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Letters sent to Oswald from Cuba or Mexico

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I wanted to throw this out there to see if it's something that someone here might remember.

I recall reading about some letters that were sent to Oswald, one of them postmarked or sent from Cuba. I'm having a hard time remembering where I read this and searched a couple of ebooks for "letter" and "mail" but have come up empty.

The situation, as best I can remember, is that Lee Harvey Oswald was sent letters from what appeared at first glance to be from a Communist or from Cuba. The intent being, if the letters were delivered or located, it would make it look like Oswald was in touch with someone in Cuba.

I think that whereever I read this, it said that one of the letters would have arrived a day or two after November 22nd--after the assassination. 

I thought I had read this in Jim DiEugenio's JFK: The Evidence Today or Destiny Betrayed, but I couldn't find any reference to it when I scanned both books.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

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I found this in Harvey and Lee, page 886.  However, I could swear that I read about this somewhere else:

Disinformation Letters

Following the assassination the press published many accounts which purportedly linked Oswald to Cuba. Most of these stories came from Miami (location of the
huge JM/WAVE station) and Mexico City (location of the CIA's largest operation), and tried to link Oswald to a communist conspiracy which originated in Cuba.
Numerous letters soon turned up that were allegedly mailed to Oswald from Cuba, but were all soon exposed as forgeries:

• November 10, 1963 (postmarked November 28, 1963)-a letter mailed to "Lee Harvey Oswald, Mail Office, Dallas, Texas" and signed by "Pedro Charles."
The letter read, "After the affair I am going to recommend much to the chief that he certainly will have much interest in knowing you as they need man like
you. I told him you could put out a candle at 50 meteres ..... "

• November 14-four letters were mailed from Havana to "Lee" in Miami with return addresses for "Jorge and Pedro Charles, Miguel Galvan Lopez, Mario
886 del Rosario Molina.''

• November 23-two letters were mailed to Lee Oswald from Cuba, signed by "Pedro Charles and Molina."

• November 27 -a letter signed by Miguel Galvan Lopez, mailed to Oswald from Cuba.

The FBI also examined two letters that were sent to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, from different locations, and determined that both were typed on a
Remington model 16 typewriter, with Pica type (Vol 26, p 148). All of these letters gave the impression that Oswald participated in a conspiracy with one or more Cuban officials to kill the President. The FBI concluded the letters were sent by people from Cuba who were trying to implicate the Cuban government in the assassination.

The Warren Commission concluded, correctly, that all of these letters were fabrications, but failed to grasp their significance. They intentionally ignored the fact that
whoever wrote these letters was attempting to link Oswald to Cuba. These letters, sent from different locations, were proof that unknown individuals were involved in a conspiracy to link Oswald with Cuba. These same people were linked, either directly or indirectly, with the people who conspired to murder President Kennedy.

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