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Couple that claimed LHO's intelligence connections were an open secret?

Denny Zartman

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Hi there, this might be the first thread I've started on this forum.

I sincerely apologize if this has been covered in another thread. Whenever I start to browse the forum searching for it, I get caught up in reading and get off track.

I have lost years worth of my JFK assassination notes and am having to recompile them from scratch. There was one story that I thought was interesting, but I no longer have the names, and was hoping someone could help me find them again.

It was a newspaper story about a man and a woman, later married, that both served somewhere where Oswald served in the Marines. I don't think they served with him, but worked with people who did. I believe this couple were working at the base when the JFK assassination occurred, and they remembered the gossip that immediately surrounded them that Oswald was an intelligence operative. They wondered how such an open secret could ever be kept under wraps, and expressed some surprise that it did.

Does this story ring any bells with anyone here? Thank you in advance!

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You may be thinking of James and Elsie Wilcott, who worked for the CIA in Tokyo at the time of the assassination. In his testimony before the HSCA in 1978, James Wilcott claimed that it was common knowledge at the Tokyo office that Oswald had been employed by the CIA:


There's a good account of the Wilcotts' claims and experiences on pages 146-147 of James Douglass's JFK and the Unspeakable.

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