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Tony Cuesta and Herminio Diaz Garcia

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Ron Ecker Posted Today, 01:02 PM

  QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Nov 8 2004, 07:54 AM)

That's almost certainly Jim Braden/ Eugene Hale Brading

So he was in two places at once? Is it your theory that while Jim Braden was under arrest, Eugene Hale Brading was free to walk around the plaza?


IMO it's most likely not Braden or Brading. Look at the chin. It's not the same. Many other facial characters are hidden by a hat and sunglasses.

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Eladio del Valle was murdered on 22nd February, 1967. He had been shot in the heart. He died only hours after his friend, David Ferrie. Diego Gonzales Tendera, a close friend, later claimed del Valle was murdered because of his involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. If we could find out who killed Eladio del Valle, we would discover the name of the person who was in charge of the clean-up operation.

A used merchandise dealer in Hialeah named Teodosio Bahadue was charged with del Valle's murder, but the charges were dropped before trial in 1969. A sworn statement by Bahadue to detectives is on the Cuban Information Archives website.

When the detectives asked Bahadue who killed del Valle, he said, "Who knows? That's a question of sixty-four thousand dollars."

Del Valle worked on commission for Bahadue, but the statement implies that de Valle kept the $7,000 that one Manuel Azzam paid for two central air conditioners, which Bahadue subsequently couldn't deliver. Azzam forced Bahadue to write two checks for the money while holding a gun to his head. This was apparently not the only money that Bahadue lost because of dell Valle.

Bahadue told the detectives that one rumor he had heard was that de Valle was killed "because he cheated revolutionary (sic) of Haiti; he was very close to Masferrer; I believe he (Masferrer) was convicted of revolutionary (sic) against Duvalier." This is referring to the planned invasion of Haiti that was led by Masferrer in 1966 (with the idea of using Haiti as a base to invade Cuba), and which was aborted when Masferrer and others were arrested for conspiring to violate the Neutrality Act. Is del Valle being accused here of cheating Masferrer some way? It's not clear.

In any case, there seems to have been an effort to blame del Valle's murder on a money dispute or something about Masferrer's Haiti invasion and not on del Valle's alleged involvement in the assassination.



Edited by Ron Ecker
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"By the way, I am trying to persuade Gerry Hemming to join the forum."

Good luck John. I'm sure Hemming knows more about the operational aspects of the assassination than anyone else still alive. He'll never tell the truth. If he does show up on a public forum, it would be my guess he would be quickly eliminated by his former associates.


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I think it is an interesting point that several of the Dallas participants may have been sent into hostile territory on virtual suicide missions. Cuesta and Diaz Garcia are examples; Felipe Vidal Santiago is another.

(quote by)


THANK YOU John and James:

John I am reading the hot links you post, they are one of my

principle sources of information.

Fabian Escalante, Eladio Del Valle, Herminio Diaz Garcia and Tony Cuestra

on Spartacus...but I'm trying to keep it all straight.

James also thank you for clarifying the missions,

and yes, thematically, it is very

significant that covert high risk plans continued for these

Cuban exiles to engage in say, 1966.

This would show an ongoing top level co-ordination, from a higher level...

David Ferrie was in the middle of all this, so garrison was onto something.

I Get RON'S point on the other thing:

If Brading/Braden was in custody soon after the shootings, then

Chauncey Holt, being Perp-walked thru Dealy at two thirty or three pm,

wouldn't have seen him...

his two photos match up pretty well, braden had a funny lower lip/chin...but when was it taken? Holt says he and Harrelson were in the Train Car for hours...

What's the deal with Gerry Hemmings?

He's in the photos of Dealey Plaza and was active in Interpen, is that right?



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What's the deal with Gerry Hemmings?

He's in the photos of Dealey Plaza and was active in Interpen, is that right? (Shanet Clark)


There was a photo taken at the corner of Main and Houston that shows a man who strongly resembles Gerry Hemming. Gerry has claimed it is not him but a doppelganger named John Orr.

Gerry was at the helm of Interpen which was formed in 1961. He was extremely active throughout the anti-Castro movement at the time.

Some time back, Gerry did join the JFKresearch forum for a time and was swamped with questions. If my memory serves me correctly, I think he only posted a few times and they were broad overviews of the times.

I know John is trying to get Gerry to join the forum which would be terrific. The other guy who would be a wonderful asset to the forum is Howard K. Davis who is an absolute gentleman.


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In any case, there seems to have been an effort to blame de Valle's murder on a money dispute or something about Masferrer's Haiti invasion and not on de Valle's alleged involvement in the assassination. (Ron Ecker)

Good one, Ron. Yes, I believe there was a deliberate attempt to deflect attention here. Theodosio Bahadue below.


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It would be nice if Hemming would come on the forum and at least tell us more about Orr. (Or whatever.)

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James, I have found those two articles from the Miami News very useful. Where did you get them? Do you have anymore? (John Simkin)

John and interested forum members, I have found the following web site a gold mine of information. Just click on the flag of the Latin American country you are interested in or use the broader search facility. Much of it is in Spanish so make sure you spell any name correctly. From there you can translate the page by using the Google facility.


Another excellent web site for general information and background is the Cold War museum.



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