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***Just wanted to say hi again, and confirm channel still active, as been asked.

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Might as well copy and paste here too:

Hi......, ---- time certaintly flies! (Copy and pasted from a private message received last year). 

Can't believe it is more than 10 years ago I made my Youtube-channel. 

It has been neglected to say the least. The videos are more than 10! years old,- and it was a different time then. As far as I can remember,- I only made public footage, - which at that time I had yet to see on Youtube or anywhere online.

Some of the videos have sadly been removed, as far as I can tell,- but many are still there. I still get comments all the time ( I now discovered). 

I am so rusty myself now at this subject, compared to then -- - and Youtube is a different world now. I logged in the other day,- and for all I know --  it is low numbers,.- but for me it was quite astounding that such a neglected channel (do not think I have done anything on it since 2010 or somewhere around there) - has 3.5 million views and 1224 subscribers (who haven't gotten anything in all these years). 

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/10Garmonbozia01

The collection of photos are gone as that link is deactivated. I have everything on an old harddisk. As far as I can remember, - it was quite a lot. It is so old - I have to obtain an (think it is called an IDE-cable) to transfer the data. 

I studied the assassination to a manic degree,- communicated with people all over, including Gary Mack, and other very knowledgeable people - and it now feels like time has made 99% of what I remember unacessible. In retrospect it is quite intriguing to reflect on it now,- all the theories, the fantastic people I "met" - - both here and across the globe ,- - through the internet. 

The  initiation-process of the crater / inverted bulge , in the back of J.F.K.'s head -- visible in the Moorman photo --  if it was the moment of impact; -- would it be comparable for instance , - like when a symmetrical object is dropped down unto the surface of the water. (In order to determine angle of origin) ? 


Edited by Trygve V. Jensen
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