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How to understand JFK conspiracy theories

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Let's play Devil's Advocate.  From the article:

"Worst of all, from the standpoint of the Pentagon and the CIA, President Kennedy initiated secret personal negotiations with Khrushchev and Cuba’s leader Fidel Castro to end the Cold War. While the CIA undoubtedly learned about the negotiations through wiretaps on Cuban officials at the UN in New York City, Kennedy did everything he could to keep the negotiations secret from both the CIA and the military. In fact, on the very day that Kennedy was assassinated, he had a personal emissary having lunch with Castro to discuss an end to the Cold War (and implicitly the decades-long U.S. economic embargo against the Cuban people)."

But at the same time, the AMLASH program was in the works.  Other Castro assassination plots as well?

"Now, ask yourself a simple question: Why would the Soviets and the Cubans want to kill Kennedy? Why would they want to elevate Johnson, who was still a died-in-the-wool Cold Warrior whose mindset mirrored that of the Pentagon and the CIA and who would quickly reverse JFK’s attempts to reach out to the Russians and Cubans in a spirit of peace and friendship? That would not have been rational."

Yet a Johnson reversal on Russia and Cuba didn't happen.  Was it only the fear of nuclear war? 

If a Pentagon group wanted Kennedy out of the way over Cuba, what prevented them from connecting Oswald to Castro?  The diligence of our FBI and CIA? 

The real action for all involved was moving to Vietnam.

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