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Fellow PE teachers. Can you be of help ?

I am on the PE department of the above" Virtual School ".We are putting together an Olympics project in 2004 - to coincide with the EU 'Year of Education Through Sport'.The cross curricular initative is centered around 5 themes = 5 rings: the athlete, past, development of sport, local impact, activities/competions. You can view the OLYMPICS PROJECT template on the PE website.

Do you have any ideas, materials, proposals, you may want to contribute to the exciting project on line. The PE department is coordinating the project.

Keith Bailey

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Hi Keith

I was wondering what was happenning to the olympics project. You will recall my suggestions for the science input which were part of the presentation made in Brussels last February.

I am still hoping to work with David Faure from the Biology department on something bichemical for the project.

Nick :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's section on the Olympic Games at the Winged Sandals website - which is mainly a multimedia introduction to Greek Myths and Ancient Greek History for young people: http://www.wingedsandals.com

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was wondering what was happenning to the olympics project.

Virtual school/History department situated at: http://vs.eun.org/eun.org2/eun/en/vs-histo....cfm?id_area=21 would like to present two new projects.

One of them “Aviation” is a co-project developed together with newly created Design department. This project is situated at: http://vs.eun.org/eun.org2/eun/en/vs-histo...ang=en&ov=33080

The second project “Olympic Games” is a cross-curriculum project made together by almost every department of Virtual School. “Olympic games” is situated at: http://vs.eun.org/eun.org2/eun/en/vs-histo...ang=en&ov=33160

Both projects shall be larger and better if people with interest in aviation and sports participate with their own contributions.

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