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Argentina and Minsk

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Steve - not to be off topic, but I just read that beginning in 1963 when Israel was secretly pursuing the development of Nuclear weapons they purchased 100 tons of yellowcake from Argentina. The facts were not fully revealed until 2013. Bill Kelly, in his,post on Alexander Ziger, mentions that he was Jewish, had fled from the Nazis to Argentina. Curious he would choose to go to the Soviet Union thereafter. Kelly suspects Ziger may have been Mossad connected. It’s also reported Ziger died in Israel. 

Israel’s nuclear secrets are still closely held. Whether it’s pertinent here or not, Mossad hired Skorzeny in 1961-62 to help them dismantle Egypt’s nuclear program, which he did. In return they let Skorzeny live out his days without persecution. Is it possible that Skorzeny also helped Israel obtain Argentine yellowcake? 

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6 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

 Bill Kelly, in his,post on Alexander Ziger, mentions that he was Jewish, had fled from the Nazis to Argentina. Curious he would choose to go to the Soviet Union thereafter.




That article I referenced in my earlier post,




the ukrainian experience in argentina, 1897–1950 – cejsh

was illuminating for me. One of the footonotes the author used talks about how Russian policy changed after Stalin died, and they allowed former residents of the Ukraine to return to Russia.

"By the mid-1950’s, after Stalin’s death, the Kremlin had reversed its earlier policy of dissuading sympathetic expatriates from resettling in the Soviet Union. A Committee for the Return to the Homeland was set up in East Berlin and periodicals were published in several languages for expatriates in the diaspora. In Argentina the response ran in the thousands."


I almost hate to say it, because it's so mind numbing, but if you go back to the WC testimony of Paul Raigorodsky, 


it puts his testimony in context. The religious splits in the Ukrainian community carried over into the political sphere, especially in western Ukraine along the Polish border. The Ukraine, and the battle between East and West, has been an issue for a long time.


Steve Thomas




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