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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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According to preliminary information, the leading positions in the last elections took Zaharchenko Alexander and his party "Donetsk Republic." It is worth noting that the separation from its competitors is huge. Two other candidates - Deputy of the Supreme Council of Donetsk HP Yuri Sivokonenko and Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of the Union of New Russia Alexander Coffman - not overcome and ten percent barrier. While Prime Donetsk HP scored about 83 percent of the vote. Party Alexander Zaharchenko already crossed over the 60 percent threshold.

At the exit from the polling stations Donetsk HP surveyed called "exit poll". This procedure is consistent with international agreements and based on the fact that the people who took part in the elections, there is no reason to hide: to whom they voted, so they are free to provide information to analysts. The results of "exit polls" actively cover media, until the end of the inspection sheets and the results of the elections.

According to this same statistics, the party "Donetsk Republic" won 65.11 percent of the vote, "Free Donbass" was supported by the remaining 34.89 percent of the vote. 81.37 per cent of voters - for Alexander Zaharchenko at the head of the republic, Yuri Sivokonenko scored 9%, and Alexander Kofman received 9.73 percent.

It is worth noting that it is the prime Donetsk, HP was the first candidate who has applied to participate in the elections. Another 4 October, the Central Election Commission received documents Alexander Zaharchenko.

It is noted that the elections in the territories of the people's republic looks benchmark democracy. They were held without a mess, pouring candidates mud at each other and differed genuine desire residents to take part in the voting.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Similarly to the situation in Donetsk, Lugansk HP HP citizens favored the continuation of the current leader of the republic (Igor Plotnitsky) and movement "Peace Luhansk," in which he lists ranked first. This is stated in the preliminary data obtained after treatment with just over a third of all ballots.

According to representatives of various groups, including "the world Luhansk" leading positions existing leaders of popular republics say that they have chosen the right path for themselves and their countries.

Guide Central Election Commission reported that Igor Carpentry scored 63.17 percent of votes, three more candidates respectively received such recognition :: 8.36 per cent of the people went to Larissa Hayrapetyan - Minister of Health Luhansk HP; 10.31% scored entrepreneur Victor Penner; 15.95% - Oleg Akimov, head of the Federation of Trade Unions.

As for the parties, the picture is as follows: "People's Union" - 4.96 percent of the vote, "Lugansk Economic Union" - 24.07%, the rest of the citizens, namely 69.18 percent of voters remained loyal "Peace Luhansk."

At the same time the European Union and the United States continue to turn up his nose hard on the success of New Russia, considering the election illegitimate, contrary to Minsk agreements and the reason for the continuation of hostilities in the Donbass. This occurs despite the full compliance of the Sunday events all legal and international agreements. In turn, the Russian side has already called on the international community and Kiev to cooperate with the authorities in Lugansk and Donetsk HP. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation addressed to the former southeastern Ukraine, with words of support will of the citizens of New Russia, and their desire to continue to move towards a peaceful settlement of the tense situation in the lands of the LC and the DNI.

Final data on elections in the Republic must be received on November 3.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


With activists the Kulikovo Field in Odessa met SBU. He said that all Ukrainian soldiers, and even the mighty terbatalony right quadrant doomed. They will be destroyed by the army of New Russia, and help them not to come. It is the government's plan.

Weight armed, desperate people Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk not necessary! SBUshnik knows exactly where the information, but his boss let slip that the question section of Ukraine - the issue resolved.

The employee realizes that such a solution - the fruit of secret negotiations Poroshenko, US, EU and Putin. He tearfully asked not to be considered an enemy and to convey to the soldiers from the zone ATO this information. Young Ukrainians will be sacrificed.

Well, it may at first sight seem nonsense, but if you see how MAT command throws his fighters in the "pot", forgets to bring up their ammunition and food, condemning to death, it becomes clear that not lying SBUshnik

Ivan Ivanov,
Central News Agency Novorossia

Despite the vigilance of law enforcement and efforts to protect the right of citizens to participate in elections, occupiers Novorossia managed to spoil the joy of Sunday's events. Another Saturday fascists blocked the approaches to Donetsk HP, as well as in the cities of the republic sent raiding parties, representatives of the army caught Donetsk HP.

Already in the process, when the ballots Novorossia residents fell into the ballot box, the invaders tried to provoke militias. Edward Basurin who holds the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Donetsk HP says that the invaders repeatedly began to fire on positions of militias, trying to provoke them into shooting response.

The first blow was still early morning in Donetsk, the factory "Tochmash". The second attack began at 14.10 nearby the sand, while tanks shelled positions militias located near the factory of rubber products. 40 minute mortar bombardment began at 14.20, shells exploded between Elenovka Dokuchaevsk and, in the village of Clear. The last attempt to disrupt the elections, became shelling the village Tauride, lasting about an hour.

Despite desperate attempts to bring the militias out of balance, the invaders did not succeed - the defenders of New Russia did not respond to the treacherous attacks Ukrainian terrorists. After that phone call temporarily stopped work in one area of ​​Donetsk, another stop accepting votes for found within the shell. Both cases were promptly resolved MUP.

After the Donbas people elected legitimate power, the next step on the "return of life" to the territory of New Russia will be the restoration of production capacity.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Exclusive footage
The shelling of the Holy Monastery of Iver incendiary shells

"Truce" in the district of Donetsk airport is becoming strained. It seems that the Kiev government has decided to spit on all the Minsk agreement and again shows its high spirituality. The area around the clock airport shelled by heavy artillery APU, and being there the Holy Iberian monastery shelled incendiary shells. Goes well and living quarters. Accidentally or intentionally, but the Ukrainian military constantly hitting on homes in which there is still a lot of people.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia
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Kiev, Nov 3 (Prensa Latina) The current leaders of the People''s Republics of Donetsk (PRD) and Lugansk (PRL), who oppose authorities in Kiev, were recognized as winners with a great advantage in the general election held on Sunday. Roman Lyaguin, chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) in the PRD, told a news conference that the incumbent prime minister on that insurgent territory, Alexander Zajarchenko, had won 765,340 votes, which account for 70 percent of total votes.

Candidate Alexandr Kofman won 111,024 votes and Yuri Sivonenko finished third with 93,280 votes, Lyaguin confirmed.

In the PRL, Republican leader Igor Plotnitsky won 63.8 percent of votes, quite ahead of the leader of the Union of Trade Unions, Oleg Akimov, Health Minister Larissa Airapetyan and entrepreneur Viktor Penner, who were the other candidates.

The Peace for Lugansk movement, led by Plotnitsky, won 69.42 percent of votes to create the Regional Council (Parliament), the CEC chairman in the PRL, Sergei Koziyakov, told TASS news agency.

The Economic Union finished second with 22.23 percent of votes, followed by the People's Union in the third place with 3.85 percent.

sc/jg/rc/jpm Modificado el ( lunes, 03 de noviembre de 2014 )

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Leader Igor LC Carpenter said the number of republics Novorossia will increase.

"In the New Russia should not be two republics. And when they are there will be a sufficient amount, and then it will evolve accordingly, "- he said.

He also said that in Ukraine will be proclaimed the new People's Republic. "The people will wake up, and already by the people will understand. There will be new republic. And Vinnytsia New Republic, and many other: Zaporizhia, Kherson, Cherkasy, Chernihiv. And it's not far off, "- said I. Carpenter.

Leader LC also added: "I am not afraid to say how they envy us something. They say, yes, we understand how difficult for you, but you do not know how difficult it is to us here. Therefore Kiev can not even imagine what awaits them, they do not understand the people, because they came not to the people. " .

Based on materials from the Internet SMI.podgotovil

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

It seems miraculously preserved remains psihozdorovya or simply not had time to catch chronic schizophrenia representatives of Ukrainian mass stench (media advertising, propaganda, disinformation) sensed that if you want to stay in the profession - it's time to start telling the truth.

An interesting fact on this topic is divided portal Ruposters.

Patriotism and mass ukrainization in "liberated from separatist cities" - a myth. So writes the Kiev edition of "News", an employee who had been in the areas of Donbass controlled Ukrainian security forces.

"A local taxi driver from Kramatorsk named General immediately warned:" better not tell me you're a journalist Kiev. " Naturally, I did not listen, and the first in the same grandmother Ocheretny (village near Donetsk) heard that I was from Kiev, turned with the words "xxxx you th ... nah." In Popasnaya 90% of the population is waiting when he comes "militia" and save on power, "the Kiev junta," - writes Julian Skibitska of the "lead".

According to the journalist, the rest of the population of Ukraine does not understand what is happening at the Donets Basin, as "trusting" hawala "everything he teaches our government." The result seen by the representative of the Ukrainian edition of reality radically different from broadcast media images. No "unity" between "exempt" Donbass security officials and local residents do not even smell.

"When I drove up to the checkpoint Ukrainian military, my question is how soldiers live with local Popasnaya out, I said," no. We do not recognize them, and they do not recognize us. " Popasnaya though there are not kept fighting, Ukrainian and did not become "- says the journalist," Vesti ".

Nevertheless, even after seeing the reality of Donbass, Julian Skibitska could not understand the main - if the locals and in need of protection, so not from the Ukrainian security services, and from within these security forces.

"In this, perhaps, lies the central paradox of Donbass - people do not want Ukraine to defend them. Let's not all. But most. And this is the bitter truth that must be acknowledged, and not stick sweet pills in the form of demonstration marches with Embroideries in Donbas. "

Insight comes hard. Write about what people trustingly "hawala" all the propaganda that their stuffs Ukrainian government, the journalist herself still nurtures the illusion that after all the blood spilled at least part of the Donbass can become a "Ukrainian".

"New Parliament, for a place in that fight all and sundry, among other things, you need to solve the main task - to do everything to become liberated the city in fact Ukrainian, not on paper. And do not whip and carrot - whip, no longer works. Otherwise there again fire breaks out, perhaps even stronger than before. In the meantime, when I read in the news reports, "70% support Ukraine Donbass", I feel it is not funny, not sad. "- Sums Skibitska.

Without entering into the debate, I want to note: not to "all and sundry" struggling to warm the seats in the new Ukrainian parliament to distribute gingerbread people. Gingerbread needed by himself, as Klitschko need hot Israeli sun, not to listen to complaints Kyivers lack of hot water.

Oh, those Ukrainian journalists. Like - long adult men, and believe in the fairy tale about the good intentions of those who came to power on the corpses of activists "Euromaidan." But Donbass drank some grief in the fairy tale has ceased to believe. And so - "in Popasnaya 90% of the population waits for the militia would come and save us from the power of" Kiev junta. "

But I hope that "we are all a little prozreem - someday and somehow" ...


Based on materials from the Internet media prepared

Tatiana Dobrodeeva.
Central News Agency Novorossia

"The only option - until late (until NATO is not ready to send" partner Pete "to help their troops) crush ruins completely militarily, with the creation of" Greater New Russia ", - said the former commander of the People's Militia of Donbass, the first Minister of Defense Igor DNI Fusiliers.

According to I. Strelkova, the agency Voenkor.info, "it will require considerable hardship and probably mobilization, as well as the speedy removal from power of the set of" old friends from St. Petersburg-liberals. "But it is better to suffer deprivation and achieve decisive victory than to get all the same thing and ended up "with nothing" and the prospect of repeating the way Milosevic-Hussein-Gaddafi. "

"The liberation and reunification. Restoration of what was taken from us 23 years ago under the cover thoroughly false cries of" freedom "and" democracy "- says Igor Fusiliers.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

DONETSK, November 4 (RIA Novosti) - A team of Dutch experts has arrived in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, to conduct preparations for removing the wreckage of the Malaysian Boeing flight MH17 which has crashed on July 17, Donetsk Deputy Prime Minister told RIA Novosti Tuesday.

"Three Dutch experts have arrived to remove the wreckage of Boeing, which still remains near the town of Torez. The first consultation with the representatives of our Emergencies Ministry, Ministry of Transport and police was held today. The experts also visited the crash site," Andrei Purgin, who also takes part in the talks, said, adding that the reasons of the crash are not being discussed.

Purgin added that currently the experts are inventorying and measuring the wreckage to find out what kind of transport is needed to take them away from the crash site. They will also determine the route. "Likely [they will take the wreckage] to Netherlands via Kharkov," Purgin said.

According to Purgin, Malaysia passed on the right to conduct operations with the plane's fragments to the Dutch side even though the aircraft belonged to Malaysia. "They got offended at Kiev, because Ukraine kept the Malaysian experts in a hotel for three weeks telling them how dangerous it is to come here," suggested Purgin. He estimates that the MH17 wreckage will be removed from the crash site "in two or three weeks."

LUHANSK, November 4 (RIA Novosti) – The West must stop backing the Ukrainian authorities over their alleged support of Nazi ideology, the head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) Igor Plotnitsky said Tuesday.

"If the Nazi ideology continues, very soon a 40-million terrorist group may emerge in Europe, in comparison to which al-Qaeda and Islamic State could seem a child's sports club," the LPR leader said at his inauguration ceremony after gathering almost 64 percent of the votes in the republic's general election.

Plotnitsky called on the international community to combine their efforts to repel the spread of the far-right ideology in Ukraine.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that neo-Nazi movements are functioning with the connivance of Kiev. He also argued that Moscow is trying to draw the attention of the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and other organizations to the far-right trend in Ukraine.

Various far-right movements, such as the Right Sector and the Azov Battalion have been involved in fighting southeastern Ukraine's pro-independence forces. The symbolism used by some of the groups, directly involved in the conflict, bears a strong resemblance to Nazi symbols.

Edited by John Dolva
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DONETSK, November 4. /TASS/. The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) welcomes Ukraine’s decision to cancel the law on special status of separate districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, first deputy prime minister of the DPR Andrey Purgin said Tuesday.

“This is the first honest deed of the Kiev authorities regarding Donbass. The law did not contain anything specific and was intentionally not put into effect,” Purgin told journalists.

“It served as a screen covering Kiev’s aggressive plans, which in practice come down to continuing shelling of peaceful people and economic blockade of Donbass,” he said.

LUHANSK, November 4. /TASS/. The Ukrainian army has been shelling inhabited localities of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) since Monday evening, acting LPR people’s police commander Oleg Bugrov said Tuesday.

“It started yesterday evening. The Ukrainian armed forces delivered an artillery strike in violation of all agreements established by the Minsk memorandum. They delivered strikes with Grad and Uragan (multiple launch rocket systems) on Kirovsk, Frunze, Stakhanov. Civilians died,” Bugrov said.

At the same time, he said the LPR people’s police are ready for Ukrainian army attacks. “The Ukrainian army constantly violates the ceasefire regime,” he said.

Shelling sounds were heard in downtown Luhansk during inauguration of Igor Plotnitsky as head of the LPR, a TASS correspondent reported.

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Language is a Virus


Kharkiv militia guerrilla unit named. IG Starinov reported that within 3 months they are active in the anti-fascist struggle in the territory of the People's Republic of Kharkiv. During this time, as they report in a statement, "destroyed more than 100 Bandera fascist occupiers and disabled 17 armored vehicles of the enemy."

In support of his partisans show passports and tickets military destroyed some punishers. Fighters of promise and further "cleanse his land of the brown neo-fascist plague."


His first appeal Kharkov guerrillas recorded in September 2014.

Help wording
07/04/2014 On Monday evening in Kharkiv on Freedom Square after Donetsk Kharkiv was proclaimed the People's Republic. Decision activists have voiced over the loudspeaker in the building of the regional administration (OSA). Was created by the deputies of the 136 volunteers. Around 19.00 they spent "a collection of regional bulk." It protesters expressed distrust Kharkiv Regional Council and read a list of names of those who are enrolled in alternative deputies. Right on the steps of the regional administration, they took the oath. After that, the activists went to negotiate with the police about their missing in the building on the upper floors and allowed to start work. As a result, an alternative regional council session was held right in the lobby.

Central News Agency Novorossia

For the third day (the horror - three days) settlements in occupied northern LC do not have electricity. And this is nothing against more than two months in Lugansk? And the whole reason - the active hostilities in Happiness for possession Schast'ye TPP.

Sincerely sorry for the people living in those areas that are not on their own have become hostages hopeless perseverance pripёrtyh to the Russian border, "the glorious warriors Square and indivisible." Surely you forget or do not take into account the sad experience of fighting in Krasnodon and along the border of the Rostov region? It would kill a lot of perseverance in no way innocent civilians living for centuries in these lands.

Not sure about the difficulties experienced in the winter are such suffering. For what is it? For any such mortal sins, and for what? For the sake of inflated from realizing its "grandeur and infallibility" of Kiev leaders? For some strange ideas evronapravlennosti and the thought that the Russian and Russian now we do not need? For the sake of ephemeral hope that "Europe will help us"?

Maybe some people need to include the mental parts of the brain, of course, at least the presence of symptoms thereof?

So many questions. And there is not only intelligible answers, and even versions or assumptions.

Andrew Chetyrshest,
Central News Agency Novorossia


The people of Donbass awoke to a bright new life. In the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic people build a new world in which spiritual values ​​are paramount.

In DNR prime minister elected Alexander Zaharchenko in the past - working-fitter 6th rank. It's wonderful that a simple, honest, kind, intelligent, strong-willed person becomes the head! The country will prosper with such a leader.

In Ukraine, more and more lies. Ukrainians when you wakes up ?!

Alex Goncharenko
Central News Agency Novorossia

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After the elections in LC, intensified their subversive, provocative activities of the person previously occupied in the Luhansk region leading posts in the civil service.

Fixed phone calls LC citizens who have not left the city during active hostilities and who were previously employees of the said bodies of the regional executive authorities unequivocal "unobtrusive recommendations" in the shortest time to move to Severodonetsk (and I want to say - New Vasyuki) for further performance of their duties. In case of failure by any: political, family, moral or other reasons - notified that such employee will be dismissed for "failure to comply with the Oath of civil servants in Ukraine" with the further opening of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine against him criminal case under article "for treason to the state."

And the most far-sighted leaders indicated in late April and early May of this year, taken from Lugansk agency staff personnel documents. This situation they are blackmailing citizens LC.

Is it time to set up the relevant structures in the battles and hardships of densely occupied this "fifth column"? After all, while some of these "leaders" quietly live in Lugansk, get help from LC and Russia shifts under various pretexts, family and domestic character calmly weekly commute to Severodonetsk to work. Somehow it's not quite true.

Andrew Chetyrshest,
Central News Agency Novorossia


The people of Donbass awoke to a bright new life. In the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic people build a new world in which spiritual values ​​are paramount.

In DNR prime minister elected Alexander Zaharchenko in the past - working-fitter 6th rank. It's wonderful that a simple, honest, kind, intelligent, strong-willed person becomes the head! The country will prosper with such a leader.

In Ukraine, more and more lies. Ukrainians when you wakes up ?!

Alex Goncharenko
Central News Agency Novorossia


Donbass ... long summer of 2014 ... So it will forever be remembered pupil 11-B grade school number 53 of Makeyevka. And so she described it in a traditional school essay.

I think that someday, in fifty years, when I have adult children and young grandchildren, I will plant them on their knees and tell her about the war distant youth.

Tell them how we were hiding from the bombing. Sitting in the bathroom because the basement was not. As shaking windows. As tears flowed. Like all prayed.

I'll shout it all, all, all over the world!

I'll tell you, I was afraid. I'll tell you how over the summer had learned all the neighboring towns on the "Baja" Castle. As I could not sleep at night because of tanks traveling outside the window.

Let people hear, let people understand!

Tell them as a headache for days. As a mother crying over the news in the tape. How brother pick up the pieces of shells around the block. How to count craters in the yard.

Want every fascist ashamed and sick at heart!

Tell the kids scream and run the cellars. Tell how people were leaving. Like throwing relatives, homes and belongings. As our city is deserted. Like men, women and very young boys went to defend the Motherland.
I will teach people to appreciate the peace and life!

Discuss how the militia called heroes. As my grandmother under the porch singing the Russian national anthem and military songs. As a response to the phrase "falling star, make a wish" every resident of Makeyevka ONE guessing.

Explain to everyone that was in the Donbas twenty fourteenth summer.
I'll tell you how the first sentence the teacher after the long summer was "Oksanka, are you alive?" And as it turns out, is good to go to school.

Someday, in fifty years, my children and grandchildren will hear a lot of horror stories about the war my distant youth. And God forbid that this horror never, never go back and touched our descendants!

Oksana Kulikova
schoolgirl 11-B class Makeevka school number 53
for the school newspaper "Sparta".

In October 2014.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Chief of Staff "Gyurza": "Avengers Kiev regime shelled civilians under Mariupol '.

Videodnevnik division "Swat" and "Gyurza."

Soldiers of the Army Novorossia at position Mariupol. Scouts to photograph the shelling Ukrainian multiple rocket launchers "Grad" and recorded the effects of

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

As the site http://dnr-lnr.ru/, Prime Minister of breakaway Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zaharchenko announced early onset militias positions Ukrainian security officials. According to him, the fighting resumed in connection with the fact that Kiev is not in compliance with the "regime of silence" in the east of Ukraine, "Interfax".

"" Silent Mode "is observed only by us. On the day before yesterday, and we started to respond. Yesterday and today it was quieter, " - said Zakharchenko.

The prime minister did not rule out the DNI beginning of heavy fighting in connection with plans militia regain control of towns near the Donbass. According Zaharchenko, including Kramators'k, Mariupol and Slavic.

"Kramators'k, Mariupol and Slavic - they will be ours. We are going to pick them up, to regain. So it is not excluded even heavy fighting, " - he stressed.

In early September 2014 between representatives of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic on the one hand, and the Ukrainian authorities - on the other, an armistice was concluded. In addition, a plan agreed peace settlement. In particular, Kiev adopted a law on the special status of the Donbass and amnesty for militias.

At the same time, the parties have repeatedly accused each other of violating the ceasefire and cessation of the agreements reached.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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That's really half a year has passed since the event, and dozens of dangling overturned millions (including mine) lives. "Already," or "just"? For stories like invisible "moment between the past and the future." And for our with you, the citizens of Ukraine, of life? After all, in fact, for us, our country whole era gave way! At the site yesterday were peaceful, never known war for 70 years (3 generations has grown!), Generally prosperous and democratic (yes, though entirely corrupt, but with all the democratic freedoms of speech, conscience, elections, meetings, demonstrations, etc. etc.), there was a totalitarian country, a bleeding wound on the body of Eastern Europe led by iudofashistami.

This (and not contrived) fascist dictatorship with all its attendant attributes: kidnappings, massacres, and the surveillance of terror against all dissenters ... And it's not a paradox. The fact that fascism (Zionism) allegedly not, ask the millions of Palestinians who were expelled from their homeland. Or wondering why all the power and all the big business in Ukraine belong to the Jews? Among the indigenous Slavic population no decent, talented, capable of? Then why this population is a country? If German fascism was directed against Jews and Slavs, Jewish - against the Slavs (Orthodox) and Arabs.

On the TV screens as fascist Ukraine "journalist" Bodea Boutkevitch freely talks about the need to destroy a million and a half residents of Donbass commercials. Had he tried to speculate somewhere in England or the destruction of the Scots in Spain - Catalans ... Yes, in the same Ukraine would try to promote the destruction of the Jews ...

A distinctive feature of modern Ukraine, headed by Ukrainian fascists (Bandera) - Jewish fascists (the Zionists), and this despite their mutual fierce hatred! Perhaps what is now pravoseki and other Natsik are cannon fodder for the Zionist leadership of Ukraine - is a sophisticated Jewish revenge for the participation of Ukrainian policemen, Bandera and the SS Division "Galicia" in the Holocaust of World War II. Or implement a plan of mutual extermination of Slavs. In any case, bogey frank Nazi swastika Ukrainian leadership hide from the world community, stealing votes from the same "freedom" and "the right sector" in the presidential and parliamentary elections.

Once trained, financed and conducted in "manual mode" Western Zionists (the same Obama under Israeli law - kike) "Euromaidan" power in the Ukraine was in the hands of tenacious Jewish fascists. There are five "wedding generals" type wino Lutsenko, the nominal head of the presidential party, but no real, not masking the role they play. By the way, how wrong his father, first secretary of the regional party committee: "We do not need to talk about the atrocities of Bandera - people still remember." Witnesses atrocities died and propaganda "reeducate" the new generation, including his son and party functionaries.

What fate iudofashisty prepared for the indigenous Slavic population - it is clear after the genocide, and the policy of "scorched earth" in the Donbas. In the future, their plans, who will not die - will be forced to flee from mass unemployment and terror abroad "countries of the victory of democracy," rotten to "gentry" in the West. The remaining representatives of the "titular nation" will be home already for nothing kowtow to the "nation's ruling." Well, the old long stretch at the "European" prices for medicines, food, and "communal".

One of the favorite tricks of the Zionists - Semitism. Like, all the leaders of the opposing iudofashizma - "cave antisemites" hate all Jews. Corny, but effective technique. Here the hands of their Jewish fascists Russian party members who classify all the Jews to the "curse the Jews." And how opponents of the current fascist regime Kiev Wasserman, Girkin, Kobzon Rosenbaum? Yes, our common Russian culture can be imagined without Brodsky, Meyerhold, but can you imagine her without Levitan, Vysotsky?

Logically, any Shenderovitch-Makarevich and other Sobchak, Nemtsov iudofashistov trash on the side, but the best representatives of the Jewish people - among supporters of the militia in its ranks. They were among those killed in the House of Trade Unions Odessites. So blame the Zionists to the Jewish people have zhidobander not work.

The best representatives of any of the people joining the ranks of the anti-fascists. It always has been!

If during the German Nazi underground and fought the German antifascists, now among the participants in the resistance of the Kiev junta many Jews. Or to the recent anniversary of the tragic events on Dubrovka. Remember - if "Jew" Nemtsov cowardly fled the captured building, although he, the enemy, "Putin regime", the terrorists would probably not cause harm, but the Jews Roshal and Kobzon, risking their lives, negotiated, helped hostages, agreed to release part of They ...

Dregs of any nation become Nazis: German, Jewish, Russian, Ukrainian - no difference. The Nazis - those for which its own nation, nor that it creates, "above all", which means above all other peoples - "subhumans." They can and burn alive - it's not people, it's "Colorado", "Muscovites", "quilted jackets" ...

But any normal person does not want to be on one side of the "fence" with any leading "Dom-2" or a group with the same name as the "liberals" in the Russian language to translate shy, but defile the temple. Attack on Orthodox Russia is in full swing and on all fronts!

One of these Russian fronts (in cultural and historical terms) of the world - Ukraine. Let's talk about it more recently our common country. Here is nearing half burned alive dozens Odessites. As citizens, we have reached such a life? How it all began? It will soon be a year "Evromaydanu" ... the year that did not survive the thousands of our compatriots. Recall fragmentary.

About a year ago, a thief (but not killer) Yanukovych, who came to power as the other thief Kuchma, under the slogan of protection of the Russian language and friendship with Russia (as well as red rascal violated his campaign promises), dovorovalsya to what to write off " poperednikov "all economic miscalculations has not worked. However, he and his party led a double game - kept on course "European integration". And it does not hold if the lion's share of the accounts and property and you, and your fellow-accomplices in the West? Because Yanukovych and balanced, as the whole country 23 years between the Western world and Russia.

But such a neutral position of Ukraine ceased to satisfy Western (read - Zionist) world rulers of preparing anti-Russian bridgehead (which - written by many authors sensibly and convincingly). Therefore, in the second half of the past, 2013, Yanukovych and Co. accelerated pace, not looking back, flew to the signing of "association with the EU." The fact that many countries in North Africa and Latin America for decades "evroassotsiirovany," but it does not shine or the entry into the EU, or even closing the gap with the developed countries of the European Union, the tip of the "regionals" and cared little plow. Yes, even the recent example of the full members of the EU - Romania and Bulgaria, who lost not only the remnants of the industry, but also agricultural products to buy now in the north of Europe (!!!), lost youth, drapanuvshuyu of total unemployment over the hill, - "regionals" not very frightened long.

And only on the eve of the signing evroassotsiatsii Azarov government has estimated the economic consequences and horrified. Budget money stolen, and tens of billions of losses from a rapprochement with the "European democracy" neither Europe nor the United States nor the IMF out of pocket to cover not going. Who would have thought - there is, like more money in Ukraine !!!

And, as happened many times in the recent history of "independent" of each other in Russia and Ukraine, in difficult times Russia came to the aid of his sister. Signed a loan agreement for 15 bn., Transferred the first tranche. But many believed that it is not necessary to help Ukraine, and thus the regime of Yanukovych. Better not be - not to steal his team did not know how. And supporters of "European integration" has another argument - "Asian commodity" Russian money for the future do not go, all hope of Ukrainians - to the "brothers of Europeans."

Yes, the corrupt in power, the Russian assistance is not saved. And the money went into the sand, and the country lost. It turns out that not only had to be able to steal, but also to protect the loot. West was not tolerated on their reels - the time it does not. Value Janek little brake with European integration, ask for the "calculate think, agree," gave him a "Ukrainian national revolution of honor" ... His agents dispersed no one interferes student rally. There are "victims of the dictatorship," the rest - business thumb technique in many countries ... Now, any occasion and any concession of power used to further escalation of confrontation and further requirements.

For example, the overbearing majority in parliament vote hands (it is not prohibited, but the buttons to press the opposition physically prevents blocking the work of parliament) adopt the so-called "Draconian" laws. And that is in them such "draconian"? Budget Act? Or law that can not hold a meeting with arms and faces covered? So in all countries, and indeed including today's Ukraine - the only way! Or crime - require foreign companies to call from outside sources of funding? In any country, care about the national security and the collection of taxes (including all Western "democracy"), just so and not otherwise! Or somewhere in the world (let alone of modern Ukraine and reminisce a bit awkward) allowed the seizure of office buildings? Or "Berkut", not wanting to burn down meekly, shoots from travmatiki on throwers "Molotov cocktail." The horror! Yelling to the whole world: "criminal regime shoots and beats" peaceful demonstrators "!!! Yes, compared to today's Kiev-ghouls ghouls Yanukovych with his gang of thieves - the innocent lambs.

Yes, the US was launched in Ukraine repeatedly spent scenario "color" revolution. But in its most radical form. And radical militants prepared ahead of time by Western instructors both in Ukraine and in Poland with the Baltic states. Because, unlike the "orange" a decade ago, "brown" originally distinguished its brutal and bloody.

West is ready to advance to the anti-Russian revolution in Ukraine. And what about Russia?

Nothing! Which agents there! I, as a resident of Odessa, knowing that all the pro-Russian companies had no money even for the purchase of Russian literature, I believe Putin said that Russia all those years was not engaged intelligence (add - as propaganda, cultural, educational, any yet) work at its nearest neighbor. Generally noticed that the Russian leader was not lying or not lying about. And why should he lie, if it is true, as it is surprising at first glance, by and large is on the side of Russia?

Take the "occupied" Crimea. Someone may challenge the fact that the majority of Crimeans to secede from Ukraine and join Russia? Or they do not have the right to vote? If not, then why are they worse than all the other peoples of the world whose right to self-recorded by the UN Charter? The fact that they are mostly Russian? Why are their close relatives Ukrainians took advantage of this right at the August 1991 referendum (despite the fact that the referendum in March called for the preservation of the USSR)? But in August issue of secession from the Soviet Union did not stand! Tried to become independent if all Soviet subjects, starting with the RSFSR. That "kidalovo" because "Scam"!

Well, those on the Independence dreamed of a better future for their homeland, once again, as 10 years, and 23 years ago, are being shortchanged. And another chance to change everything Maidan left - United States do not need it, his protege and proteges at the helm. And without that, no sponsor "color revolution in praise of democracy" in the world is happening. How many "otdemokratizirovannyh" corpses left the Yankees and their henchmen in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya? Now - the thousands of victims of "democracy" in Ukraine!

Ukrainian supporters of "democratic Europe" just do not pay attention to the fact that the peaceful protesters on Maidan were replaced by trained militants West with Nazi symbols and slogans and the way of action. We see counted - let "radical youth" break "hated convict rotten regime," and then everything will be like in Europe. Only when and to whom the Nazis willingly gave power? Let them try today "evrodemokraty" gather peaceful protest rally - at once nostalgically recall the "criminal power." If the opposition MPs simply silenced or beaten, thousands of "peresіchnih ukraїntsіv" simply disappeared. And God forbid that they were still alive, even in the dungeons of the "Ukrainian Gestapo" - SBU managed manually from Langley. But, frankly, the chances are slim - the month of people unaccounted for ...

"Let us estimate so Єvropa" - an associate member of the class she acquired through the efforts of the United States. But it is now clear, and then, in the early Euromaidan, few people in a nightmare could not imagine what will turn to the country's "peaceful protest rally." Although there. There was at least one wise cunning. I listened to an interview with Lukashenka in late 2013 and was amazed to him that he was sorry for the Ukraine, as he does not want to neighboring countries has become an arena of geopolitical battlefield Russia and the West. What battle? What kind of nonsense? Why did he have regrets? But once again proved rights experienced president. Further steps and maneuvers hitromudrye Lukashenko - the cause of his conscience.

Gradually the "Ukrainian National Revolution honor" spreading through the country in the last instance - at its South-East. Including a "tolerant, multicultural, politically correct" Odessa.

I can tell you about their way "in politics," as it represents a typical self, the average Odessa. In my veins - Ukrainian (actually - Little Russian Dnieper villagers) and Russian (Cossack) blood equally. Uterine blood children of Kievan Rus. Equally owned two very similar languages, while Ukrainian Shevchenko (actually - Little Russian, for modern Ukrainians and without their knowledge Shevchenko transfer) will not turn into an artificially created newspeak. All the same in Odessa people communicate with each other, each in his - Russian, Odessa dialect Russian, Ukrainian, Ukrainian dialect "surzhik" ... languages ​​and dialects are closely intertwined and interdependent. Though "beer" Say, though "pyvo" - everything is clear and understandable! We understand each other, and until recently did not pay attention to it (until "svidomye" media all ears buzzed his "movoy").

Note that we have, as in any other country, many TV shows are parallel in two languages ​​- when and presenters, and participants raznoyazyky, talking to each other, each in his. And it was not the lack of the country, and its uniqueness and richness!

A policy? What is politics? I, like most of the citizens of Odessa, not particularly interested in politics (it is expensive we stood and will stand still). His work done, the family provides. But here revealed truth banal rules "if you are not interested in politics, politics is interested you" ... Of course, not before seeing what is happening in the country since November last year, could not ...

That familiar collected money and stuff for Maidana. Not given, not because it is a pity - since the "Orange Revolution" then more intuitively believed in all these games Maidan. Then the familiar themselves went to the Maidan, back in January due to ill health, after costly surveys in the end it turned out that they (not even smokers and non-drinkers) addiction. For them, and for me it was a shock. I still remembered how in 2004, his wife laughed at the statement Yanukovych that oranges on Independence chop. And here familiar concluded that their "plant" on drugs free tea, handed out on the Maidan. More nothing. What is this drug, what is its effect - is unknown. Some suggest that such people now - "maydauny" manageable at the right time some signals crowds. Who knows? My friends over there, and after such a discovery does not cease to be supporters of "European integration", took a course of drug treatment. It seems to have helped ...

However, they are now at a crossroads. Kolomoiskiy structure, having lost the Crimea, were actively "pressing" seaside in Odessa, Mykolayiv and Kherson regions. All there resorts, motels and other private property at the edge of the sea - at gunpoint main raider Ukraine (this title Benya Kalomoysha gained more in the "dashing" 90s, but now, after Euromaidan Katyn and Odessa, he became the chief Zionist Europe and Give him feeding Dnepropetrovsk - new official European Capital of Zionism ... grow "people"). At gunpoint and recreation center, which on equal footing with partners owns my friend - had at one time prihvatizirovat. By the way, friend - also a Jew, so that Kalomoysha not scruple to rob tribesmen. Scared my friend. And Benin militants afraid and distribution in the Odessa region of the war, and possible riots - understands that the created over the past six months the Zionist leadership of Ukraine to make love to all the Jews will not increase.

And where is he going to move? Out of the frying pan into the fire! In the most stable (in his opinion) region of Ukraine - Lviv! However, I advised him to read the article about an Israeli Lviv, how Bandera "love" Jews, that even the German fascists in his time were forced to restrain them during the Holocaust ... Now friends are going to absolutely leave Ukraine. Here are just a business for nothing do not want to give way, and the property has depreciated at least a third. Asked him - and how? As soon hold a meeting on Evromaydane, help it to provide that, after his victory from the country to get away? Answer: This is my particular case, but in general there will be all right. Blessed are those who believe.

I'm here at the prospects of a country can not see. Even without the war economy - on the verge of collapse, the Soviet property for the years of "independence" completely plundered, the new has not been created (where they are - Ukrainian factories, power stations, viaducts? Not one quarter of a century). Our business and government (which is the same thing) only know how to steal and hide in offshore production.

Other familiar, so to speak, from the opposite camp - "Titushky." We went for the money "regionals" in Kiev, stood on Antimaydane. In general, earned, enjoyed the situation, knowing that the money (like all the great capitals) - stolen. Here at the beginning of February in Odessa regional administration before any "Titushky" from Balaclava helmets and attacked for no apparent reason with batons on journalists. Shown, so to speak, "the true face Antimaydana." Now, it is clear who needed it. Surely the same forces who organized the beating of students in Kiev. All the same pattern: "innocent victims - the people's outrage - a coup." In short, no one I felt no sympathy - not to "evrointegratoram" nor to the authorities with their "Titushky."

And now - the 20th of February, the victory of "democracy" in Kiev. I, on the corner of his eye witness zomboyaschiku for a while, not had time to recover. Like the day before, police maydanovtsev strongly shifted, stood above them on the bridge, they were burning tires in full (good wind was blowing toward the police, and if I back?). And suddenly - a retreat, dozens of dead, escape President (legally, by the way, still legitimate president - the coup did not bother him so far even formally declare impeachment). What the "marvels"? Yes, everything is simple - press the Western "negotiators" on our "vorovayku" sanctions threatened to arrest foreign accounts and assets pledged to participate in early elections. And flowed "monumental Janek." Divorced him as Lohan. All he sold and delivered: and voters (won the election honestly, no one is challenged) and defenders (saved my ass, and the wounded "berkutovtsev" and "veveshnikov" -srochnikov "democrats" with swastikas in hospitals finished). As a result - and the country lost, and property zabugornyh.

And feel sorry for him? Neither I nor the majority of inhabitants of Odessa was not particularly sorry that before many times deceive their voters, and now betrayed their president has lost power. Not terrible - now let the new government will try to "order" to restore. And they "try". Began to direct the "new order" - an analog of the "new order" of the German fascists.

I confess, to 2 May, I have not seen or imagined. More suggestions surprised his Russian friends, we leave a "fascist", "Bandera" country. What the Nazis in Odessa? What Bandera ??? What makes you think ??? From them we have to be ??? Yes, so far (it is the March-April) in Odessa supporters oppose Maidana and Antimaydana. But their opposition is more like a valiant fun - jostle each other at Duke, on the Potemkin stairs somewhere else ... Maximum Damage - bumps and bruises.

Yes, for me, as for most of the citizens of Odessa, as for most (except for residents of the western regions of the Uniate) residents of Ukraine, the characters are not an agent or an agent of the Abwehr Bandera SS Shukhevich and the same Soviet Ukrainians Kozhedub Kovpaka Malinowski - the real heroes of his homeland! Because our symbol - St George ribbon, not black and red Prapor. Hebrews as inhabiting Ukraine must decide with whom they - with the heirs of their ancestors saved the Soviet soldiers or successors of Nazi collaborators - Bandera. And because one never knows, nobody will save you ...

I was held in late April and through the camp on Antimaydana "Kulikovo Field". "Vigilantes" Antimaydana then from there by agreement with the new governor Nemirovsky moved to 411 batteries (now something clear - this was the initial stage of implementation of the plan of mass murder Odessites). Standing on the square in front of the House of Trade Unions 3-4 large army tent hung with campaign materials. Women and pre- retirement age (many soon to be massacred) campaigned for a referendum, argued that all the people of Ukraine, not politicians in Kiev, has to decide crucial issues for the country: one or two state language, federalization, vector development. Naive. So I was then.

Yes, hanging on the Kulikovo Field Russian flag. But next to the Ukrainian and Belarusian. People still do not realize that since the bloody victory Euromaidan call for an alliance with the fraternal peoples of Eastern Slavic Ukraine became a crime! Crimes for which should incur extrajudicial execution! Odessa citizens wanted to be heard to the entire Ukrainian people, not politicians (especially because of this policy we have - there are only businessmen from policy) decided nationwide crucial for the country.

What unheard requirements !!! How so - the people themselves will decide ??? Yes, and that is wrong for the people, not the ruling and did not even cover ??? How dare open his mouth, and all sorts of Muscovites podmoskaliki Ukraine ??? They separatists !!! The agents of the Kremlin !!! Pro-Russian activists !!! Pulverize !!! Burn hot iron separatism in Odessa !!! Burn in the fires of hell !!!

They did not know that there is no peace in the Ukraine junta is not needed: Western masters will not allow. Would need peace, would Radel for country - held a referendum on all divides society issues. That would have voted against the federalization of Ukraine and bilingualism - that while their supporters do? Would vote "for" - that Ukraine terrible? All major countries - the federation, all of a country where half the population (so that there is a half - at least a quarter) speaks a different language, this language is recognized as the second state. And no matter how many thousands of lives were saved then? Someone has calculated the actual loss of the same army for six months, "ATO"? Numbers such that and consider scary, not that voice ... Oh, and bitter for Banderlog released "skewers of Colorado" - thousands for it with their lives and have paid more pay. Interestingly, as much as ukrovoyak, burning in armored vehicles, cursed the organizers' Odessa Katyn "? Then almost none of it did not know and did not anticipate.

Here recall response Nikita Mikhalkov Odessa city council member - another Zion Hare Spivak. Khrushchev was wrong! He reproached Spivak, that he neither in the hour of trial or immediately after was not close to their voters. Where there! Perhaps even in a nightmare surreal, phantasmagoric dream could not imagine a filmmaker to deputy rejoiced mass agonizing death of their citizens. It is now, after thousands of deaths, including the deaths of those who at one time like Spivak "dragged" to "skewers of Colorado," everyone knows what to expect from such sionobanderovtsev ... What is surprising - not all MPs were corrupt rats. Death with voters adopted May 2 present, but because really, MP Odessa Regional Council Vyacheslav Markin.

Yes .. May 2 .... The point in the lives of tens of ... The turning point in the lives of millions of ... nail in the coffin of the country ...

Over the past six months, he heard the sea reproaches addressed to all the citizens of Odessa. I will not for others to tell about themselves. Day 2 May (a day off, doing household chores, then was away) vaguely heard (I think on the radio) about any clashes in the city center (near the Greek area), comments that there Odessa movement "Kulikovo Field "faced with football fans. More surprised announcer said that the citizens of Odessa 5 hundred, and visitors 'ultras' (in defenders at "Nenko Ukraine" - frostbitten pravoseki and football fans, it is seen anyone more intelligent kind of country is not worthy) - 2 to 3 thousand. Like most other citizens of Odessa, not particularly interested in politics, did not attach much importance to these collisions (thought it was just another "push" youth without serious injury), the further development of street confrontations did not attend. How were we to know what will turn into a nightmare on May 2? But it covered our city indelible stain bloody shame, became a symbol of the dreadful crime in 21st century Europe. And who now remembers that Odessa was fun capital of humor?

Only late at night, turn on the TV I heard on a talk show of the same herald Euromaidan Schuster (again Zionist) that in Odessa killed dozens of people. How, where, why ??? The first information ukroSMI (I was still watching them and often even trust - what idiocy!) - Odessites repulsed visitors armed Russians and Pridnestrovians who tried to tear off the "pearl of the sea" in Nenko Ukraine ... In this "aggressors" killed in the city center "Patriot ". However, the "patriotic citizens" drove the invaders to the House of Trade Unions, from where they were thrown into the "patriots" "Molotov cocktails", but the inexperience of the building was set on fire and burned in him. Generally, it is all the machinations of agents' Putlera. "

Of course, nothing surprising in the fact that the junta-controlled mass media (and others in the fascist countries not) at first tried to give the visitors the Maidan and landing hundreds of Ternopil Ivano-Frankivsk, provide extras, as well as special forces and Kolomoiskiy SBU forced their way from the rear of the building houses trade unions and destroy its defenders firearms (8 people died from gunshot wounds - somehow does not fit with an unplanned accident) and banned white phosphorus, for some "Odessa self-defense," and the victims themselves - armed Russians and Transnistrians. Then, the thing - no firearm barrel at the House of Trade Unions have not found, and the dead - Odessa. There is still maydanovskie centurions and pravoseki on camera finished vyprygnuvshy from burning building (2nd floor - all to death!), Choked zhenschinu- "koloradku" Ukrainian flag (the best application for the flag is not found, turning it into a rag, a murder weapon), accountable and boasted as "bent Odessa" ... Governor Nemirovsky called such actions as lawful ...

But the real picture of the Odessa Katyn consists of eyewitness accounts, including the police chief Fuchedzhi, whose formal investigation clearly outlined the role of the "scapegoat", photographic and video materials intercepted conversations, including negotiations accomplices Beni Kalomoyshi. And it results that Hatyn Odessa - is planned fascist junta Intimidate South-East, that he dared not even think about federalization and the second state language.

After the briefing and Parubiya Turchinova Odessa Governor Nemirovsky agrees with warriors Kulikov field of shifting them on the pretext of the battery 411 ban rallies in the squares and streets. Troopers arrived together with local geeks - Russian-pravosekami Bandera - not meeting adequate two-three thousandth crowd resistance, provide a picture "of Odessa citizens" who gathered in front of the House of Trade Unions and burn campaign tents Kulikovo field. At this time, had taken refuge in the building of two or three hundred unarmed supporters federalization from the rear (rear doors were open - perhaps agent fascists) commandos attacked the SBU and mercenaries from PMC Kalamoyshi.

The next day, the real part of the surviving inhabitants of Odessa was released in hell - on the roof of the survivors (who do not have time to take in the other regions of Ukraine) - from the city police department. Hunting Nazis for those and others continues to this day. So many killed, captured, missing, are in hiding, fighting in Donbas ...

Resistance in Odessa, Kharkov and other cities occupied by the junta, deep underground. Time passed peaceful rallies. Any man working age with a rally is in the cellars of the Gestapo Ukrainian - SBU. With the help of her branch of the CIA - Ukrainian State Security Service - figured many opponents of the regime through the means of electronic espionage, virtual networks, mobile communications. Resistance under Nazi occupation - always a difficult thing and deadly.

Customer and organizer of the ongoing hunt for these citizens of Odessa (Odessa itself as Katyn) - Kolomoysky (even his accomplices intercepted talks about this show). Nearest his partners in the organization of the Odessa Katyn - three more Zionist: Poroshenko (Valtsman) Yatsenuk (Buckeye) Turchynov (Kogan). Further organizational and information support for the Zionist created Kublo Dnepropetrovsk: Filatov, Corban, Mace (future governor of Odessa) ... and Odessa: former Governor Nemirovsky, Spivak, Hurwitz ... mostly "bloody work" carried out commandos PMCs Kalomoyshi and SBU. Well, for a television picture instead of "Odessites patriots of Ukraine" crowd "Banderlog" of the western regions, Maidan hundreds of football fans from Kharkov, well, "the right sector" Odessa (in the family has its black sheep). Coordinated the direct perpetrators and the siloviki zapadenets-banderovets Paruby organized in Odessa, on the eve of the massacre Odessites meeting accomplices.

Now it is clear that the citizens of Odessa burned, shot, to achieve not Odessites. Everything fell into place - the descendants of Soviet soldiers and partisans killed the descendants of Bandera.

They repeated in Odessa "exploits" of their ancestors by burning unarmed residents. Odessa Hatyn - direct analogue of the Belarusian Katyn, destruction of the Ukrainian policemen. The circle is closed! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! This Bandera moronic slogan for megalomaniac and an inferiority complex now, by order of a Jewish president - the slogan of the entire Ukrainian army. But the ancestors Valtsmana (Poroshenko) and certainly in a nightmare could not imagine that their child will pull through Bandera cry - cry under which killed hundreds of thousands of Jews Bandera! But what Banderlog received for a business trip to Odessa 1000 UAH. from Beni Kalomoyshi (lists already published in the internet) - especially Jewish fascism.

So for that, "Glory to Ukraine, Glory to Heroes"? For genocide Ruthenians (Orthodox inhabitants of Galicia and Transcarpathia) in 1914-1918? Poles for genocide in 1943? For complicity in the Holocaust of the Jews in 1941-1944? For the "Odessa Khatyn" and genocide of civilians Donbass in 2014?

Greater glory and not for that. "Fight" -That Banderlog able only unarmed yes monuments. And yet none of them will ask themselves: what side monument to Lenin Yanukovych regime or even to Putin's Russia? The fact that the Marxist-Leninist ideology as a bone in the throat of the oligarchs - logical and justified, but "cattle" -So for themselves somehow demolition "Ilyich" should justify? Alas, the ability to think at all disabled! I would think "patriots of Ukraine" - would have filled up a monument to Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, because without them there would be today the Ukrainian state, especially - in the 1991 borders. Fighting the same with armed resistance Bandera afraid. Even the "outstanding leader" is going to take Sevastopol Geletii Ilovajskij responsibility for Ilovajskij crash knocks on the front with the battalion drapanuvshy Banderlog "Carpathians". Their fault - not theirs, and heels with advanced exactly greased! Cool warriors - heroes of Ukraine!

Since we still have come to such a life? Are guilty of all "Ukrainian Armageddon"? Do not dwell on the first blood burned "Berkut" ... investigate whether the "case of snipers"? The same next Zionist Pashinsky even asked why his on Independence with a sniper rifle were detained on the eve of the shooting "hundreds of Heaven"? Or asked the same Paruby why trajectory of shots and the police and the protesters are controlled by him from the House of Trade Unions? As with the "Odessa Khatyn"? The parliamentary commission on it disbanded due to the refusal of cooperation (contrary to the law, but who do about it now in Ukraine remembers?) Power structures ... The same Paruby not replied to that before the tragedy siloviki in Odessa coached.

Which of the killers Odessites Odessa police took in Kiev pravoseki secured the release by the courts. Look, for example, "evromaydanovets" Hodiyak - he's one of the first rifle bloody "mess" brewing, the first murder reconstructor Losinskogo made more in the center of Odessa, wounded another 6 people, the same journalist evroorientirovannogo Konstantinova (chief editor of the site Dumskaya.net) ... And the first death in the city center for a long time represented as atrocity "Colorado" and the justification of their mass murder. Issued Hodiyak Kiev Pechersk court, joyfully meet other "evrointegratorami" with swastikas ... Or maybe even someone still believes that Odessites themselves burned itself shoots his militia, under their control, towns and villages? Where is the logic? But ... what I mean? What is the logic? Her long and maydaunam otzombirovali completely in the hands of a dozen Jewish oligarchs media.

Logic in Ukrainian mob cut off long ago, from foreign media cut - who "plebs" to give information to receive and compare? But "freedom" and "freedom of speech"! True, democratic, European road goes, "lords" ... Why do you need a new election? All the same, Washington will decide through its managed computer databases and virtual networks, through those who seize Maidan their bulls, whose militants are electoral commission to "control" ... That's why the voters - mostly seniors - before the election, you can not "lure". Another source of survival for the elderly to select ...

And otzombirovannyh maydaunov on divorce as he likes - and they slaughtered the song go ... For them and rechёvki-related chants invented (by technology sectarian chants) - top of pluralism, freedom of thought and intelligence "superior race"! After all, as a "redneck" likes to speculate about the superior race - scream, do not feed them bread - call the "titular nation", and order! The fact that over the "titular" nation dominates the ruling, are blind, most importantly - Muscovites rights even lower, they still robbed and language ...

Now you can kill thousands of civilians while Donbass "rub" to the electorate that it destroys itself militia under his control towns and villages ... They're "terrorists", and if so, are they the civilian population (ie with their family and friends ) are fighting, not ATO (we have the same "anti-terror")! Bloody theater of the absurd! That is, the "terrorists" do not blow or the Kiev subway or train station Lviv, Donetsk not shelled villages captured by the junta. But controlled myself settlements beating hurl all kinds of weapons, including "Grad" missiles and "Tochka-U" (which they do not have and was not).

You can "Boeing" knock down, try to put the blame on "separatists". Well, did not work - ah-ah-ah, never mind! Negotiations which sent a crew to the usual route in the area of ​​fighting, "pinch", images from space, proving support combat aircraft airliner - unfounded to call fake, but their talks convincingly unmasked fakes militia (pre-prepared - for the time immediately after the occurrence of the disaster) -zabyt ... And generally suppress the death of three hundred passengers - "no harm in trying," there are failures and our "heroes" ... Anyway, drugged crowd will shout "Glory" ... "Glory to the heroes who slept Colorado!"

Still bitter aftertaste comes from the "kebab from Colorado" for Banderlog ... Until many of them (who live in the Donbas was) realized that Odessa Hatyn not committed to separatism in the Southeast, and has become one of the nails in the coffin of Ukraine , became the banner of the liberation struggle of the emerging new state: New Russia - New Russia.

The fact that the Jewish shepherds as cannon fodder banderlozhi sheep, is not important. These Judas sold long ago and Slavic brotherhood, and the Orthodox faith (not for nothing more Bohdan Khmelnytsky, where he met the Uniates, multiply by zero). And they have sold themselves and their country for nothing. The Jews again and throw them lit as suckers: Banderlog still have not realized that neither their country nor its land or property in it they do not belong. "Svidomye" Ukrainians still think that the Zionists to build for them a prosperous, free, rich in Ukraine.

For that Jews or Poles in the same love you? During the pogroms Pale holocaust and genocide since the Second World War? Now you deservedly hated Russian (for Russian importantly - do not begin to pity and help the critters who killed brutally in the South-East of Ukraine, thousands of peaceful Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine did not pay further under pressure from the West, Russian pocket genocide of the Russian people). Oh, and it will be difficult to live among Banderovites hate neighbors!

In front of me in the memory are always charred corpses of young guys ... nothing worse than either before or after (and after've see a lot) I have not seen. In their place could be my children ... And these - "foreign"? Next to the corpse - amulet ... Maybe he has got, can, my mother wanted to protect her son intercession of saints ... Alive burnt son himself became the new martyr ...

Once again, I look into the eyes of mentally tortured tens Odessites antifascists.

Looking through their photos, many of which are made shortly before his death, I see clean, open face, clear views of the real heroes and heroines of our time (this is not the pathos of it - the truth!). How often do we notice such persons and views in the crowd on the screen? Alas, not often - Western and local Zionist propaganda orients seek another, pay attention to set up for the "plebs" other idols - corrupt businessmen from the policy (or policies of the business), often - densely headless and soulless pop, sex, sports - and God knows what else ... The more valuable the idols that among our Russian (in cultural and historical terms) of the world remained devotees, those for whom "the power of the truth, but not the money."

Fatalities Odessites - the best of us, took the first blow iudobanderovskoy filth. Different age, political affiliation, profession ... Their united black one date - May 2, 2014: the poet Vadim Negaturov; Communist and member of the national guard Andrew Brazhevsky; scored by a pack of bastards seventeen Komsomolets Vadim Papura; regional council deputy Vyacheslav Markin; 20-year-old Igor Lucas, who saved his life at the cost of several women; translator Vladimir Brygar, educate his wife three children being adopted by them (native child was born after his father's death); burnt 57-year-old assistant cameraman Michael Scherbinin; coordinator of the NGO "Youth Unity", stands for the idea of ​​the Russian world, 22-year-old photographer Christina Bezhanitsky, her and her friend Nicholas Kovrigo Banderlog finished shouting, "Look - Romeo and Juliet"; gassed 55-year-old Orthodox Christian, father of three relatives and two foster children, Alexander Kononov; 56-year-old musician and journalist Dmitry Ivanov; 60-year-old retired colonel, a member of the public organization "Honour", an Orthodox Christian, a true believer, always opposed violence, 57-year-old Victoria Bull; Alexander Sadovnichii defending the entrance to the building of an armed mob ransacked and the cost of their lives which gave an opportunity for many to take refuge on the roof; Odessa in the sixth generation radio engineer Alexander Kalin; one of the leaders of the "Odessa squad" known throughout Odessa designer and decorator Gennady Kushnariov; 25-year-old architect Andrew Gnatenko; Cossack disabled worker puppet theater, an Orthodox believer Dmitry Nikitiuk, which entered with the icon in the House of Trade Unions, where he was burned alive; burnt to death 66-year-old poet Victor Gunn; ex-champion of Ukraine in sport dancing Sergey Mishin, until recently defended the elderly, women and adolescents from angry mob; 54-year-old strangled zhovtoblakitnoy cloth librarian Irina Yakovenko; did not take place in any party, design engineer aircraft repair plant Ivan Milev, as appeared on "Kulikovo Field" is unknown, took refuge from the crowds "peaceful demonstrators" in the House of Trade Unions and was burned alive; Sales Representative Alex Balaban, received three gunshot wounds to the face (in the "medical" conclusion - gassed); retired activist "Kulikovo Field" Anna Verenikina; accountant Sergei Kostyukhin; Paramedic Leonid Berezovsky (burnt corpse was identified in the teeth); ...........................; Maxim Nikitenko, who had over the phone from a burning building to convey my mother's last words: "I die for my hometown for your favorite Odessa, for all of you, my beloved. Until Maidana I was a patriot of his country and believed in its revival. But it so happened that happened to be on the Kulikovo field, and everything! Throw guys and women to death in the House of Trade Unions, I could not! I fought to the last, to the bare bones ... I believe, really believe that all we perish not in vain! Odessa - city-hero! Odessa does not give up! I love you all very much! ... ".

I also believe Maxim that Odessa will not surrender. She held her for a while ... More in itself did not come after her arranged Katyn. While the majority of the citizens of Odessa just sabotaging the junta. Collect here resources on ATO failed to choose from and one third did not come ... After all, during the Nazi occupation of the previous partisans had the opportunity and ability is not the majority. Nothing iudobanderovskie filth, "yet the evening."

We still erect monuments to our heroes, will call the names of the fallen May 2 Odessites squares and streets of his native city. After our victory! Long "peace" with the Nazis is not possible, their nature does not presuppose a peaceful existence. And scores to sionobanderovtsam accumulated over these six months are huge! We, the multinational people from Odessa - Ukrainian, Russian, Jews, Caucasians, Moldavians, Bulgarians, Gagauz, - like our grandfathers, back with our army at home, yet the Nazis occupied the city! Release him from the red-black worms!

All the same people of Ukraine will have to decide for himself, with whom he is - with the financial magnates created on the bones of Slavic New Khazaria as an alternate airport for Israelis and Zionists from other countries, a source of cheap labor and grain storage drain expelled from the EU of illegal immigrants , placement of anti-Russian military bases (contrary to the Constitution, but who remembers about her in "evrodemokratii"?), or with a resurgent Russian world.

Our cause is just! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!

Constantine Odessa,
Central News Agency Novorossia


DRG militia carried out a successful operation in the area of ​​Kramatorsk. They managed to destroy a fuel depot for the Ukrainian armored vehicles near NKMZ.

The flames could be seen even in Slavyansk.

Press Service of the Ukrainian forces hastened to announce the destruction of a subversive group of New Russia, not refurbished, as usual is no evidence of what was said.

Also in the center of Kharkov at 7 am on November 5, caught fire three-story office building on the street Shota Rustaveli, the press service of GSCHS Ukraine in Kharkiv region. According GSCHS, at the time of the fire in the building, people were not, the keeper managed to leave the office center before the arrival of firefighters. The total area of ​​the fire was 300 square meters.

The reason, according to the preliminary version, was the incendiary "thermite" delayed-action device. Seat of the fire was the premise used volunteer organization such as warehousing. Here they store collected winter clothing, sleeping bags and other warm things to send punitive in Donbass.

As we can see, the ground literally burns underfoot invaders in "pacifying" Kharkov.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. Those responsible for the killing of children in east Ukrainian city of Donetsk are to be punished severely, Russian foreign ministry’s envoy for human rights and the supremacy of law Konstantin Dolgov said on Thursday.

“The killing of children in Donetsk is a gravest crime! It is to be investigated objectively and those responsible are to be punished severely,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

On Wednesday, two children were killed in Donetsk when their school came under shelling.

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Firing on peaceful cities continues in E. Ukraine despite ceasefire – Putin

“Despite the Minsk [ceasefire] agreements, firing on peaceful cities continues and civilians are still dying” in eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday, RIA Novosti reported. Putin said earlier that the de-escalation of the conflict in the Donbass region is possible only in case of a real ceasefire. The current ceasefire was agreed in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, on September 5.

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Dnepropetrovsk militias turning to his countrymen and urge them to defend the Russian world. Young volunteers promise to remember all the crimes of the gang oligarch Kolomoiskiy and avenge them.

"We're not the Yankees, we - the Slavs, our brothers - the Russians," - says one of the militias.

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia


Just last night, the militants of the junta, whose positions are not far from Donetsk, again started massive shelling of the city. According to Deputy Minister of Defence of the Donetsk HP (Edward Basurina), lately these attacks have become the most widespread, and, again, the fascists used heavy artillery, including multiple rocket launchers, howitzers and mortars. In addition, once again localities were hit Donetsk HP prohibited incendiary shells.

The occupants were firing all night, then continued in the afternoon. The main goal of the invaders became the Donetsk airport, apparently fighters junta does not leave hope to clear militias from their positions. Naturally, the well-known Ukrainian accuracy gunners, was the reason that the areas adjacent to the airport Donetsk seriously affected by the strikes.

As a result, the next multiple violations of the agreements that were reached in Minsk, the victims of the Nazi bombing of civilians began, army soldiers Donetsk HP similarly affected. Total for the day became victims of the occupants of eight civilians and eight defenders Novorossia of them killed one civilian and two soldiers militia.

Day bombing just were not in vain, shells Nazis came to school stadium, located near schools №63. As a result of this attack, killing two eighth graders, four of their classmates were injured.

As before, the army leadership Donetsk HP continues to record violations and to provide data on their OSCE observers. However, Edward Basurin says that international organizations can not influence the decisions of the Nazis and the Kiev oligarchy, the hope for a peaceful resolution of the conflict is melting with each new fire.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Message from the Deputy Prime Minister Andriy Purgin DNI.

"DNR does not agree to the proposed special economic zone of Kiev, cooperation can only be equitable. Poroshenko and his entourage - entirely billionaires, wealthy by robbing people. And they continue to rob us, without paying pensioners Donbass pension. But these people have worked all my life the Ukraine. Now we will be offering a special economic zone. punisher, destroyed Donbass hypocritically offer us handouts in the form of benefits and empty promises.
Kiev regime brazenly appropriated the money of our nation. Illegal does not list in the Donbass local taxes. Shamelessly not pay pensions and child benefits. And now ruling in Kiev hucksters offer us haggle with them, they have to beg for what is rightfully ours.
Donbass will not do. We paid for our rights with blood.
Donbass is not for sale . "

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


06/11/14 20:25 Summary of volunteer Prokhorov

Today was hard in the morning, afternoon and hell inferno night. The fights are all along the line of contact - even ukry recognize this.

Yesterday until one o'clock ukry fired Kemerovo, otvetka them only at 7 am departed (yet arrived truck with shells).
Dill out of luck with the morning fire at army positions near the town of LC, trying to stop the encirclement of the city. Now with Metalist them works Grad militia.
By Bahmutke work continued throughout the day (up to 28 checkpoint - exactly) around the village. Outfits attacked positions of dill and damaged ferry Ukropov through Siverskij Donets, dill in response fired Zymohiria, Frunze. Kemerovo, Stakhanov. Now dill served in Trehizbenke.
Positions dill already directly under Lysychansk (p. Ustinovka) covered Arta militia.

Under Debaltseve battles were fought in Chernukhin, Sofievka and Central
On the afternoon went artdueli militia near the airport and in ukrov with. The thin
In Avdeyevka art militia successfully covered dill landing for DC (where greasy black smoke - obviously burns appliances). At this moment the battle moved directly into Avdiyivka.
In the sand and covered in lunch pack dill.
Positions terrbata Sich covered in s. Water (about Donetsk).
Now we are working on the positions of dill in Marinka (there covered checkpoint dill on GAI) and Krasnogorovka.
Dill from Volnovakha Dokuchaevsk shell (assuming that the militia gang transferred to Donetsk) - 3 full Castle (2 fell into the field) - Nitsche, right now, get otvetku.
At lunch in the Red Liman APU and the National Guard under searched partisans in the surrounding forests - was shooting and explosions.

Informants from Kharkov reported moving quickly into the city every 5-10 minutes - carry wounded today dill.

Car blew deputy Yarosh (Right).

Gorlivka connected - dill served in Maori and Kurdyumovke.
On the way to the 31-th checkpoint on a land mine blew BTR-80 80 nd Airborne Brigade - a makeweight in the burning of APCs and trucks on the checkpoint. "

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Though there was the appearance that the Lugansk HP is peace, but in reality it is not. Long time continually shows an artillery attacks that the occupiers were applied on Human Settlements Donetsk HP on the battle for the airport. Against this background, LC began to seem a safe haven, but after Sunday's elections in the republic began a fierce shelling.

Invaders active on many fronts, a deterrent for them became soldiers army Luhansk HP, which began to besiege Ukrainian roadblocks. At the moment, one of these points besieged defenders Novorossia under Lugansk. Attacks on the Nazis, militias have to answer, even though it is contrary to the ceasefire. However LC Army soldiers never shoot first, and the response to the bombing militants junta allow militias temper the enthusiasm occupiers.

The most intense lines are: track Lisicansk-Lugansk, Bahmutovka, Trehizbenka, boldly. Not far from these settlements began hassle constantly shootings.

Villages Luhansk republic in which there are no units of the army militia constantly bombed multiple rocket launchers, "Hurricanes" and "Grad", using cluster munitions that are designed specifically for the destruction of manpower. Such attacks are constantly exposed Kalinovo, Frunze Pervomais'k, Kemerovo.

In the last day alone, 12 people died Frunze. In Kirovsk - old woman and her granddaughter, 11 years old.

As for HP Donetsk, School №63 again fired artillery strike, casualty yet no precise information.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

According to the reports militia

11.06.14. 17.00. Message from the journalist Andrei Krasnoshchekova.

"20 minutes ago drove Makeyevka visited Yasinovataya. Everywhere is now calm. Passed infa: Ukrainians was performed reconnaissance. They minus 4 tanks, 1 APC."

11.06.14. 16:49. Message from the volunteer with the callsign "Yang".

"The district was Yasinovataya fight Ukrainian Nazis tried to attack our positions by the tank platoon and one armored personnel carrier, the results at the moment - the whole armor of the enemy burnt together with the personnel. Militia awaits the next wave of attack. The city currently ukrov not."

11.06.14. 16:30. Message from the volunteer with the call sign "Marine".

"Here in Hell just Yasinovataya. By Yasinovataya tank column approached, the surrounding areas are exposed to a powerful fire. On the beam are ukrskie tanks and direct-fire hit. People in the city, despite everything, still. There is a hard fight. At the station, two railway workers were killed and 7 injured in the attack Ukrainian security officials. Debaltseve, Happiness, Volnovaha, Donetsk, Makiyivka, Yasinovataya- everywhere heavy fighting. The truce cancel Ukraine unilaterally. Donetskiye overcrowded hospital wounded and dead militiamen and civilians! Today, in a powerful storm of Donetsk airport lasts longer 5th hour. 09:00 cyborgs have about 20 of two hundred. "

11.06.14. 15:37. Message from eyewitnesses.

"In Yasinovataya fastened heavy fighting. Moves tank column. Dill come. Ready to take the ring in Donetsk, Babakhan with terrible force. An hour ago, from Slavic called and said that the two great columns ukrov went to Donetsk. There's dozens of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and trucks with infantry and Georgia. "

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Moscow, Nov 6 (Prensa Latina) The Russian Foreign Ministry denounced today that Ukraine is blatantly violating the agreements for a negotiated solution in that country, resuming the attacks against the Donbass with artillery, instead of easing the tension. Kiev has activated some military actions that include the use of heavy weapons, something that has cause thousands of deaths and significant damage, the Foreign Ministry warned after the most recent attacks against civil targets.

The ministerial website recalled the negotiations held on April 17, 2014 in Geneva by the top diplomatic officials from Ukraine, the United States, the European Union and Russia to eliminate tension and recover the safety of all citizens in the neighboring country.

Recalling the joint statement in that Swiss city, Moscow highlighted that according to the text, the sides in conflict should avoid any action of force, intimidation or provocation.

It also highlighted that the document established that the promised constitutional process should be inclusive, transparent and responsible.

Instead of a real constitutional reform and the beginning of negotiations with its own people, they have carried out some secret maneuvers that for now, have led to vain promises only, the Russian official communique deplored.

Today, the General Staff of the People's Republic of Donetsk (PRD) put the troops on maximum alert, faced with the attacks by the Ukrainian Army against the locality of Yasinovataya, near the republic's capital.

Meanwhile, the PRD Interior Ministry confirmed that at least three civilians were wounded and several houses destroyed in the region of Kievski, close to Yasinovataya.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe reported that it would send inspectors to the scene of the tragedy to interview the witnesses and include the information in their daily report.

sgl/ef/iom/mgt/jpm Modificado el ( jueves, 06 de noviembre de 2014 )

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Donetsk People's Republic paid tribute insatiable another bloody fascist regime. Occupants were not given even two hours of rest Donetsk citizens from explosions and destruction - again heard thumping away and became scarlet land of our brothers.

As to this point, the bulk of the heavy shells and rocket artillery invaders falls in areas adjacent to Donetsk airport. However, the systematic bombing of Donetsk is no longer possible to write off mistakes militants junta when trying to dislodge the militias from the territory of the strategic facility. At this time suffered Kiev, Petrovsky and Kuibyshev district, according to Edward Basurina (Deputy Minister of Defence of the Donetsk HP).

As a result of the cynical and inhumane actions of the Nazis, the New Russia has lost four soldiers and one civilian, twelve people were injured, three of them soldiers army Donetsk HP.

Together with the Deputy Minister of Defense DNI worked representatives of the OSCE, which are carefully documented egregious violations of ordinary Ukrainian terrorists in lands Donetsk republic. Observers visited the wounded November 5 pupils visited the districts of the city, who had been the most powerful impact.

As a result, representatives of international organizations, gathered all the material obtained, send a report in 52 countries. The main evidence of violations by militants APU, OSCE members use video and photo materials. Publication of the results of the inspection commission is expected today (November 7).

Continuing to hope for a peaceful resolution of all disputes arising between the parties to the conflict, the republic's leadership awaits response to genocide on the part of European leaders. But Edward Basurin have said: every day hopes to end the bloodshed smaller.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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