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In order to understand the 1960s Kennedy/Cuba history  is by recognizing  

the yet all-powerful, unrelenting religio/politic  "inviting spirit"  that fed so

many, falsely, blindly, into  the breech, resulting in the assassination and/or


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Dear JFK Education Forum Readers,

You'll always be glad if you sent (at least) $25 to Harry Dean for a signed copy of his 1990 manuscript, Crosstrails, which cannot be obtained anywhere else except by contacting Harry Dean personally through this Forum (by using your Forum Messaging feature). 

Harry Dean has been in the JFK CT community since 1965 -- more than 50 years -- when he first appeared on the Joe Pyne TV show hosted in Los Angeles, California.   That was when Harry Dean first told America that JFK was killed as a result of a Radical Right Conspiracy, with Ex-General Edwin Walker at the highest echelons of that Conspiracy.

Harry Dean was an eye-witness to this history -- which you can read only from his own pen.

ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES.   Harry Dean never wrote any other books or magazine articles on the JFK Assassination -- only Crosstrails.  There have been many other publications with Harry Dean's name on them.   Some of those forgeries have falsely claimed that Harry Dean was an FBI agent.  Some of those forgeries have falsely claimed that Harry Dean was a CIA agent.  Some of those forgeries have falsely claimed that Harry Dean both an FBI and a CIA agent!

ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES!   Harry Dean openly admits that he was never an FBI agent, nor a CIA agent, nor ever a paid informant by either agency.  Instead, Harry Dean was a Navy man in WW2, and then joined Fidel Castro's 26 of July Movement in 1959, supporting them by fund-raising in Chicago.  When Harry was promoted to Chicago Secretary of the FPCC by them, he detected Communists in the FPCC, so he reported this as a volunteer to the FBI, and he continued to do so for several months.

As his story unfolds, Harry Dean moves to Los Angeles, meets Guy Gabaldon, Loran Hall, Larry Howard, Congressman John Rousselot -- joins the Minutemen -- and ultimately meets Ex-General Edwin Walker.  

Harry Dean's autobiography, Crosstrails, is riveting.   Although I advocate strongly for Harry Dean's account  -- I myself make nothing from his sales.  I know Harry Dean personally, and what an honest and upstanding gentleman he is -- now around 90 years old. 

Even though I don't accept every political opinion of Harry Dean -- I maintain that Harry's eye-witness account of the JFK Assassination is the most living and realistic account you will ever read -- and he is the final remaining witness of his generation, at the level from which he personally witnessed these events.

Don't miss out.  There's no other place to obtain his manuscript other than from Harry Dean.   Just Message him.   You'll be glad you did.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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