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the extended Straus clan (alternately spelled with two ‘s’s)

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more from Jennifer's research:

In 1949, due to discoveries about missing atomic materials, the FBI entered into a tentative “dual agent” program with AEC Commissioner Lewis L. Strauss (exclusively) which failed on its face. In a series of declassified memos, dated 1949-53, it appears that Hoover delegated his authority to develop such a program to Strauss after LLS became AEC chairman in 1953. The fate or function of any dual FBI/AEC counterintelligence program is unknown but the need for it was clearly demonstrated. Atomic plant security harbors a ghastly record; Strauss was the official “atomic plant” director after resigning his Commissioner’s seat in 1950, concurrent with his interim job as personal banker to the Rockefeller Brothers.


J.Edgar Hoover expressed official concern for Oswald’s welfare (and the disposition of his passport) in Russia to the State Department in June of 1960 prompted by a letter to the FBI from his mother Marguerite, received earlier in May. Hoover may have been “discharging his duty” to atomic security in displaying this interest.

Oswald worked for the CIA, as sworn testimony suggests but does not describe, in preparing for his travel and stay in Russia which originated through his service with U-2 spy plane operations in 1957-58. The CIA’s U-2 program functioned under the security umbrella of the Atomic Energy Commission, initiated while Adm. Strauss was AEC chair. Strauss had full U-2 clearance and was additionally an extraordinary sponsor and friend to Edwin Land (of Polaroid), the key designer of U-2 program development.

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lbjandpashatparkland.jpg?w=194&h=260 Pash with LBJ at Parkland Hospital -- Gaal


That's not Boris Pash. It's Dallas Secret Service SAIC Forrest Sorrels.


--Tommy :sun

Though I don't doubt you at all, Thomas - interestingly that pic and caption is followed by this statement a little later in the article:

The image of Boris Pash and LBJ together in Dallas on 11-22-63 at the Parkland suggests the immediacy of an Oswald problem. The above link to Jim Fetzer’s Real Deal program features a description of what happened to the next famous patient brought to the hospital:

[description of LBJs phone call to Crenshaw]...

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Robert Strauss’s Watergate Secret

March 20, 2014 https://consortiumnews.com/2014/03/20/robert-strausss-watergate-secret/

Special Report: Robert Strauss, who died Wednesday, was a Democratic powerbroker who thrived in the age of Nixon, Reagan and Bush-41. But an enduring Watergate mystery is whether Strauss earned his GOP spurs by secretly helping the Republicans in the spy scandal, reports Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

Longtime Washington powerbroker Robert Strauss, who died Wednesday at the age of 95, took to the grave the answer to one of the most provocative Watergate mysteries, whether he was, in effect, a Republican mole serving in the highest ranks of the Democratic Party.

=============================================== comments

Tegan Mathis

March 24, 2014 at 3:38 am

The key to understanding Robert Strauss’ role in Watergate probably lies in understanding the links between the Watergate burglars and the CIA.

A few weeks before the Watergate break-in, most or all of the Watergate burglars broke into the Chilean Embassy in Washington DC. This has been fairly well documented.

One of the Nixon tapes features President Nixon (supposedly) explaining the embassy break-in to Watergate counsel Fred Buzhardt. Nixon tells Buzhardt that the Watergate burglars preemptively broke into the Chilean Embassy to make the Watergate break-in look like a CIA operation as opposed to a CREEP operation. (Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but that’s what he said.)

Of course, the exact opposite is true. The embassy break-in and the Watergate break-in were both CIA operations executed by long-time CIA operatives. The CIA didn’t provide cover for CREEP. CREEP provided cover for the CIA.

The White House Plumbers operation, which gave birth to the Watergate burglars operation, was an Alexander Haig operation from day one. In 1969, Haig asked FBI Assistant William Sullivan to help him assemble a team of "plumbers" to plug leaks emanating from Henry Kissinger’s National Security Counsel. Over time, Haig’s plumbers increasingly used White House political operations as cover. For the Watergate break-in, they used CREEP as cover.

Three days after the break-in, Joe Califano filed the lawsuit against CREEP on behalf of the DNC (as discussed in the article above). But he only did so to lead the Watergate investigations away from the CIA.

You see, in the early sixties, Joe Califano, as a special assistant to Army Secretary Cyrus Vance, hired Alexander Haig to covertly administer CIA operations against Fidel Castro and Cuba. Some, most, or all of the Watergate burglars had participated in those operations. Therefore, when he filed the lawsuit against CREEP, Joe Califano effectively led the Watergate investigations towards CREEP and away from his own CIA people (who were also Haig’s CIA people).

As for Robert Strauss, if I’m reading this correctly, his job was to shut down the CREEP lawsuit for the same reason — to assure that the Watergate investigations didn’t lead back to the CIA. It was always about the CIA. Everybody protected the CIA.

But why was it so damn important to protect the CIA? Because Alexander Haig and Howard Hunt had used some of those same CIA/Watergate operatives to assassinate John F. Kennedy 1963. That’s what this is all about.

For a slightly more detailed account, please read SINS OF THE VICAR: HOW ALEXANDER HAIG MURDERED JOHN F. KENNEDY by Tegan Mathis. That’s me. As to why I’m years ahead of all other JFK researchers, it’s because I had some extremely unconventional help. Oh, and I’m also very good at figuring things out. But don’t take my word for it. All you have to do is determine for yourself which players played for which teams. You will quickly find that Haig, Hunt, and Califano always played for the same team (the CIA).


see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=15554


Lewis L. Strauss


PLEASE NOTICE OVERLAP YEARS >>>> A ONI & KUHN LOEB (EMPIRE TRUST) connection which I talked about in other threads.


  • Warburg brought Strauss to Kuhn Loeb, where he became a full partner in 1929 and was active in the firm until 1941. During this period Strauss became wealthy.
  • Despite his disqualification for regular military duty, Strauss applied to join the Navy Reserve in 1925, and received an officer's commission as an intelligence officer. In 1939 and 1940, as World War II began, he volunteered for active duty, and in 1941, he was called up
  • Sir William Wiseman, "the chief British spy master in America during World War I," was a Kuhn, Loeb partner and advisor to John Schiff, grandson of Jacob Schiff and the chief partner. (The Warburgs, by Ron Chernow. Random House, 1993, pp 612-613.) He was a correspondent of Strauss between 1941 and 1962.


see >>>>>>> http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20291&p=298381

===Posted 20 April 2013 - 11:23 PM

Confirming PD SCOTT


PD Scott in Dallas Conspiracy quoted Stephen Birmingham that Empire Trust maintained ,"something like a private CIA around the world to protect their investments.."(Our Crowd,Harper and Row ,1967,p.378). However there was no documentation in said book. John Crichton Army Reserve intelligence officer was part of Empire Trust. Crichton's claim to fame was hiring Ilya Mamantov to mistranslate Marina in an incriminating fashion her husband. I did find a second intelligence officer connected to Empire Trust.

At the National American Bank in New Orleans was director Leon Tujague (who gave LHO first job and LHO also had problematic Social Security number at age 15/half),director Clem A. Shert (Oswald family attorney) and later President of said bank, director Seymour Weiss a Lansky associate and director Ernest Carrere former Navy intelligence officer.* Carrere was director of Louisiana Land and Exploration Co. which was owned by Empire Trust. Carrere was also John Mecoms Jr. attorney. John Mecom SR & JR (mob) were friends with DeMohrenschildt.

John Mecom Sr was part of the CIA connected San Jacinto Foundation which was one of the first groups to ask JFK to come to Dallas. That Carrere was Naval intelligence and connected to Empire Trust bolsters Birmingham's claim that Empire Trust had its own private CIA. Empire Trust whose leading shareholders were the inter-related familes of Kuhn,Loeb,Lehman and Bronfman. The Kuhn, Loeb-Morgan alliance, maintain close relationships with the House of Rothschild, said Rothschild's controlled the First National Bank Of Houston.



Tujague (board member Friends Of Democratic Cuba and former employer LHO) is connected to Clem Shert (Oswald family attorney) and Ernest Carrere former Navy intelligence officer. David Ferrie's first CAP base part of a NAVY airport and post assassination Ferrie connected to transport NAVY personnel.


  • Carrere was president of a retired ONI officers association (worked for Empire Trust connected company)
  • Crichton and Lewis McNaughton (employer Bouhe and Declan Ford) were both EMPIRE TRUST



Please note at the bank were the man who gave LHO his first job worked (Tujague) is a ONI officer. PLEASE note Dr. Rose wrote a whole article that LHO's Social Security number that was "odd" at age 15/half and started with Tujague company.


from Ramparts

Posted 21 April 2013 - 03:01 AM


It is not always easy to obtain information on the foundations which have sustained NSA's international operations. Take the San Jacinto Foundation, for example. In the past, San Jacinto has not only funded important portions of NSA's international program, but it has also given huge sums of money to the program budget of the ISC. In particular, it has been overly generous in supporting The Student, an ISC publication printed in five languages and distributed all over the world as an anti-communist weapon.

One other interesting fact about the San Jacinto Foundation is that, like the J. Frederick Brown Foundation, it has contributed to the CIA-suspect American Friends of the Middle East. No one at NSA, or ISC for that matter, appears to have the vaguest notion of what the San Jacinto Foundation is, who is on its board of directors or where its money comes from. San Jacinto has also apparently managed to avoid the reporting procedures required by law of all tax-exempt foundations. No records for it have been entered at the district office of the Internal Revenue Service in Austin, or with the secretary of the State of Texas, or with the county clerk.

San Jacinto's mailing address is the offices of F.G. O'Conner in the San Jacinto Building in downtown Houston. Mr. O'Conner is the secretary of the foundation. When asked by Ramparts' peripatetic reporter for some information about the foundation, Mr. O'Conner, a graying, distinguished-looking man in his sixties replied, it is a private, closed foundation, never had any publicity and doesn't want any.


SEE SPIDERS WEB THREAD (posts # 46,#47,#48,#50) FOR John Crichton Empire Trust information.


SEE THE FOURTH DECADE Volume 6,Number 1 for Dr. Jerry Rose Social Security # NUMBER article.





IRS 1040A reflected income from Jahncke Service, Inc., and National

American Bank, New Orleans.




Edited by Steven Gaal
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Steven I appreciate these article references - i found some good stuff i didn't know (there's a LOT of good stuff I don't know) and it has been really useful in some little material i'm putting together. This Jennifer Lake chick/woman is one helluva researcher (and writer). She must eat ramen noodles just to stay alive - she can't have time to actually work for a living with all this material she comes up with...


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