not have enough power to go into large-scale counter-offensive, although artillery to conduct counter-battery fire at them already and this greatly complicates the life of Ukrainian warriors accustomed to shoot civilians with impunity from howitzers and "Grad".

Meanwhile, more and more confident militia fighting moves on the territory formerly occupied by the junta. August 23 there were reports of battles on the Azov sea coast, in the district and in the villages Novoazovsk Sedov, Cold and Broken. With sea and land border posts attacked by the National Guard and the position of shelled checkpoint "Novoazovsk" and posts from punitive Telmanovo. Militia uses mortars, Ukrainian media reported on the use of troops defenders Novorossia reactive volley fire systems. Of Ukrainian servicemen are killed and wounded a number of border posts, and the National Guard destroyed. If this attack is successful militia, DNR will receive access to the sea, as well as take control of the checkpoint "Novoazovsk" on the border with Russia and all security forces will push the boundaries of the Donetsk region, Russia

In the area of ​​Ilovaysk formed another "pot" in which die ingloriously Sonderkommando "Miner" and "Donbass". In turn, Bandera continued intensive shelling of Donetsk, Lugansk and Ilovaysk, do not stop trying to cut the communication divide militias and block them. Observers note that while, alas, "there is no reason to talk about a decisive change - militia fighting on the limit.

Meager resource base of the uprising, the collapse of the system of administration caused by the escape of former officials, and the failure of the rebels to organize the administrative and economic structures, even in the minimum necessary volume leads to the fact that the already small militias have to be diverted to carry patrol service (instead of police), an organization shelters (instead MOE) and dozens of other responsibilities that the military authorities are forced to take. "

August 26 sources in the DNR reported that "in general, we are seeing a process of fracture in the war in the Donbas. But the victory is not yet reached in the coming days, the junta will do everything possible to turn a difficult situation in their favor. " On the same day, one of the rebel leaders Alexei Brain said that assessment of the situation at the front as the stability of heavy and does not wait for the next few months of radical change. He said: "I appreciate the situation is still critical: and a line of military confrontation, and politically. Despite media reports about this occurrence, as unequal power relations, and remains. Just a little bit, we learned to fight, so give more of yourself to know what it was yesterday and the day before. Today, we can capture equipment of the enemy and hit harder, but, again, I repeat, fundamental changes have not yet occurred.

We have a very large difference in military strength. For example, not enough of the same personnel. Against us put 10 thousand. People, and we only have a thousand, and the same with military equipment. Of course, I would like us to have an equal balance of forces, then we could argue.

In winter, nothing will change, only colder. I think even the termination of gas supply will not lead to a cessation of hostilities. Anyway, on our part that is not possible as long as the Kiev government will not be overthrown and destroyed in the same way as it is now destroyed civilians Donbass. Once again, we are not fighting with the common people, but to Kiev we walk right. We must punish those who are destroying our country and its people. "

Thus in the last days in the besieged Donbass established sinister "balance of death." In the absence of a solid front line, where settlements are located, it would seem, in the rear of the warring parties, repeatedly pass from hand to hand, it's a bloody balance is precarious and fragile.

For a long time it can not continue. Kiev reserves are almost exhausted troops. Striking confirmation of this fact was the massive use of ballistic missiles punishers "Point Y", which Kiev has already left quite a bit. So, on Friday Launch "Point I" fell in the vicinity of Snow in the east of Donetsk region. Apparently, the purpose of the rocket was located near the checkpoint militia. Due to the low training Ukrainian missile, "Point" has fallen in the open field, and none of the volunteers suffered.

Battalion headquarters militia DNR "East" said that, on the eve of the three are the same missiles "Point I" fell near the village Dmitrovka on Ukraine's border with Russia. It seems, having exhausted all other reserves, the Ukrainian military by such rockets are trying to alleviate the situation divisions of the 24th mechanized brigade Armed Forces of Ukraine, locked between the militias and DMITROVKA Dibrovka.

On the night of 22 August 23 Ukrainian army attacked two (according to other sources - four) "dots" on the residential areas of the city of Lugansk Rovenki People's Republic. Around this same time, another rocket applied Bandera to the checkpoint at the entrance to Snowy cooking mess on the road connecting the Donetsk and Lugansk. Killed three people: a child, a man and a woman. 9 people injured. Propagandists junta cheerfully reported about the "five hundred militias murdered, forty armored vehicles and three MANPADS" Arrow ".

This means that Kiev generals finally lost the opportunity to build a grouping of artillery and armored vehicles in the area of ​​the so-called "Anti-terrorist operation", and firing positions militias ballistic missiles (with a warhead weighing 500 kilograms and a circular probable deviation of up to 200 meters, which makes the use of such missiles with non-nuclear version of virtually meaningless) - a kind of act of desperation, an attempt to somehow help their surrounded by troops.

However, this is unlikely to get anything worthwhile. Ballistic "Points" in ukrovoinov left nothing at all, and they are in danger. Thus, according to the militia of Gorlovki, they are "the night of 21 to 22 August pitched dill partisans and destroyed missile" Tochka-U "north Myroniv."

Due to the huge losses in armored Ukraine forced to abandon arms transfers abroad - and completely switched to software War in the Donbass. Technique that produced for foreign customers that these customers have already paid for, rush to the east. This applies, in particular, the production of armored Kiev plant, which before the Civil War produced armored vehicles for export only. But today, after huge losses in the Donbass Bandera armored vehicles that are already installed on the platform to be sent to Thailand urgently sent to the New Russia. There from Kiev left for 6 new armored vehicles, 15 more are going to send in the coming days.

However, given the scale of the real loss ukrofashistov in armor, it is - a drop in the sea. These losses are such that, according to a senior officer of Kiev, they are forced to reopen the armored vehicles that are on the bases of long-term storage for more than 30 years. This technique is for the most part is completely unsuitable for a combat operation: stolen optics, electrics rotted, resource engines long since overdrawn. As for combat aircraft, its Kiev has practically no, and bring to a working condition old Soviet attack aircraft and fighters, canned back in the 90s, the Ukrainian defense industry today is simply incapable.

Thus, it is possible with a high degree of probability that serious efforts to increase the ambience of Donetsk and Luhansk in the foreseeable future will not be able Kiev junta. Its main efforts will be aimed at is to keep the previously captured bridgeheads, especially the key, such as Debalcevo, Saur Tomb, Ilovajsk (at least partially), Lutugino and the like. Their hopes for turning the situation Kiev security forces associated with the so-called "The third wave of globalization", which recruits should fill up pretty battered in the fighting troops punitive, and also give the opportunity to send in the Donbass two fresh brigades of the armed forces and the National Guard under the additional brigade.

Will Banderovites foothold in the occupied in the last two weeks abroad, if they can build on the success, or the militia would be able to push them back, denying opportunities to shoot "Studs", "Tulips" and "Castle" civilians Donbass, it will become clear in the next 5-10 days.

In any case, the prospects of Bandera is not rosy, it was forced to admit even such a hard-nosed ukrofashist as Anton Gerashchenko, Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov junta. "The militants have increased the pressure on our forces in the ATO brandishing Yasinovataya, Zhdanovka, where there are the most fierce fighting" - he wrote on his page on Facebook are, and lamented that if things continue to go well, it will allow Putin to keep Ukraine "on the hook "and" Ukrainians will never be able to realize its European choice "...

Konstantin stuffy
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Two weeks ago, during the battle for Pervomais'k personnel Ukrainian volunteer battalion "Donbass" was found burnt corpse, which had an Israeli passport in the name of №10933029 Falkov Michael, born in 1977 On Monday, August 25, on condition of anonymity, told a REGNUM source in the Information-Analytical Center of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC). Security officials in Kiev suspect that the death of Israelis came not as a result of fire or shrapnel, as a result of torture. Command of "anti-terrorist operation" (ATO) has been reported about the body with an Israeli passport almost a week after the discovery.
Ukrainian authorities imposed a ban on the release of information about the incident. It was found that the victim - not the usual Israeli. In the past, Michael Falk, born in 1977, was a staff advisor to the chairman of the party "Likud" Benjamin Netanyahu, currently occupies the post of Prime Minister of Israel. Earlier Falkov was a strategic advisor another influential Israeli politician - Avigdor Lieberman, who now holds the post of foreign minister. Falkov had a friendly relationship with another member of the government - the Minister of Economy Naftali Bennett. He was supervisor Falkova during Netanyahu.
In the National Security Council does not rule out that this private moment can play a role in the response of Tel Aviv on the Ukrainian events. Until now, Israel has not supported the sanctions by the West against Russia. But Foreign Minister Lieberman maintains cordial relations with the new Kyiv authorities. Therefore, Ukrainian officials are trying to convince the Israelis that Falkov allegedly became a victim of the Russian special services.
Death Falkova became the real cause of a sudden three-day visit of Israeli parliamentarians to Ukraine August 19-22. In Kiev came Deputy Interior Minister Faina Kirshenbaum, chairman of the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs and defense Zeev Elkin, deputy Alex Miller. According to the Ukrainian Embassy in Tel Aviv, the three of them for many years had a business relationship with Falkova. Kirshenbaum concurrently holds the post of Director General of Lieberman's party. When Falkov was a strategic advisor to Lieberman, Kirschenbaum was his immediate boss.
In recent years, until the end of April last year, Falk was considered the owner and editor in chief of one of the Russian sites in Israel. His task was to serve the interests of the Party Lieberman on the media market. Falkov have used this site as a cover to collect compromising information about officials and businessmen in Russia and Ukraine, who have Israeli citizenship, property or relatives in this country. Another object of his interests were Israeli officials, politicians, business people - immigrants from the former Soviet Union. With customers confidential information Falkova usually drove Kirshenbaum. During this work it was featured on the site Falkova more often than other Israeli politicians.
In connection with the death of Donbas former adviser to Netanyahu and Lieberman begs a few questions. Firstly, he has appeared in the war zone of their own accord or was sent there by former managers? If the second option, for what purpose? This raises the question of the true interests of Tel Aviv in the Ukrainian conflict. And finally, the most unexpected question. Several years ago, the deputy Elkin told a colleague of the Federation Council, that the so-called Falkova archive consists of hundreds of folders that contains information about thousands of Russian-speaking Israelis and hundreds of Russian and Ukrainian officials and businessmen. I wonder where, how and who "float" these materials after the death Falkova?

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Ukrainian military, trapped in the south-eastern Ukraine, once in three boiler environment, began to surrender. Tuesday night opted to surrender 94 Ukrainian soldiers stationed near the village of Kuteynikova. They were in the so-called Amvrosievsky boiler.

This third one Ukrainian military strike force was surrounded by an army of Donetsk National Republic in the area of ​​human settlements Stepanivka, Amvrosievka and Stepan-Jug in the morning on 25 August. Currently surrounded by militias are the headquarters of the eighth army corps, 28th, 30th, 93th Mechanized Brigade, 95th airmobile brigade and committed them to punitive battalions "Aydar", "Donbass", "Shahtersk" battalions of the national Guard "Azov" and "Dnepr", funded Ljashko and Kolomoiskiy, and other parts.
As stated in the manual DNR, these parts of the Ukrainian military has no chance to break out, and there are only two choices: surrender or die.

The head of government of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko Tuesday offered to soldiers and officers of the Ukrainian army to surrender and promised in this case, save their lives and safety. "Your situation is hopeless, and further resistance makes no sense. You fight with his people. Perform criminal orders in the fratricidal war will not bring you neither fame nor money. Alternative Resistance - a death, - said in a statement Zaharchenko. - So it was with remaining in the boiler Izvarinskom Ukrainian soldiers and officers, when most are not laid down their arms died senselessly. "

Guide DNR to avoid bloodshed in vain invited all surrounded by Ukrainian troops at the disposal of the army Donetsk People's Republic of personal weapons, military equipment and military property.

"The wounded will be provided with the necessary medical care. Soldiers voluntarily cease their resistance under the obligation not to engage in hostilities against the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, will be handed over to the Ukrainian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers or mothers (close relatives) and will be able to return home. Decide to discontinue participation in the civil war should leave their positions and holding a white flag or a piece of white cloth in his hands come to the location of the compounds of the armed forces of the People's Republic of Donetsk, "- said in a statement Alexander Zaharchenko.

Meanwhile it became known about the new army successes DNR. By Wednesday morning the militia managed to knock the punishers of those held by the train depot in Ilovaiskaya. In depot discovered mass of bloody bandages, indicating that a large number of wounded in the ranks of the Ukrainian military and penal battalions. Security officials fled the city, and now they are engaged in mopping up the militia in the suburbs Ilovaysk and the so-called "zelenke."

At the moment the army DNR leads offensive against the security forces in the south of the Donets Basin in several ways, to come closer to Mariupol. According to sources, the city hastily leave here not only are punitive battalions, but also representatives of the Ukrainian authorities. It is in Mariupol is the headquarters of the so-called Donetsk State Administration headed by billionaire Taruta in favor of harsh suppression of the people's militia in the Donbas.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


On August 26, the Donbass major fighting going in a southerly direction along the line Donetsk - Ilovajsk - Amvrosievsky district - Novoazovsk. This in an interview to a REGNUM correspondent was informed by the information of the press center "Vostok" callsign "North".
"Trying to stop the advance of the militia, the junta tightens artillery here and all that is possible, and the last rocket systems. There is a huge concentration of troops in Volnovaha. In the fortified places there is a lot of artillery. While there is a clean gun war. Our offensive continues in the southern direction. The northern front is held. With no connection Lugansk. What they have going on, we do not know. Once will be released on bond, will be something we know "- said the" North ".
According to him, in Donetsk militia working hard to identify and destroy enemy DRG. "They're coming battles on the outskirts of Donetsk. Walked skirmishes near pos.Peski. In the area of ​​our scouts destroyed 2 tanks. In Donetsk employs many raiding and reconnaissance groups. They are armed with mortars. Involved a lot of effort to identify them. They ride in cars, put mortar and work out for whatever purpose, then change position. Approximately half of all attacks carried out by these groups of Donetsk. In Lugansk, was the same, because of overlap DRG traffic in the city. Donetsk - a city of great size, therefore more difficult to work, but the success is. Said that several such groups already neutralized, but several groups still present. According to preliminary data, in Donetsk found fragments of missiles "Tochka-U", which is the day before the city fell. Subjected to shelling and MAKEEVKA Yasinovataya "- said the source.
Press center informs the partial withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Ilovaysk, Dokuchaevsk and Novoazovsk. "We fix the retreat of the enemy. MAT leave from Dokuchaevsk. I understand that they, too, are drawn to Volnovaha. With Ilovaiskaya also no communication. Apparently, in Ilovaiskaya fighting continued with parts of the National Guard. Most likely, his listener group cut, fixed retreat Ukrainian troops. Today, the area Krasnopartizanskaya artillery militia destroyed a large stock of ammunition and fuel punitive. There is a loss of personnel APU ... According to reports by Novoazovskiy fighting continued. There was fighting in the suburbs. Ukrainian troops drew off some of the troops in the direction of Mariupol, they is a preparation for the defense of Mariupol ", - said the" North ".
He also noted the emotional lift Shakhtar after reports of successful counteroffensive army DNR. "With the first victories and successes of the militia greatly raise the morale of the locals break" hot line. " Call and congratulate. A lot of information comes about moving technology APU from the locals. "
According to the "North", the army DNR is in no hurry to enter the Novoazovsk not to engage in bloody street battles. "There is no information on the situation in Novazovske. A lot of information that people are fleeing from Mariupol. Is evacuated banks and auto. I think a day or two and the situation becomes clearer. Militias are in no hurry to enter the new settlements. There's a lot of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, fighting the enemy positions very well fortified, many dressed in civilian spies, partisans. Street battles will mean for us heavy losses of personnel. We do not have a lot of personnel, to send them to the slaughter, as does the Ukrainian army. Very often, I personally have my heart bleeds when Ukrainian soldiers are driven like sheep to the slaughter. Suppose they are wrong and deceived, but the other side of a human mind. Especially because it's a civil war, not some enemy from overseas or from the other end of the continent. Conflict is caused due to some differences in their views on how to live and develop the country. In my opinion, the civil war - the worst thing that exists, "- said the" North ".

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Donetsk, August 27 - RIA Novosti. At least 129 soldiers and fighters of the National Guard of Ukraine surrendered to the militia in the village Starobeshevo Donetsk region, RIA Novosti reported at the headquarters of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk (DNI).
"In a busy village militias Starobeshevo Donetsk region in the morning on August 27 voluntarily surrendered 129 Ukrainian servicemen and natsgvardeytsev", - said the representative of the DNI headquarters.
According to the militia, during the night battles in the suburbs of Donetsk Avdeyevka and Yasinovataya Ukrainian army lost 25 men killed and wounded, as well as part of the military equipment - two armored personnel carriers, tanks and ammunition depot. As a result, fire attack on the positions of Ukrainian artillery near the town Krasnogorovka destroyed four multiple rocket launchers "Grad" with the calculations, two tanks and two armored vehicles escort, said at the headquarters of the DNI.
In Lugansk region near the settlement Valuiskikh militia knocked out five cars with ammunition. According to the militia, as a result of clashes killed eight soldiers. Only the night of 26 August 27, Ukrainian troops have lost five tanks, seven armored vehicles, four multiple rocket launchers "Grad", two warehouses with ammunition and five vehicles reported at headquarters.
Earlier, Prime Minister and Chief of the armed forces of the DNI Zaharchenko Alexander said that from August 24 to force the army Donetsk People's Republic moved to large-scale offensive action in all directions.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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2.map of 26 August



Edited by John Dolva
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According to the DNR Staff militia activity subversive groups punitive increased on the eve of Independence Day of Ukraine. Nearly two dozen commandos Ukrainian punitive, leading attacks Donetsk with portable mortars, neutralized counterintelligence DNR.
August 19 militia groups were neutralized somewhat punitive, forced their way in Donetsk with rocket-propelled grenades, and three spotter.
Besides mobile mortar calculations Self-Defense Forces of Donetsk eliminated two female sniper. "They fought fire on passers-by in the usual peaceful" - the website of combat reports from the militia of New Russia in the social network "VKontakte". During the detention of the two snipers were killed and one managed to escape.
In Makeyevka militia managed to defuse several groups of spotters, who were preparing the city for the next shot at Ukrainian artillery: "When they found radio beacons that they were going to install an electrical substation near the Soviet area." In the same area taken in the act korrektirvschik fire that sent the siloviki coordinates bomb shelters.
In Donetsk, also eliminated Navodchica team, which included two women, 40-year-old resident of the city and her daughter, who is only 15 years old:
"Both installed in places where civilians radio beacons for artstrelby. For each installation, they received 1,000 hryvnia. These killers were paid, and then admired the bodies torn to shreds people: the elderly, women and children. "
Navodchica Ukrainian security officials detained militia and put her to shame in Donetsk.
For those who would be sorry for her, it was reported that the information that she passed Ukrainian troops helped those to target artillery shells residential areas. After detention Navodchica artillery forces "ATO" she offered wrapped in a Ukrainian flag and put in the pillory near the checkpoint. On a plate, which she was awarded, it was written: "It is killing our children" and "Agent punitive." Locals very aggressive attitude to the captive, it had to be protected from violence. Even without kicking has not been ...
The militia said they will go with a spy-killer deserved. What has already indignantly write The New York Times.
However, it can be compared to such an action that they are doing with the prisoners Ukrainian troops? And so what they do with the cities of the Donbas and civilians?

Meanwhile, a lot of women in the DNR entered into the ranks of the militia.


With a light hand NYT this photo spread through the world, in response shrill echo-dribbling.
"Human rights" of all countries in unison outraged "cynicism and abuse."

They did not say a bad word, when on February 22 this year in Uzhgorod pilloried without trial tied Sergey Kharchenko, whether good or bad person, but that person is:

They do not vzmeknuli not vzbeknuli when, two days before the beat, crucified on the platform and poured cold water on the bracing frost Bashlachenko Alexander, Governor of Volhynia, who refused to be humiliated in front of the herd:


They are like water clams, when on the same days in the "cultural" city of Lviv put on her knees and forced to repent not know what Lviv "Berkut", before having burnt alive in the barracks of those who refused to crawl over their flock in the legs:


Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia
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Rostov-on-Don, on 27 August. / Correspondent. Itar-Tass Buyanin /. More than 60 Ukrainian soldiers crossed the border in the Rostov region with a request for shelter. ITAR-TASS spokesman border of the FSB of Russia in the Rostov region, Nikolai Sinitsyn.
"Today, 62 servicemen of the Interior Troops of Ukraine near the Russian village Shramko Matveyev Kurgan district in order to preserve their lives and obtain shelter appealed to the Russian border with a request to pass them on the territory of Russia", - said Sinicyn.
He noted that before the border crossing Ukrainian military weapons left on the adjacent territory. Russian border guards let them and provided them with a transit corridor, based on the principles of humanism.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

New Russia Policy
Army DNR has reached the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov
Views: 13562


Tank militia took control of the western suburbs Novoazovsk.

Army tanks entered the DNR Novoazovsk and settled in its western suburbs. Information was confirmed at the headquarters of the militia.


On the eve of August 26 for Novoazovsk were fights. After the liberation of the city, the forces are planning to release the DNR Mariupol. It was reported that the National Guard units Ukrainian hastily left the city and on the trucks leaving aside the Zaporozhye region.

The same day, army units DNR counterattacked and attacked the positions of Ukrainian troops in Ilovaiskaya. August 27 the city was completely brought under control. At the same time fighting for Ilovajsk militias went on the offensive in the south of the DNI.

In the breakaway republic militia surrounded the two groups Ukrainian law enforcers total number of seven thousand soldiers. August 24 in the ring were the headquarters of the 8th Army Corps, 95th airmobile brigade MAT, 28th and 30th mechanized brigade, as well as punitive battalions "Aydar", "Miner" and "Donbass". By the morning of August 25 was completely surrounded by another, the third one, strike force of the enemy in the vicinity of settlements Stepanivka, Amvrosievka and Stepan-Jug in the south-east of Ukraine.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Currently in Ukraine, people in the army are fighting, for the most part, only under duress, under pain of death threats to their relatives. So they are doing everything to those who commit violence against them, defeated and are punished.

This is how the collective unconscious. It seems to be one with each other about it negotiates, but take different paths to the same goal - the elimination of the junta. And if the people of Ukraine made the decision, it will be enforced.

These circumstances impose on the army Novorossia greater responsibility in the liberation of Ukraine from fascist junta. At the same time, these circumstances create favorable conditions for the rapid defeat of the army forces Novorossia APU and bandit "battalions", which are currently poorly managed, an extraordinary gathering of people and machines.

Central News Agency Novorossia

On all counts, the attitude of the junta to its citizens even more than heinous. Guide Novorossia repeatedly pointed out and made statements to the effect that on the territory of Donbass Ukrainians continue to live. No matter what, the puppet government never paid attention to any treatment militias. Thus, as a result of ignoring the obvious facts Poroshenko, People's Republic of residents were left without benefits and pensions. Layer, which is most affected by the relationship of the fascist government, became the most vulnerable citizens, especially senior citizens, people with disabilities and kids.

Naturally, the leadership of the Luhansk HP could not ignore the oppressed people, which is why it is planned to organize the payment in the near future. According to the manual LC, a set of problems with which to work will not allow residents to organize payment in full, however, any amount - it is better than nothing. Currently sought provisions for the implementation of the issuance of pensions and benefits.

Meanwhile, continues army offensive People's Republic and today's events have once again shown hideous face invaders. In the side of the village gravelly rapidly advancing forces of New Russia, however, coming close to the positions of punitive militias have a serious problem - the Nazis built in front of civilians.

Naturally, the defenders of the Donbass were forced to withdraw by ceasing offensive. At the moment, addressed the issue of the continuation of the operation and to minimize possible casualties among civilians. Worked out all the possible options in moving to the settlements: gravelly, and Novoivanovka Novosvetlovka.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Interestingly all
Soldier Novorossia
Views: 6220

Dedicated to all the militia of New Russia

I was born into a large and powerful country on the most beautiful land. In this land, singing songs such as boundless as the steppe. There gentle breeze, the sun is shining there, where people live interesting. The name of this land - Ukraine.

My father, a Ukrainian. A mother from Russia - where my father was. My grandfather fought to the death in Odessa and Sevastopol with troops on the go. He was a Jew.

We so enjoyed the land and the city with the name of our slavic. But in March on Independence burned my brother. Some Ukrainian in it with Molotov cocktails launched. Father did not sleep all night. In the morning, he told us that our Ukraine is no more.

He first went into the militia.

And I hoped and waited. I could not believe that my mother is not a mother now, and klyatyh Moskal, and her road to the station. I did not want to believe that my army friend no longer a friend. He is my enemy.

I love Ukraine and Russia to remember. They are both my mother.

But Kiev all decided for us.

In Odessa burned my sister. She wanted to honor his grandfather, a war veteran. She wanted to speak in Russian. She wanted her son to sing Russian songs. In the flames were two of them - she and her unborn son.

Then I picked up the gun. I got the beat at the checkpoint. I decided to protect your Slovyansk. I became a militia.

I was ready to die in Slavonic. But we went off to become stronger, wiser and fiercely.

On the square shot my mother. For the love of his native land.

I near Donetsk in exploration went. I am a miner's offensive in the trenches waiting. I waited for him in Gorlovka.

I became a soldier in the army of South-East, when we went to the Sea of ​​Azov.

I know - we will win.

I know - we're going to Kiev.

I know - we'll take it.

With much love, I will write on the building of the Verkhovna Rada: I was here - army soldiers Novorossia.

Svetlana Gurov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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People's Republic of militias continue to conduct successful combat operations against the occupation forces.

Clash with security forces APU happened near the settlement of victory, the name of the village has been very symbolic. In this area, the invaders lost ten people, of whom four died.

More productive for the defenders of the native land battle took place near Kuteynikova. In the battle attended natsgvardeytsy, some of which will forever remain in the Donbas. In addition, the militia managed to burn an armored truck, about four self-propelled guns and two howitzers.

Heavy fighting took place near Red Talovka, they junta has lost about fifty men, as well as six light armored vehicles.

Somewhat north of Novoazovsk, company scouts army Donbass has done a solid job. As a result, well-tuned and perfected action fighters, army Ukraine lost several fighters. At the same time, the Nazis managed to seize, by the way, among the captured invaders appeared Head "Novoazovsk" (SBS Department Square) O. Podolyan, the rank of Major, as well as three commandos. In addition, 27 of August joined the ranks of the prisoners as many as four dozen ukrofashistov who were captured far away from Alexandrovka.

The Nazis are still running from Mariupol, no one wants to suffer the wrath of his blohasto Skin Singles! During the offensive, the army had already expelled Novorossia punishers of Granite, Uspenka, Telmanovo, Solntseva and other settlements.

It is necessary to sum up, the militia headquarters reported that over the past day was able to reduce the number of security forces the Army of Ukraine up to 80 people, as well as destroy the middle three armored vehicles, fourteen light, five tanks, a dozen artillery guns and mortars. Exact loss militia forces are not currently known.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Today, August 27th, there was an interesting case in the vast Donbass. Army Novorossia invaders tank was presented in excellent condition. "The act of goodwill" fascists carried near one of the checkpoints of the Donetsk HP, which were created by militias. Defenders found a fighting machine, and then opened fire on it with the help of "Cliffs" - heavy machine guns.

Response to the actions of the militia was not followed, however, were seen "glittering heels" valiant soldiers APU, who managed to get out of the car through the lower hatch. The crew escaped in a nearby forest belt. However, security forces were able to delay Novorossia army commander - Captain Fedoseenko occupying the rank of officer in the ranks of the National Guard.

Fascist was given all necessary medical care. Militia headquarters suggests that Fedoseenko can be exchanged for two captured ukroarmiey defenders of the Motherland.

Thus, it becomes more and more energy in the People's Militia, another armored car will help to strengthen the position and provide decent resistance to the enemy, to take part in the offensive.

Incidentally, it is worth noting that over the past few days, started
offensive has brought a considerable number of military victories of New Russia. It is known that all three border with Russia in the post were repulsed punitive (Novoazovsk, Uspenka, Marinovka).

All attempts natsgvardeytsev soldiers and militia to stop the APU, encounter fierce resistance and have no success. Soldiers of self-defense has expelled the invaders from almost all strategically important sites and towns, including the mound Saur-Tomb. Thus, the position of the army Novorossia already established themselves, can only wait so long until you will be worked out detailed plans for the return of control over the rest of the occupied territories.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

August 27 Ilovajsk released junta troops fled, pursued by militias!
Watch the video:

Central News Agency Novorossia

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According to the Ministry of Defense Intelligence DNI guide ATO decided when there is a threat of capture of Mariupol compounds army Novorossia implement sabotage in order to break the most important and vital installations and municipal infrastructure.
"The purpose of the action - blame militias in indiscriminate artillery defeat key civilian objects" - quoted sources in the Defense Agency DNI Voenkor.info.
According to intelligence reports, the diversion of staff are ready to carry the special division of the SBU of the 9th battalion of territorial defense "Vinnitsa".

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Army DNR argues that reached the approaches to Mariupol. "We've Novoazovsk it under our control, and went directly to Mariupol. I think that the liberation of the city - it is the next few days, we have everything ready for this," - said the army headquarters.
According to the interlocutor, all the supporters of the regime in Kiev fleeing the city, writes "Reedus."

Moscow. August 28th. INTERFAX.RU - Militiamen self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk claim that reached the approaches to Mariupol. "We've Novoazovsk it under our control, and went directly to Mariupol. I think that the liberation of the city - it is the next few days, we have everything ready for this," - said to "Interfax" in the headquarters of the militia DNR.

Interlocutor of the agency argues that "Mariupol hastily leaving officials prokievskoy Donetsk Regional State Administration, which served as the Kiev authorities, police and numerous informants."

"They run all the supporters of the regime in Kiev, leave the city and go in Kiev and the west, so some people try to leave as refugees in Russia. Obviously, they understand that the assault on the city is not far off. Soon we will liberate Mariupol", - said .

Meanwhile, the speaker of the Information and Analytical Center NSDC of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko said on the eve of the city Novoazovsk, located near the border with Russia on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov, is under the control of the Ukrainian military, but the situation is a result of the counter-offensive militias remains difficult.

He did not confirm the information about the presence of militias under Novoazovskiy tanks, but noted that the boundary side firing on a 10-kilometer zone around the city.

Alexander Nikinin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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2.map of 26 August




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KIEV, August 28. /ITAR-TASS/. CyberBerkut anonymous hacker group released a new portion of the Ukrainian army’s hacked data on Thursday, showing large losses inflicted by east Ukraine militias on pro-Kiev troops.

Over the week of August 16-23 alone, self-defense fighters of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics seized 14 T-64 tanks, 25 infantry fighting vehicles, 18 armored personnel carriers, one armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle, one Uragan multiple launch rocket system, two Gvozdika self-propelled artillery guns, four D-30 howitzers, four mortars, one ZU-23-2 air defense system and 33 vehicles, according to the hackers’ data.

“Therefore, our estimates alone show that the defenders of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics seized 79 T-64 tanks, 94 infantry fighting vehicles, 57 armored personnel carriers and 24 Grad multiple launch rocket from June 20 to August 23 during the Ukrainian military’s punitive operation,” hackers said.

ITAR-TASS has no confirmation of this information from other sources so far.

Ukrainian troops trapped by militias near Donetsk

The militia headquarters earlier reported that the Donetsk People’s Republic, which had formed united armed forces, launched a counteroffensive on August 24 and 25, encircling three large groupings of Ukrainian troops.

The Donetsk self-defense fighters blocked over 7,000 Ukrainian troops and over 400 pieces of the armor, the militia headquarters said.

The pro-Kiev grouping trapped in the cauldron also included over 40 tanks, about 100 infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and airborne combat vehicles and about 50 Grad and Uragan multiple launch rocket systems, the militia headquarters said.

Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council spokesman Andriy Lysenko said on Tuesday that militias had intensified fighting in the eastern and southern fronts in the Donetsk Region.

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