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Larry King on the JFK assassination theories

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14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Chris Barnard---

Thanks for the heads-up. 

It's a bit of a revelation. I am trying to think of a motive for Larry to lie or make that up, seemed very candid. 

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

It's a bit of a revelation. I am trying to think of a motive for Larry to lie or make that up, seemed very candid. 

Well...Larry King showed extraordinarily bad judgement in using $5k cash to pay his own IRS tax bill rather than delivering the cash to Garrison. Taxes? You can always get an extension in payment from the IRS, or go on payment plan. 

But, set that aside. Larry King probably did the hear the tape as described.

Of course (you are probably ahead of me on this) is the purported pilot on the tape telling a real story, or just a drama seeker? Or even a CIA plant sending Garrison up another box canyon? At this late date, and without even the tape, all that remains are ciphers. 

That said, yes I strongly suspect LOH had arranged for a getaway car (although LOH once said escaping somewhere by bus is not a bad plan, as cops do not check busses. Ironically, and perhaps tellingly, cops were checking busses after the JFK shooting). The car-ride dematerialized, or LOH decided not to take the ride, after the JFK assassination happened for real. 

The Larry King version, of course, suggests LOH played a role, one that became the patsy role, in the day's events. In the Larry King version, LOH was a patsy, who initially anticipated escape help. 

Add on---A bit shaky on this point: Who would hire a mercenary for $5k + $5k to provide an airplane ride to a Presidential assassin?

So the hired pilot figures out the next day, when he reads the newspapers, that he just gave a plane-ride to Mexico to the President's assassin. So the pilot mulls things over. I can keep quiet, but if LOH's escape is tracked back to my plane I then become an accomplice in a President's assassination.  I better squeal---meaning I say who hired me. 

I rather think LOH's get-away ride was a car, driven by a Cuban/CIA asset who was in on the intentionally unsuccessful false-flag JFKA. The ride never happened after JFK was shot for real. 






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According to Larry King a wealthy Miami financier, Louis Wolfson, was giving $5,000 in cash--equivalent to $36,000 in today's money--per month to Garrison. Wolfson did this via Larry King and another go-between, Dade County State Attorney Richard Gerstein. According to Larry King, Gerstein received the $5000 in bills from Wolfson and personally conveyed it himself covertly to Garrison one month, and the other months Wolfson gave the $5000 to Gerstein who gave it to Larry King to give covertly to Garrison. 

Garrison needed the money to investigate the JFK assassination. But was there a quid pro quo? Why the envelopes of cash in secrecy instead of something above-board and disclosed? 

Gerstein, the central go-between figure in Larry King's account, is apparently said by a lot of people in Miami to have had Mob connections. https://justicebuilding.blogspot.com/2007/08/in-end-big-murder-case.html

"Someone could write a book about the Market Connection case. Gerstein had provable associations with Miami Beach gangsters. There are pictures of his top assistant, David Goodhart, meeting with them. Goodhart, an ex prosecutor, ex judge, ex defendant, ex inmate, and now convicted racketeer. No one alks about it anymore but it is out there and everyone who has a law license in this town pre 1980 knows it."

"The Market Connection caper was circa 1972. It involved one Frank(?) Martin, the owner of a gas station/grocery store that was supposedly the location where bribes were exchanged for judicial favors. Dave Goodhard was involved in this as was Gerstein and a number of his underlings who later became judges. The Miami Beach episodes were different and involved allegations, corroborated by photographs, that Gerstein was paid off by the mob. He allegedly took his payoff by visiting a haberdashery on the Beach where he would slip into the dressing room, try on a pair of pants where a pre-determined amount of cash was already inserted in the pants pocket and walk out after trying on the pants and not buying them."

The above are, it should be emphasized, anonymous comments posted to a Miami legal history blog, and other comments note that Gerstein was never convicted of any of these allegations which were brought by a political opponent governor. The blog editor himself say diplomatically and noncommittally concerning Gerstein: "there were rumors, whispers, and unsubstantiated allegations". So this is street talk or local hearsay, disputed by Gerstein's defenders. In fact in this obituary Gerstein is remembered as being an organized crime fighter in some prosecutions: https://miamiarchives.blogspot.com/2015/07/who-was-richard-e-gerstein-and-why-is.html

However the same Gerstein appears in Larry King's story as the go-between between Wolfson, the financier, and Garrison, courier of bags of large sums of cash.

Wolfson, the apparent source of the money (or was Wolfson himself a conduit?), had criminal troubles but I cannot find a reputable online source linking Wolfson to organized crime directly. (Disreputable sources on the internet have Mob allegations and claimed facts linking Wolfson to organized crime, but without citing sources or evidence that I can see.)

Miami was where Meyer Lansky, head of the Jewish Mafia, had moved from New York. According to this source, Meyer Lansky was business partners with Santo Trafficante in ownership of at least one gambling casino in Cuba, the National Casino of Havana, prior to the takeover of Castro: http://cuban-exile.com/doc_126-150/doc0126.html (item 13). Trafficante of course was also of Miami and considered a leading figure of interest in the JFK assassination, with Blakey/HSCA naming Trafficante along with Marcello of New Orleans as having had means, motive, and opportunity to have done the JFK assassination (though no evidence found that they were), with HSCA recommending that FBI investigate those two (that never happened). 

And so, a question: what, if anything, did someone want from Garrison, in exchange for conveyance of unreported sacks of large sums of cash to Garrison? 

According to Larry King, Wolfson was a personal believer in conspiracy theories and that was the reason Wolfson supported Garrison in that manner.

Neither the FBI, the Warren Commission, nor Garrison ever looked at the Mob as involved in the JFK assassination, even though Ruby's killing of Oswald had all the earmarks of a Mob hit. 

If Larry King had not talked (and assuming Larry King's account is true), this unusual conveyance of bags of cash to Garrison may never have come to light. 

HL Hunt's right-hand operative, John Curington, told me that Garrison sought money from HL Hunt to finance his investigation, though HL Hunt did not give Garrison anything. Curington also told me that New Orleans Mob boss Marcello would make visits to Dallas and HL Hunt (and Curington) would meet with Marcello, away from the office.

Separately, it has been reported (with Curington apparently the source) that HL Hunt explained privately at the time why he would not financially support an investigation into the death of JFK as had been suggested that he do (perhaps referring to Garrison?): that (a) he, HL Hunt, knew, did not suspect but knew, there was a conspiracy in the assassination of JFK, and (b) if he, HL Hunt, were to fund an investigation of it, "he would be a dead man". This was reported in June 1977 in a National Enquirer story.

There are at least three untimely deaths related to the JFK case which look like they could go back to Marcello: Oswald, Ferrie, and Dorothy Kilgallen. New Orleans attorney Dean Andrews, who received a phone call from someone asking him to go to Dallas to give Oswald legal representation--on the same weekend that both Marguerite Oswald and a partner of Mob-connected attorney Clem Sehrt independently later reported Marguerite had phoned Clem Sehrt, her childhood friend, that weekend seeking legal assistance for her son--Dean Andrews feared he could lose his life if he disclosed who made that phone call to him. 

But Garrison never looked at Marcello or Trafficante or any other Mob direction in the JFK assassination. And Marcello was so little looked at by Hoover's FBI and the Warren Commission that Marcello's name does not even appear in the Warren Report's index. Even though Marcello by most accounts controlled Mob operations in the city of the scene of the crime, Dallas. And his name does not even appear in the Warren Report index?

And so this story of Larry King, of monthly conveyance of bags of large sums of cash to Garrison sourced from Miami and conveyed to Garrison via a Miami figure rumored to be Mob-connected, combined with Garrison's seeming avoidance of what any outside observer would consider on the short list of suspected operatives in the JFK assassination, just seems "odd". Was Garrison going to get around to investigating Marcello and Trafficante "later", at some point? Or had Garrison decided in his own mind that Marcello and Trafficante were cleared, exculpated, not figures of interest, from the getgo?

Did the bags of Miami cash going to Garrison of Larry King's story--if accurate--influence Garrison's decisionmaking with respect to directions of his investigation?   

Edited by Greg Doudna
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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well...Larry King showed extraordinarily bad judgement in using $5k cash to pay his own IRS tax bill rather than delivering the cash to Garrison. Taxes? You can always get an extension in payment from the IRS, or go on payment plan. 

But, set that aside. Larry King probably did the hear the tape as described.

Of course (you are probably ahead of me on this) is the purported pilot on the tape telling a real story, or just a drama seeker? Or even a CIA plant sending Garrison up another box canyon? At this late date, and without even the tape, all that remains are ciphers. 

That said, yes I strongly suspect LOH had arranged for a getaway car (although LOH once said escaping somewhere by bus is not a bad plan, as cops do not check busses. Ironically, and perhaps tellingly, cops were checking busses after the JFK shooting). The car-ride dematerialized, or LOH decided not to take the ride, after the JFK assassination happened for real. 

The Larry King version, of course, suggests LOH played a role, one that became the patsy role, in the day's events. In the Larry King version, LOH was a patsy, who initially anticipated escape help. 

Add on---A bit shaky on this point: Who would hire a mercenary for $5k + $5k to provide an airplane ride to a Presidential assassin?

So the hired pilot figures out the next day, when he reads the newspapers, that he just gave a plane-ride to Mexico to the President's assassin. So the pilot mulls things over. I can keep quiet, but if LOH's escape is tracked back to my plane I then become an accomplice in a President's assassination.  I better squeal---meaning I say who hired me. 

I rather think LOH's get-away ride was a car, driven by a Cuban/CIA asset who was in on the intentionally unsuccessful false-flag JFKA. The ride never happened after JFK was shot for real. 






I think you’ve likely read far more than me or at least different stuff on this part of the plot. The whole LHO getaway and Tippett situation has been talked about a lot on here and there never seems to be agreement.
Perhaps he (King) was already on his extension. I guess the bigger picture is that he is fuelling conspiracy talk as opposed to suppressing it. If you’re the perpetrator you’d want sleeping dogs to lie. 
i had always assumed he was in the lunchroom when it happened and when he becomes aware that JFK is shot, he gets the hell out of dodge. If you were really firing at the president, you’d want to be there and set with some time to spare, not legging it up stairs and lacking composure. It’s my understanding that the motorcade was late too, did LHO have that info? Even if you are missing in the suggested false flag operation, I still think you’d want to be there with some time to spare. 
As for the pilot, I think he is never going to live if he sees and flies LHO. There is a suggestion by one ex-CIA guy in Lisa Pease RFK book “A lie too big fo fail” that the actual assassins were neutralised straight after Dallas, after being lured to a meeting. 
James W Douglas in “The Unspeakable” also talks about a flight out of Dallas with only a couple of people on board (suggested assassins). 
We also assume that Oswald’s definition of the word “patsy” is an accurate one. He doesn’t say he has been setup or framed. 
i think this is where the waters get very muddy. The pilot can be a drama seeker, and if he did indeed die of a heart attack, it could be natural.I think Larry is being honest. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

I think you’ve likely read far more than me or at least different stuff on this part of the plot. The whole LHO getaway and Tippett situation has been talked about a lot on here and there never seems to be agreement.
Perhaps he (King) was already on his extension. I guess the bigger picture is that he is fuelling conspiracy talk as opposed to suppressing it. If you’re the perpetrator you’d want sleeping dogs to lie. 
i had always assumed he was in the lunchroom when it happened and when he becomes aware that JFK is shot, he gets the hell out of dodge. If you were really firing at the president, you’d want to be there and set with some time to spare, not legging it up stairs and lacking composure. It’s my understanding that the motorcade was late too, did LHO have that info? Even if you are missing in the suggested false flag operation, I still think you’d want to be there with some time to spare. 
As for the pilot, I think he is never going to live if he sees and flies LHO. There is a suggestion by one ex-CIA guy in Lisa Pease RFK book “A lie too big fo fail” that the actual assassins were neutralised straight after Dallas, after being lured to a meeting. 
James W Douglas in “The Unspeakable” also talks about a flight out of Dallas with only a couple of people on board (suggested assassins). 
We also assume that Oswald’s definition of the word “patsy” is an accurate one. He doesn’t say he has been setup or framed. 
i think this is where the waters get very muddy. The pilot can be a drama seeker, and if he did indeed die of a heart attack, it could be natural.I think Larry is being honest. 

Verily, I am editing my "false-flag fake assassination version" as we speak. 

Everyone has their own take. If LOH was a know-nothing witless patsy, then why take a taxi home and get a gun? Why did not LOH assume right-wing loonies or a deranged nut, or even lowlife thugs took a potshot at the President? If he was uninvolved, then why worry about anything? 

One spooky thing was Garrison telling King, "They are going to shoot Robert Kennedy too." 

My guess is Garrison had a good source inside the CIA who was feeding him info. 



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4 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

According to Larry King a wealthy Miami financier, Louis Wolfson, was giving $5,000 in cash--equivalent to $36,000 in today's money--per month to Garrison. Wolfson did this via Larry King and another go-between, Dade County State Attorney Richard Gerstein. According to Larry King, Gerstein received the $5000 in bills from Wolfson and personally conveyed it himself covertly to Garrison one month, and the other months Wolfson gave the $5000 to Gerstein who gave it to Larry King to give covertly to Garrison. 

Garrison needed the money to investigate the JFK assassination. But was there a quid pro quo? Why the envelopes of cash in secrecy instead of something above-board and disclosed? 

Gerstein, the central go-between figure in Larry King's account, is apparently said by a lot of people in Miami to have had Mob connections. https://justicebuilding.blogspot.com/2007/08/in-end-big-murder-case.html

"Someone could write a book about the Market Connection case. Gerstein had provable associations with Miami Beach gangsters. There are pictures of his top assistant, David Goodhart, meeting with them. Goodhart, an ex prosecutor, ex judge, ex defendant, ex inmate, and now convicted racketeer. No one alks about it anymore but it is out there and everyone who has a law license in this town pre 1980 knows it."

"The Market Connection caper was circa 1972. It involved one Frank(?) Martin, the owner of a gas station/grocery store that was supposedly the location where bribes were exchanged for judicial favors. Dave Goodhard was involved in this as was Gerstein and a number of his underlings who later became judges. The Miami Beach episodes were different and involved allegations, corroborated by photographs, that Gerstein was paid off by the mob. He allegedly took his payoff by visiting a haberdashery on the Beach where he would slip into the dressing room, try on a pair of pants where a pre-determined amount of cash was already inserted in the pants pocket and walk out after trying on the pants and not buying them."

The above are, it should be emphasized, anonymous comments posted to a Miami legal history blog, and other comments note that Gerstein was never convicted of any of these allegations which were brought by a political opponent governor. The blog editor himself say diplomatically and noncommittally concerning Gerstein: "there were rumors, whispers, and unsubstantiated allegations". So this is street talk or local hearsay, disputed by Gerstein's defenders. In fact in this obituary Gerstein is remembered as being an organized crime fighter in some prosecutions: https://miamiarchives.blogspot.com/2015/07/who-was-richard-e-gerstein-and-why-is.html

However the same Gerstein appears in Larry King's story as the go-between between Wolfson, the financier, and Garrison, courier of bags of large sums of cash.

Wolfson, the apparent source of the money (or was Wolfson himself a conduit?), had criminal troubles but I cannot find a reputable online source linking Wolfson to organized crime directly. (Disreputable sources such as Daniel Hopsicker and Alex Constantine have plenty of Mob allegations and claimed facts linking Wolfson to organized crime.)

Miami was where Meyer Lansky, head of the Jewish Mafia, had moved from New York. According to this source, Meyer Lansky was business partners with Santo Trafficante in ownership of at least one gambling casino in Cuba, the National Casino of Havana, prior to the takeover of Castro: http://cuban-exile.com/doc_126-150/doc0126.html (item 13). Trafficante of course was also of Miami and considered a leading figure of interest in the JFK assassination, with Blakey/HSCA naming Trafficante along with Marcello of New Orleans as having had means, motive, and opportunity to have done the JFK assassination (though no evidence found that they were), with HSCA recommending that FBI investigate those two (that never happened). 

And so, a question: what, if anything, did someone want from Garrison, in exchange for conveyance of unreported sacks of large sums of cash to Garrison? 

According to Larry King, Wolfson was a personal believer in conspiracy theories and that was the reason Wolfson supported Garrison in that manner.

Neither the FBI, the Warren Commission, nor Garrison ever looked at the Mob as involved in the JFK assassination, even though Ruby's killing of Oswald had all the earmarks of a Mob hit. 

If Larry King had not talked (and assuming Larry King's account is true), this unusual conveyance of bags of cash to Garrison may never have come to light. 

HL Hunt's right-hand operative, John Curington, told me that Garrison sought money from HL Hunt to finance his investigation, though HL Hunt did not give Garrison anything. Curington also told me that New Orleans Mob boss Marcello would make visits to Dallas and HL Hunt (and Curington) would meet with Marcello, away from the office.

Separately, it has been reported (with Curington apparently the source) that HL Hunt explained privately at the time why he would not financially support an investigation into the death of JFK as had been suggested that he do (perhaps referring to Garrison?): that (a) he, HL Hunt, knew, did not suspect but knew, there was a conspiracy in the assassination of JFK, and (b) if he, HL Hunt, were to fund an investigation of it, "he would be a dead man". This was reported in June 1977 in a National Enquirer story.

There are at least three untimely deaths related to the JFK case which look like they could go back to Marcello: Oswald, Ferrie, and Dorothy Kilgallen. New Orleans attorney Dean Andrews, who received a phone call from someone asking him to go to Dallas to give Oswald legal representation--on the same weekend that both Marguerite Oswald and a partner of Mob-connected attorney Clem Sehrt independently later reported Marguerite had phoned Clem Sehrt, her childhood friend, that weekend seeking legal assistance for her son--Dean Andrews feared he could lose his life if he disclosed who made that phone call to him. 

But Garrison never looked at Marcello or Trafficante or any other Mob direction in the JFK assassination. And Marcello was so little looked at by Hoover's FBI and the Warren Commission that Marcello's name does not even appear in the Warren Report's index. Even though Marcello by most accounts controlled Mob operations in the city of the scene of the crime, Dallas. And his name does not even appear in the Warren Report index?

And so this story of Larry King, of monthly conveyance of bags of large sums of cash to Garrison sourced from Miami and conveyed to Garrison via a Miami figure rumored to be Mob-connected, combined with Garrison's seeming avoidance of what any outside observer would consider on the short list of suspected operatives in the JFK assassination, just seems "odd". Was Garrison going to get around to investigating Marcello and Trafficante "later", at some point? Or had Garrison decided in his own mind that Marcello and Trafficante were cleared, exculpated, not figures of interest, from the getgo?

Did the bags of Miami cash going to Garrison of Larry King's story--if accurate--influence Garrison's decisionmaking with respect to directions of his investigation?   

Greg D.---

The mismatch in "the Mob got JFK" is in the history of LOH.

As John Newman and Dan Hardway have posited, LOH was being run by the CIA, to Russia and back, then into New Orleans, and down to Mexico City and back, and possibly even into the TSBD. A biography of LOH was created, and then even the story that nuke-WWIII would break out if LOH was not painted as a leftie-loser-loner. The Mob had nothing to do with any of that. 

The FBI enhanced the evidence and the paper trail, and the WC---well, you know the WC story. 

Robert Blakely was a mob-hunter prior to the HSCA. He saw the Mob everywhere. However, you can see Youtubes later in Blakey's life, when he says he thinks Eladio Del Valle and H. Diaz were involved, and (to Blakey's credit) that he now believes the CIA badly misled him. The Mob angle, even for Blakey, is not so compelling. 

My guess is the CIA turned to the Mob to get LOH, after the event. The CIA has vast, but not infinite, resources. They needed LOH silenced, but who could do it? LOH was in Dallas. They put their feelers out to the Mob, with whom they had bedmates on getting Castro. 

That led to Ruby. 







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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Verily, I am editing my "false-flag fake assassination version" as we speak. 

Everyone has their own take. If LOH was a know-nothing witless patsy, then why take a taxi home and get a gun? Why did not LOH assume right-wing loonies or a deranged nut, or even lowlife thugs took a potshot at the President? If he was uninvolved, then why worry about anything? 

One spooky thing was Garrison telling King, "They are going to shoot Robert Kennedy too." 

My guess is Garrison had a good source inside the CIA who was feeding him info. 



I think one of the other schools of thought is that LHO had infiltrated a plot and was informing, or so he thought. Perhaps informing to the FBI. It's that one thing we don't know for sure, or if it was him who informed on the Chicago plot (the same day the Diem brothers were killed). LHO may have thought he was informing on the right wing loonies. All this stuff about an abort team listed in some books, mentioned by Tosh Plumlee further muddies the waters. 

The RFK thing is fascinating. But, would Garrison have had an informant that high up? If he indeed did. Or was there a backchannel between hm and RFK. If you understood there was 100% a conspiracy, then when RFK enters back into politics, you'd assume he would be a target and as his status elevates he becomes more so. Even on a less direct level, Garrison could have had access to all of the death threats getting rained on the Kennedy homes, targeting Ted and Bobby. One might assume they are not the work of nuts but a concerted effort to deter them from running for higher office. The contents of the threats are appalling, too heinous to even write here. 

I certainly look forward to reading your article when complete. 

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8 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

I think one of the other schools of thought is that LHO had infiltrated a plot and was informing, or so he thought. Perhaps informing to the FBI. It's that one thing we don't know for sure, or if it was him who informed on the Chicago plot (the same day the Diem brothers were killed). LHO may have thought he was informing on the right wing loonies. All this stuff about an abort team listed in some books, mentioned by Tosh Plumlee further muddies the waters. 

The RFK thing is fascinating. But, would Garrison have had an informant that high up? If he indeed did. Or was there a backchannel between hm and RFK. If you understood there was 100% a conspiracy, then when RFK enters back into politics, you'd assume he would be a target and as his status elevates he becomes more so. Even on a less direct level, Garrison could have had access to all of the death threats getting rained on the Kennedy homes, targeting Ted and Bobby. One might assume they are not the work of nuts but a concerted effort to deter them from running for higher office. The contents of the threats are appalling, too heinous to even write here. 

I certainly look forward to reading your article when complete. 

Thanks for your sentiments. On and off I have been reviewing the JFK case since it happened. The advent of the internet has really invigorated the topic. I can actually remember getting LIFE magazine (as an eight-year-old boy) in 1963-4 and reading and re-reading it as gospel on the assassination. 

Over the years I have always wanted to read a plausible version of events. One with only few participants. I looked at the Mob-Marcello angle for long time (as did Robert Blakey).

But, when one ponders the LOH backstory, the FBI control and manipulation of evidence, the WWIII scare-story, the WC cover-up...then the Mob story looks weaker and weaker.  The Mob can't do all that. My guess is, if the JFK assassination was a simple mob hit, then US investigative agencies might have actually investigated, and brought the perps to justice. 

John Newman seems to working on US Army intel version of the JFKA, and let's see where that goes. But he is already on record (along with Dan Hardway) that the CIA had been handling LOH for quite a while. 

Well, stay tuned....

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33 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Thanks for your sentiments. On and off I have been reviewing the JFK case since it happened. The advent of the internet has really invigorated the topic. I can actually remember getting LIFE magazine (as an eight-year-old boy) in 1963-4 and reading and re-reading it as gospel on the assassination. 

Over the years I have always wanted to read a plausible version of events. One with only few participants. I looked at the Mob-Marcello angle for long time (as did Robert Blakey).

But, when one ponders the LOH backstory, the FBI control and manipulation of evidence, the WWIII scare-story, the WC cover-up...then the Mob story looks weaker and weaker.  The Mob can't do all that. My guess is, if the JFK assassination was a simple mob hit, then US investigative agencies might have actually investigated, and brought the perps to justice. 

John Newman seems to working on US Army intel version of the JFKA, and let's see where that goes. But he is already on record (along with Dan Hardway) that the CIA had been handling LOH for quite a while. 

Well, stay tuned....

My journey started going down the mob route too, Giancana, Marcello, Cuban casinos repossessed etc. The more I read the more logical it seemed the CIA were involved, and I am open to the military being involved too. How do you separate those two anyway? If Prouty is to be believed in regard to him explaining the network of CIA in the Pentagon, FBI, and other security apparatus. But, they are all facilitators, I believe the east coast establishment ‘eminence grise’ gave the nod. How do you separate the ‘Power Elite’ and the Yale allumni and other Ivy leaguers at the CIA at the time? I just think JFK wasn’t good for business and any personal grudges or other narratives are largely incidental. Sure Dulles and co hated JFK, as well as a lot of the mob and Cuban exiles where lots of motive is found. But, the profits from wars and regime changes represent something much bigger. “War is a racket” by Major General Smedley Butler really shed light on just how many ways the public can be deceived and exploited.

As a plotter of any such plan, it makes sense to have layers of deflection. LHO, USSR, Cuba, Mafia, and Cuban exiles provide plenty of subterfuge. Once the game was up with LHO being alone, the MSM propagated and precipitated the Cuban/Mafia stuff like wild fire. 

it’s one of the most intriguing stories of the 20th century. I often ponder what draws so many of us to this and causes us to use so much of our time?! Are we idealists searching for truth? Or do we just like a good murder mystery? 

I look forward to John Newman’s new book, anyway. 




Edited by Chris Barnard
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4 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

My journey started going down the mob route too, Giancana, Marcello, Cuban casinos repossessed etc. The more I read the more logical it seemed the CIA were involved, and I am open to the military being involved too. How do you separate those two anyway? If Prouty is to be believed in regard to him explaining the network of CIA in the Pentagon, FBI, and other security apparatus. But, they are all facilitators, I believe the east coast establishment ‘eminence grise’ gave the nod. How do you separate the ‘Power Elite’ and the Yale allumni and other Ivy leaguers at the CIA at the time? I just think JFK wasn’t good for business and any personal grudges or other narratives are largely incidental. Sure Dulles and co hated JFK, as well as a lot of the mob and Cuban exiles where lots of motive is found. But, the profits from wars and regime changes represent something much bigger. “War is a racket” by Major General Smedley Butler really shed light on just how many ways the public can be deceived and exploited.

As a plotter of any such plan, it makes sense to have layers of deflection. LHO, USSR, Cuba, Mafia, and Cuban exiles provide plenty of subterfuge. Once the game was up with LHO being alone, the MSM propagated and precipitated the Cuban/Mafia stuff like wild fire. 

it’s one of the most intriguing stories of the 20th century. I often ponder what draws so many of us to this and causes us to use so much of our time?! Are we idealists searching for truth? Or do we just like a good murder mystery? 

I look forward to John Newman’s new book, anyway. 




Smedley Butler....man, oh, man. What a name, what a character, and yes, his insights remain germane to this day....

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