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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Under the guise of equipment for "UKRGAZ" being moved through Odessa SAM "S-300"

Reportedly militia, not yet confirmed, the APU attempted tank attack on Gorlovka. In urban suburb managed to break a few tanks, and two of them militiamen shot down.

The infantry of the enemy was cut off from combat vehicles still on the outskirts Gorlovki. What is it - reconnaissance? Is difficult to say.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Ukrainian sources reported intense firefights militia formations Donbass and Kiev junta under Mariupol.

In particular, it is alleged that on 29 October there was one of the artillery duel for all the fighting in the Azov region. Punishers reported in the "destruction of insurgents firing points under Mariupol artillery forces ATO."

However, it turned out that during a shootout militia positions covered ukronatsistov of cannon artillery units and "Grad". Under fire fell marine unit APU, derived from Feodosia. Recorded by a direct hit in the armored vehicle in which the ammunition exploded.

According to the official version, "three soldiers were wounded, one of them lost his legs, one soldier was killed." Major killed were Marines, hiding from shelling in the dugout.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Politics Novorossia
In Novorossia Kadyrov arrived battalion of fighters
Today, 1:01 | Category: Tape » Politics
Views: 1245


Ukrainian pro-fascist propagandists, Kamla half mythical Chechens who alleged atrocities against the occupiers Ukrainian Donbass, can cheer up - they are still self-fulfilling prophecy. Anyway, head on those Chechens who joined the ranks of Ukrainian fascists.

But to believe that the head of security in the past, it would be too rash. As it is, time will tell, but until Ukrainian propaganda machine even if there were grounds kamlat about Chechens Militia side more or less justified.
Battalion arrived at the Donbass selected Kadyrov fighters. This was announced by a number of Russian media quoted voenkora "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Alexander Kotz. According to the latter, Chechen volunteers announced the hunt for the so-called battalion them. Johar Dudayev, fighting on the side of the Ukrainian punitive, and its leader Isa Munayev, who allowed himself unflattering remarks against the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov.

The network has video of their presentation:

Recall Isa Munaev - a former police colonel, former "Brigadier", supervised units operating in Grozny, was appointed in early 1999, Aslan Maskhadov, "military commander" Terrible. Chairman of the HPD "Free Caucasus", which intensified its activities in 2010. In the spring of 2014 became head of the "international peacekeeping battalion of volunteers' behalf Johar Dudayev, ready to support the pro-fascist extermination in Ukraine Donbass.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Continuing the conversation about state building New Russia. We discussed the section "defense." This is a big topic. We talked about his constituents. The largest part of this section - Armed forces. She will be the focus of this article.

Considering the small (to date) State New Russia, we will be at a tremendous Russia, whose military forces are organized at present by all the rules of science (after coming to the post of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu). We will be also a small 9,000,000th Belarus, a Russian ally.

Let's start with the most ancient type of the armed forces. This is the Army. Talk about the organization of the Land Forces (CB) such a great generals as a marksman, Zaharchenko, Brainstorming, Carpenter would be arrogance on my part. Military experience of these people, the best generals of the 21st century, is worthy of study in military academies.

Second on its historical significance Military branch - Naval forces (Navy). Some may seem: what there IUD if all events occur on land? And these people are mistaken. The armed forces are based in the calculation is not "today" and "tomorrow." What are the objectives of New Russia "tomorrow"? Through not yet taken Mariupol Novorossia gets access to the Sea of ​​Azov, through this sea - to the Black, then - to the Mediterranean Sea and on to the world's oceans. This is very important for the young state.

Firstly, it will allow to export coal Novorossia worldwide.

Second, provide maritime communication with the Crimea (Kerch from Mariupol to about 220 km, and to Rostov - and even less). From the Crimea will be to trade, and in which case - get support both humanitarian and military.

Third, shorten the route from the holiday-central regions of Russia to the Crimea.

Navy will have to create from scratch. Perhaps in the beginning it will be a coastal artillery (to protect the port, based in it ships and fleet headquarters). Then flotilla maybe boats. In this work, Crimea simply must help.

Ensure the defense of the State on land and at sea, you need to seriously think about his defense on. In Russia - Troops Aerospace Defense (ASD), in Belarus - Air Force (Air Force) troops and air defense (AD). This kind of armed forces the most knowledge-intensive, high-tech and expensive.

Russian version briefly as follows. EKO - it forces air defense (protection against air targets at altitudes of about 30 km), ABM (missile defense), FFP (space defense) SKKP (space control system), EWS (Early warning system for nuclear attack). This option is extremely expensive for the young state.

Option Belarus is much easier. This air force and air defense forces (aircraft, radar facilities, anti-aircraft missiles - SAMs). Missile defense, to some extent, provided by S-300 (in the future - C-400). I think this option is best suited: Air Force Novorossia should include air defense forces.

Building its Air Force, New Russia should focus on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Firstly, the training of qualified military pilot worth a fortune.

Second, Russia's Defense Minister Serdyukov at work on UAVs were in a deplorable state. These work in the 2000s actively conducted in the Russian Emergencies Ministry - the Minister Sergey Shoigu So experience the Russian Emergencies Ministry (materials without secrecy) could be used.

Third, at the present time are not only lightweight UAV - scouts, but the heavy drone - bomber. For the development of the latter is necessary to develop methods of creating high-precision weapons. In such work contributed greatly to my teacher, Academician AA Krasovskii, killed in the damn 90s. Many unclassified materials on this issue (Analytical design of controls) can share.

Classic construction order of the armed forces of the Navy-Army-Air Force must be supplemented Special Operations Forces (SOF). Proves the importance of this kind of armed forces in today's environment does not need anyone.

To successfully combat missions all kinds of armed forces need of the radiation, chemical and biological protection (NBC). I suppose to lead these troops should not commander and head of the General Staff of the NBC.

In our computer age play an important role Kibervoyska. I think that at the initial stage will be enough to have the General Staff Office of Communications and cybersecurity. To lead these troops will not commander and chief of the General Staff.

For the control of troops needed General Staff led by the Supreme Commander of command and control. For this purpose, the General Staff must have operational control.

In Russia and the USSR, despite the presence of the Foreign Intelligence Service (in the USSR - KGB), there was a military intelligence. I think the General Staff Intelligence Department should have.

To form (and also - reshaping) military units, reserve, military schools created Organization and Mobilization Directorate (WMD) of the General Staff.

For the repair of technical means necessary repair base. In a country as large as Russia, repair companies are created in every kind of armed forces. At the initial stage of the New Russia might be to restrict technical repair complex, subordinate to the General Staff.

For treatment (rehabilitation) wounded, recreation, supply troops, ordering new weapons and military equipment (AME) creates Rear armed forces. At the initial stage it can exist as a logistics management of the General Staff.

For the transport of troops (by rail, road and water transport) are transport units (initially in the form of the General Staff).

To summarize our brief review of the results of building the armed forces of New Russia:

• Ground Forces;
• Naval forces;
• Air Force (including Air Defense Forces);
• Special Operations Forces;
• General Staff to Management:
- Operational management;
- Intelligence Agency;
- Organization and Mobilization Directorate;
- Political and educational management;
- Management of NBC;
- Management of communication troops and cybersecurity;
- Management of technical repair industry;
- Management equipment and ordering of AME;
- Management of the rear of the armed forces;
- Control of transport of troops.

This concludes a brief article about the armed forces - the most important component of the defense complex state Novorossia.

Sergei boxes,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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wwlogo_5march2014.jpgfist1.pngAfter fraudulent Ukraine elections, Donbass republics brace for new attack
By Greg Butterfield on October 29, 2014

Oct. 27 — Parliamentary elections held in Ukraine Oct. 26 will bring six far-right parties into government for the next five years while excluding any significant opposition, according to exit polls.

Early elections were announced in August by President Petro Poroshenko, the billionaire figurehead for the junta of oligarchs, neoliberal politicians and fascists who seized power in Kiev during a violent coup last February.

“According to the first results of the elections, the winner is the party of war rather than the party of peace,” said Donetsk People’s Republic Prime Minister Aleksander Zakharchenko. Referring to the junta leaders, he added, “Yatsenyuk, Turchynov, Lyashko and Poroshenko himself — all these politicians backed military actions against us.” (RIA Novosti, Oct. 26)

Donetsk Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Purgin added, “The elections were not free; it’s a farce. People are intimidated; the east of Ukraine is not represented. There are armed men everywhere across the country.”

The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics declared independence from Ukraine after popular referenda in May. The young republics of the Donbass mining region withstood months of brutal war crimes by Kiev’s forces, with more than 5,000 killed and 824,000 made refugees, according to the United Nations. (PressTV, Oct. 24)

In September, Russia and the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe had brokered a ceasefire agreement between Kiev and the People’s Republics. While the forces of Novorossia, as the union of Donetsk and Lugansk is known, faced intense pressure from Moscow to comply with the so-called Minsk accords, even in the face of constant ceasefire violations by Kiev, their enemies suffered no such constraints from their backers, the U.S. and NATO.

“The ceasefire that we discussed since September 5 was used by Kiev for troop repositioning, getting fresh forces and new weapons,” noted Zakharchenko.

For weeks, there have been ominous signs that Kiev was preparing a new offensive.

Military intelligence of Novorossia predicts it will begin around Oct. 28.

Militia leader and Ghost Brigade commander Alexey Mozgovoy, an outspoken opponent of the Minsk agreement, said: “Every day it has been confirmed that the enemy is concentrating forces, that new columns are coming. Not only is heavy artillery not being pulled back behind the ‘neutral’ territory [as stipulated in the Minsk agreement], it is being added daily.” (Fort Russ, Oct. 22)

Former Donetsk Defense Minister Igor Strelkov sounded the alarm Oct. 23: “A movement of Ukrainian Armed Forces from all directions to initial positions for an attack on Donetsk has begun.” (Rusvesna.su)

Strelkov explained that Kiev most likely plans a blitzkrieg attack aimed at capturing the capital of Donetsk and dividing the People’s Republics.

There are several motives for a lightning attack.

First, it would forestall any military response from a reluctant Russian Federation to help Novorossian forces.

Second, the restive Ukrainian troops can’t be relied on for a long offensive. And third, as invaders from Napoleon to Hitler learned to their chagrin, it is suicide to attack the locals during the brutal Russian winter.

U.S. declares election ‘free and transparent’

According to exit polls, Poroshenko’s bloc led the parliamentary elections with 22.2 percent of the vote, followed by Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s People’s Front with 21.8 percent. These right-wing neoliberal parties are most favored by Washington and the European Union.

Five other parties met the 5 percent threshold to enter parliament. Four of them are far-right or openly fascist parties: Self Help, Radical Party, Svoboda and Fatherland.

Several neo-Nazi figures are expected to take seats under their auspices, including notorious Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh. (RIA Novosti, Oct. 27)

The Opposition Bloc, which received around 9 percent of the vote, is composed of former members of the deposed president’s Party of Regions.

Among the organizations conducting “official, objective” international exit polling is the U.S.-based International Republican Institute. (RIA Novosti, Oct. 26) The IRI has trained and financed pro-coup forces in Ukraine and aids counterrevolutionary movements from Venezuela to Syria.

Most true opposition forces were banned. Anti-fascist organizations — like the Marxist Union Borotba (Struggle) and other participants in the mass movement against the coup — have been forced underground, their leaders driven into exile or arrested.

The Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU), previously one of the largest parties in parliament, did not meet the 5 percent vote threshold. Although its name appeared on the ballot, KPU candidates were essentially prohibited from campaigning. Earlier, the party’s elected delegates were driven from parliament by an extraordinary law, and the KPU currently faces an outright ban in a court case brought by the rightist Interior Ministry.

“Whatever the outcome of the vote, the Communist Party does not recognize the elections as either democratic or legitimate,” said KPU leader Peter Simonenko during a meeting with European Parliament members. (KPU.ua)

Nevertheless, U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt rushed to declare the elections “free and transparent.” (Kyiv Post, Oct. 26) Along with State Department official Victoria Nuland, Pyatt was one of the architects of the February coup.

The Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe, a supposedly neutral party to the Minsk ceasefire agreement, also declared the elections “essentially free and fair” despite some “irregularities.” (RIA Novosti, Oct. 27)

Yet by the morning after, independent media and activists in Ukraine had already documented hundreds of instances of voter intimidation, attacks on opposition candidates, ballot-box stuffing and other fraud.

Even the junta’s Interior Ministry, headed by fascist Arsen Avakov, reported 330 violations, including vote buying, intimidation and false ballots being given to voters.

Odessa ‘spat on Poroshenko’

The elections were carried out in areas of southeast Ukraine, as well as occupied areas of Donetsk and Lugansk, where the population lives under violent repression by the Kiev regime.

In Slavyansk, a city in Donetsk besieged for months before its occupation in July by Ukrainian forces, the turnout was just 13 percent. Locals reported that the only voters were occupation troops and functionaries and that polling stations were surrounded by camouflaged soldiers wielding automatic weapons and “patriotic” yellow ribbons. (Novorossia News Agency, Oct. 27)

In Kharkov, Ukraine’s second-largest city, people tweeted photos showing masked “election observers” at polling stations.

In Odessa, where neo-Nazis dispatched from Kiev massacred at least 48 anti-fascists and trade unionists on May 2, the turnout was just 8.8 percent by noon on Oct. 26. Election officials claimed a 39 percent turnout at the end of the day — a virtual impossibility given the earlier figure — but still the lowest ever recorded in the city’s history. (Timer.od.ua)

Perhaps one reason was President Poroshenko’s Oct. 23 campaign visit, when he declared that the May 2 massacre and burning of the Odessa House of Trade Unions was necessary “because we see now what happens if we had not stopped the attempt of the separatists.”

He also monstrously proclaimed Odessa a “City of Bandera,” after the World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. (Rushor.su)

Exiled Odessa Regional Council Deputy and Borotba activist Alexei Albu said, “I believe the elections in Odessa were our victory. Odessa residents made the most important choice — not to support the regime. Odessa has shown that more than 70 percent do not support the junta, do not support the farce called elections, and do not support the government’s policy.

“Seventy percent responded to our appeal and boycotted the elections, or went and spoiled ballots, or voted against all or for opposition parties,” Albu added. “Even a huge amount of ballot stuffing could not save the situation.”

Albu is co-founder of the Committee for the Liberation of Odessa, which issued a call to boycott the sham elections. “This was Odessa’s response to Poroshenko declaring it a ‘City of Bandera.’ The people of Odessa spat in his face and wiped their feet on him.” (Borotba.su)

Also see:

  1. U.S. blesses fraudulent Ukraine election
  2. Donbass People’s Republics: Ceasefire and class struggle
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Power Novorossia
Alexander Zaharchenko. We are laying the "bricks" of the new state
Today, 16:07 | Category: Ribbon " Power
Views: 907


Yesterday Prime Minister Alexander Zaharchenko DNR met with voters in Makeyevka.

About Ukraine.

"Return to the past will not be! Countries of the former does not. The main reason for this - between us was the blood. Prior to the first death could still tell that somehow we can be together. As soon as the first drop of blood was shed - with what attitude I can relate to them. Yes, we can trade with them, but I live with them, I will not. "

According to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the DNI, today laid the "bricks" of the new state. "Maybe not for us but for our children and grandchildren. Now we need to lay the foundation on which to stand normal and just society.

We must live according to conscience. We all have to do yourself. It will be hard.

Previously, we have worked to live, and now we must work to live with dignity, our children and grandchildren.
Let us envy Ukraine that we have separated from her, and become independent. And we are already beginning to show it to them: Heating launched on schedule, utility rates, we did not rise. "

About the economy and the angle

"The danger is that you can sell the coal in Ukraine, but the money for it, is not likely to get. In simple terms - this is the usual "kidnyak."

"On October 28, Ukraine arrested the bank accounts of many of the coal enterprises. "Makeevuglya" almost everything and Miner's - too. Until this moment Ukraine has accrued to you wages for your enterprise implemented coal. Ukraine received fuel. Now they are "cut off" the account. So now we will establish a chain: you mine coal and for the money from its sale will receive a salary.

Believe me, you will receive a salary. It's true! ".


"Every day is visited by representatives from the Ukrainian side and" pester every day. " They tell us that they will buy coal. I told them that coal will sell on their requests, but the money in advance! No money - no coal! And our money sink Lviv, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kiev will not! They will not get anywhere. "

On humanitarian aid

"Yes, we are assisting in the Russian Federation, but it does not feed more than 2 million people. It what may, and so divided. Therefore, humanitarian assistance must give the most needy. "

For embezzlement of humanitarian aid perpetrators awaiting execution under martial law commented about alleged embezzlement cases that came in the DNI, and humanitarian aid. "If given the specific facts of embezzlement and then the sale of humanitarian assistance, believe me, - for this shot. Those freaks who profit from the blood and the plight of people will be severely punished. "

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, October 30. /TASS/. One of the election candidates for the position of head of state of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Yuri Sivokonenko, said on Thursday he supports the territory's accession to the Moscow-led Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

“I certainly understand that we are economically tied to Ukraine, but with our souls and hearts, we want integration, and also accession to the Customs Union,” Sivokonenko told TASS, adding that the economy of the self-proclaimed republic could be recovered through economic cooperation with Belarus and Russia.

The politician noted that he seeks to make peace with Ukraine as quickly as possible.

“People who came to power in Kiev obviously do not want peaceful settlement of the conflict,” said Sivokonenko, who described himself as more left-wing.

“It hurts me to look at destroyed schools and kindergartens,” he said. “The first thing I will do if I win is develop social facilities and strengthen the DPR’s defence capabilities.”

Main candidates for the role of head of state are Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko, parliamentarian Yuri Sivokonenko and Alexander Kofman, deputy chairman of the Novorossiya Federal State regional parliament.

Voters are choosing their leader and representatives for a four-year fixed term. The two political forces fighting the campaign are Donetsk Republic and Free Donbass.

The elections will take place on Sunday, November 2.

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It is time that is considered to be historical. Yes, the nerve of the time you can feel in every present day. Novorossia selects the power! How we wish the Russian people (Russian in spirit!), Who defended their land from Nazi-Fascism oligarchic, with dignity and with his head held high vote, despising all fears shelling and bombing ukrovermahta fed cash handouts dive into hell bloody overseas puppeteer. This historical process should be fixed as soon as possible a large number of videos. I appeal to the citizens of New Russia: remove pictures and videos of these first historic elections! No matter what - large or small settlements, - remove. Do historical footage! Following the White Paper should appear sorrow book joy. And great shots with the first election will be in it. And the whole world will know about it!

Everything! Rubicon boosted! No turning back! Just go! It is still occupied by the junta republic Novorossia soon join the heroic Republic was the first to defend the freedom and independence of their homeland! Glory to the heroes of New Russia, who died for a cause! Their sacrifices are not in vain! In the name of the new happy life and bright, without the fascists and oligarchs, they laid down their beautiful heads. And the upcoming elections - a great historical step in the formation of this life.

I think I speak for a very large number of Russians: we look forward to the restoration of historical justice, the second after the reunification of the Crimea. Novorossia was perfect and lived up to the 1917 revolution. And then it was divided, and renamed the area included in the Bolshevik neoplasm - Ukraine. Now is the time to restore it again! And the first election - it is the first and very important step in the construction of the state.

One could speculate that the decay of Soviet Ukraine's new leadership in an amicable way back to the original pre-revolutionary (until 1917), a state of affairs would be to hold a referendum on the territory of New Russia about the historical name of the territory and the status of her stay in part of Ukraine. Even the then mood among the masses is obvious that federalization would be 90% for this foregone conclusion. But power is not only Ukrainian "has played" Crimea under the pretext that, well, do not ask them about it, and then "passed", but also about Novorossiysk province is not remembered. And why, because it is better to collect all revenues than to share with these provinces have strong and balances in the government of these provinces.

But now the time otherwise fateful. Time for a change! Will be re-established statehood New Russia as a subject of international law, which was lost in the early 20th century because of the revolutionary upheaval. A Russian help in this important matter!

I see a very strong statement Lavrov that the elections in Russia Novorossia support and accept their results. We need to invite as many as possible observers loudly that ceasefire November 2 must be strictly observed to ensure the conditions for the free will of the population DNR and LC. Any provocation or death of civilians from attacks during the elections will be regarded by the Russian Federation as an unfriendly act towards it, and those responsible will be held accountable under aggravating circumstances.

Let peaceful life will come to the troubled land of Donbass!

Long Live the New Russia!

Andrew Cashin,
Central News Agency Novorossia

Throughout Ukraine almost every day people are caught with illegal weapons. Find all: crossbows, pistols, machine guns, grenades and even rocket launchers. How many trunks slips through the filters, we can only guess. And why do they need, we dealt with the experts.
Prepare third Maidan
Recently, in a society increasingly talk about new zavarushka in Kiev. Enough reasons: dissatisfaction of the population, the collapse of the revolutionary expectations, rising prices, difficulties in the social sphere. Sometimes it seems that a single spark is enough to poslemaydanovskoe corruption in the conflagration broke out. And considering that the country is at war, crank another revolution without weapons will not work.
- I hope to clashes in Kiev will not come, but the fact that some political forces try to exploit the situation and return to power - perhaps - said political analyst Nikolai Melnik. - In this situation, you need to carefully and effectively to law enforcement authorities and the SBU.
Returning home from the front, the men can not feel safe. And all because the civilian world should pay machine that has saved lives. In order not to lose the sense of superiority and protection, many decide to grab a weapon with him. Maybe blow.
- In the area of ​​ATU fighters have worked continuously self-preservation instinct, adrenaline is released, the sensation of fear. Even when the war ends, all of these processes in the brain continues - says psychotherapist Antonina Karpenko. - To return to normal life, 80 percent of soldiers are required to undergo psychological rehabilitation.
For sale
Tense situation and prolonged fighting in the Donbass animated black market weapons. Every day in Ukraine there are more people who want to buy guns, rifles and even machine. Demand creates supply.
- In recent months, prices have increased weapons. Yes, a lot of it now, but the demand is large, - says the weapons expert Vladimir Tkach. - For example, the AK-74 six months ago you could get 6-8 thousand. Today, for the old machine 80s asking 22 thousand hryvnia.
According to Vladimir, fighters ATO informed about the prices, because the way home, do not miss an opportunity to earn a penny for the family. Take out the arsenal of ATO zone is not too difficult.
Bodyguard with gun
Good bodyguard - is not only a black belt in karate, but accuracy with a submachine. So it was last winter. Today this is no longer enough. In the price people tempered by war, it is desirable also with their weapons.
- Some of the guys who served in the special police, after returning from ATO resign and go into protection. A striking example - the former fighters "Berkut", - says Andrey G. - Today guard changed task. Longer enough simply to protect the client, you need to eliminate the enemy. Can not kill a person each. You have to pass a psychological barrier. The guys from the band ATU overpowered him. A huge plus, if a fighter comes to the position of the guard with their weapons. This and respect, and salary.
"Look, I fought"
Participation in hostilities - is not only a tremendous stress, but also memories of his courage. Spoils of War are the best way to remind the soldiers of the old days. And also to raise the profile of his comrades. Not to be unfounded in the circle of friends, many are trying to grab home grenades, bullets and even firearms.
- Most of the guys who are fighting on the front - of the village, - says Vladimir Tkach. - They understand that if we can rush home with his gun, no one seek his will. But the authority immediately rises significantly. Such bragging. On materials Ukr media.

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia


Statement by politicians and public organizations on the implementation of the NPT Minsk agreements Ukrainian side.

Politicians and civic leaders Donetsk People's Republic made an appeal to the Russian Federation and to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

In an address given to the analysis of failure conditions Kiev Minsk Agreement and urged to "take immediate political and economic measures for the enforcement authorities of Ukraine to implement the protocol from Minsk on 5 September."

"Please be advised the list of the most flagrant violations of the Minsk protocol Ukrainian side:
- Ukraine is not fulfilling to claim 1, which requires immediate cease fire. National Guard under continued shelling of residential buildings and industrial Donbass. Dying of any innocent civilians.
- Do not perform step 3 of the Protocol. This paragraph obliges Ukraine to decentralize power. Did not.
- In accordance with the same paragraph Ukraine pledged to adopt a law on the special status of the Donbass. Article 1 of the law states that the list of regions that are endowed with a special status, it is argued, "the decision of the Verkhovna Rada." This decision was not taken. Therefore the law is nowhere valid and legally void.
- Violate claim 5, requiring the Ukraine "immediate release of all hostages and illegally detained persons." Many activists of the liberation movement are still under arrest on trumped-up charges or illegally detained without trial Bandera extremists.
- Not executed claim 6 Minsk protocol. Not entered into force the Law of Ukraine "On prevention of the prosecution and punishment of persons in connection with the events in some regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions." Poroshenko not signed the law passed by the Verkhovna Rada, and this not only violated the Minsk agreement, but also its own "peace plan."
- Do not claim 7 of the Protocol on the extension of a "national dialogue". Public and political leaders and activists of Donbass still named official Kyiv "terrorists with whom dialogue is not possible."
- Ukraine, suffered a military defeat at the Donbass, continued the policy of deepening humanitarian catastrophe.
- Violate the tripartite agreement on holding elections in independent organs of popular control of Donbass in the period from 19 October to 3 November. DNR and LC in full compliance with these agreements ensure "the Declaration on the popular self-government" and "document on early elections to the local authorities." These documents (laws of the Republic) election scheduled for November 2. Now Kiev "changed his mind" and insists on their transport on December 7, referring to the law on the special status which, as already mentioned, is not valid because not taking necessary for its entry into force of Decree of the Verkhovna Rada.
- Ukraine is not fulfilling to claim 10 of the Protocol of September 5. Its territory is still wielded by the illegal armed groups Bandera, mercenaries from NATO countries, private gang of oligarchs.
- Not executed n. 11 of the Protocol. Not implemented a program of economic revival of Donbass, Ukraine prevents "restore livelihoods in the region."
- No personal guarantees of safety for participants in the consultations by the militia Ukraine is not provided, which is contrary to its obligations under the Protocol to claim 12, Minsk.
- Ukraine foiled alignment dividing line (contact line) of the opposing sides, without explanation withdraw signature of its authorized under General Dumansky consensus documents. Inconsistency contact line gives Ukraine excuse not to fulfill the Memorandum as a whole, do not take money from the borders of defeat Donbass, continue shelling our territory, kill and intimidate the civilian population. "

Donetsk People's Republic expressed in the statement of its position on the request to return the Kiev border with Russia under its control.

"We can go only to the international monitoring of these sections of the border, and only subject to the achievement of complete and comprehensive political settlement of the conflict, the restoration of economic and social ties with Ukraine, the confirmed contract Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic of Ukraine to guarantee the security of their populations and political institutions under the sponsorship Russia and the EU, as it was stated in our negotiating positions published in Minsk on September 1, and became the basis of the Protocol on the implementation of the peace plan of September 5. "

"We are ready for dialogue, - said in a statement. - The people of Donbass need peace and freedom. Demand from Ukraine Minsk compliance agreements and respect the rights of our people. "

The appeal was signed:
First Vice Prime Minister of the Government of the People's Republic of Donetsk, the head of the public association "Donetsk Republic" A.Purgin;
Co-Chair of the socio-political movement "People's Front of New Russia" D.Pushilin;
Head of the Coordination Council of NGOs Donbass Yakovenko;
coordinator of the NGO "Civil Initiative of Donbass" journalist O.Izmaylov;
Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Luhansk O.Akimov People's Republic;
member of the Coordinating Council of NGOs M.Gusyakov Donbass,
Head of Humanitarian battalion "New Russia" E.Gubareva;
member of the public organization "Civil Initiative of Donbass", chief editor of the magazine "Russian Reporter" V.Leybin;
member of the public organization "Civil Initiative of Donbass", lawyer D.Neylo;
member of the public organization "Civil Initiative of Donbass" writer and scholar V.Rusanov;
member of the public organization "Civil Initiative of Donbass" journalist R.Zamdyhanov;
Chairman of the Board of Veterans LC M.Gaydukov;
Chairman of the Public Council under Chapter LC N.Zaporozhtsev; Head of Youth patriotic association "Bulat" D.Miroshnichenko;
Chairman of the Union of Ukrainian refugees E.Kravchenko.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Ukrainian National Guard under continues to kill civilians southeast
Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zakharchenko said that near the city Kranoarmeysk, whose territory was covered by the National Guard, were found 286 women's bodies.
- Nearly 400 women aged 18 to 25 years have gone missing in Krasnoarmeysk, where a battalion quartered "Dnepr-1". 286 bodies of women were found around Kranoarmeysk raped - he said RIA Novosti.
Militias do not exclude that another truce for Ukrainian army - a means to win a few days and make regrouping.
Defenders of Donbass at this time, in contrast, are planning to rebuild destroyed infrastructure and mine areas of operations.
Now Ukraine has a truce between the host and punitive. However, explosions and gunshots heard time and again in different parts of the southeast.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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BRUSSELS, October 31. /TASS/. NATO hushes up the facts of violations of the Minsk accords on peace settlement in eastern Ukraine by the Ukrainian authorities, Alexander Grushko, the Russian ambassador to NATO said on Friday.

“Instead of advising their ‘special partners’ in Kiev on scrupulous compliance with the Minsk accords and the opening of a full-scale political dialogue with representatives of the country’s eastern regions, NATO prefers to hush up encroachments on the obligations the Ukrainian authorities undersigned,” he said.

“Along with it, NATO officials feel unrestrained as they conjure up ever more new arguments about the allegedly continuing Russian efforts to destabilize the situation in Ukraine,” Grushko said.

“That’s a sign of the same distorted logic and it testifies to a firmly formed habit of laying fault at others’ doors,” he said.

Grushko underlined the full consistency of the elections, which the self-proclaimed unrecognized Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics hold on November 2. These elections will facilitate restoration of viability of these territories.

DONETSK, October 31. /TASS/. Railroad tracks have been blown up more than 1,000 times during hostilities in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), DPR Transport Minister Semyon Kuzmenko said Friday.

“More than 70% of railroad tracks have been restored; the rest have not been restored for security reasons,” Kuzmenko told journalists.

“During the war, at least 30 railroad workers have been killed and 307 have been wounded,” he said.

Kuzmenko said trains linking Donetsk with Kiev and Moscow will be launched in early November.

wwlogo_5march2014.jpg The Ukraine junta’s fascist foot soldiers
By Greg Butterfield on October 31, 2014
Interview with Borotba leader Victor Shapinov, part 3

Simferopol, Crimea On Sept. 22, Workers World conducted an extensive interview with Victor Shapinov, a coordinator and leading theoretician of the Marxist organization Union Borotba (Struggle) of Ukraine. Shapinov currently lives in exile with other Borotba activists in Crimea, under threat of arrest from the U.S.-backed coup regime in Kiev. Additional installments of the interview will appear in coming weeks.

Workers World: What was Borotba’s view of the Maidan movement that overthrew President Victor Yanukovych in February? Washington and the corporate media told U.S. workers that it was a great democratic movement facing repression from a tyrannical dictator. [Maidan took its name from the central square of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, where it held protests in late 2013 and early 2014. — WW]


Fascists burn Odessa House of Trade Unions

May 2.

Victor Shapinov: Before the Maidan coup, Ukraine was a country without a significant army. Ukraine did not have any real enemies around, so our ruling class only established a police apparatus. The army was something that issued decrees and was used for corruption. Ukrainian military pilots didn’t even have enough hours in the sky to really be pilots.

But afterward, when the Maidan forces came to power, we saw a very fast militarization of all aspects of social life.

Even when Yanukovych was still in power, we knew they had firearms and bombs on Maidan Square. Everybody knew it. But Yanukovych feared the Western powers. They warned him that if he used police against the Maidan, he would be attacked and eliminated like [former Libyan leader Col. Muammar] Gadhafi. He was afraid, and as a result he lost everything.

Of course, we are not upset that Yanukovych disappeared. But you can see the influence of imperialism, its magnetic pull. You may have everything at your command — secret service, police — but you can’t use them if Western imperialism says, “Don’t do it.”

The core of Maidan was formed by paramilitary gangs, most of them with neo-Nazi or radical nationalist ideology. Some of them were called “Maidan Self-Defense.”

Another component was the “Golden Youth” — wealthy and middle-class young men who drive luxury cars and carry firearms. They hate the people accused of supporting Yanukovych, because, according to them, they are poor and stupid, human livestock. To them, politics should only be for businessmen.

These two ideological trends merged on the Maidan and developed a common enemy: the people of Donbass [the mining and industrial region of southeastern Ukraine].

They consider Donbass people bad because many of them are Russian speakers, and some of them are pro-Russian. This makes them the enemy of the fascist, nationalistic part of Maidan.

Donbass people are poor, most of them are miners and workers, and this makes them the enemy of the Golden Youth. They say the working classes are second-class people who should not vote or have political influence.

So it was not only a national question or language question, it was also a social and class question. They had not only Russophobic ideas, but also a kind of class racism against the Donbass “cattle.” The Polish aristocracy used this term for the peasants, and now the Maidan uses it for the people of Donbass.

WW: What did these groups do after Yanukovych’s overthrow?

VS: After the coup, they formed military brigades, paramilitary groups and started to hold demonstrations against political opponents.

Borotba was face to face with it. We were one of the first groups targeted. They came to our office right after the Maidan victory.

They wanted to kill us. They have the slogan, “Communists to the tree branch,” meaning communists should be hanged. It comes from the Bandera movement [pro-fascists who fought against the Soviet Red Army during the World War II Nazi occupation].

So we evacuated our comrades. When the fascists arrived at our office, they found only empty walls. All they could do was cut up some posters with knives.

In this situation, we could not continue our political activity in Kiev. We moved to Kharkov [ukraine’s second-largest city, located in the southeast]. Odessa and Kharkov became the most important centers of our organization during the AntiMaidan movement.

The nationalists and oligarchs sent their paramilitary gangs to the southeast. They called them “Trains of Friendship.” It was very cynical, because they wanted to beat up their opponents. They said, “We will teach you to love Ukraine.”

First, they went to Donetsk, but the people there fought back and they lost. After that, the first People’s Militias were formed in response.

Before that the resistance in Donetsk was peaceful. Of course there were some people with rifles, because there had also been people on Maidan with rifles, but it was not a militarized movement. They held rallies, like Maidan, but in the other political direction.

The paramilitaries also came to Kharkov and there were some fights. In one battle, two comrades from the Kharkov self-defense squad were killed by the fascists. It was a completely neo-Nazi outfit named “Misanthropic Division.” They made videos of themselves where they said, “We don’t fear death, because we will meet the Führer [Adolf Hitler, dictator of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945] in Valhalla.”

The high point of these clashes was on May 2 in Odessa. The fascists were very organized, they had several thousand paramilitary people, and they massacred protesters from Kulikovo Field who were against Maidan.

After Kiev launched its war in Donbass, many of these people joined the so-called territorial battalions. These are paramilitary groups armed by the state with firearms and artillery, but not within the structure of the official Ukrainian military, and not subordinated to the minister of Internal Affairs. Sometimes they are just private gangs, like the paramilitaries directly armed by the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky.

This situation does not exactly resemble classical German or Italian fascism. It’s more like the pro-fascist paramilitary movements of the 1970s and 1980s in Latin America. The oligarchs create paramilitary groups and use them to spread terror.

Even Amnesty International, which is supported by U.S. imperialism, published a report of military crimes by one of these groups, the Adar Battalion, which is guilty of marauding, looting, torturing and killing people in Donbass.

Next: Oligarchs and austerity

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While the us corporate fascist power structure continues to be a threat to stability across the world the people of the republics of Lugansk and Donetsk will shortly (in the areas liberated from the junta in kiev) be voting for their government.


LUHANSK, October 31. /TASS/. The last day of the election race in the self-proclaimed unrecognized Luhansk People’s Republic has come to an end. Saturday, November 1, has been declared ‘a day of silence’.

Elections of the president and deputies of the People’s Assembly, or republican legislature, will be held on Sunday. The four candidates for presidency and the public movements Peace for Luhanshchina, the Luhansk Economic Union, and the Popular Union have presented their programmes to the voters, tailoring their election campaigns to a very brief period of time at their disposal.

Despite the notable difference in the candidates’ platforms, all the political forces of the young republic seek to meet the voters’ main requirement in this election, which is to bring peace to Luhanshchina (the Lugansk region in Russian and Ukrainian).

Acting President Igor Plotsnitsky and his opponents in the elections race - Health Minister Larissa Airapetian, trade union federation leader Oleg Akimov, and businessman Viktor Penner definitively view the future of their region outside Ukraine. All of the stress Kiev will have to communicate with the government with Luhansk on the same terms it communicates with official partners.

The strategies they propose for achieving the objective reveal marked differences, however. While the Peace to Luhanshchina movement, the electoral list of which is led by Plotnitsky, makes emphasis on a full rehabilitation of the social sphere. In contrast, the Lugansk Economic Union led by Akimov proposes to focus on the revival of manufacturing and on bringing the versatile products of the Luhansk region to foreign markets - in the first place those of Russia and the CIS.

Airapetian plans to make the sphere of public health transparent “contrary to what is was in the past” (in Ukraine). She says very openly they would like to see the Luhansk People’s Republic to maintain the closest possible relations with Russia.

The latter is the wish of at least a half of residents of the self-proclaimed republic. Throughout the last week of the election campaign, the candidates have had numerous canvasses.

While Airapetian was actively meeting with medical workers, Akimov concentrated his efforts on workers and businessmen. Plotnitsky found time for appearing before students and staff of the East-Ukrainian National University and also met with repair workers.

He asked the students to “to take part in all the processes unfolding in the republic.”

“Believe me, we want to change our life for the better and we know for sure that this will be impossible without you and without popular support,” Plotnitsky said. “If you are inactive, we’ll lose pace, too, in spite of all the motion we’re making now. We won’t be able to pull the cart that’s stuck in the mire now.”

But residents of Luhansk cannot be suspected of treating the destiny of their republic lackadaisically. All the rank-and-file people polled by TASS said they would go to the polls.

“It’s a must for us,” the correspondent heard from a woman walking to a station where potable water is distributed. “Others should recognize us as a full-fledged state.

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In Lugansk HP observed very deplorable situation with the inhabitants of the cities with electricity. It is known that a considerable part of the shells, which produce invaders on Human Settlements of the Republic, it struck infrastructure, so in the circumstances, to provide energy to all the innocent people of Lugansk HP does not seem possible.

Naturally, repair services have attempted to test all the restoration work on damaged fascists lines and substations, but the threat of continuing bombing installed extensions and unexploded ordnance were not allowed to work effectively.

To the people of Lugansk could quietly endure the cold weather and winter, the Russian side has helped to deliver electricity to the house. Substation Olkhovskaya became minimum that gave residents the opportunity to provide the necessary amounts of electricity. This was made possible by the support of Russian colleagues who were directly involved in the restoration of the line. Thus, Lugansk was connected to Rostov-on-Don. LEP restores its work, the Russian colleagues have already taken the words of gratitude from the authorities of the republic. Works installers were more than a month, at the moment they are completed. In the coming days, is scheduled to launch a branch to stop the practice of rolling blackouts light quarterly Lugansk.

Another problem of the republic - a heating system, provide warmth luganchan not allow that thermal power stations (City of Joy) control Ukrainian invaders, its liberation from the Nazis, albeit in a fictional, but the truce is impossible.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Ukrainian soldier Alex, who served more than a year on the contract, defected to the breakaway militia Donetsk People's Republic. July 11 his unit was transferred to Donetsk and he contacted the militias through friends. According to Alexis, one day he agreed with the commander of the army DNI Stavros that will serve the assault force.


- In July, we were transferred to Donetsk airport from the Dnepropetrovsk region. Now my former unit based in Avdeyevka. My parents wanted me to go away from the army, but I could not leave, Ukrainian military prevented it, - said Alexei.

According to him, in part remain and the other soldiers who want to leave the location, but they do not go away, because they have no documents.

- But many want to fight - adds Alex.

He said that the natives of western Ukraine are to gain the status of ATO, combatants and their promised Kiev perks. According to a former soldier APU, in the Donbass military often rampant in localities where there are no militias.

Stavros militia commander said that Alex has agreed to all the conditions of service in the army DNI. In addition, he proposed to enter into negotiations with the commanders of divisions in Ukrainian Avdeyevka and sand.

According LafeNews
Central News Agency Novorossia

Opposition from the Ukraine and the European Union has not brought the desired effect, as had been planned beforehand, in the territory of Lugansk and Donetsk HP will hold elections. In this event promises to be a little bigger than the parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Choose will not only Parliament, but also the leaders of the breakaway republics.

Voting will begin on November 2, with the number 1 was to come "day of silence" to ban all propaganda. However, the authorities report that opportunities for the dismantling of all the propaganda billboards and flyers do not, so in Donetsk HP "day of silence" has been canceled.

A genuine interest in the Sunday events in young republics showed foreign countries, particularly the European Union, which will include representatives of the group of observers in more than half of these groups. Total of the elections will follow 51 people. Leadership of the Republic informs that registered representatives of all states that have applied for participation in the observation of things to come. Among the observers included parliamentarians from France, the United States, Belgium.

At the same time they do not recognize the election results, and the company itself is not supported in general. Therefore, all the foreigners arrived with the sole purpose to track compliance with all international agreements and rules of the election.

To all interested citizens to cast their vote Donetsk HP could do it, the staff of the CEC will open 364 polling stations. In addition, with the advanced fighters will also be able to take part in the elections, ballot boxes will be delivered even in such "hot" point bonstolknoveny as Donetsk airport. Volunteer foreigners vote prohibited.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, November 1. /TASS/. Militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) exchanged prisoners of war with Kiev’s military on the formula ’25 for 25’ on Saturday, a TASS correspondent reported from the area.

The swap of prisoners took place in the neutral territory near the town of Konstantinovka (50 kilometres from the city of Donetsk).

Several women were among those released by the Ukrainian side and one of them called Yelena Blokha told the TASS correspondent that “I was held in captivity for three months after I had been detained on my way to Crimea and it was regarded as a crime.”

Blokha, who is the editor-in-chief of an official publication of the Donetsk city council, said that being a journalist was a reason for her detention as she allegedly “was wrongly covering events in conspiracy with the DPR authorities.”

“If so, all the international journalists who happen to be in Donetsk are involved in terrorism, according to Ukrainian military,” she said.

Many men that Kiev troops gave to militias have visible signs of bruising on their faces and bodies. The men said that at the moment of detention and under arrest they had been roughly beaten up so that guards had not taken them out for interrogations for weeks.

MOSCOW, November 1. /TASS/. Russia’s Ministry for Emergency Situations has started loading up another humanitarian aid convoy for Donbass residents, deputy head of the ministry’s National Crisis Management Centre Oleg Voronov told Tass on Saturday.

“Now a humanitarian convoy is loading and getting ready to set off,” Voronov said.

Donetsk and Lugansk will be provided with sugar, canned meat, building products, fuel and medications.

On October 31 the fourth auto convoy of the Russian Emergencies Ministry delivered about 1,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid - foodstuffs and building products.

Earlier, Minister Vladimir Stepanov said that nearly 3,000 tonnes of humanitarian cargoes are planned to be delivered there in a span of seven days.

DONETSK, November 1 (RIA Novosti) – Seventy observers from a number of European countries and the United States have arrived in Donetsk to monitor the upcoming elections, Novorossiya's Central Election Committee Representative Oleg Bondarenko said Saturday.

"Spain, Germany, France, Italy are represented," Bondarenko said at a press conference.

"Almost the entire political spectrum is displayed. Austria is represented by the right–wing politicians, Greece – by the left. Senator Jaroslav Doubrava came from the Czech Republic [to monitor the elections]," Bondarenko added.

The self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics are set to elect their regional leaders and legislative bodies on November 2.

The European Union and the United States, however, said earlier the elections would come against the Minsk agreement on the regulation of the crisis in Donbas, and that the international community would not recognize them.

On the contrary, Russia has expressed its intention to recognize the elections in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics, saying not doing so would run counter to the Minsk protocol and disrupt the progress toward finding a sustainable political solution to the conflict.

DONETSK, November 1 (RIA Novosti) - The tense situation persists in the city of Donetsk, as the sounds of gunfire explosions are heard all around the city throughout the day, the Donetsk City Council said in a statement published on the official website Saturday.

"As of 6 p.m. local time [16:00 GMT] the situation in Donetsk is tense. Cannonade and sounds of explosions did not stop in the city throughout the day," the statement read.

It has been also reported that the experts managed to restore gas supply to some homes in the Leninsky district of Donetsk, as well as some electricity wires, previously damaged by shelling in the Kuibyshev district.

Earlier on Saturday, the Donetsk authorities have reported artillery shelling in the center of the city.

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I - a woman. I was created by God or nature, to bear children, raise flowers, cherish the fire hearth and home.

I - Russian woman. I was never given to fulfill his destiny. Horde Polovtzy Mongol-Tatars, the Teutonic Knights, and the Polish invaders killed my sons born, raised my bread burnt, destroyed my house.

I - a woman of the Russian land. And I know that I must defend what I love, what I appreciate, then, what I live for. Because I got up close to the men in the towers Kozielska and Kiev, Novgorod and Ryazan, I was making a resin winepress knives and cut their hair to make a sling for stones. I fought to the last, protecting your home and your hearth.

I went into the partisan detachments, I burned the plane, I pulled the wounded from the battlefield. I taught the children in the guerrilla dugouts cooked steel in the Ural factories. I harnessed horses instead plows to sow grain wounded land, grow it and feed bread to their children.

I - a woman of the Russian land. I'm not afraid of anything. I'll go into a burning house, and running horse stopped, the wound bandage and a sword will arise. I will not give their land.

I - a woman of New Russia. That I stand at checkpoints. This I teach children under the roar of cannon fire. This I wound bandages fighters. That I go on the attack for what I love. I had no choice. If men are hiding in their homes, the women go out to battle.

I think I scared? You think I do not want to hide behind the male's back?

I'm scared. It hurts me. But for me my children, my focus, my home, my land.

I - a woman. I can not betray what I love. I can not leave my house - I took so long to create it. I can not betray the memory of their ancestors. I can not leave me at the mercy of the born children.

I bless their sons, husbands, brothers and fathers in a terrible war. I pray for them every day. And if there is no longer any sons or husbands or fathers, that I myself am going to fight.

In my heart the tears begin to boil. In my heart beats fear. In my heart lives a hope.

In my heart lives the faith. I believe that the war is over. I otmoyu your house, kindle hearth napeku bread, caress her children and her husband met at the door. This faith and hope to give me the strength to withstand the battle to survive in the bloody attack, do not be scared and do not give up.

I - Madonna Novorossia. I'm in uniform and not in a dress. I keep a machine rather than a bouquet of flowers. I close them their land, their children, their home. I will pass on this war guardian angel. I will carry on this war, faith and love. I wound omoyu fighters. I will give the children. I'm not scared of fire and bombing.

I - Madonna Novorossia. I'll be there with the men of his land to the very end. We are waiting for victory or death.

Svetlana Gurov,
Central News Agency Novorossia


The press center of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" held a press conference Assistant Commandant of Donetsk, a former deputy defense minister Donetsk People's Republic, the science fiction writer Theodore Berezina. He told of the primary tasks of the DNI, the upcoming elections, problems with salaries, the creation of a regular army, future plans, and also noted that the destruction of the militia Ukraine uses American and German tanks and foreign mercenaries.

The primary objective of the People's Republic of Donetsk, in the opinion of Berezina - to survive the winter. "We now have the task is no less important than the upcoming Nov. 2 elections - to establish a peaceful life and to survive this winter. It is necessary to have heating in homes, food, and the old woman received humanitarian assistance, "- he said.

According to the Berezina on hand Donetsk and Lugansk republics that their territories are almost one hundred percent of Ukrainian coal industry. Thus, in the Donetsk region operates eight coal mines and still have the same amount of money. "In the DNI heating season began on 15 October, and in Kiev, he postponed indefinitely. We have problems in Ilovaiskaya, which was badly damaged after the shelling. But there are ongoing emergency and rehabilitation work. In general, the heat we are ready for winter. But Ukraine - no. And if the two parties do not agree, then the Ukrainians without coal will be difficult, "- said Berezin.

On the other hand, Fedor Berezin noted that there were problems with the payment of salaries and pensions. "Unfortunately, not all people get the full salary and pension. But some time will have to be patient - Civil war. Suffer if we want to survive the city and the republic ", - he said.

Speaking of elections, assistant commandant of Donetsk opined that turnout Nov. 2 will be high. "Maybe not the same as in the spring, but high. It is a necessary standard democratic procedure. We will choose the government, that is to make it legitimate. As the international community will react to this, it is difficult to say. Friendly country, we hope, recognize the elections, other countries, of course, not a fact ", - he explained.

Another important task, according to the Berezina - create a single contract army. "We need to unite under the leadership of the army that they act more effectively. Now we are working in this direction and achieved decent results: there is a single command, the Army is structured, people get military ranks. We did not spend a draft campaign, we are still fighting the volunteers who came to the army. But in the future it will become a contract to the military could receive pay and feed their families, "- says the commandant of Donetsk.

Fedor Berezin complained that the Ukrainian army is armed with powerful American and German tanks, fighting for her multitude of mercenaries from various countries, in particular Poland, Romania and even the Republic of Sierra Leone: "For Ukraine, for example, hundreds of people are fighting with the black skin color. Once Ukrainian boys so can not tan. Many Poles and Romanians. Recently seized a man who was a passport of Sierra Leone. Thirty tanks "Leopard", submitted by Germany - it is not no secret. We came face to face with American tanks "Abrams", which, incidentally, is very difficult to knock out. "

Ukrainian military, according to former Deputy Minister Igor Strelkov deliberately firing at peaceful facilities Donetsk: schools and hospitals. "The junta is using artillery and mortars to destroy homes, schools, hospitals, - he said. - Recently Ukrainian artillery made three hits on the historic museum in Donetsk: 13 hits by heavy shells. Museum practically destroyed. "

At the end of the meeting with the press Fedor Berezin said that in the future plans to write a series of books on the conflict in Ukraine: "Unfortunately, I do not have time to write - a lot of work. And it is such that the events of the day is enough for a whole book. In the future I plan to do documentary. And also be sure to write a number of works of art of war, based on real events. "

Igor Filimonov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, November 2. /TASS/. Polling stations opened at 8 am Moscow time in the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic, which elect on Sunday its leaders and lawmakers of local parliament.

Local residents of Donetsk People’s Republic who have reached the age of 16 will be able to vote at 363 polling stations, three of which open in Russia for refugees who have fled the war-torn east of Ukraine. In Luhansk People’s Republic local residents reaching the age of 18 will be able to vote at more than 100 polling stations, including five opened at temporary accommodation centres for Ukrainian refugees in Russia’s Rostov, Voronezh and Belgorod regions.

There is no minimum voter turnout requirement in the election in both regions.

Polling stations will work until 8pm Moscow time, but if necessary some polling stations can be closed ahead of time for security reasons.


Several innovations were introduced in the run-up to elections in the Donetsk People’s Republic. For instance, local authorities decided not to hold a traditional ‘day of silence’, when canvassing is banned a day before voting. ‘The day of silence’ is just ‘not planned by the effective election law,” head of republican CEC Roman Lyagin said. Meanwhile, republican residents over 16 can vote for a candidate to the post of the head of the self-proclaimed republic or a candidate for lawmaker.

One more innovation became an option to vote in the Internet. Those who live in regions of Donbass (Donetsk and Luhansk regions in Ukraine’s south-eastern industrial area) which are currently under control of Kiev law enforcers can vote through the Internet.

A total 363 polling stations, including three in Russia where refugees from south-eastern Ukraine will vote, will be opened on the election day. No minimal voter turnout is set to find election valid, around 3,198,000 have the right to vote.

The issue on a date of an inauguration ceremony of the newly elected leader of the self-proclaimed republic remains open. “There are several variants, when it may be held, but I cannot name them yet,” Donetsk republican CEC chief Lyagin said.

“An inauguration ceremony will be held at a Donetsk theatre, we are still thinking over an oath of the parliament. We will do not a quite pompous, but bright swearing-in ceremony which will be interesting for spectators and journalists,” he said.


Incumbent Donetsk republican leader, Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko, First Deputy Prime Minister of parliament of Novorossia, a federative state formed by the self-proclaimed republics, Alexander Kofman and lawmaker of the Supreme Council of the self-proclaimed republic and veteran of special police force Berkut Yuri Sivokonenko are running for the post of Donetsk republican head.

All of them call for soonest attainment of peace in Donbass, restoration of infrastructure and residential houses destroyed in military actions and settlement of social problems.

The Donetsk republican prime minister said repeatedly in pre-election and working trips that social payments to teachers, pensioners, students should be started and regional infrastructure should be restored first of all. Meanwhile, in his words, Donetsk republican cities of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and other cities occupied by Ukrainian law enforcers should be brought back to the self-proclaimed republic.

Sivokonenko insists on Donetsk People’s Republic’s accession to the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. “We are strongly linked with Ukraine, but I call with all my soul and heart for integration, including Donetsk People’s Republic’s entry in the Customs Union,” he told TASS. Economy can be restored only through economic co-operation with Belarus and Russia, he said.

Alexander Kofman comes out for establishment of a common state with the Luhansk People’s Republic called Novorossia. However, settlement of humanitarian problems in Donbass is among his priority tasks.

Movement Donetsk Republic with Zakharchenko on the top of its election list and Free Donbass led by public figure Yevgeny Orlov well-known in the Donetsk People’s Republic will vie for seats in the People’s Council, local parliament in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic and chairman of Donetsk Republic movement presidium Andrei Purgin and former chairman of Donetsk republican Supreme Council Presidium Denis Pushilin are in the top trio of Donetsk Republic election list along with Zakharchenko. “Election campaign of the Donetsk Republic movement is a programme of people’s economy, people’s Donbass without oligarchs,” Purgin said in his visual.

Free Donbass movement intends to fight for power of people, openness and social justice for Donetsk republican residents of all nationalities and build-up of inter-ethnic peace and accord in the country.

According to sociological surveys, 51.3% of voters want to vote for Donetsk Republic and 31.6% prefer to vote for Free Donbass.


Around 300 observers from Russia, South Caucasian Republic of South Ossetia, Serbia, Montenegro, Israel, France, the United States and other countries came to control elections in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. An unofficial delegation of lawmakers from Russia’s parliament lower house State Duma representing different parties as well as observers from the European Parliament and national parliaments, representatives of political parties, movements and non-governmental organisations are among them.

“Only elections will bring peace to Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. We hope that elections will pass calmly, fairly, openly and will meet all international standards,” Bulgarian lawmaker from Ataka party Magdalena Tasheva who came to the region said.

Several State Duma deputies representing political parties will observe polls in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in an unofficial delegation, an informed source in the lower house said earlier. Leonid Slutsky and Aleksey Didenko from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), Alexander Yushchenko and Vladimir Rodin from the Communist Party of Russia, Mikhail Bryachak and Oleg Pakholkov from A Just Russia and Aleksey Zhuravlev who chairs Rodina party and is also a member of United Russia faction in the State Duma are among them.

Lawmakers will observe the voting in Donbass as representatives of their parliamentary parties and “the State Duma will send no official mission” for these polls, the source said.


The legitimacy of elections in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics began to be discussed immediately after statements of authorities in the self-proclaimed republics about their plans to hold polls on their territory. Shortly before elections the tonality of statements was also finally determined, as Russia finds upcoming voting as a positive step towards settlement of the situation in Ukraine, whereas the West states about illegitimacy and undesirability of voting for residents of the self-proclaimed republics.

Due to more insistent demands voiced by Kiev authorities and several Western countries ahead of polls not to hold them Russian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement saying that elections in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics are held in line with the Minsk peace deals and give a chance to put the situation in southeast Ukraine on the track of constructive talks.

“Before the start of the Minsk peace process leaders of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics have laid down their negotiating positions in public, particularly noting that free elections on these territories based on the principles of people’s self-governance would pave a way to joint effort to preserve a common economic, cultural and political space in Ukraine,” the diplomatic agency said, noting that “Russia will assist to leaders of the country’s southeast winning at elections to confirm this policy.”

“According to Minsk peace accords reached in September between representatives of the Ukrainian president and militias in southeast Ukraine with assistance of representatives from Russia and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) holding of mentioned elections is agreed between October 19 and November 3,” Russian diplomatic agency recalled, noting that “References to the law on special procedure of self-governance on these territories signed by [ukrainian President Pyotr] Poroshenko on October 16 setting the date of elections on December 7 contradicts the Minsk peace accords.”

Russia is ready to recognise results of elections of People’s Councils and leaders of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics which “will be important for legitimisation of power,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, officials from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), NATO, OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Swiss President Didier Burkhalter, representatives of the United States and several their European allies said that elections in the self-proclaimed republics would be allegedly illegitimate and contradicting the Minsk peace deals.


The self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics were formed in spring 2014 on the territory of Donbass (Donetsk and Luhansk regions in Ukraine’s southeastern industrial area) after referendums.

In response, Kiev started a military operation. Active hostilities stopped only after peace deals stipulating a special status for Donbass were signed on September 5 in Minsk. In September, the self-proclaimed republics adopted laws on elections of the republics’ heads and deputies of people’s councils.

On the whole, 2.2 million people live in the Luhansk Region, and 4.3 million people reside in the Donetsk Region. The share of Russians in the population reaches 39-40% Both territories are centers of the coal, metallurgical and mechanical engineering industries.

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Despite all the statements about the illegality of the elections of Kyiv in the Donbass, the European Parliament, as it turned out, did not think so. One of the deputies, who decided to observe the voting process in the breakaway republics, Jean-Luc Shaffhauzer spoke about his opinion on the matter.

"The present government of Kiev, which, it must be recalled, came to power in a coup, tried to ensure that it recognizes the legitimacy of using the elections. It seems normal that the current authorities to Donetsk and Lugansk regions are also trying to ensure that they recognized legitimate. This is the same process. Why some recognize, and others - not? We should always avoid a policy of double standards, "- quoted him as saying the channel" Russia 24 ".

Tatiana Dobrodeeva.
Central News Agency Novorossia


Election of November 2, DNR and LC. Start. Observers and correspondents of news agencies noted the high turnout. For example, in Lugansk in the polling station №30 before opening all gathered more than 100 people. Correspondents who are witnesses of historical events, they say that they came and elderly pensioners and young luganchane.

DNR - November 2 election. Voted one of the first in Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko - yet the current Prime Minister DNI. Zaharchenko is one of three candidates for the permanent presidency of the republic.

"I hope that after our elections Kiev recognizes us independent subject and voluntarily give us our city. I do not want to allow further bloodshed. We look forward to negotiating the peace process ", - quotes Zaharchenko media.

LC - 02.11.2014 elections. In Lugansk, also one of the first voted colleague Zaharchenko - Igor Carpenter.

"I'm not surprised by the high turnout of the population. I can not but rejoice that activity. I myself voted for a strong republic, prosperous and peaceful "- recounts the words Plotnitsky leading news agencies.

In general, the DNI and LC arrived several dozen international observers. For example observer from Germany said that he had come for their own money and believes that the people of any country has the right to express his will, for the right choice, if it is not contrary to international law.

And what in Kiev? And in Kiev SBU opened a criminal case as it says on the official Facebook page: "the so-called elections." UD instituted under Part 1 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code (actions aimed at changing the constitutional system and the overthrow of the current government).

Strangely, nothing reminds of the action in February 2014?

Tatiana Dobrodeeva.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Elections to the DNI and LC, the former Donetsk and Lugansk regions, took place. It is already clear that the turnout at them, no matter how much pressure dramatically exceed turnout Ukrainian elections, and no one in the Donetsk and Lugansk not care about international recognition of the elections, as they have received the most important recognition - recognition of the people, which has in fact can not be reckoned with.

Kiev, refusing demarcation with DNR and LC, laid himself under the bomb, because the border will expand - and not for the benefit Euromaidan. Events Elections lays precedent possible self exclusion of other areas of Kyiv authorities, that if things go wrong. Who can guarantee that Kharkiv not want greater autonomy when activated in Kiev bickering for power among former supporters Euromaidan? DNR and LC formed republic alter-ego, which, if successful, could be attractive Ukrainian model.

Bad that federalization became possible as a result of the worst of the worst choices. More spring Turchinov and Yatsenyuk could spend federalization peacefully and without war. They are! - Not the people of Donbass - decided to fight. And on their hands for the destruction of a single wine Ukraine.

Euromaidan really changed the country. He launched the tectonic forces, the movement of which will lead to fundamental changes. These changes are only beginning.

Basil Muravitsky,
Editor of the "New Wave"
Central News Agency Novorossia

Member of the Board under the President of the Russian Federation for Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights Igor Borisov said that Russian human rights are closely monitoring the human rights situation in the east of Ukraine, which does not stop the conflict between the forces of Ukrainian militia and security forces. He noted that the Council of the maximum distances itself from political issues.

"At the same time, we notice that in the political processes are involved Ukrainian public organizations. We do not understand, in connection with which such organizations as the "Support" and "Committee of Voters of Ukraine", today ignore the democratic processes in the southeast. The only option - is that they are under some kind of influence of the West, who does not want to ignore the objective reality, "- said the expert.

Borisov said that currently in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic held democratic processes, and LC and DNR are in fact democratic education. This is due to the fact that the level of elections in these republics is not lower than in the US, UK or any other western country.

The expert also noted high voter turnout in the DNI and LC. According Borisova, this indicates that the population itself is committed to a peaceful life, because the election - it's the only civilized way to end the bloodshed.

Speaking of election coverage in the DNI and LC at the international level, the expert said that in the Ukrainian and Western media ignore this topic. Refusal of Kiev and the West of this election is not allowed to register on the electoral any forces that could also contribute to the establishment of peace.

SBU against election DNI and LC

Commenting that the Security Service of Ukraine intends to initiate a criminal case in connection with elections and leadership DNR LC, Igor Borisov stressed that so Kiev again demonstrates his true colors - not to seek common ground with his people, and try to intimidate and subjugate the population his will.

Donbass and Russian business

The President of the Russian public organization "Business Russia" Alexey Repik , in turn, noted that passing in Lugansk and Donetsk elections, in his opinion, - a good sign for the Russian business, as for the development of business relations between Russia on the one hand and the LC and other DNR The first thing to legitimate power and stability in the region. The expert stressed that political uncertainty has a negative impact on economic relations between the companies and enterprises. "Select the region's residents will now play a decisive role. We hope that the constructive and creative forces will be able to enter into future authorities and will continue to work towards the economic recovery of the region "- said Repik.

Based on materials from the Internet media prepared
Tatiana Dobrodeeva.
Central News Agency Novorossia


Elections will Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic of legitimate power. This opinion, followed by the majority of Russian officials expressed the co-chairman of the Central Staff of the "Russian People's Front" Stanislav Govorukhin. "The elections will give a legitimate authorities of the Republic. Of course, it is the will of the people" - he said, the press center of "New Russia" ..

Govorukhin said that with great interest all the events in the New Russia, and the electoral process in particular. "I hope that all the electoral processes in the country will be well, in accordance with all democratic standards. And then the DNI and LC receive legal representatives" - shared expectations of the co-chairman of the central headquarters of the ONF.

Also Stanislav Govorukhin said that, without a doubt, the Popular Front, as he himself admits election in New Russia.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Communists held a congress in Minsk. Talked about fascism in Kiev. According to their idea, the Union of Communist Parties - Communist Party - should be initiated to create "anti-fascist and anti-imperial powerful movement."

This was during the XXXV Congress of the CPSU, which was held in Minsk, said Communist Party leader Petro Symonenko.

According to him, now in Ukraine there is a "binge of settling accounts, outrages upon personal dignity."
"The enemies want to destroy Ukraine rod Slavic unity" - said Simonenko. He is convinced that the current Ukrainian authorities show "pro-fascist regime of the essence when Bandera declared heroes and real heroes - the enemy." Symonenko also demanded that the Communists were not allowed to break the Russian Church Ukrainian state.
According to him, in the Ukraine, as in the thirties in Germany, set "national dictatorship supported by the oligarchs."

In turn, the Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov, said: "Today, fascism, which originated in Europe, and that threatens the world today in Ukraine requires the consolidation of patriotic forces."

According to the materials prepared by the Internet media.

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Back in September of this year, an agreement was reached, according to which a single election in the territory of Lugansk and Donetsk HP considered quite legitimate. However, this did not prevent Ukraine open for the occasion a criminal case on who can get counter accusations. But that did not stop the Nazis.

A range of activities was designed to disrupt the events of November 2nd in the country. Bombardment of the city was only the beginning. Only the vigilance of law enforcement and DNR LC helped prevent the tragedy.

Two groups of saboteurs were captured on the outskirts of the city on Saturday. DNR nearly became a target for sabotage. The first group managed to grab when trying to enter the land of Donetsk Republic by Marinka, fascists of three people moved to the family car. It happened at 21.40. Just an hour later, at 22.45, another group of three militants, with lots of weapons was seized by car VAZ 2103 they tried to break through from the Elenovka.

However, not only subversive activity was planned by the Ukrainian side on the elections in the republic. The army of invaders attempted to reduce voter turnout. For this were blocked roads leading to the republic from the west and east. Punishers made it even the first of November at 17.30.

Despite all these efforts, the Nazis were not able to achieve its goal: by noon in the LC and the DNI was the high turnout. People wishing to cast their vote, going into the whole queue at polling stations. The number of voters turned out to be so large that the CEC has decided to extend the elections for two hours (up to 22 hours).

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Provocation by the Fascists and the attempts to disrupt the electoral process, as expected, began on Saturday. However, the explosion of Donetsk residents HP does not scare, so the result of the elections and they are not affected.

First of all invaders attacked the busiest areas, where the militia is not willing to leave their positions, and fight the invaders, as the directive on "capture or die!". Donetsk airport, which is under the control of the army DNI, was bombed militant junta. Strategic facilities, as well as the surrounding areas of the city were fired heavy artillery, 120mm mortars and self-propelled 152 millimeter caliber.

On the election activities of fascists did not affect: a guide DNR reported that the citizens will be able to cast their vote even in bomb shelters, which will point vote if the occupants did not stop the bombing.

Today, on the day of elections, army soldiers Donetsk HP participated in the voting right on the airport grounds, were brought urn, despite the threat of fire. Accompanied by a group of observers and representatives of the CEC with the urn commander personally engaged "Somalis" - Givi. Representatives of the Central Election Commission must necessarily be present during voting, the only way it will be possible to consider the elections on this site is officially, legally valid and legitimate.

Even the candidates themselves have behaved during the race is not quite normal. They all have similar goals - is to stop the bloodshed by peaceful negotiations. Instead of the usual black PR and mudslinging each other, parties and candidates civilized working towards the same goal - to legitimize power the young republic.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

According to sources in the New Russia, 10.27.2014 in Slavyansk, to the territory of Slavic resort where located in a medical building and part of the National Guard under the APU, the profits of foreign instructors (English-speaking) ..

"Hold daily sessions with staff. One of the instructors name is Patrick, to them the charge of military interpreters, "- said in a statement.

In addition, states that "28.10.2014, approximately at 13.00 hour. through Slovyansk, aside Kramatorsk (Donetsk area) The column of military fuel tankers. MAZ laden. These are usually used at military airfields. "

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

The militia came to Mariupol Ukrainian side mined Ilyich Steel.

Under the offensive Mariupol Ukrainian troops, which began on the eve of parliamentary elections, stopped, according to agency sources Voenkor.info Mariupol.

Army units Novorossia counterattacks and ever closer to the city.

The Ukrainian side, in turn, is actively preparing for evacuation, dominates the station, large enterprises and strategic facilities. Mined as a reservoir. In case of blasting streams of water may cover residential neighborhoods and the central part of the city, officials said the militia, are in hiding in Mariupol. According to them, in the territory of the city-forming Steel Works of Mariupol located systems "Grad", which bombed not only the position of the militia, but the eastern outskirts of the city, giving it the army for firing DNI.

"There is a possibility that the plant and blast furnaces will also be undermined by the retreating APU." - According to sources in Mariupol.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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