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The jackets as exculpation of Oswald as the Tippit killer: an analysis

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An alternative explanation of why the killer of Tippit headed to the Texas Theatre where Oswald was: to kill him

Bill it was the guy who left the fingerprints on the Tippit cruiser's right front passenger door and right front fender who stood in the recessed entrance of that shoe store after ditching his jacket. The killer who left those fingerprints which were definitively found not, repeat not, to come from Oswald. The fingerprints you answered me that you will not lift a finger to help bring about a first, 59 years later, first, reported expert attempt at positive identification using present methods and databases. On the grounds that you claim internal certainty, in advance of any present attempt being made, that such an attempt cannot succeed, therefore you do not support asking a crime lab with expertise to take a look to find out.

The man at the shoe store, who had abandoned his jacket after killing Tippit, did not come from Oswald's rooming house. He came to the scene of the Tippit killing walking from the east, arriving from the opposite direction of Oswald's rooming house. Multiple witnesses saw the killer headed to the scene of the Tippit killing, on foot coming several blocks from the east, from the opposite direction of Oswald who was at his rooming house at 1 pm. Oswald went to the Texas Theatre, which has nothing to do with going to where Tippit was killed, where the killer of Tippit abandoned his jacket, the stop at the front of the shoe store.

There is a coming together of that killer, likely associated with Ruby, entering the Texas Theatre's balcony intent on killing Oswald next who was already in the theatre seated in the main level. A man in the balcony (killer of Tippit intent on killing Oswald), and a man already seated on the main level (Oswald).  

Despite witnesses saying the killer of Tippit was Oswald, there is reason to suppose those witnesses erred in that identification, and that that killer was no more Oswald than the customer in Shasteen's barber shop, the man Roger Craig saw run into a station wagon in front of the TSBD, or dozens of other mistaken identifications of Oswald duly written up in FBI reports.

If it had been Oswald, it would be expected that the fingerprints lifted from the Tippit cruiser in exact agreement with where witnesses saw the killer with respect to that cruiser would not have been excluded as matching to Oswald. Just as it would be expected that, if Oswald and Oswald's revolver had killed Tippit, the Dallas Police department would not have lost without a trace and without ballistics analysis the snub-nosed Smith & Wesson .38 Special found by a citizen in a paper bag abandoned on a city street in downtown Dallas on the morning of Nov 23, 1963, less than 18 hours after the murder of officer Tippit carried out with a weapon exactly of that kind.

Fingerprints likely of the killer (exculpatory of Oswald) ... the Nov 23 paper-bag revolver which makes an excellent candidate for the murder weapon of Tippit (exculpatory of Oswald) ... the direction the killer was seen walking to the Tippit crime scene, as well as the Tippit crime scene itself, having nothing to do with, no rational explanation in agreement with, the killer having walked from Oswald's rooming house (exculpatory of Oswald) ... plenty of mistaken identifications of claimed Oswald identifications which weren't Oswald ... tremendous pressure on the Dallas Police that Oswald be guilty of the Tippit killing affected objectivity of both police and witnesses ... 

Some of my other discussions of the Tippit murder: 

"When everyone is agreed on something it is probably wrong" (with a comment on the Tippit case) 


The murder weapon of the Tippit killing? 


Tippit ballistics: is it established that Oswald's revolver was the murder weapon? 


Oswald, Tippit, and Carl Mather: connecting some dots 


Edited by Greg Doudna
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12 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

Bill it was the guy who left the fingerprints on the Tippit cruiser's right front passenger door and right front fender who stood in the recessed entrance of that shoe store after ditching his jacket. The killer who left those fingerprints which were definitively found not, repeat not, to come from Oswald. The fingerprints you answered me that you will not lift a finger to help bring about a first, 59 years later, first, reported expert attempt at positive identification using present methods and databases. On the grounds that you claim internal certainty, in advance of any present attempt being made, that such an attempt cannot succeed, therefore you do not support asking a crime lab with expertise to take a look to find out.

The man at the shoe store, who had abandoned his jacket after killing Tippit, did not come from Oswald's rooming house. He came to the scene of the Tippit killing walking from the east, arriving from the opposite direction of Oswald's rooming house. Oswald went to the Texas Theatre which has nothing to do with going to where Tippit was killed, where the killer of Tippit abandoned his jacket, the stop at the front of the shoe store, or the entry into the Texas Theatre's balcony.

That's because, despite witnesses saying the killer was Oswald, there is reason to suppose those witnesses erred in that identification, and that that killer was no more Oswald than the customer in Shasteen's barber shop, the man Roger Craig saw run into a station wagon in front of the TSBD, or dozens of other mistaken identifications of Oswald duly written up in FBI reports.

If it had been Oswald, it would be expected that the fingerprints lifted from the Tippit cruiser in exact agreement with where witnesses saw the killer with respect to that cruiser would not have been excluded as matching to Oswald. Just as it would be expected that, if Oswald and Oswald's revolver had killed Tippit, the Dallas Police department would not have lost without a trace and without ballistics analysis the snub-nosed Smith & Wesson .38 Special found by a citizen in a paper bag abandoned on a city street in downtown Dallas on the morning of Nov 23, 1963, less than 18 hours after the murder of officer Tippit carried out with a weapon exactly of that kind.

Fingerprints likely of the killer (exculpatory of Oswald) ... the Nov 23 paper-bag revolver I say looks like a good candidate for the murder weapon of Tippit (exculpatory of Oswald) ... the direction the killer was seen walking to the Tippit crime scene, as well as the Tippit crime scene itself, having nothing to do with, no rational explanation in agreement with, the killer having walked from Oswald's rooming house (exculpatory of Oswald) ... plenty of mistaken identifications of claimed Oswald identifications which weren't Oswald ... tremendous pressure on the Dallas Police that Oswald be guilty of the Tippit killing affected objectivity of both police and witnesses ...  






Again, no one saw the killer touch the front of the patrol car.  Yet, you continue to state that those prints belong to the killer.

You've already been corrected on your claim that the killer went around the front of the patrol car (and therefore touched the car as he did so) before firing the final shot to the head.  I'm pretty sure Myers informed you that Tatum has the killer beginning to flee to the west before then going back around the rear of the patrol car to fire the final shot.


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12 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

Again, no one saw the killer touch the front of the patrol car.  Yet, you continue to state that those prints belong to the killer.

Which direction the killer went moving away from the right front fender is not too important compared to that is where the killer was. Fingerprints from a right hand are right there on a surface inches below where the killer fired at Tippit over the hood. There was no video camera that day establishing that the killer did not touch that fender in his movements associated with that shooting, not have those fingerprints been shown to have come from some cause other than the killer who was there. It was established for the first time in 1994, a mere thirty-one years after the DPD said in 1963 "nothing to see here", that the fingerprints on that right front fender were left by the same individual who left the fingerprints on the right front door where the killer was seen leaning over talking into the patrol car through the vent window, and that all of the prints from those two locations came from only a single individual, the same individual in both places (and that that individual, whoever it was, was not Oswald).  

Again, no video camera proves the killer leaning into that right front door window did not touch it, where the fingerprints are.

Those fingerprints ought to be checked to see whether identification is possible. That you are categorically unwilling to support having such an examination occur in 2022 speaks volumes. 

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10 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

Which direction the killer went moving away from the right front fender is not too important compared to that is where the killer was. Fingerprints from a right hand are right there on a surface inches below where the killer fired at Tippit over the hood. There was no video camera that day establishing that the killer did not touch that fender in his movements associated with that shooting, not have those fingerprints been shown to have come from some cause other than the killer who was there. It was established for the first time in 1994, a mere thirty-one years after the DPD said in 1963 "nothing to see here", that the fingerprints on that right front fender were left by the same individual who left the fingerprints on the right front door where the killer was seen leaning over talking into the patrol car through the vent window, and that all of the prints from those two locations came from only a single individual, the same individual in both places (and that that individual, whoever it was, was not Oswald).  

Again, no video camera proves the killer leaning into that right front door window did not touch it, where the fingerprints are.

Those fingerprints ought to be checked to see whether identification is possible. That you are categorically unwilling to support having such an examination occur in 2022 speaks volumes. 


Then get the prints checked to see if identification is possible.


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There was clearly much more going on with the Tippit shooting than the implausible, superficial WC version of the event. I used to be open to the idea that Oswald shot Tippit but that he did so only in self-defense, but now I suspect he was not even at the scene but was already at the theater trying to meet his contact. 

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3 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

There was clearly much more going on with the Tippit shooting than the implausible, superficial WC version of the event. I used to be open to the idea that Oswald shot Tippit but that he did so only in self-defense, but now I suspect he was not even at the scene but was already at the theater trying to meet his contact. 


What time do you believe Oswald left the rooming house?


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