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Jerome Corsi: Soviet-Bloc Defector sheds light on Oswald's visit to Mexico

Douglas Caddy

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The article you cite was written 11 years ago, in 2004 and at the bottom it states:

The writer is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

As far as Kerry/Bush goes I'm not interested in debating. I'm no fan of either one but if push came to shove, one requested duty in South Vietnam while the other clung to his silver spoon.

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I find it refreshing to find at last that rare person who will defend George W. Bush, our ex-president who cannot travel to Europe because he faces being arrested as a war criminal there. All Europe's doors today are open to Kerry, who was defeated for the presidency in 2004 by the lies spread by Corsi and his fellow smear artists laboring in behalf of Bush. Since leaving the White House, George W. Bush's foreign travels have taken him to Africa (enough said) and his internal travels have taken him to New Orleans, where he recently attempted to rewrite history on the 10th anniversary of Katrina by showing at last some compassion for its victims, who were ignored and shunned by his administration in their greatest hour of need and assistance.

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I find it refreshing to find at last that rare person who will defend George W. Bush, our ex-president who cannot travel to Europe because he faces being arrested as a war criminal there. All Europe's doors today are open to Kerry, who was defeated for the presidency in 2004 by the lies spread by Corsi and his fellow smear artists laboring in behalf of Bush. Since leaving the White House, George W. Bush's foreign travels have taken him to Africa (enough said) and his internal travels have taken him to New Orleans, where he recently attempted to rewrite history on the 10th anniversary of Katrina by showing at last some compassion for its victims, who were ignored and shunned by his administration in their greatest hour of need and assistance.

I find it equally refreshing to know that we do have some admitted History re-writers here on the forum. I live in Louisiana and I know very well what the situation was with Katrina, and I know that it was primarily a Dim/liberal news bashing, as usual.

At least you have enough integrity to at least not try to back up your assertion that the documents were 'fake but true'.

But as to your statement about Bush, I believe he went to Europe numerous times and I don't recall him being incarcerated. You do know that the 'World Court' has no legal standing in the United States, right? If Bush is guilty of a crime, wouldn't he be extradited for trial?

The crime of treason for Kerry was a US law, not a World court one, so why would they care where he travels?

I provided a couple links about the stories on Kerry, I notice you didn't say which were not true. Do you believe he was in Cambodia on Christmas 1968? Did any of his loyal crewmembers second his statement about that? Was it a lie, or not?

"George W. Bush's foreign travels have taken him to Africa (enough said)" can't figure if you mean that as a bash or a compliment. Is there something wrong with going to Africa?

A Kerry supporter is so unusual, I'm surprised to find one here. I guess you're a lone nutter also.(tho I'm not accusing you of it)

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The article you cite was written 11 years ago, in 2004 and at the bottom it states:

The writer is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

As far as Kerry/Bush goes I'm not interested in debating. I'm no fan of either one but if push came to shove, one requested duty in South Vietnam while the other clung to his silver spoon.

You do know that Bush requested duty in Vietnam several times. Right? So Kerry had the silver spoon, did I get that right?

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I find it refreshing to find at last that rare person who will defend George W. Bush, our ex-president who cannot travel to Europe because he faces being arrested as a war criminal there. All Europe's doors today are open to Kerry, who was defeated for the presidency in 2004 by the lies spread by Corsi and his fellow smear artists laboring in behalf of Bush. Since leaving the White House, George W. Bush's foreign travels have taken him to Africa (enough said) and his internal travels have taken him to New Orleans, where he recently attempted to rewrite history on the 10th anniversary of Katrina by showing at last some compassion for its victims, who were ignored and shunned by his administration in their greatest hour of need and assistance.

Douglas, would you link us to something somewhere that would be proof that GWB was a cocaine user? I just did a Google search and I couldn't find one. Seems as if you are well versed though so I'd guess you have them right in front of you.

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At the risk of derailing this thread, I want to speak to John Kerry's service in Viet Nam.

Yes, he volunteered for service there. All officers who served in Viet Nam were considered volunteers. In fact, more volunteers than draftees served in Viet Nam.

Yes, he put his life on the line. But details here matter. Kerry served only six months in Viet Nam. As to which I say, he was fortunate. He was awarded more than one Purple Heart, as I understand. Which I say is laudable, although there seems to have been some disagreement as to the nature of one of his wounds.

The "tell" for me is the film footage of Kerry charging ashore allegedly in pursuit of a Viet Cong soldier. This is a very personal, focused film of short duration. I know and knew of various Viet Nam films and photos. I've never seen a "political promo" film from the Viet Nam war like the Kerry film.

To me, the Kerry film was staged. Staged for a political purpose. As was his throwing his medals over the White House fence and his speaking before congress.

Kerry is bold, no question. Volunteering to go to Viet Nam demonstrates boldness. But it's clear to me he was willing to risk his life to score political points.

Were the swift boat accusers honest? I can't say. I can say I never witnessed a staged film or photo.

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At the risk of derailing this thread, I want to speak to John Kerry's service in Viet Nam.

Yes, he volunteered for service there. All officers who served in Viet Nam were considered volunteers. In fact, more volunteers than draftees served in Viet Nam.

Yes, he put his life on the line. But details here matter. Kerry served only six months in Viet Nam. As to which I say, he was fortunate. He was awarded more than one Purple Heart, as I understand. Which I say is laudable, although there seems to have been some disagreement as to the nature of one of his wounds.

The "tell" for me is the film footage of Kerry charging ashore allegedly in pursuit of a Viet Cong soldier. This is a very personal, focused film of short duration. I know and knew of various Viet Nam films and photos. I've never seen a "political promo" film from the Viet Nam war like the Kerry film.

To me, the Kerry film was staged. Staged for a political purpose. As was his throwing his medals over the White House fence and his speaking before congress.

Kerry is bold, no question. Volunteering to go to Viet Nam demonstrates boldness. But it's clear to me he was willing to risk his life to score political points.

Were the swift boat accusers honest? I can't say. I can say I never witnessed a staged film or photo.

I will not say anything negative about anyone's military service that served honorably and as I understand it that includes Kerry. My problem is with his activities in opposition to the US and the US military after he completed his active service. Especially the lies he told about his service. Apparently he had no problem denigrating fellow military that served in Viet Nam, them having acted as if they were Ghengis Khan. The real problem is his clear treason in Paris in 1970.

Edited by Kenneth Drew
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Yes, he put his life on the line. But details here matter. Kerry served only six months in Viet Nam. As to which I say, he was fortunate. He was awarded more than one Purple Heart, as I understand. Which I say is laudable, although there seems to have been some disagreement as to the nature of one of his wounds.


Are you saying Bush was BETTER than Kerry because of their military records? If so, Bush did NOT volunteer to go to Vietnam (the box for serving overseas was NOT checked), he served NO time in Vietnam, and was awarded NO Purple Hearts.


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Received an honorable discharge and did nothing to bring dishonor to his country.

Thanks Ken. I have a good friend who served with me in the eighties. He was a senior NCO in one of our recent conflicts. He tried to take his own life one weekend and was eventually discharged. His DD-214 lists his discharge as "other than honorable" despite his nearly 30 years of service. My son served in Iraq for 18 months, he wasn't in combat arms but he came back and ETS and his DD-214 says he served "honorably". I mention both these men because nothing is as black and white as you want to make it. My friend that bears the scars of war is one of the most honorable men I know. Next time I see him I'll ask what he thinks about the Kerry/Bush flap you bring up.

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I find it strange you are still repeating the story that got Dan Rather fired from one of the highest profile jobs in the country, along with his partner in crime.

I find it strange that someone who hangs out on THIS forum doesn't realize Rather was fired by the PTB, for telling the truth about W.

You ever wonder why the Air National Guard would let a cocaine addict fly a fighter jet?

They didn't let him - they grounded him. He had so much difficulty landing his F-102, he was given a check ride which he failed. He was put back in trainer aircraft and was only allowed to fly with an instructor - that made him a student, again. He was then grounded when he refused to take the annual flight physical. I wonder why he refused?


Edited by Tom Neal
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You do know that Bush requested duty in Vietnam several times. Right? So Kerry had the silver spoon, did I get that right?

At NO time did Bush request duty in Vietnam. There is a box on the TANG form that asks if you are willing to serve "Overseas" - Bush checked "No."


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I will not say anything negative about anyone's military service that served honorably

Please define "honorably" for me.

Received an honorable discharge and did nothing to bring dishonor to his country.


Please provide the Honorable Discharge papers of "W", whom you revere so highly...


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Received an honorable discharge and did nothing to bring dishonor to his country.

Thanks Ken. I have a good friend who served with me in the eighties. He was a senior NCO in one of our recent conflicts. He tried to take his own life one weekend and was eventually discharged. His DD-214 lists his discharge as "other than honorable" despite his nearly 30 years of service. My son served in Iraq for 18 months, he wasn't in combat arms but he came back and ETS and his DD-214 says he served "honorably". I mention both these men because nothing is as black and white as you want to make it. My friend that bears the scars of war is one of the most honorable men I know. Next time I see him I'll ask what he thinks about the Kerry/Bush flap you bring up.

it's really strange for the military to allow someone to serve for 30 years in an 'other than honorable' situation. You'd think they would cut him off sooner unless what he did was at the end of his service. I don't know the procedures but didn't he get some paperwork during his service, especially upon re enlistment indicating he was serving honorably? "because nothing is as black and white as you want to make it." I'm not all that sure that I've tried to make it black and white. For example, in the Bergdahl deal, it's the people that served with him that have said what his service was. I have no reason to disbelieve them or the opposite. If I had to be on a jury, I'd sure want to hear all the pertinent facts. "about the Kerry/Bush flap you bring up." I think if you go back up the thread, you'll find I didn't bring up the Kerry/Bush flap. I only commented on someone else's statement. My wife had a first cousin, in 1960, received a 'general' discharge because he revealed that he was gay. I have no sympathy for him on that because he knew the rules going in and he did not have to 'voluntarily' say he was gay. It was his decision to get out by that method.

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