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Glad we are on the same page now.

I didn't expect you to give me an exact time reference for the 4th shot, and I won't make reference to it, pertaining to your 4shot scenario. It's not necessary to do so.

I was only trying to show how incorporating a 5.5 second duration (very important to the WC) can tie into a certain distance/speed scenario created up the street, for use down the street.

You are right, that once the removal of frames occur, timing/distance is very difficult to ascertain.

You also stated "Chris, according to a popular Sprague map of DP with marked locations of limo on Elm for specific frames the speed of the limo appears to be relatively constant. When each marked location is measured against Z-313 then frame difference is divided by distance, the distance is fairly constant."

If you look at the extant Zfilm from 313 on, does it appear to travel at the same speed, and if so, when does it appear to increase in speed?

My guess is about the time it nears Altgens.

If I remove "every other frame" for a certain stretch wouldn't this accomplish your prior statement of a relatively constant speed and distance traveled?

Hope this makes sense.


Edited by Chris Davidson
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Why is that important?

It's the beginning.

As you can see in document CE884, the first # frame is Z168.

The distance traveled per frame for entries 168-171 is .3ft

169frames @ .3ft = 50.7ft

169frames@18.3frames per sec = 9.23sec

50.7ft/9.23sec = 5.49ft per sec =3.74mph

When you are asked where the WC started their frame alteration/computation shenanigans, respond with "POSITION A"


I stated that the alteration zones dealt in terms of 30.25ft ish.

If the WC used 50.7ft as part of their equation, where is the other approx 9.8ft totaling out to 60.5ft.

A car traveling at 15.32 mph (remember the entered speed from CE884 168-186 is 14.94mph) braking to 0 will take approx 9.8ft to stop with good tires, on a dry street.

Could a car that hits the brakes, appear to / or momentarily stop, before continuing on at 3.74mph?


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The WC supplied us with some documentation to peruse. They just made it real difficult to decipher how they went about accomplishing the feat.

If you will notice the top entry in CE884 is Position A. They did not enter a Station# for this spot on Elm St. Kind of wonder why!!!

Originally, they had Z161 assigned to Station # 3+29.2, eventually they changed it to Z168 as entered in document CE884.

So, from "Station C to Position A" = 44ft

And, from Station C to Z168= 94.7ft

So, from Position A to Z168 = 94.7ft-44ft = 50.7ft.


I previously mentioned "Station C". To locate this spot for use in measurements, just use the entry from CE884 for Z168 and work backwards using Position A. Will look like this:

Z168 Station # 3+29.2

Position A Station # 2+78.5

Station C Station # 2+34.5

TSBD Snipers Nest Station # 2+50.0

The importance of Station C was the start of the ground distance measuring shenanigans to coordinate with the film alterations.

I think it's rather strange that Station C was pulled back 15.5 ft from being in alignment (street location) with the snipers nest for starting measurements.

Does it some how fit in to the FBI model which lists distances of 262 and 307ft. Which is a distance of 45ft.

In terms of a 60.5ft alteration zone, moving a starting point up (in this case, alignment with the snipers nest) would lead to a 45ft distance.

Put another way, 30ft between shots pulled back 15.5ft = 45.5ft = difference between 262ft and 307ft.

Edited by Chris Davidson
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