Actually, the ARRB's critique was premised on the cumulative remarks of Prouty throughout the 70's, 80's & 90's, his articles and books, statements made to Stone for JFK, correspondence with other researchers, and conference speeches. People like Livingstone and Weisberg smelled a rat long before the ARRB exposed Prouty as a fraud.
I love when people like you are afraid to engage people like me directly. It tells me all I need to know. If you only knew a third of what you think you know about me, this diatribe would be comical, however it's just sad & pathetic. I'm actually on the conspiracy side of things, but even more so than that, the truth of things. I put Prouty on the same level as Judyth Baker, James Files, Chauncy Holt, Beverly Oliver and a host of other frauds that have tried to make money off the assassination by injecting themselves into the lore and muddying the waters of truth. Oh... and just because someone wrote a book, doesn't mean that what's in between the covers has any substantial value whatsoever. Here's a list of people that didn't or don't now believe what Prouty claimed.... Harrison Livingstone, Viktor Krulak, Harold Weisberg, Oliver Stone, John Newman, Col. Rudolph Reich of the 316th INTC, two prattling podcasters, & the entire ARRB.