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JFK Assassination Conference Program for Nov. 19-22

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The JFK Assassination Conference is coming! Be part of it! Join our ZOOM Webinair(to see how, SCROLL DOWN!]Live! 10 AM -10 PM CST, Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sunday, Nov 19-22! Look at Saturday's line-up, with14 speakers! 10:00-10:45 PHIL NELSON [author: Who Killed Martin Luther King?] New information On Framing the Patsy in the Martin Luther King Case 10:45-10:50 Q & A [All you Zoom Webinair viewers can ask questions!] 10:50 - 11:35 RYAN JONES [Civil Rights Museum, Memphis] MLK Expert 11:35-11:40 Q & A
11:40 - 12:25 RICHARD CHARNIN [author & mathematician : Reclaiming Science - JFK, RFK, MLK murders] 12:25 - 12:30 Q & A
12:30 - 1:30 Vince Palamara [JFK Secret Service World Expert]
and ABRAHAM BOLDEN [Living Witness to Secret Service Treachery and"Lee" tipping off Chicago FBI/Secret Service re Assassination Attempt in Chicago] 1:30-1:35 Q & A 1:30-1:45 WYNNE JOHNSON -Living Witness to the meeting of : Antonio Veciana (Alpha 66), David Phillips(CIA) and Lee Harvey Oswald
1:45-1:50: Q & A 1:50 - 2:20 BREAK FOR LUNCH
2:20 - 3:05: DR. JAMES CAMPBELL: Death of Jack Ruby: What the Records Reveal 3:05-3:10: Q & A
3:10 -3:55: DR. WILLIAM WARRICK: Biological Weapons Then & Now 3:55 -4:00 Q & A 4:00 - 4:55: MARK MUELLER [Attorney, Nationally Important Cases] Lee Harvey Oswald on Trial
4:55 - 5:00 Q & A 5:00 - 6:30 PANEL OF EXPERTS "The Deaths, the Lies, and the Cover-Ups"[Campbell, Charnin,Jones, Meuller,Nelson and Warrick]
6:30 - 7:15 DINNER HOUR --Film: "Episode 8, TMWKK, The Love Affair [Baker & Oswald]"
7:15 - 8:00 JUDYTH VARY BAKER [Living Witness] "New Evidence Exonerating Lee Harvey Oswald" 8:00 - 8:05 Q & A
8:05 - 8:45 STEVE CAMERON [author] AND ROGER CRAIG, JR.{Living Witness] More Evidence in Support of Roger Craig
8:45- 8:50 Q & A 8:50 - 9:35 LARRY RIVERA [author/researcher] "Government Leaders, their Notebooks of Treachery, and JFK"
9:35-9:40 Q & A
9:40 - 9:55 CLAUDIA RODICK: Living Witness ["Lee spent so much time at Judyth's Apartment, I thought he lived there."]
9:55 - 10:00 Q & A
1. go to Paypal
2. send $35 to jfkconfernce@yahoo.com
3. On every day of the conference, you can sign on at any time (THURSDAY-FRI-SAT-SUN hours are from 10 AM to 10 PM DALLAS TIME) by going to ZOOM and typing in your code. (Bingo! You're in!) Yiu can invite as many people as you whih, to watch with you! Your contribution pays for the Webinair (it's $400 for us) and hotel rooms for our guests in Dallas. To join us in Dallas (three seats left!) is $125 ( which includes a nice lunch, breakfasts, and lot of free food if you do not want to eat outside the hotel). You will also be part of the JFK remembrance ceremony to be held on Sunday, Nov. 22 on the Grassy Knoll, honoring JFK! For $50, you can join our Monday Tour of Dallas, or, if you have a car, it will be free if you take passengers with you. Please contact me at therealjudythvarybaker@gmail.com for more information (parking, hotel in Dallas, etc.). SEE YOU AT THE CONFERENCE!
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