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No shots fired from the 6th floor window?

Guest Mark Valenti

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"And as the shots come from the front, why would anyone look back towards the TSBD... they ran to the Grassy Knoll area"

Seriously? You are aware that both JFK and Connally had entrance wounds in their backs, aren't you?

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{chuckle} Really? shots to the back of both men? I need to look into that... {sarcasm}

C'mon Robert... check the thread's title....

How many people point to or run to Dal-Tex, the Courthouse, TSBD versus the Grassy Knoll area?

We have Baker running to the TSBD

We agree shots are fired from the front

We agree there were more than only 3 shots are fired from 2 if not 3 directions

Where was 99% of the focused attention at the time of the shots after the Stemmons sign?

YOU added more proof the MC and its ammo was not involved

Do you think shots were fired from the 6th floor SE window - or was what Euins and a very small handful sees simply a way to insure the shells left by the window are connected to these activities at that window?

The most likely place for JC's chest wound is 6th floor TSBD west window.... If a shooter is leading JFK slightly and the limo stops, JC is in the direct line of fire yet I think the thread is looking at the east window evidence and why more did not stare at a source 70 feet up and behind when the result is 200 feet down Elm to the SW and the sounds appears to be coming from ground level

thanks for the chuckle in any event...


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It is entirely possible Connally was shot from the west end of the TSBD 6th floor, but this does not rule out the possibility of him being shot from the east end of the TSBD 6th floor. It would require only two things; JFK slumping to the left, following his first wounding, or falling to the left, following the head shot. This would leave Connally wide open to a shooter in the SE window. The other requirement is that Connally would have to be turned quite far to his right, in order to allow the bullet to exit his chest between his right nipple and the centre of his chest, after following the outside of his 5th rib.

"How many people point to or run to Dal-Tex, the Courthouse, TSBD versus the Grassy Knoll area?"

As you pointed out yourself, there is a great possibility a suppressed rifle was used and, if so, the origin of the shot(s) would have been completely masked. However, I do find it strange that the shot(s) from behind the limo would be suppressed, and not the frontal shot(s), if the intention was to frame a shooter from behind.

I've pointed this out before but, I've always been fascinated by the Altgens photo:


This to me is what I would expect to see if a suppressed high powered rifle had been fired above or behind the heads of a crowd. Note the complete lack of startled faces in the crowd. As startle reactions to 120-150 decibel noises are instantaneous and quite involuntary, this speaks volumes about the first shot(s).

However, the two SS agents standing on the starboard side of the Queen Mary tell quite a different story. They are both turned to look back behind the limo, and I believe something has definitely startled them. It is just possible a shooter, equipped with a suppressed rifle, has fired a shot at JFK over the windshield of the Queen Mary, and it has come very close to the heads of the two standing SS agents. While they would not hear the muzzle blast of the rifle, they would hear a loud "crack" as the bullet broke the sound barrier on its way past them. While it may be somewhat loud to them, it would be a very localized sound that might be heard on the sidewalk, but not immediately registered to the crowd as a rifle shot.

This would also explain why people much further down Elm St. did not hear the first shot. As the bullet stopped when it hit JFK, its sonic "boom" would also end at JFK, meaning people in the limo would hear it but not people down the street. In this way, people hearing three shots at the top of Elm and people hearing three shots further down Elm might not have been hearing all the same shots.

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If the original intent of the action was to suggest a communist conspiracy, more than a single shooter accomplishes this... it's more than obvious those in the Plaza knew shots came from the front.

If the AF-1 call from Bundy is true history, the implication of a conspiracy was designed to keep people in the know quiet while nodding with approval that Ozzie was a "Lone Nut" and when he is killed - case closed, move on... nothing to see here.

I think we fail to remember the context of the times. Those in charge were REALLY in charge. I hasten to say that if a 7 foot gorilla came out and hit JFK with a bat as he passed by, Oswald would still have been the Lone Nut killer - you gonna believe us or your lying eyes?

The conspiracy is not about what happened but how it was recorded for history. Just listen to GMacks old tired line, "that's not what the official investigations concluded..." and if anyone knows better it would be him.

Mark - there were shots to the back, to the throat, to his head to the wrist to the leg and thru his torso. a "flurry" as one observant witness noted.

Did there need to be a witness to a shot from the 6th floor SE corner to implicate Oswald - not in my opinion - but Euins is pretty convincing and other than the black v white bald spot he seems to me as reliable... (black as in Cuban, not African)

you asked why didn't more people see the 6th floor shot(s) - the magic trick works by misdirection.... it didn't matter what happened - since Ozzie in the window with a rifle was the conclusion and Euins' story supported this, it stays in the record. Those that had a different story, well we all know what happened to them

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Guest Mark Valenti

Did there need to be a witness to a shot from the 6th floor SE corner to implicate Oswald - not in my opinion - but Euins is pretty convincing and other than the black v white bald spot he seems to me as reliable... (black as in Cuban, not African)

you asked why didn't more people see the 6th floor shot(s) - the magic trick works by misdirection.... it didn't matter what happened - since Ozzie in the window with a rifle was the conclusion and Euins' story supported this, it stays in the record. Those that had a different story, well we all know what happened to them

It would be helpful to find Euins in a film clip during the shooting. He claims to have ducked behind the concrete which would have made it difficult for anyone but Clark Kent to see what was happening. Not to mention how hard it would be to see through the bodies of people who were clearly standing in front of that concrete.

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