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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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LUHANSK, September 05. /ITAR-TASS/. Life is slowing coming back to normal in Luhanks after the Ukrainian law enforcers retreated from the main city on the self-proclaimed Luhansk territory.

Educational establishments have resumed work on September 1 when a new school year began. Local educational establishments are staffed to 60% on the average. Local institutes, provided with electric power generators, no longer fear power cuts-off.

Around 2,700 graduates of local schools are planning to continue education at local institutes which survived artillery attacks. All the applicants have been guaranteed budgetary support.

A local newspaper - The 21st Century, has been published despite the absence of modern communication facilities. The newspaper remains the only source of information for many in Luhansk. Radio broadcasts have been recently resumed to Luhansk on the FM frequency band, the newspaper said.

Public transport has resumed passenger service free of charge. Free meals will be served soon at city canteens.

Workers have been enrolled in construction teams to restore the heavily damaged city.

All the hospitals and maternity houses in the city have resumed work in the city; the dental services are available round the clock. The Pension Fund is ready to resume payments; retired teachers are the first to get pension allowances.

Meanwhile, fighting between the self-defense forces of self-proclaimed Luhansk territory and Ukrainian law enforcers continues north of Luhansk. On September 1 spokesman for the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Andrei Lysenko said that the Ukrainian law enforcers had retreated from Luhansk airport.

Friday, September 5
06:11 GMT:

Artillery fire can be heard on the outskirts of the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk, reports RIA Novosti. Kiev troops are shelling residential areas, while self-defense forces are attacking the city airport where the Ukrainian soldiers have camped.

Earlier, one resident was killed in the fire. The shells also hit the buildings of local school and planetarium.

Thursday, September 4
23:41 GMT:

OSCE observers reported heavy fighting around Mariupol in eastern Ukraine, following their visit to the area.

“The situation in Mariupol and the surrounding area raises concern due to increased military activity, primarily to the east of Mariupol city,” the latest OSCE report said.

The observer mission said there was heavy fighting in Shirokino (24km east of Mariupol city) and Bezimenne (34km east of Mariupol city), with casualties reported.

Burning fields were spotted by the OSCE on both sides of the road leading to Shirokino. The electric power station was also destroyed and the village was left without electricity.

“Local residents are nervous and fear that Mariupol may be attacked soon,” the report stated.

22:07 GMT:

US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has promised further support for Ukraine’s military action during the meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Valeriy Galetey, on the sidelines of the NATO summit.

“Hagel today praised the actions of the Ukrainian armed forces in their current engagements in eastern Ukraine and pledged continued US support for their efforts,” Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said in a statement.

The city of Donetsk not only faces a threat from the sky, with bombs and shells fired by Kiev troops, but also from the ground, from thousands of unexploded shells. RT Paula Slier followed local sappers as they deactivated the deadly weapons.

“About 10 percent of the missiles that we discover on the ground are unexploded,” one of the sappers working in Donetsk told RT.

RT’s Paula Slier reported that one of the unexploded shells hit a gas pipe, adding that one can actually smell gas in the area.

Together with the sappers, Slier headed to the outskirts of the city where massive shelling was reported earlier.

“This whole village has been shelled by grads [rockets]. And there is one that didn't explode. It didn't detonate,” said the sapper.

According another sapper, looking for unexploded shells is a very complicated job as they can’t always say “about the consequences because [they] don't know what kind of missile [they] are looking for.”

“We can't see it. The only thing we can see is the entry point,” he added. “We need to make sure that the missile exploded. We are always checking, taking out the shrapnel and little parts of the missile.”

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Kiev's troops were in the Southeast crushing defeat. This is not the victory of militia in the war, but a guarantee that war will not be played Novorossia. The junta still able to resist. At a minimum the right approach, it can stabilize the front and prolong the war indefinitely, forcing the militia to bleed and to agree to a compromise peace. All this is possible in theory, but is it possible in reality?

The fact that the junta's troops even after the destruction of the "boiler" will still have a twofold advantage in manpower and technology, speaks militia. Mobilization allow Kiev to form some reserves. Of course, millions and even hundreds of thousands (as the Nazis dream) will not be able to mobilize. But ten thousand to twenty-junta can even volunteer to dial, and if they are diluted more than forty thousand recruits, it will be possible not only to fully compensate for the loss, but also slightly increase the number of troops. The situation in the north, where the junta a week earlier than in the south, has exhausted the potential impact and the time has passed to the defense shows that even a hastily prepared defense militia overcomes slow, with losses and not without difficulty (the collapse of the northern front of the junta not occurred at at least not yet).
Therefore, if the time delay troops to advance the defensive, even existing forces (without reinforcement) junta should be enough to keep a solid defense. In the rear, it can cook a powerful reserves for a new offensive. It certainly can not be the best, since the militia will increase their strength, but is able to show that the situation at the front has reached a strategic impasse and encourage compromise agreement.
Thus, the technical ability to draw information from the junta party is. And whether there is political? Policy options to fight properly in the junta are not available, I am sure.
Let me remind you that a compromise on the basis of the federalization of the Russian president offered Kiev back in March. We all know the junta, and Putin knows it is not worse (in March and knew who he was dealing). It was clear that the federalization of neutrality, a compromise with the South-East - a word that can be uttered Kiev, but be followed diametrically opposite action. We ask the question: Is the Russian leader was asking for a deception that would allow anti-Russian Nazi junta in Kiev strengthened? Very doubtful. And if you did not ask, then, was confident that his peace proposals will not be accepted. Junta already could not maneuver, saving power, fight and win competently.
Junta - a victim of its own propaganda. Group support it in Ukrainian society absolutely sure that:
1 In Ukraine there are no fascists - entirely Democrats, who won the bloody regime of Yanukovych, relying on the bandits and the fifth column, hired by the Kremlin.
2 Because the bandits and the fifth column may not be much, Ukrainian society is consolidated, and against the people's authorities are just pathetic little groups of individual renegades money treason.
3 In the DNI and LC such renegades significantly more dysfunctional as the region - there are more bandits and Russia closer, but overall its population wants to wear embroidered, sing the national anthem, jump, proving that not Muscovites, and under the guidance of the Galician ideologues integrate into Europe under the Nazi-collaborationist banners.
4 Suppress bandits and fifth column can be purely police methods, and only with the help of the army can not only terrorists Donbass two hours drive for Mozhaev, but the Russian army to crush and release the Crimea.
People really believe in all of this, we are sure that in Russia people brought to despair of Putin's rule and yearns for example more westernized Ukrainians enter the maidan, to overthrow the government and pave the way to a happy European future. Note that this - the position of moderate sections of society, people who consider themselves tolerant and intelligent. And there is still the Nazi vanguard aware of the leading role played by them in an armed coup in February was significantly replenished its ranks young outcasts, who also wanted to be cool all the guys with guns, dictating its will to all - from the local policeman to the Supreme Council.
Activists, creating a base of support of the junta (from "advanced" to a mere journalist thriller), convinced that only a fast and effective offensive - the solution to all problems Ukrainian. They can not be in this dissuade otherwise cease to operate their main hallucinogen, which allows to focus not see a sharp deterioration in the general political and socio-economic situation in the country and hope for a speedy solution of all problems with the support and under the protection of the EU and the United States. Recognition of the inability of the junta to win leads to degradation of its base of support, including demoralization and collapse of the army junta, the most ideologically motivated and its parts. There is nothing worse in the postulates of frustration, he believed in unconditionally.
Thus, the junta can not start a timely withdrawal of the troops from the front and the occupation of their pre-arranged rear defensive positions under threat of collapse of the front itself. Must take into account the fact that moving ahead not only boosts the morale of the militia, but also increases the threat of rebellion in the rear of the junta. In addition, releasing new regions Novorossia own militia increases mobilization potential.
The conclusion is that, contrary to the logic of the junta will try to keep the available positions, and even try to go on the offensive again. Untrained reserves will rush into battle with the wheels and the front parts of the Kiev government will require to hold the positions at any price, dooming them to the new "boilers".
In these circumstances, it would not be surprising if a disaster Kiev troops in New Russia will grow.
Official Kiev has already come up with an explanation of the causes of the disaster - the invasion of Russia. However, since March, the junta has more than ten times screaming "wolves", and now we need to explain what happened to the previous nine "intrusion." Version of the Russian invasion may stabilize only for a limited time, because almost immediately the question arises, why not declare war Kiev "aggressor"? The result would be the version of external aggression to the junta still losing more than the recognition of real losses from the militia. If incompetent command Poroshenko-Geletey neo-Nazi public put up, because it believed that the overwhelming numerical and technical superiority of the militia will win even mediocrity, the war with Russia (even virtual) require adequate command. And most importantly, the supreme commander must be real Führer ("leader of the nation"), who believe the Nazis.
Thus, the junta can not adequately respond to events on the front under the threat of domestic shocks, but the new defeat of the army caused by inadequate performance of command, leading to further destabilization in the rear. Demands resignation Geletey generals and staff, as well as the impeachment Poroshenko already heard in Kiev.
In fact, remains unresolved, only one question: what comes first - the army junta troops Novorossia will finish and will come to Kiev, or neo-Nazis toppled Poroshenko and install the blatant Nazi dictatorship with brutal terror against all political opponents, or even just suspected of insufficient loyalty?
Currently there are more than likely the second option. Firstly, the Nazis are ready to start a revolution, and secondly, the revolution is now satisfied and the EU, which is easy to explain the rejection of the continued support of Kiev that "democrats" in power changed the Nazis, and even the United States, which also has time to think, as go to Ukraine. Third, the army Novorossia still not rubber, and can not at the same time to advance on all fronts, to protect their stretching communication and leave garrisons in the liberated cities. Operational pause may be needed before the liberation of Kharkov and Odessa, and after the release of such large cities and expanse of it is exactly necessary. Meanwhile, for Poroshenko every day - as the last. Each host of the city taken, each team the defeated armed forces of Ukraine, every destroyed territorial defense battalion - the nail in the coffin of his. Power in Kiev shows its weakness Nazis, cultists force. The weaker the government, the greater the desire and objective need to replace it with the Nazis on strong. But candidates Fuhrer Nazis enough.
However, the next revolution will not save on the final defeat of the Nazis, did not postpone it. He just would deprive the European game "compromise" last hope, and finally untie the hands of Russia and the militia in question finishing the fascist beast in its own lair. If the Nazis were overthrown Poroshenko, the United States will have to forget about Ukraine and silent, and Europe to take, they give (eg, Galicia), humbly thank and bow low.
However, I have always said that Ukrainian Nazis, if they are ever to come to power, will perform for the Russian work on the elimination of the Ukrainian state and the consolidation of the Russian world, which the Russian government stubbornly refused to engage up to 2013.

Central News Agency Novorossia

"Paul Shulzhenok
August 23, 2014 at 14:54

This is a war between two different worlds, the boundary of which was held in the living tissue of the Russian people by making some "Ukrainians" and other - non-Ukrainians. These worlds are not quite clearly coincide with the political and ethnic boundaries. This global confrontation people of the land and the people of Heaven.

New Russia fights for the sky. Not all, not all Novoross aware of this: someone taking revenge for relatives killed "Ukrainians", someone does not want to turn from Russian in "Ukrainian", someone is fighting for a better lot, someone wants to be land called Russia. And some can not explain, but I feel in my heart that must fight. But everyone, regardless of their beliefs, stood on the side of Heaven. Therefore, over the heads of their banners fluttered Saviour Not Made by Hands. And if the "Ukrainian" will tell you that his unnatural stitched for profit "Ukraine" above all else, Novoross crossed himself. That's the whole point.

"Ukrainians" ruthlessly shot of the city not only Ukrainians, on the grounds that non-Ukrainians living is not allowed to live "in Ukraine." And then the man with the ice through the eyes of grief out of their cities and avenge their pockets, for their wives, mothers and children who die for the right not to be "Ukrainian". This is the militia.

Many, it is clear that to be a "Ukrainian", this product of the secular, the animal world, it is much worse than death itself. Ukrainians - disease, dangerous, scary and incompatible not only with Christianity, but with the title of the person. Mixed with the envy and hatred of his brothers, at the devil's pride, with mixed with slavish cowardice, it leaves no room for anything spiritual. It kills a Russian man all the gifts that so generously gave his Lord, turning to the Russian being limited and miserable, called "Ukrainian". Indeed, "ukraine" - a devilish mockery over Russia. And it has no place under the sun.

As to the participation of Russians. We are there, but who would we be if left without the protection of our brothers, and it is better to say - our Russian people, in the face of such a threat? We did not start this war, we do not want it. And now we are a minority. We are fighting not for Putin, we do not even know what he really wants. We fight for Russian Sky, for the right to be a Christian and a man for every Russian. As to the state borders, I would say only one thing: "Ukraine" has lost the right not only to have boundaries, but also to exist on earth.

And in the "Ukrainians", who have not lost the ability to think, I can only say one thing: Russian, wake up.

Paul Shulzhenok
September 2, 2014 at 20:37

The Imperial Guard

In New Russia, I saw people that in a normal, peaceful life you can not face. They do not exist therein, they can exist only where the war of the flame and death. About those trying to make movies and write books, but not in the movies or in books, as a rule, fail to re-create this vivid and real image, which met me.

Imperial Guard of New Russia. This is not a unit, it is not a separate organization. This is the type of fighter who will bring Novorossia victory. Type of fighter that arose during the war, which arose not from scratch, but now manifested, came out of hibernation peaceful life as awakened fire salamander.

This uncle. Not young, not athletic. Often lean, but sometimes in the body. In any case is not similar to Rambo or Schwarz. Moves carelessly and with a flourish, in the movements of several decoupled. Outfitted in an old and hackneyed, drenched family sweats, savoring this specific sour scent, what always smell CSKA. But not messy, always smart and filled where necessary, and one of its kind held in the order.

Tanned face, and even more - if prokopchёnnoe why the skin on it is rough and dark, like a tanned, dotted with wrinkles and scars, often with a large toporschascheysya bristles.

On the face of it just brighten teeth and eyes. The eyes are very tenacious, attentive, ruthlessly evaluating. Eye guard constantly scans his surroundings, identifying any possible threat. In any situation, even in the most peaceful, this look will cling and evaluate, including you. Unaccustomed to such a view can be at ease, waiting for some kind of aggression, but then you get used to, as a clanging gate of greeting. So here it is accepted among those who survive.

Growling voice, speaks quickly and on edge. Smeshliv and cheerful, though his eyes are not laughing. They always have their own task.

In general, the overall impression of this man when you see him, such as if it goes through the Fiery flames and it lost all weak and tender, leaving only a force, vitality and desire, which were by nature. The essence of the warrior, vaporized in the fire. From it a dark and dusty from it strong like a steel skeleton.

It does not seem immortal, no, he sees a familiar person to die. Death for him was something of a ritual. With a smile, cursing through clenched teeth, and can, repeating the prayer he dies again and again and returned with a respawn point. You look at this and think, already 50 times spawn. He was not scared, just sometimes get tired. Not for long.

Ideologically, it is simple. Higher matters and does not think such reasoning does not like. He grabs the eyes of the environment most importantly, friend or foe, is dangerous-not dangerous. And ideas. In my head guards are easy, are not equipped with a complex argument, based on the limited set of reliable axioms such equipment. If the arguments are rotten, guardsman understand quickly, without going, grasping, what leads.

A weapon - a single song. With him it is, with a lot of it. And before dormant, though it grows to a guardsman, hitting him in the arm. It is integrated so that it is not separate it from the master: he guardsman becomes stronger, it dramatically increases the efficiency, but its trunk - it is itself the Guard. And the beat just as easily and accurately as beat hand accustomed to fight the guys.

Here he finished his cigarette, throw away and easily fly in armored personnel carriers, wag his hand. And will go to win. He does not know how anything else except how to win. He wins. "

Andrew Rumin,
Central News Agency Novorossia


Junta did not win this war, because ...

"In order to predict the outcome of the war, you have to weigh her family calculations, that is, to analyze the characteristics of the warring parties, performing seven comparisons that would give answers to seven questions.

• Who has the sovereigns Path (ie, is highly respected by his people)?
• Who are the warlords has talents and qualities Leader?
• Which of the parties will be able to make better use of Heaven and Earth (weather and site conditions)?
• On which side is better to execute the law (ie, rules, orders and commands)?
• Who better armed army?
• Who better trained commanders and soldiers?
• Who has the right (strictly and impartially) reward and punish?

PS 5 and 6 points in the junta were, but irretrievably lost. "

Sun Tzu,
Central News Agency Novorossia


After the victory of the armies of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics Ukrainian Nazis still be years to catch on around the world. To the Committee of Social Communication (CSC) said DNR researcher at the Institute for European Studies (Belgrade, Serbia) Stevan Gayich.

"Unfortunately, the so-called" international community "can not be relied on in a matter of fairness. By and large, it has never been possible, but, in contrast to today, before there was a system of international rules. System of international relations, which was built in Yalta and Potsdam at the end of the Second World War, collapsed in 1999, when NATO without the approval of the UN Security Council violated the principle of the inviolability of international borders by force to change the borders of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and occupied Kosovo. Then the system of international justice was powerless, "- said Gayich.

He added that the example of the complete failure of justice in the Hague Tribunal, controversial since its foundation, has shown that "the international truth - a category of relativity."

"The problem is not that out of all sides of the Yugoslav war-90s, which had its representatives in the prison in Scheveningen, the vast majority - the Serbs. The problem is the very essence of the colonial system. The mandate of the Tribunal was as follows: the responsibility to approve and convict those responsible for war crimes in Yugoslavia in the 90-ies of XX century. But the tribunal never really kept his proclaimed the same principle. Despite a lot of evidence that the alleged perpetrators are the highest officials of the Alliance, such as Wesley Clark and Javier Solana, or government officials, for example, Bill Clinton, Richard Holbrooke, Robin Cook and Madeleine Albright, they never were in place of the accused. Now any reasonable person would say to me: "Yes, what are you talking about? President of the United States put in the dock of the Hague Tribunal ?!. " My answer is unequivocal - yes, if the principles are the same for all, as the Tribunal, then the principle should act on all those who could potentially be responsible for war crimes. If on the bench there was one president of a sovereign state - Slobodan Milosevic, so why could not there be another? But the fact that the system is designed in a colonial way: Yugoslavs let it sit and be judged, and supermen of Washington, Brussels and The Hague, even directly involved in the conflict to a conflict do not have any, including - legal relations. That's the essence of the whole of colonialism and Orientalism, which is in The Hague, was exactly the same as in South Africa, India or Indonesia 100 years ago ", - says Gayich.

According to him, the system of international justice collapsed in 1999, and now the world is in the international legal vacuum.

"Until the legal validity of much more water Dnieper utechёt. So if you ever will judge those who have committed war crimes in the Donbas, it will happen in court of the Russian Federation, DNR, New Russia or some other structure, depending on the final outcome of the war. But such courts as the Hague Tribunal, in the current architecture of international relations will not have nothing to do with the restoration of justice for the victims and relatives of victims of war crimes committed in the territory, which are also called Ukraine. Most likely, after the victory of the DNI and LC criminals will be caught over the years, as well as the state of Israel until today catches the Nazis around the world "- sums up the expert.

Central News Agency Novorossia


After the announcement that the ceasefire protocol signed by the participants of the Minsk meeting continued negotiations. The main issue - the ceasefire - was resolved, but in addition to this item on the agenda were some others. For example, the People's Republic insist that you must somehow cope with the effects of a humanitarian catastrophe. In addition, the necessary security guarantees of citizens' lives, as well as early elections in the country. Discussion and exchange of prisoners of war according to the principle "all for all", and many other issues, reports NTV Harry Knyagnitsky.

Heidi Tagliavini, the OSCE representative: "We have just signed a protocol, which consists of 12 items, but the most important of these points - is an immediate ceasefire, which should begin today at 18 pm Minsk time."

The leaders of Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics also stress the importance of the cease-fire, but they made it clear enough that the People's Republic is not going to stop politically. They still remained their political demands.

Igor Plotnikov, Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Lugansk: "We are ready at 18:00 Kyiv time to cease fire. But this does not mean that the policy of disconnection somehow finished. No. It is a forced measure to a united people stopped bloodshed. "

Alexander Zaharchenko, Prime Minister of People's Republic of Donetsk: "The cease-fire will allow us to save the lives of not only civilians, and save the lives of those people who are up in arms to defend their ideals, their goals and their objectives."

Today's meeting in Minsk - this is not the first attempt to reach agreement on a cease-fire. The first round was held on Monday. Then agree to anything failed. But then, two days later, had a telephone conversation Poroshenko with Vladimir Putin. Russian President announced seven points, the implementation of which, in his opinion, it is necessary to ensure that there is peace in the Donbas. Putin's plan includes a withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the cities of the Donbas, the cessation of bombing from the air, the opening of humanitarian corridors, the exchange of prisoners. And in many ways the same as the position of the militia with the thesis that the voice of Vladimir Putin.

Central News Agency Novorossia


For the last night, fighting in the Donbas did not abate for a minute. Militias continued active attack, which still brings them one victory after another.

During nighttime accidents, the occupants have lost a large number of fighters of various armored vehicles and guns: mortar, four armored personnel carriers, about a dozen machines that security forces used as a transport for infantry. In addition, the Army managed to capture Novorossia mortar and car. Defenders of Donbass they are clearly more important than the fascist invaders.

Army Headquarters Donetsk HP reported that the shooting and explosions of shells continued in the area of ​​Donetsk airport, as a result of deliberate action suffered losses fascists blocked on the site. Thus, the failure of Ukraine retired security officials a dozen soldiers also managed to destroy the complex calculation of "Tochka-U" and a few mortars.

There is evidence that near the settlement of the North, which is located in the Donetsk region, managed to defeat enemy armored column, according to rough estimates, this outing took the lives of forty-occupiers.

Clear action militia units helped to take control of the southern direction from six small settlements.

Not far from the Red Derkul, militia was seen a small column of the Nazis, which, as it turns out, is approached ammunition. After detection, self-defense fighters joined the battle in the end, they managed to destroy the armored personnel carrier, three vehicles with high cross, as well as two truckloads of artillery ammunition. At least two dozen militants Army of Ukraine were wounded and killed.

Artillery fire allowed to undermine the fuel depot, two armored personnel carriers, about five car occupants in the area of ​​happiness and Vasilievka.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


4th of this month has been successfully carried out an operation army units Lugansk HP. During the full-scale offensive, the militia came to the village Vergunka. As a result of the fighting, the militants of the junta were forced to leave their positions, hit the defenders of their native land did not allow the fascists to take equipment and ammunition, which naturally went to the militia.

Settlement is located on a hill, this strategic height used for the conduct of the invaders shelling Lugansk. Within a few months, large-caliber guns shots were heard over Vergunkoy, shells drifted to the center of Lugansk, we know that it is from these positions were held and the August attacks, because of which killed more than two dozen civilians.

According to the army headquarters Lugansk HP and themselves fighters town completely stripped, a division of the invaders left the Vergunki. Siloviki Novorossia army decided to destroy some of the found ammunition, and did so on the spot.

Carpenter Igor - Head of Luhansk HP today announced that the neighborhood and the village itself Metalist, as well as Vergunka released from security forces army Ukrainy.Po eyewitnesses,
units under the pressure of the resistance forces were forced to withdraw to the north. On the territory of Metalist died two months ago, journalists from Russia - Igor Voloshin Korneliouk Anton. In addition, the head of the People's Republic of Lugansk in the coming days will be relieved city Happiness.

It always has been, nobody has been able to break the Russian, as it was before, it happened now and always will be!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Assault force entered the militia districts Talakovka and Sartana. It's a little bit away from the East neighborhood, where there are fights between the militia and security forces, so was able to freely enter the detachment in Mariupol. Also militia succeeded in driving the security forces from the neighborhood to the east to the area of ​​the brewery and the Left Bank. Now the battle continues, despite the promise of both sides to cease fire.

Summary of ITAR-TASS

08.26 Unexploded ordnance for multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) "Hurricane" and "Grad" found in the border with Ukraine district of Rostov region. It is reported by the Department for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations in the region.
10.30 The Ukrainian side inhibits the beginning of the contact group of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE in Ukraine. This was stated by State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin met with Chairman of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Ilkka Kanerva.
10.34 Units militia destroyed Ukrainian security forces checkpoint, located at the entrance to Mariupol. Itar-Tass reported by eyewitnesses.
11.20 Russia counts on the support of the OSCE and its Parliamentary Assembly of the peace plan, Russian President Vladimir Putin to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. This was stated by State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin met with Chairman of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Ilkka Kanerva.
11.22 Interests of Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics at a meeting of the contact group to resolve the situation in Ukraine in Minsk will represent Prime Minister Alexander Zaharchenko DNI and the head of Igor LC Carpenter, told ITAR-TASS First Deputy Prime Minister Andriy Purgin DNR.
12.43 The first meeting of the contact group of the Parliamentary Assembly (PA) in Ukraine may take place in a month, expects to OSCE PA Chairman Ilkka Kanerva.
13.15 Representatives of Russia and the Ukraine hope that following the meeting in Minsk contact group will be able to sign a document.
13.56 Meeting of the Contact Group on Ukraine started in the capital of Belarus.
14.02 The government proclaimed the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics presented its peace plan, which involves not only the cessation of hostilities in the east of Ukraine, but also a ban on flights of military aircraft over the territory of Donbass. On Friday the agency reported "New Russia."
15.09 Georgia will send to Ukraine the first batch of humanitarian aid worth more than $ 1 million lari (about 580 thousand. Dollars), according to the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Protection of the country David Sergienko.
16.18 Members of the Contact Group in Ukraine was signed in Minsk peace plan in the south-east of the country of 12 points - officially. The cease-fire announced between 18:00 Friday, September 5.
16.26 The Government of Ukraine on Friday to review and approve the draft resettlement of the Ukrainian-Russian border, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, speaking at a meeting of the Cabinet.
16.37 President Poroshenko ordered the Chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to cease fire starting from 18:00 local time on September 5. It is reported in Friday's press service of the Ukrainian state.
16.45 NATO exercises in Ukraine until the end of 2014 will inevitably increase tensions. This was stated by the Foreign Ministry.
16.48 militia proclaimed the People's Republic of Donetsk (DNI) entered the Mariupol, in the city there is a fight. This was reported by witnesses from the scene.
17.06 No official orders ceasefire in the Ministry of Defence of People's Republic of Donetsk has not yet been reported. Itar-Tass said the representative of the Defense Ministry of the Republic.
17.17 At a meeting of the contact group in Minsk sides are preparing a detailed memorandum on the agreements reached on the ceasefire and armistice. Itar-Tass reported a source in the Donetsk proclaimed the People's Republic.
17.38 Poroshenko promises to grant amnesty to all those affected by the peace plan of settlement in the south-east.
17.44 Fighting in the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics "as of now" suspended. ITAR-TASS news agency said a senior source in the People's Republic of Donetsk.
17.49 Ukraine is ready to "extraordinary" steps to decentralization in some areas of the Donbas. This was in Newport, said the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
17.51 ​​The head of the Duma Committee on International Affairs Alexei Pushkov believes that an armed confrontation in Ukraine came to an end.
17.56 We militias Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic in captivity are more than a thousand Ukrainian soldiers. ITAR-TASS news agency quoted a source in the Ministry of Defence of People's Republic of Donetsk. "We have captured only approximate estimates Ukrainian troops over a thousand. According to our estimates, Ukraine our militia less than about 200, "- said the agency interlocutor.
18.25 Former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma said that the first consignment of humanitarian aid to the south-east of Ukraine to pass on Saturday
18.28 The Contact Group on Ukraine agreed on three issues, including a ceasefire, the withdrawal of troops and the exchange of prisoners. Itar-Tass reported by the OSCE.
18.42 The future status of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics at a meeting of the contact group in Minsk was not discussed, the prime minister said Igor LC Carpenter.
18.47 The total amount of assistance provided by the United States Armed Forces, the Border Guard Service of Ukraine and the National Guard, is $ 60 million.
19.12 The Ukrainian authorities and the leadership of Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic plans to spend September 8 webcast, which will discuss the issues of prisoner exchanges, ITAR-TASS reported a source close to the meeting of the contact group on Ukraine in Minsk.
19.45 Donetsk can stay in winter without central heating, and on the restoration of the city would require huge funds. This was reported in the daily report of the OSCE observers for September 4, with reference to a conversation with the mayor of Donetsk Alexander Lukyanchenko, which took place in Kiev.

Summary of the militia (social networking)

- In the DNI in Khartsyzk when patrolling the city commandant tion company, received a call from a resident of the city. Woman reported that on his garden plot she found ammunition, was also in close digital radio station tyurator and the food. As a result of this subversive group was detained Ukrainian executioners.
- Minsk ceasefire agreement will be respected, but it is void, if you hear a single shot from Kiev.
- The militia destroyed the mortar battery and 30 armored vehicles. In the area of ​​the village Water militia managed to destroy the mortar battery and a few cars were transporting munitions. According to operational reports, in the village at the time of the attack were located more than 200 mercenaries. Of them were killed at least 47 people. Also militia near the village Bahmutovka under artillery fire hit a large number of Ukrainian armored vehicles. As a result artudara destroyed 29 armored vehicles. Another APC militia shot down at the checkpoint under Zhdanovka.
- On the streets of Mariupol observed movement of Ukrainian military equipment. 10-35 - at the coke plant Ukrainian punishers prepare a trap for the army of New Russia. Ukrami mined warehouse with liquid chlorine at the treatment of Mariupol (with. Shliakh Ilyich), in the same building on the workers was seen gun. Were also seen snipers on the PBX 24 and GIPROMEZ. Ukrainian punishers system RZSO placed in residential areas, thus hiding behind the civilian population as a human shield /
- During the night of 4 to 5 September Ukrainian troops continued to retreat from their positions earlier. At the direction of Donetsk enemy to regroup and pulled up reserves.
- As a result of successful ambush actions Army intelligence group DNI near the village of Red Derkul defeated punitive column which transported ammunition and personnel. Destroyed: APCs, 2 truckloads of ammunition, 3 vehicles with high cross. Killed and wounded up to 20 people of military personnel junta. One captured.
- At the direction of the onslaught of Luhansk militia forces punishers continued retreat in the western (in Debalcevo area) and north-west (the area Novojdar) directions.
As a result of bold action militias opponent knocked out of the village Fascheevka. Destroyed a mortar with a calculation and an armored vehicle "Ural". Killed and wounded up to 15 punishers.
- Measures are being taken to identify and destroy subversive enemy reconnaissance groups in the areas of colored sand, Light and Lyman.
Army artillery South-East in the areas of human settlements Vasilevka Happiness and destroyed two armored personnel carriers, and five units of motor vehicles, fuel storage. Enemy losses in manpower amounted to more than twenty people killed and wounded.
- In the vicinity of the airport in Donetsk destroyed missile complex "Point Y". Also in the vicinity of the airport named after Sergei Prokofiev in the north of Donetsk destroyed two mortar calculation. Killed 15 security officials. In the area of ​​the village in The thin Yasinovatsky region destroyed the command post of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade APU.
- In the village area in Northern Yasinovatskiy fighting killed about 40 enemy soldiers, destroyed by the APC. In addition, militia platoon killed 152-millimeter howitzers and personnel - about 30 fighters.
- In the south-east of the People's Republic of Donetsk remains of Ukrainian armed forces driven out of several villages Starobeshevskiy area: Kumacheva, Berestove Glinka, Kamenka, Styla, Among Thieves and Meadows.
- First subversive groups, including armored vehicles, are already in Mariupol. At the headquarters of the DNI claim that sabotage militias involved in the storming of Mariupol, entered the city. This was to "Interfax" a source in the Defense Ministry DNR.
- At the moment, the forces of the army artillery shelled the area actively DNR State Farm Spartacus (a suburb of Donetsk), which concentrated large forces Ukrainian equipment and manpower. In Dnipropetrovsk region, according to the army intelligence DNI, in the direction of Donetsk has put forward a large number of enemy troops, including armored vehicles.
- Assault Squad militia entered the areas Talakovka and Sartana. It's a little bit away from the East neighborhood, where there are fights between the militia and security forces, so was able to freely enter the detachment in Mariupol. Also militia succeeded in driving the security forces from the neighborhood to the east to the area of ​​the brewery and the Left Bank. Now the battle continues, despite the promise of both sides to cease fire.

Summary of the Ukrainian military (NSDC)

- The situation in the zone of special operations in the Donbass region continues to deteriorate. During the last night of the Ukrainian army troops entered 27 times in the fire contact with the rebels.
- In the Donetsk region battles were fought in the villages, the Mariinsky Theatre, Avdiyivka, thin, Kominternovoe, Maloorlovka, Verhnetoretskoe, Nikishin and Donetsk Airport.
- In Lugansk region were fighting in settlements Merry Mount, The village Lugansk, Stukalova Balka, Makarova.
Yesterday, in the afternoon on the part of the village Untitled rebels launched an offensive on the Mariupol Shikorino through the village, which is 20 kilometers to the east of Mariupol. In the area of ​​Shirokino erupted group number 5 armored tanks, self-propelled 3 Position "Grad", and composition with mortars and other weapons. The attack was repulsed by the Ukrainian army. Today, the fight resumed and continues to this day.

Source: nahnews.com.ua
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has announced ceasefires before and was always the first to violate them, Spanish volunteer Ramiro Gomez, who fought in eastern Ukraine against the troops of the coup-imposed Kiev government, told RT.

According to the European volunteer, this ceasefire is in effect a part of Poroshenko’s strategy: “to reorganize the [ukrainian] army which is already a large number, before a general counteroffensive by Lugansk and Donetsk [forces],” Ramiro Gomez told RT.

“They [ukrainian forces] look sort of kicked out to the sidelines of the game,” he said, adding he personally has little expectations of a successful ceasefire.

GENEVA, September 06, /ITAR-TASS/. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Saturday it could not distribute humanitarian aid in the east Ukrainian city of Lugansk because of shelling.

“This morning we sent aid trucks to Lugansk but shelling forced them to turn back at Staniza Luganska,” the ICRC said.

It said ten trucks carrying food and medical supplies had left Severodonetsk in the morning but had had to return because of the shelling.

“Aid much needed in east Ukraine. We must be allowed to deliver it in safety, as soon as possible,” the independent aid agency said.

DONETSK, September 7 (RIA Novosti) – Several hundred captive Ukrainian military and the National Guard personnel will be transferred from the city of Donetsk on Saturday night, according to the Defense Ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

“A bus convoy carrying several hundreds of prisoners will leave Donetsk at night, at 4 a.m. [1:00 GMT]. The process will be under the auspices of the Red Cross and OSCE,” a representative from the ministry told RIA Novosti late Saturday.

Earlier in the day, DPR’s Prime Minister Aleksander Zakharchenko told reporters that the transfer of captives from the Donetsk People’s Republic to Kiev will begin on Saturday, while Kiev is expected to transfer prisoners back to militia on Monday.

On Friday, the members of the Contact Group on Ukrainian reconciliation met in Belarus’ capital Minsk to find ways to resolve the Ukrainian crisis. Kiev authorities and self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics agreed to “all to all” prisoners of war exchange, military hardware withdrawal and humanitarian aid access to the combat zone. The ceasefire agreement came into force at 15:00 GMT the same day.

DONETSK, September 6 (RIA Novosti) – Four residents of Ukraine’s eastern city of Donetsk were killed by shelling on Friday night, the first night after ceasefire was agreed in the country, according to militia headquarters.

“Kyivskyi, Kuibyshevskyi, Petrovskyi districts of Donetsk were shelled, four civilians were killed, ten others sustained shrapnel wounds,” the headquarters reported Saturday.

Also on Friday evening APC and automatic grenade launchers opened fire on the self-defense forces gathered near the Donetsk Airport, still controlled by the Ukrainian military, according to the headquarters.

On the eve of the second meeting of a trilateral contact group on Ukraine in Minsk, Kiev authorities and rebel forces agreed on a truce that started at 6:00 p.m. Kiev time (15:00 GMT) on Friday.

The fighting, which does not stop for the day, with the exception of false truce, which was used for the realignment of invaders, had to carry significantly more lives aggressor.
In general, the lies of the government of Ukraine has become the norm, so it's hard to say, will we ever ever true scale of the fratricidal war in the land once the fraternal country.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Novoazovsk on track at the entrance to Mariupol Ukrainian army tank ran into a concrete structure in the form of anti-hedgehog. Movie, depicting the broken fighting machine, posted on the portal YouTube.

It is symbolic that on the side of the tank emblazoned inscription "In Moscow," while at the hedgehog says "No War."
The tank was hit, crash, apparently caused by an driver. At the time of the shooting car engine was still working.

Militia in the Donetsk region. Archive photo
© AP Photo / Sergei Grits

Ukrainian troops recaptured the village DNR Telmanovo using armistice, militias were forced to retreat, said the militia headquarters.

"Happy Telmanovo first fired from the Granite and Vasilievka (villages, where the position of the National Guard), and then went to the village of a large column of armored vehicles," - said at the headquarters of the militia.

According to the representative of the staff, the militia opened fire and shot down several APCs. After that, they had to retreat from Telmanovo.
Telmanovo - regional center between Donetsk and Mariupol, plays a strategic role in the occurrence of militia DNR south of Donetsk region.

Within the framework of the trilateral meeting of the contact group (Russia - Ukraine - OSCE) on the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis on September 5 in Minsk, Kiev authorities and self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic reached a series of agreements, especially on a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine. The main provisions of the armistice establish a cessation of hostilities and the exchange of prisoners. In this case, the warring parties, in accordance with signed agreements remain in positions that are occupied at the time of the ceasefire.

Source: RIA Novosti
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Outcome of the negotiations in Minsk. The protocol is published, what's next?

OSCE tonight published the text "Protocol on consultations tripartite contact group on joint steps aimed at the implementation of the peace plan of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and initiatives of Russian President Vladimir Putin", signed in Minsk on Friday.

Full text of the Protocol

"Following the review and discussion of the proposals made by the participants of the consultations in Minsk on September 1, 2014, the Tripartite Liaison Group comprising representatives of Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe agreed on the need to take the following steps:
1 Ensure the immediate cessation of the use of bilateral arms.
2 Ensure the monitoring and verification of the OSCE regime of non weapons.
3 Implement the decentralization of power, including through the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On the temporal order of local government in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions" (Law on the special status).
4 Ensure continuous monitoring on the Russian-Ukrainian state border and verification by the OSCE with the creation of a security zone in the border regions of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
5 immediate release of all hostages and illegally detained persons.
6 Adopt a law prohibiting the prosecution and punishment of persons in connection with the events that have occurred in some areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine.
7 Continue inclusive national dialogue.
8 Take steps to improve the humanitarian situation in the Donbas.
9 Provide hold early local elections in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the temporal order of local government in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions" (Law on the special status).
10 Withdraw the illegal armed groups, military equipment, as well as fighters and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine.
11 Adopt a program of economic revival and recovery time of the Donbass region.
12 Provide guarantees of personal safety for the participants in the consultations.
Participants Tripartite Liaison Group:
Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini (signature)
Second Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma (signature)
Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov (signature)
Alexander Zaharchenko (signature)
Igor Carpenter (signed) "

The main outcome of the negotiations - is creaking, but de facto recognition of New Russia party to the negotiations, a cease-fire and prisoner exchange.

However, the protocol signed by the Second Kiev Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma. Who is he? In fact, "the retired goats drummer" and nothing more.


Yatsenyuk Protocol took skeptical. He remains true to his earlier statements: "I believe in only one format of the talks - Geneva: United States, European Union, Ukraine, and then the state of the aggressor, which is Russia."

In Minsk, the contact group had signed the Protocol, and President Poroshenko in Wales announces its own version of the peace plan of 14 points.


Here is verbatim:
"1. Security guarantees for all participants in the negotiations.
2 Exemption from criminal liability of those who laid down their arms and not committed serious crimes.
3 Release of Hostages.
4 Creating a 10 km buffer zone on the Ukrainian-Russian state border. Withdrawal of illegal armed groups.
5 Guaranteed corridor for Russian and Ukrainian mercenaries.
6. Disarmament.
7 Create the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs units to joint patrols.
8 Liberation illegally detained administrative buildings in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
9 Renewal of local authorities.
10 updates the central broadcasting in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
11 Decentralization of power (through the election of the executive committees, the protection of the Russian language - the draft amendments to the Constitution).
12 Reconciliation of governors before the election with the Donbas (subject to agreement single candidate at odds - a decision taken by the President).
13 Early local and parliamentary elections.
14 program to create jobs in the region. "

In fact, everything is back to normal.

For President Poroshenko Ukraine indivisible Army Novorossia terrorists and should lay down their arms to the "will of the winner," he said, of course myself.

But the view of the opposite side at the talks the leaders of New Russia.


Ceasefire agreement in New Russia not constitute a waiver of Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics of strengthening the sovereignty outside Ukraine, said the head of the People's Republic of Lugansk Igor Carpenter after the signing of the Protocol. - "We have been discussing this issue, and we have to accept the fact that most of the items that we have registered in the records, in line with our requirements too. We believe that an immediate ceasefire will make into a nation that is divided ideology tighter cooperation and will provide the basis for further development of both political and economic, and other methods and platforms for development. "

Mainly in the Protocol cease-fire and said the Prime Minister of People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko: "The cease-fire will allow us to save the lives of not only civilians, but to save the lives of those people who are up in arms to defend their ideals, their goals, their objectives."

Currently, in the south-east of Ukraine acts ceasefire agreement which was adopted on September 5. Despite the truce, and the security forces and militias have accused each other of violating the treaty regime.

In DNR argue that punishers being moved to settlements tanks, self-propelled guns and other equipment, as well as erecting fortifications to strengthen its position.

Do not hide it, and the official Kiev. Head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov informed the night in the social network Facebook: «Mariupol is and will be Ukrainian. Currently strengthened. Announced additional troops there. Including 1st Brigade Operational the National Guard. No need to panic - the determination and willingness to defend Mariupol full. "

Kremlin seated Novorossia for talks, the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, allegedly met.


And the West? The West is not. They need war and new sanctions against Russia.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

[like che said : never trust imperialists. not a tiny bit. never.]

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International Organization for the Protection of Human Rights Amnesty International has accused Ukraine of war crimes.

Today published a report on the situation in Ukraine, where human rights activists have accused the military of Ukraine in the deaths of innocent people in Lugansk.

Human rights activists are based on testimonies of civilians regions where fighting continues. In particular, they claimed that the Ukrainian forces were shelling these areas. "Their accounts suggest that the attacks were carried out indiscriminately and can be equated to war crimes," - the report says Amnesty International.

Amnesty International called for a thorough investigation of crimes against international humanitarian law and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Earlier, the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch said that the responsibility for the deaths of innocent civilians in Lugansk are Ukrainian military. Human rights activists have found that many troops shelling made randomly, making no distinction between civilians and combatants. In addition, according to Human Rights Watch, security forces used banned weapons.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

MOSCOW, September 7 (RIA Novosti) - The head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) Igor Plotnitsky has said it needs to be clarified what Kiev sees as "illegal armed groups”, while Ukraine’s army and National Guard must be withdrawn from the territories of the republics.

"With regard to the item on the withdrawal of illegal armed groups, military vehicles, fighters and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine, it is necessary to first understand what groups exactly are to be considered illegal. We believe the National Guard itself to be an illegal armed group," Plotnitsky told RIA Novosti by telephone.

"We believe that the militants of (Igor) Kolomoiskiy must be expelled from Ukraine and all of Europe. We believe that the military equipment of the Ukrainian army is illegally present on both Luhansk and Donetsk territories. If Ukraine sees this point the same way we do, then we’re in for it. If not, then we must discuss this."

WASHINGTON, September 07,/ITAR-TASS/. Fighters of Ukrainian volunteer battalions that were encircled outside the city of Ilovaisk in late August are accusing the Kiev government of not supporting them and threaten to change the regime, Foreign Policy magazine said in an article published on its website on Saturday. The magazine correspondent met some of the fighters.

“The army didn't come to help us we were in the corridor for two days and they didn't come to help us, and that’s the worst part”, said a fighter from the Donbass volunteer battalion.

“All the battalions brought to Ilovaisk think the government betrayed us to destroy the volunteer battalions. The government fears us and wants to control us”. “All the battalions brought to Ilovaisk think the government betrayed us to destroy the volunteer battalions. The government fears us and wants to control us,” he said

The defeat at Ilovaisk and a series of similar losses across eastern Ukraine in recent weeks are part of what pressured Ukraine to head to the bargaining table for a cease-fire and peace plan negotiated on Friday.

Fighters from Donbass said they first entered Ilovaisk on Aug. 18. The town, located outside Donetsk on a rail line leading to the Russian border, was seen as vital in the Ukrainian army's efforts to separate the two pro-Russian strongholds of Donetsk and Luhansk.

“We asked for help in Ilovaisk, for the army to come and reinforce us,” said a female volunteer battalion fighter. “They didn't come and we were surrounded,” she added.

“We will close the border and then go to Kiev to change the regime,” said a fighter of the Donbass Battalion. “People died on Maidan, and no one answered for it. Now people are dying [in Ilovaisk] and nobody is answering for this. And we want to change this.” he added.

Ukrainian Defence ministry officials told parliament in the aftermath that the catastrophe was due to the “leaking of information” - Ukraine’s military and security structures are allegedly rife with Russian informants and the “independence of the volunteer battalions and lack of exact coordination between them and the military,” Foreign Policy says, quoting a Ukrainian newspaper.

Edited by John Dolva
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Chronicle of "peace" in the Donbas.


By today's bulletins Army Novorossia "peace" in the Donbass, relative concept.

Kiev junta is regrouping and transfer of fresh forces in Mariupol and Gorlovka.


Witnesses say: "The truce is in full swing. Mariupol the battle began, the distance you can see the glow and heard volleys of artillery and Grad rockets. Someone who has not yet yasno.U my house shaking windows go, I live in Kirov.

For 20 minutes, heard explosions and gunfire. At 23:25 local time, on the eastern outskirts of Mariupol several explosions. 6 explosions sounded about a kilometer from the district East, by Novoazovsk. After that, a few more minutes have been machine-gun shootout. "

The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov in reported hours in the social network Facebook: «Mariupol is and will be Ukrainian. Currently strengthened. Announced additional troops there. Including 1st Brigade Operational the National Guard. No need to panic - the determination and willingness to defend Mariupol full. "


Ukrainian troops pull together to reinforce Gorlovka. "On Debalcevo (city east of Gorlovki) came 32 new tanks. Artemovska in tank units (north direction from Gorlovki) accompanied by thirteen tanks came 15" Shylock "(anti-aircraft self-propelled), seven" Points-U ", six units" Hail, "one unit" Twister "- reported in the headquarters of the militia Gorlovki.

According to intelligence reports of militias, a long column of vehicles from the security forces should Mironovka (village Artemovskiy district) to Debalcevo.


-Donetsk . Night in Donetsk was relatively calm. According to residents of Kiev, Kirov and Kuibyshev areas beginning at 6 o'clock in the morning began to be heard the sounds of explosions and bursts of heavy guns from the Donetsk airport.

- "Volnovakha district . Punishers fired railway station Yelenovka. Damaged way, two civilians were injured. mined overpass at the intersection of highways and railroads Donetsk - Mariupol.

- Volodarskoe - residential neighborhoods came under artillery and mortar fire.

- Avengers blew two road bridges: over the river in the village of Aidar Geёvka and through the Northern Donets River near the village of Trёhizbenka.

- Kemerovo - was fired. In this regard, BCH had to "suppress" the APU fire points in the district and Popasnaya checkpoint at Novotoshkovki.

- Pervomais'k - punishers have attempted to attempt to capture the city, but the attack was repulsed.

- City district Happiness -karateli fire on positions of militias.

- Neighborhood Gold - punishers fire on positions of militias.

Sergey Volodin

Central News Agency Novorossia


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There is evidence that in just a few hours before the ceasefire between the army and the punitive Novorossia collision occurred. Fifth day of September in the fight with the Nazis entered the LC units under the title: "Patriots" and "Rusich".

In the suburbs of Luhansk was found column "Aydarovtsev" occupiers moved in the direction of happiness. The convoy moved trucks transporting ammunition. Once natsgvardeytsy obaruzhili division militia, they opened fire with small arms. Soldiers Lugansk HP fired back, resulting in a fierce battle group punishers was completely broken. Technique fascists out of commission, more than two dozen militants punitive battalion were killed and several people were taken prisoner.

Intelligence militia groups report that leave no car and fighter fascists could not leave the battlefield.

After the skirmish occurred, in just a half an hour - on the eve of the signing of the Armistice, another convoy of armored vehicles entered the same route. The Nazis made another attempt to break through. The result was that these units belong to the same formation - "Aydar".

Agreement between the parties to the conflict make little difference. It is known that in Telmanovo held yesterday in heavy fighting with the army of Ukraine Poroshenko troops drove the militia from their positions, however, the defenders of the Motherland raging not allow the enemy to gain a foothold, a few hours later the invaders left the village.

Thus, it becomes clear that on the eve of the truce in the lull at the front was not. However, in this case, have already begun to attempt redeployment pro-fascist formation.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

In this photo is not nothing but a mobile crematorium. In the Ukrainian army three of these machines, and they are all in this time Slovyansk where loaded up with work. Thus, the Ukrainian government saves money, which has pledged to pay the families of the victims.

No wonder the loss of the Ukrainian army according to the militia in August alone - about 5,000 people, and according to official figures Kiev for all the war, on 28 August last official representative of the information-analytical center RNBO Andrei Lysenko, there are only 765 people.


Stanislav Kozban,
Central News Agency Novorossia

According to the deputy of the Supreme Council of the People's Republic of Donetsk Oleg Frolov, the Ukrainian army by their actions all cuts of Donbass Ukraine. He said the Committee of Social Communication (CSC) DNR.

"We have always said that Ukraine is a stranger to us. We tried to convince otherwise. Today itself the Ukrainian army and his bloodthirsty inhumanity confirms that we were right. Unfortunately, every day we pay for a dozen lives. When in 2005 we put anti-Orange tent camps in Kiev, we talked a lot with the supporters of the Maidan and warned them of the possible consequences Ukrainian authoritarianism, which does not take into account the opinion of anyone other than a handful of snickering nouveau riche. We repeated these words in March 2014. We were warned before the last. They did not listen. Now they throw us a "city" and "the point y." Every day I go to places shelling and see how these inhuman monsters destroy my city. I drove humanitarian aid in Slovyansk, I saw the eyes of people who have forgotten what a peaceful sky. I do not know what they are there to Ukraine at going to build, we do not need this. Now we have them knock out and get rid of this nightmare "- said Frolov.

Frolov now actively engaged in assistance to refugees. Earlier, when the situation with the defense of Donetsk was critical, he stood at checkpoints (in particular, the Putilov bridge), took part in the storming of a military unit №A1402 (near the airport), participated in cleaning the village. The October of Ukrainian insurgents.

"We need to be in those areas where you bring the most benefit. Yesterday it was the defense of Donetsk - I was there. Today, the main thing - to establish civilian life, get rid of the remnants of the old regime, of which there still remained weight. Unfortunately, our best guys are on the front, in the rear of many pull their dirty little hands, trying to cash in on our troubles. But nothing, good people still more, and we will be able to organize them in this I have no doubt, "- he said.

Central News Agency Novorossia


Those of us who studied in the Soviet Union, remembered for the lessons of history, if not the history of Ukraine and Ukrainian 30-year old's Troubles 1657-1687, received in the history of the name "Ruin" ("Ruin"), then, at least, a picture Ilya Repin's "The Cossacks" (another name - "Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan").

Letter of the Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan - insulting answer Zaporozhye Cossacks, written by Ottoman Sultan (according to one version, Mehmed IV) in response to his ultimatum to stop attacking the Sublime Porte and surrender. There is a legend that, before sending troops to the Sich, the sultan sent Cossacks requirement to submit to him as lord of the world and God's representative on earth. Zaporozhtsy allegedly responded to this letter by letter, did not mince words, denying all the valor of the Sultan and cruelly mocking arrogance "invincible knight."
According to legend, the letter was written in 1676 ataman Ivan Circo.

Ilya Repin for the painting in 1891 posed for the famous Russian military commander, a full General of Infantry Mikhail Dragomirow. His image is imprinted in our common historical memory.

Ivan himself Circo - a legendary personality. According to legend, in 1645, he and his Ukrainian Bohdan Khmelnytsky commanded regiments in the service of the French king. He further - insurrectionist Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Cossack colonel, ataman Zaporizhzhya Sich. In this capacity, he wrote a letter to the Turkish Sultan. But I would like to focus on one of the earlier episodes of his life, made him famous.

In 1659, Ivan Circo made famous raid on Nogai district. The raid caused the Crimean Khan Mehmed IV Giray, called Hetman Vygovsky and ravage the Ukrainian and Russian land, to leave the Ukraine, providing the opportunity to deny the Cossacks hetman rebel authorities.
In August 1659 Crimeans have made trips to the 18 counties, most of which were in the Belgorod defense line. 4674 homestead was burned and gone to the Crimea more than 25,000 people. Trubetskoy was ordered to move into the area between the Putivl and Sevsk to reflect the Tatar invasions. Russian army had the time to stop the war in the Ukraine.
At this time Vygovskyy besieged Gadyach who defended Colonel Pavel Ohrimenko with 2 thousand Cossacks and 9 hundreds of "policemen of people." The siege dragged on. Vygovskyy and "Crimean khan with all the forces were three weeks and proceeded to violent attacks." During the siege Gadyach "Duke Alexei Nikititch Troubetzkoy ... Hetman Bezpalov sent myself to Zaporozhye to Circo, that he repaired on the Crimean ulus providence." Zaporozhye ataman Ivan Circo attacked Nogai ulus, run errands and Trubeckogo Bespaly. It made the Crimean Khan Vygovskogo leave and go to the Crimea. Thereafter Circo pitched against him expelled Vygovsky Colonel Timosha.
Soon the rebels against Vygovskogo cities Romney, Gadyach, Lohvica joined Poltava. By September 1659 the Russian Tsar swore former allies Vygovskogo in Konotop battle.
So, during the siege of the Russian Tsar Gadyach traitor Ataman Vygovsky and the Crimean khan, Russian generals who defended the city, appealed for help to the Zaporozhye Colonel Ivan Circo. He attacked Tatar towns and villages in the Crimea, the Crimean Khan had to give up the siege Gadyach and return to Crimea, the Russian-Ukrainian troops deblocked Gadyach and counterattacked, taking the oath of office on the way from Russia to temporarily change the Ukrainian regiments returning under the banner of the Russian .. .

At the beginning of the story is something that vaguely resembles the current situation - the besieged Russian Ukrainian traitors and foreign mercenaries case Donbass, in the absence of the rear of the besiegers, the unrest in the army. Small enough strong raid in the rear, and the besieging army of mercenaries and traitors to the cause of Russian fled, returning to defend their lands or swearing Novorossia ... New New Russia needs a new Ivan Circo.

Ivan Circo, who fought 35 years, and after his death, could not immediately calm down. Descendants several times perezahoranivali his remains, his skull studied anthropologist Gerasimov with skulls most famous people in the history of mankind, starting with Tamerlane.

We remember Ivan Circo on the history or legend about the letter of the Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan, but it may be useful to remember and others of his military achievements?

Michael Osheroff,
Central News Agency Novorossia


For that fight? Not a simple question. Paramount. Everyone has their own answer, its own interests. And what is the geopolitical situation in terms of the benefits for all the people of Earth?

When viewed from this perspective, we can see the clash of two worlds, two systems. One side - the world of Western civilization. This is the United States, Western Europe, Japan, and many others who are trying to copy them. It is a world ruled by the laws of the wolf gain, sexual perversion have become the norm, and the culture of meeting the basic human needs is based on the destruction of all life on the planet. Hiding behind the slogans of democracy, the world is controlled by a handful of bankers. Ordinary people turned into a half-animals using tools such as TV, alcohol, drugs, computer games, music ugly, uncreative slave labor. In fairness it should not forget the many great achievements of Western culture. It is very important at the time of freedom, the rule of law, individual rights, the flourishing of science and the arts. It was, but it was. Today, the West in an evolutionary dead end. This was highlighted with the advent of the new century. War, aggression around the world, the leaders of hysteria. About five years ago, it seemed that the whole world is already under the control of a small group of moneybags ... or one. But a miracle happened, and now we finish digging in the waste stories and talk about joyful.

Beginning to wake up Russia - the hope of the world! And this is the other side of the conflict. I would even say that it is not just Russia. God is on the side of Russia today. This co-operation and mutual support rather than competition. This is the rule of law and not of force in international relations. This morality and spirituality. This altruism and not selfishness. It is love.

It's hard to believe, being in the thick of life, in the bustle. But look closely.

Russia has not gone to the authorities the sexual perverts. Here and the influence of Orthodoxy, Putin, and the innate purity of the peoples as a legacy of the ancestors of ancient Russia. Unlike the West, Russia does not threaten the fate of the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. Here is an example of one very meaningful statement about Putin's gayest lobby in the government of the West: "If Berlusconi was gay, he would finger and no one touched." No comment.

The offensive began on the rampant negativity in the media. From the box office and TV gradually withdrawn samples barbarism, promote violence and depravity. Closed thousands of sites on the Internet. Goes systematic attack on the media resources that are sometimes very subtly undermined the building of the Russian state under the dictation and money some interesting forces.

Today we can say with certainty that the Supreme power in Russia by some miracle managed to largely escape from the power of the world's bankers, moneylenders, which is not the governments of the West. Russian oligarchs, largely under the control of the state.

Indicative of Russia's actions in the international arena. Very consistently uphold the rule of law as a regulator of interstate relations. A policy of respect for the will of the people. West says, "If you do not have democracy - we fly to you." Russia says: "Whatever the cannibalistic regime, he is better than chaos. No one on their own are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of sovereign states. " I think that the focus is to provide peacekeeping operations in Russia. Let us look more closely. In Abkhazia - peace and stability in Crimea - peace and stability, Chechnya, Transnistria. Look the other way and see the chaos in places where bears "democracy" in the West: Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Syria ...

Finally, Putin. None of the leaders of the West does not have the support of the people, as the president of Russia. Just a few years ago, every second Russian, roughly speaking, could respond disparagingly about him. Now he is the President-eagle, which supports more than 80% of the people. Funny to say, but the ratings say that the American people support Putin more than their president. What's the secret? Why such popularity? Political scientists decipher their own way, but let encrypt and make their conclusions. I will say differently. Putin and Russia today support God. Consciousness Putin significantly changed in the 14 years that he was actually in power. Protege of the Russian oligarchy, he turned into a wise, independent ruler. Today he talks about morality, about spirituality, about eternal values, backed by God. Putin meets Obama, who repeatedly states God's chosen people of the American people (that is, perhaps, ignorance plays old Jewish card, with which has been enslaved by the Jewish people), that all people are equal before God.

Among the most important projects in Russia should be called the unfolding of one-story Russian project, the establishment of settlements ancestral homes. This happy family, healthy children. This, at first glance, petty, but the world's financial movers and shakers or those who stand behind them, are well aware: this - their end.

Of course, not everything is so smooth, negative in Russia very much, but the important vector of development.

But back to the New Russia. People made a choice in favor of the divine path of development, to be with Russia. Perhaps many do not understand, somewhere intuitively. Very hard, but if God is with us, who can be against? The bustle of the day you need to see the eternal. Brotherhood, mutual love of neighbor, mercy, compassion, peacefulness. There is in this series, and selfless courage of a warrior - the defender of the weak and downtrodden.

Gennady Filatov,
Central News Agency Novorossia


It is known that the Ukrainian side does not comply with many of the points of the agreement. First of all, the Nazis did not leave the unit previously occupied positions, among other things, it is reported that in the last day more than ten times the Ukrainian side has violated a requirement of a ceasefire. But that's not all, eyewitnesses say that the occupiers are actively pursuing regroup and pull together fresh troops to occupied positions and trying to move closer to the front of the cities.

It is worth noting that the first offense was seen just after a quarter of an hour after signing the agreement. In this situation, the Germans fired Gorlovka, almost at the same time, the shells began to explode in Telmanovo.

According to Vladimir Kononov - Defence Minister Donetsk HP agreement with the occupiers that was achieved - fictitiously. Despite the failure to comply with the main provisions of the armistice, militia received adequate and provocative actions did not respond, however, the men say break enemy units opened fire, labor would not be made.

Zaharchenko Alexander reports that the People's Republic plans will not change, regardless of meanness on the part of the Nazis. It is about the transfer of prisoners, which is scheduled for Saturday. At the same time, on Monday expected a similar action by the junta.

It is worth noting that during the ceasefire, have three hundred armored vehicles came into the area Debalcevo, on the part of the occupiers.
This morning, in the same locality came fifty tanks. Fighting in the Donetsk airport is still going on, and the outskirts of the city shelled with mortars occupiers.

QED, fascists understand only one language - the language of force.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Wolfsangel in E. Ukraine: Foreign Policy talks to deputy leader of ‘pro-govt’ Azov Battalion

Published time: September 07, 2014 18:58

Azov battalion soldiers take an oath of allegiance to Ukraine in Kiev's Sophia Square before being sent to the Donbass region.(RIA Novosti / Alexandr Maksimenko)

Foreign Policy magazine – Russia’s fierce critic – met with the leader of Azov Battalion, an irregular force assisting Kiev to cleanse eastern Ukraine of “terrorists.” The group boasts fierce tactics, “values far from European,” and Nazi-like attributes.

Azov, which has an estimated personnel of 500 people, is one of about 50 volunteer battalions formed by Maidan activists and ultranationalists of the Right Sector group. These newly formed units have been brought to eastern Ukraine to form the backbone of the forces fighting against the local self-defense militia advocating independence from Ukraine.

The Azov Battalion actively participated in Kiev’s so-called “anti-terrorist operation” and, like most of the volunteer and National Guards units, has been accused of committing war crimes against civilians.

As Foreign Policy's Alec Luhn noticed, the ideology praised by fighters of the Azov Battalion “is one estranged from mainstream European and American liberalism.

The unit adopted as its logo a mirrored Wolfsangel (wolf trap) symbol that was widely used in the Third Reich and has been associated with neo-Nazi groups worldwide – Ukraine included. It is most widely known as an emblem of the SS Division Das Reich.

AFP Photo / Yuriy Dyachyshyn

Luhn actually reported that he saw two jeeps “full of tanned fighters in sunglasses and bandanas” rolling into the Azov base, with “a Wolfsangel painted on each side.

Azov’s emblem also includes the “Black Sun” occult symbol beloved by the Nazi SS, Foreign Policy reports.


Image from voicesevas.ru

The battalion is sponsored by Ukraine’s third-richest oligarch, Igor Kolomoysky. He is governor of Dnepropetrovsk region and sponsors a number of other paramilitary units.

Kolomoysky has not only used his men in direct deployments against eastern Ukraine militia; he also appears to have been behind the attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev on June 14, when several hundred Ukrainian protesters rallied outside the Russian diplomatic mission. The demonstrators threw stones and Molotov cocktails, and overturned several diplomatic cars.

The leading players in the attack on Russia’s embassy were “fighters from Azov Battalion, created and financed by Igor Kolomoysky,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov declared two days after the attack.

After the self-defense militia of eastern Ukraine launched a counter-offensive against Kiev troops and sent them fleeing, finally encircling the port city of Mariupol, the Azov Battalion found itself defending Mariupol against what Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called “a Russian invasion.”

Oleg Odnorozhenko, deputy commander of the Azov Battalion and historian by trade, told Foreign Policy that the Ukrainian forces are facing “thousands of regular Russian Army troops,” and told a story about dozens of captured Russian soldiers and a destroyed Russian fighting infantry vehicle. However, he failed to provide any evidence or show any prisoners to the Foreign Policy correspondent.


Oleh Odnorozhenko, deputy commander of the Azov Battalion.(Photo from Maydan-2014.livejournal.com)

Mariupol won't be taken without blood,” Odnorozhenko promised, adding that the Ukrainian forces are building fortifications and “activating different military groups” in the area.

While “pro-Russians” call the Ukrainians “fascists,” their opponents in turn have dubbed them “imperialists.” As Odnorozhenko put it, the conflict involves “people with a European identity fighting with Sovietness.”

According to Odnorozhenko, the battalion's ideology is based on “natsiokratiya” – a protofascism platform popular among Ukrainian nationalists before and during WWII. Those were the nationalists who fought the Soviet troops, Foreign Policy writes, yet they were also responsible for the “murder of thousands of Jews and Poles.”


Ukrainian ultra-nationalists salute as they march in the center of the western city of Lviv.(AFP Photo / Yuriy Dyachyshyn)

In reality, Ukrainian nationalists of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) killed hundreds of thousands of Jews, Poles, Belarusians, Russians, and fellow Ukrainians during WWII.

German occupation forces tended to form Einsatz groups that eliminated the civilian population with the help of Ukrainian nationalists. In Kiev alone, the number of those executed – mostly Jews – reached up to 150,000 victims, and the same policies were implemented in all occupied Ukrainian cities.


AFP Photo / Yuriy Dyachyshyn

Odnorozhenko, however, tailors history to his needs. When calling on Europe to provide assistance to Ukraine, he actually compares his unit to predecessors from OUN-UPA who fought Soviet troops during WWII to justify such assistance.

Russian forces could soon be everywhere, he said, because of the “blindness and stupidity of the European political elite” who are unwilling to combat “Russian aggression.

We have the kind of normal war that was last seen in Europe in 1945,” Odnorozhenko said, also omitting the chain of wars like in the Balkans that first led to the disintegration of Yugoslavia, and then blew Serbia into a number of states.

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In 1812, Napoleon led about 400 thousandth army, which included soldiers from almost all the countries of Europe, invaded Russia. From the autumn of 1812 in the heart of Russia - in Moscow, occupying significant Russian territory, he had sent diplomats to the Russian Tsar Alexander with a proposal for an armistice or Peace.

Tsar Alexander I rejected all the proposals of the French. According to one legend, it was said something like "as long as at least one French soldier is on Russian soil, the war will continue." What happened in the future, we know - the French first retreated, then fled, the Great Napoleon's army was virtually destroyed, and January 1, 1813 began the Foreign march of the Russian army, ended in 1814 in Paris. Since then, some towns and villages in Russia are beautiful French names - Paris. Fere-Champenoise, and so on - as a lesson and a warning to posterity.

What would have happened if the Tsar Alexander I would agree to any truce in 1812? The French would get a break, would preserve the army would keep any part of Russian territory. And this hypothetical world would have been concluded on unfavorable terms for Russia. Russia needs peace was made two years later in Paris.

In the autumn of 1942, Hitler controlled most of the western half of the USSR. German troops captured the North Caucasus, part of Stalingrad, Leningrad blocked. The enemy was relatively close to Moscow. Imagine any peace agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union? What would be the terms? The German army saved, recorded occupation of the vast territory of the Soviet Union, the military initiative was not intercepted. Needed for the USSR peace was made three years later - in 1945 on the territory of defeated Germany.

What failed to Napoleon and Hitler in the 19th and 20th centuries, it was possible to Peter Poroshenko in the 21st century. The peace treaty was signed to them not in Lviv or Ivano-Frankivsk, and Minsk.

Kiev junta troops are not withdrawn from their positions outside the NPT and LC. Ukrainian troops remain in their positions, the occupation of New Russia Ukraine continues. LC and DNR does not recognize the independence and continue to be part of a single Ukraine. Their leaders signed an agreement in the status of individuals. The document is signed by the Russian ambassador to Ukraine and a meaningless signature of former President of Ukraine, which has no state status in Ukraine.

The cease-fire, truce, it is in the first place - time. This - respite for defending, defending an opportunity to bring up reserves and to preserve the army. For the advancing army, liberating their territory, a truce - a loss of initiative and the assumption of strategic lesions associated with the loss, with the inability to further liberate their neosvobozhdёnnoy territory occupied by the enemy.

Agreement concluded in Minsk - this is just another diplomatic and strategic defeat of Russia and the Russian world in Ukraine, another after the February agreement, when the leaders of the countries of Europe are simply deceived the Russian president. As subsequent events showed, February shame had to wash off the blood. Russian blood, the blood of the people of New Russia. But this time, after all the people of New Russia incurred casualties, the worst crimes in Kiev regime will not be punished - no history, no people of New Russia. Extracted price bloodshed military initiative lost, the release Novorosii and even the rest of the LC and the DNI can be forgotten. Militia of New Russia and the people of New Russia this peace treaty actually betrayed his political leadership and the leadership of Russia.

It's over. Forget it. Gas transit through Ukraine to impoverished Russian authorities appeared more important fundamental national interests of his country and his people. Forget about those killed in the Donetsk and Lugansk, in Slavonic and in Kramatorsk. Forget Gorlovskaya Madonna. Forget about those killed in Odessa. It was all in vain. Forget everything and enjoy the peace. Svidomye world in which there is no place for the Russian to New Russia and for Russia. Long live Peter Poroshenko - he was able to win and New Russia, and Russia!

Michael Osheroff

Appendix: The text of the agreement.



Central News Agency Novorossia

New Russia: Armistice signed, but there is no peace, and most likely will not.

Prime Minister of the DNI, the commander in chief of the armed forces of the Republic of Donetsk Zaharchenko stated: Kiev junta forces do not respect the truce, though it was originally and it was necessary to prepare for further military actions against the people Novorosii.

Sunday Chronicle

In DNR on Saturday in 21.00 of small arms was shelled checkpoint people's militia units in the area Zuevka. The shelling killed one militiaman.
At 21.45 made artillery and mortar shelling of defenders in the region of Donbass Khanjenkova.
At 22.50 barrage of rocket systems "Grad" have been living quarters Yenakievo.
At 23.50 the fire of the three BMP Nazis fire on positions of units of the national militia in Starobeshevo. One militiaman wounded.
At 00.20 on the northern outskirts of the village went MAKEEVKA division battalion punitive "Aydar." Meeting to clarify the situation to them decrease truce with the white flag and white lanterns, denoting a voice.
Seeing this and understand the intentions of the militia, the Nazis began mocking shoot at their feet and over their heads. After the truce was designated the purpose of his arrival, it was discovered on fire. As a result, one person - was killed five militia captured.
10:30 - mortar shelling of the militia at the airport.
13:00 - shelling the airport from the Castle (from the Ukrainian Army).
13:45 - shelling checkpoint Olhovka, one militiaman killed worked sniper.
14:10 - fire area of ​​the airport, 1 wounded militiaman.
14:20 - shelling the positions of the militia of the tanks, 1 wounded militiaman.
16:30 - the movement of Ukrainian troops to the area Olkhovka, firing at the checkpoint militia of BTR Ukrainian army.
16:40 - an attack on a checkpoint militia settlement Chilled, there are wounded.

At 14 hours 40 minutes and 15 hours of artillery fire from the residential quarters have been punitive Volodarskogo.

Unit from the locked area in the Donetsk airport groups totaling over 150 people, backed by tanks and infantry fighting vehicles attempted to exit the environment.

17:36 - As the commander of the MGB DNR "Varyag" Alexander Matyushin grouping punitive Armed Forces of Ukraine erupted in Donetsk. Punishers suffered heavy losses -up 100 men killed and wounded. Were destroyed several enemy armored units.

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Interestingly all
Zaporozhye. Partisan detachment Nestor Ivanovich destroyed armored column punitive.
Views: 2831


In the Zaporozhye region acts guerrilla movement. One of the groups led by the commander, whose callsign Nestor. Seen a pseudonym taken from the legendary Makhno. After all, he once walked in those places.

On the night of September 7, column Ukrainian artillery came from Zaporozhye and headed toward the besieged Mariupol. In the area of ​​Rozovka column was attacked by guerrillas Zaporozhye.

The column consisted of 18 trucks KrAZ-6322, each of which pulled in tow on 152-mm guns, as well as six units Bastіon-01, is a Ukrainian variant Castle mounted on KrAZovskom chassis KrAZ and three ammunition for Grads.

By marking plates and registration numbers, car belonged 26th separate artillery brigade of Colonel Malinowski (in / h A3091), stationed in Berdichev.

During the battle, all the trucks were destroyed. With guns were removed locks and undermined trunks. Ramparts and ammunition guerrillas took with them.

There is a high probability that in the near future they will find a good use. Especially Nestor said that the guerrillas, acting under his command would not honor the truce.

According to the character, courage and military commander of the guerrilla luck like his namesake Nestor Ivanovich Makhno.



Nestor Makhno [17 (29) .10.1889, Gulyaypole now Zaporozhye region - 07.06.1934, Paris], one of the leaders of the petty-bourgeois counter-revolution in Ukraine in 1918-21 during the Civil War.
Born into a peasant family, he graduated from the parish school. During the Revolution of 1905-07, joined the anarchist group involved in terrorist acts and "expropriation". In 1909, for the murder of a police inspector was sentenced to death, commuted, as a minor, 10 years of hard labor. Departing conclusion Butyrskaya in Moscow, Moscow took shape as an anarchist. Freed of the February Revolution of 1917, he went to Gulyaypole in April 1918 created an armed anarchist party. This group began a guerrilla struggle against the Austro-German invaders and the Hetman's power and gained a lot of popularity among the peasants.
Distinguished personal bravery and cruelty. In the 1919-20 war against the White Guards and Petliura and the Red Army. Three entered into an agreement with the Soviet government, and three times and broke it raised a rebellion.
Nestor Makhno in the capture of Kiev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for №2.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Unexpected source of militia allowed to obtain information on the possible continuation of hostilities. But first things first.

Last night was relatively quiet, except for the night incidents that have undergone conventional artillery shelling Telmanovo and Donetsk, the result of actions of the occupants was the destruction of several buildings, as well as two civilians were injured.

Once signed in Minsk agreements guide armies of Donetsk and Lugansk, HP issued an order to all its units. Its meaning lies in the fact that all possible forces militia supported the agreements reached. Most likely, this is done to avoid retraction army soldiers Novorossia of provocation by the junta.

The military appeared Novorossia unexpected supporters, three volunteers "Aydar" came under the wing of the defenders of the Motherland. Furthermore fighter "Leopard", as well joined forces with self-defense. Guys have lost confidence in the government Square, as well as the Ukrainian media were outraged when nonsense journalists were directly opposed to the present events in the Donbass. Just the former soldiers of the junta upset lack of adequate command and support.

From "Aydarovtsev" managed to get valuable information, according to the guys planned provocation. They reported that the power of the junta's plans to hold the shelling of their own position, then to issue a provocation for the actions of the militia.

Let's hope that the army will Novorossia ready to continue fighting, relocate troops to stop a possible attack fascists and continue counter-offensives! Good luck, bro !!!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Continued rallies in Ukraine, Kyiv residents against what their relatives killed in the Donbas. People are tired of the incessant lies of the authorities and the media. The event did not stop for the past week, and the second in September, to the very parliament brought the guillotine - a subtle hint at the fate of puppets Yankees.

One of the reasons is the public indignation Ukraine pahabnoe attitude of the Nazis in their army, the command is not able to adequately control the fighting, providing soldiers with weapons and food is more than a low level. Formed units issued weapons and ammunition, but fighters get basically very obsolete weapons, ammunition and grenades are often rusty and can not work in combat.

Thus, the formation of the "Phoenix", as the name suggests designed to turn Fortune invaders Front, has at its disposal such types of combat systems, such as grenade launchers AGS-17 "Flame" as well as mortars, BM-37 production, as much of the 43rd year! In addition, in the hands of the Nazis passed the anti-aircraft guns caliber 23 millimeters 63rd year. These "guns" should be set on the basis of "KAMAZ" or "Ural", which invaders would have to produce their own. It is worth noting that most of the funds received warfare needs to be repaired.

The only redeeming feature, according to the adviser the president of Ukraine, is that the guys got a huge amount of ammunition, as well as by the conditions of war contribute to the speedy training fighters, their well-coordinated work. I wonder if the residents of cities of Ukraine are still happy to "swallow" this nonsense. Obviously, such conditions are likely only allow fighters to lay down on the ground.

In any case, disability fighters APU only benefit the militia, and those who are not able to distinguish truth from falsehood provocateurs and raise arms against their brethren - deserves to die!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

By all measures, the security forces and volunteer formations APU use fictitious truce for the redeployment of troops and strengthen its position. In large number of armored vehicles and a living force is applied to the areas which were the fierce fighting.

Not subside shots artillery, mortar attacks are often subjected to Donetsk, just yesterday were shelled militia positions in the area of ​​Spartacus. Thus, the Nazis its provocative actions forced the militia to fire back.

Bezler Igor - head node defense, which is located in Gorlovki reports that the occupiers have brought a huge number of armored vehicles to the city of Donetsk HP. From the side, Slavonic estimates, came over five hundred vehicles of various classes, from Kamaz to tanks and rocket artillery. Natsgvardeytsy move the "new" volunteers by buses and cars. In the district of Mariupol fail multiple launch rocket systems, in particular the "Tornadoes" and "Grad". In the area of ​​Debalcevo were set in motion dozens of heavy combat vehicles.

At the moment, the militias have repeatedly purpose single shelling that fascists are from the locality called Markov Yar, the intensity is low - just 20 minutes away, but it becomes clear that this is an obvious provocation.

Against the background of all violations of the agreements reached, the continuation of attacks and redeployment, which clearly is not peaceful, Bezler reports that militias are ready to continue fighting. When life is threatened military personnel and civilians, the army of New Russia undertakes to fire back. According Bezlera, defenders of Donbass a long and difficult road to Kiev.

Good luck, my friends!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, September 08./ITAR-TASS/. NATO’s plans to hold military manoeuvres in Ukraine are jeopardising the fragile peace process in the conflict-torn eastern regions of the country, Russia’s envoy to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said on Monday.

“NATO’s recent summit vividly demonstrated the strategy of interference in the affairs of foreign states and the desire to gain military dominance in Europe in defiance of the agreements on the importance of building equal and indivisible security in Europe, which have been repeatedly reiterated at all levels,” Andrei Kelin said at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council.

He said NATO had embarked on a path of moving its infrastructure eastward and building up its military presence near the Russian border.

“These plans were prepared for a long time, and the Ukrainian crisis just provided the pretext for beginning their implementation openly,” Kelin said.

He said the essence and tone of the statements on the situation in Ukraine and the announced plans of joint military in the country “will inevitably escalate tensions, jeopardise the fragile progress in the peace process, and further divide Ukrainian society”, Kelin said.


DONETSK, September 08. /ITAR-TASS/. Self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) held a gala rally on Monday commemorating the 71st anniversary of the liberation of Donbass from Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War that the Soviet Union fought against Nazi Germany in 1941-1945.

Ukraine has introduced passport checks at the border with Crimea,

[overall it appears the fascist supporting mouthpieces of various elite groupings(US, NATO, EU) and the fascist authorities in kiev are conspiring to use the cease fire to regroup (with further suppllies from abroad) (though I wonder if the events leading to the ceasefire are merely a part in the scheme) in order to continue their cleansing of the area of people who think differently by using the method of cyclical offence-detente-offense destabilisation. I'm not surprised that the freedom fighters are very wary. It's impoortant at this point to continue to level the power play bu ensuring the free armiy remains strong enough to force the junta into real negotiations (which btw is what the coup opponents have, since day 1, been calling for.)]

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The civil war in Ukraine is only part of the war between the West and Russia - and only on such a scale, and it is necessary to consider the prospects and options.

Hottest part of the war did not end the evening on 5 September - but it is suspended, which in any case is a boon in terms of saving lives and limbs, especially given the fact that both sides are fighting our people, that is, people of the Russian world. In order to make this world a truce was now, alas, there is virtually no prerequisites - and it's not in the alignment of forces in the Ukrainian-Novorossiysk front.

The problem is that the United States is not willing to give up any of the attempts atlantizatsii Ukraine, nor the policy of open pressure on Russia. The sanctions, which under pressure Atlanticist EU imposed against Russia after the cease-fire in the Ukraine, once again confirm - the conflict is not over Ukraine, but because of the fact that Russia has challenged the American world order. A real peace in the Ukraine would have a chance to begin only in the case of failure of the West from the "abduction of Kiev"

No signs of such a development, we are not yet seeing. On the contrary - is forced by anti-Russian rhetoric, the United States are going to give Ukraine the status of a special military ally, declare their intention to eventually include in the NATO Georgia and Moldova. All of this - frankly offensive on Russia's national interests and the threat to our security. And, as any attack, it causes retaliations - Moscow will respond stronger, and across the whole spectrum of the world agenda. Russia in any case will not allow the separation of Ukraine - regardless of how much time and effort it will take.

Now on the Ukrainian front lull - a pause, which the parties have to catch my breath. It is useless to speculate when it will start the second round - too many internal and external factors affect the situation - but the main unresolved question "Where is Ukraine?" Makes it inevitable.

In the first round you can fix only one thing - the blitzkrieg, which was calculated on the United States, failed. As a result of the February revolution, Washington took control of the Kiev authorities, but was not able to quickly fix the anchor country to the Western bloc. Although the agreement was signed and European integration, to implement it in a civil war is impossible.

Persistent attempts by the United States through Kiev to voice the idea of ​​Ukraine's accession to NATO on European allies have no effect - even though they are junior partners, and quite manageable, but not enough to subscribe to such a crazy idea. Thus, Ukraine is stuck between Russia and the West - quickly cut it failed, and the West are less confident that he will succeed at all.

Four months of fighting does not reveal the winner on the battlefield - Ukrainian army failed to crush the rebels, moreover, by the end of the summer there has been a change in the course of hostilities. Pause at this point beneficial to both parties - for different reasons, but it is.

The agreement in Minsk was not just taken on the initiative of Putin - it is part of its strategy to fight for Ukraine. The final separation of the New Russia Ukraine today clearly unprofitable for Russia - received part, Russia is losing the whole. This banality is often overlooked or deliberately ignore supporters march to Kharkiv or immediate recognition of the independence of New Russia. Now it was necessary to fix the fact that the militia to defend their land - for the first round is enough.


Prime Minister Igor LC Carpenter and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the LC Alex Karjakin (left to right) - in the process of negotiations held in Minsk, the results of which between Ukraine and the unrecognized republics signed a ceasefire agreement. In this case, the text of the Minsk protocol was not made in the Kremlin - by and large it's the Kiev document containing a maximum of under than may subscribe Poroshenko (albeit hand Kuchma).

Most of the 12 points of this protocol does not satisfy any New Russia or Russian, and a large part of the Ukrainian government and the opposition, more radical than the current president. But the whole point of signing the protocol was at one point - the first , a cease-fire . All the others - with the exception of three - simply will not work. This is easy to check by analyzing the text.

First, that's doable. This is the second point - "to ensure the monitoring and verification of the OSCE regime of non-use of weapons" . It is clear that the OSCE is able to observe how the guns are silent - because as soon as they start talking about it will be known, and without any foreign observers. Neither the timing of the truce, nor a desire to violate the OSCE can not have any effect.

If the truce will be broken in the next couple of weeks, it will mainly be carried out and the fifth paragraph , involving "immediate release of all hostages and illegally detained persons" .

First release of prisoners has already begun (at least on the part of the rebels) - and even if they are not released all those arrested, most of them may well be on the loose. This is a very difficult and complicated process - but for its implementation need only good will on both sides. Primarily from Kiev - if Poroshenko go to release those who were arrested on charges of separatism in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Lugansk, Odessa and other cities in the Southeast. If Kiev will refuse this, the New Russia, without a doubt, keep part of the prisoners, primarily because of the composition of the National Guard battalions.

Last feasible point - the twelfth , of "providing guarantees of personal safety for the participants in the consultations" . There are no questions - he touches the Prime Ministers of the DNI and LC Zaharchenko and carpentry and is respected by all, while there are consultations, especially since they are held in Belarus, and to come to Kiev leaders of New Russia has clearly not planning to.

The remaining eight items Minsk protocol drawn up in such a way that allow for any interpretation and, therefore, may be challenged at any time by either party. In particular this applies to the following five points, which caused the greatest indignation.

The third point - "to decentralize power, including through the adoption of the Law of Ukraine" On the temporal order of local government in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions "(law on the special status)" .

Ninth point - "to provide for an early local elections in accordance with the Law of Ukraine" On the temporal order of local government in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions "(law on the special status)" .

Recorded by the promise of Kiev to decentralize power - it is like a synonym for "federalization", which are so afraid of Ukrainian elite. This promise could be considered more or less seriously in mid-spring of this year, before the start of active hostilities. But now it looks caught in the protocol through a time machine named Poroshenko. What now ready to accept the Ukrainian president, does not suit New Russia - and as honestly explain its representatives, they signed a protocol to a cease-fire, and not to abandon the requirement of independence. Novorossia important that it began negotiations - and fixing them Poroshenko promises nor non-binding.

Especially that the law on the special status (besides not for the whole territory of the DNI and the LC, and for its "specific areas") offered by Kiev - is an empty promise. The current Parliament will not accept any version of the law, not even close suits Novorossia - Donetsk and Lugansk with in principle could think about how to stay on a transition period as part of the updated Ukraine, transformed into a confederation. But more about that in Kiev do not want to even hear.

Next Parliament, to be elected on 26 October will be even more radical - even more so that the elections will not take place on the territory of the DNI and the LC and will be held at a fairly low turnout for the rest of the South-East. In fact, the main purpose of these items for Kiev - try to hold elections to the parliament in the territory of New Russia: behold, they say, we have prepared you the law on the special status, so let's now choose their local authorities. But to do this you can only if you take part in the elections to the parliament - or even no law will not. All these tricks are not fundamental - now in New Russia and Kiev plan is not an election campaign, and offensive.

The main formal excuse for non-performance of these two points - the exact opposite meaning, which put Kiev and Donetsk in the concept of a special status. For the New Russia is the first step towards independence (and at the very least - to the confederation of Ukraine), while in Kiev - a way to return to the unitary Donbass Ukraine. Therefore, the option that will be prepared by a text of the law on the special status that will satisfy both sides, at this stage of the conflict does not exist.

Completely declarative and seventh paragraph , calling "to continue the inclusive national dialogue" . Interestingly, in Kiev is considered the beginning of this dialogue? Meeting in Minsk clearly misses in a format such as military action in New Russia, although they were a response to the demands of the rebels, is clearly not fit into the notion of "dialogue". Seriously speaking, the national dialogue is possible only if you want to agree on a new format of Ukraine - but so far from it categorically refuses to Kiev, thus making this conversation pointless and New Russia.

Paragraph ten offers to "bring the illegal armed groups, military equipment, as well as fighters and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine" . Item meaningless - judging by the wording Kiev wants not only to left volunteers from Russia, but also to the residents of Donbass, who took up arms and joined together in teams, left Ukraine. The rebels, in principle, and do not mind that - but they are going to leave the Ukraine together with their families and neighbors, towns and villages: just coming out of its membership. For its part, the New Russia wants the National Guard troops are gone - and is ready to drive them not only with his current territory but also abroad the whole country, for what purpose and is considering a campaign to Kiev. In short, no one anywhere thanks to item 10 will not go away.

Exactly the same differences will arise in the interpretation of the fourth paragraph protocol - "to provide a permanent monitoring of the Ukrainian-Russian state border and verified by the OSCE with the creation of a security zone in the border regions of Ukraine and Russia." Russia may allow monitoring on its side of the border - and But Ukraine is not physically able to do it. A considerable part of the boundary in the conflict zone control militias - and, naturally, they will not agree to return the territory of Kiev siloviki. Most of what you can expect - the admission of observers to the former Ukrainian Ukrainian border checkpoints. But even that may not suit Kiev, which thus will be able to claim this non-compliance with paragraph agreements. Control of the border can not be returned to any paper protocol - it can either win or negotiate peacefully (which is impossible because of disagreements about the status of New Russia).

Hardly imagine how you can "pass a law prohibiting the prosecution and punishment of persons in connection with the events that have taken place in some areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine" , as referred to in the sixth paragraph . First, declare a general amnesty to all those who fought on both sides Poroshenko simply would not dare - he swept away for the "forgiveness of the terrorists." Secondly, when it comes to preventing the prosecution of civilians living in the DNR and LC - that they did not touch the SBU after she returns to the Donbass, then such a law, of course, may be accepted Rada, that's just the point in It is no. Just because the People's Republic is not going to let Kiev back security forces.

The remaining two items that, in theory, should perform primarily Kiev, will also not be fulfilled by the Ukrainian authorities. eighth point - to take "measures to improve the humanitarian situation in the Donbass" - can only be achieved through humanitarian aid to Russia. And the eleventh - "adopt a program of economic revival and recovery time of the Donbass region" - in general can be discussed only after it becomes clear that military action is not exactly in the New Russia resumed, and its status is defined and guaranteed by Russia.

The content of the Minsk protocol forget immediately after the resumption of hostilities. Signed it not to perform, and then to the agreement did not consist of a single, first paragraph - "ensure the immediate cessation of the use of double-sided weapon." Reached a truce - the war continues.

Peter Akopov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Yesterday in Rostov-on-Don, a round table on the topic "Why fight the New Russia?".

The event was attended by the leader of the People's Militia Donbass Gubarev Paul, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, director of the Center for Geopolitical Expertise Valery Korovin and a leading researcher at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Eduard Popov.

Publish excerpts from speeches and Valery Korovin and Paul Gubaryov.

Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, director of the Center for Geopolitical Expertise Valery Korovin said that the plan of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin is very successful, it has all the basic aspects, but he was voiced in time.

"Such a plan would be appropriate voice, when the first attacks and the first casualties among the civilian population, or as a result of the successful offensive militia forces to the territorial boundaries of Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics, when the territory of the DNI and LC have been liberated from the fascist junta. Then he would have recorded achievements militia. But voiced at this moment, when the APU is in the position directly under the Donetsk and Lugansk plan to settle the armed conflict aimed not only at bringing peace to the region, but also pursues some other purpose, "- said a member of the Public Chamber.

"Someone in Putin's entourage did not want this land was tipped by Ukrainian cartels, some of the old guard. It's like a betrayal, surrounded by the President, of the people to whom he perhaps trusts "- said Valery Korovin.

"Why Poroshenko, rely on long-term peace, rearm and perepodgotavlivat his army, supplying it with new means of warfare? This is - the obvious dissonance between attitude and declarations. "

According to him, "... all this gives reason to think about a certain oligarchic collusion, which is implemented in the Donbas, and its main object are those assets that are today still owned by Rinat Akhmetov, but claimed by the representatives of Ukrainian oligarchy, which they do not hide financing punitive battalions. Obviously, the Russian oligarchs are not averse to participate in the section of these assets. "

"But then there is the main issue - for which thousands of people died in the Donbas? For what has spilled rivers of blood and a lot of nothing innocent victims become the property of the conflict? Then to stop the war because in this uncertain state and then just derbanit Akhmetov assets? In order to negotiate with Poroshenko, who does not fulfill any of its obligations and continue this operation? "- Asks Korovin.

He is confident that the event is more than just "... like a diversion against the President of Russia, who, voicing the plan on their behalf, will be the main subject of claims in the future, when the plan will fail and when the number of victims will start to grow, and the escalation of the conflict will continue. What then is signed by Putin, and those who pushes him, hoping for some small financial preferences for personal gain, convert the trust of the population, the people and the international community to Putin in their personal income? "

"It just looks like a setup, according to Valery Korovin. - People close to the president, lobbying and promoting this plan, do not think about the consequences, do not think about the ranking and image of President Putin, and clearly about something else. For what, then, people died? For that war militia in arms, defending the independence of the Donbas and what are the real motives and goals militia and residents of Donetsk and Lugansk republics? "


Leader of the People's Militia Donbass Gubarev Paul in his speech at the round table held commented Minsk Agreement:

"As for the agreement in Minsk, then, after reading it, and seeing that there are signatures of carpentry and Zaharchenko, I want to refer to these gentlemen: how could put signatures on these documents, the impression that they did not read what is written there. It says - Donetsk region, Lugansk region, elections, governor, you maybe will choose if Poroshenko allow.

Of course, this caused a wave of confusion among people who are up in arms fighting for what they hold dear. And I would like to hear from signers more detailed explanation than what I said Zaharchenko - in the next round, we'll talk to them about independence. And with them - it is with whom? With Kuchma? With Kuchma they will talk about independence? That is, on the other side, if we are subscribed to the real figures, there signatories, in general, is not representative for the Ukrainian authorities. Therefore, with whom they will discuss the issue of independence of the DNI and LC, to discuss it, it is not necessary, it must be otvoёvyvat, driving part of the enemy army in the territory of the state borders of our republics.

The root of this issue in the property, tangible assets that are physically located in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, the former areas. They want to keep this property, keep at all costs. Play very hard, using including a number of armed units. All this fight does not consider one important aspect - mentality of the population of Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic, who understand that if we do not fulfill the historical mission and win New Russia, it will be lost to the Russian world forever. The Russian leadership should understand that economic instruments to manage this government has not come out.

New Russia is fighting for democracy. Democracy, as opposed to Western democracy - it is a real people's participation in the formation of government.

New Russia is fighting for social justice. First of all it is not just about the removal of the oligarchs to participate in the political process - a minimum objective, but also the confiscation of tangible assets of the oligarchs in the territory of People's Republic. This is something for which people actually took up arms. And if we are talking about signing some documents Kiev junta, then I believe that the only document we sign with them, it will surrender. "

Sergey Volodin Materials Roundtable

Central News Agency Novorossia

August 29, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Kiev had agreed to send the second convoy.

It has been 10 days and there is no movement on the part. Two hundred trucks stand at the ready, willing and railcars, but Kiev stalling.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Alexander DNR Zaharchenko at a briefing in Donetsk said that Kiev refused to agree on a proposal of the Donetsk and Luhansk "People's Republic" routes for the delivery of humanitarian supplies.

According to him, the DNI and LC suggested itineraries of three humanitarian corridors, "but Kiev refuses to agree on their routes."

Last week, members of the Minsk talks agreed to establish two new humanitarian convoys that will travel from Russia to the East of Ukraine.

According to the Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov first start line clearance, and then go the first ten trucks. Within ten days of the second convoy will travel by rail.

What's the matter? Just the United States has not given good Kiev.

Permanent Representative to the United States Mission to the OSCE Daniel Baier said that Russia is violating international norms and its own obligations under international agreements aiming to Ukraine convoys.

Such nonsense can be explained by the fact that Mr. Daniel Baier "not to be friends with the head." At the same time recognizes: "We recognize that the humanitarian situation in areas in the East of Ukraine, controlled by armed militias, deteriorated sharply."

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Signed documents - this is not the documents as a joke. Documents must be signed in Kiev, as his time documents were signed by representatives of Nazi Germany's surrender.

These documents will have weight. In fact, no truce, and there can not be. Is the relocation of the Ukrainian troops.

Central News Agency Novorossia

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