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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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DONETSK, August 28 (RIA Novosti) – Donetsk militia forces claimed Thursday to have taken control of checkpoints and strongholds in the outskirts of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine.

“Militia forces have taken control of block posts and strongholds on the edge of the city, as well [as taking control] of the bridge across the Gruzsky-Yelanchik River,” the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic’s (DPR) headquarters announced.

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KIEV, August 28. /ITAR-TASS/. The situation in eastern Ukraine is very complicated, leader of Ukraine’s Radical Party, parliamentarian Oleg Lyashko said on Thursday. :news

DONETSK, August 28. /ITAR-TASS/. Three hundred miners are trapped in a Ukrainian coalmine which was left without electricity in shelling, the press service of Donetsk regional power utility said on Thursday.

“The Zasyadko coalmine was left without power supply in military actions and due to a damaged power line on early on Thursday morning. Three hundred miners were trapped underground when power supply was disrupted,” the press service said.

Regional power utility workers try to temporarily connect the mine to another power substation so that miners will be able to go up to the surface. Power supply of the mine can be restored fully only after the power line located in Ukraine’s eastern city of Donetsk is repaired.

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Tatyana Lebedeva arrested two weeks ago for putting up flyers.
Kharkovchanka Tatyana Lebedeva, who was detained for putting up flyers, put under house arrest. The detention took place after the denunciation evromaydanovtsev.

As the correspondent of news agency "Kharkiv", on the eve of a meeting of the Court of Appeal, in the course of which was rejected by the prosecutor's Content Tatiana detention without the right to bail. The judge, in particular, the prosecutor pointed out that such measures not provided for in respect of persons suspected of having committed such crimes and have no criminal record.
The prosecutor, in turn, admitted that he was planning to unleash it on the article about hooliganism to the scale of "coup d'etat".

Lebedev must release under house arrest with an electronic bracelet that will be responsible for her whereabouts.

According to the official website of the People's Deputy Oleg Tsarev, in Kharkov was an action "From Children of Donbass". For portraits of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, governor of Dnipropetrovsk region Igor Kolomoisky and President Barack Obama bloodied children's toys. An interview with one of the TV channels gave Tatyana Lebedeva, called a halt to the war, which killed civilians, including children.
Shortly thereafter, a 52-year-old widow came with a search warrant. She "found" stickers, which read: ".... Poroshenko, stop bombing Donbass".

"While the 52-year-old widow was illegally detained in the detention center (IVS) in the apartment her elderly 84-year-old mother held an illegal search. The police tricked the old woman opened the door, and there broke a bunch of men in uniform and without. Searched the apartment was conducted without counsel and the right to defense. And as guardians of the law are able to toss illegal items, we know many examples. Especially since it's easier to do when the house is the one and only the elderly and the sick woman, "- says the site Tsarev.

On Wednesday, lawyer Tatiana and her family have to go to jail Holodnogorskaya to see for yourself that it will go home.
Note that after a woman was arrested for disorderly conduct, its going to be accused of distributing calls for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order.

Source: nahnews.com.ua
Central News Agency Novorossia


Moscow. August 28th. INTERFAX.RU - Soldiers of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Luhansk (LC) went on the offensive under Lugansk, "Interfax" in the headquarters of the militia LC.

Clashes between the militias and the Ukrainian military are in the village of Krasny Yar and Vergunka under Lugansk. Representatives of the LC pass to the offensive and try to push the enemy positions in these settlements, the source said.

He also said that at the Lugansk area were fighting near the village of Faschevka. On the results of the fights he did not yet able to say.

Commentary by the Ukrainian military situation on the "Interfax" does not have.

In recent days, the militia launched several successful counterattacks. So, they took control of the Novoazovskiy and near settlements Novoazovskiy, Starobeshevskiy and Amvrosieskogo Donetsk region. Militias claim that went to the Sea of ​​Azov and soon take Mariupol.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Currently, the operational situation on the outskirts of Mariupol and around according to agency sources Voenkor.info composed as follows: units defenders Donbass blocked section of road on the interval Mangush - Osipenko. In Urzufe go boestoknoveniya.
As forecast in the headquarters of the army of New Russia, it is likely that today punishers will be blocked permanently in Mariupol "pot".
For the last night of Army forces took Novorossia settlements Starchenkovo ​​Republic, Zeleny Yar, Battle, Robin, Demjanovka, Starodubkovka, Chervonoe Golf Osipenko.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


According to recent reports by the General Prosecutor's Office against more than 4,000 deserters in the area of ATO prosecuted. In fact, every tenth soldier in the Army of Ukraine participating in the ATO is recognized as a deserter.

During the last night captured by the militia surrendered about 250 Ukrainian military. All of them are ready to cooperate with the authorities of the DNI, and some expressed a desire to go to war on the side of the militia. In addition, a prisoner of the militia was another korrektirovschitsa fire. Judging by the withdrawal of a set of cards, she prepared shelling residential areas of the suburbs of Donetsk.
Summary of ITAR-TASS
08.55 Two unexploded shells found in the Ukrainian Matveyev Kurgan and Tarasovsky districts of the Rostov region. It is reported by the Department for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations in the region.
10.03 At least 11 people were killed in the shelling of Donetsk Ukrainian troops from yesterday, according to residents of the city. Ten people died in a fire at the House of Culture of the Kalinin district. The fire broke out due to the impact of the projectile. Came under fire and killed 23-year-old employee of DTEK, redecorated line TPP.
10.26 Ukraine stops exports to Russia of military and dual-use items. It is stated in the decree of the president Poroshenko.
11.08 Crises in the Middle East and Ukraine, in Iraq and in West Africa are not regional issues and global importance, so the entire international community must mobilize to fight for their settlement. This statement was made by French President Francois Hollande.
11.10 After the onset of the army proclaimed the People's Republic of Donetsk (DNI) group of Ukrainian troops and the National Guard in the territory of the DNI and the People's Republic of Lugansk (LC) has lost its unified management, said the army headquarters DNR.
11.18 For the United States assurances for Ukraine should follow the specific design steps until it does not. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Ryabkov told the magazine "International Affairs", published by the Russian MFA website.
11.30 Switzerland chairing the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), August 28 convene an emergency meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council on the situation in Ukraine.
11.51 The group of anonymous hackers "Kiberberkut" once again posted the data on the losses of Ukrainian troops in the art during the clashes with the militia proclaimed the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic (DNI and LC). According to the statement, "Kiberberkuta" hackers managed to declassify the documents of one of the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine.
12.21 Several hundred people blocked one of the main traffic arteries of Kiev - Vozdukhoflotsky Avenue - the building of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
12.30 The situation in eastern Ukraine is extremely complicated. Several units of the armed forces of the country can not get out of the environment in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, if immediate measures are not taken. This was stated by deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, the leader of the Radical Party, Oleg Lyashko on his page on Facebook.
12.46 In Ukraine it is necessary to impose martial law, create bet-Chief, and "the president to take over all the controls the country's defense." This statement was made the leader of the party "Fatherland" Yulia Tymoshenko.
12.57 President Poroshenko canceled his visit to Turkey, and convene an urgent meeting of the Council of National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) because of the situation in the Donbas. This was reported in the press service of the President of Ukraine.
13.11 As a result of the counter-offensive Novorossia army managed to take control of the city Novoazovsk, as well as a number of settlements Novoazovskiy, Starobeshevskiy, Amvrosievsky areas.
13.53 Concern "Ukroboronprom" ready to implement the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the repair and modernization of military equipment for the security forces. This is stated in the press service of "Ukroboronproma" posted on the website of the concern.
13.55 The European Commission was "extremely concerned" by recent reports on the situation in Ukraine. This was stated by Maya Kosyanchich, spokesman for EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton.
14.04 There is no participation of the Russian military and military equipment in Ukraine is not. This was announced on Thursday, ITAR-TASS Russian Permanent Representative to the OSCE Andrei Kelin after the meeting of the Permanent Council of the organization.
15.25 Russian Emergencies Ministry has begun work to curtail the field of temporary accommodation Ukrainian refugees, told reporters Deputy Minister Vladimir Stepanov.
16.04 Miners Zasyadko mine, were trapped underground as a result of mine dead, raised to the surface. According to the press service of the Donetsk Regional State Administration.
16.04 In the Ukrainian capital, protesters blocked the street Khreshchatyk, they chant "Kiev, get up!" And demand the resignation of the military operation in the south-east of the country.
16.37 The war in eastern Ukraine is likely to end stalemate and the preservation of the militias under their control areas.
17.34 The situation in the zone of military operation in eastern Ukraine "is complicated, but suffice it controlled." On this, as reported by UNN, during a meeting of the Council of National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
17.35 Greece has decided to temporarily relocate its Consulate General of Mariupol in Kiev due to the worsening situation in the south-east of Ukraine. This was said in a statement the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece.
18.31 The Director-General of the Donetsk football club "Shakhtar" Sergei Palkin said that threats to employees of the club during the shelling of the base was not. Palkin told about this on the phone to the ITAR-TASS news agency.
19.12 NATO, the United States and the European Union still has not provided any evidence of the presence of Russian troops in the east of Ukraine, said Russia's permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov.

Summary of the militia (social networking)
- Last night, killed our brother, one of the best fighters division of Motorola. Callsign - Hedgehog ... KIA, fulfilling the commandment of Christ - "There is no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" - pulled out of the fire and was wounded comrade (vest did not help ...) cut sniper.
- In Mariupol is an anti-war rally, Mayor Hotlubeya now booed and not given to speak.
- The head of the OSCE mission in the Rostov region, Paul Picard confirmed that none of the observers did not see the organization of movement of Russian military equipment in the direction of Ukraine. On Thursday, during a briefing journalists asked Picard group of observers noticed whether any evidence that Russian troops and tanks reportedly crossed the border. On that head of OSCE mission clearly said "no." Picard then explained that "the only weapons that can see the OSCE Mission, - a weapon of border guards, but wearing it is part of their job."
- In Volnovaha mean approaching army Novorossia hastily removed Ukrainian symbolism.
- For the last night captured by the militia surrendered about 250 Ukrainian military. All of them are ready to cooperate with the authorities of the DNI, and some expressed a desire to go to war on the side of the militia. In addition, a prisoner of the militia was another korrektirovschitsa fire. Judging by the withdrawal of a set of cards, she prepared shelling residential areas of the suburb of Donetsk.
- On August 27, the army took control of the DNI Ilovajsk city. Fighting for the town continued for several days. After a major counteroffensive militia forces sweep Ilovaysk the remaining divisions security forces were small groups of defenders of Donbass.
- That night DRG militia in close physical combat destroyed on different data from 10 or more punitive at a checkpoint in the north of the DNI. This checkpoint was distinguished for his cruelty and cynicism towards the locals. Raid members report that punishers were eliminated praktichseki silently during active combat knife.
- During the week of Ukrainian troops lost 1,400 men killed.
- As a result of targeted shelling Ukrainian fighters in Donetsk energized about 50 multi-storey buildings. Reported by the Committee of Social Communication (CSC) DNI with reference to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex of DNR.
- In the ranks of the APU were first sick with typhus. Doctors say that it is terrible results pediculosis Ukrainian military. Hygiene in the APU generally are not available in the south-east. Prior to this, the spread of tuberculosis was due to recruitment into an APU criminal elements from areas of detention.
- Four soldiers of the Ukrainian army, about a month ago, captured by the militia of New Russia, August 27 were handed over to parents. Former prisoners said they had detained them freedom fighters Donbass did not apply to them of violence and torture, well-fed and kept in a quite comfortable environment.
- Soldiers of the LC went on the offensive at the Lugansk. Clashes between militias and punishers are in Ukrainian village of Krasny Yar and Vergunka under Lugansk. Militia attack and move to the offensive, trying to push back the enemy from the position in these localities.
At the direction of Lugansk were fighting near the village of Faschevka. On the results of the fighting until the information is not accurate.

Summaries of Ukrainian military (NSDC)
- Today at 13.00 8 times the rebels fired mortars Ukrainian army checkpoints in the Luhansk region. The military fired back.
- Security forces inflicted a point artudary rebel positions in the suburbs of Lugansk and destroyed rebel group.
- Ukrainian patriots who previously served in the intelligence units, parts for special purposes, vozdeshno airborne troops and marines, reduced skills under the guidance of experienced officers Operational Command "South".
- In Mariupol, Donetsk and Kharkov region people expressed their willingness to defend their land. In these cities, a lot of volunteers who come to the military draft to start the APU.
- In Lugansk region during the shelling damaged electricity supply system "Alchevsk Iron and Steel."

Source: nahnews.com.ua
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, August 28 (RIA Novosti) – After long preparations, forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk republics have finally launched a counter-offensive, Donetsk People’s Republic Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko said Thursday.

“It took us a long time to amass forces. We were holding our positions and preparing a retaliatory strike. Eventually, we made it and we will continue our military action to free the Donetsk and Luhansk regions from the occupation forces,” he said.

UNITED NATIONS, August 28. /ITAR-TASS/. The escalation of the situation in the southeast of Ukraine has become a direct consequence of Kiev’s criminal policies, which is waging a war against its own people, Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said at the UN SC meeting on Thursday.

“With support from and under the influence of a number of well-known states the Kiev authorities have torpedoed all political agreements on settling the crisis in Ukraine,” including the Geneva statement of April 17 and the Berlin declaration of July 2,” Churkin said.

The Russian envoy remarked that President Pyotr Poroshenko’s peace plan for settling the conflict in Ukraine “was a step towards further escalation, because it pegged armistice to the capitulation of militias.”

Churkin recalled that just yesterday, when he was commenting on the results of the meeting in Minsk, Poroshenko said that Kiev’s main goal was peace. In the meantime, “the Ukrainian forces in defiance of all norms of international humanitarian law and just moral principles are indiscriminately attacking cities, residential areas and infrastructures.

Petro Poroshenko has blamed Kiev troops’ blunder in the battle for the town of Ilovaysk in the south-east on two deserted unit commanders. Kiev authorities have opened over 1,000 investigations into Ukrainian soldiers who deserted from the army.

President Putin has called on the self-defense militias in Ukraine to provide Kiev's military units blocked in the east of the country with a safe humanitarian corridor to cross into Russia.

“It is obvious that the militia has reached a considerable success in curbing Kiev’s military operation, that had been a deadly threat to the population of Donbass and already led to heavy casualties among civilians,” the Russian leader said in a statement.

As a result of militias’ counter-offense, large numbers of Ukrainian troops – many of whom were taking part in Kiev’s so-called anti-terrorist operation “against their will” and “just following orders” – have been surrounded, the President added.

“I urge the militias to open a humanitarian corridor for Ukrainian troops that were surrounded, in order to avoid meaningless victims and provide them with the opportunity to freely withdraw from the battlefield area, to be reunited with their families, to return to their mothers, wives and children,” Putin said.

READ MORE: ‘You abandoned us’: Ukrainian soldiers, their relatives accuse Kiev of neglect

Ukrainian troops have been routinely crossing into Russian territory over the course of the conflict seeking refuge from militia, who were pushing them towards the border, or after negotiating a safe passage from an encirclement. On Wednesday alone over 60 Kiev troops crossed into Russia, bringing the total number of those who fled to safety to over 600 men.

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President of Russia Vladimir Putin addressed Novorossiya militia

August 29, 2014, 01:10

Full text of address

It is clear the militia has achieved a major success in intercepting Kiev’s military operation, which represents a grave danger to the population of Donbass and which has already led to the loss of many lives among peaceful residents.

As a result of the militia’s actions, a large number of Ukrainian service members who did not participate in the military operation of their own volition but while following orders have been surrounded.

I call on the militia groups to open a humanitarian corridor for Ukrainian service members who have been surrounded, so as to avoid any needless loss of life, giving them the opportunity to leave the combat area unimpeded and reunite with their families, to return them to their mothers, wives and children, and to quickly provide medical assistance to those who were injured in the course of the military operation.

For its part, the Russian side is ready and willing to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Donbass, who have been affected by this humanitarian catastrophe.

I once again call on the Ukrainian authorities to immediately stop military actions, cease fire, sit down at the negotiating table with Donbass representatives and resolve all the accumulated problems exclusively via peaceful means.

August 29, 2014, 01:10

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GENEVA, August 29. /ITAR-TASS/. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights is urging Kiev to investigate reports on arbitrary detentions, kidnappings and tortures being resorted to in the country's east by battalions accountable to Ukraine's Defence and Interior Ministries, says a regular report of the UN Office's monitoring mission in Ukraine. Itar-Tass got access to the UN report.

The document, which is to be officially published later on Friday, reads as follows: "The monitoring mission has received reports on human rights violations committed by territorial defence battalions, which are subordinated to the Defence Ministry, and by special battalions subordinated to the Interior Ministry. This includes instances of arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, and tortures".

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Novorossia response to the initiative of the President of Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin today called on the militia to open a humanitarian corridor for Ukrainian troops were surrounded.

New Russia supported his initiative.

Prime DNR Alexander Zaharchenko said today: "With all due respect to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the president of the country, which primarily helps us morally - said Zakharchenko - we are ready to provide Ukrainian parts surrounded in these boilers, humanitarian corridors subject to passing of heavy weapons and ammunition, so that these weapons and ammunition in the future could not be used against us. "

It should be noted that Alexander Zaharchenko, this week has already addressed a similar proposal to the surrounded punitive. As reported by the Staff of the Army of the Southeast, this proposal have already benefited from the individual surrounded by punishers.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Combat units militia virtually encircled city of Mariupol.
"For the last night of New Russia Army forces took control of towns Starchenkovo ​​Republic, Zeleny Yar, Battle, Robin, Demjanovka, Starodubkovka, Chervonoe Golf Osipenko, - said in a statement. - Currently operational environment is composed as follows: units defenders Donbass blocked section of road on the interval Mangush - Osipenko. Urzufe go to the clashes. "
"Chances are, - emphasized in the summary - that today punishers will be locked permanently in Mariupol" pot. "Earlier, as reported by ITAR-TASS, Ukrainian units stationed in the area Novoazovsk retreated towards Mariupol." Forces militia brought under control checkpoints and bases on the outskirts of the city, as well as the bridge over the river Gruzsky Elancik. "
Residents Mariupol reported that the city had left all the regional administration, previously moved there from Donetsk. Left and most of the military. Quickly emptied the shelves in stores. Gone are cereals, sugar. Drivers are experiencing huge problems with the fuel. "People are waiting for the DNI," - say eyewitnesses.
Army units Novorossia currently undertaking humanitarian and military operation to push the Ukrainian law enforcers away from the big cities in order to deny them the ability to apply the artillery and missile attacks on densely populated residential areas.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Today is a great day in the annals of the Civil War with the Kiev junta. DNR troops crossed the border into the Zaporozhye region and knocked out of the Nazis and Osipenko Chervonogo Fields - According to sources, "the information front."

Thus, the struggle for liberation army Novorossia first appeared outside the NPT and LC.
Osipenko and Chervonoe Golf - two small settlements in Berdyansk district of Zaporozhye region. At the same time, they are important hubs and control of much beats Communications Kiev junta.

Exemption Osipenko and Chervonogo fields until it becomes the beginning of a full-scale offensive in the Zaporozhye region.

At this stage of the war, these cities are important for the environment junta troops in Mariupol. But in itself significant and symbolic event. It shows that the fight for freedom of the people of New Russia is not limited to the lands of the Donetsk and Lugansk republic.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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The question arises repeatedly, finally got an answer, and even exact data. It is about whether there is a Russian fighters of the regions of the Russian Federation in the ranks of self-defense forces, and how many of them? Prime Donetsk HP - Zaharchenko Alexander, openly and unequivocally answered these questions.
In his statement, for the duration of the operation "anti-terrorist" nature of Ukrainian murderers, looters and forced conscripts sent to the front, about four thousand Russian citizens voluntarily joined the militia fighters. Premier says no to assistance provided by Russian brothers from Russia, Lugansk and Donetsk militia HP would be much more difficult to turn the scattered groups of partisans in the powerful army, which can expel the occupiers from their native lands. As for the current number of Russian citizens in the military forces of resistance, many have returned to Russia, however, most continue to fight the Nazis alongside the militias.

Among the companions of the brotherly country was a lot of military personnel - officers whose duty and honor forced to go to the Donbass and repeat the feat of ancestors on their own initiative.

The prime minister said the DNI, without the help of three or four thousand people, the events in the South-East could develop a completely different scenario. Alexander Zaharchenko thanked everyone who helped and helps to fight for freedom and deter senseless aggression natsgvardeytsev and security officials of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The prime minister said the Donetsk HP, only Russian can at any time to respond to a call for help, to go to another country to help people, to defend the freedom and independence, so it was in Spain, it was in Serbia is on the lands of New Russia.

Alexander Zaharchenko called Russian citizens Russian blood brothers. Just like old times, the Slavs beat the Nazis, becoming the defense of their honor.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Planes were destroyed MANPADS

Donetsk, August 29. / ITAR-TASS /. Members of the army proclaimed the People's Republic of Donetsk during the day knocked out of man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), four Ukrainian Su-25.
This is stated in the report of Army Staff DNR.
"When you try to air strikes on the positions of army units in the area DNR Novokaterinovki of MANPADS were shot down two Ukrainian Su-25. Moreover, the air defense battalion of militia MANPADS were shot down by two Su-25 in human settlements and Vojkovo Heirloom" , - reported at headquarters.
Confirmation of this information from other sources, the ITAR-TASS News Agency does not currently possess.
Last message about knocked Ukrainian military equipment in the conflict zone were received on 22 August. According to the representative of the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko, militias shot down combat helicopter Mi-24.
The crew was killed.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


"The militia took Yalta DNR (do not confuse with the Crimean Yalta is Pershotravnevoe district) now they are 12 km from the outskirts of Mariupol.
Today in the morning, our militia after a brief battle with the local police took Yalta - a town in the district of Donetsk region Pershotravnevoe estuary Wet Belosarayka, which flows into the Sea of ​​Azov.
When you take a shot of the village militia. Killed one of the local police. The remaining combustion defenders in their own handcuffs put in the cellar of one of the private houses, where they wait for the court-martial. Village administration fled from Yalta even the night before, taking with him all the available cash in the local branch of the Private Bank.
Together with Yalta control militias have also passed the villages of Azov and Yurevka. Yalta village located 25 km from the railway station of Mariupol and 12 km from the south-western outskirts of the city. "

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Vladimir Putin has criticized Washington’s unilateral actions on the international arena, saying that whatever it touches seems to be turning into Libya or Iraq.

BRUSSELS, August 29. /ITAR-TASS/. NATO is establishing four trust funds to finance the modernization of the Ukrainian armed forces,

12:13 GMT:

The second shipment of Russian humanitarian aid for eastern Ukraine may be delivered by rail in the next 10 days, Interfax reported Friday, citing the Ukrainian authorities. “As the Russian side has proposed, railway transport may deliver [another humanitarian convoy] ,” Anatoly Makarenko, deputy head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, told journalists. “The recipient should be the Red Cross, as has been agreed,” he said.

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Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko granted the request of Alexander Karaman released from his duties of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the NPT, which he combined with work in the office of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic on social policy, due to the congestion on the main area of ​​work.

"In the context of a humanitarian disaster social services is crucial, Alexander Akimovich decided to fully focus on these activities," - said Zakharchenko

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Now all attention is focused on the events in the south-east of Ukraine. There proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic united in New Russia. It is difficult to understand how the two Slavic peoples - Ukrainians and Russian, which for centuries have lived together - suddenly became enemies. The lessons of history (and I studied in the Soviet school), we were told that Russia went from Ross River, which flows near Kiev.

Now, about the current situation. After the collapse of the Soviet Union the world became unipolar. USA imagined themselves masters of life. They defeated Yugoslavia and now decided to do away with the stronghold of the Slavs - Russia. Russia in the 90s was weak and could not defend the national interests. Only in the year of the centenary of the First World War in Russia began a national rebirth.

The coming to power of the nationalists and Bandera in Kiev caused a surge of national patriotism. South-eastern Ukraine, Crimea revolted. In Crimea, held a referendum, and it became part of Russia. Yes, this was not an act of aggression and annexation. Until 1954, the Crimean region was part of the RSFSR. Then he was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR. Then no one could have predicted that Ukraine will become an independent state, and the Crimea will become a bone in the throat of that State. After all, there was a single Soviet Union, and the transfer of the Crimean region was purely an administrative act.

Now everything was different. New Kiev government announced its intention to join the European Union and NATO. This jeopardized the existence of Russia. Belarus is the only true ally. Belarus is situated in the heart of Europe. We first met the enemy. War with Napoleon I, World War II years of 1812-14, the First World War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45. Russia has no more faithful ally than Belarus.

NATO troops are deployed at the borders of Russia, and she is forced to defend himself. Little 10 million of Belarus will not be able to resist the aggression of the EU and NATO, and Russia with Belarus will fall surrounded by enemies.

The main issue today: the end of the war in New Russia. There killed civilians. Many fled to Russia and Belarus, fleeing from rockets and shells. This must end. Only peace talks and the cessation of hostilities must end the war. Slavic peoples can not fight each other for the sake of the United States and its satellites! In Minsk, the recently passed such talks with the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine and other countries concerned. Unfortunately, this has not led to a ceasefire.

I, Belarusians and citizen of the Republic of Belarus, it is gratifying that an attempt was made to the world on the Belarusian land. In 1941-45 our grandfathers fought side by side against Fascism, and there was no division between "Ukrainians", "Bulbash", "Katsapov" and "wogs". In my opinion, Ukraine's leaders need to recognize the sovereignty of New Russia and to start negotiations on a cease-fire. International law recognizes the right of nations to self-determination up to the formation of independent states. This alone can bring peace to the long-suffering people of Ukraine.

Sergey Semenov,
Associate Member of the Russian Nobility Assembly
Central News Agency Novorossia

Combat units militia virtually encircled city of Mariupol. For last night Novorossia Army forces took control of towns Starchenkovo ​​Republic, Zeleny Yar, Battle, Robin, Demjanovka, Starodubkovka, Chervonoe Golf Osipenko.

"Because of multiple launch rocket systems BM-21" Grad "Nazi refugee convoy was fired on the northern outskirts of the village angry. There are casualties among the civilian population ", - stated in the headquarters of the DNI, but did not specify how many people were killed.

The guide Donetsk People's Republic supported the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin to provide humanitarian corridor surrounded by Ukrainian military provided that they surrender their arms and ammunition.

According to intelligence reports, the total loss punishers for yesterday amounted to 5 tanks, 28 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 7 guns and mortars, 22 units of motor vehicles, 2 MLRS (BM-21). Destroyed 1 ammunition depot. The enemy lost 95 men killed and wounded.

Last night the village was subjected to shelling Bazarnyi Petrovsky district. Shell landed in the house foundation in the village of North Kuibyshev district. Around 4:30 today on settlement Kalinkin Budennovsky district suffered an artillery strike. The shelling caught fire houses. In addition, Ukrainian artillery bombed installations of "Castle" and "Twister" in Donetsk region of Volnovakha.

Militia reported that the shelling of Lugansk Ukrainian security forces destroyed a school and homes. In the vicinity of the airport fired on a column of the Ukrainian army. There are wounded among the Nazis, as well as out of order four units of enemy vehicles.

Zaporozhye, now located under the auspices of Igor Kolomoisky, preparing for a possible transition to the hands of militias. According to preliminary information, the authorities are preparing to blow up the dam Zaporozhye DnieproGES in the case of surrender of the city.

Central News Agency Novorossia

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Gunfire rattled. Shells were bursting in the sky. In the basement of a woman rocking a baby cot.

- Sleep, my child, go to sleep!

- Grandmother, what so terrible roars? And sparkles?

- That storm thunders, and lightning flashed, granddaughters.

- I'm afraid.

- Do not be afraid. I'm going to close the window, sing a song.

- And where dad?

- Pope lightning war. He takes their hands and puts the bag.

- A Slavik?

- And your brother helps him. He scatters the clouds of cannon, not thundering, lightning is not thrown and the children do not interfere with sleep.

- I do not want to sleep. I'm scared.

- Sleep, my child, go to sleep. Sleep for a long time your friends. Nina-Laughs asleep on the swing. Masha on the bench for a long time asleep, clutching a doll to her. Sleeping teddy bear, which he loved to read books. He fell asleep at the table, in the face of falling books. Nikita also lay down to sleep, before bed does not run. Ruslan sleep overcame when he from the garden home with mum went and lay down next to my mother. Yegor had fallen asleep on the hill. And Lisa in an apartment on the floor, and like a fairy tale, white dress was red. Maxim even fell asleep on the run. Only you do not sleep.

- And my mother?

- And my mom was asleep. She fell asleep in the hospital of bandages and syringes. With her next nap soldiers - their sleep overcame.

The child was startled:

- A grandfather? Where his grandfather?

- A grandfather fell asleep under an apple tree. There is a large courtyard stands. And Zhulkov our sleep. She runs the Rainbow. Timoshka redhead under the porch to sleep. He there yesterday from the storm climbed. Our toys went to bed. They fell asleep yesterday. Remember when lightning flashed? In our house then one hit.

- I remember. Beautiful such.

- Well, toys, books, blankets and pillows just went to bed.

The boy started to fall asleep. Suddenly started:

- I grew up, Dad, big, or at least, as Slava?

- When you grow up, if you outlive this night.

Gunfire rattled. Shells were bursting. In the basement of a gray-haired woman singing a lullaby song.

Svetlana Gurov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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This morning, several media outlets reported that the Ukrainian army units out of the "pocket" under Starobeshevo and Valea humanitarian corridor, but with weapons and armor.

"This is yet another absurdity of the Ukrainian military - Defense Minister Vladimir Kononov DNR. - Indeed, we were ready to provide humanitarian corridor to exit surrounded by subdivisions and units, but only if their disarmament. Republic was ready to save the lives of innocent Ukrainian conscripts, it is obvious that the concept of "humanitarian corridor" means disarmament. Let me remind you that the fighting in the Donbas beginning it was the army of Ukraine, and surrounded by a release of the weapons with which they will be used in further punitive action against the Republic - is a crime against the population of the NPT, which every day are killed by the shelling. "

The minister recalled that the Kiev authorities and command APU does not officially confirmed that they accept the proposal for a humanitarian corridor. On the contrary, were the words of a breakthrough and you release the "boiler".

"This morning, a number of armed units of the Ukrainian army began to move to get out of the environment. Someone in armored vehicles, someone - on foot, by destroying their equipment. These actions have nothing to do with humanitarian corridor. This military operation to break out of the encirclement. It does not matter who chose to break through to the "armor", who - on foot due to the lack of fuel for equipment. DNR army into battle with the enemy, not take advantage of the generous offer of a humanitarian corridor "- said Kononov.

The minister noted that a number of unit commanders of the Ukrainian army, who wanted to preserve the life of his personnel, make an independent decision to withdraw from the "pot" without weapons. "We are talking about a few hundred people," - said the Minister and added that for those soldiers of the Ukrainian army, who decide to leave the environment, laid down his arms, the possibility of a humanitarian corridor is preserved.

Official Representation of the People's Republic of Donetsk in Russia,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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