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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Today in Donetsk was an assassination attempt on Prime Minister of People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko.

The attack wounded the driver of the prime minister, Zaharchenko not hurt.

Before the assassination, Alexander Zaharchenko met with the prisoners, held a conversation with them, and finally shook hands.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia
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Where moves militia, when the task of liberation territories DNR and LC will be solved? Do prerequisites for expansion of the territory controlled by the rebels? What direction can be considered as a priority? Vzglyad disassembled possibility of a new war, which has yet to New Russia.

The offensive, which for so long talked militias - and not only they - finally began. Kick, shut from the main forces of the group of the Ukrainian army, sent to the south - in the direction of the coast of the Azov Sea and the city of Mariupol, which is the second largest industrial center of Donetsk region.

"The question of where exactly to advance, in any, even the most peace-loving mood militias still on the agenda. And there are only three options »

One can argue about whether this is the best direction, "is it possible to have a lot better," but one thing is certain - the militia forces need now is a successful attack, and they did, by all accounts, were able to develop.
In addition, the increase in the control zone on the border with Russia and out to the coast, which can also be used for the transfer of resources from virtually anywhere in the world - also a useful acquisition. Hardly anyone will be surprised if the supply of military aid to the DNI and LC will now, in addition to South Ossetia and Abkhazia, another ...

One important aspect of this military success is proof of the fact that the Ukrainian army rather poorly controlled territory outside the zone of immediate combat contact.

Unjustified offensive actions involving large losses, the lack of serious reserves and weak garrisons in the field demonstrate not only a strategic illiteracy Ukrainian General Staff, but also significant opportunities for volunteers, if they try to build on this success and to conduct other offensive operations.


And it is this aspect of particular interest to all those who have closely followed the developments in the New Russia. Where moves militia, when the task of liberation territories DNR and LC will generally be solved? Do prerequisites for expansion of the territory controlled by rebels outside the rebel republics? What direction can be considered as a priority?

There are no absolute certainty that the militia launched an offensive over one hundred percent success. And not the fact that the militias will be arriving at a pace that in two or three weeks, they are already able to conduct deep offensive in the direction of Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk.

But obviously both - the official Kiev is in no hurry to change its position, its application still ultimatum, and plans are mainly based on the idea of ​​destroying the militia. Moreover - it seems that Kiev has already "written off" of Donetsk and Lugansk as large industrial centers, and quite satisfied with their miserable existence in the status of "no peace, no war" until Poroshenko borrowed money for their owners try to consolidate his power and to prepare for the next phase of the war in the South-East.

Three billion dollars promised Poroshenko rearmament, show just about it ...

That is, it should be understood that while working on the militia, but if some crook junta will be able to survive the winter and save power, it will start to work against the New Russia.

So, with no real threat of losing control over a few areas of the militia did not get any concessions from Kiev, even if it would agree to some "minimum program." And the question of where exactly to advance, in any, even the most peace-loving mood militias still on the agenda.

Three options: Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia region.

The most obvious is as offensive to Kharkov. First of all, this is due to high support ideas federalization of Ukraine in the region. A large percentage of ethnic Russian, powerful industry, traditionally tending to Russia and what is now called the Customs Union.

That is, the probability that the militias will be quite strongly supported by the local population of Kharkov and other industrial centers in the region is very high. And this is a very positive factor not only offensive, but also for providing information for what is happening - much better if the "picture" is really indicative of the release, and not the conquest of the region by the resistance.

Of course, the question about the level of support for the militia is open. In particular, the often heard argument that "Kharkov chickened out."

However, it should be understood that it is Kharkiv, which at first was the center of the uprising in the South East, has undergone the most powerful and targeted attack controlled CIA forces, in particular the SBU. And the tactic of "death squads", tried and tested by the Americans back in Latin America of the eighties, the abduction of activists, arrests and forceful pressure, and worked here.

The leaders of the uprising, or arrested, or in hiding. But does this mean that the city and region have no strength left, do not agree with the Nazi orders new Ukraine? Hardly - we have repeatedly heard on successful Kharkov guerrilla activity was observed in the remaining activists and other evidence of activity albeit weakened, but live the resistance.

Moreover - even shooting shares Kharkov fascists are often accompanied by voiceovers simple harkovchan in the spirit of "Oh, how the Patriots, and where are the recruitment office looks!".

There is another aspect - of course, better to attack, where the local population does not feel sympathy for the junta. But the offensive can not depend on likes or dislikes of the local population. The key factors here are purely military dimension - the willingness of attackers, their numerical and technical superiority over the enemy, operational and geographical background and so on.

That is the military background and a favorable operational environment mean there still more, and wait until the uprising "ripen" a few thousand inhabitants conditional Kharkov, just no one will - and you can not wait, and operational background to miss.


Perhaps more important area for the offensive could be Dnepropetrovsk. Its geographical position is such that control of the city almost automatically puts in the hands of insurgents and Zaporizhia, and Kharkiv region is in a very uncomfortable in terms of Kiev, the operational position.

That is, the fall of Dnepropetrovsk could solve the vast majority of the local challenges facing the host. And the task of creating a more global Novorossia from Kharkov to Odessa would be almost done - with the loss of Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye position now surround Kherson and Nikolayev would be very doubtful, and strengthen these areas, taking into account the possible release of the militia directly to Kiev would be hardly anything.

In fact with the fall of the junta in Dnepropetrovsk there would be only two major reference center in the south and in the center - Odessa and Kiev, and it is unlikely there would be a sufficient number of Galicians to defend them at least.

On the other hand, we must admit that at the moment it is the most problematic area for the offensive. First of all, for the reason that run Dnepropetrovsk people have their own considerable resources and sufficiently motivated to try at all costs to keep this city. And support from Kiev, also understands the importance of Dnepropetrovsk, they are sure to be able to count.

Located nearby, a few dozen kilometers, another regional center, Zaporozhye, too, can be a major stronghold of the Ukrainian army. Moreover - Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye with proper organization of the case can be converted to a unit of defense, cut that even the regular units would not be easy.


The only remaining area for the offensive - south through the territory of Zaporizhzhya region along the coast, the Melitopol and further, with the objective of reaching the Russian border in the Crimea.

Southward also looks quite promising, if not to take into account the actual capital of the region, the city of Zaporozhye. Frankly, there is not certainty that in the foreseeable future will have a militia army able to take fights million city and have at the same time to control the forces of the two areas.

Plus, located nearby, about 60-70 kilometers in a straight line, Dnepropetrovsk, as already mentioned above - if they wanted to be selective when trying to release Zaporozhye inevitably have to simultaneously release and Dnepropetrovsk.

But advancement along the coast and the occupation of Melitopol, followed by conversion to its reference center of resistance militia promises abundant promise. In fact, this will mean a transition under the control of forces Novorossia all Ukrainian coast of the Azov Sea.

Plus, from the north and north-west Melitopol covered Kakhovskii huge reservoir, which makes it a relatively safe area in the present state of the armed forces of Ukraine. Distance from Mariupol to Melitopol - about 150 kilometers away, and there is no doubt that even in its present state militia troops able to make the blow of such force and depth.

The only negative point - the lack of control over Zaporozhye not allow to declare LRRH or make such declaration is somewhat less important than we would like. However, the problem with the Zaporozhye and his loyalty is not as simple as we would like the Ukrainian authorities.

In any case reports of activity Zaporozhye guerrillas appeared recently, as well as closing or threat of stopping the largest urban businesses together can lead to a change in the situation favorable for the militia side.

Prolixity communications, which is projected on the south, partly offset as access to the sea from almost any point, which can be cut off actions of the Ukrainian army, and potential yield of the militia to the border with the Crimea.

That is in a critical situation is always possible evacuation by sea, and cut off from the DNR will not automatically mean the environment - redeployment of forces and means for the continuation of hostilities could be build on the sea or from the Crimea.


Uniquely predict which direction will be chosen militias to attack if the forecasts for social unrest and political instability in Kiev still does not justify itself, however, is not possible. Most likely at the moment looks Kharkov.

However, even if successful, this attack only increase the territory of New Russia on one area. That, of course, is also very good, and it would be an unqualified success. But success still intermediate.

The least likely to look at the offensive Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia. At least for now, on the basis of the existing balance of power, it seems that way. However, this is the most desirable direction.

This means that it can not be ruled out at all - it will be possible, if at some point be able to draw the Ukrainian army in the stampede, and regular units, not burdened by fanatics with Galicia and tired of the detachments of the "right sector," will give up.

And the southern direction, which is intermediate in terms of the probability of there militia forces. However, it is very promising in terms of opportunities.

The probability of occurrence is in the southern direction, the higher will be the successful unfolded currently offensive in the south. And the key question now is probably what will take any militia Mariupol.

Chance and another option - offensive in Melitopol simultaneous revitalization of sabotage and reconnaissance groups in the Kharkiv region.

And if Kharkiv, feeling support, rise, then Kiev will wait for trouble on two important ways. However, frankly speaking, this option is already rather from the desired than the actual forecast. Forces on a multidirectional activity unavailable in the near future is not expected.

And most importantly - no matter how offensive option choose militia, really scary for Ukraine it will be only after its troops will be repelled from Donetsk and Luhansk, and these cities will no longer in immediate danger.

Victor Kuzovkov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Map of hostilities. August 31, 2014

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Central News Agency Novorossia

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About the assassination.

In the afternoon on August 30 the outskirts of Donetsk was shot in one of the ten cars in the convoy. The driver was injured, Prime Minister Alexander DNR Zaharchenko not hurt - he was traveling in another car.

Shot at the car was made from a Kalashnikov 5.45 mm.

The Prime Minister himself Alexander Zaharchenko DNR does not consider that the firing of the car in Donetsk was the assassination attempt.

Of course it was his personal opinion, but that was shot at his car is an indisputable fact. And on this we need to consider.


About Army counteroffensive New Russia.

Army counteroffensive Novorossia proved to be successful and productive. During the advance of troops in the south of the republic was captured a large number of armored vehicles, transport, weapons, told Zaharchenko . Militias also took about 200 prisoners from the Ukrainian army soldiers.

DNR troops do not experience any acute shortage of weapons or ammunition, Prime Minister of Belarus Alexander Zaharchenko. "Ukrainian army we all fully stocked," - he said.

Now troops DNR planning a second large-scale offensive . "We finish cleaning the boiler, helping to break through the corridor between Donetsk and Lugansk," - said Prime DNR.

Meanwhile, the wounded left the Ukrainian military environment, taking with them the bodies of the dead, he added.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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[As the fascist junta is not succeeding in cleansing novorussia of people fighting for thier freedom, the us and its allies in the eu and nato are preparing to punish the russian federation]

Southern group of army forces in Ukraine has virtually no prospects in the fight against fledgling militia forces. With the closing of the so-called boiler many times risen occupants desire to terminate its participation in the genocide. The 30th through the streets of Snow spent the column of prisoners, they turned out to be little more than the 160 people, most of them were gunners, tankers, and almost one officer. Residents of the city came out to look into the eyes of the people, whom they regarded as the fraternal people and are so treacherously launched weapons against them.

Despite attempts to civilians, to touch the Nazis were not allowed. Instead, fighters Poroshenko engaged in street cleaning. All attempts were stopped bullying, members of the army of Ukraine were fed, they were allowed to call their loved ones.

At the same time, in Donetsk, just arrived the party of war. Of a hundred soldiers of the 93rd mechanized brigade, survived only 17 people trapped in the city, which valiantly resisted the aggression of the Nazis and survived. In appearance the soldiers it was clear that financing the army no one involved - all dressed in horrible.

It is known that as a result of prolonged fighting and a few sentences about the surrender, the survivors decided to surrender.

According to the militias, some units of the Army of Ukraine punitive and put the white flag, and then try to escape, attack or break, however, the army destroys Novorossia like liars. There were cases when ready to surrender units APU becoming victims of attacks on their own.

It is believed that the APU on this sector of the front does not have the strength to fight with the militia. Cut off from reinforcements and supplies of food, the occupants are unlikely to last long in organized boilers.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Last night became very fruitful for the militia forces. Army Novorossia is enough resources for continued counteroffensive operation. Alexander Zaharchenko says that at the moment the defenders homelands have a large quantity of ammunition and armored vehicles of various classes. Since the beginning of the offensive, more volunteers joined the ranks of the militia, some units of the APU, just go under the flags of Lugansk and Donetsk HP.

August 30 fleet army Novorossia supplemented by 40 units, and all thanks to the "generosity" of the army of Ukraine, managed to capture the ammunition and infantry weapons.

In addition, there is news that show the face of the Nazis. Heavy fighting knocked out volunteers "Donbass", not less than fifty militants. At the same time, apparently sensing the proximity of reckoning, interim leadership of the battalion left their fighters. Semen Sementchenko handed control units and general Homchaku zamkombata Filin, who fled to an unknown safe trails.

Continues cleaning boilers militia forces. At the request of Vladimir Putin, have been organized humanitarian corridors, which benefited surrounded by invaders. Some units punitive moved using kindness militias, while they, like mocking, reported that for the organization of the corridor fussed Poroshenko. However, at this meanness Bandera has not dried up, leaving the boiler, they bumped into the rear of the army of New Russia. The first blow took the column, which was moving in the direction of Lugansk-Alchevs'k, then, two armored vehicles were damaged on route Zuhres-Harcizsk.

Lies and meanness occupiers will respond to them murdered hundreds of soldiers, righteous anger will not stop Singles shakalskimi antics!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Moscow, Aug 30 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Supreme Council of the People''s Republic of Donetsk (PRD), Boris Litvinov, made today the ceasefire in the east of Ukraine conditional on recognition of its territory''s independence. In this case, a peace contingent could be deployed at the border between Ukraine and the PRD to watch the border line and prevent interference in our internal affairs, he said.

In an interview with the news agency RIA Novosti, the rebel leader insisted that the peace-keeping detachment should be mainly represented by Russians.

Litvinov, also highlighted the need to declare an exclusion air zone over the insurgent People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, and explained that the Ukrainian Air Force is damaging the mines, infrastructure and residential neighborhoods.

Yesterday, the rebel general staff reported that it would accept the Russian initiative of opening a humanitarian corridor for the withdrawal of the Ukrainian troops, which are under siege in the southeastern region of that country.

We are willing to open a humanitarian corridor for the Ukrainian military men under siege, as Russian president Vladimir Putin requested, PRD Prime Minister Alexander Zajarchenko told the television.

The prime minister expressed to the television channel Rossiya 24 that the PRD was willing to allow the path of Kiev's soldiers, on the condition of surrendering their heavy weapons and ammunition for them not to be able to use them in the future against the population of Donetsk and Lugansk.

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Sunday, August 31

07:49 GMT:

Anti-government forces fighting in eastern Ukraine claim they have handed over to Kiev more than 200 captured Ukrainian troops, according to a representative of the “Novorossiya Army.”

During the night of August 30 and 31, the self-defense forces were maintaining a ceasefire, during which 223 captive servicemen and members of the National Guard were handed over to the Ukrainian side,” the source told Interfax.

He added that the army of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic has prevented an attempt by the National Guard to get heavy vehicles out of an area besieged by anti-government forces.

The “Novorossiya Army” representative said the anti-government forces destroyed two Ukrainian tanks and two armored personnel carriers as a result of fighting near the village of Starobeshevo. Six tanks were reportedly captured by the militia and 198 Ukrainian servicemen were disarmed.

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On August 30th, the army DNR held talks with the parts and units APU and punitive battalions. Their essence was that the militia would allow the occupants to leave the boilers, to take out the wounded. However, the resistance force issued an ultimatum Block Nazis: they were required to weapons and equipment in good condition, if armored vehicles will be put out of action, the units will cease to exist.

Negotiations were conducted with the command teams 23, 25, 30, 40, 93, as well as battalions "Shahtersk", "Kherson" and "Kiev".

Today, the area Starobeshevo were sent army units Donetsk HP, the purpose of which was to organize defensive positions in the area of ​​possible breakthrough units surrounded the Ukrainian army. It was assumed that try to escape may 93th Brigade. However, instead of trying to break through the barrier, to a meeting to militia fighters came two infantry fighting vehicles to pass. Just a few seconds later, on surrendering the Ukrainians opened fire, according to one of the surviving officers, led his men "the right sector." Colonel APU further suggested that this episode could be a manifestation of non-random and deliberate trap fascists.
As a result, to surrender and disarm unit still managed to, at the moment, all needy conscripts and officers caught the Army of Ukraine received medical treatment.

This kind of provocative actions by the destroyer battalions against APU units already occurred repeatedly.
Most likely, this is due to the fact that "volunteers" can not adequately fight the militia without barrier soldiers Poroshenko.

Fascist formation can not be released, they are subject to total destruction!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Not so long ago, literally on August 28th, Kolomoysky made a statement that to improve safety in the regions, he takes under his wing, Zaporozhye and Mariupol. However, the rapidly advancing army offensive Novorossia the next day allowed the defenders of their native land to come to the "gate" of the city. Mariupol was ringed by the militia without unnecessary "noise and dust."

Promises to protect the city tycoon probably leaked Mariupol. In encircled "Dnepr-1", which is entirely subordinate to the Jewish fascist, but, today, the battalion left the territory of the village. At night, the so-called "army Kolomoiskiy" left his position and walked out of the environment. Information about this grant fighters "Azov", they believe that now betrayal oligarch will not go unnoticed. However, who exactly gave Igor, is not specified. When it comes to civilians, it is hardly the atrocities of the occupation forces they were like, and betrayal watchdogs (volunteer battalions) was a matter of time in this war. Ukrainian same society that sees action Kolomoiskiy said "AZOVTSEV" betrayed the organization from the first day of the Maidan, the second time with the coming to power of the illegal puppet the United States and the third time since the start of the genocide in the South-East.

At this point in the boiler militias sit internal troops, the terrorists "Miner" and "Azov". Naturally, the units are not so numerous, so the capture of Mariupol is not far off, ensuring soldiers will soon be over, only the most fanatical Nazis will resist. Well to those punitive battalions were not to have to carry the prisoners and wounded. By the way, surrounded by security officials in Mariupol and punishers had to get artillery to strengthen the defense, however, still do not.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Crazy ideas oligarch Kolomoiskiy to undermine DnieproGES - this is not the worst of what threatens to New Russia, Ukraine, Russia and Europe. In Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is located, which, according to foreign experts, may be unable to sustain combat operations.

The specifics of the conflict, which involves the use of a heavy cannon and rocket artillery, can not guarantee the safety of nuclear power plants - no one can know in advance where the next shell burst.

As you know, the last loud crash occurred in Japan, the problem with "Fukushima-1" was the consequence of failure of the cooling equipment. In the case of a poorly protected station as being located in Kiev, even broken power lines can cause similar problems. The consequences of hard to imagine, especially when you consider that just a couple of hundred kilometers from the nuclear power plant is Russian border, Europe as well get it.

It is believed that the only people who are able to cope with the power of the atom, is the administration of the most power, who need to monitor the operation of all system components in any environment, including artillery strikes.

It is worth noting that after the accident, which the whole world watched in Japan, Zaporizhzhya NPP was appropriately tested for resistance to various factors. However, it is safe to say, whether conducted tests difficult. By all measures, the cooling of the reactor must continue without interruption, even in case of failure of power supply systems.

Perhaps the main cause of concern of the international community on issues of this kind in Ukraine and New Russia, began to frequent attacks on enterprises occupiers. It is known that the purpose of repeatedly shells fascists became chemicals and other plants, many of which were forced to close.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Sunday, August 31

22:01 GMT:

At least one civilian has died as Kiev and militia forces are battling for control of Donetsk airport, RIA Novosti reports from the ground. It is being reported that the main building of the airport is on fire.

21:54 GMT:

Anti-Kiev forces report that they were able to push back Kiev's "punitive" territorial battalion Aydar from Lugansk airport and destroy a number of enemy vehicles.

"During the day, there has been heavy fighting in Lugansk airport. Militia artillery hit enemy positions in the area. We destroyed 2 field fortifications, incapacitated 3 cars and killed five Ukrainian troops,” anti-Kiev forces said in a statement.

Anti-Kiev forces also reported taking control of the nearby villages of Donbass, including Artemovka and Metallist. On Sunday, DPR forces claim to have killed 87 Ukrainian servicemen, destroyed three tanks, six armored cars and eight vehicles with ammunition and fuel.

The forces also announced that they observed a brief cease-fire, where Ukrainian military "carried out the evacuation of personnel" and removed the wounded and the dead from Novokaterinovka, Starobeshevo and Osykovo.

17:34 GMT:

A gas pipeline in Donetsk, east Ukraine has been damaged as a result of continuing shelling, according to the city administration.

Earlier, locals said they heard heavy gunfire in four districts of the city, reports RIA Novosti. A village to the west of Donetsk also came under shelling on Sunday. There have not been immediate reports about casualties.

16:42 GMT:

A Ukrainian naval vessel in the Azov Sea was attacked by artillery from the shore on Sunday, and a rescue operation was under way, a military spokesman for the Ukrainian government said.

Andrey Lysenko said the vessel was a naval cutter. There was no information on the number of people on board.

Rebels claimed responsibility for the attack on social media.(Reuters)

14:36 GMT:

The Donetsk airport is surrounded by self-defense forces, but is still under the control of the Ukrainian army, self-defense representatives told Itar-Tass news agency. “The airport is surrounded, but storming it will be no easy business, as the road accesses to it are mined using radio-controlled mines. Apart from that, the fighting for the airport entails risk for the people in the nearest residential area,” the representative said.

13:25 GMT:

Donetsk residents reported the sound of heavy artillery fire in four districts of the city, according to the city council’s website.

As of 1pm (08:00 GMT), city residents reported sounds of heavy artillery fire in the Budennovsky, Voroshilovsky, Leninsky and Kirovsky regions of Donetsk,” the statement reads.

13:25 GMT:

Six tanks reportedly captured by self-defense resistance troops and 198 #Ukrainian servicemen disarmed.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) August 31, 2014
13:11 GMT:

Overnight shelling of Lugansk has left apartment blocks in the south of the city and a market in the east of the city damaged, the local authorities said in a statement, adding that residents are still without electricity, water and phone connections.

Europe’s largest nuclear power plant is vulnerable to ‘direct bombardment’ in Ukraine if caught in the conflict, a Greenpeace nuclear energy expert told a German newspaper, claiming that its nuclear reactors are not protected from armor-piercing weapons.

Greenpeace nuclear expert Tobias Münchmeyer revealed his concerns over the six-reactor Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant in eastern Ukraine to Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. He said the plant was insufficiently protected against a direct bombardment and that 1.2-meter thick reinforced concrete shells surrounding each reactor are strong enough to withstand only a small aircraft crash.

"There are many armor-piercing weapons in the region, which could penetrate these protective covers," Münchmeyer said, as cited by Deutsche Welle on Saturday.

The Soviet design reactors at Zaporizhia are largely dependent on Russian expertise and spare parts, the expert also said.

Zaporizhia is the largest nuclear power plant (NPP) not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe and also the fifth largest NPP in the world. It is situated on the bank of the Kakhovka water reservoir on the Dnieper River. This is some 200 kilometers from the warzone in Donetsk region.


The plant’s six VVER-1000 pressurized light water nuclear reactors with nominal capacity of 1000 MWe generate 40-42 billion kWh per year each. This accounts for one-fifth of the average annual electricity production in Ukraine and almost 47 percent of electricity generated at Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

The website of the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant maintains that the station can withstand an earthquake of up to 7 on the Richter scale. The station is guaranteed to withstand an explosion of five tons of TNT blown up 200 meters from the facility – such an explosion would completely eliminate a city block.


Installation of reinforced shell for the first reactor of Zaporizhia NPP to be filled with concrete, 1982. Photo from seogan.ru

As for sustaining an impact of the “small aircraft” mentioned by the Greenpeace expert, the nuclear facility’s website says that according to the project, Zaporizhia NPP could in fact sustain a direct hit of a frontline tactical fighter Mig-29, which someone might consider a small one, yet not as small as it might appear from Greenpeace expert’s evaluation.


Installation of reinforced protection dome atop the first reactor installation of Zaporizhia NPP, 1982. Photo from seogan.ru

While it is impossible to expect direct bombardment of a nuclear plant, especially in Ukraine which saw the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, attempts to break into the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant have already taken place.

In May, Ukrainian police prevented a group of armed men from entering Europe's largest nuclear power plant. The men said they were members of the Right Sector group, though their intensions remained vague.


The control panel of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.(RIA Novosti / Falin)

Now Right Sector, which praises neo-Nazi ideology, does not need to break into a nuclear power plant. The National Guard, whose core includes Right Sector members, has been assigned by Kiev to guard all country’s nuclear objects, nuclear fuel and nuclear waste, along with national missile and space booster production.

A law enabling the National Guard to protect nuclear energy industry facilities and other security-sensitive installations was published on Kiev government’s official website on August 13.

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Yuri Biryukov - resident of Kiev, a private entrepreneur.

During 2013-2014 he was engaged in the Maidan volunteering helped delivery of items and products protesters.

After the outbreak of fighting in the east of Ukraine founded the "Save the country Wings of the Phoenix". The Foundation takes care of about a dozen military brigades and several special units, repairing aircraft, building staffs, buying machinery, printing cards, brings equipment and products.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Army Novorossia preparing for a new phase of the offensive in humanitarian and combat operations.

The goal - to drop Ukrainian security forces from populated areas to reduce the intensity of artillery strikes on residential areas.

Under control - the Ukrainian-Russian border down to the Sea of ​​Azov.

In the semicircle of Mariupol. Reconnaissance units of the army of the Republic informs that in the seaside town of SBU undermine infrastructure. From Mariupol derive the so-called private army Kolomoiskiy, territorial defense battalions, which are funded structures oligarch., And talking about it gunmen Battalion "Azov", calling the actions of the governor of Dnipropetrovsk region betrayal.


At the headquarters of the Army of New Russia said: "The city of Mariupol is likely to be released with little or no major fighting.

To do this, some 50 special groups and several assault columns.

The city continues to panic among the pro-fascist-minded Ukrainians elements, removes the local population with prominent places Ukrainian symbolism and is preparing to meet the militia. Strengthens militia firing points and roadblocks in the liberated territories.

As for Amvrosievsky boiler, in which the fighters are locked volunteer destroyer battalions, all the war criminals of Amvrosievsky boiler will be filtered and counterintelligence arrested militia.

Every fascist will be tested for involvement in crimes. "

Sergey Voloin,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Army begins Novorossia liberation from the Nazis Zaporozhye.

The liberation struggle of the people of New Russia finally moved beyond the Donbass.

At the moment, the advance units Novorossia overtures settlements and outposts in the far suburbs of the regional center of Berdyansk.

While talking about the possible assault of Berdyansk prematurely. There has accumulated a lot of Nazis who fled from Mariupol, fearing encirclement.

Offensive in Kiev is very important from a tactical point of view. Pushing the front line to the west, troops Novorossia make the position of Ukrainian Nazis in Mariupol hopeless.

In addition, the continuing advancement Zaporozhye, fighters Novorossia can take in the blockade and Berdyansk, surrounding group found there on all sides.

Thus, the junta received two boiler pressed to the sea - in Mariupol and Berdyansk.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Kharkiv millionaire, founder and CEO of "Agrotrade" Vsevolod Kozhemyako , four months spent personal money and money specially created fund "Peace and order" in the Ukrainian army and the National Guard. The Interior Ministry called it one of the five largest donors forces ATO. He considers himself to be a volunteer.

At the end of last week, he sent an open letter to the president of Petro Poroshenko.

"The meeting with the volunteers at the beginning of August and during a military parade on Independence Day, you (Poroshenko) talked about the huge contribution of volunteers to the formation of the Ukrainian Army in the first weeks of World War II.

Did you report that the situation returned to normal and the supply was adjusted.

Do not believe it! That's not true! Nothing has changed now. Situation, on the contrary, deteriorated, we are entering into winter. Our "valiant generals rear", seeking to remain in their easy chairs, you're lying. Lie shamelessly and brazenly. So they lie and the public.

On the example of the 92nd I declare that to the present day issues of life army still engaged mainly volunteers, local authorities, commanders in the field, "- said Kozhemyako.

In his letter Kozhemyako noted that theft of officials leads to the fact that the newly mobilized from all regions of Ukraine, which arrive at the place of commission, not equipped.

Kozhemyako described the level of security brigades soldiers or forced to sleep on the floor - because there is simply no beds - or even to live in tents, as building a training center in need of repair and can not accommodate everyone.

Half mobilized arrives in his civilian clothes, having no armor. As a result, volunteers take on not only the mission of repairing military equipment, but also individual equipment fighters, organizing their life. Relatives, who as you can also try some clothes for their men to provide them with the means of first aid.

In conclusion, the volunteer Vsevolod Kozhemyako says that such actions generals he examines how the actions of enemy agents and calls on the Commander in Chief to punish them.

Of course, one can understand the patriotic impulses of the "true Ukrainians." But here there is not a betrayal, and ordinary theft. All of these "warm and fat places" occupied the top of the people of the junta, including the commander in chief.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, September 01. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia on Monday expressed indignation at the boorish behaviour by US ambassador to the OSCE Daniel Baer, the Foreign Ministry said.

“We paid attention to the inadmissible statements by US Ambassador to the OSCE Daniel Baer at the session of the organization’s Standing Council on August 28,” the ministry said.

“Russia is indignant that the American diplomat made scandalous attacks that crossed the line of diplomatic ethnics. His unfounded accusations were not backed up by concrete facts and were full of humiliations against Russia,” the ministry said.

“It is evident that Baer’s undisguised hatred is linked with the Novorossia army’s success. In recent days militias have succeeded in containing Ukrainian troops,” the ministry said.

Russia hopes that the US State Department “will insist the US ambassador change the inappropriate behaviour in the OSCE that should not serve a platform for sweeping and rude statements, but a mechanism for mutually respectful and constructive talks on European security. Otherwise, there is nothing to talk about with him”, the ministry said.

DONETSK, September 01. /ITAR-TASS/. Prosecutors in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) put the commander of the Donbass punitive battalion, Semyon Semyonchenko, on a police wanted list on Monday.

Monday, September 1
17:50 GMT:

Ukrainian forces have suffered a series of setbacks, as rebels make a series of advances in the east of the country. Officials have said that 700 soldiers have been forced to withdraw from Lugansk airport and said Ukrainian soldiers had been fired on by “a column of Russian tanks”. Officials also said that 700 soldiers had been taken prisone

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