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The Amazing Bone Fragment in Z313

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Tom, yes, you are correct, according to Zavada. During one second, the shutter is open for 18.3/40 seconds and then closed for 21.7/40 seconds, so it's closed for roughly half the time.

Thanks for the confirmation Ollie!

I've been spending a lot of time recently trying to find evidence for the car stop. One thing to look for are frames in which both the background and the limo are not blurred. This could only happen if the limo is very slow or stopped. The relative blur between the limo and the background seems to substantially decrease between Z297 and Z321 which is the same time period Bobby Hargis moves forward relative to the limo. Marie Muchmore in Z297 is much blurrier than Toni Foster in Z321:

That appears reasonable to me. I expect you to succeed, but I suspect it will require a lot of time.

Of course this all assumes that the Z film is authentic and no frames have been removed to hide a limo stop.

FWIW, I'm convinced that it has been messed with. e.g. ONLY frame 313 depicts the blood spatter in front of the head. Per comments made by Sherry Fiester and Dino Brugione et al, I don't feel that spatter could vanish in 1/18th of a second. I believe we should see spatter from the back of his head as well, but there is none. Whether a frontal shot or rear shot, spatter would be present at the entry and exit wounds. Frames were either excised, which could explain JFK's rapid motion to the rear, or compositing which would possibly explain the odd appearance of Jackie at certain times.
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Interesting, Tom. When you put it that way, it seems as though the lens only opens once per frame, for 1/40th of a second.

Robert, you are absolutely correct. During the 1/18 of a second interval between frames, the film is only recording what happens during the first half of that frame time interval which is 1/40 of a second. It then follows that for the remaining time prior to the next frame, whatever is transpiring is not recorded.

They way that I visualize the relationship between what is recorded on the film and what is actually occurring is to imagine looking at a scene through a transparent window. If an object is passing across the scene I see all of the motion that occurs during this 1/40th of a second. After this 1/40th of a second the window I'm looking through becomes opaque for 1/40th of a second, and I am blind to whatever is happening during this 1/40th of a second.

Anyway, this analogy works for me.

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From Ollie Curme:

"With respect to the clarity of the blob moving at high speed, I'm not surprised that there is not more blurring. There is a lot of blurring: the blob seems to move for at least 3 feet: that object is blurred over the entire distance. We just see distinct instance of it during the blur as it rotates and catches the sunlight, again, as in stop motion strobe light photography."

You are aware, I hope, that stop motion strobe light photography requires not only a strobe, but a high speed camera. as well? If we are seeing the fragment at various positions, simply because that is when it is reflecting sunlight back to the camera (how convenient that the fragment reflected directly back at Zapruder each time it came around!), we cannot escape the fact this fragment is still travelling upwards at high speed AND forward, with the limo, at 17.6 feet per second. As any text will tell you, stop motion strobe light photography requires a strobe light AND a fast shutter speed; something entirely lacking in Zapruder's camera. There is every reason to expect to see a similar blurring of this fragment as is seen in many other parts of this frame.

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Robert, just a question.

If you believe the extant Z-film is a fake, why all the discussion here about Z-313?

Quite simple, Jon. I am attempting to demonstrate that the bone fragment depicted in z313, seen rocketing skyward, could not possibly have been captured in "stop action photography" by Zapruder's camera, simply because Zapruder's camera had a very slow shutter speed and was not designed for high speed photography.

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Here are some of my reasons:

-- blur errors obvious to any observer

-- unnatural, unexplainable movements within the limo

-- failure to show the limo's turn onto Elm Street

-- serious inconsistencies with witness statements

-- inconsistencies with the extant Nix film as to Jackie, Clint Hill, and limo motion

-- witnesses standing motionless like statues on Elm Street

-- impossibly fast dissipation of blood spray as between Z-313 and Z-314

-- failure to show Mary Moorman standing in the street

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Zapruder crops ( Original frames provided by Craig Lamson )

Regardless of the position of JFK's head, that 'much too dark shadow' seems to be fixed in place as though it was attached to the back of his head. And IMO it is a paint job to hide the hole in the back of his head which was described by every witness.

In Z-337 he appears to have something larger than his head stuck against his head forward and above his right ear. No witness described any damage remotely like this artwork. But Jackie pushed all of the stuff into his head and closed the skull so neatly that this damage was invisible to everyone at Parkland?

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