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Ofstein and Oswald

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Ofstein and Oswald

On December 9, 1963 Thomas Crigler was interviewed by the FBI. He said that he met Olfstein “accidentally” on the street.

See FBI interview of Crigler December 9, 1963:

CD 205 p. 478


Look in the Reopen the Kennedy Case Forum under the Topic, Brewster's IBM friends"


There is this posting:

by Hasan Yusuf on Fri 12 Aug 2016, 2:15 pm

“For those who are unaware, during an interview with author Ian Griggs in 1996, Johnny Calvin Brewer claimed that on the day of the assassination (when he allegedly observed Oswald duck into the lobby of his shoe store) there were two men from IBM in the store with him...”

On December 6, 1963 Thomas Crigler was interviewed by the FBI. He said that he met Olfstein (Dennis Hyman Ofstein of Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall fame) “accidentally” on the street.

See FBI interview of Crigler December 6, 1963:

CD 205 p. 478


Thomas H. Crigler, Jr., 1705 McAdams, advised he is currently a Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army Security Agency, Field Representative, assigned to U.S. Army Recruiting Station, Dallas. He advised that he and Dennis Ofstein were assigned to the same U.S. Army branch in Europe and that he knew Ofstein from about June, 1960 to December, 1960 purely as another person attached to the same unit with him. He said that he had never become socially or well acquainted with Ofstein at that time. He said the caption of their group was the 507th USASA Group, Heilbron, West Germany.”

(The primary mission of the 507th was interception and translation of Russian and East German military radio traffic.)

Crigler said he was “currently assigned to the U.S. Army Recruiting Station”, which would make sense since, as I understand it, it was the Army Security Agency's practice to hit up on new recruits to join the ASA, even before they got sent to basic training.

In a posting on a website devoted to the 507th USASA Group (Source: Email from John O'Neil)


Click on the link for the 507th ASA Group.

“While working in Heilbronn I received a phone call from a 206 at one of our other Processing Companies saying that an IG Inspection team had just been through his unit, and looked under the covers of one of the machines. When the IG found a rather big mess of old oil and card dust he demanded to know why it wasn’t nice and clean. The 206 quickly explained that it was IBM’s policy ‘not to disturb the dirt’. As much as he would have liked to clean it up, he had to follow IBM’s maintenance orders. He suggested that if my machines were clean, I’d better get them dirty before the IG arrived.

“Jim Campbell in his email said “(When I was in, no 206 had ever re-enlisted - IBM had a job ready for them when they got out.)” When I got out I went to the IBM office in San Francisco, showed them my diploma with TJ Watson’s signature and asked for a job, they asked me what I knew about computers, so I told them I’d seen one in Germany. I got the hint when they said ‘Goodbye, thanks for stopping in”.

Late in 1962 was not the time to look for a job repairing the soon to be obsolete IBM punched card machines! It all turned out for the best. I worked as a tab operator while I taught myself computer programming and all that stuff and lived happily ever after. My wife, our three children and I moved to Australia 40 years ago.”

(A 206 is an MOS, or Military Occupation Specialty Code I believe).

If it is the same one (and I believe it is), the Army Recruiting Station is at 3434 W Illinois Ave, #114 in Oak Cliff. This is about mile or so, southwest of the Texas Theater. Crigler's home address of 1705 McAdams is just off of Illinois.

Just some food for thought.

Steve Thomas

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Steve - the reason I asked that question is that the first description that went out to Dallas police of 'Oswald', presumably the alert heard by Tippett and others, matched the inaccurate details present in the segregated Oswald 201 file that were falsified by Angleton's group as a dangle searching for moles. This is important because Dallas Police have claimed that their first description came from an eyewitness account of someone seen in the 6th floor window. This seems very unlikely to me. I think it more likely that someone in one of the local military intelligence or reserve units supplied this info. And there were many Dallas cops who were also members of these units. Forgive me if my research skills aren't up to yours. I may have some detail wrong. But I have suspected some branch of military intelligence ever since I read this detail in Peter Dale Scott's excellent work. If one were to google Jack Crichton and read the article on Spartacus it really makes you wonder. So many suspicious details. So it seems to me that your work intersects with this body of research.

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Steve - the reason I asked that question is that the first description that went out to Dallas police of 'Oswald', presumably the alert heard by Tippett and others, matched the inaccurate details present in the segregated Oswald 201 file that were falsified by Angleton's group as a dangle searching for moles. This is important because Dallas Police have claimed that their first description came from an eyewitness account of someone seen in the 6th floor window. This seems very unlikely to me. I think it more likely that someone in one of the local military intelligence or reserve units supplied this info. And there were many Dallas cops who were also members of these units. Forgive me if my research skills aren't up to yours. I may have some detail wrong. But I have suspected some branch of military intelligence ever since I read this detail in Peter Dale Scott's excellent work. If one were to google Jack Crichton and read the article on Spartacus it really makes you wonder. So many suspicious details. So it seems to me that your work intersects with this body of research.

I'm sorry I was flippant. I apologize.

I don't know jack xxxx.

I'm just stumbling around in the dark.

I really was curious about Oswald's physical descriptions in his military records.

I've seen some records listing as him being 5'9", some at 5'11". Some have him weighing from 145 to 150lbs.

This was om Channel 1 at 12:45

Attention Elm and Houston is reported to be an unknown white male, all squads. Attention all squads. The suspect in the shooting at approximately thirty, slender build, height five feet ten inches, weight one hundred sixty-five pounds,

This was on Channel 2 at 12:45

Attention all squads, the suspect in the shooting at Elm and Houston is supposed to be an unknown white male, approximately 30, 165 pounds, slender build,

The broadcast on Channel 2 doesn't list his height.

You wrote: "Steve - the reason I asked that question is that the first description that went out to Dallas police of 'Oswald', presumably the alert heard by Tippett and others, matched the inaccurate details present in the segregated Oswald 201 file..."

I wondered if there were others.

You also wrote: "I think it more likely that someone in one of the local military intelligence or reserve units supplied this info."

Or, the card on him that Col. Robert Jones of the 112th MI said he had on Oswald dating back to August, when Oswald was involved in the FPFC activities in New Orleans.

Steve Thomas

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