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New JFK books from Trine Day and others

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Trine Day has updated their 'coming soon' column of books, and three JFK-related volumes are among them. This post lists all of them, and there are at least a couple of items of interest, though the first volume might not be one of them.

Barr McClellan's JUSTICE FOR JFK, FOR AMERICA doesn't have any listed details but there's a 2015 volume on Amazon by McClellan - THE VERDICT - that never came out, so this is probably it. I've never read a McClellan volume but recall his earlier LBJ volume received a mixed reception at best. This is the blurb.


Justice is the sequel to McClellan’s Assassination Chronicles that started with Blood, Money & Power, the bestseller disclosing deep insider information about how LBJ allegedly killed JFK. This history includes a fingerprint match to a convicted killer said to have previously murdered for LBJ, an eye-witness, the Billie Sol Estes and Texas Ranger Clint Peoples’ tapes, grand jury action naming LBJ, and an analysis of Ed Clark, LBJ’s super-attorney lobbyist and the only man he trusted. To heed John Kennedy, Jr.’s call for a penitent nation, citizens must seek closure from the corruption that has dominated America since the assassination in 1963. Several contemporary initiatives are underway for uncovering redactions, producing criminal charges, and procuring pardons and honors. McClellan proposes a monument to American Integrity to complement the Statue of Liberty and the Freedom Tower—an inspiration for the profound, dynamic leadership JFK inspired and promoted. The time is now to end the bowdlerization of history and to reverse the diminution of JFK’s powerful ideas, which still guide America.


Gary Hill's THE OTHER OSWALD: A WILDERNESS OF MIRRORS - THE STORY OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD AND ROBERT E. WEBSTER looks better. Publication is apparently still several months away. The volume will have a preface by Bill Simpich, and a foreword by Walt Brown. Here's the blurb and Hill's bio.




This book is the story of two men who began an odyssey together that became a thread, which when unraveled, reveals how Cold War paranoia escalated into the death of a president. Robert Edward Webster and Lee Harvey Oswald were manipulated like marionettes on strings of espionage. Unraveling these strings (or threads) may lead us to the puppeteers controlling them. Were these “controllers” orchestrating a series of events that would lead to JFK's assassination?

Gary Hill is a retired teacher and part-time musician living in New Castle, Pennsylvania. He has been a Cold War researcher since the late 1960s and has accumulated file cabinets full of FOA documents, interviewed witnesses, and published articles in local newspapers and journals such as The Fourth Decade and JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly. He was a charter member of the Citizens for the Truth of the Kennedy Assassination and Cyril Wecht's Coalition on Political Assassinations.



John Delane WIlliams' LEE HARVEY OSWALD, LYNDON JOHNSON AND THE JFK ASSASSINATION has a foreword by Judyth Baker, which doesn't really sell the book to me, but Williams also has an interesting blog covering aspects of the JFK assassination. This is what Trine Day says about his book.



Incorporating the work of Ernst Titovets, this book explores the life of Lee Harvey Oswald, painting him as a real person—not as the straw man concocted to match the image of a lone assassin in search of greatness or infamy. Among other facets of his life and personality, the text explores Lee Harvey Oswald's relationships with Jack Ruby, David Ferrie, and Judyth Baker.

And his blog is here.


So my immediate thought is that I'll get the Hill and Williams books on Kindle - Hill's first - and keep my fingers crossed that JVB doesn't pop up too much in the latter. 

I'm assuming that this has already been covered on this board, but Walt Brown's June 2019 ebook where he angrily thrashes Judyth Baker's assertions and books with a heavy wooden bat for a couple of hundred pages or more is here.


McClellan's book.


Hill's book.


Williams' book.


Edited by Anthony Thorne
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