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The "Third headshot fragment"

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I have never heard about this before, beside this old obscure essay by John Hunt: http://the-puzzle-palace.com/files/JohnHunt.txt


The Third Headshot fragment.


The documentary record is clear: Two and only two fragments of lead were pulled from Kennedy's head during the autopsy. Sibert and O'Neill delivered those two fragments to Robert Frazier at the Firearms and Toolmarks section of the FBI Lab in Washington at 1:45 AM on the 23rd.


A huge series of 4x5 negatives record the physical evidence collected by the FBI during the course of its investigation. These once-secret (and I'm confident the FBI thought it would remain that way for all time) FBI HQ Kennedy assassination Laboratory files are today accessible to you and me at he National Archives. Each manila negative envelope in the series covering the evidence handled by the P+C section is marked with Frazier's handwriting. One particular negative envelope reads "Q4/Q5 C4/C5," the FBI designations for the two headshot fragments removed at autopsy. The 4x5 black and white negative, which has been cut in half, is also marked by Frazier in red grease pen as "Q4/Q5 C4/C5." Three sizable and distinct bullet fragments appear in the photo, which has a scale placard included allowing us to determine the size of the fragments. In short, none of the fragments is an aliquot. The details of that are too lengthy to go into here and I defer any questions regarding that to those arising from a viewing of my presentation in the Wecht Symposium DVD.


>From a previously unpublished FBI/WC evidence transfer log, we know that the Q4/Q5 fragments were delivered by Frazier's boss, Jay Cochran, Supervisor of the F+T section of the Lab to the WC against receipt, signed for by Assistant Counsel Melvin Eisenberg on March 16, 1964. Q4/Q5 are listed on the line item. Under the "Number Of Pieces" column is listed the quantity "3", which is exactly what they were; Three fragments of lead; Two from the autopsy and one from.


Where did that "extra" fragment come from?? We can reasonably conclude that it didn't come from Kennedy's head. So who collected it?? Under what circumstances was it collected?? Where was it collected?? When was it delivered to the FBI Lab?? Was it handed to Frazier?? By whom?? Why is there no photograph of the two original Q4/Q5 "as received"?? Why is there no record of the Third Headshot fragment in the form of Lab reports or Memoranda??


On the day Frazier testified about the headshot fragments, Arlen Specter signed another previously unpublished evidence transfer log acknowledging receipt of the Q4/Q5 C4/C5 evidence. But now, two months later on May 13, 1964 under the quantity column we find the number "2". The third fragment was gone, and for good.


I asked Robert Frazier about the headshot fragments and other related issues and what he told me makes the case for tampering even stronger. I wish I'd been able to find him before I went to Pittsburgh for my Wecht Symposium presentation would have been even stronger.


...From here


What I have given you here are facts concerning evidence I found in the FBI' s own files. Over the course of two chapters in the book I'm working on I list the rest of the evidence not presented at Wecht related to The Harper fragment lead and the Third Headshot fragment, analyze it, look for possible innocent explanations, incorporate what Frazier and others have told me, then weave the FACTS into a cohesive theory as to what happened and what it all means. That I'll save for the book.


There are those who will say that if I don't explain my theories here and now, that if I don't tell you what it all means, then what I've written must be ignored. I say, fine with me. Or they could just buy the Wecht Symposium DVD. None of that changes the FACT that what I have given you here are the facts.


John Hunt




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I know John Hunt had that unfinished RFK book that will allegedly be published some time in the future, but I wonder if we'll ever get his full interviews with Robert Frazier!


It would really be a shame if John Hunt died and his last words were "I asked Robert Frazier about the headshot fragments and other related issues and what he told me makes the case for tampering even stronger"

Edited by Micah Mileto
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  • 1 year later...

Micah,  the reality of the situation is that after John passed, his sister took ownership of his materials including the RFK manuscript on his laptop.  With her approval Stu Wexler managed to recover the manuscript, he and I did a preliminary edit of the the material (we had both provided comments for John) and Gary Murr is slogging away at the immense job of a more detailed edit and integration of a huge amount of graphics.  When that gets done it will be a major publishing challenge for JFK Lancer but the hope is to get it out in 2021.

A good portion of John's JFK materials was also recovered, we really have no idea how much and given that Stu has a full time job which is even worse during the pandemic there are no resources to curate the material.  Ultimately it would be nice to organize and make it available but the truth is that all that sort of work these days is done by volunteers with no resources other than their personal time.

The good news is that much of both his RFK and JFK work was recovered,  the path to organizing, curating and saving it is challenging to say the least .  The intentions are there, that's about the best I can say.

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4 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Micah,  the reality of the situation is that after John passed, his sister took ownership of his materials including the RFK manuscript on his laptop.  With her approval Stu Wexler managed to recover the manuscript, he and I did a preliminary edit of the the material (we had both provided comments for John) and Gary Murr is slogging away at the immense job of a more detailed edit and integration of a huge amount of graphics.  When that gets done it will be a major publishing challenge for JFK Lancer but the hope is to get it out in 2021.

A good portion of John's JFK materials was also recovered, we really have no idea how much and given that Stu has a full time job which is even worse during the pandemic there are no resources to curate the material.  Ultimately it would be nice to organize and make it available but the truth is that all that sort of work these days is done by volunteers with no resources other than their personal time.

The good news is that much of both his RFK and JFK work was recovered,  the path to organizing, curating and saving it is challenging to say the least .  The intentions are there, that's about the best I can say.

Thanks. Nice to know it's in good hands.

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