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Why is Warren Commission Exhibit 183 for sale on Amazon.com?

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It looks like this is the original. And someone is asking $95,000 for this.

Here is the Amazon.com site - http://www.amazon.com/LEE-HARVEY-OSWALD-AUTOGRAPH-LETTER/dp/B009NH6DNO/ref=sr_1_35?ie=UTF8&qid=1390438080&sr=8-35&keywords=Oswald

See - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2014/01/why-is-warren-commission-exhibit-183.html

I sent an email to Archives II about this. Please send as many as you can. Tell everybody about this.

Ask them to do an inventory and see what else may be missing.

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It looks like this is the original. And someone is asking $95,000 for this.

Here is the Amazon.com site - http://www.amazon.com/LEE-HARVEY-OSWALD-AUTOGRAPH-LETTER/dp/B009NH6DNO/ref=sr_1_35?ie=UTF8&qid=1390438080&sr=8-35&keywords=Oswald

See - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2014/01/why-is-warren-commission-exhibit-183.html

I sent an email to Archives II about this. Please send as many as you can. Tell everybody about this.

Ask them to do an inventory and see what else may be missing.

It is my understanding that a lot of the original evidence was returned to the original owners. The Ruby revolver was returned to Ruby's family and sold off. Oswald's Marine score book was sold to Dr. Lattimer. At one point--sometime in the late '60's if I recall--Marina sued to get Oswald's stuff back so she could sell it. I believe they reached a compromise, whereby she was provided some of the stuff--like unimportant letters--and not provided others--like the assassination rifle.

I'm curious as to what the archives has to say, however.

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It looks like this is the original. And someone is asking $95,000 for this.

Here is the Amazon.com site - http://www.amazon.com/LEE-HARVEY-OSWALD-AUTOGRAPH-LETTER/dp/B009NH6DNO/ref=sr_1_35?ie=UTF8&qid=1390438080&sr=8-35&keywords=Oswald

See - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2014/01/why-is-warren-commission-exhibit-183.html

I sent an email to Archives II about this. Please send as many as you can. Tell everybody about this.

Ask them to do an inventory and see what else may be missing.

It is my understanding that a lot of the original evidence was returned to the original owners. The Ruby revolver was returned to Ruby's family and sold off. Oswald's Marine score book was sold to Dr. Lattimer. At one point--sometime in the late '60's if I recall--Marina sued to get Oswald's stuff back so she could sell it. I believe they reached a compromise, whereby she was provided some of the stuff--like unimportant letters--and not provided others--like the assassination rifle.

I'm curious as to what the archives has to say, however.

That's not my understanding at all. In fact, quite the reverse. Marina tried to gain control of the rifle and that led to a law making all the artifacts the Warren Commission examined government property. I did a little research into this when the ARRB was around. I have not heard of any compromise between NARA and Marina.

Edited by Joseph Backes
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NARA responds:

Mr. Backes,

The original of this letter was returned to the Oswald family by the Warren Commission prior to the transfer of the Warren Commission records to the National Archives. The "official" CE in our custody is a copy. If you read the testimony where this letter and others were introduced, (Volume I, p.180 and 182) you will see that the Commission states that the Commission will substitute copies for the originals. The original that is on sale is not a stolen document.
Chief, Special Access and FOIA Staff
National Archives at College Park
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