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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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The property tycoon Kolomoiskiy arrested in Crimea

Crimean court seized property "Tavria" belonging "Privatbank", which is owned by the governor of Dnepropetrovsk region Igor Kolomoisky.

Judicial decision of the Central District Court of Simferopol is due to the failure of these banks of obligations to depositors.

Arrested hotel "Tavria", the land area of ​​4.6 hectares and a wellness center with a total area of ​​more than 3.8 thousand. Sq. m., which passed in trust fund to protect depositors.

The main sponsor of the destroyer battalions, and the entire operation in the South-East of Ukraine oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, yesterday lost a considerable part of the property and, most importantly, income.

Following a referendum in March, the bank left the Crimea, refusing to pay the money to investors.

Even the Jewish community, who considered before Kolomoiskiy their lost all his savings.

"Kolomoysky as a racketeer, threw us all fooled, along with his assistant Finkil'shtein. He stole our money and left us without a livelihood, stole the money that was collected at the memorial to the victims of Nazism in a concentration camp, - says Anatoly Gendin, chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Crimea.

Crimean Jews long saved for a monument to victims of the Holocaust. The entire amount from the account of "Private Bank" in an instant disappeared. Although oligarch concurrently also the head of the Ukrainian Jewish association and president of the European Jewish Union.

Victims of the "Private Bank" thousands. If the finance company does not fulfill its obligations - real estate in Crimea Kolomoiskiy can be sold. Arrested until only one resort, although he owns several large objects on the peninsula.

Along with "Tavria" in the near future may be seized on the perfect apartment Nautilus (beach, two swimming pools, an autonomous infrastructure) on the Black Sea in Gurzufe. Construction of the complex financed "Privat".

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

n Minsk, yesterday held consultations tripartite contact group on Ukrainian settlement.

On the resumption of negotiations in this format last week agreed to the presidents of Russia and Ukraine.

Moscow was represented at yesterday's meeting, Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, KIEV - Former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, and the OSCE - Representative for the settlement of the situation in Ukraine, Heidi Tagliavini. The event was also attended by the first vice-premier of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk Andrew Purgin and one of the leaders of the Lugansk militia Alexey Karjakin.

Consultation lasted about 4 hours.

At the meeting, Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic issued a single negotiating platform.

Details of the negotiations have not been announced, but we know that at the meeting of the first steps necessary for a ceasefire.

They also talked about the exchange of prisoners on the basis of "all for all". Members of the group will gather again on 5 September and, obviously, continue to discuss emerging issues. "We exchanged documents, the Ukrainian side has presented its vision, we - the. Now we meet the 5 th of likely in Minsk, and will continue consultations. Matter is, I think, goes to a reality", - told reporters Purgin.

In media reports, which said that the LC and the DNR released its negotiating position.

In particular, they call for the recognition of the special status of their territories, cease military operations Ukrainian security officials for holding free elections and the recognition of the status of the Russian language.

They also insist on a special status for its armed forces and the right to appoint prosecutors and judges. At the same time, in their opinion, it is necessary to hold an unconditional amnesty to militias and members of all political prisoners.

Also require a special order of foreign trade regulations with the deepening of integration with Russia and the Customs Union.

In the case of implementation of these requirements and the LC DNR ensure that "will make every effort to maintain peace, to maintain a single economic, cultural and political space of Ukraine and the Russian-Ukrainian space civilization."

The latter provision that the Donbass remains in Ukraine, has angered the militias.

And he himself, Andrew Purgin denied recent media reports about the alleged willingness to keep a political space of Ukraine. He stressed that the information about the alleged recognition of the special status of the territories DNR and LC, as well as amnesty militia members - another duck.

Prime Minister Alexander Zaharchenko DNR said DNR representatives were sent to the negotiations on the exchange of prisoners, the other powers they did not have.

Remain part of Ukraine "republic" is not considered real. "It is not known where this information is gone. Most likely, Kiev would like it to be so, "- said Zakharchenko.

Zakharchenko said that the Ukrainian side handed over a package of 15 proposals for a cease-fire, in particular, prohibit the use of heavy weapons.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, September 2 (RIA Novosti) - Military aggression against Crimea will constitute an attack against Russia, Mikhail Popov, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, told RIA Novosti in an interview Tuesday.

“Today, Crimea is the territory of Russia and armed aggression against Crimea will be treated as an attack on Russia, with all due consequences,” the official said. “The military force in Crimea, established by the president’s decree, is self-sufficient and capable of repelling a potential invasion of the republic by an aggressor.”

According to Popov, the changed situation around the Russian-Ukrainian border requires a thorough analysis and detailed consideration of all the surrounding circumstances.

However, the main responsibility of the Black Sea Fleet and the military force on the Crimean peninsula remains the same; in Popov's words, “To ensure the military security of the state within the boundaries of accountability.”

After the February overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych, Crimea, previously an autonomous republic within Ukraine, refused to recognize the legitimacy of the coup-imposed government in Kiev. On March 16, the republic held a referendum, in which over 96 percent of population voted for rejoining Russia. The West refuses to recognize Crimea as part of Russia.

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"The government that is now here, divides people into Ukrainians and Ukrainians. Power, which sends an army to bomb peaceful cities, - criminal. government that takes away the right to education of children ... "- said Bondarenko, after which it was switched off the microphone.

After that, Parliament Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov called a halt to "the Russian provocation and agitation." "It is enough to ORT and RTR, sit on his seat, please," - he said.

According to the speaker, the Ukrainian army protects Ukraine. "You need to be on his knees in front of the Ukrainian army," - he said Elena Bondarenko.

Elena Bondarenko lucky that she is a woman and she is traditionally welcome its not broke.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

The way in which the army was able to ensure the success of New Russia counteroffensive operation, proved to be more than effective. Educated boilers exhausted occupation troops. It should be noted that the configuration surrounded by areas with locked security forces, has changed somewhat in recent days.

At the front of the Lugansk HP were exhausting battles. A considerable number of security forces the Army of Ukraine had been destroyed in the area of ​​Mount Gay, Happiness, Forest, Peremozhnogo, Lower Alder, Georgievka and Belogorovki. Nevertheless, the complete capture of items too early to say. Unfortunately, the losses are and units of militia, the heroes of our time without a shadow of a doubt fall for their homeland, loved ones and freedom!

On the part of the Donetsk HP situation is somewhat better. From the Nazis managed to clean up Starobeshevo, at the moment the village is under the full control of the defense forces. Trophies militias were able to capture in Elenovka, Telmanovo and Kostyantynivka - occupiers left the settlements, throwing heavy armored vehicles.

Advances have been made in the area of ​​Ilovaysk where fierce battles were a week non-stop. At this point, in the territory of the village remains a small number of fighters ukroarmii, most ended up in captivity, particularly obstinate destroyed, and those lucky enough to have been able to break out of the encirclement. It is worth noting that last quite a bit, according to the militia.

Continuing clashes in the territory of the village and Mospino Mangush. Regarding the latter, it is difficult to say who belongs to the village, however, the soldiers of the Donetsk HP army failed to capture the road that leads to Mariupol.

All captured during clashes fighters-fascists have received the necessary medical care, food and water.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


For the past day the situation at the fronts of New Russia has not changed - the initiative is still in the hands of the People's Republic militia. Army cleans self-educated boilers, some units invaders surrender their weapons and armor, and then they are released from the environment, while others violate the ultimatum, and then destroyed.

On September 1, the junta has lost not less than one hundred men killed and wounded. As for the prisoners, the situation, as well, does not change - the flow of surrendering soldiers and executioners APU does not dry out. We should also mention the paratroopers, who were captured far away from the Lugansk airport. Soldiers of the 80th Airmobile Regiment into the hands of the militia in the amount of 13 people, after a brief battles in this area.

In general, the history of the battle for the airport is quite complex, because of all the fighting, a strategically important facility several times passed under the control of a fascist, the defenders of the native land. Since June, the militia units blocked all access to the airport, according to various estimates on its territory was from five hundred to two thousand fighters Army of Ukraine together with the armored vehicles of various classes. Just recently, the Army Novorossia able to fully capture the object under control.

As for armored vehicles burnt down the APU, then for the last day was able to reduce the fleet Army Square on six rocket launchers, 14 mortars and howitzers, two armored personnel carriers, two tanks, 24 vehicles. In addition, two helicopters were shot down and the plane. Destroyed two ammunition depot.

Exact figures on the losses of both parties - parties to the conflict, is currently being clarified. Naturally, the militia fighters lose and technique, however, concerted action and adequate, in contrast to the Ukrainian, management, thus reducing losses.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Ukrainephtoexhibit.jpg?resize=300%2C447Huntington, N.Y. — “Ukraine: Behind the Red Line,” a photographic display of the war in Ukraine, documents the devastation of the lives of the people in the Donbass region as well as the organized resistance in Donbass to the junta regime in Kiev.

Armed men and women who make up the people’s militias supported by the people of East Ukraine are shown standing in defense of the residents of the cities and villages under siege by the U.S.-sponsored coup regime. The images provide graphic testimony to the suffering of people of the region who are living and dying under the bombs and military attacks of the neo-Nazi Kiev government.

The photos, taken by photojournalists in Russia and Ukraine, were prepared by Rossiya Segodnya, a multimedia international information agency and displayed here Aug. 22 at the Huntington Community Arts Center. The International Action Center and the United National Antiwar Coalition presented the exhibition.

Tuesday, September 2
17:02 GMT:

The video taken by a camera-equipped drone shows horrifying pictures of a completely destroyed village in the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine.

Before the intense fighting devastated Stepanovka, in the Shakhtersk region, in July and August, the village had over 1,500 inhabitants. Now, only 2 remain. Shelling can still occasionally be heard there.

16:36 GMT:

More than 1 million Ukrainians have been displaced by the conflict in southeastern Ukraine, the United Nations estimated.

The number includes 814,000 Ukrainians, who are now residing in Russia as well as thousands in the Baltics, Moldova, and the European Union.

The total figure also includes 260,000 people who were forced to leave their homes and are displaced within the country, while the violent clashes between the militia and the Kiev army continue.

"I mean 260,000 in Ukraine, it's a low estimate, 814,000 in Russia, then you add the rest ...Belarus, Moldova, the European Union," Vincent Cochetel, director of the UNHCR's bureau for Europe, told reporters in Geneva.

Of 814,000 Ukrainian nationals who have entered Russia this year, 260,000 have applied for some sort of protective status. The remaining 554,000 have arrived on the basis of a visa-free regime, which allows them to stay in the country for up to 270 days.

In all, 4,106 Ukrainians have applied for asylum in EU countries including Poland, Germany and Sweden, UNHCR figures show. Some 380 Ukrainians have sought asylum in Belarus.

15:50 GMT:

The city of Lugansk in eastern Ukraine is on the verge of a “potential humanitarian catastrophe” as there is no water and electricity, OSCE concluded in its report issued on September 1. Only one of the city’s hospitals remains operational and able to admit patients.

The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) said that drinking water was distributed in cisterns as shelling had damaged the city’s water supply system.

However, speaking to SMM, representatives of the self-declared Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) “downplayed the seriousness of the damage” and stated that the problem could be solved.

The SMM met with representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Lugansk, who stated that about 250,000 people remained in the city, whose population prior to the conflict was estimated to be approximately 420,000.

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DONETSK, September 03. /ITAR-TASS/. Considerable forces of the Ukrainian army and National Guard have been withdrawn from the territory of the proclaimned Donetsk People's Republic (DNR), Novorossia agency reports referring to the DNR militia headquarters.

"For the time being, we are unable to explain the meaning of the maneuver," Novorossia quotes the militia headquarters report. "Security forces, possibly, have decided to concentrate on the defence of Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk Regions; or, possibly, they want to regroup forces and rearrange units, or they have become convinced altogether of the prospectlessness of attacks on DNR".

"Security forces, according to reconnaissance data, have abandoned all checkpoints along the Donetsk-Mariupol road. They have fortifications intact only at the entrance to Mariupol," the reports says. "Earlier, militia dislodged security forces from Yelenovka. Security personnel then abandoned Volnovakha, as well as Maryinka and Kurakovo, south-west of Donetsk. A column of punitive troops' hardware was retreating through Kurakovo for 12 hours. In Starobeshevo District, security forces abandoned Starobeshevo, Maryanovka, Novy Svet, Styly, Novokaterinovka, Shirokoye, and Komsomolskoye".

Itar-Tass does not have available a confirmation of this informstion from other sources.

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Wednesday, September 3

00:11 GMT:

A significant part of the Ukrainian army has reportedly left the territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, according to local self-defense forces, Novorossiya news agency reported.

Troops have allegedly left their posts along the Donetsk-Mariupol highway. It was not immediately clear what caused the reported maneuvering.

Tuesday, September 2
23:50 GMT:

Ukrainian volunteer police battalions will use 12.7 mm heavy machine guns designed in the late 1930s in a special operation in eastern Ukraine, advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Anton Gerashchenko, said on his Facebook page.

“Right now heavy weapons are being collected and distributed through the Department of Coordination to volunteer battalions,” he said. “We also received a large quantity of heavy machine guns ‘DshK,' 12.7 mm caliber, from 1937, issued between 1950-1970.”

Russian journalist Andrey Stenin, missing in eastern Ukraine for a month, has been confirmed dead, RIA Novosti, the news agency where he worked, reports. He was in vehicle, travling in a convoy containing escaping civilians when it came under heavy fire.

Stenin apparently died in a vehicle, on his way to an assignment, according to the agency’s director, Dmitriy Kisilev.

“The car had been shot up and burnt on a highway in the vicinity of Donetsk,” he said in a statement. “The autopsy results came back this morning. He was indeed in that car – the 33-year-old young man, a brilliant professional, someone who cared.”

Russia's Investigative Committee has determined that the car had come under fire as a Ukrainian attack on the self-defense forces was taking place. The car had been travelling in a convoy, together with those escaping the conflict. It was guarded by six members of the self-defense forces.

The unit that carried out the attack was also using a tank, according to the investigators.

More than 10 cars containing peaceful civilians had been shot up. The contents of the vehicles, including the civilians' belongings, had come into Ukrainian posession.

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In the Lugansk HP, fierce fighting was gradually reduced potency and efficacy ukrofashistskih militants. Losses in manpower and armor continue to grow naturally from the self-defense army killed a large number of volunteers, however, these characters at least know what they are fighting - they have something to defend!

Particularly heavy fighting between the occupiers and militia fighters have been in the region of Lutugino. This town is not so great - about 18 thousand citizens, however, serious fighting did not abate here more than one day.

Over the past day this area was fatal for the Nazis, soldiers Lugansk HP managed to burn a huge amount of armor of the enemy. Several columns of military vehicles of different classes came under heavy fire militias. According to eyewitnesses, the impact of the resistance was so dense that the tower tanks and isolated and cast aside. Of a large number of armored vehicles, which took over the artillery fire, failed to capture a single, all were completely destroyed.

Naturally, the city suffered from the fighting, so many houses in battles whip fragments, some partially destroyed. However, this is a small fee for the hundreds of lives that could take chaos invaders.

In addition to this important area, to expel the Nazis, army soldiers Lugansk HP could of Georgievka, gristly, and Novosvetlovki Novoannovki. All these towns are located at the very center of the resistance line environment - Lugansk. It should also be noted that the militia say almost complete sweep south of LC from the occupation forces.

Even more fun is the completion of a three-month standoff in the region of Lugansk Airport - the object is under the control of militias. Unfortunately, during the conflict terminal building destroyed almost to the base.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Kiev retracted its earlier statement regarding a “permanent ceasefire” in eastern Ukraine, which followed a phone call between the Russian and Ukrainian leaders. The new wording from Poroshenko’s office talks of a ceasefire “regime”.

The Russian and Ukrainian languages use the word to mean “mode”, signifying the possibility of a softer, less permanent version of the previous suggestion.

Although an earlier corresponding message from Poroshenko’s office initially talked of a “permanent ceasefire”, Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov underlined that this wording is not applicable because Russia isn’t a party to the violence.

“In the course of today’s phone call between Putin and Poroshenko there was indeed an exchange of views that went a long way toward an agreement on steps to be taken for a swift end to the clashes taking place between the Ukrainian military and south-eastern uprising,” Peskov said.

But the spokesperson thought it important to point out that because the conflict is an internal one – and not one between two countries. This view has already been voiced by President Putin last week in Minsk, where he met the Ukrainian leader.

“Frankly speaking, we can’t frame the discussion in ceasefire terms, those concerning any possible negotiations between Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk – this isn’t any of our business, it is Ukraine’s,” the Russian president said then.

Donetsk authorities say they are willing to engage in a diplomatic settlement with Kiev if it proves its commitment to peace by stopping the shelling.

Ukraine’s Aydar battalion has acknowledged its readiness to carry out the order to cease fire, if such an order is given, its commander Sergey Melnichuk told local TV channel ‘112 Ukraine’.

Kiev’s bloody eastern Ukraine campaign LIVE UPDATES

The confrontation between the anti-government forces and the Ukrainian military, lasting over four months, has claimed the lives of around 2,500 people, according to UN estimates.

A million people have been displaced – the majority of them to Russia.

But the biggest toll was inflicted on the peaceful population in cities like Donetsk and Lugansk, who were left without energy, food, water or connection to the outside world.

While international condemnation was initially aimed at Russia in an attempt to blame it for the escalation, lately the balance has shifted to recognizing the often indiscriminate nature of Ukrainian military shelling of the eastern parts, which used high-powered weaponry forbidden by international law to be used in populated areas.

Human Rights Watch was the latest to condemn the use of such weapons and point to their presence as the major contributing factor to the high death toll in the area.


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Today was another telephone conversation the leaders of Russia and Ukraine.

Here's what the official website of the presidential press service.

Kremlin. Telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

A telephone conversation with President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

Was continued in-depth discussion of the military and the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. leaders exchanged views on what needs to be done on a priority basis for a speedy end to the bloodshed in the south-east of the country .

Point of view of the presidents of the two countries on the possible ways out of the crisis is largely the same.

Kiev. President of Ukraine discussed WYSIWYG ceasefire with Russian President

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko had a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The result of the conversation was the agreement on a permanent ceasefire in the Donbas. mutual understanding was reached regarding the steps that will contribute to the establishment of peace.

A huge difference in the statements.

Without lies in this life, especially in politics, of course difficult to do. But Kiev is observed pathological propensity to lie and distortion of facts.

What can you do, policy-fed Maidan otherwise can not. "Leopard change his spots."

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


from che's last speech, algiers '65 :

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18:26 GMT:

Donetsk is once again without water, after shelling hit a sanitation plant in the city. According to the Donetsk City Council, “At 20.30 (Moscow Time) shelling hit the water purification plant, and water is no longer getting to the water pipes.” The press service also stated that repairs could not take place because of the constant bombardment, which makes it too dangerous to be fixed. At present, fighting is taking place in Yasynovata, just north of the city.

DONETSK, September 03 /ITAR-TASS/. Militias in the south-east of Ukraine are ready to cease fire if the Ukrainian army takes a similar step, the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko said on Wednesday.

He said the so-called “counter-terrorism operation” in the south-eastern regions known as Donbass involved not only the regular Ukrainian army but also the National Guard, the nationalistic Right Sector and private battalions.

“They have foiled agreements many times before,” Zakharchenko said.

The DPR government has repeatedly stated its readiness to cease fire to prevent civilian casualties, but Kiev only demanded that the militias lay down arms and surrender.

“The military situation has now changed not in Kiev’s favour. We hope that our humane initiatives will be heard this time,” the prime minister said.

MOSCOW, September 3 (RIA Novosti) - The news of Andrei Stenin's death has evidently exposed the dishonesty and hypocrisy of Kiev's authorities, which had proposed to swap the photojournalist from International Information News Agency Rossiya Segodnya for someone else while his charred body remained lost along the side of a highway after he was killed by the Ukrainian military in the beginning of August.

In the Donetsk HP army troops entered the Ukraine Donetsk airport. As in the case of Lugansk air harbor, became a stumbling block to the occupation forces and militia units. For a long time in this area was fighting with varying success, now, when the army of New Russia went on the offensive, the airport can become a grave for the rest of its territory fascists.

Heavy fighting in the area resulted in the runway unusable, as a whole, the airport is unlikely to carry out his functions, however, still needs to be completely clear it from invaders.

In order not to let the men escape MAT object by a dense double ring. Vladimir Kononov - Defence Minister Donetsk HP claims that the enemy on this site do not shine, the total number of blocked militants Army Square, at the moment, is unknown, but a breakthrough is not possible - it's a fact. The only guarantee that the surviving Nazis able to go home - it lay down their arms voluntarily. However, despite repeated warnings, locked units do not want to do this.

At the moment, sitting surrounded by soldiers the Army of Ukraine being heavy fire - militias can no longer wait for the airport to be taken DNI, despite the decision of the Ukrainian fighters. APU units are locked in the old terminal at them all work of the Army Group DNR, which focused in the area, these include special forces and artillery, including heavy.

Sorry for the guys who were sent to kill tricked his brothers at Donbass. Cold and negligent attitude of the APU not only ruined thousands of innocent lives, the imprint, the so-called A & P, will remain forever in the eyes, in the hearts and souls of people go through it.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Their voices are always fuse to the beat
Their souls are destined to wander in the colors.

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Now hovers around Novorossia multitude of thoughts, ideas, plans and proposals. But we must remember that the only reason that Kiev junta presently prepared to negotiate - their damage on the battlefield. Do not deceive ourselves: the junta does not want peace, they can not be trusted. They just need to be able to reorganize his army, rearm, and then continue the war. We should not give them that chance!

Now it is time to release the rest of the New Russia, starting from Kharkov and Zaporozhye. One of the commanders of the army of New Russia said that 4,000 militia outside the Donbass waiting for the start of the battle for the liberation of the region. If this is true, we should begin as soon as possible, until the Nazi junta weak and recovering from recent losses.

The junta simply wants to gain time. Look at their last bid to build a wall along the Russian border and formally declare Russia as an enemy! West played for something to break the "iron curtain", but instead they want to see the new fascist wall! If they try to build a wall, it will be best to do on the west bank of the Dnieper River and north of Kirovograd as New Russia may expand more than 8 areas. It can include also the area of ​​Poltava, Sumy, Kirovohrad and all the territory east of the Dnieper! Because the army Novorossia should formally begin the liberation of the territories adjacent to Kharkov, Zaporozhye and Kherson. You can start with the Civil War and DRG (subversive intelligence groups), and then as soon as possible to enter the regular army forces!

In addition to the above four thousand fighters would do well to bring in the army Novorossia more 6,000 volunteers from its own territory or from Russia. Then the release of New Russia can become a reality. In addition, it will eliminate the possibility of a peaceful settlement, will strengthen the position of New Russia, when the junta understand that attempts to deceive the Donbass and Novorossia failed. Let me remind you, we should not delude ourselves against the junta. The junta wants to join NATO, and NATO is to deploy its military bases on the territory of Ukraine closer to the Russian border. And the only way to prevent it - discard the junta of the Dnieper, away from the Black Sea coast!

Then the rest of the "Ukraine" will establish bases on its territory, but they will be as far from the Russian border as the base "Little Poland." Russia and New Russia will be able to live with it, but can not without Odessa, Kharkov, Nikolaev, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk and Kherson! Putin knows it, and he should have the army Novorossia sufficient support to enable them to release all of its territory, and the territory east of the Dnieper!

We must understand that the "United Ukraine" will not be friendly to Russia. It is impossible, it will not. But Novorossia will. And it is more stretched than at regions 8. She just needs a little help volunteers - whether local, as well as among the Russians! If Putin sends several thousand former soldiers "on vacation" in the New Russia, he soon got their hands on two thirds of the former Ukraine, and everything that happened will be (technically) internal affair!

Nicholas, Sweden,
Central News Agency Novorossia

The war unleashed by the Ukrainian government continues its bloody harvest. Today we know that the missing in early August in the area of ​​snow photographs MIA "Russia Today" Andrew Stenin and Correspondent Corps Korenchenko Sergei and Andrei Vyacha died.

The loss of life - always a loss, the loss of talented, bright and courageous people who have dedicated themselves to bring the truth to the world about the war, about what is happening in the lands of New Russia, - the loss is doubly.

These journalists have always been at the forefront of developments. Their duty they considered frankly and unvarnished talk about all the atrocities perpetrated by the military on the Ukrainian lands Donbass. That is what separates the real professionals - the ability to see and speak the truth - Andrew Stenin, Sergei and Andrei Korenchenko Vyacha demonstrated every day, and they perished in the line of duty, illuminating the work of the DNI to evacuate refugees from Snow.

The whole world for almost a month hoping that the journalists are alive, and they can be saved. Unfortunately, the hopes were in vain: the journalists, as well as many civilians fleeing the war, have been basely shot Ukrainian punishers.

And today, when the reliable data about the death of Andrew Stenina and his colleagues, we wish to express to the bereaved families of journalists and their teams to our sorrow and condolences.

Names Andrew Stenina, Sergei Korenchenkova, Andrew Vyacha forever written in the book of memory and pride for the press corps.

We also call on all humanity to pay attention to these flagrant violations of human rights, which allows "civilized" the Ukrainian army, and to call for an end to such inhuman killings of peaceful citizens and journalists to perform their professional duties.

Ministry of Information and Communications DNR,
Central News Agency Novorossia

Donetsk People's Republic declared taking control of several towns near Mariupol.

"Thus, the militias took control of the main roads leading into the city, cutting off part of the Ukrainian security officials from the main supply routes."

"Now Mariupol is online environment. We managed to accomplish this task. Question of the storming of the city is not considered, as there are a number of unsolved problems. Everything should be consistent," - said in a statement.

In the Mariupol, according to security officials in Ukraine, Mariupol is actively preparing for the defense. Servicemen reinforced line of fortifications in the main areas. According to preliminary data, in Mariupol are battalions of the Territorial Defense, a division of the National Guard and the Interior Troops.

First Deputy Prime Minister Andriy Purgin DNI said that the militia do not intend to continue the attack outside the Donbass: "We do not pretend (contiguous with DNI) of the territory of Ukraine."

In addition, Purgin confirmed that militia ready to stop fighting if Kiev will go to a unilateral ceasefire. However, in his words, "a cease-fire - this is not a truce."

First Deputy Prime Minister of DNR also announced their intention to participate in a meeting of the contact group on the crisis in Minsk on September 5.

"Issues on the agenda are the same - it's a matter of the ceasefire, the exchange of prisoners of war, as well as the question of Ukrainian troops withdrawal from the territory of the NPT," - he stressed.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Who offers a cease-fire? Nazi criminals, which is waiting for the gallows. It is also known for what purpose they used the truce - for the accumulation of power and the development of further attack, thus creating favorable conditions for themselves. In other words, "stop" fire and "truce" for them - no more than a ruse, which in any case should not succumb.

The fact that the rate at which troops are now Novorossia destroy troops junta, far exceeds the capabilities of the junta in their replenishment. For this reason, in the very near future, the junta expects complete defeat and the trial of Nazi war criminals who commit now unheard of atrocities in the territory of the DNI and the LC. And they understood perfectly. And they now have only two options: either to escape from the ocean to their owners, leaving everything, or try to mislead the enemy by talking about a cease-fire and armistice.

The first option is clear - Novorossia troops quickly taking Kiev before the onset of cold weather and produce not escaped arrest members of the junta and their associates. The second option - the junta receives vital breathing space to fill and restore their armed groups to increase them significantly in number and firepower, to rearm them with the help of NATO, so that probably already put the complete defeat of the troops of New Russia.

If the DNI and LC will not go on a fraudulent offer criminal junta and continue to develop an active attack and defeat of the military forces of the junta, then events will develop in the first embodiment, and then the junta will be destroyed even before the onset of winter, and in Kiev will set people's power, which will support all the people of Ukraine.

And talks about anything is possible and necessary to, in order to pretend that we accept at face value the junta's proposal, and in the meantime continue to beat the enemy, without giving him a break for a minute. Moreover, in order to tighten these negotiations by the New Russia should push ahead junta unrealistic demands. For example, the elimination of the right sector as a phenomenon, the trial of all offenders who participated in or supervised, and decides to commit bloody crimes on the territory of the LC, the DNI and throughout Ukraine, the return of power to an elected President Yanukovych, accession to the NPT and LC entire historical Novorossia , the expulsion of the oligarchs and the nationalization of their property, the creation of a genuine people's power in Ukraine. And so on.

Central News Agency Novorossia


The Government of Ukraine has approved the abolition of the country's non-aligned status

The Cabinet of Ministers yesterday approved a bill to abolish the non-aligned status of Ukraine and the resumption of the policy of Euro-Atlantic integration, now the document to be adopted by the Verkhovna Rada, said Prime Yatsenyuk.

He also said that Kiev is committed to getting a special status in its relations with NATO. According to him, NATO has to grant Ukraine a "special status of a special partner №1".


"With regard to NATO, it would be the most correct decision - a decision on Ukraine's membership in NATO," - said the prime minister before the meeting of the government, adding that the decision would be difficult to carry out in the countries - members of the alliance.


In addition, Yatsenyuk said Ukraine's hopes that the United States will provide Ukraine's status as a key ally.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Militias, codenamed "Battle Beavers" once again spent shelling positions punishers.

Central News Agency Novorossia

Map of hostilities. 04.09.2014g


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Stocks wishing to do the will of the United States of puppets, who seized power in Ukraine is rapidly shrinking. Successful offensive army Novorossia and protracted battles on land Donbass already put an end to the genocide started by the junta. We can only wait until the last fascist lay down their arms, or forever remain in the former South-East of Ukraine.

Over the past few days, heavy fighting took place far away from the Starobeshevo, in the fields of area volunteers converged "Dnepr" and "Donbass" to the soldiers of the Donetsk HP. As a result, both sides suffered losses, but failed significantly more punitive retired soldiers. Altogether, according to rough estimates, the Nazis lost six hundred militants, two thirds of which will never be able to take up arms.

In addition to the hundreds of bodies that are scattered over the fields, dozens of skeletons of burned armored vehicles are on the ground, which is just a few hours ago, still trembling from the exploding shells. Remove the effects of a collision at the moment no one.

In the area of ​​Mariupol, as security forces have been clashes with fighters APU DNR. According to an eyewitness - a resident of the city, the army of defenders of the native land is located in the near by village of Mariupol - within 8 kilometers. In addition, the man said that today the occupants opened fire on the outskirts of the city, they tried to break through a barrier militias. It is not known exactly which units and the formation of blocked Nazis began shooting, how many invaders entered into battle - the same is unknown.

Headquarters Donetsk HP said that the information is accurate, in the area surrounded by nameless Ukrainians went to the mess. Step certainly desperate and daring, but the prospects of such an enterprise is very vague.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Deceived by the junta Ukrainians are feeling the taste of betrayal. Abandoned slaughter soldiers APU was horrified to realize that all this time shot at his fellow, maybe even friends and loved ones.
Against the background of an uncompromising advancement militia to victory, nerves pass not only soldiers the Army of Ukraine. The first people to leave this sinking ship, are the so-called officers, but in fact cowardly dogs.

Several units APU for several days did not receive orders, and any and all left without a command, which, collecting things, left the front line. Information was provided by the soldiers themselves exactly as headquarters refused to comment on what is happening.

Soldiers were devotees, in the circumstances, this is equivalent to death. In spite of everything, occupants continue to hold the line, it is worth noting that such behavior - an indicator of bravery and courage. Unfortunately, the guys on the wrong side, hardly anyone will remember them, if I may say so, a feat.

Soldiers adrift departments rely on reinforcement approach naturally afraid to die, but do not intend to leave the position. These guys would be in the militia, but to Kiev, to avenge the betrayal and deception.

On the situation in the land Novorosii, notified management ATO. However, there are no plans to support the soldiers, was not made public. Apparently, the guys will be written off in the combat losses, like thousands of others who will not come back home.

So it was bound to happen, the puppet government is ineffective by definition. Sorry guys who are bravely fighting for other people's stupid ideas that do not remember whose mothers never see that because of someone else's meanness drowned in blood and killed dozens, even hundreds of innocent lives ... The war is over, but the winners will not be in it ...

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Alexei Belozersky, a military expert, deputy head of the Center for the Coordination of "New Russia". Currently, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are desperate attempts to release the troops, which were surrounded by a once in three "pots". In total, there are now more than seven thousand people along with the headquarters of the 8th Corps. Releasing their Kiev command threw all its available forces - about four heavily battered brigades - and pulls everywhere reserves, revealing even Perekop and Transdniestria. It is necessary to clarify that the Ukrainian team today - a maximum of two battalion tactical group of the truncated, about a thousand and a half thousand people. Almost everywhere, the enemy was thrown and fights off. The threat to Gorlovka fully released Ilovajsk, the enemy defeated in district Miusinsk-Red Ray. Armed Forces DNR resumed control over key areas of the Saur-Graves.
In the rear of the enemy is increasingly beginning to act partisans, causing troops tangible punitive strikes on communications. Distracting offensive militias Mariupol suddenly collapsed in the operational void in Ukrainian combat formations and are increasingly taking on the traits of deep penetrations into the rear of the punitive group, approaching Mariupol, which caused great panic among the political and military administration of the city and the region.
In this exploration noted the arrival of American military aid. In particular, near the city of Kharkiv region Chuguyiv one of the intelligence subversive groups DNR destroyed a convoy of four trucks. Two lorries were modern American anti-tank Javelin. Due to the impossibility of capturing trophies complexes, except one, were destroyed, one handed. That is, in fact, under the cover of talk about the fact that the United States and its NATO allies to supply barbed wire fortifications at Perekopa, dry rations, and body armor, weapons deliveries begin. While easy, but what will happen next - is unknown.
There is information about unloading in Odessa artillery battalion wheeled self-propelled howitzer "Dana" (Dana), which is practiced by people in the form of the Polish armed forces. In the nomenclature of the howitzer ammunition is precision-guided munitions.
Sergei Ivanov, Major-General. I confirm! Near Kharkov subversive intelligence group destroyed a howitzer and a four-person calculation, but to get them out of the body failed. Reinforcements came, and the team was able to capture only destroyed "Dan."
Alexei BELOZERSK. In recent weeks, faced with foreign PMCs and detachment Brain and people Strelkova, but prisoners and seize documents is not yet possible. Seen the arrival of a large number of thermal imagers. When the area Starobeshevo GRES tried to break intelligence Brain, three scouts were killed and four wounded. It is the work of the big-bore sniper with night sight and silencer. Kiev increasingly relies on the involvement of foreign mercenaries and PMCs.
Alexei Anpilogov, director of the Center for Coordination "New Russia". We note that the Ukraine is rapidly growing anti-war sentiment. This is due to three factors. The first - the Ukrainian army is rapidly emerging from the volunteer to the draft. At the same time, from the past is well known: in a situation of civil war conscript army has much lower motivation and fighting capacity than voluntary, because the majority of the population tends to evade the fratricidal war, and the call is actually implemented by force. This means that the landslide growing corruption - is the enrichment of officials, military commissars, physicians, and as a result, the army is called the poorest and uneducated part of the population. And this is the second factor of growth of antiwar sentiment. People do not believe that the wealthy classes and political elite shared with them the hardships of war, and more and more actively opposed by local officials and Kiev. The third factor, of course, are a major military defeat, which suffered Kiev and hide are no longer possible. A continuous stream of coffins sobering most stubborn supporters of the war.
Vladislav Shurygina. It should be noted that the construction of the current Ukrainian army was made a gross system error, which is now working for us - legalized separation of the Ukrainian army into two unequal structures: volunteer and professional. The first consists of all kinds of volunteer formations - territorial battalions of the oligarchs, the nationalists and the National Guard, a professional - just the armed forces. As a result, Kiev was highly motivated but untrained light infantry units that do not have heavy weapons and are not able to independently carry out combat missions - and the armed forces, with powerful weapons and bearing the brunt of the war, but it is extremely malomotivirovannye to solve their tasks and having an extremely low combat capability. In subsequent battles "volunteers" have suffered huge losses due to technical weakness and lack of professional military command kernel and CSKA were severely battered in the battles, and all part of the defeated, because they do not have high morale and sufficient resistance, because of which collapsed during the first same impact. As a result, for the three months punitive army suffered not only huge, but more importantly - irreversible loss of personnel. In the fighting was milled and destroyed most active and capable kernel Maidan revolutionaries lost faith in a quick victory and the ability of the military command.
Sergei Ivanov. Another point to which you should pay attention to - the qualitative composition of the opposing sides. On the part of APU's military personnel who have graduated from higher military educational institutions both in Ukraine and abroad. To help them sent advisers and instructors, including - from the United States Army. This results in a non-structured "jelly" control, when there is a mix of military schools and approaches. And all this military thought is not able to clearly plan and conduct military operations in the new conditions. It speaks to the quality of training, and stereotyped thinking of managers and subordinates, which are the product of a lack of any real progress army, civilian casualties, deaths of thousands of his subordinates, and the defeat has enough military units APU by the army of New Russia .
Vladislav Shurygina. Colleagues, and how would you characterize the militias? That today constitute the armed forces of New Russia?
Sergei Ivanov. I, with your permission, I shall continue my thought, but reference to the army of the Donbass. In the army Novorossia mostly operate without commanders of higher military education - at least, none commander Novorossia far as I know, did not graduate from Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces or in the distant past or in the present. But the strength of the command Novorossia is its strategic flexibility. These are people devoted to his homeland, with blond heads, soberly assess the situation, right decision and to organize military operations without regard to the templates. The results of this troop leadership there, the army advances Novorossia to grind APU impressive. But the situation, as the domestic political and international calls have other, more radical approaches, which we certainly will talk. But if you give a general assessment of the Army of New Russia, I consider it necessary to note that in the present conditions, at a sufficiently competent and comprehensive support future military operations, it is able to independently solve the challenges it faces.
Alexei BELOZERSK. According to experts, in the army of New Russia today is about 15-17 thousand people. In service - up to three artillery battalions, about 70 tanks T-64, install MLRS "Grad", about three batteries. In addition, the recent fighting was captured several installations MLRS "Hurricane", and soon will the appearance of these plants in a war zone. Grouping is big enough, but, like any paramilitary forces, control of this group raises questions. There are warlords who maintained contacts with the command of the militia and responded to inquiries from a single command, but commanders of small groups, usually fought only in the area of ​​self-deployment and perform any maneuver or refused to go on the offensive.
In addition to these 15 thousand people, at the disposal of the command is still several orders of varying degrees of equipment and armament. This is a large detachment of the Brain - in fact, the brigade of about 2,200 people. This team is fighting in the area Lisicansk-Alchevs'k, keep this area a few more units and groups.
Along with these units in the rear of the DNI in a few weeks there was a formation of the shock militia groups - mixed battle group of infantry, artillery and tanks, capable of actively advance on the enemy and block his threats. It is this group now struck the punitive troops near Donetsk.
In Lugansk group after the resignation Bolotov end formation of a new administration and territorial command. This occurs not without problems. Some of the commanders, closes earlier Bolotov any hook or by crook, bypassing their way into the headquarters of the political center, which organizes the operation in the South-East, and runs with bundles of papers on various offices, with requests for service. And some as warlords are virtually unknown. They now understand.
In fact, now completes the formation of the Army of the Donbass. From disparate militias born unified power structure, the ability to effectively defend their land.
Vladislav Shurygina. What do you mean the resignation of Prime Minister Alexander Beard DNR and militia commander Igor Strelkov? What's behind them? This reformatting project, technical rotation, or, as some claim, a concession to Kiev and "flush" New Russia?
Alexei Anpilogov. Speaking about the change of a number of leaders, it is necessary to separate the two groups of resignations. One group - the so-called "local" leaders who were in fact affiliated with the previous government - with the uncrowned king of Donbass Rinat Akhmetov and his closest aides. Such as Valery wetlands that was in the past a personal driver Alexander Efremov - head of the Party of Regions parliamentary and local scale oligarch or Khodakovsky Alexander (real name - Prokhorov), a former officer of "Alpha" and approximate Akhmetov, who led at one time patriotic forces in the Donbas. And, speaking of the true story of the confrontation in the Donbas, you need to honestly say that the famous capture of the Security Service and the Donetsk regional administration on April 6 was actually inspired by local elites as the moment of a bargain with Kiev. However, quite unexpectedly, the initiators of the protest joined the masses. Efremov and Akhmetov very soon lost control of the uprising, got a lot of problems in the face of uncontrollable warlords that now have to deal.
Khodakovsky and swamps, being dependent on the one hand, from their former patrons, who initiated them as leaders of the resistance, and on the other hand - from his closest aides, whom they took in his surroundings, not much zamorachivayas their reputation and personal plans, but relying on their militias, many of whom later became simply earn one gang actually become hostages of the situation. As a result, they were forced to act within the scope of opportunities that they have all the time narrowed. Hence, all the inconsistent statements, for example, the same Bolotov.
Care of people - certainly a positive thing, because in this case the field is cleared for normal activity to establish the vertical of power in Lugansk (primarily military vertical).
Now, on the resignation of Beard and Light. Pay tribute to Igor Ivanovich: the arrival of his militia in early July in Donetsk, of course, broke the local oligarchs who plan putting Donbass under the slogan "Let's live together and that's enough of the war". Activities close-knit squad immediately entered into combat with punitive and destroyed the ground for negotiations for the surrender of the city.
But it was obvious that Igor Gunmen have "chosen" their ceiling control. Within a short period of the commander of the "special forces", he rose to the battalion commander, then to the commandant of the city's defense Sloviansk, then led the defense of the Donets Basin, having been appointed to the post of defense minister. But managing a squad and a battalion - a tactical level of command and control and command of the compound and the defense of the entire region - is another operational level already requires special education, experience and knowledge. Cargo which Gunmen lugging the last two months, was for him to be excessive. It was necessary to transfer the management of the professional staff of; this decision took place, and as we see today, it was the right decision.
By Alexander Boroday situation is somewhat different. His resignation - it's more of a "technical" point. Alexander Y. headed the government of Donbass in the most difficult time, and in fact served as a "crisis management", creating a government with a "zero". But during those months in New Russia popped a whole galaxy of young and talented organizers, and it was quite logical to pass the reins of control over it. A Boroday focused on issues that are supervised initially.
The challenge now is the centralization of military power and the formation of normal civil administration. Civil administration should control the police, the military prosecutor's office, emergency, firemen, emergency services, medicine. All services must operate under a single outbreak of the Civil Administration, which will have a certain immunity to command respect from the military and will be engaged in its main task - the protection and promotion of all the other needs of the civilian population. Also, the administration should be controlled through MOE distribution of humanitarian aid.
Vladislav Shurygina. It seems that we are witnessing a key moment in the development of the situation around Novorosii. Three-month continuous assault Donbass first punitive body, and then the whole army ended punitive military defeat of the forces of the Kiev junta, and it almost buries its plans to force "clean" Donbass. How do you assess the current moment?
Alexander Nagorny, a political scientist and executive secretary Izborsk club. Now everything is measured in days - even weeks, and days! What will happen in the next few days will determine future developments. The tactics chosen Kiev - namely massed heavy weapons in residential neighborhoods - was quite meaningful. One of the ideologists neobanderovskogo motion three months ago said that you need to clear the area as much as possible and to squeeze out from the Donbass Russian and caters for Russian people to settle in these lands as true patriots of Ukraine. Therefore, over the past two months was conducted organized bombardment of villages and cities of South-East, which aims to demoralize the population as much as possible and set it against the New Russia as the main source of their misery and suffering. In this sense, the concert, hosted by Kiev Slovyansk involving Makarevich, which was supposed to demonstrate that in the Slavic, Ukrainian troops taken, nobody shoots and there supposedly came the world. But his plans were broken Kiev military offensive army of New Russia. The second blow was quite a failure for President Poroshenko meeting with Vladimir Putin in Minsk. Despite the fact that from Poroshenko almost did not leave his curators of the European Union, especially Catherine Ashton, the meeting ended in a stalemate. Putin has not agreed to the proposal Ashton "to exchange" New Russia to restore "domaydannogo" status quo. Therefore Poroshenko broke and on his return to Kiev actually hysterical, accusing Russia of direct military intervention. Thus already more than modest results of the meeting in Minsk were completely disavowed.
Tactics in Kiev: the involvement of Moscow in a mode of negotiation that would reduce the scope of Russian support Novorossia - finally broke. But this does not mean that Kiev quietly accept the prospect of losing a military campaign. And even more foolish to believe that the United States to live with it. To reverse the situation, they used all the reserves in the first place - information. We see today in Russia, many of the media, including the federal TV channels have become articulate the same media scheme which produce for Kiev American spices. For example, the second federal channel repeats verbatim account of information on Ukrainian television news, which is especially noticeable in the night editions of RTR. This suggests that there is no information sovereignty Russia has the Kremlin really does not control the media, even those that are formally state. But his plans are thoroughly mixed in order Kiev military defeat which his army suffered in recent days. If the command can not be punitive in the next week to stabilize the front, the prospect of losing a military campaign, and the final release of New Russia from Ukraine will become a fait accompli.
Anatoly Hrulev, Lieutenant General, former commander of the 58th Army. Yes, we see impressive military successes of the army of New Russia. But it is very important to reap the benefits of those victories. You have to understand that we do not need a war for the sake of war. And it is very important to choose the right moment to initiate the negotiation process. By that Kiev will push the situation itself. It is clear that Ukraine is rapidly losing the opportunity to lead a military campaign in the future. Losses in men and equipment are enormous. Opportunities to replenish their meager. War of attrition finally kill the Ukrainian economy. And for the cold war potential of Ukraine finally usohnet. That's when it's time to offer negotiations. And absolutely not important their agenda. It is important to time the New Russia win to strengthen its statehood.
Negative thing I would say a certain anarchy continued resistance, breakdown into groups of varying sizes and weapons, "fortress" mentality, where each team keeps their city, their village, and does not want to move anywhere. Ukrainian command in the previous two months to discover and exploit the vulnerability vengeance hell - no maneuver. Accordingly, the punitive troops were constantly reconnaissance and once groped void immediately tried to drive a wedge there. Hopefully, now the situation is changing for the better - now resistance forces can not only defend, but also to advance.
Alexei BELOZERSK. I fully agree with Anatoly. All last week, Ukrainians were continuous reconnaissance and if groping slabozaschischёnny plot Donbass agglomeration, there immediately wedged battalion tactical groups, which, when detected, militias, called for artillery fire, after which came the tanks and then infantry. This tactic is "trickle" brought some success, and by mid-August the territory of New Russia was actually "cut" a few "chunks". Seemed punitive about to be able to cut the agglomeration. But this tactic played fascination with Kiev command cruel joke. Without revealing the time training militias to counter-attack, Kiev command actually drove his troops to "boilers" and militias have only to shut their lids. Today it's Denying these "boiler".
Based on the current situation, the main task of Lugansk and Donetsk - hold out until the end of September and beginning of October. In Poroshenko now - only one eastern front, where are concentrated (with the exception of a small group of Transnistria) about 80% of the ground forces of Ukraine. That is, they are completely tied to the Donbass. But when Poroshenko appear western, southern, northern fronts in addition to the eastern plus in Kiev punishers cease to feel calm, they will have to start the game in "Trishkin kaftan", endlessly throwing from place to place troops, which can not but affect their moral spirit and capability. This is precisely the situation and. Necessary preparation is underway. Time gap - up to a month.
In addition, the communication and in the rear of the enemy more and more successfully operate guerrillas and reconnaissance and sabotage groups Novorossia. Thus, a complete surprise to the punitive battalion "Aydar" outputted to replenish the rear, was a recent raid attack militias. Battalion lost up to 60 people.
Sergei Ivanov. From a military point of view, the immediate task for the upcoming group Army of New Russia should be the destruction of the main threats to the advancing troops - artillery APU. This will at times reduce the combat capabilities of the enemy and at the same time to protect the civilian population from extinction. Here, the main role is played by intelligence, which should reveal the areas of concentration, firing positions, the positions of the covering forces. Second important task is to coordinate the actions of a single plan, and with a common goal. In simple terms, it is more simultaneous and divergent strikes aimed at outposts on emplacements and the rear of the enemy with the purpose to mislead him and disorganize its resistance. Destruction of artillery APU not only equilibrate combat capabilities of the warring factions, but also give the army Novorossia maximum benefits.
Alexei Anpilogov. Speaking about the prospects of the moment, it should be noted that Poroshenko trying to negotiate with Moscow, not perceiving the militia as an independent political force. It's a trap for both Moscow and New Russia. That is, contacting exclusively with Moscow Poroshenko, on the one hand, trying to show the world that Russia commands and controls military operations in the Donbass, and on the other - eliminates the militias from the political process, trying to depict them as terrorists, separatists. Diplomatic goal of Kiev - to put New Russia as a puppet, which is fully controlled from Moscow.
Here we need to clearly define the position that Moscow could influence the militia, but the New Russia - a self-sufficient force, which has its political goals in Ukraine. And these goals are clear: denazification whole country, to exclude a repetition Maidan scenario, non-aligned status of the country and focus on Russia, without which Novorossia easily turn into something like the Gaza Strip.
Vladislav Shurygina. Colleagues, in conclusion, what, in your opinion, are the immediate tasks facing the military commanders and the political leadership of New Russia?
Alexander NAGORNO. Plans of Kiev, which existed in the minds of "svidomye" leaders at the beginning of the war went much further than just to control the Donbas and destroy the New Russia. There's seriously considering the prospect of the spread of hostilities in Russia through a terrorist and guerrilla activities. Kiev devised a plan to force the return of the Crimea and the destabilization of the border regions of Russia and Ukraine, but these plans were destroyed by the military successes of the army of New Russia. But we can not rest on our laurels. It is necessary to build on the success. Necessary to form a situation in which to Donetsk and Lugansk will join other areas of New Russia.
Alexei Anpilogov. In my opinion, urgent task today the deployment of special propaganda machine aimed at Ukraine. Unfortunately, this issue has been completely missed by us. Russian television on the whole territory of Ukraine is disabled, and the Ukrainians simply do not understand that there is a civil war. In the heads of many Ukrainian citizens and soldiers hammered lie that Russia invaded Ukraine and directs it against fighting.
Who should initiate social protests, support antiwar protests and use increasingly repressive social stratification. We need to implement the promotion of refugees who came into a hostile environment of western and central Ukraine, which they did not accept and integrate into their environment. We must make efforts to deepen the contradictions between the clans of the Ukrainian oligarchs, sitting in a shrinking pie resources of the country to their resources, including information, go against each other and not against the Donbass.
In the context of a full blockade of Russian TV channels and limited access of the Ukrainian population, especially the older generation, the Internet becomes particularly relevant deployment of radio stations broadcasting in Ukraine. Today, unfortunately, such is not there. This issue needs to be addressed.
Sergei Ivanov. Yes, the government of New Russia in modern conditions are paying too little attention to information impact on the population of Ukraine, which is 24 hours a day exposed to Kiev propaganda and does not own the situation in full. Use of the information war during the offensive will be one of the main objectives to enhance the local population to fight the regime.
At a time when the fighting will spread to the entire territory of Donbass, punishers will be unable to fend off all courses of action offshore units, which means that they have to mobilize or another, which is very problematic in view of the lack of military equipment, resources, money and moral fortitude military, or retreat that is like death, or to seek a peaceful solution through negotiations.
Vladislav Shurygina. I think we should strive for a truce on advantageous terms for us. Martial law in Kiev - the most depressing four months of the war - and no real victories. Even a major achievement, taking Sloviansk, was not the result of a successful military operation, but merely a consequence of the withdrawal of militias in Donetsk. Punishers bear huge losses, and Ukraine is increasingly slipping into a military crisis - it is impossible to continue fighting on high intensity. This stalemate for Kiev.
Formed a unique setting for enforcement of Kiev to the world. To do this, you must vigorously to complete military reform, to finally form an army of defense Novorossia and apply punitive over the next month or two massive defeat.
Central News Agency Novorossia

Situation on all fronts, is still favorable for the army of New Russia, continuing anguish ukrofashistov boilers, skillfully organized militias. More and more cities and small towns back into the hands of self-defense fighters finally civilians are at least a little rest from the horror and atrocities occupiers.

Lugansk HP plans to soon take control of the city of happiness. A small town about two months belongs to the Nazis, however, the army headquarters LC declares that the situation will change soon. Happiness is located not so far from Lugansk, so it is a very important object, akin to strategic. On management forecasts Liberation Army, no more than two days must be militias to advance to the locality.

On the lands of Donetsk HP, the forces of resistance continue to produce one victory after another. However, the occupants do not leave without a trace. A huge number of gifts from Poroshenko is on the ground in Donetsk and the surrounding area. We are talking about unexploded mines, grenades and shells. At the moment is able to detect and eliminate more than 1,600 mines mortars, 1603 live mines, more than a thousand rounds of artillery of various calibers, as well as about three hundred missiles and rocket launchers 10778 (!) Grenades. So far, the shelling of the city continues, emphasize yet!

Themselves fascists still try all means to leave educated boilers. Today battalion "Kievan Rus" was surrounded by silence command did not allow them to move from their positions. After a few hours 'anxious' expectations, yet the order came. The unit commander did not want to make their own decisions, to the militants was not considered deserters.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Militias Donetsk People's Republic tonight, September 4, after preparation, finally started the long-awaited release of Mariupol.

- The fight is in the neighborhood of East. Very powerful explosions. The population was evacuated to shelters prepared - eyewitnesses.

According to them, on the part of the city is Novoazovsk convoy of several dozen tanks on the outskirts of the city itself and burning armored vehicles. Supporters of the junta hastily leave Mariupol.

On the eve of the militia declared completely surrounded Mariupol. At the headquarters of the People's Self-Defense said that militias took control of the main roads leading into the city, and cut off the part of the Ukrainian military to the main supply routes.

Earlier militia DNR said the destruction of Ukrainian rocket complex "Tochka-U". Also, representatives of DNR announced the capture of several strategic towns near Mariupol.

Day of Ukrainian troops made an unsuccessful attempt to break through the ring around the blocked militias Mariupol and escape from the city, but had been destroyed.

Punitive battalion commander of special forces "Azov" A. Bilyatsky, in turn, said the victims of Ukrainian security forces and accused the Ukrainian command failure to render fire support battalion:
"Thank generals have promised two o'clock artillery fire accurate fire, but did nothing. Destroyed all our meager equipment. There are "two hundred." Worked through dense fire gunner traitors. "
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Map of hostilities. 05.09.2014g

edit add :

MARIUPOL, September 05. /ITAR-TASS/. Representatives of self-defense forces from the southeast of Ukraine have liquidated a central block post of the Ukrainian army near a road leading to Mariupol, onlookers told ITAR-TASS. The so-called "Azov" formation of volunteers has suffered losses and had to retreat to the city.

Over the past 24 hours the Ukrainian law enforces have lost around 50 servicemen killed near Mariupol, said a source from the command headquarters of the self-defense forces. Four armored carriers, eleven trucks and a gasoline depot belonging to the Ukrainian law enforces have been liquidated, it said.


Edited by John Dolva
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